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vietnam peep will shoot you if you don't like this video and subscribe right now wonders of light when i was five ish maybe six i filled my mouth with water put my lips against an electrical socket and spat the water inside payne is a great teacher how are you still alive my dad's name is aaron so when i was little and he said he was going to run errands i heard aaron's and figured that addons just called the chores they had to do by their own name and to this day i still secretly think of my chores as ellie's i ask my new class to write one thing they would like me to know before i start teaching them i take a long time to do a po my record is 2 hours 15 minutes reaction from my kids after explaining how slex works you've done this three times i think i was seven i was misbehaving at dinner so my parents sent me to my room i was dramatic as duck and cried out my window to the whole neighborhood then the window screen broke and i felt two stories i got up and rang the doorbell to tell my parents i fell out the window pediatrician at four year checkup do you have any questions me i don't think so ted adi what about you any questions for me rd yeah have you ever hanged upside down from the ceiling like a bat i remember when i was six i got a hold of my dad's id and it had an expiration date spent three hours crying because i thought that he was set to die on that date he asked me why i was crying and i didn't tell him because i was scared he was gonna cry as well when i was five my mom came out into the living room while i was playing games crawling around merging ungodly noises i thought she was being silly so i crawled with her and tried to like ride her like a horse she was in labor i was like lol that's cool hats off to the waiter that kept a straight face as my five-year-old ordered the vage for lunch instead of lasagna kids will say the most ducked up shot and then do a cartwheel like nothing happened my mommy said i can't eat at your house because you're a witch when i was five my mom got an elf on the shelf and told me it was watching to see if i was bad i was so scared i decided to kill it and i snuck out stole the elf on the shelf and then ripped its arms up and hid it in the grass under my window then lied about it when questioned as a child i would like to pick up coins i found on the ground to put in my piggy bank i thought that was what everybody did i used to think that the government would stuff giant cannons full of coins and blast them across the continent and that was how everybody earned money i had no reason to think this i believed this until i was eight my ten-year-old son just took my phone and texted this to my wife honey i got fired i'm eight years old when i accidentally ate a spicy chili and i was sweating like hell i accidentally drink my uncle's beer that looked like cold water which was 170 alcohol just a reminder hide all of your devices when i was 12 i discovered that when you sit in a doggy position and spread your bet cheeks don't ask me why i did this because i generally don't know air can be snapped into your bed this way you can make enormous farts on command later i taught my best friend how to do it after school we would train to get longer and louder farts after some time we both managed to get farts longer than 10 seconds it was a crazy time the fun part is that we are still best friends and we both can still do it from time to time we talk and laugh about that time my kid crying just losing her mind as i explain why she cannot sleep with a water balloon in eighth grade we had to read the diary of a knee frank in complete silence as if we were in the attic with them i fell asleep at my desk and then farted so loud that it woke me up i wouldn't have lasted long i just told my son that he could mind control me if he rubbed his fingertips all over my head and chanted mind control quietly and that is how you get a free scalp massage from your kids in the car she four is screaming her head off me dude why are you crying huh i wanna go to the united states me you're in the united states she stops what yay my husband holy shut i need a drink my aunt is my mom's sister small world anonymous five years old ham you got a point i took my five-year-old and three-year-old to the zoo last week i'm heavily pregnant my eldest wandered a bit ahead and three-year-old said don't worry mommy if we lose him you've got another baby in your tummy there will still be two when i said i'd rather keep all three he replied why my friend seven-year-old just told us that his two worst enemies are the sun and parker lmao my niece asked me one day why i always wear the same tattoos like lmao my mom got fired from her job when i was little and i cried because i thought that meant they were going to light her on fire went to my girlfriend house and her sister is swimming in the fish tank a few summers ago i stopped at some kids lemonade stand as i took a sip the youngest boy stuck his whole arm in the pitcher and stirred my toddler just spent five minutes explaining that he can't use his imagination because he traded it to a kid at daycare for some fruit snacks okay bro when i was 15 over 16 arguably old enough to know better and after many slex-head classes i woke up feeling sick one day i went downstairs hoping to get out of school and told my mom i wasn't feeling well she asked how i wasn't feeling well and i responded oh i think it's just a bit of morning sickness almost too matter of factly she screamed a bunch of swears and ultimately asked how long i had been pregnant needless to say i wasn't pregnant and thought it was just another way of saying you were sick in the morning i generally think of myself as an okay father but somehow i forgot to teach my two-year-old son what an owl was and he thought it was called a wood penguin his new favorite spot climbs up can't get down cries until we come get him repeat my little brother put this in the fridge the kids think there is more pizza if i cut it this way my brother five-year-old inhales the remaining gas from the soda can because it makes his throatage i just had a memory of when i was a kid and i asked my grandpa when we were watching an