KICC Morning Glow LIVE | Taking Authority Over Shame | 08-03-2021

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praise the lord this is the day the lord has made will rejoice and be glad in it welcome to another day another time in the presence of the lord welcome to this morning welcome to the presence of god my conviction the battle is won your victory is announced the testimony is here and there's nothing satan can do about it what god is said to do in your life there is nothing satan can do about it heavenly father will rejoice we give you praise thank you for another week thank you for another time at morning globe we're ready to receive all that you have for us take the glory take the horner take the adoration take the praise bless your people this morning stretch your hand oh god heal the sick set captives free let your word of assurance your word of healing flow forth minister minister minister minister minister to someone beyond measure in jesus name amen all glory to god is such a great joy this morning to be able to minister to you and i believe that you will be blessed like to welcome all those who are joining us from around the world i'd like to welcome those on youtube those are on facebook those are on instagram if you are on facebook it's help us to create uh a community of people who come together to praise the lord this morning uh invite people to join you same thing on instagram please share our various platforms with people those on youtube encourage you to subscribe to the morning gloo this morning i'd like to celebrate people from beerus park wellington florida god bless you bristol the lord bless you manchester god bless you i'd like to see the world from facebook peace uh porn church in sx uk god bless you richly woodford green also sex uk god bless you pizzi sx uk well we the sx people have woken up today uh nottingham in the united kingdom god bless you uh praise god virginia the usa god bless you in the name of jesus uh eastbourne in uk uh someone from france god bless you back in charles sx also stratford god bless you valencia in spain wow they're ready to receive this morning what god is said to do the devil can't stop constantly beirut and lebanon oh wow the lord bless you in the name of jesus not west london uh god bless you um also from on instagram chesterfield chesterfield and derbyshire god bless you richly in the name of jesus georgia in the usa trafford hundred usa be blessed saint croix and cry in the virgin islands in u.s virgin islands there are some islands that are also in the united states of america and they are in the caribbean and saint croix is one of them wow celebrate i appreciate that i'm not very sure i've seen that before it's the first time welcome in lesotho oh wow god bless you uh baltimore usm welcome in the name of jesus lesotho is a unique country inside south africa but it's a country of its own what is inside south africa from oxford god bless you the name of jesus praise god may you be blessed this morning may the lord touch you [Music] and may the lord really really minister to you in the name of jesus the hand of the lord will minister to you testimony of jesus would be awesome in your life your life will not be the same from turkey god bless you from east london poplar god this morning is going to be great in your life from south africa lord bless you from playstore in east london the lord richly bless you delaware seaford delaware in the united states god bless you uh from belgium be blessed and highly favored be lifted beyond measure you may the grace of jesus christ really taught your life today and forever you walk in the grace of god you have the testimony of jesus christ we really celebrate everyone we appreciate what god has already done in your life we've taken quite some time to pray and to take authority over breaking the power of shame and and the embarrassment you know just do that and bring it probably to a close today uh unless i feel late again tomorrow everything i intend that wants to shame embarrass limit your life a day has come but god brings total victory to you total testimony no weapon formed against you will prosper every mother rises against you judgment shall be condemned god wants you to walk tall and not to fail wants you to be blessed and not to to be put to a place of embarrassment say about escalambara as a person money maiduguri in nigeria wow coming jesus they will pray grace upon you as a hot spot your boku haram has been worrying them i will bring blessings peace and you and your household jesus name glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god this morning is going to be awesome awesome oh and for the benefits of those of you who are friends who need morning glow in french i believe we still run the french translation encourage them to look for the translation and to connect to monoglo and french uh and then really get to flow properly for the time of our speaking to their life and the time of the declaration god does not want anything to bring shame to your life his word says psalm 25 verse 1 to 3 and verse 20 psalm 25 verse 1-3 and verse 20 unto thee oh lord do i lift up my soul oh my look god i trust in you let me not be ashamed let not my enemies triumph over me yeah let none that wait on thee be ashamed let them be ashamed we transgress without cause i say amen to that verse 