Magic ADLEY CARTOON โœจ Secret Room & Alligators inside our House! DONT GET CAUGHT the floor is Lava!

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- How is this happening? How are we going in a door, dad? - It's magic. This is the secret room! Adley. - I'm a cartoon! - I'm a cartoon, too! - What? - All right, go down to the next one. - Dad, it's not stairs, it's a waterfall! - The alligators are coming! Uh oh! - The water is lava! - You turned it to lava, that was the wrong button! - If I stretch my neck out a lot I'll look like a giraffe. (laughing) - Uh, you look like an Adley giraffe. Let me push this. - Ah, the crocodiles will get us! Look, a spaceship! - What? Welcome to A for Adley! - Oh! - Welcome to A for Adley! - Welcome to D for Dad! - Dad, you almost hit me back there. - We're on a mission. - Yeah! Where's the secret room? Where's the secret room? - I have a secret room in the space station. So this is where your dad works. Are you okay? She fell asleep. She's awake! Let's go find the secret room. You're never going to find it. - Is it here? - Ooh. The best day ever. Adley, did you know there's one more thing you don't know? The secret room is magic. Sh, Adley doesn't know. - Wait, what? - Uh, the secret room is magic? - No, it's just a secret room! - No, it's seriously magic. - This is my secret clubhouse. (laughing) - That's a cool clubhouse. - You can see me under the stairs! Hello! - What? You can see through the roof? - Yup! Hi! Okay, let's go to the secret room. - All right, that is not the secret room. Next secret room spot. - Whoa, watch out! (laughing) - Uh. You always do this. (laughing) Dog pile! You know where the secret room is yet? - In the kitchen? - Nope. No secret rooms in there. Nope, nope, nope. Nope, nope, nope. Nope, nope. Nope. - Dad, give me a hint! - You want a hint? - Yeah! - The magic secret room is somewhere upstairs. Over there. - In your office! - Maybe in my office. - Yeah! What's in here, dad? - Um, just of- Ah! Secret Adley stuff, don't look in there. Secret Adley stuff. Shhh! Get out of here, get out of here. Normal room, normal room. - Ooh! That's cool. - That looks creepy. - Dad, did you know for Christmas I ordered one of these for our barbies? - Really? You ordered a lava lamp? - Yeah. - For what? - For our barbies. - Okay, well I'm excited. - It's for Christmas! - I'm excited. I think it is in my office. - What's this treasure chest for, dad? - All right, let's see this treasure chest. Yeah, I think we unlocked it. So this is the magic part. - How is this happening? How are we going in a door, dad? - It's magic! This is the secret room! - Whoa! What is this place? - This is the magic secret room! Uh, Adley? - I'm a cartoon! - I'm a cartoon, too! - What? Wait, dad? I can jump really high! - Me, too, watch this! Boingy! - Boingy! - Boingy! - Boingy! Uh, dad? Feel your face, it feels like a cartoon. - Eew. My face does feel like a cartoon! Uh, Adley? You can stretch yourself! Woaaah! This is awesome. - I can stretch my head! - Don't stretch your head! (laughing) This is crazy. What else should we try? - If I stretch my head really long, I'll look like a giraffe! - You look like an Adley giraffe. Okay, put this head back down. Oh, Adley, watch this. I can walk up a wall. - Oh, me, too! Me, too! I wanna try! Woaaaah! I'm on the ceiling! - Adley get down from there! - Okay! - I'll catch ya! - Boingy! - Okay, no more climbing on the ceiling. - Okay. - Told ya this place is awesome. - Yeah, I know! It's awesomer than awesome. Wait, dad, I got an idea! Follow me. - Okay, let's go! Wait, you're leaving the secret room? - Yup! Oh, whoa. I'm real again. I was a cartoon and now I'm real. Oh, my idea, gotta go get it! - Adley? Whoa, I'm real again. Adley what's your idea?! - This is my idea, an Adley video. - An Adley video? - Let's turn the Adley video into a cartoon! - Wait, the Adley video turns into a cartoon? I like what you're thinking. What Adley video? - The crocodiles. - The crocodile one? - Yeah, remember when (inaudible) turned into crocodiles vlog? - How do we turn that into a cartoon? We just, in there? - Yep. - All right, let's do it. - Let's go! - Whoa, did it work? - Yeah, it worked! - Welcome to A for Adley! - Today we're cooking something special for you guys. - Yes, we are. - What is our magical ingredient for today's video? - Alligator food. - This is alligator food, but we hear that if you cook it perfectly, it makes the most delicious treat in the whole world. But if you don't cook it right, it's