Lying To The Holy Ghost | Kingdom Agreement with Rev. Eastwood Anaba

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello my name is lindsay and i want to welcome you fam to kingdom agreement i'm so excited to be here and i believe you are too there's going to be an anointed word deliverance healing of god is about to hit us i believe the word we're about to hear will impact our lives in a tremendous way and we're taking the kingdom into our families our communities and every corner of the world we encourage you to share this video with at least five other people let's go god glory want to praise the lord wherever you are connected from we thank you for connecting once again it's been quite an involving week after coming through shepherd's summit and through em and this morning also and this evening we are here by the grace of god to be imparted and to be impacted upon hallelujah i want to welcome you even lindsay has already done but permits me to welcome this special group of people and that is partners of eam directors of eam associates of em members of fountain gate chapel worldwide members of the desert pastures and especially our kia family hallelujah and if this is your first time of connecting to kia you are at the right place your life will definitely be blessed as all of us will be blessed amen we want to go ahead and thank the lord for our lives we want to give him praise we want to honor him living for our lives and for the lives of our pastors today is a sunday and i believe it's in place that we thank god for the shepherds he has put over us he said that he will look for shepherds after his heart who will feed his flock with the feet that he has purpose for them and if you have a shepherd if you have a pastor over your life then it is a blessing from the lord himself it is god himself who has given you a pastor and therefore just want us to lift up our voice and thank the lord for our lives firstly and thank him also for the past that he has put over our lives in the name of jesus lift up your voice and begin to thank the lord goodness [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] and and preservation [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] squad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we thank you for the lives of the ministers we thank you for the lives of church workers we thank you for the lives of jesus we thank you for your love today [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] so [Music] more [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] in the name of jesus we want to still thank the lord and this time we are thanking him for kia and we are thanking him for the captain of the kia ship reverend eastwood anaba in the book of acts chapter number 16 from 6 to 10 the bible gives us an account of apostle paul in his ministry journey and the bible tells us that apostle paul and his team were determined to go into asia minor but the holy ghost forbid them from going and they were determined to go into other places and the holy ghost prevented them from going bethinia they wouldn't go to bethennia but the holy ghost prevented them from going and then in a vision apostle paul saw a man from macedonia come to appeal to him to come to macedonia to preach the gospel that he realized or perceived that the lord was leading him to macedonia to preach the gospel to the macedonians if we have kia and we have reverend eastwood and our ministering to us it is because the spirit of the lord led him to ki and led him to us we're here when kavit started last year and the spirit of the lord led reverend eastwood anaba to begin this force to begin this movement to build this act even to contain us through this period and even after that we will arise and even pick up whatever was lost we want to pray and thank the lord in the name of jesus just like in the case of apostle paul in the case of the macedonians apostle paul could have gone to bethennia he could have gone to asia minor but he went to macedonia by the leading of the holy ghost reverend histor has come to us by the leading of the holy ghost and we want to thank god that he has sent reverend history to us in the name of jesus and that he has sent k.i.a our way in the name of jesus wherever you are lift up your voice lift up your hand lift up your heart if you can and thank the lord in the name of jesus okay i am for referendum go ahead and thank the lord for this in the name of jesus [Music] oh [Music] businesses [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] my [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] do mushrooms [Music] shiny [Music] bye [Music] oh in the name of jesus as we thank god as we thank him even for his miracles for the interventions and all he's done for us through this period we want to remember to pray for this special group of people who may have suffered losses within this period they may have lost people people family friends close relations people may have been removed from their lives within this period there are people who will be going through pain within this period there are people who may be struggling within this period so as we share testimony as we thank god for what he has done there are some who are going through a lot of pain and i dare say there may be a few who find it difficult even to rejoice in some of these testimonies because they remind them of certain pains they have gone through and therefore we want to lift them up in prayer the spirit of the lord comfort them spirit of the lord comfort them in the name of jesus and compensate them for any loss and for any person that has been removed from their lives in the name of jesus lift up your voice and pray for these people pray from your heart for these people that this holy spirit will come for them and compensate them from aiding for any loss and for any removal in the name of jesus [Music] do [Music] [Laughter] [Music] food [Music] to [Music] me [Music] keep praying in the name of jesus we are praying for people who have suffered losses people who have had family and friends removed from their lives within these times that the spirit of the lord will comfort them that the spirit of the lord will compensate them in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] please somebody is giving the online family a wrong prayer topic could you please correct it [Music] food [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] keep praying keep praying there are times people can be so broken there are times people can be so hurt there are times people can be so down they cannot pray for themselves that is why it is very important that you and i pray for them pray that the spirit of the lord will come for them and compensate them in the name of jesus [Music] so [Music] thank the lord one more time just thank him again thank him again even for tonight is this morning this dawn depending on where you are connecting from but thank him for ki thank him in the name of jesus very soon reverend his student about will be coming to us with a word lying to the holy ghost we want to pray as we thank him that this word will bless you and bless me in the name of jesus thank him finally and thank him that this word will bless you that it will be a blessing to us in the name of jesus thank him wherever you are thank him in the name of jesus we bless your holy name we give you glory eternal father in jesus name and somebody will shout an amen or you will type on amen in that comment section and put your hands together for the lord if you've not shared the broadcast yet kindly do so invite somebody tag someone and let somebody know a family a friend at least five people let them know kia is on and reverend sudan about will be up in a moment we're going to a time of worship with the bull amen wherever you are lift your voice and worship the holy ghost [Music] lift your voice and give him glory if you can lift your voice and worship in the language of the spirit that as we wait on him tonight that he will endure us with power come on lift your balls come on lift your voice and worship the holy spirit in the language of heaven [Music] holy spirit you are welcome fill this temple with your presence [Music] [Applause] holy spirit you are welcome [Music] fill the stamper with your presence lift your voice the seat lifted holy spirit holy spirit you are welcome come and fill this temple sweet holy spirit holy spirit you are welcome come and feel this temple yeah [Music] [Music] sweet holy spirit [Music] we wait on you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lord we wait on you [Music] sing the holy spirit [Music] sweet holy spirit [Music] sing it one more time like you mean it holy spirit holy spirit you are welcome come and fill this temple holy spirit [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we wait on your [Music] [Music] i wait on you [Music] lord i wait i wait [Music] [Music] lord i win [Music] [Applause] [Music] in my life [Applause] [Music] lord [Music] we wait [Music] lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] away [Music] [Applause] [Music] way [Music] oh [Music] holy spirit you are welcome come and feel this place tonight [Music] temple tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] sing it one more time sweet holy spirit [Music] holy spirit we welcome you tonight holy spirit [Music] lord we wait on [Applause] lord we win [Music] [Applause] i [Applause] [Music] oh to see your power and your glory i wait i will [Music] transform my life tonight [Music] [Applause] we wait for an encounter tonight lord we wait [Music] we wait on you [Music] can you kindly lift up your hands tonight and i want you to bless the name of the lord wherever you are in the name of jesus just bless his holy name give him glory give him glory give him glory father we want to thank you that we are back at kia we want to thank you in the name of jesus that you brought us back we thank you for the shepherd's summit that it was so much of a blessing to us and we ask in jesus mighty name that father even as we come back into not the routine but the revelational mood of the kia we ask for your blessing and for your favor in the mighty name of jesus amen you maybe see that god mightily mightily bless your life in jesus name come on cloud and praise the name of jesus we thank god for tonight we give you more glory and honor we bless him especially for a successful shepherd summit that it was so powerful i i thank god for the shepherd summit and i couldn't wait to get out of my suit and wear a shirt and just feel free my sneakers and um you you to see you in your ki t-shirts and then some of you are home and you're even wearing them the lord bless you as this army keeps making impact around the world the whole aim of the ki is that there was a pandemic that came upon us as humankind and god said we must exercise our faith in the exercising of our faith he took us to the scripture that about noah that by faith no one be you move with fear build an act and he said he build that act to the saving of his family he built the act only eight people came into the act people refused the bible said by faith noah being moved with fear built an act let me do something somebody come and lift up your hand and just give god the glory and honor and praise his name we thank you that by faith noah being warned of god of things to come of things not seen as yet and moved with fear prepared an act to the saving of his house by the which he condemned the world and became the heir of righteousness which is by faith so he was moved with fear he built an act to the condemning of the world next thursday that is this coming thursday at the kia i'll be talking about the prophetic ministry i'll be talking about the prophetic ministry and i'll be dealing with agabus the prophet agapu is a prophet the man who prophesied that there was going to be farming and the farming king and lasted for years and the man took the kettle of paul and bound up his hands and said so shall the jews in jerusalem do unto the owner of this ghetto paul said well as for me i don't care i'm going to jerusalem i'm prepared to even die as i go and that is exactly what happened to him he went there there was a riot the people's sea sport that was the beginning of paul's wars after that he goes into house arrest for two years and then they cut off paul's head and paul was dead and gone with all that apostolic ministry and that apostolic anointing i want to be speaking about the prophetic ministry on testing and it is in line with the same explosion it's a land with the same explosion but today i want to deal with a topic i call lying to the holy ghost this month our theme is the holy ghost the holy ghost i told you the holy ghost is only potent the holy ghost is omnipresent the holy ghost is omniscient and because the holy spirit is omniscient he knows everything he knows things in the past he knows everything in the past he knows everything in the present he knows everything that is coming in the future and the most powerful thing about his um his all-knowingness is that he knows what is even in human hearts even when we don't say it he knows what is in your mind he knows what you are thinking he knows what is in your thoughts and everything like that now what we are trying to do with the attributes of god that i'm sharing is this we all knew them right from the time we were young right from the time we were young everybody knew that god is omnipotent everybody knew that god is omniscient everybody knew that