20 say don't keep my soul and deliver me let me not be ashamed for i put my trust in you psalm 119 verse 31 i told you about psalm 119 is one unusual chapter unusual song it has uh 176 verses and only two verses don't refer to the word of god verse 31 says i have stuck unto like testimonies called the word testimony statute commands instruction word i have stuck unto my testimony oh lord put me not to shame hallelujah psalm 31 verse one in the o lord do i put my trust let me never be ashamed deliver me in thy righteousness verse 17 of the same thing psalm 31 let me not be ashamed oh lord for i have called upon thee let the wicked be ashamed let them be silent in the grave psalm 25 20 says oh keep my soul and deliver me let me not be ashamed for i put my trust in thee isaiah 54 verse 4 fear not for thou shalt not be ashamed oh wow i love this neither will you be confounded thou shalt not be put to shame but thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth i shall not remember the reproach of thy widowhood anymore hallelujah isaiah 15 7 for the lord god will help me therefore shall i not be confounded therefore have i set my face like a flint and i know that i shall not be ashamed isaiah 61 verse 7 for your shame you have double you shall have double have a confusion they shall rejoice in their portion therefore in their land they shall possess the double everlasting joy shall be unto them glory to god and zephaniah 3 verse 19 says behold at that time i will do all that afflict i will undo all that afflict d and i will save her that whole test and gather her that was driven out and i will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame job 8 32 they that hate thee shall be clothed with shame the dwelling place of the wicked will come to nothing oh glory o glory romans in romans 9 33 as it is written behold i lay in zion messiah a stumbling stone a rock of offence and whoever believeth believe it on him shall not be ashamed he will not be put to shame as the lord lives and in the name of jesus psalm 37 19 they shall not be ashamed in the evil time and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied glory to god glory to god psalm 119 again verse 116 uphold me according unto your word that i believe and let me not be ashamed of my hope glory to god proverbs 3 verse 35 the new living translation proverbs 3 35 new living translation says the wise inherit honor or fools are put to shame psalm 83 verse verse 16 says that the enemy will be filled with shame verse 17 says they'll be put to shame and they will perish the word of god is very clear that god desires that will be totally vindicated in a matter of the enemies attempt to bring shame against your household this morning i want you to know that god is not a liar and whatever he says it brings to pass shame is not your portion in jesus name psalm 69 verse 19 and 20. whatever brings insult mockery pain and discomfort this morning we're severing them from you and we're declaring you are living the life of testament shame is not part of your divine agenda look forward 17 to 20 when jesus stood up to declare that the spirit of the lord god was upon him he said he was there and he was declaring said to heal the broken-hearted preach deliverance to the captives recovery of sight to the blind set at liberty them that are brutes preach the acceptable year of the lord and he closed the book he didn't make room for shame the lord did not make room for shame and it will never manifest anymore in your life god is bringing you out of all of it embarrassment god is bringing you out of it anyone who is planning one for you right before the eyes god will vindicate you and fight for you also the scripture make us understand as you keep looking to the lord you shall not be put to shame financially emotionally spiritually anything that has to do with even at the last minute there will be a divine divine divine intervention even at the last minute heaven will turn things around isaiah 50 7 but the lord god will help me therefore shall i not be confounded therefore have i set my face like a flight and i know that i shall not be ashamed we also share with you the fact that only the wicked will be put to shame that's the word of the lord psalm 31 17 28 22 esther 7 verse 10 esther verse 7 verse 10 so they hanged haman on the gallows which he had prepared for mordecai the enemies will hang themselves then was the king's wrath pacified so i wonder when i was 29 i'm 35 verse 4 i prophesy on your life today that god is bringing you into a place of testimony as a believer in jesus christ you are not meant to be put to shame so the bible says the righteous the wise the believer inherits honor so and proverbs 3 verse 35 new living but fools are put to shame polish this morning i want to prophesy to you alive that the god who turned the embarrassment family shame family shame family embarrassment of jabez and to testimony is about to step into your life before i do that i just want to take you through some of the people whom we had told you about and how god brought them out and if you did it for one he will do it for you the lord brought out neymar a man whom sickness and disease wanted to embarrass he had become everything he could be he's a general he's a commander he led an army everywhere he went the fame of his capacity rang the bell but leprosy comedy this