kind of dangerous and you can turn into an alligator. First! Before we cook our alligator food, we need to? - Wash our hands! - Wash our hands! Always wash your hands before cooking. - Can we get this wet? - No. Do not touch that. That's dangerous until it's been cooked. Have you ever cooked alligator food? - No, I've never! A lot of people have, though, but not us. - Yeah. - I think people usually make alligator food and then they go to the zoo and feed alligators. - Yeah. That's a good idea. We'll try it. And if we don't like it, we'll go to the zoo and feed alligators. - Are you drinking the water? (Loud zap and record scratch noise) - Do you hear that? - What was that? - I don't know! - Let's go check it out! (spooky music) (crunching noises) What's that noise? - Look, a spaceship! - What? A spaceship? I've never seen a spaceship like that before! (Running water sounds) - My feet are wet? - My feet are getting wet! I think it's coming from the house. Let's check it out - Oh no, our house is flooding! - The whole house is flooding! - The whole house is flooding! - Oh, no. Did you do that? - No! - I didn't. We left the water on. - Yes, we did. - Oh boy. How are we going to figure this out? - We can build a bridge, I think there's a bucket downstairs to turn off the water! - We'll drain the water? You got to get rid of all this water before Mom and Nico get home. Maybe we can build a bridge. Whoa! Crocodiles! Where did the crocodiles come from? - Um, maybe from the crocodile treats? - Oh, I think Kupa ate the crocodile treats! - He turned into a crocodile! - Ah! Our dogs are crocodiles! Oh, okay. Okay. - Kupa it's me! - It's us! I got an idea. What if we push this? - Oh, the crocodiles will get us! - Let's throw some food over there and distract them. Here. Throw that. Kay, they're distracted, here we go! - We can swim! - I know, but I don't want to swim because those crocodiles can come back any minute. - We can get some plates, throw them on the ground and then we can get to the downstairs. - And walk on the plates! I have more alligator food. Okay. Distract and put it down there for them. Alligators! Come get a treat! - Yes! It's like a little boat, it's floating! - It's working! Let's bring other plates over here while they're distracted. - I jumped! - All right. I'll lower you down. Hurry while the alligators are distracted. Okay. Another one. Jump to the next. Careful! Okay, coming with ya. Is that too far? Do you got it? Next? Keep going. All right, throw down the next one. - Dad, it's not stairs! It's a waterfall! - Ah! How are we going to get through this waterfall? - Our house turned into a jungle! - Oh, no. How are we gonna get down? - We just gotta slide down it like a water slide. - Okay. - I'm gonna slide on my belly. - All right, are you sure about this? - Yeah, come on! - Whoa! This is a waterfall slide! Whoa! I almost made it! (laughing) Okay. - There's a mystery button! - I think that's it! The mystery button? I think that turns off the water. Okay. Throw the boat. Is that enough? I'll throw you, let's go. Okay. I hope the alligators didn't follow us down here. Help me! I need your help! All right, the button should be around here somewhere. Ah! Alligators! They followed us! From the waterfall, hurry, find the button! Is that it? Push it! Hurry, the alligators are coming! Uh oh. - The water is lava! - You turned it to lava, that was the wrong button! Okay. So how do we turn off the lava? - That must be the right button! - Over there! What if we just build a boat and float across the lava? - Wait, I got an idea. - No, the boat would catch on fire. - What's your idea? - I have magic muscles! - What do you mean? Are you sure about this? - Yes! - Careful. I told you though, That was not a good idea. I'm not letting you do magic muscles, it's not safe. Let's just like build a boat or something. - Okay, let me do that. - Are you sure about this? Careful! How are you doing this? You're almost there, keep going! Right there, perfect! Did you make it? - Yeah, I made it! - How the heck did you do that? I did not know you had magic muscles. - You can try now! - Are you sure? - Try it! Super high! - I'll do like sitting magic muscles. - You go like, Ee-yah! And then you're here! - Ee-yah! - Yes, dad, keep going! Keep going! Keep going, keep going! Land, land! - I did it! I used magic muscles! - You did it! - Holy cow, that was so cool! Oh, alligators! Careful. Okay. Hurry, hit that button. (power down noise) It worked! - Wow! - The lava's gone. Our dogs