god is only present but our question is how does it affect our christianity the omniscience of god means you cannot lie to him and the bible says either commit to him as believer know that he is and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him all of us must know that whatever we do as believers we are dealing with god but not man so when you get born again you are dealing with the holy ghost when you join the church you are dealing with the holy ghost when you join a ministry you are dealing with the holy ghost when joining a choir you are dealing with the holy ghost you join a prayer group you are dealing with the holy ghost we must understand carefully that at no point in our life are we dealing with man so when i deal with the church i'm not dealing with man i have had situations where people tell me oh brothers would you know if your church was in maybe kumasi or if your church was in lagos or if your church was in accra you would do better than that i'm like church is not church a ministry it's not something you just get up and go and cite it somewhere you like it is not an industry and you've heard me say again and again that i believe that if i leave bogatanga the anointing of god or my life will disappear because i believe god gave me this amount of grace because of bogatanga not because of a crime not because of communism not because of london not because of new york so if i moved away from the bogatanga everything will just leave there are things i can do there are things you and i cannot do we must be conscious about the fact that our anointing is intricate intricately connected to certain things is is tied up to some things and when we remove those factors the anointing itself is gone but if the anointing will go away and leave you that may even be better but the truth is you can die in the process you can die in the process i believe you can disobey the holy spirit and die and it is the easiest way to die if you want to die easily don't drink ddt don't don't drink don't take cyanide don't even go don't even entertain coved virus if you want to die easily just mess up with the holy spirit you'll be gone like that ananias and saphira under estimated the omniscience of the holy spirit and they underestimated the way the holy spirit operates in the church just like so many people today have underestimated the holy spirit and are taking things for granted and they are walking in assumptions but the same way we keep praying that a revival is coming and cripples will walk churches will explode miracles will explode breakthroughs will explode i can also tell you that people will die because the same power that will cast out the devil will kill pretenders and liars the same anointing that would raise the dead would strike somebody dead the same anointing that would cause a church to expand that same anointing can take you out of the church and anesthetize did not do this people were selling their land and they were putting the money at the apostle's feet and anias with his wife safira they decided to do the support the same thing but they were pretenders they sold the land they kept back part of the la the prize and they took some of it i don't know how much of it they took um they maybe they took 10 percent or 50 or 60 percent i've heard people say there is nothing about tithing in the in the old testament in the new testament the new testament one is worse because the bible said to whom much is giving much is expected in the old testament they pay tight because jesus didn't die for them the blood of jesus was not shed for them they didn't have the holy ghost they did not have the kind of revelation that you and i have the responsibility of the priest and the church in the old testament was less than to this minister and today's ministry the old testament priests that were in the temple they were not giving the gospel to preach the gospel to all nations and to preach it in jerusalem judea and samaria and unto the atmospheres of the earth so if you give them a tithe it was okay because the tithe was just for their food but today's giving in the kingdom is not just for food it is for spreading the gospel so you know what the kingdom of god is likely to need more than some people's ten percent so then some people can give one percent it doesn't matter some can give two percent it doesn't matter that is my opinion some can give three percent it doesn't matter some can give zero it may not matter but there are some god who say give me all some god will say give me ninety percent some will say god god will say give me 80 percent for example if let's say you are standing here right now and and god gives you 10 million dollars 10 million assuming that all of a sudden 10 million dollars came to you ten percent of it is um one million but you see it may not be enough god will look at you and say 10 million who are no need to be a friend you didn't know what the term you didn't know where the 10 million dollars was coming from all of a sudden 10 million dollars is in your hand god may be expecting you to take eight million dollars of that money and show it as a seed and keep the two because even the two may be too much for you and then you can carelessly just take one million dollars of that money and go and give it and say you give it tight and god will say no no no i mean no no you can't even get the 10 million dollars and go to say carry everything and go and put it to ministry so ananias and saphira they didn't understand these principles they didn't understand that when you are obeying god you must obey him to the full so the bible said ananias hid some of the money and he came and stood up in front of a servant of god a servant of god who is connected to the omniscience of god and i'm praying in the name of jesus that our pastors and our ministers will be super sensitive super sensitive may god bring back super sensitivity may his omniscience begin to work in the church more than ever before peter said unto ananias why has satan filled your heart to lie to the holy ghost and to keep back part of the prize so just keeping back part of the prize he said that you have lied to the holy ghost now mind you he didn't say why did satan feel your heart to go and fornicate why they satan feel your heart to go and commit adultery why do you sit and commit feel your heart to go and and and and and practice witchcraft he said why this satan feel your heart to lie to the holy ghost so it means sometimes the lies you are telling you don't know that you are lying to the holy ghost so why are sit and feel your heart to lie to the holy ghost and to keep back part of the prize so you could be standing in a service and you are going to give an offering and you pick out your wallet and the holy ghost