morning i'd lay hand on you wherever you are whatever kind of sickness ye in fact this morning i speak miracle miracle miracle miracle of healing someone who has a strange kind of body disease i see this it's like i'm not sure if it is rash and you've been told you have to live with it this morning i called for your miracle recap there's nothing god cannot do i'll lay hand on you command that rush to disappear i command the rash to disappear i command the rash to disappear i command the rash to disappear i lay healing hands on you and command the rush to disappear receive your heal and the small receive your healing this morning the power of the lord touches you sets you free gives you freedom gives you victory malaysia ethiopia every sickness every disease manifest on someone on this platform this morning receive healing and somebody you are standing for i pray for them right now they will receive their healing they receive their healing they receive their healing they receive their healing every of those rashes all those growth on the body that i see i command total health and healing total health and healing total deliverance this morning the hand of the lord touches him in jesus name hannah was broken free from the from the shame and embarrassment of infertility because it must be the reason why she cried in the presence of god she and in the end and then she was mocked and taunted by the other woman in the house the second wife of her husband she was blocked she was taunted let god arise then she was misunderstood by have pastor eli and her agony increased but god's attempting god caused the delay because a miracle boy was in the making look at the plans i have for you good plans are not able to give your future any hope pray for you this morning and no one on this platform every area of your life that is infertile every area of your life that is infertile your business your mind your life i speak a ton around from this morning in the name of jesus we release somebody from every burden of infertility we lay hands on you we command your healing commanders command your healing a car i worship men and woman to command your healing i never heard of a sickness somebody gave me a note yesterday that when i spoke about uh that i see a man that is impotent so it was as a result of sickle cell which we released something just when he goes on like i hope i get it right somehow parry passes of pariasis or paris passes i was i'd never heard about it so this morning on that man and many many others who have experienced impotence i release healing virtue command your healing your deliverance in the name of jesus be healed got to give you testimony turn your story around turn your story around turn your story around the god who did it for hannah open her womb god will open your capacity heal your body give your testimony in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the holy name of jesus parry passes or whatever it is called be healed from today in the name of jesus total healing the god who turned the shame of obeyed edom to fame a black man a guitar he was a phillist it was the philistines were colored they were sunshine they were cushites they came out of they came out of hand so guitars also were from philistia obeyed edom means obedient the colored man adam means red colored is the name also adam because adam was a colored man if you don't like a colored present then you don't like your origin because adam adam means colored man this man his job was to packages i've seen places where people just carry cement and cement paws all over them which is terrible i've sent you san parker all over there which is terrible i've seen factory workers there are clubs for the factories they run trying to close their warehouse when they're carrying dirt it is terrible but to pack rashes and worst of all the ashes of other people's sacrifices they confess all their sins on remember that the lamb for sacrifice one of the love was where there were two there's the scapegoat that had to be taken into the wilderness i must never come back it carries a sin this one also that was one carries sin and you had the back of the ashes but they dumped the ark in his house and god turned into a testimony god turned it to testimony god turned it to testimony god turned it to testimony god turned it to testimony god turned it to testimony neda shame of poverty we're tearing off your life obedient he dumped the ark in his house within three months 90 days his story changed he got i mean everybody heard of it from being a non-entity to become the real entity from condemnation to celebration from rejection to selection from hatred to appreciation father somebody's on this altar this morning let god arise let these enemies be scattered every poverty from your father's house every shame from your background from where you are coming that i've made you do the lowest of job and degrading of life i tell you i say i tell you i tear you off it i set you free i tear you off it i set you free i release grace into your life peace and your life testimony into your life and of god moves power of god moves sets you free ishkaya some people are in a chain dunk of poverty chain gang of poverty chen gang of poverty they are so connected to the family chained gang of poverty deep south of america many many years ago it tied slaves and prisoners also