old tv show how you could tell who was black and who was white if the tv show was in black and white he just looked at me should i be angry or should i laugh the hell out my daughter walked into the living room looking like this my child has tons of toys and is playing with an onion when i was like seven years old and remembered seeing old black and white pictures that my grandma showed to me and i was wondering where all the colors were so i asked her when the people painted the world she was so confused until i explained it to her this memory of my dummy still haunts me to this day my mom likes to tell this story when my twin sister and i were around one year old our mom placed us each in a baby walker while she was making lunch she was distracted for a couple of minutes and soon after she realized we were gone she found us in the bathroom where i somehow managed to take my sister's shoe off and with it we were drinking water from the toilet why would you do that my nephew knew hobby eight-year-old remembered to take the foil flavor packet out she forgot to add water this child at the airport is killing me when i was four i was scared to play cod zombies because i thought the zombies would come to life if i played it so my older brother used to think rock and heavy metal were in the same genre because they are both minerals ham you got a point this text from my son lives rent-free in my head son how do you spell ninja turtle kid in internet cafe kid saves a bowl of fruit loops for later by putting it in the freezer when i was a kid i'd bring a goldfish out of the water for short bursts of time to train its lungs i asked my four-year-old to put a new roll on my paper towel holder technically she did walked in on the kid making something in the microwave said what are you making he said toast apparently magic won't actually put the twenty dollars back together my niece is six and she hates wearing jeans because she hates the zippers and how they scrunch up but she doesn't call them jeans she calls them wiener pants and i wish i didn't find that out as she yelled it in the store update my daughter's hide and seek spots are improving when i was a kid my parents told me if i sat too close to the tv i would get smacked in so i sat far away when stuff i didn't like was playing and i sat very close when i watched hannah montana picked my son up from nursery to find he didn't a clearage booster in his pocket and shown everyone his gel toy as a kid i believed that ohio and new hampshire are an hour away and you would get on the plane to pass the time then come back to the same airport and one of our uncles would pick us up and drive us to where we are staying in new hampshire from ohio i don't know why i would think this or how i started thinking it when i was five i put deodorant all over my body because it said all day protection and i thought i was invincible when i was little around six years old i couldn't understand where the food we ate went after it reached our stomachs my clever mind figured that the food went directly into our feet and slowly build up until it went to our head and died so i constantly kept convincing myself that the food that was supposed to fill my body was just under my ankle ironically many times i kept thinking about this while i was taking a bump when i was a kid i thought that women become pregnant themselves once they reach the age of 18 and i'd pray every single day for several weeks please god i don't want kids please boy teased his kid sister who threw her switch at the big screen tv 150 on a pool for this kid to rather be on a paint container made a sandwich with the loaf end piece kids still wouldn't eat the crust when i was around eight i did a facebook quiz on facebook that told you how you would die my results came back as death by poodle and for literally years i was terrified of poodles and thought it was going to die every time i saw a poodle mother's day gavin mama since it's mother's day to you want to watch me play ps4 games me yeah buddy after i do my nails i've gotta do em they look horrible shows in my bear tore up nails gavin they look better than your face kid thinks he can play with dream i have minecraft in my nintendo can we play you and me or speedrun please i know how to play minecraft heydream [Music] two plus two equals four i can do moth tell me you have kids without saying you have kids [Music] when i was a little child my dumb self thought that my parents said don't do jugs instead of don't do dogs so i didn't drink milk for a while this is a photo of me almost two years old sharing a dorito with an inanimate object never go camping with a c-section baby my friend son cut a hole in the tent with a knight very deliberate in front of everyone everyone screeched in disbelief and the kid calmly explained he was making a window when i was a kid i collected a bunch of sand dollars at the beach and brought them home i didn't know that they were living creatures so i cleaned them with dish soap to get the brown color off and came back an hour later to the smell of rotting fish my parents said i couldn't have gum till i was five one day at church when i was three or four a family friend gave me a piece of gum i ran through the halls cheering i'm five i'm five so my family is here for a visit they just had to take some cupid tests at a pharmacy because they are going to a theme park then need a negative test to stay at another camping site my little cousin aged eight was afraid her cover test would be negative yes she wanted a positive test and was disappointed it was negative now she is afraid crying on the floor that her mom's test will be positive when i was like seven or eight years old i once borrowed a laptop from one of my relatives and changed the time of the laptop when i gave the laptop back my relative was watching the news and then she said that the time on the laptop was wrong and started to fix it the news reporter from the tv was looking at his watch the moment i looked at the tv and i believed that by changing the time on the laptop it also changes all the clocks of the world and that terrified me because i thought i disrupted the balance of time when i was a young child i used to think that if