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hey guys it's doc and today I'm gonna do a bermudagrass calendar that's quick and easy to use so hold on hey guys it's doc and today I'm gonna do a video on a bermudagrass calendar that's easy to use so you don't have to sit around and watch a video for an hour to learn everything I'm gonna put it up by months or group a month so I'm gonna walk through it easy quick to use main thing I want to do is if you are in a neighborhood and your neighbors lawns aren't looking that great either share this with your neighbors share it with your friends share it with your homeowners association this is very easy to do and I'm gonna keep it really simple in other words I'm just gonna tell you things that you can do by going to Lowe's or Home Depot simple products I'm not gonna go into a bunch of complex things also this is all based on university studies not just my experience but university studies it's a pretty basic calendar I probably throw in a few things that I like to do a mile on since I have the world's greatest Bermuda lawn now before we begin one thing I do want you're gonna hear the me through this video saying that pre-emergent is God's gift to Bermuda grass I want you to understand that using a pre-emergent for weed control is the one of the best things you can do I do it a lot I do it three to four times a year put out pre-emergent why Bermuda can be a little bit sensitive especially in heat heavy heat times to weed control and weed killers so you want to avoid putting those on as much as possible I really really really want you to use a pre-emergent and use it more than they say to use it they say it lasts up to six months and do it every three months I put mine out almost every three months and have almost no weeds whatsoever now especially my crabgrass is gone my poana is gone this yard was infested with poana which is horrible in the springtime and but pre-emergent has cured all that whether you use a granular or whether you use a liquid three or four times a year pull it out your pre-emergent alright so I might look at some notes here just so I can stay in line with the track that I'm going but let's start with December January and February the good thing is December January and February pretty much depending on where you are your lawn is asleep your Bermuda grass is dormant you're not gonna do anything there's nothing you can do to your lawn to your ground that's gonna help your commuter grass because it's asleep it's Rip Van Winkle you got it it is just closed out it's gone your Bermuda grass has done don't do anything to it other than just treat for weeds that's the main thing you want to do you want to make sure you have pre-emergent down if you see any weeds coming up go ahead and your nice thing about this time of the year is that you can put out weed killer real strong and heavy and not worry about hurting your Bermuda grass matter of fact I know people that actually use roundup during this time they know that their lot is dormant they know it's dormant they come out and spray roundup on that from you to grass so you can really treat heavy for weeds during that time but don't do anything else don't put any winterizer down don't do any aeration don't do anything just keep your lawnmower on a hog high setting and just pick up the weeds off of it basically or excuse me the leaves and debris off of it all right so let's move right into March and April because March and April are the workhorse months March and April are the absolute key months for good Bermuda grass this is the time that Bermuda is gonna start to actually come up this is when we're gonna really kind of push the growth of Bermuda to really develop strong green growth on top and actually build up that root system so this is the critical time March and April are your critical times and I will probably say depending on when we were in Georgia but depending on where you are in the country I would say probably the late March early April you just want to make sure that your freezes are pretty much gone at this time before you start doing this stuff again you do not want to push Bermuda until you start to see about 50% green on your grass you got it so that's when you're gonna want to put down any fertilizers okay so about this time of the year come March and April you're gonna start to see little green sprigs you're gonna look for you can see the green sprigs coming up that's a good sign when you start to see a lot of those Springs come look that's the time you have to scalp this is the biggest mistake that people don't make with Bermuda grass because they don't scalp their grass or they just take it down a little bit look your Bermuda grass is gonna die it's gonna be all brown okay you have got to take it down almost to dirt I mean take it down as low as you can all that stuff on top above the soil is dead it's completely dead you're gonna have new sprouts come up that you're gonna be focused on so again everything above the ground is dead you understand that it's all dead it's worthless just take it off I personally pay someone to come do this for me I have a couple yard guys I have them come they put on the baggers and they mow it and they scalp my entire lawn if they don't do a good enough job then I'll go back and finish it up and but men it's a lot of clipping so I mean it's a whole truckload of clipping sometimes but if you don't if you leave brown Bermuda grass let's say you leave it about an inch inch and a half tall you've got it to see the green on your grass you that's got to grow up above that and that's too tall we want to keep for Muta grass anywhere from 3/4 of an inch to an inch and a half tall so we need to remove all the brown the ugly brown we need to remove that from the lawn so that's why we scalp and we scalp every single spring as soon as we start to get a lot of green sprouts coming around that's when we're gonna scalp that step number one do not put down granular fertilizer or granular treatments before you scalp why because you're gonna be picking up the clippings and you'll be picking up that fertilizer makes sense so step number one as soon as you start to see those sprigs is you're gonna go ahead and scalp your entire lawn step number two you're gonna look and if you've got more than half an inch of thatch those dead clippings