just leads you and says put this money on the altar then you look in the thing and look at the 15 notes and you're like i think i better take 20. i'm going to put it there by the time you put the 20 the holy ghost is asking why did you keep that part of what you are giving i can tell you on authority that if christians were all given faithfully and giving the way they have to give some people don't have to give even one penny for the work of ministry to be done many of the people that sit in the kingdom are under giving they are not giving what god wants them to give they are living a life of excuses they are keeping back what god wants them to give and they give just a little and they are satisfied because they think they've given more than everybody else and to keep that part of the prize verse number four why else it remained was it not your own and after it was sold was it not in your power when the property was there it was yours when it was sold it was in your power so you didn't have to come and lie i believe that when it came he told peter peter i sold the land and peter said how much he said i sold it for ten thousand dollars said are you sure he said yeah knew i sold it for maybe fifty thousand dollars so he said when it was there it was yours after it was sold it was in your own power why have you conceived this thing in your heart you have not lied unto men but you have lied to god so when he said you lied to the holy ghost now he says you have lied to god that means the holy ghost is god the holy ghost is god so you have lied to god you have not lied unto men but you have lied unto god verse number five and ananias hearing these things fell down and gave up the ghost and great fear came on all them that had these things and now nia's hearing these words fell down and gave the ghost the man just died on the spot no police came there no police the man is dead he's gone this night i've come with a crusade and it's not a crusade to save so it's not a crusade for unbelievers to repent and be born again it is a crusade for the christians to save our souls from destruction their lies are too much we lie everywhere everywhere across the christian spectrum is full of lies let's begin with communion is full of lies communion is full of lies the bible says before you eat the communion let every man examine himself and after examining himself and knowing he's clean let him eat the communion in the catholic church they will go and do confession they will do confession before they come and take communion a catholic who lives in life in a certain way which is not according to the catholic standard will not go and take communion in the catholic church they know when you cannot take communion they know when you can join the communion they know when you cannot be baptized even when you die they know when they cannot bury you they know when they cannot bless your marriage they know it the laws are dead the rules are dead so there is some kind of laws of sanctity that govern the church when you come to our charismatic churches it's a different thing communion everybody comes madrid are there liars are there cheats are there people that have borrowed money from others in a church and have refused to pay they are taking communion people that are sitting in other people's shops looting and creating their own business out of a brother's business they are sitting in the church and taking the communion we lie and go for the communion people lie throughout the week sunday they go for communion somebody will finish fornicating committing adultery on saturday friday wednesday sometimes even sunday morning by 10 a.m on sunday the person is taking communion the lights are everywhere communion let's come to weddings our weddings are full of lies somebody should clap your hands let me know you are there you know you are there let me know you are there because you are just staring at me as if you've just seen john the baptist and we are yet started i'm just beginning i'm just trying to find my way wedding is full of lies till death do us part till death do you part so why are you partying in the middle when you are not dead i keep telling people i cannot condemn you for divorcing i'm not god but the day you stood in front of god and said till death do us part you made a statement and you made it in front of god the day you decide to break that word you must know that when you now stand before god you must deal with that vow you made in the church no wonder we marry in church but we divorce in the court because if you are really bold about the fact that god is in the divorce come back to the same church where you bless the marriage and break it right there i thought you would clap your hands again look at look at the way look at the way look look at the way you're just staring at me so brother what about i'm in the marriage and i'm going to die in the marriage you should have taken that into consideration because most of the marriages people enter and break it later maybe in the beginning they had a hint that the thing was no good i'm not saying all i'm saying some before you entered somebody warned you you yourself knew you saw one or two hints i don't think people just enter marriage and change all of a sudden no right from the beginning especially if you do it the three-step way to marry we call friendship courtship marriage friendship courtship marriage you have no business marrying people who are not your friends create a relationship grab your house people people are busy marrying strangers you don't know the person you don't know their lifestyle you don't know their attitude sometimes you just see a car and you are marrying a car instead of a human being you just saw a certificate the president's doctor something something and you just want to marry a doctor so that you'll be ducted if you don't clap [Applause] [Music] so we start we stand here we lie we stand here we lie we lie we lie till them do us apart for better for worse you let the person fall sick and see whether they are ready for the worst let the person's business spoil let the person go to go through a financial difficulty and they are going for better for worse for poorer and for richer let the person get broke and they are gone so you know what we stand in front of the altar we lie communion weddings ministrations i see a vision and you yourself know you haven't seen anything the lord said to me and you yourself know the lord didn't see and the power of god is for me and you know that if he rain has not fallen on you [Music] and you know there's nothing administration take the bible and say under and the lord revealed to me and the holy ghost appeared to me and i saw a dream and you know all these things are lies so communion wedding administration