you drank water constantly while peeing that you could be forever i used to think that when it rained the entire rain cloud would be the exact size of the state and the whole state would get rain this mega cloud would take turns between all the states so that everybody got rain [Applause] just remember having a breakdown when i was like six because i saw my cousin move her eyes around and i thought i couldn't a whole whiteboard to doodle on and she doodles where just thinking about that time when my friend was like nine and decided his ds was too dirty so he rinsed it in the sink his brother was not happy lol one time when my sister was three we were watching toy story and there's one part where ham says way to go idaho my sister tried to repeat it but ended up saying way to go i'm a hoe i was literally ruffling that day xp six-year-old thought it was a great idea to swallow magnets today little sister crying because the string on her whistle untied so it doesn't work anymore [Music] one time when i was a little kid i accidentally stole a bag of sunflower seeds from the store by holding onto it instead of putting it on the conveyor belt to be scanned then when we got to the car and i realized what i'd done i cried and begged my dad to sneak them back in under his hat and pay for them when i was a kid i thought it was awesome to trap flies in the refrigerator where i live fire hydrants are painted yellow instead of red in cartoons fire hydrants were always depicted as red my six to seven s year old brain thought our fire hydrants were yellow because dogs pee on them when i was a kid i would watch tv where a character would pass out or something like that when this happened another character would throw a bucket of cold water over them and they would just wake up perfectly fine in the near future i went to a funeral where i proceeded to ask did you splash cold water on the person in my sister's third birthday my parents threw a party for her a huge party we were well off back then as the add-ons got their beer on and mingled my sister stealthily went table after table drinking whatever was left of beer in the cups the add-ons abandoned to this day 27 years passed and we still tease her for getting unimaginably drunk at 3 years old never give 10 year old me a tiger umbrella [Music] my elementary school sold orange sorbet during lunch and after school while i was in first grade my sister four years older than me bought a serving of the sorbet put it in her pocket and three minutes later walked it over to me and surprised me with orange ice cream a week later i wanted to return the favor i bought said ice cream during lunch shoved it in my pocket and waited until after school to surprise my sister with a puddle when me and my sister were little we went to buy halloween costumes with our mom and my sister got a princess costume which came with the magic wand we thought it was real we thought the plastic wand our mother just paid a couple bucks for would literally do anything we wanted it to do we tried it out in the car on the way home and it didn't work naturally we assumed uh it won't work in a car so we waited until we got home to make it work it didn't the way my little brother broke his toe was so dumb so my little brother broke his toe yesterday because he slammed it into a wall wanna know why well you know in the very very old versions of minecraft how there were just steps running around everywhere and jumping and stuff well he was trying to demonstrate to my dad what that looked like by doing it himself in the lunch room next thing you know he ran into the wall and broke his toe my little sister fell asleep in the car on a hot sunny day with chocolate in her hand my three-year-old nephew just barged into the living room and yelled grandma i made the bath look beautiful one day a boy was born his mom was a fish and his dad was a lego baby bros impeccable hiding spot [Music] went to make my salad for lunch it seems someone got into the croutons and left incidents behind so i remember this from when i was younger i used to think that the only places in the world were usa and japan usa because well i live there and japan because my sister watched anime [Music] just another day at walmart my daughter wanted me to put her booga back in her nose when i removed it she cried the whole morning when she was karma i asked her why she didn't want me to remove her booger she told me it was because the hanging booger was tickling her and it made her happy my daughter was four years old well now you can see into the future congratulations just some kid on the play store procreate paint pro guide procreate paint pocket this app is the worst just gives you tips doesn't let you draw [Music] dumb story when i was around five or six i was going to bed at me being the idiot i was i dropped my pants and literally pissed down the entire hallway my excuse was i didn't make it on time what the duck was wrong with me well shut she's learned to crawl climb recently as a child i truly believed the world was in black and white until the wizard of oz came out i was a dumb child [Music] my toddler will only eat a hot dog on a burger bun he will absolutely refuse to eat it if on a hot dog bun or anything else stupid 12 year old me had no idea what was coming i'm listening to this because i have bad grades i was in seventh grade when i wrote this i'm about to be in 10th now my grades got even worse and i have depression all ninth grade fun my eight-year-old sibling is throwing a tantrum because we won't give her this plastic lid until she helps with groceries my kid was ecstatic when he thought there was a plant that grew pizza [Music] when i was little i used to think drinking and driving meant any drink not just alcohol so one day when my mom was drinking a bottle of water while taking me to school i cried because i thought she was gonna go to [Music] jail [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose Of Memes
Views: 371,125
Rating: 4.9318552 out of 5
Keywords: daily dose of memes, kids are stupid, kids are freaking stupid, kids are dumb, r/kidsarestupid
Id: GacN-4XtvY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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