Kids Life Online Weekend Service 2.21.21

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[Music] welcome to kids life online every weekend you'll find content for your kids that includes fun worship a bible-based lesson and practical application on sundays we offer live online small groups for kids ages five years to fifth grade these age-appropriate small groups help kids engage their faith while building life-giving relationships with other kids and leaders if you would like your child to be a part of our online small group experience or if your child makes the decision to make a fresh start with god please click the links in the caption or visit for more information we're so glad you're tuning in with us now let's get started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you change the atmosphere there's no shame anymore [Music] weight has is released [Music] [Applause] just bright inside the future [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] bye [Applause] the weight has been released [Music] hey [Music] the way [Music] [Applause] you never turn away you never leave my side every time i call your name out just to find that you're already right here with me never been alone i can trust you with my heart cause this i know you are always faithful you love me from the start no matter what i'm facing i will trust you with my heart you are more than able to lead me through the dark your love is never fair and i will [Music] and then i hear your voice reminding me again that you're already right here with me never been alone i can trust you with my heart cause this i know you are always faithful you love me from the start no matter what i'm facing i will trust you with my heart you are more than able to lead [Music] no matter what may come no matter what i go through god you are never gonna fail me i will trust you with my heart no matter what may come no matter what i go through god you are never gonna fail me i will trust you with my heart you are always faithful you love me from the start no matter what i'm facing i will trust you with my [Music] i will [Music] i will trust you with my heart everyone we're so glad to have you with us online this week i hope that you've been super fans and not only learning about kindness but also have started to see different ways that you can show kindness speaking of have you ever had someone go above and beyond when they were kind to you in other words what they did made you stop in your tracks because it was so kind have you ever experienced that now everyone seems to think that growing up is so incredible and kids can't seem to wait to get older but you know what comes with growing up bills so imagine this i'm headed to the bank to make my monthly mortgage payment and it had already been a hard month because of unexpected expenses that had come up so i'm beginning to write out my check and the bank manager comes over and wants to speak with me and i'm thinking oh no what did i do i'm in trouble but then she says we are paying someone's mortgage payment each month and i just said that the next person that comes through the door that's who we're making the payment for and that person is you i would be in shock and disbelief she's gonna pay my entire payment for the month and i didn't have to do anything this would be an over-the-top act of kindness can you imagine wow that would be incredible and it would be a huge act of kindness that i would be telling everyone about let's be honest though this sort of kindness is pretty rare people are kind to us and we're kind of others but what about kindness like this that goes above and beyond what anyone would expect most of us don't have unlimited resources or money to be able to spend on people is it even possible to show crazy amounts of kindness and if so how do we keep our eyes open to see the needs around us that we can meet these are some great questions and they need some great answers and like we always say around here the best place to go for answers to our questions is the bible and this question is no different so let's see what jesus has to say about kindness check out this video hey pal what you got there hey man look i've got some fan mail no kidding yeah i never thought anybody would take some time to actually write a letter to me to tell me how much they like the show and here here let's let's read this one all right all right sure okay john i got your name right yeah my name is lowry i'm seven years old and i wanted you to know that i think you are so funny yeah i like it when you fall down please keep falling down i really can't stress that enough thank you for making me laugh you do fall down a lot wow that's that's not the point the point is i got some fan mail here and i got five isn't that crazy that is totally crazy what's that fan mail baby yeah you have so many more than i do well you know i got a lot of fans wait why does the handwriting all look the same i don't know i guess that my fan base just cares about their penmanship okay dear brandon i'm your biggest fan that's what they all say i've watched every single one of your shows they care and please remember to give me a call sometime you have to interact with your fans love aunt janet brandon are all these letters from your aunt janet yeah that's a good aunt i know you want me to get it right you want to yeah hello my name is brandon hello my name is brandon hello i'm brandon and this is oh i uh uh this is uh the so-and-so show and my co-host john is not here i'm out here buddy where out here don't you remember i'm running a marathon today oh yeah right i guess i didn't know it would be during the show i don't decide when the marathons happen brandon i just show up when they do well still i'm sorry i can't be there to cheer you on ah that's okay someone has to hold down the fort in the studio but maybe there is something i can do for you what's that this hey hey hey it's looney larry here with another deal that's absolutely certain to work or your money back and when i say your money back i mean all sales are final to be or not to be that is the question you don't have to be sad that no one came to see your one-person eight-hour production of hamlet because now with looney larry enterprises there's rent-a-fan rent a fan now you can have someone cheer you on wherever you are or whatever you're doing you can hire a rental fan for football baseball gymnastics horseshoes underwater dentistry or any of these fine events [Music] i even hired one for this commercial this commercial is going so well worth every penny so place an order today at because who needs a real fan when you've got rent a fan would i love ah brandon you got me a renai fan how unexpected i did they should be getting there any second hello hi i'm the rinta fan my name's fran fran the fan total coincidence are you um john john no what no it's supposed to say john okay well we always recommend proofreading your