business come and see the lies in our businesses we sign contractual agreements and we don't even believe in what we are writing oh give me this loan and i'll pay the number of christians who go to bank to go and borrow money and didn't say no they will not pay i have had situations in our church i don't know about your church but our church i have had situations where members went and borrowed money from other members and finally me and pastor mike had to go and pay those debts we had to go and pay it and that's because the one would whose money they borrowed is now in financial crisis because of the money another brother has borrowed from him and the person is not paying the money and i'm looking at it and this other brother is almost dying and i say pastor mike if i give the money to the brother he will not accept it because he will say somebody cannot borrow money and daddy and pastor mike would better cause so fast i'm like you know what give the person the money and let the person just know that the money is taken care of he should just take care of himself but don't mention my name so that later on if this person brings the money i can take my money back and until today i'm waiting [Applause] up till today i'm waiting one of them just collected the money and disappeared somebody clap for the christians and these are the christians standing in churches i'm not teaching anything today listen we cannot talk about the holy ghost dealing with unbelievers when we assess where is so much of a mess the mess in the kingdom of god is too much so it is one all night after the other one fasting and prayer after another one ambushment after another one shepherd summit after the other one love revolution after the other one convention after the other nothing is happening we're confused business business and it's full of lies people want to be enriched overnight and anything they would do you would employ a christian brother and tell him sit in my store and sell my goods christian brother will come and sit in the store to sell the goods and by the time you realize he has stolen your goods and built his own store people are living in houses and their houses were bought their houses were built with with stolen properties from others and we are all in the church we are binding illusion we are speaking in new tongues and so on and so forth so here is the man called ananias and he stands in front of the man of god and he's lying and he doesn't know that god is omniscient and he will reveal his heart to the man of god i can tell you people there are men of god in this world who have separated themselves unto god to be holy and to be righteous and where we are going now in the revival especially in the year of explosion god is going to reveal the content of our hearts to them and will be so bold that in the midst of people they will tell you what you have done i i would not be surprised if the level at which people be exposed will increase because their lives are just increasing on a daily basis in our judges until our churches sometimes they become like houses of comedy they become like places of acting let the lord help us may the fear of god come back into the church and people this is all part of the demonstration of the power of god the house of god is the house of demonstration jesus said my house will be called my father's house will be called the house of prayer but today let me call that house of god the house of demonstration so when peter was sitting there and ananias stood in front of him that house was called the house of demonstration everybody said the house of demonstration come and say the house of demonstration and paul told the corinthians he said my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in the demonstration of the spirit and power my teaching my preaching my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but it was in the demonstration of the spirit and power so that your faith will not stand on the wisdom of men but that your faith should stand in the power of god we are believing god for the power of god to be made manifest more than ever before that the house of god will be the house of demonstration and peter is sitting in the house of demonstration and two things happen number one is discernment in the house of god and number two is the decision in the house of god discernment and decision discernment in the sense that he stands in the house of god and the man of god read his heart the man of god read his pocket the man of god read what was in him that the man of god read was he what was he here there are times we see prophet hajima he stands and says and you gave your wife some money and i can see the money that that day you gave the woman five cities and then you know we start laughing and some are wondering was it really five cities he gave the man prophets can see i remember one day um i was talking to pastor ransor robin and we're talking about the the prophets that are in ghana and then he told me he said pastor he said protest the people can see you he said they can really see you see when you are a blind person and you can see you think everybody is like you but people really can see and they can descend listen seeing is nothing strange among the jews there were people that could see like the sons of issachar you go among muslims there are people that can see how many of you know that muslims there are people that can see and they call them they can see you go among the pagans and you go to among other worshipers and you go to the people that do ancestral worship and there are people that can see and they call them fetish priests come to the church and i can tell you there are people that can see and we call them prophets and we call them seers and they are in the house and we pray in the name of jesus that god will bring us more seers and more prophets in the name of jesus unlike something john said i like something i beg your pardon moses said moses said i wish to god that all of god's people were prophets discernment the only thing that can stop a lot of the things that are happening in our churches from happening is the gift of descendant i remember i went to a church to preach and while i was preaching a ministry there was a young man who was playing the drums i looked at him and said this young man smokes weed this man smokes marijuana i said it not less than three times because you will be there and the marijuana will shake itself when i said it people were just staring at me and me myself i think strangely i was staring at myself when i closed the service and i was going back then my children who went with me to the meeting called me they came to me they said daddy when we closed the service some of the church members came to us and told us