The Pit Stop S13 E14 | Trixie Mattel & Jinkx Monsoon Get Lucky | RuPaul's Drag Race

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God I adore jinkx so much. I'm reminded every time she comes back on my screen how much I love her she, she just makes me happy. Anyways this was a fun episode.

👍︎︎ 71 👤︎︎ u/sach223 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/IncubusART 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

I live for Jinkx’s ethereal woodland nymph fantasy. It was tough keeping my eyes off of her 😍

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/thepotatoinyourheart 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

trixie looks gorgeous wow

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/photopab 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Trixie: Rupaul also thinks Kandy is hilarious, is that a helpful benefit to getting you through the end of the show?

Jinkx: Oh well, I mean it's, it's not a deterrent...

Trixie: I don't write the questions you snarky bitch, God.

I love these two.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/brankinginthenorth 📅︎︎ Apr 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Trixie: fine, but next season we're going back to being absolute bitches

Editors: cut to Violet

👍︎︎ 104 👤︎︎ u/boredgerm 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Awhhh she looks so pretty

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/f00dlover247 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

I can’t wait for Sissy That Wok to open!

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Doo-Waa-Do-Waa 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jinx looks gorge

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Doo-Waa-Do-Waa 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
- You know what? If you wanna catch Jinkx's season of Drag Race, it's probably on (bleep) at this point. (Jinkx laughing) - That'd be between "Bewitched" and "Brady Bunch", season five of Drag Race. (both laughing) - "Bewitched" and "Brady Bunch". - I want to take you back to season five. A peanut farmer was in the white house. (both laughing) - I wore these culottes then and will you believe it? They still fit. - Got a big ass then, she's got a big ass now. Hi, it's me Trixie Mattel, and welcome back to "The Pit Stop," the show where we recap "RuPaul's Drag Race" season 13. Today we are in episode 14 and our guest is not only talented, she's also my boyfriend's favorite drag queen. It's Jinkx Monsoon! (Trixie clapping) - Happy Ostara, Trixie! I guess it's a belated Ostara, I apologize. - If you can't Ostara yourself, how the hell are you gonna Ostara someone else? - Ostara? I don't even know her! (Jinkx laughing) - And what is that? Is that Black Friday for satanists? What is it? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, basically. No, it's the beginning of spring! Happy Spring! It's sprung, mama. Spring has sprung, mama! (Trixie laughs) (upbeat music) - So Jinkx, how are you? - I'm pretty damn good, I can't complain. You know, it's been a hell of a pandemic but I rolled up my sleeves and hitched up my boots and kept working through it all and I got married. My God, who knew? - Congratulations. I attended your Zoom wedding. - Thank you so much for coming, yeah. It was not the wedding either of us foresaw for ourselves but it ended up being the absolute perfect wedding, you know? Something about not having to actually interact with anyone, made it a really special day. (both laughing) - I can actually really relate to that. I woke up a little late for your wedding but I turned it on on Zoom. Everybody was all dressed up. I was sort of the informal drunk uncle because I was in my pajamas making a smoothie. And Tammy Brown was singing "Love Piñata". (Jinkx laughing) Tammie Brown performed at her wedding on Zoom. If it was, if Tammie Brown was not available that day, would you have moved the whole wedding? - I think, yeah. I think Tammie Brown's presence was a little bit more important than mine that day. (Trixie laughing) You know, you always talk about how your partner's favorite queen is me. My partner's favorite queen is Tammie Brown. And I think that's the way it should be. I don't think I would marry someone who was my fan, you know? (laughs) - Yes, I think it's the mark of a healthy relationship. When I realized you were his favorite. I was like (suspenseful music). I see it. I was like, "I get it." (Jinkx laughing) So Jinkx, the finale is two weeks away. Now that the end is near, what are your thoughts on season 13 as a whole? - I loved the whole whole of season 13. You know, it was really a great season. It was such a strong cast. The challenges were fresh and