BURiED by BABY UNiCORNS!! Adley has 1,000 Pet Bunnies and Mystery Eggs for YOU! new Spring BFF merch

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- They're everywhere! (upbeat music) - Do you call this everywhere? - That's everywhere! - Do you call this everywhere? - No, that's empty. (both laughing) - I need a pet, but I don't have any. I would like to order a unicorn and a bunny, please. We gotta print my work out. (computer beeping) - My bunnies and unicorns already have babies! - Your bunnies and unicorns had babies? - Where are my eggs? - Okay, well, we can handle this. We got it under control. Trust me, look. You're gonna be okay! (man whooping) - Go chase it! Woo! (man laughing) - Hey, if you draw on black paper, you can't even see it. - No, look. I know what you do. You use these sticks. Okay, it's me. - What? How does that work? How did you get rainbow colors? - Cannonball! (spring bouncing) (horn honking) (girl yelling) - Whoa, dad! I think this one's my favorite. It's so fun and cozy and so cute. (music stops) (whooshing) (calm music) (birds chirping) (girl sighing) It's morning. Now what shall I do first? My work! I need to do my work! (girl panting) (upbeat music) Okay! Time to do my work. First we gotta set the bell out for the mailman to ring. We gotta print my work out. (computer beeping) There we go. It's printing right now. And it should be ready in right... (girl gasps) It's ready now! (papers rustling) There it is! Let's get working. And look how cool these are! You're probably wondering where I got it from. I got 'em from... drum roll, please! (drum roll) aforadley.com! So that's where I got it from. Let's get to it. (girl singing) First I'll grab my pink. (girl singing) I wish I had a pet to play with me. Cause work is kinda boring. (girl gasping) I can order some. (buttons pressing) (phone ringing) Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. Hello, hello? - Hi! Hello, hi. Yeah, this is the mailman delivery guy. - Hi, yeah. - What's up? - So is this aforadley.com? - Yes, I do deliveries for aforadley.com. What do you need? - Yes, I need like- - Ooh, we have new spring stuff! - That's not what I need. I need a pet, but I don't have any. I would like to order a unicorn and a bunny, please. - Like a cute unicorn with like a rainbow tail and mane that's so cuddly and it says A for Adley? - Yes, stop explaining it! And I just want a pet. - Wait, and then a bunny as well? - Yes, a bunny. - Like a cuddly one? - Yeah. Goodbye! - Bye. (phone clanking) - Okay. It should be here any minute. Maybe I'll just cook some breakfast. What to cook first. Oh yes. Let's get cereal. Here's my cereal I'm gonna have today. Ooh, fruity. That's delicious. My secret ingredient for the cereals. I like eggs in my cereal. - First delivery. Hey boss, if anyone calls, I'm going to do deliveries. Answer the phone. Thanks. (girl yelling) (bell chiming) Delivery! - Well that took... Okay, what do have for me? - Hi, Adley? - Yes! - You called to order the fluffy bunny, Hop-hop? - Yes. Hop-hop, hop-hop, hop-hop, hop-hop! - And a cuddly cute rainbow unicorn? - Yes. Thank you very much. - You're welcome. Have the best day ever. - Okay. Let's get you two in your cages. Now it's time to eat. So first I like to pour my milk in. There we go. Next, my cereal. (instrument squeaking) (girl yelling) My cereal! (instrument squeaking) There we go. Put the lid back on. Okay, time to eat. (food crunching) (food crunching) Okay, let's finish working I guess. Okay, finish my pink on the arm. And then maybe I should use yellow for the head. (marker drawing) Okay, maybe I should order some toys for my pets. But first I gotta count how many pets I have, but I think I only have two. Let's check. One, two, three, four. Wait how'd four get in there? I thought I only got two, but I did! How did four get in here? I guess they're hungry, so I better feed them. - I think they like vegetables, so maybe we can cut up my potato. Oh, I mean my tomato. Wait, why did I call the potato tomato? Tomato. And then maybe they would like watermelon to cut up. And a carrot. Okay, let's go chop these. Get a plate. And let my get my... Knife! (knife slicing) Okay. Oh no. (glass breaking) Let's cut the watermelon. There we go. There we go. Let's go feed 'em. Okay. (record scratching) How did more get in here? There's you and you and you and you and you! Oh no! I gotta get toys to entertain them. Ring ring ring ring. (phone ringing) Hello, hello? Is this aforadley.com? I need it now! - Yeah, yeah. Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? - Yes, I can. - [Dad] Okay, yeah. What can I do for you? - I need like five or four of the Adley Eggs, cause... - Five or four of the Adley the Treasure Eggs? - Yes, yes, yes! Cause like, my bunnies and unicorns already have babies! - Your bunnies and unicorns had babies? - Yes, yes. I need them now, now! - Okay. You need some toys for them to play with. We'll keep 'em distracted and having fun. - Okay, bye. - Those won't be delivered til tomorrow. Good luck. - I know what'll relax me: and nice and calming nap. Who would like to sleep with me? You would? Okay. Let's go to nap. I hope when I wake up, my eggs are here. Cause this is a crazy dream. Wait, this isn't a dream. It's real life. Okay. I'm just gonna go to bed. Goodnight unicorns, good night Hop-hop! (calming music) Oh you're right there! Goodnight! This has been a crazy day. (girl sighing) It's time for bed. (calming music) (wolves howling) (rooster crowing) (upbeat music) (girl sighing) It's morning. Oh, my! This is just like my dream! Now there's tons of them! Wait, how am I gonna take care of all them then? Okay, oh no. I hope there's not more downstairs, too. Oh no. (girl yelling) There's some on the side. (girl yelling) - Hey! Get off that! No, no, no, no. Hey! Oh no, okay. I gotta get you guys some food. Okay. (girl yelling) Okay. That was dangerous. Okay. Okay. I need to call the mailman. If my toys are here yet? There's one right there, even! They're already learning how to fly! Okay, okay. Ring, ring, ring. (phone ringing) Hello? Hello? - Hello? - Is this aforadley.com? - Yes! I'm working on your egg deliveries right now, they're just kind of being trouble. - I need them now! - What? - I need them now. - Okay. I'm on my way. I'll deliver 'em this afternoon. - This afternoon? - I'll be there as soon as I can. Good luck. - Okay. Just get 'em all in there. I'm just gonna get 'em in there. Those ones are clean. That one's asleep, good job. Nothing else. Let's... just have to clean upstairs. You guys are okay. You are all okay. I'm just gonna finish in there. - Whoa, whoa. Another one. Excuse me. (bell chiming) - Hey, hey, hey. - Hi. I got some deliveries for your pets that you ordered yesterday. You said you have more of them? I only remember delivering two. - You have to look up there. - Where? (man yelling) They're all the way up there? And there? They're everywhere! (bell ringing) - Look at my house. Come here. - How did you... They're all in... (instrument squeaking) (man yelling) - Hey! - They're everywhere! - Do you call this everywhere? - That's everywhere! - Do you call this everywhere? - No, that's empty. (both laughing) How did you get so many pets? I only delivered two. - They keep having babies. You can see up here. - Hey, it's gonna be okay. - Just look up there in my room! - Look at your room! - It does look kind of snugly. - Where are my eggs? - Okay, well we can handle this. We got it under control. Trust me, look. You're gonna be okay. I just brought some Adley Treasure Eggs and they're really fun. And we can play with them. Let's open them up. Come on guys. Come play with the Adley Treasure Eggs. Come on. - Which one's lucky? Which one's lucky? - Ah, whichever one you want. I'll open this one. Let's see what's inside. - Aw, look at the cute little Adley and this cute little dad logo. They're so cute. - Ah, yeah, I like it. - Oh, it says everything that's in there. There's markers, a notebook. - I want a surprise! - Okay, ooh. Surprise.. there's a mystery item. - What's the mystery? - Whoa! Same time? (girl panting) (man grunting) (choir singing) - Whoa! Whoa, these look fun! - What did you get? Oh, they're like bunny shooters. - Look, I think this is how they... - You can play this with your bunnies. All right, bunny, go get the shooter. Ready? - Bunny, go chase the shooter, okay? (bunny whooshing) - Go chase it. Woo! (man laughing) I know someone who loves to draw with me. - Who? - Hey, Rainbow! - Oh. - Here's a little sketch notepad! - A little sketch notepad, here you go, Hop-hop! Look! It has little Nico on the volcano. - I'm gonna draw a dinosaur! - Adley look, they say Adley on the pages. - Aw. - That's cute. Okay. Here's your markers to draw. - I'm gonna draw a dinosaur. - Okay. - We love dinosaurs. - Wait, how are you doing that? Oh, they're stencils? - Oh, I'm gonna do a skateboard stencil. A green skateboard. - This looks super. - Whoa. Look at my skateboard. I mean, I have a volcano on the skateboard. A red volcano. - There we go. There's my dinosaur. - Whoa. That's pretty cool. - What are you doing now? - Look, I'm gonna make a volcano on the skateboard. It's gonna look like it's bursting lava. Maybe there's a sun up here. - Whoa, there's eggs! (man gasping) - Eggs? Did I get eggs? I got mystery eggs. What colors did you get? - I got yellow and pink. - I got green and orange. - Let's trade. - Okay. - Wait. I know how we can crack them. Let's crack them in a bowl. - Oh, good