Mom can I eat the grapes? Ok Billy, but you can only have half. And he actually. ate. half. Of each grape. Why would you do this? I mean, they got seeds and everything I would just throw those away. I mean He took a bite out of every single grape. Oh my god. You did not just do this you are grounded I'm sorry ma'am but your son is a monster. You better be eating the other half because who else is gonna be eating
that after you took a bite out of it Oh Can we talk about seeds and grapes I? Hate seeds and grapes they do not belong there you put on that damn computer all day long. Why don't you go play outside? That's exactly what he did Curtsinger. They're smart like go outside and go play some games He took a table and then chair and his laptop. He's gonna play games outside I mean technically you should still have Wi-Fi out there. He is playing outside. He did exactly what you wanted You can't say anything anymore these kids. They're getting way too. Smart parents. You're gonna have to step it up be more specific Write the following words in alphabetical Order the order they come in the alphabet the smartass over here put each letter Alphabetically, he took it to the next level like Apple AE L PP you can't fail him for this He's thinking outside the box again adults you're gonna have to be a little more specific With what you want cuz kids you're gonna say one thing and they're gonna hear another thing and they're gonna be like oh But you said to do this I mean you did write them in alphabetical order no no no That's too easy. It can't be that easy mom says put the shoes by the door See everybody shoes are over there by the door, but Ashley's gonna take it to the next level and put them by the Door like right on the door you you said right by the door. I would smack my kid for this You've seen the group of shoes that right there. Yeah, but you said by the door, okay Okay, you better put those crusty-ass shoes with the rest of the shoes so the bonus question on a test was what country owns Greenland hint it's not Greenland and they put not really I made the hint basically gave it away It's not Greenland. They actually got a point for it Hell yeah name these 2d shapes this one looks like a Jade Charlotte Imma call this one a Charlie. She looked like a Sophia. Oh, we got a Harriet i'ma call you Emily Oh and Maria the teacher told the class to bring everybody a little fish Everybody brought a little goldfish like a live little fishy you know Billy over here his parents gave my actual fish a dead one I Liked how they were like okay this can work Let's put it in a big thing full of water, and then all the kids are looking at their fish swimming around Billy's like Mine's just chillin there. That's because he's dead I mean what if you don't have a little goldfish, okay? This is not a good idea for a school project. Okay. Speaking of fish in college You're allowed to have only a small fish in your dorm So like pick any of these fish don't set a foot outside And that's exactly what he did his feet are still inside, but the rest of him is outside Doing, I don't know what how come he's not allowed outside aren't you supposed to encourage kids to go play outside? He's not a lot of set foot outside so long as his feet are not outside. It's okay It's all Gucci so she do for dog training videos all right Billy We got you a dog. You're gonna have to train him. How do I do that? Go on YouTube search dog training videos, so he searches dog training videos And he's showing them directly to the dog like hey Cooper Watch this and learn see that dog. He's sitting you better sit too you better learn from him You know I got like school and naptime I ain't got time to teach this dog how to sit and stay gonna have to watch it and learn yourself If only if it was this simple I would have like 50 puppies I'll put the TV on for them just training videos play all day. They would be so good and well-behaved It does not work this way Billy. I wish it was this simple or does it I mean that dog is like hella into it like oh My god. That's a good boy. Oh there pedicab. They give him treats and stuff Hell yeah, I want to be a good boy too, and that's exactly what he did grandpa's like get ready for a bedtime story Adventure and she dressed up to go on an adventure. No no chill. We're just reading a book We're not actually going on an adventure. Ha ha oh girl us too old for that my PC is really slow I know exactly what to do to speed it up put Sonic in there So it can go fast cuz I know goes back and the PC can go back to now genius logic right here Hey, Billy, would you mind feeding the cat? He gave the cat an orange you need thumbs to peel an orange I mean unless the cat asked for orange. Why would you give it an orange? You're gonna have to be more specific I can't eat cat food, but you said to feed it I figured he might like some fruit, so I'll give him an orange the hairspray says spring 15 centimeters away What the hell she gotta bust out a ruler spray 15 centimeters, okay, this isn't even beating the system This is just straight-up stupid now You know when you wake up in winter you go to the bathroom, and that's the icy cold Let's go put some socks on the toilet seat problem solved now She doesn't have to sit on a cold toilet seat genius. Everybody could use one of these mom texts You send me a pic of a kite Do makeup or something find a pic and say you think you need stitches so I can leave mom Serious are you being for real? Yeah? Oh my god. You could look on mine. I don't care I'll end her daughter sends her a picture of a cut like is this good enough perfect say something about mowing the grass Momma was just mowing the grass and a piece of glass shot up, and I think I need stitches I stopped the bleeding but it looks bad. Oh, my god. Where is that on my arm, okay? I'll be home in a few apply pressure Okay, so this mom asked her daughter to fake a cut And then she sold the text to her boss like look daughter She's in trouble. She needs me and then her bust okay. Okay. Go home. Go home. It's okay, then mom went home I mean, that's one way to get out of work isn't that what kids are for So you're not allowed to write anything negative in your senior quotes amber over here made her senior quote the office season 7 episode 19 14 minutes of 45 seconds should have burn this place down when I had the chance huh you can't say that that's why Steve said it for her this girl is trying to sneak in alcohol to a game so she made a Vodka burrito you basically fill a water bottle with vodka wrap it in some kale and Tortola perfect It's way too. Good. Just say you're gluten-free I can't have the food here. I'm going free and they'll let you bring that shit in whoa okay? So there's this thing if you touch a mirror if there's no space leave this place I always check the mirrors in changing rooms damn I had no idea about this so I always Check the mirror if there's a space between the mirror that means it's a real mirror If there's no space that means it's two-way glass, so they could see you then I'll leave it the place we gonna shoot up his mirror or maybe somebody's watching him in his own bathroom I have no idea not on my wife. My friend couldn't make it to the party so we use the iPad to improvise Did they really FaceTime him give him a fake body and make it seem like you that's the party even though. He's not Wow yeah, I'm sure nobody will notice hey, man, what happened you look a little thin Haven't been eating good. This kid is trying to get the square and can't figure out Which one's a square no problem lift up lid put it in the box I mean does this even work the kids aren't even actually looking at the shapes. It's just trying to shove it in okay You know what I give up. Let me just put it back in Life hacks. I Amelie. I like to listen. I like to make pictures. I like writing I like free choice. I learned to count to a hundred When I grow up I want to be a customer in a store I will buy broccoli tomatoes and carrots, and then when I get home. I will make soup if that's not life goals I don't know What is who doesn't want to be a customer when a math problem is too hard solve it another way Crossed out the ends to see the ends cancel out Then it turns into one plus six it goes seven I wish math who's that easy, which is the best estimate for the length of a football? Hmm none of these sound about right. You know one football is about one football Something I just put in with the teacher for God because one football is one football this girl wanted a hammock so bad But mommy and daddy they wouldn't buy her one so she made one out of the bunk bed that looks really cozy But also very uncomfortable What if you fall hopefully there's no Legos on that bed under you you fall the bed of spikes Let's get old like hey. You're a good boy I'm gonna give you some good boy petting, but you got you got to scratch my back, too You got to make me your good boy and the dogs like ruff and now they're each other's good boys fine anyways That's all for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that that like Berlinda hey a subscription the wolf pack I Love you guys so much. Thanks for watching bye guys