Killing Crabgrass in the Lawn and Weekend Lawn Care

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morning i guess we'll call this a sunday morning mash-up i'm going to show you in this video this is part three some of the results the weed treatment dyeing of the weeds over on that horrible lawn uh what else am i going to do my son's coming over he's got to do some real cutting maybe i'll put some of that on video i'm working on the green i'll show you something about the green i did cut it and i'm going to show you some of the germination we're having back there i'm going to walk you through a bunch of different things so hold on one sec [Music] hey guys so uh you don't have to keep surfing through the video by the way if i talk about anything there's one link in the description it shows you all the products and everything i'm talking about everything so on that page you'll be devoted to this video also push the subscribe button so you can see the follow-up videos to this lawn as it starts to regrow so i'm just gonna walk over there and show you if you haven't watched video one which was the planning video two which is the application this is about four days later and because i planned it well and i watched the weather the ten day forecast it worked out well i did the application we had two days right at 90 degrees nice hot sun and then that night it rained and then we had more rain so it's just been perfect a perfect scenario for this treatment so you can understand this is my lawn which just recently was scalped and is regrowing over here this is barb's lawn which had horrible grub damage which we fixed a month and a half ago absolutely gorgeous look at all the armadillo tracks they're still trying to find the groves isn't that crazy look at that these are all armadillo tracks and he is here still looking for grubs because he knew that they were in here and he can't find them okay so then across the street we have the test patch and this is what this used to look like and a year and a half later it looks like a golf course basically a solid bermuda so let's get right to the video of death here so he finally did he did cut it yesterday i told him he could cut it and you can see that just about everything good comparison that's a great picture i take a picture of that majority of stuff is dying and the good part is you know you may see a little bit of damage to the bermuda but for the most part the bermuda is still alive so here's where we are now with this so the majority of the weeds are dying off man my allergies there must be some kind of pollen in here and you can see just about everything turning brown oh this all this crab grass is dying in here the bermuda looks looks pretty good all the other weeds are starting to die off the whole point of this is is we're starting to push back this lawn after eight years kill off these weeds and allow the bermuda to grow because i still have a good six weeks of good growing weather here okay so if this is like your first time watching one of these videos a lot of people are gonna say what'd you use to kill the crabgrasser there's a planning video which is part one before this there's an execution or application video which is part two so that's on this and then this today i wanted to show you the death portion of this let's talk about this time of year this time of year we're still putting down pgf complete where i am in georgia i still have two months of growing i have uh all of september which will be warm we'll be in the 90s and 80s october will still be high 70s to 80s somewhere there so we're still putting down pgf complete as soon as i start to see temperatures constantly in the 70s everything stops i'll put down pgf balance which is going to be coming out sometime maybe in a week or two that's the the balance for your fall for your bermuda guys but we really need to be dumping down humature right now you should be putting down humid char every almost every two weeks right now during this tail and growing season get it into the ground get it into the ground it's a great time to be putting down humid char human char of course contains no nutrients so it can't hurt your lawn so you can just keep putting it down putting it down and we're adding carb the main reason we're doing this is we're increasing the carbon content of our soil so we can use less and less fertilizer and have a healthy lawn that's what we've done back here we've put down gosh what six good heavy applications over this season of humichar back here and pgf complete and that's basically it that's really all we've done back here and i really haven't put down that much fertilizer i put down a lot less than i normally have so my son's coming over he's gonna put the because of all these stupid leaves over here we're gonna have to run the catcher on the reel mower i'm going to have them cut the back we'll probably do some seating on the green uh i may have them cut one of the other lawns but i think what we're going to do is we may even do some humatur applications today i'm not sure but i probably need to get some growth regulator out i got barbs and a couple other ones too all right so my son is here and i'm already soaking wet so what we're doing is we're trying to get some of this dew off this grass so we can cut it more efficiently real mowers don't like grass cover with dew just so you know it just weighs down the blade so i have him we took the hose and we stretched the hose and we dragged the whole lawn and now he's hitting any spots with the blower just to get some of that dew off the grass it just works