are back! You guys aren't alligators anymore! Good job, dogs! We were so worried about you guys. You guys almost ate us! - And you guys never turn into alligators again. - Never again. Just dogs. We don't want any more alligators. - Thanks for watching, bye! - Bye! - Wow, that was awesome! We gotta make way more Adley cartoons. Thanks for watching, bye! - That is crazy! We definitely got make more Adley cartoons. Cause this was an idea that me and Adley had like a couple months ago, like Adley started loving cartoons. We're like, what if we had Adley cartoons? So that entire cartoon, you just watched? One person made that. Just as like an example of what we could maybe do. I think we're going to get more people, make more cartoons, do different cartoons, like 3D animations. And I just, I want to keep experimenting with how we want to tell our fun stories. So more cartoons coming! - I can't wait until this Adley cartoon's out. - Yeah, me too. All right. We're out of here, but this is the real video that that cartoon was based off of popping up right now. Bye! - Oh, I think Kupa ate the crocodile treats! - He turned into a crocodile! - How am I gonna get? - Crawl back over and I'll grab ya. - There's a mystery! - Keep going. (laughing) Oh, boy. - Do you know I have to snort when I laugh? - Hurry up! - The water is lava! - Help me! Our dogs are crocodiles! - Oh, no! - Oh, watch out, they're coming! Whoa, this is a waterfall slide! How are you doing this? - Eeeew! - Welcome to A for Adley! - Today, we're cooking something special for you guys. - Yes, we are! - What is our magical ingredient for today's video? - Alligator food! This is alligator food, but we hear that if you cook it perfectly it makes the most delicious treat in the whole world. But if you don't cook it right, it's kind of dangerous, and you could turn into an alligator. - Eeew! - But first, before we cook our alligator food, we need to? - Wash our hands! - Wash our hands. Always wash your hands before cooking. - Can we get this wet? - No, do not touch that. That's dangerous until it's been cooked good. Have you ever cooked alligator food? - No, I've never! Lots of people have, but not us! - Yeah. - I think people usually make alligator food and then they go to the zoo and feed alligators. - Yeah, that's a good idea. We'll try it, and if we don't like it, we'll go to the zoo and feed alligators. Are you drinking the water? (Loud zap and record scratch noise) - Do you hear that? - What was that? - I don't know! - Let's go check it out! (spooky music) (crunching noises) What's that noise? - Look, a spaceship! - What? A spaceship? I've never seen a spaceship like that before. - My feet are wet? - My feet are getting wet! I think it's coming from the house. Let's check it out. - Our house is flooding! - The whole house is flooding! - The whole house is flooding! - Oh no. Did you do that? - No! - We left the water on. - Yes, we did. - Oh boy. How are we going to figure this out? - We can build a bridge! I think there's a bucket downstairs to turn off the water! - We'll drain the water? - Yeah! - We gotta get rid of all this water before mom and Nico get home. Maybe we can build a bridge with. Oh, crocodiles! Where did the crocodiles come from? - Um, maybe from the crocodile treats? - Oh, I think Kupa ate the crocodile treats! - They turned into crocodiles! (screaming) - Our dogs are crocodiles! - Oh, okay. - Kupa, it's me! - Okay, I got an idea. What if we push this? - Oh, the crocodiles will get us! - Let's throw some food over there and distract them. Here. Throw that. Quick, they're distracted, hurry, go. - We can swim! - I know, but I don't dare swim because those crocodiles could come back any minute. All right, just get across the bridge. Alligators are back! They're looking right at me! It's following me! I'll try to distract them, get ready to go. Alligators, look at me! Okay. I think we're good. How are we going to get downstairs? What if we train the alligators to be nice, And then they go downstairs and push the button for us? - But how are we gonna do that? - I don't know. Do you have any other ideas? - We can get some plates, throw them on the ground and then we can get to the downstairs! - And walk on the plates! We got to get over there, though. That's where the plates are. - Oh, I've got an idea! - I can't reach! - I've got an idea! - What's your idea? - You're a bridge. I'm the bridge? - Yeah. - Let's give it a shot. - Okay. - Okay, keep going. Keep going! Oh, boy. - Did you know I have