submission before pressing send sir okay that's beside the point what are you doing here you're supposed to be cheering on a friend of mine who's running a marathon you're not supposed to be here i'm sorry sir but this was the address that i was given now what am i gonna do the marathon's gonna be starting soon and i need john to know that i care brandon this is this is huge for him you know he's not much of a runner he's like a baby deer on ice he's all elbows and shins he needs my support now more than ever brandon i failed as a friend what can i do brandon the starting line is just two streets down oh oh well that's convenient yeah it's the only reason why i signed up for the race hey are you my reno fan are you john john john yes you are going to win the race oh i i just want to finish it you're going to finish the race do you really think so absolutely because you're john john john oh let's go okay that was a high five well yeah she's a fan it's bible story time with kellen hey guys hello kellen hey kellen john's running a marathon during the show today but why because he's the best thank you friend you deserve it wow okay what are we talking about today kellen well we're not talking about running exactly but we are going on a little trip check this out jesus said suppose someone forces you to go one mile go two miles with him now why would anyone force you to go a mile well today they probably wouldn't but back in jesus day there was a law that said if a roman soldier needed someone to help carry his pack he could order someone to carry it for up to one mile jesus was saying if someone orders you to do that don't just carry the pack for one mile show kindness by carrying it for two miles that's where we get the phrase go the extra mile here's what it might look like today meet becky and bethilda both are good students who pay attention in class but watch what happens when their teacher asks them to clean up their tables before they leave yes ma'am fine whatever both girls are doing exactly what their teacher asks them to do but becky is doing it with a good attitude while bethilda isn't becky's even cleaning up the rest of the room not because she was asked to but because that's what it looks like to go the extra mile can i be done now thanks let's see what happens later in the day it must be lunchtime and it looks like a few people missed the trash can not my mess bethilda has a good point why should she have to clean up a mess she didn't even make but then when you go the extra mile oh looks like someone missed [Music] becky knows that showing kindness can sometimes mean doing things you're not expected to do and helping people even when you don't get anything out of it [Music] going the extra mile is being kinder than you have to be it's doing more than you're asked to do and it's not so you get anything out of it it's not so people will like you more you go the extra mile because if you are a follower of jesus you want to point people to him people can see how much jesus loves them through the kindness that you show so even though no one may have asked you here let me help you can still choose to go the extra mile and share god's love and kindness with others thanks so what do you say fellas are you ready to go that extra mile did you say extra mile killing yeah but it's just a metaphor for unexpected kindness oh i'm in me too kellen thanks for the story you bet happy running thanks how's the marathon going john he's flagging but he's not giving up that right did you do any preparation of course i did i had three places spaghetti the night before the race it's called carbo loading look it up okay siree i'll keep the show moving brandon please just keep the show moving please reveal the quest reveal reveal the question oh have you ever received unexpected kindness has someone ever gone out of their way to make your day a little better just because oh my roommate cleaned out my cat's litter box yesterday oh that was awesome could that be my answer sure talk about it together have you ever received unexpected kindness hey john uh now that the show's over i can uh come cheer you on in person i'm almost done now you've only been running for like five minutes well how long is a marathon the fastest anyone has ever run one is around two hours what what oh come on we're almost to the starting line oh we haven't started well oh until next time i'm brandon and that's john this has been the so-and-so show we'll see you next week come on jump let's go come on jump okay we're so close it's starting over there oh oh [Laughter] i'm john have you ever received unexpected kindness if so what was your reaction to it now imagine what others could experience when you have the opportunity and means to show unexpected extra mild kindness to them if you're not sure or haven't experienced kindness like that that's okay a lot of us haven't but that doesn't mean that we can't show it to others you'll have a chance to talk more about this if you join us for online small groups and we will brainstorm together all sorts of ideas before we head out let's pray and thank god for showing us extra mild kindness by sending jesus to rescue us father thank you so much for the kindness that you have shown to us i pray today that you help us this week to show extra mild kindness to others thank you for this day in jesus name amen thank you for joining us today and we'll see you next time [Music] colossians 3 12 you are god's chosen people you are holy and dearly loved so put on tender mercy and kindness as if they wear your clothes don't be proud be gentle and patient [Music] god loves you and has a great plan for your life you know when god created the world he created it with you and mine and he wants to have a personal relationship with you but he lets you make that choice if you want to make the choice today to have a personal relationship with god we call that making a fresh start and you can do that today really making a fresh start is just realizing that we all sin when we make the wrong choices but that god sent his son jesus to die on the cross for our sins so that we could have forgiveness and experience a personal relationship with god if that's you today and you want to have that personal relationship with god i want you to stop what you're doing and let the adult in your life know that you want to make a fresh start making a fresh start is one of the most important things that you'll do and i want you to know that we are so excited that you've made that decision today families if your child wants to make a fresh start with god today click on the fresh start link for a guide on how to guide them through the fresh start prayer and some additional resources
Channel: Kids Life at The Life Church
Views: 371
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: o9KiOABd5M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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