exciting. And, they had to overcome the COVID obstacles of it. So they had to fight that much harder to make it that brilliant of a season. So really kudos to every last queen this season. It really was a landmark season. - I'm actually happy this season was a little longer. I mean, if there was a time in American history for a season to be just a little bit longer than the other ones, this was the time. I mean, come on. - [Jinkx] We needed it. We needed it. - We needed it. Imagine the queer- - I'm watching it- - Go ahead. - Oh, go. - Oh no, go ahead. - I was just gonna say... (laughs) The only thing that was difficult this year was watching season 13 and Drag Race UK at the same time. I would be watching 13 and being like, "Where's A'Whora?" (Trixie laughing) - It's crazy regionally like imagine if RuPaul came to Wisconsin for Drag Race and instead of saying like, "You're right, babes" he was just like, "Oh, hey!" every time he walked up to us. - "Oh, hey. You better work y'all." - "Hey girl, you were slaying on the runway. You better sissy that walk." (Jinkx laughing) "Sissy That Wok" could be a sickening Asian fusion restaurant. (both laughing) - "Sissy That Wok N' Grill" (both laughing) - Oh, God. Let's just see the elephant in the room. You were on Drag Race somewhat a while ago. Does it feel like it was 100 years ago? (happy vintage music) - Yes. Yes! I mean... (Trixie laughs) - Yes. - Yeah. - Yes! (Jinkx laughs) - It was quite a while ago. But I think at its core, Drag Race has remained a celebration of people who have otherwise been marginalized, historically speaking. And I love to see every new season of girls because you always get some people who are just really celebrating their uniqueness, nerve and talent. And charisma. Hell throw charisma in there. (both laughing) - I (bleep) hate you. Let's get into this. Last week, Rosé got her third win and sadly, my queen Olivia Lux has sashayed away. What do you think about this top four? - Oh, I think it's a brilliant top four. They are truly the strongest of their bunch, you know? This was a really strong season. I mean, we had to go like four or five episodes before we even eliminated one person. - I know. - So, that's how strong this season was. So to make it to the top four, I mean, I think everyone on this season has brilliant careers ahead of them. But the top four, you really had to fight your way to the top this season. - Is there another queen from this season you could've seen squeak into that top four? - I really thought Utica would make it to the top four. She was one of my favorites, you know? - She has some Jinkx energy, don't you think? - [Jinkx] Yeah, yeah. She's got some Jinkx energy, some Tammy Brown energy. - [Trixie] I have to ask, you we're in the top four, of course, with Rolaskatox. What are your memories of that final episode? - The top four episode. You know, I think in that moment I really had to just say, "Okay, kid. Here's your one chance, Fancy. Don't let me down." I had to sing it to myself. I had to be both mother and Fancy in that moment. - And Reba. - And Reba. I had to be all three. (both laughing) There had to be three of me inside of me to combat Rolaskatox. But you know, I always say this and it's not just me blowing smoke. We really, we had a very strong friendship by that point. The competition was real. And by that point, you know, I really loved those girls even though I was ready to take them down one by one. (Jinkx laughing) - The next day, the queens talk about what they would do with their prize money. Kandy apparently wants a boat. Jinx, what did you do with your $100,000? - Oh my gosh. It's so boring, Trixie. You don't want to know. - Girl, tell me. - I think I bought a computer. - Whoaaaa. Rich, move over. (Jinkx laughing) - Here's the biggest thing is going into Drag Race. I had... I think I was only a year out of college. I was dirt poor. I was working as a janitor. (Jynx laughs) - Did you use to work at Taco Bell? - Not Taco Bell, no. I used to work at this weird chain that I don't even know it was around anymore called Sandella's Flatbread. You ever heard of it? Me neither. Anyway, I was dirt poor going into Drag Race. You can kind of tell at a couple of moments in season. - A couple of moments? I'm sorry, are you under the illusion that were was two days that you were in burlap and the rest you were in furs and diamonds? Is that what you think? (Jinkx laughing) We got to get into this challenge because we were living. Ru enters the werkroom and announces that for the final challenge of the season, the queens will be writing original lyrics and performing in a music video of RuPaul's new single, "Lucky". Jinkx, what are your memories of making the video for "The Beginning" in season five? - Oh, we were all so cracked by then. (Trixie laughing) You know, I think... I remember Roxy going in to film the music video and I looked over at Roxy and I'm like, "Oh, she knows what she's doing." And me and Alaska and our weird ass wigs, we were both wearing really weird wigs that day. (laughs) - Listen, you were making choices. And also, we talked about it last episode, by the end of Drag Race, you also don't have a lot of drag left. - By that point, I had vetoed some of my drag out of the competition. I was like, "I haven't worn it yet and we're going to keep it that way." I think this was just the all time best girl group challenge in drag race history. - I loved it. - The song was amazing. The direction of the music video was amazing. The cohesiveness, all of them in their color-blocked lingerie. It was just brilliant. The lyrics were brilliant. The performances were brilliant. No one stood out as a weak link to me, you know. - Honestly, I loved the song and I don't listen to a lot of club music. So this is probably the first songs that I found, like, accessible. - You know, neither you or I kind of went the dance party club track. - Mostly 'cause no one wants to see us dance. (Jinkx laughing) (dance party music) - You know, we... - The queens prepare by writing lyrics and Rosé has revealed that according to her, she is a rap star. Did you see that journey for her? - I guess I got to take her at her word. (Jinkx laughing) - She said, "I actually have done rapping before." I said, "Did you work at the Nordstrom in November?" (Jinkx laughing) I didn't see... She was like, "I actually on social media did rapping." And you were scr- I heard you scream-laughing watching it. - Yeah, no. I mean, anyone can do anything. (Trixie guffaws) - That's such a read! That's such a read. You know what that energy is? That's the energy of, "Well, I guess there's room for everyone. Let's say that." (Jinkx laughing) - No, you know what it is? You know what it really, really is? Is I think I get the most competitive with the girls who are strong in similar areas as I am. I know I'm going to get along great with her in the dressing room someday. We're gonna kiki kaka backstage and we're gonna cackle. But then I watch her on Drag Race and I'm like, (suspenseful music) "Don't you come for my gig." (Jinkx laughing) - Yeah. I feel comfortable around drag queens that I think are amazing in ways that in no way threaten me. I think we have that in common. That's part of why I love you. You are hilarious in a way I would... But I never- The joke you say on stage is never the joke I would have said. - And you know, I can say the same thing about you. You're blonde. (both laughing) I don't wear blonde hair. - [Trixie] Kandy mentions that even though she has only one win, she's still just as qualified as the other queens to win. What do you think about that? - I think it's good that Kandy has that kind of confidence in herself. And actually I think Kandy's confidence in herself and her self-assuredness is her biggest strength. - RuPaul also thinks Kandy is hilarious. Is that a helpful benefit to getting you through the end of the show? - Oh, well, I mean, it's not a deterrent to have- - I don't write the questions, you snarky bitch. (Jinkx laughing) - God! - [Jinkx] It doesn't hurt to have the head judge of all judges, the Grand High Witch on your side, you know? (laughs) - Right. She was the Grand High Witch and you're the Supreme. (Jinkx laughing) You're Myrtle Snow. - I'm Myrtle Snow and I'm comfortable with that, okay? (both laughing) - We see the queens have had a Tic Tac lunch with Michelle and RuPaul. Did they do the Tic Tac in season five? - I remember seeing those Tic Tacs on my season. - Did you ever take the hint? (Jinkx laughing) - The hint. I don't know what you're talking about. I believe they cut it from my season but I did pull out a crystal and I had RuPaul bless one of my crystals. Let's see if she's behind me. Oh, she is! Hold on one second. - What? This is a celebrity moment. - This is true. This is the crystal. I don't believe it aired, but I pulled this crystal out and I had RuPaul bless my crystal. I used to take this with me whenever I would meet the legendary queens of drag. - That's so weird. I don't remember doing it. (Jinkx laughs) - I don't travel with it anymore. (both laughing) - RuPaul points out that Gottmik has excelled in both fashion and in comedy. Do you agree that Gottmik's run on the show has been well-rounded? - It's really just fantastic because Gottmik brings it up in this episode. Being on the show as a trans contestant and then just being yourself and having the amount of fun that Gottmik had, that's all we need