to snort when I laugh? - Hurry up! Swing across. Keep going! (laughing) You made it! Okay. Okay. You need to go get the plates now and then bring them back. Careful! Crocodiles under you! Oh, boy. They're right there, right above you. The crocodiles are right under you! Do you got 'em? - Yes! - Okay! Hurry. Shut the cover and then bring them back. Crawl back over and I'll grab ya. Good job. Keep going. - Can you help me please? - How? - Maybe step on the crocodiles? They're very fast. - I do not dare try that. That sounds crazy. All right. Bring these over. - How am I gonna get back? - I only have one idea, but you have to be brave. You're going to have to jump and trust me to catch you. - I got a better idea! - What? - Grab onto me and I'll swing. - Well, I'll put my foot here. Kay, one, two, three, Swing! That's a good idea! Whoa! Alligators, alligators! Help me, pull me in! Okay. Let's go and do all the plates to the basement. - Wait! You've got to distract the alligators! - Good idea. I'll get more alligator food. - And I'll get a plate! - I have more alligator food. Okay. Distract it and put it down there for him. Alligators, come get a treat! - Yes! It's like a little boat, it's floating! - It's working. Let's bring other plates over here while they're distracted. Follow me. - I jumped! - All right. I'll lower you down. All the alligators are distracted. Okay. Another one. Jump to the next. Careful. Okay, I'm coming with ya! Is that too far? Do you got it? Next. Keep going. All right, throw down the next one. - Dad, it's not stairs! It's a waterfall! - How are we going to get through this waterfall? - Our house turned into a jungle! - Oh, no. How are we going to get down here? - I know what to do! We just gotta slide down like a water slide. - Okay! - I'm gonna slide down on my belly! - All right, are you sure about this? - Yeah, come on! (yelling) - This is a waterfall slide! Whoa! I almost made it! (laughing) Okay. - There's a mystery button! - I think that's it! The mystery question mark button? I think that turns off the water. Okay, throw the boat. Is that enough? I'll throw you. Let's go. Okay. I hope that the alligators didn't follow us down here. Help me! I need your help! All right. The button should be around here somewhere. Ah! Alligators! They followed us! Hurry, find the button! Is that it? Push it! Hurry, the alligators are coming! Uh oh. - The water is lava! - You turned it to lava? That was the wrong button! Okay, so, how do we turn off the lava? - That must be the right button! - Over there! What if we just build a boat and float across the lava? - Wait, I've got an idea. - Oh, the boat would catch on fire. - What's your idea? - I have magic muscles! - Oh, what do you mean? Are you sure about this? - Yes. - Careful. I told you though! That was not a good idea. I'm not letting you do magic muscles. It's not safe. Let's just like build a boat or something. - Okay, let me do it again. - Are you sure about this? Careful! How are you doing this? - You're almost there, keep going! Right there! Perfect. Land, land! Did you make it? - Yeah, I made it! - How the heck did you do that? I did not know you had magic muscles! - You can try now! - Are you sure? - Try it super hard! - I'll do like sitting magic muscles. - You go like Ee-yah! And then you're here! - Ee-yah! - Yeah, dad! Keep going, keep going! Keep going, keep going! Land, land! - I did it! I used magic muscles! Holy cow, that was so cool! Oh, alligators! Careful. Hurry, hit that button. It worked! The lava's gone. Our dogs are back! You guys aren't alligators anymore! Good job dogs! We were so worried about you guys. You guys almost ate us! - And you guys never turn to alligators again. - Never again. Just dogs. We don't want any more alligators. (laughing) - Thanks for watching, bye! - Bye!
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 43,533,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, adley cartoon, a for adley, backyard, obstacle course, challenge, park, hot lava, alligator, floor is lava, new game, adley learns, pool inside our house, beach, inside our house, unicorn, water toys, family fun, pretend play, unboxing, routine, treasure chest, mystery, lava, lava monster, at the park, update, our pets, dogs, pet routine, pet spa, dog spa, pet alligator, lava game, miraculous ladybug, ladybug, cat noir, magical, in our house, in our backyard, magic
Id: a9oJWWHCD90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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