like a chain gun so that this person's chain linked to this one's chain so you couldn't run even if you had power and you broke it and you want to break free you couldn't you are in a chain gang there are many people who they have sometimes caught a revelation to come up or something is holding them this morning there is a power so strong it makes the demons to tremble there's a power so strong it makes the kings of this earth to tremble there's a power so strong it makes everything that holds you down to let you go it's an earthquake heaven releasing satan defeating power today the power that set obedient free sets you free be free totally from every kind of trace of luck and poverty coming to the blessings and the favor of the lord in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus on the name of jesus god will turn your story around the god who took the story of joseph turned it around maybe to made it a beautiful one shall turn your testimony around ah ka paka tikayata they meant it for evil unknown to them that it was written in the books it has been written of me that's what the bible says in the books it has been written of me i think psalm 139 ayah torsheka imprisonment did not stop him nothing was stopping sibling rivalry did not stop him being lied against did not stop the by portivas why did not stop him unlawful accusation did not stop him unjust detention did not stop him every arrow they have targeted at you returns to the center this morning upon this altar i declared thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus victory follows favor follows you testimony follows you anointing follows shed was abandoned and neglected said osama chapter nine from the swan to the end he was rejected his leg was broken they hit him in a corner while god arose one day covenant remembered him is there anyone in the house of saul that unconscious mercy said there's one but he's a so i don't care the covenant did not exclude the the covenant did not say unless you are perfect it just says it's a covenant the same thing with the new covenant in particular it didn't say only the public say whosoever believe it in him whosoever will may come we used to sing whosoever will whosoever will whosoever will may come this morning spite of your own limitation your own medical record mental record physical record record of failure and mystics heaven tons withdraw shame turns to fame and testimony i was invited to sit at the table of the king thou prepares the table for me in the presence of my enemies the lord prepares a table for you from today it changes your cause of action your story changes your flow it changes your direction it changes your life the guy who changed the story of this man mephibosheth it was called jabez by his own mother he was given a bad name bad name by his own mother which means bringer of shame shame of sorrow bringer of shame shame of dishonor shame of curses shame of joblessness shame of irrelevance as stop as struck out of your life from this day god gives you testimony get ready to walk in a new season a new testimony in a new grace in their new glory called a bad name his own mother called him son of sorrow son of sorrow son of sorrow son of sorrow everywhere he went he was called son of sorrow i wonder how he married imagine introduced himself to his wife as a son of sorrow this day everything that have brought you pain and sorrow and shame be free from it be free from it the lord jesus sets you free gives you total freedom deliverance victory in the name of jesus christ total victory total deliverance total victory total deliverance total victory total deliverance from today from today from today where you were born has nothing to do with the destiny you carry your destiny is awesome but destiny is great and it is going to become a greater reality this morning i speak into your life by the power of the living christ that god himself steps into that's concerning you wipes your eyes from sorrow fills your mouth with testimony cabaret rito capa si irrelevance not your story the hand of lifting will lift you this morning the god of lifting will lift you this morning the god who does not embarrass who does not put to shame he will lift you this morning he will wipe your tears and put testimonies in your mouth he did it for this man he will do it for you i speak into your life today a complete total 100 percent turnaround lee kaya sambar oshikaya kavarosh in first chronicles chapter 4 verse 9 and verse 10 would read of this man jabez was a better man than his brothers the man of honor how his mother named him jabez all the pain that's the better uh the message translation saying he was a painful person of a painful birth i bought him in great pain but james prayed to the god of israel bless me oh bless me give me land large tracts of land provide your personal protection don't let evil hurt me god gave him what he asked wow only two verses tell his story only two verses bless me oh bless me give me land large tracts of land provide your personal protection don't let evil hurt me god gave him what he asked this morning every shame and embarrassment limiting your dreams your vision your calling your purpose will break you free from it the lord will intervene as he did for jabez and turn your story around in the name of jesus zika yamasha doran in the name of jesus this morning