the gentleman you said smokes marijuana he really smokes it now i didn't know he smokes marijuana but the lord just told me the guy smokes marijuana i just said it but i'm praying seriously that we will get into a place where nobody can fornicate and join prayer team can fornicate and join singing team come fornicate and stand behind the puppet and preach come fornicate and do ushering come fornicate and sit in the church and go and do communion and do what we do all kinds of things discernment in the house in the demonstration of the spirit you check from the old testament into the new testament and the sending of spirits is is a very common part of it look at the life of elisha working with gehazi i know that normally um what is the name when we talk about elisha we are talking about dividing the river jordan and we are talking about um how he prophesied that tomorrow up tomorrow about this time about a measure of bali will be sold for a measure of flour will be sold for for a shekel and two measures of bali shall be sold for a shekel and we just quote these scriptures but we forget that the same anointing that divided the jordan and the same anointing that healed the waters is the same anointing that that that exposed it like gehazi gerhardzi went to name and went and took some money he shouldn't take and when he came and stood before the man of god the man of god said where did you go where are you coming from he said your servant went to he said did not my spirit go after you didn't my heart go after you it means that the man of god although their spirit and their heart is contained in their body the waves the radiations the frequencies that the the sensitivities of the heart of the man of god can get outside this body into another realm where he's not even physically standing and he can pick up things he said my heart and my spirit went after you when that man came to you and gave you that money and you collected it and hid it and then he now made i'm talking about discernment in the house of god then the decision will follow decision in the house of god so he said now because of what you have done i have descended that is what you want to do and the decision is simple the decision is simple he said the decision is this the leprosy therefore of neymar cleave unto you and your seat forever that means from now you're a leper without infection you are a leper without infection you are a leper so there is a discerning of spirits and there is the decision that decision is that you are a level in the case of ananias and saphira the descending of spirits is this that you sold them the land and you hid back to the money and you brought part of it and you are presenting it to me that decision is in the case of ananias he didn't even wait for the decision to come he himself dropped to the ground and died the wife came in and she too was singing we sold the land we sold the land and the man of god asked how much did you sell the land for she mentioned the figure he said are you sure that is the amount you sold the land for she said yes he said look at the feet of the people that went and buried your husband he's a dead man and immediately he said you are the next to follow she landed on the ground they carried her and went and buried her by the husband you know what people i believe with all my heart that these anointings are coming back the anointing for discernment the anointing for decisions they will be so drastic they'll be so quick they will be so shocked nobody will ask any questions and nobody will argue because the thing will be so quick but you know what people i believe that if ananias and saphira and peter's story or even gehazi and elijah happens today in a church our backs leading christians and churches they will leave the church what kind of church is this because of common money the person didn't bring the money and that is enough for the person to die and somebody dies in the chest because of money oh it will become debate it will be everywhere um but listen to me the time has come and god is going to show that he did the church is his house that this is his house he will give discernment and then he will also apply decisions anybody that is clapping you you will get to the place where you are serving god with fear and trembling so then they the the discernment is there when you are descending what god is doing you are you are you are in descendant and you are descending what god is doing and then the decision is also there whenever discernment takes place that decision two can be wired look at the days of quran when they rebelled against moses the bible said that the earth just split god told moses moses just turned aside and let me deal with these people moses stood aside the head opened 200 elders they went down into the pit with their wives their children innocent children everybody went into the pit and they had close back in the days of signs and wonders you know it's very easy for us to sing those songs these are the days of signs and wonders days of miracles and drums it's easy to sing it to but when we sing and sing and sing and god decides to answer that prayer and let that thing happen we will be shocked the things that will happen in the church we'll be shocked the things that happen in the church and when it comes to the communion the people that eat their communion unworthily paul wrote to the corinthians he said some of you in the communion unworthy and because of the way you eat the communion unworthily some are sick some are weak and some die it is likely the chronic typhoid you have which is never been healed is because of unworthy eating of chameleon it is very likely that the cancer you carry in your body is because you eat communion unwed it is very likely that if you keep eating communion unwedly instead of living for 80 years you will live for only 50 years or 45 years and you are gone out of the earth it is likely that if you carry the microphone and preach and your life is not the life of a preacher instead of living for 70 years you may live for just about 45 years instead of living for 90 years you may live for just about 40 years i pray in the name of jesus christ that god will help us and that the holy spirit is omniscient and we are praying that god will bring back the fear of god the way ananias and saphira were explo were eliminated was explosive the fear of god fell on those that were in the church and those that were outside now the bible talks about the fact that jesus is coming again he's coming through and he's coming to rapture a church and he said the church is coming to rupture will be without sport it will be without wrinkle it will be without any say thing without sport without wrinkle without any sighting that he might present to himself