from you. We don't need you to be the voice of every single last trans person. - Right. - No one can be the voice for everyone, you know? We shouldn't be asking that of our icons and advocates. - We don't expect Kandy to be the voice of every Afro-Latino person in the Bronx. We don't expect Symone to be the voice of African-American gay people from Arkansas. It's like, we need to have reasonable expectations and value. Somebody like Gottmik telling their story. Not everyone's story. - [Jinkx] Absolutely. - Their story. - She shined the entire season. - [Trixie] And of course Symone is beloved by both the judges and the fandom. What do you think it is about Symone that makes her so appealing? - I'll tell you what makes her so appealing to me. She said it multiple times and it's the best way to explain it. She's unapologetic. Symone just knows the story she's telling. She knows who she is and why she's there. And she hasn't apologized for it, you know? I thought I'm like reaching the age where I'm starting to get bitter and jaded and like, "Oh, you queens nowadays don't know how good you have it." - You're Joan Rivers in this scenario? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. (laughs) - Okay. - I think Symone to me is really a perfect example of where drag is headed and the progress we've made as a community and the progress we've made for the LGBTQ+ community in the mainstream context. - [Trixie] The queens get to choreography. Gottmik, like all of us, is fully in love with Jammal Sims. Who do you think out of these queens has the most rhythm and who has the least? - I think Rosé has the most experience in this field to draw from. But I was living for Gottmik because she brought so much enthusiasm and joy. I'd rather watch a joyful performance than a step-perfect performance. - The next day we see the queens getting ready for the final challenge. And they're talking in front of the makeup mirror about how much they all love each other. Would you say this is some different energy from how the queens felt about each other at this point in some earlier seasons? - Yeah. Yeah, but I think it makes sense, you know, because of the year- - [Trixie] Yeah. - [Jinkx] that was going on around them while they were filming. - I will say I like when the queens hate each other and I was a little, I was a little nauseated by the love in the room. I was like, "We get it. We all love each other." I mean, I was just hoping Kandy Muse would break the silence like, "You know what, bitch?" Like I just, I need that. Let's talk about "Lucky". What did you think of this final video? - Oh, it was just brilliant. You know, I know I'm not really picking this episode apart because I just really thought it was that great. The song was a 10, their looks were 10s, the background dancers getting progressively more naked was a big hit with me. And I thought it was also kind of brilliant commentary on what we had to deal with in the pandemic. - Yeah. I love something like "Lucky" where on the surface level, it's just a fun song about how lucky it is to just be us, whatever. On the deeper level it's like, "Yeah, bitch. We are all lucky to be here in the present period." The lingerie was great. I loved the hook. The lighting, the styling, RuPaul popping in in the very, almost like B-52's spoken word sections. - Yes. - It really could have been a Jinkx song, I'm telling you. It just, it was so... I loved it. Who stood out to you the most, you think? - Gottmik. Yeah, Gottmik was my favorite in the challenge. - I think so, too. She really served. It's the final runway of the season and the category is Drag Excellence. Let's go through the looks. First up, Gottmik. This black and white polka dots, skin color fantasy. - This almost... When I saw it, it read to me as a Trixie Mattel look. - I died. - So, Gottmik really, really stood out. And, you know, we haven't seen the other girls yet. We've just seen Gottmik. So, like, the bar was just, like, set here from the get go. - Yeah. Really chic. A little bit Manila energy where it's like chic and comedic. Campy without being too like, brunch drag. (Jinkx laughing) Up next, we have Kandy Muse. What did you think of Kandy Muse? - I think the hair was absolutely stunning. The dress was not my favorite combination of colors, but I liked the concept. And when you hear her talking about why she chose this dress, it's like, "Perfect, you do you." You know, it wasn't my preference but I have nothing against it. I thought she looked lovely. It was probably my least favorite of the looks on the runway. - What did you think of Rosé's look? Her final look? The tartan. - Again, not my favorite. It's this, like, Catch-22. It's this double-edged sword because