also we look at luke chapter 5 verse 1 to 11 we're not going to read it's a very long passage but it's the story of of peter luke chapter 5 verse 1 to 11 story of peter before he began to follow christ was busy with his boat trying to catch fish all night caught nothing and he had hired people and they struggled all night and never caught one fish following morning staff are ready to be paid and the companies about to go bankrupt and they were busy washing the the net between they try to cut the fish busy washing the empty net suddenly jesus appears and uses his boat to stand and preach to the crowd and then jesus tells him to throw his net into the waters back again and he looks at jesus this one is like fisherman how can he tell me to throw my net into the waters jesus is the word and he has sent his word and his word won't come back before it throw your nets into the deep the deep heard him the fishes heard the word they have to obey that's why jesus cursed the first the the fig tree that did not produce because the fig tree has ears in its own plant kingdom the fishes have ears in the marine kingdom the sea has ears in the marine kingdom the one who created them have spoken they have to obey they have to carry out what he said glory to god while the fig tree did not obey the marine world obeyed jesus on this occasion peter doesn't know this he is just a natural man you may know hebrew bible the old testament but he did not know that the one before whom he stands is god encapsulated in the flesh great is the mystery of godliness god is manifested in the flesh israel who stood on the seashore of galilee is is the son of god he is god and when he said throw your neck at first peter wasn't going to do it he said he told all night long i did not catch anything then suddenly he turned around he said nevertheless i die worked we will let down the net that day something happened i speaking to your life today every shame of toiling every shame of toiling every shame of toiling every shame of toiling jesus will set you free this morning in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i break you free from the shame of toilet he said we have poor health all night long i release you from a toiling spirit a toilet spirit is not a spirit of grace is a spirit of hard work a little result working like an elephant eating like a rat set free set free set free set free set free set free set free kakoshi ita i release into this year this month this week this year the coming years spirit of toilet leaves you struggle is leaving you right now they struggled and struggled and fishes moving schools the school of fishes have moved away but let god arise let god arise let god arise let god rise let god arise this morning for someone at this altar god is arising your struggle is coming to an end your toiling is coming to an end your sweating your sweating unnecessary sweating is coming to an end laboring without achievement it's coming to an end god has proven himself as a mighty mighty mighty mighty god in your life or some god pray answering god the god who cannot lie the god who cannot lie the god who works the god who works the god who cannot lie the god who works let it turn around begin this morning let the testimony follow you this morning let the change begin this morning in the name of jesus christ i want you wherever you are around the world to the next 20 or 30 cases i'm going to raise and take authority over to say merci beam are you destined to be tall in the things of life but situations have reduced you you can't carry yourself from this day you're set free that thing that tries to reduce you instead of walking tall living tall enjoying a raising your head whatever has tried to reduce you i set you free from it in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus whoever is on this altar number two who has to depend on others to eat depend on others to clothe depend on others to survive depend on others to move depend on others to do everything you have to do in life today the lord jesus sets you free the lord jesus sets you free the lord jesus sets you free you are free from shame you're free from embarrassment you're free from shame testimony follows you somebody on this altar number three you're brilliant but no success brilliant but no success the lord jesus sets you free it changes your story it changes your testimony he changes your story he changes your testimony he brings testimony to your life you will succeed you will succeed new doors new favors new doors new favors new doors the name of jesus number four your hands are always empty no money and you just wonder what am i doing you've tried what others tried and doesn't seem to be working they kick you chanyani i your hands will handle great things and a favor handle abundance and the testimony in the name of jesus christ in jesus name number five you're anointed and you're suffering seriously despite the anointing you are not seeing the kind of result in any area of your life when you stand to do the things of god the anointing shows but outside of that you're still suffering you lack you face a lot of embarrassment you command they turn around from this morning in the name of jesus a turnaround from this morning in the name of jesus he turned around from this morning in the name of jesus number six the whole of your life has stopped