that kind of church and it will not come only by preaching of the world you know we we are thinking that god will clean his church by only preaching the word i believe he will bring it to come to pass by preaching the word but preaching the word means science will follow that means if we preach about korra science will follow if we preach about ananias signs will follow whenever you say science will follow you are saying that the things that happened in the bible when they preach the word of god those things must happen so when we preach about the cripples being raised we are believing that god should raise cripples in our time in the same way a time will come when we finish preaching on ananias and saphira god will confirm his word on the spot three people will die in one meeting that is the way we will take life seriously that you will finish preaching on ananias and saphira and somebody will get up and take a false offering or a false gift and try to put it on the holy altar and would drop dead a time is coming when we will preach on unfaithfulness disloyalty and preach on people that turn around and sell the church for pro for profit like the way gerhard did and by the time you we finish preaching on gehazi somebody that just did that would drop dead in the church people i'm looking at the fact that something has come and the thing that is coming is explosive in the mighty name of jesus somebody come and clap your hands come on clap your hands again give god the glory give god the glory give god the glory i can't hear you come and clap those hands and pray oh jesus somebody said decision joel chapter 3 and verse number 14 joel 3 verse number 14. this is one of the first scriptures i learned when i was younger when i was in when i got converted multitudes multitudes in the value of decision for the day of the lord is near in the valley of decision that multitudes multitudes in the value of decision the day of the lord is near in the valley of decision i just talked about decision heaven is taking a lot of decisions the second coming of christ is near and god is saying i'm coming to rapture a church that is holy the omniscience of the church will help us to live holy lives that you can't the bible look at what the bible says about marriage he said marriage is honorable in all and the bed is undefiled marriage is honorable in all and the bed is undefined a time is coming and now is when you cannot sleep with your husband or with your wife and another woman you cannot leave your material home sleep with another hand sleep with another woman and come and lie on the same bed with your husband or your wife kiss the person and say i love you [Music] you will develop instant tuberculosis you can claim some sanity must come some sanity must come holiness purity and i'm praying and believing god that you will marry for 50 years or 60 years and be able to tell your wife or your husband i've married you for 50 60 years i've never known another woman i've never known another man may god bring you to the place of the covenant of purity [Applause] [Music] holiness purity righteousness holiness purity multitudes multitudes in the value of decision for the day of the lord is near in the value of decision we are in the valley of decisions decisions are going to be taken and that is why you and i will be repenting today that is why you and i will be praying and today at the kia will be praying and will be believing god father in the name of jesus christ help me to order my life god sent a message from from the from isaiah to hezekiah and sergey zekaya prepare your house put your house in order because you are going to die that you are going to die it's not the issue that i have today the fact that you should prepare your house is the thing i'm talking about today prepare your heart prepare your house prepare your spirit prepare your soul prepare yourself and be clean clean up look at somebody sitting by you and tell the person clean up come and tell somebody clean up clean up it's very worrying that these days the marriages are no good people are married to their husbands even in our churches and some of the women know that there is a particular child among the two children three children or four children there is a particular one who doesn't belong to their husband they know it they know it and they mixed up all the four and they pretend all the four belongs to the same the same man but they themselves knew that one of them came from someone else may the lord help us marriage is honorable in all and the bed is undefiled somebody clap your hands he said multitudes multitudes in the valley of decision i like it the way we come here and we are saying what we are fighting the unbelievers we are binding witches and wizards binding principalities and powers and the more we bind them nothing is happening because god is saying if i have to destroy this sinners i must destroy you in the church first because judgment does not be going judgment does not begin in the world judgment begins in the house of god and i'm praying in the name of jesus that in desert passages in particular may god give us a revival a revival of holiness a revival of righteousness and at kia may god give us a revival a revival of holiness a revival of righteousness and at eam may god give us a revival of holiness a revival of righteousness and in founding a chapel may god give us a revival of righteousness somebody clap your hands like thunder and praise the name of jesus [Music] i pray every man under the sound of my voice from today you will never commit adultery in your life young man you will never commit fornication young woman the same thing may we receive the grace to be holy peter said in first peter chapter 4 verse 17 for the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of god the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of god for the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of god and paul talked about how some people peter talked about how some people have crept into the church unawares sometimes i get so surprised that men can walk into our churches and sleep with some of the women and and and at times a man can come into a church and he's looking for god and a lady in the church would trap the man and sleep with the man we all hear stories like this we all hear stories like this and people like they sit in the church and we are binding witches somewhere people can come to church they want to know god by the time you will realize is the pastor himself who has slept with the women sometimes not one not two not three just takes advantage of anybody i can tell you these people if the church was holier than we are now if the church was cleaner than we are now we would have seen an explosion long time let me