so much better and especially because we have all this wet grass and because we have these leaves i almost never use a grass catcher but today i am going to use a grass catcher but it's more so for all these leaves over here from that stupid tree that i want to cut in [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah so you never want to wait till it's full because you'll feel how heavy it is feel that so all that weight is going on that front roller the nice thing about this front catcher versus a true cut is how easy it goes on it's just two little metal latches and it just drops in place now i will warn you or give you a tip lock these things in tight because these arms can move and change the angle and then this lip will block the throwing but you can see what a mess we've already got and that's what happens when we come out here and cut early i really don't have a choice because we got crap to do this afternoon right you're good to go so i'm gonna go put growth regulator down on barb's lawn i think what i'm gonna do if you're looking for a professional quality video this ain't it so this is the granular growth regulator it's really really really fine like salt [Music] i put one application two weeks ago on barbs at a moderate level and now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna hit it again while there's some dew on the grass hope my settings are right it's always tough i'm using the bigger spreader this time it's it's a little bit bright out here this morning but one of the reasons when you're putting something down like a growth regulator or weed or something that you need to really be precise on you're able to see your tracks so i can clearly see my tire marks where i've been and that's why i like to do it i've got granular growth regulator put down all over barb's lawn the best thing about the granular is i have never seen an issue with over application and it's just quick i come out here i dump it in my spreader i put my slot at a real real tiny 1 8 inch slot and do the application and it takes me 10 15 minutes and i've treated her whole lawn whereas if i was using a spray the sprays are less expensive but they're more dangerous get more overspray i've actually got a breeze out here i couldn't spray it today um and it would take me probably in close to two hours to treat this lawn between mixing measuring putting into a sprayer and walking around with a sprayer that's why i like the granular yes it is more expensive i understand than the spray but it is so convenient if you've got all the time in the world go buy a spray i'm not going to use it i use a granular so this lawn was scalped and it's been cut about five times i put growth regulator on about two weeks and now i'm going to do another light coat and that's what i'm doing while i have this warm temperatures out here holy crap so i started off with barb's growth regulator had some left so i did my front then i looked at a little bit left over and i said yeah let's put a little more in so i went ahead and i put some more down on the test patch over here there's a lot of common bermuda over here and you have to apply at a heavier rate uncommon so i went ahead and put some more growth regulator down on this just keep us from cutting it so much of course barbs you'll see this you'll see it if you put growth regulator down you'll see the vertical growth stop you'll see it thicken up and you'll see it turn dark green it just just fills up with chlorophyll but read the directions he's learning how to sweat i'm telling you man it's hot out here it is like a hundred percent humidity it really isn't even the heat so much as it is this humidity um i'm soaking wet he's soaking wet um the back is cutting okay whenever we get into this really really really thick bermuda and we're using the grass cutter and the grass is wet we get a little bit of scalping an uneven issue but you can see that we get a little bit of yellowing in here and that's okay because we're cutting it kind of hard one thing i did want to talk about real quick is the green i haven't covered this so we've done two re two seating projects on this green the first one the reason why this grass wasn't taking i believe is it's mostly sand and it was extremely hot and so we're planting with dwarf bent and blue on this green well we did an overseed project when did we do that when did we do the overseed last week on friday yeah a week and a half ago maybe and then we had three days of rain and clouds move in and this just blew up so it's like lime green because it's a completely different grass and it's new and it's gonna be gorgeous once it finally kicks in but what's interesting is you can see this area over here that really took kind of weak or didn't take much at all so we're not really sure what caused that so what we may do is we may come in and pull a bunch of cores out of here and put some leveling mix in there and reseed but you can see it's just not as heavy as the rest of this but it really is gorgeous look so as the cooler temps move in that's what this stuff likes obviously it's a cool season grass and uh it likes the cool it likes the 80s it doesn't like the 90s but i'm able to water it consistently so in a few weeks it'll be very interesting to see what this looks like so the green and it's putting really really nice i mean really nice in fact i think i have some i have some putting from yesterday i'll probably put up and let you see what it's rolling like after i cut it [Music] [Music] [Music] wow wow so so so okay um i've got i recommend the gr series from mclean for all