progressing you don't seem to be moving forward i speak into your life today i speak into your destiny i speak into your life speaking to your destiny movement next one you are like a man on the sea but thirsty and has no fresh water you're as big as the seeds you can't drink it yet you are thirsty you cannot so you are surrounded by this massive water but you can't drink it as if you drink one glass within minutes you thrust again and you have to drink two glasses within minutes you'll have to drink again this time you drink four glasses and by this time the amount of salt in the water will spike your blood kill you so you're surrounded by water you are testing you need water this is water but it says hey don't touch me people who walk in the bank they have to handle other people's money but they are broke and people who handle other people's blessings but they are broke this morning i speak into your life you will not just work in the place of abundance you will handle happiness it will come to you it will flow to your life it will increase in your life the kia what makes a man to be lucky in the middle of abundance starts from a day in your life like heaven it can be that have an interview let god arise letting enemies be scattered according to that the next one is that people who you used to look up to you people who used to look up to you and you they look down at you because things have changed the lord will lift your head and you will not go into premature retirement the glory the dignity the favor that has always been on your head will magnify again will rise again the beauty of the lord will show up in your life the glory of the lord manifests in your life the testimony of jesus the testimony of jesus the testimony of jesus the testimony of jesus will be awesome in your life ricotta you've been trying so hard but you keep failing frequently from today your story changes trying so hard of failing frequent the story changes your story changes the story changes the story changes the story changes you've lost your sense of self esteem i lay hands on you today let the oil of god find you let the oil of god lift you let the oil of god change your case in the name of jesus you're in the midst of helpers and nobody wants to help you you're not getting the help and yet you're in the midst of a lot of helpers i pray for you today the very happened the time of need will rise for you we tear the cloth of shame of your life we tear the limitations of shame we rip off every manifestation of shame in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you love god but you are walking against his will and so you just feel ashamed we tear that off your life we tear that off your life the grace to walk in his counsel the grace of walking his will the grace to walk in the purpose of god rest upon you today victory follows you testimony follows you you are bitter about life gender rights it was about life generally i speak into your life today it if i turn around a divine turnaround an interventional cult a divine turnaround an intervention of god a divine turnaround an intervention of god a divine turnaround and intervention of god yakabakoto in jesus name you have investments and no profit i have investment but no prophet jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus you've invested your ability you've in knowledge you've invested in work you've invested in places but no profit this is a shame we tear that ship we cancel that let profit begin to enter for the world says he teaches your hand to profit in this season of your life in this season of your life you shall be profited you shall be profitable you shall be profitable in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus you are aging without anything to show for it an agent with nothing to show for the previous years come on without anything to show for it we command the turnaround a turnaround a turnaround they turn around in the name of jesus in the name of jesus whenever you want to make progress a particular negative dream failure shows up or dreams of going nowhere we cancel those negative drinks with the blood negative trends with the blood we cancel those negative dreams with the blood kaka you're beautiful you're handsome but no marriage your story changes from today the testimony manifests your testimony manifests your story changes from today your testimony manifests your testimony manifests your story changes libabash one of your family members is bringing shame to the whole household through negative behaviors and you are so embarrassed a son a daughter that's living in certain way from today a family shamefree god will break that person loose from that lifestyle from that attitude from that action from the kind of things they've committed themselves to you god sets your family free god sets your family free from negative habits god sets your family free from shame actions god sets your family free this month of march remarkable miracles milestones milestones of testimonies milestones of favor this week milestones of testaments in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you went to university you went to schools with degrees but no job let god arrive so and if you have a job you are doing the one below your capacity let god arise let go of the rights let god arise let the testimony follow your story will change your