you see her hit the runway in tartan and you're like, "Oh, tartan again." But you know, at the same time, if she wouldn't have worn tartan, you would have been like, "Girl, it's your last runway. Why aren't you wearing tartan? You love tartan." You know? - I bet it was pretty. It was a little bit, sleeping bag with a belt. But it was fine. I didn't live. I didn't live, laugh, love. And then finally, Miss Symone in this, I mean... - This was my favorite on the runway. - Stunning. - [Jinkx] What I loved is that it looked like a full ball gown at first. And then she revealed it was just, the sleeves were creating that illusion. So you got like this sleek look when she lifted her arms. And then when she pulled her arms down it was like a full ball gown. - [Trixie] Oh, yeah. - [Jinkx] It was amazing. It was an amazing garment. And then her hair was fantastic. - [Trixie] The hair! - [Jinkx] She just... Yeah, she consistently blows me away on the runway. And this was no exception. - I'm very into a world where we encourage protective hairstyles like that to be like, "Elevate it." That's not the hair you have to wear at home. Like that can be something you wear to a (bleep) fancy event. It was so chic. - There's no reason why she can't elevate these cultural, iconic things into the world of drag the way that she has. She's just, it's just blown me away every... And unapologetic, you know. She brings it up again on the runway and it's just, it's perfect mantra for what Symone has brought to this season. - Okay. Jinkx, which was your favorite look? - Symone's was my favorite look. I think this top four look was just- - [Trixie] Oh my God. - [Jinkx] chef kiss. - It was so beautiful. It's like so delicate. She looks like a sculpture. I have to say, I have to say, that Gottmik black and white look was probably one of my favorite runways of all of Drag Race. When she turned that corner, I was like, (dramatic music) "Oh!" The flesh tone cutouts, like what? Which look was your least favorite, if you had to pick one? - If I had to pick a least favorite, it would probably be Kandy Muse. But that's only because I could never see myself wearing that look. That's how I judge people is by whether or not I would want to wear something they wore. (laughs) - Well honestly, I'm not a fashion person. And that is sort of the only way to, do you like it or not? I mean, would you wear it or not? It's okay to say you just wouldn't wear it. I didn't like the Kandy one very much either. I do like some of the other stuff she's worn this season better. Honestly, I think her entrance look was stronger than this look. The denim with the boombox. Like even that was stronger. The emotion was high during judges' critique. Jinkx, tell the viewers what it's like to be there at the very end of the competition explaining why you are America's next drag superstar. - Oh gosh. I think I blocked it out of my memory. (Trixie laughs) - No, this is the penultimate moment, which I think is actually more scary than the finale. You know, is this moment of like, "Am I gonna be considered for the win?" You know? - [Trixie] Right. It's like, this is your very, very last chance. So it's this weird mix of wanting to celebrate while also knowing you still have to fight. - Yeah. I thought they were a little too nervous. I was like, "This is the season where no one ever gets eliminated. You're all going to be fine." - You never know, you never know. - Joey J might win. (Jinkx laughs) - You really never know because we have seen moments where it's like, "All four of you possess... Wait, actually, you go sit down. All three of you..." (both laughing) You know what I love about drag race? And this is, you know, this is why I think they get away with the sappier moments is because they were having a really heartfelt conversation. They were having their heart-to-heart moment while they're painting their beard orange. - Yes. Kandy had orange all over her face and you were screaming-laughing. - I was scream-laughing because it's the combination of having this really heartfelt conversation between the four of them. Rosé's like literally orange from eyelid to chin. Kandy Muse has got color dots all over. (Jinkx guffaws) - You were really laughing at these people. - (laughs) I couldn't breathe! - They're like, "Well, I believe in myself and I can't believe I'm so wonderful." And you're like, "HA-HA!" (Jinkx laughing) - But that's what I love about Drag Race. - So after the judges' critiques, the queens lip sync one at a time to "I Learned From the Best" by Whitney Houston. What did you think of this twist in the final lip sync? - [Jinkx] I thought it is pretty brilliant. It's hard enough to share the stage with one person when you