that mushy stuff on your lawn you probably want to detach your lawn I like to detach right after I scalp I usually don't have to do it now because I actually pick up my bag most of my clippings so I really don't have a with it but you want a little bit on there but not more than half an inch for sure because you'll get some rot in there then the next thing you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to put down a fertilizer after you've done that so you got a lot of these 50% you got lots of these little green sprouts you've got temperatures above 65 degrees pretty consistently now that's when you're gonna put down your fertilizer your springtime fertilizer I think it's like a 4 1 2 ratio so let's say maybe I wrote it down here if you want to convert that it's like a 25 10 so a 25 10 you're going to want to put down and a granular and I'll tell you what I do some people aren't gonna like this but I'm gonna put down a 25 10 and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go out with a bottle with a spray bottle of just fertilizer just basically a 30000 and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go real quickly real lightly all over my whole lawn the reason being is is I want nitrogen to really get into push that grow strong don't want to wait for the rain because the rains gonna have to hit get into the granulars and push that into the ground so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put down my normal 25 10 I'm gonna put that out granular but then I'm gonna go right back on top of it if I know I'm not gonna get rained for four or five days I'm gonna go right back out with a bottle of nitrogen of one fertilizer you buy it lowe's and just real quickly just go over the whole lawn he get some more nitrogen down I really want to push this lawn at this time of year again this is the time of year that if you do not have pre-emergent put down in the past two to three months put some more pre-emergent down put the pre-emergent in should you aerate your lawn not really during this time I would wait to aerate until the active growing season may be closer to June that's when you want to aerate a lawn you really don't want to do that right now just leave it because you'll be pulling up some of those roots when you do this and you want an actively growing along so I'd wait for the aeration if you're gonna plug aerate just hold off on that right there so that's March April again depending on your zone when temperatures get above 65 degrees that's when you're going to want to do this stuff and I'll tell you right now you're going to want to do most of this all at once so you're going and go out there and you want to plant it you're gonna have the guys show up have the crew show up and scalp it or do it yourself right after your scalp but check and see if it needs to be detached then go ahead and then put down your fertilizers then you'll be you'll be just wonderful on it again I want to stress that late March and early April are the times that I become obsessive with my lawn that's the time that I really really want to push it because that's the time when temperatures are not going to be scorching hot I don't have to worry about burning out my lawn but it's really gonna want to start to grow and I want to grow real thick and fast ok let's move on to May and June May and June they say put down on fertilizer every six weeks I do mine every four weeks and when I go into May and June I move out of the four one two ratio and then I go to something like a 3005 I like to put down a 3005 during the normal growing once and I put down a light coat I say that again I put down a light coat every three weeks the reason being is if I get a thunderstorm and a lot of that fertilizer will wash off I'd rather do multiple light coats and I would strong coats hope that makes sense this is also a time of year that you're gonna watch for bugs you're gonna want to watch for bugs for larvae inside your lawn a lot of times crows or moles you walk out on your lawn you see all these little holes like these thumb holes in your lawn and you're like what's going on here someone came by with spike my whole lawn now that's usually either crows or moles out there digging up the grubs and if you have that you want to go ahead and get a spray for it they make it at Lowe's spray it on your little every every late spring I do mine anyways because I've got depression areas that stay really wet and I have bad grub problems so I've got to do mine every year this is also the time of year where in June so we're gonna be getting a lot of rain it's gonna be a little moist you're gonna get temperatures going up and this is the time you're gonna have to watch out for law and funguses I do my fungus treatment any time I get into a long damp moist hot Pere I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna get up I'm gonna get a fungus spray and I'm gonna treat my lawn this past year every single lawn in our neighborhood had lawn fungus except for one mine simply because I did it in advance I went ahead and treated my lawn they had silverdollar spots they had dollar spots they had horrible funguses just they looked horrible I even put a picture of that up but I was the only lawn that did not have fungus because I preventative Lee actually puts them down right about I put mine down as soon as I started seeing those warm moist temperatures beginning in June I went ahead and treated my lawn let's talk about cutting your Bermuda grass starting at this point and going forward through the summer if you have hybrid Bermuda grass majority of houses have hybrid if you're in a subdivision that's been built in the past 10-15 years you're probably going to have a hybrid Bermuda it's gonna be 3/4 of an inch to 1 inch long I did a video check it further back about how long to cut your grass if you don't have the right equipment you may not be able to get it that short so maybe keeping an inch inch and a half this is Bermuda likes to be short short short remember that short firm you know short Bermuda short Bermuda don't let me catch you growing your Bermuda grass 3 4 and 5 inches long and June July and August don't let me catch you doing that you're gonna want to keep it short and when you're pushing this you may have to cut your lawn every 4 days every 4 to 5 days during this period you may have to