story will change your life will change your story will change your life will change in jesus name you're living your life in neutral no movement forward you put your car in neutral it can be a neutral not working can be a neutral no movement it can be a neutral standing still today i speak into your life i speak into your life i speak into your life no more neutrality you are moving forward in the mighty name of jesus christ mental glory movement with testimony in the name of jesus christ one of the things an airplane does not have is a reverse gear it can have reverse thrust solely to thrust back so that i can get out of where it is but it's not the reverse gear it's not a gear for reversing god did not give you reverse gear he gave you forward gears gave you gears to go forward in the name that is above all ends you are going forward from today you are now going backwards you are moving into greater grace greater glory greater testimony greater power greater manifestation greater open doors in the mighty name of jesus in the holy name of jesus rabbi yana babadooshika some people husband is suffering from role reversal husbands are not doing well at all and they are wondering it's causing problem wife is doing well husband is not doing well and there's such pressure on the home i lay hand on your household i speak favor on both husband and wife in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus a divine turnaround total turnaround in the name of jesus in the holy name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus shall come to pass you want god to silence the voice of shame in your life receive from this one you want a great victory over shameful situation receive in the name of jesus you want god to push him on no sponsoring shame against you it shall be so in the name of jesus that is a particular shameful situation that the enemy keeps raising and trying to use to embarrass you and it is in your face today as a servant of jesus christ by the blood of the lamb by the word of god by the blood of the lamb by the word of god i cancel it i cancel it arrows of shame will backfire at where days it has been sent from arrows of embarrassment will backfire to where it was sent for victory follows you testimony follows you the awesome hand of god follows you the god who turned it around for esther so that she became a testimony the place of shame of slavery make her from nobody to the queen of an empire your story will be heard your testimony will be heard i release you into this week release you into this month release you into this year let this year open up for you reasons to celebrate reasons to rejoice let this day monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday the rest of this month let the oil of god rest on your head everywhere you entertain me the glory of the lord rise upon you may you carry the kael of god the glory of the lord the chi yield glory the power the presence of a carrier of glory a carry of the presence of the lord carry of the favor of the lord every shame that came upon jabez that caused him to experience the hand of god every shame that have come upon you now cause you to experience pain shut down new testament this morning will release you into grace into favor your head will be lifted your mouth will be full of praise no embarrassment no shame only glory holy praise only honor to our god and our savior these things will be your eyes you see it your hand will handle it your mouth will testify god will be good to you anyone waiting to hear embarrassing stories about you next time they tune in wherever it shall be testaments shall be glory in jesus name amen i'm sure you were blessed this morning praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord make sure you stay tuned with us at the place of the morning globe please take the time take all the beerus platforms share with your friends let them join us at the place of the morning glow at the place of the outstretching of god's hand wednesday night we have bible study following god's plan for your life make sure you associate this day and find god with that which has provided encourage yourself and your friends to get a power positive prayer bible and let somebody be blessed by the content in their lives their prayer life they are worshiped by them a following of god best allah bless you and keep you make his face shine with you to peace at all times in jesus name amen amen god bless you houston kingsway international christian center is a church without walls join the kicc family online every day get up and glow every weekday at 6 a.m at the morning glow dig deeper into god's word and enrich your faith at the global bible study every wednesday at 7 pm and on sundays join us at 9am for leadership inspiration finance and entrepreneurship at life class the mid-morning service at 12 noon and in the evening be blessed at the night of the prophetic and the fearless at 6 pm be a part of a church without walls with kicc join us on social media kicctv or download the kicc church app kiccc raising champions taking territories
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 7,540
Rating: 4.8877192 out of 5
Id: Gn7MJsVa7Po
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Length: 62min 16sec (3736 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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