idea. Okay. (eggs cracking) - Aw, what dinosaur did I get? - You got a dinosaur? (man gasping) What'd I get? A long neck! - That's a dinosaur. - Wait, what are these? - Wait, do I have- - Papers? - Wait, I... - Hey, if you draw black paper, you can't even see it. - No, look, I know what you do. - How would you even see it? - I've got one. - Wait, another egg. Let's see who we got. - Oh, a little triceratops. - Hi friend! - Hi. - Okay. So this is how they work. So you think you just like draw with these and it doesn't work? - Yeah, it won't even show up. Cause it's black. - No. You use these sticks. - Draw with sticks? - Yeah. Cause like, look. Sticks don't show up on paper. - Yeah. - And this is black paper, but it's not. - Let me see. - I'm gonna draw smiley face. Black, black. Okay. It's me. - What? How does that work? How did you get rainbow colors? - Look, I'll show you. Just gotta do it like this. Draw whatever you want. - Are there more? Can I scratch one? - Yeah! - It looks like they come with one, two, three, four of them. Sweet! Oh and you could like cut 'em into smaller ones if you want them too. - Yeah, you can. I'm gonna make things. - I'm gonna draw... - These are heads. I'm gonna draw different things. These are gonna be heads. - I'm gonna draw my name. - That is not how you spell your name. - That says Shaun Duras. - No, this is how you spell your name. - Oh, Adley. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Look at this. I could write best day ever. Look, put the stencil here. (girl gasping) - What? This is how you write your name down. That's how you write your name. - Shaun. Hey, you're good at writing my name. - Yeah. This is my name. A, D, L, E, Y. I spell my name like that. - I'm almost done. (girl gasping) - I just had an idea. - What? - Look. You can also do this. - Oh, to draw on the back? - Yeah. - So you can color on both sides. - Look at this. Let's see if this works. It does, but it just shows up black. - Check this out: best day ever. Isn't that cool? So excited. - Hey dad, I'm gonna make a surprise for the vlog, okay? - Okay. What do you are you making? - Don't let em see, cause I'm drawing three things. - No looking! - Dad, you draw something for the vlog. - Okay, I'll draw something for the vlog. Let's see. - Okay. I'm done! - I'm done too. Who's showing the vlog first? - You go first cause I have one more thing to do. - Vlog, I made you an Easter Bunny. Look, that's a Easter Bunny and there's like a carrot and eggs and like, cause it's gonna be Easter soon. You're welcome. What did you make the vlog? - I'm gonna finish this and then I'm ready. - This is fun. This is like a craft. - Okay. So it has everything we love. So we love the... - Vlog? Is that Vloggy? - Yup. We love the vlog. - Oh your legs and your eye right there. The vlog only has one eyeball, right there. That's your eyeball, vlog. - And then we have a skateboard cause we love skateboards. And we have a volcano. - Ooh. For pirate island. - And then it says A for Adley! - Yeah! Cause we love to make videos and we love you guys that you watch our videos. All right, well pretty fun day. I better get to work or they're gonna get really mad. My boss is gonna fire me. I better get up. (slide whistle) Did she just fall asleep? - And I better get to bed. - Okay, goodnight. Maybe I should help clean up. Excuse me. Miss? Do you want help cleaning it up? - Yeah. - All right. Let's clean up all your pets. You have so many pets! Get 'em all in here. Where do you want all your Adley crafts? - Just put them in my mailbox. - Oh, here you go. - I'll play with them whenever I want. - Is it your, like, craft mail box? - Uh huh. - Okay. Do you have a garbage for all this? Bunny shooter? - Garbage can is in my garbage can. - Your dog house is like your garbage can? - Yeah, it is. That's kinda cool. Wait, so before you had like a high hundred unicorns and a hundred bunnies, you had pet dogs? - Yes. - Oh, all right, here you go ma'am. I gotta get back to work. Is this everything you need? - Yup. - Volcano on a skateboard or pets? - Whoa! (girl laughing) - Another Adley Egg? (girl laughing) - Okay. Let's go to bed. This day has been crazy. - Goodnight! See you tomorrow! Ma'am, quick question. - Yeah? - Did you have any orders for tomorrow you want me to drop by? - Yes, just bring me some quick Adley clothes. Take some pets on the way. I have too many. - Okay. Guess what? Like this is all our new spring stuff, but we have a new Adley line called the Best Friends line and it's always available and always in stock and it just has lots of cool Adley stuff. Do you want me to bring like some of that stuff? - Yes, please. - Okay. There's tons of different colors you could choose from and stuff. Excuse me, ma'am? Your foot's out the window. Ma'am? Okay, goodnight. I'll bring you some Adley stuff tomorrow. (wolves howling) (rooster crowing) (upbeat music) - What? I can't get out! Ah! Help, like help me! Whoa! Like, help me! I'm stuck! Oh no, oh no. (girl yelling) Oh no, ah, ah. There's so many! There's so many! It's just like my dream come true. I can make an angel! But this is bad. This is very, very, very bad! Oh no, this is bad. This is bad. This is bad. Ah, they're over the stairs. Okay. Slowly. Oh no. (spring bouncing) Okay, I made it. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Ah, oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Wait. This, is kinda good. Now I have more friends! Make it rain, make it rain, make it rain! What? Let's make a pile of stuffies. Let's make a pile of stuffies. Yes. This is fun. This is fun. Delicious. This is gonna be the best day! I got an idea. Cannonball! (spring bouncing) (horn honking) (girl yelling) I can make a snow angel or a bunny rainbow. (girl singing) So fuzzy, so cozy, so fuzzy, so cozy. I can share these with all my friends! And that'll be so much fun cause then we can have a party and play with them and it will be the best time ever. They're so much fun and cozy and yummy! Why'd I say yummy? You don't eat 'em. Oh yeah. They're so fun and cozy and so cute. (bell chiming) Oh someone's here. Must be my mailman. - Hi. This is your delivery of all your new Adley clothes. I told you we have a lot now that's always available. - Hmm? I don't know which one to pick. - You can pick whichever one you want. - Okay. Ah! - There you go. Do you want me to help you lay 'em out? So we've got your A for Adley hoodies. We got your A for Adley, like the craft cutout. Ooh. Look at these bright ones. - Ooh, this one's so cute. I love it! - I bet Nico would like this one. (man gasping) Space station gaming colors. Oh that's way cool! I like that one. Hey, we could be twinners. - This one's like, this one. It's black instead. I mean this one's white instead of black. - Yeah. - This one's short sleeve. - I kinda like the... ooh Adley! This is probably my favorite Adley shirt ever. That's rad. Look at that! Rocker girl. What else do we got here? - Ooh. - Whoa, dad. I think this one's my favorite. - Ooh! That's cool. Look at this. I think this one might be my new favorite. Now look. Black on black A for Adley. - These are all the ones I like. - Those ones right there? - Yeah. - Cute. - I'm gonna just... - What are you thinking you're gonna wear for today? - I think I'm gonna decide from these three cause they're my favorites. - Okay. - I think I like this purple one. I like it. I'm going with the purple. - All right. Try it all and make sure it fits - No this one. No, that one. No, this one. No, that one. No, this one. No, this one. I don't know! I think I'll choose this one - I like that one. All right. I'll clean these up so you can hang 'em up in your closet. - Okay. - All right, so we're gonna be doing fun little drops for like holidays and back to school and all that stuff. But this is gonna be the Best Friends line that is on our A for Adley website and on Amazon and whatnot. These will be like our always available best friends forever for all the best friends. - [Adley] Help! Help! - What? - Help! - Are you okay in there? - Help! (intense music) - [Mom] Is she okay? - Go check on her. - Are you okay? - Help, help! - Okay, I'm coming! - They're attacking me. They wanna cook me! - What? - You guys can't cook her. She's... they're crazy. All right. No, no, no! They're attacking me! Help me! They're crazy. - I can't! My wrists are tied together. Well this ended weird! Thanks for watching, bye! - [Dad] There's too many of them! - I'm trying to untie! There we go. (Adley yelling) Help me! - Your house is crazy. - Help me get out. - Let's get outta here before you get cooked. - Ah! They're grabbing my feet! Go without me! Help, help! I'm outta here. (girl yelling) - Don't worry, I'll save you. - They're all the way up there? And there? They're everywhere! (bell ringing) - Look at my house! Come here!
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 9,471,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, valentines day, how to brew potions, hyper potions, party games, kids games, new game, pumpkin, a for adley, adley videos, best day ever, challenge, surprise, baby brother, routine, niko, adley learns, drop test, kids party games, backyard, update, present, animals, costume, dress up, pretend play, adley song, mystery box, vampire, valentines, mailman, new neighborhood, play pretend, Adleys House, Buried in Unicorns, bunny, bunnies, hop hop, mystery egg, delivery, pets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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