cut your lawn sorry but that's just the way it goes you're gonna be pushing it you're gonna really try and get this lawn to thicken up and you got to keep cutting it cutting it alright let's talk about July and August July and August go to the pool cut your grass that's pretty much it you really don't want to do a whole bunch maybe put down a little fertilizer during that time but again cut as needed you do not want to be cutting along Bermuda down short you're gonna get ugly looks you're gonna want to cut it probably at least every week if not every 5 days if you have not had rains for an entire week you need to go ahead and put water on your lawn run the sprinkler system or proof water if you have a clay soil I put how to water I have a video up on that if you have a heavy clay soil you're gonna want to water put it down about 50% of your water stop come back wait about half an hour put down the other 50% clay soils you just water will just run off and that's why you want to separate it so so really watch your lawn watch for stress out periods that's when you want I don't have water for an entire if I don't have rain for an entire week I got to run my sprinkler systems but that's pretty much it for June and July all right September this is another important month of the year besides besides March April issue 8 March early April I think September is probably one of the other important part ons of the year because it's your last chance to make it healthy before it goes to sleep so what I do is I put up a video that I put up you can put up a twenty ten ten or IPU sometimes use a ten ten ten I really want to put nutrients on my lawn I want to go to a twenty twenty ten ten or something like that anyways watch that other video about September that I have but you this is the time where you can get nutrients and get that root system healthy it's not the grass you're trying to get healthy you're trying to get the root system healthy so next year comes up the other thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to put down pre-emergent and this is the time of year you're gonna add about half an inch to your grass height late September you're gonna let it start to grow because it's not going to grow that much usually late September so you're gonna want to let it come off if you have one inch Bermuda you're gonna let it go to one and a half if you have one and a half let it go up to two personally I'm not mine this year I'm letting mine come up to two two and a half what that's gonna do is that's gonna give me when it when it goes dormant it's gonna give me that light brown fuzzy look that's about two two and a half inches tall it's just real pretty that way remember it's gonna die and turn brown so that's what it's gonna look like that's why let it grow up a little bit this time of year starts to cool down let it grow up a little bit taller and some people say it's for insulation it really doesn't insulate a whole lot it's actually just a look you don't want to have a scout one all through winter that's gonna look ugly what I like is you're sort of like a haircut what do I want my hair to look like it's gonna smile is gonna stop growing in September and that's how long my hair is gonna be for the whole winter time put that put that mindset so my hair is gonna be this long for the next six months do I really want to shave it all off or cut it real short or do I want to get it the way that I want to look all the time think of it that way okay October we've already talked about September again make sure you put down a pre-emergent October you're pretty much just sitting around enjoying your lawn you're really not gonna do anything you just wait for your lawn to go dormant that's it because that's the last chance September really was the last chance if you're having a warm October like we are right now we've had 80 degree temperatures all the way through September and October it's been crazy so actually we could put down some additional fertilizers if we want a couple weeks ago but this October is the time of year you get into October in November you just sort of sitting around your lawns ready to go dormant or about to go dormant you're not gonna do anything for so that's pretty much it remember guys wintertime you don't do anything positive that's a good way to look in don't do anything positive to your lawn only do negatives so you're gonna kill weeds that come up you're gonna do pre-emergent which is a negative pre-emergence top seeds from sprouting basically so that you do all your negatives while your lawn is in dormancy you're not gonna do anything here long all wintertime long until temperatures hit above 65 degrees pretty consistently and you start to see little little sprigs a lot of little not just in one area but you start to see a lot of little sprigs of Bermuda starting to come up that's when you're gonna want to kick in and do your workhorse months which is usually about late March early April you do not want to push Bermuda grass yet there's a chance of a hard Frost it's not gonna kill it but it's just gonna set it back so you don't want to put down fertilizer too early I know I'm dying to get my fertilizer out in the spring but you just gotta wait so anyways guys that's the overall calendar it's pretty easy if you have any time during the year you can put out a weed killer that's made for Bermuda grass but I always use the hose end sprayer go out and do a hose end sprayer you do not want to use that if it's a super super hot it says right on there don't use over 85 degrees but that's where pre-emergents really really killing guys pre-emergents are just absolute key if you have any crabgrass come up I've got a crabgrass video shows you how to spot treat crabgrass so treat your whole lawn to kill it and that's it remember share this video like the video make sure you subscribe and come back I got several more videos coming up over the next couple weeks doc how you doing [Music]
Channel: How To with Doc
Views: 644,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bermuda Grass Calendar, bermudagrass calendar, lawn calendar, bermudagrass, bermuda grass fertilizer schedule, how to care for bermudagrass, how to bermuda grass, caring for bermuda grass
Id: dAsTRDqmXJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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