have to lip sync for your life. - [Trixie] Yeah. - [Jinkx] I can't even imagine having three. So I bet it had them shaking in their boots. But for me as an audience member, it was really cool to watch them each have a moment to own the stage in the way that they would, you know? - Yeah. I agree. Did any queen stand out to you the most? - Probably Symone because I love a gag. I love that Symone had the Whitney Houston handkerchief. - Yes! I love the Whitney Houston sweat rag. - [Jinkx] That's all it took. - [Trixie] After the lip sync, RuPaul announces that all four queens are moving on to the finale. Do you think that was the right call? - I think so, yeah. Cause I was trying to think, I thought maybe just just to keep us on our toes, this year we might just have a top three. But then I was thinking, who would go? You know? I think one of the things that's most enjoyable when we get to this point in the competition is that no two queens are serving the same meal, you know? I think all four represent a different aspect of drag that's worth celebrating. So let's have them all celebrate it at the end. Like, you know, this could, this could be seen as a very mushy gushy episode. - [Trixie] Right. - But I think this year, this point in time, let's take all the moments we can to celebrate, you know? - Fine. Fine. We'll be nice. This is the lovey dovey year. - Blah, blah, blah, blah. - Bla, bla, bla. The next season, we're going back to being absolute bitches. - No. - Jinkx, we've made it to the end. And I've asked every single guest this season this question, who do you think is going to win season 13 of "RuPaul's Drag Race"? - Oh, I don't know. Honestly, honestly, if I'm talking from my gut, if I'm speaking from me waters... (water splashing) - Your waters? (Jinkx laughing) - I really think it's gonna be a toss up between Gottmik and Symone. - [Trixie] Yeah. - And it's hard to pick one person because this is a very strong top four. And I know that that sounds like a diplomatic answer. But really, even if they weren't the strongest competitors in my eyes, those are the two that it's gonna, it's gonna be a toss up between the two of them. - I feel exactly the same way. I really do. They're both great winners. Jinkx, thank you for joining me here today. You honestly are one of the most talented people I know. And I'm so happy to have you on "The Pit Stop". You are so incredible. Please tell people where they can find you. - Oh, well you can follow me on all my socials. I'm @theJinkx on Instagram because someone stole my name. I guess someone stole the @Jinkxmonsoon handle before I could get my hands on it. But I am @theJinkx on Instagram. That's J-I-N-K-X. You got to use the K 'cause I paid extra for it and it's very expensive. (laughs) - Oh my God. - Watch "The Jinkx and Dela Holiday Special" on Hulu. You do not have to wait for Christmas. You can watch it year-round, you know. I'm sure all those hot topic kids out there weren't waiting for December to watch "Nightmare Before Christmas." - It's not October and you always look like it's Halloween. - Oh! Ohh! - Reading. Shade from reading. And I have to say check out "The Ginger Snapped". I love that record, specifically that ballad. - Oh yeah! - That ballad, "This Town". Is it what it's called? - Thank you. Yes. - Oh my God, I cry every time. - "This Town", yes. - Check out that record. And thank you for watching "The Pit Stop". Join us back here on the "RuPaul's Drag Race" YouTube channel in two weeks for the finale of season 13 of "RuPaul's Drag Race". Goodbye. - Goodbye. (laughs) (upbeat music) - I never felt bullied on my season. Some people refer to my season as the season where there was a lot of bullying. I never felt bullied. We're all drag queens, you know? I was used to having to like bolster myself as a drag queen by that point in my life. And I never felt bullied. But, in the moments where I was feeling a little less sure of myself, I always reminded myself, "But remember that moment when you cracked RuPaul up talking like Little Edie or remember those moments where you got RuPaul to, like, lose her breath laughing." Those are my biggest accomplishments from my season because I mean... - Right.
Channel: RuPaul's Drag Race
Views: 932,308
Rating: 4.9590783 out of 5
Keywords: vh1, rupaul, rupaul's drag race, drag race, pit stop rpdr, trixie mattel, Jinkx Monsoon, drag queens, drag queen, trixie rpdr, jinkx rpdr, s5 drag race, s13e14, s13 drag race, s13 rpdr, s13 e14 pit stop, trixie mattel pit stop, trixie pit stop, jinkx monsoon pit stop, jinkx monsoon on pit stop, pitstop, pitstop rpdr, s5 drag race winner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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