regular homeowners this is the gk series this is only for people that have basically a putty green or really really really short grass this is not the one i'll put a link to the gr series the gr has an adjustable clickable handle this one does not this is one that you set and leave for a certain level of grass but i want to raise it up i've been cutting the front at one half an inch and what i wanted to do is i wanted to make it probably just so i would say maybe an eighth of an inch taller that's basically it so i just loosen these two nuts and then adjust the same amount of turns four turns and four turns let's just see if she's coming cut that if anyone asked me doc you got any cards on you there you go that's my card technically you're supposed to use a business card card stock when you check your blades you can use paper but you're supposed to use business cards well you can go online and look for a promo and you can get 500 business cards for like eight dollars so here's my business card hey you got a card on you yeah here you go man feel free to contact me [Music] so okay let me give you a little tip if you have a drop off on a sidewalk you're going to get scalp marks when you're coming not dropping off necessarily but when you turn around when you turn around this is where you're going to get a little bit of a scalp as this thing sort of lifts up so the way to do this is push down on that handle about a quarter of an inch maybe half an inch so that's what you do is you just lift it up about a quarter to half an inch to equal that height and then you go forward and that'll keep it from doing that bump up and getting a scalp right here because you can see like when other people do it they don't do that you can get little scalps scalps scalps and it's always on the upward one so that's just a little tip all right so he's taking the gr series and i cut these lawns over here with the gr and i cut most lines of the gr i cut the green with the gk so he's going to come over here and cut the test patch with the reel mower man so here's what this looks like when it's cut now i raised up the blade about an eighth of an inch uh from where it was because this lawn is just so uneven but it looks really good as you can tell that's just really good looking right there that's still about half an inch [Applause] [Music] so i'm constantly joking about the world's most beautiful lawn i have to say that this is as close to perfection as i think the front will ever get we scalped it down to dirt pgf complete human char just kept pounding that down let it grow up and then cut cut cut at a half an inch this is the second application of growth regulator and we just cut it he's down there rinsing off the mower from the test patch but look at that folks that is perfection total perfection considering this lawn is horribly bumpy had brown patch earlier this year but you gotta see this so look at that is that crazy or what that is just gorgeous that's what i want to see every bermuda one look like short tight green perfect morning so it's the next morning and i figured i'd just come out and just show you the lawns because they have a tendency to shoot better in the morning without this bright sunshine on them there's the front that's cut at half an inch looks phenomenal that's the best the front's ever looked i think all right so here's barbs of course hers is absolutely gorgeous test patch all cut a little bit of growth regulator put on it what's interesting though because look at that so this is the this is the the killing fields we'll call it just about everything is turning brown that's some form of weed but can you see the green bermuda in here even though there may be some burn a little bit of burn back at the bermuda that's basically everything you're seeing in here that's green is now bermuda pretty much see it even though you know you're gonna hurt it a little bit you're just not gonna kill it same thing over here look how look how great this kill-off went but here's a great example just about just about everything in here that's brown is a weed but i still have good bermuda in here and that's what we're going to be pushing okay so uh the back looks pretty good because it's so thick i mean it's just absolutely so thick we do get some of these yellowing hard cut marks in here but it's got to dry out some it's just been a it's just been a really really wet couple of weeks there's a cicada if she comes out here and sees the cicada she will run out here and eat it get rid of that you might even be able to see we've got a little bit of this hard cutting going on uh we'll get this worked out that's no big deal the green green looks pretty good i did not do the seating on that patch over there by the way so i'll probably work on that today but you can see that area it's just strange over there i don't know what it is the rest of it got real nice germination on it so we'll see what happens so anyways guys i got a couple more videos coming out real quick so hit subscribe and i'll talk to you later [Music] you
Channel: How To with Doc
Views: 73,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crabgrass bermuda lawn, how to kill crabgrass, crabgrass control, how to control crabgrass, crabgrass killer, how to get rid of weeds, how to get rid of crabgrass, kill crabgrass in lawn, kill crabgrass in bermuda grass lawn, lawn care, weed control, how to fix an ugly lawn, diy lawn care, controlling weeds in my lawn, how to control crabgrass in bermuda
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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