Kid Theater with Tom Cruise

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-♪ Kid Theater ♪ ♪ Kid Theater ♪ [ Cheers and applause ] -Good luck. -Good luck. -Thank you. -Okay. The first one is from Reese. He is 9 years old. Tom, you'll be playing the role of Skeleton. And I'll be playing the role of Mummy. Higgins will read scene descriptions for us. Higgins, please set the scene. [ Laughter ] [ Laughter ] [ Applause ] -[ Laughs ] [ Laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ] -Duck, Duck, Goose! -And scene. And scene. Fantastic. [ Laughs ] All right. Here we go. [ Laughs ] A head bump. I know. All right. All right. Let's do another one. This next one was sent in by Aaron. He's 7 years old. For this one, I'll play the role of Charlie. And, Tom, you will be the character The Mummy. -Okay. -Yeah. Uh, Higgins, set the scene, please. [ Laughter ] [ Laughter ] [ Applause ] -I love these. I love these. Crazy. [ Laughter ] -[ Laughs ] -Nom-nom-nom-nom! [ Breathes deeply ] [ Cheers and applause ] -And scene. That's the best. The best. Let's do one more. This last one here was sent in by Lucy, who is 6. I will be playing Sheep. Tom, you'll again be playing the role of Mummy. -Okay. -Higgins, set the scene, please. -[ Hiccups ] I have the -- [ Hiccups ] hiccups. -Why? -[ Hiccups ] No clue. [ Hiccups, hiccups ] -[ Hiccups ] -[ Hiccups ] -[ Hiccups, hiccups ] -[ Hiccups ] -Oh, no! I caught the mummy's hiccups! [ Hiccups, hiccups ] -[ Hiccups ] Hiccup! -[ Hiccups, hiccups ] -[ Hiccups ] -Hiccup! Hiccup! -[ Hiccups, hiccups ] -[ Hiccups, hiccups ] [ Laughter and applause ] -[ Coughing ] -[ Hiccups ] -[ Hiccups ] We need to -- [ Hiccups ] -- drink some water. I brought a cup of water with me. [ Hiccups ] -[ Hiccups, hiccups ] -Here it -- Here it is. [ Hiccups ] Here it is. -[ Hiccups ] -Here it is. [ Laughter ] -What do we clean the water up with? [ Hiccups ] -[ Hiccups ] Uh -- [ Hiccups ] Me. [ Hiccups ] -[ Laughs ] -[ Hiccups ] [ Snores, hiccups, hiccups ] [ Snores, hiccups ] -See you tomorrow. [ Hiccups ] -[ Hiccups ] -[ Hiccups ] Baa! [ Hiccups ] Baa! [ Hiccups ] Baa! [ Hiccups ] And scene! -Scene. -That's what I'm talking about. ♪♪ -Double-handed bow. Double-handed bow. -Let's go. [ Cheers and applause ] Thank you. -My thanks to all of our kid playwrights. And thank you to Tom Cruise! Check out "The Mummy" opening everywhere on Friday.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 2,703,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Kid Theater, Tom Cruise, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, Fallon Stand-up, Fallon monologue, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, the mummy, nick morton, top gun, maverick, top gun 2, mi6, mission impossible, a few good men, jerry maguire, american made
Id: 92V2zro04wM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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