tell you this contaminated fuel when you take petrol and mix it with water and you want to light fire with it there will be no explosion in the same way in the year of explosion if the fuel is not clean the fuel is not pure the fear fuel is not undefiled there cannot be any explosion so i pray that for desert pastures for k.i.e for eam for counting it for the body of christ may god bring us holiness and righteousness that will lead us into the explosion in the name of jesus come somebody shout like thunder and praise god [Applause] listen i want you to pray a prayer today and say god you know my heart i'm not interested in what people see i'm not interested in what people say i am just interested in the way you see me father help me help me even the things people can see help me help me make me pure make me holy he said for the time has come that judgment must begin in the house of god and watch this and if it first begin at us what shall be of the end to them that obey not the gospel so god is saying if i do the judgment among you then when it comes to the unbelievers the judgment will be stronger but if i don't judge you i cannot judge the people that are outside if you don't discipline your own children you don't get out of your house and discipline other people's children how many of you love the word i preach to you because today you are very quiet today today i didn't hear plenty hallelujah i didn't hear plenty amen come come on explode with some clapping [Applause] and you know sometimes when medicine is very potent you make it very small concentrated acid so i finished some to your feet uh jesus the lie in the lie in the light can you lift up your hand and say father deliver me from the lying tongue let's concentrate online deliver me from the lion talk come on come on somebody pray deliver me from the lying tongue listen can i tell you something today now look at me look at me look at me look at me i know some of you are very surprised at the word how many of you can tell me you're surprised how many how many of you are surprised i don't think this is what you expected you're expecting me to come and tell you about how the unbelievers are liars today i want to be very specific any christian in this house who knows that lying is your problem you know obeying the problem maybe i see how a bit more lying like some people lying is their problem even when they don't have to lie even when they don't have to lie he's coming from estates you ask him where are you coming from oh i've just returned from bohu i heard the story of some man like that who never traveled anywhere abroad and he was lying i went to germany and i went to london and i went to hong kong and i went to america and i went to this then they asked him they said you know geography he said i was there last week you know geography i was there last week [Music] i'll come and see you tomorrow and it will never appear no so there are some of you sometimes when you even give a a promise nobody will keep it you know when you told me or is it no lady diner dinah said prophet hajime had sent the phone he promised he was going to bring i'm like whoa that is a man of god who keeps his word you promise this young guy a phone you go to a crowd take your time go into your office and pick up the phone and give it to the plane and they bring it to tamil and they bring it to bogatanga oh that is a prophet he's speaking the truth he's speaking the truth hey ready [Applause] enemy preacher why they call it dura anima [Applause] and toronto no truth when we start praying listen to me today i'm going to call for something that is very difficult especially for those of you that are online is difficult but the lord is telling me to tell you that if you are standing in this building today and you know that lying is your problem there is a story about four pastors who met i won't tell you the denomination they belong to because these days i can't joke about anything you know today by the afternoon i think some people who are chasing me with manchester united and the movie and it means they say they are growing to me so after mommy i said i have to get out of this social media thing she said well and she prophesied even if you get out of it they'll still chase you you know sometimes i just want to spice what i'm doing with humor i just want to be a little jovial i'm not a bad person so permit me to talk about the four pastors and please don't guess their denomination they met and they were talking and one person said his problem is alcohol he said when he sees the drink he cannot resist another one said his own is smoking and that tobacco then one two said his problem is lying and he doesn't know what makes him lie before he realizes he has told the lies one two said it is the women as soon as he sees them all his bible verses disappear from his head these are four persons but i want somebody today who listen it is better to confess your sin and repent even publicly sometimes than to die in public the lord is telling me and i'm telling the truth what is in my heart that if you have a problem with lying and you know that your main problem is lying and you just you have struggled and it's always a lie god said today i want to deliver you from life when we start praying the same song we wait on you come and kneel by the altar the same way you normally kneel at the altar to take communion you need the altar to take anointing kneeler at the altar god will have mercy on that is one of the reasons why sometimes the catholics when they have a principle they keep it they go for something called confession and you'll have to talk to the priest i remember when i got this my problem and everything was wild on social media one of my friends said why don't you talk to what a father he's my friend and he's also a fafra man so we are all in the same circles so on the friendship level me and the father we're talking we're just conversing and i was teasing the father i said i have come for confession and we're laughing about it and we we put our hearts heads together and we solve the problem i want somebody wherever you are standing find somewhere kneel down find someone stick there is now how many of you are here for three years you have not lied lift up your hand three years you haven't lied [Laughter] because by the time you lift up your hand you have light and you may die right here [Music] can you be in public service and not be a liar so when we start praying if you feel that you want to kneel at the altar and you want to pray and say god help me come and go ahead and pray i'm giving you 15 minutes to deal with the spirit of lying and uprooted from your system 50 minutes is too much i'll give you just 10 minutes and if you feel like going to the altar to do it do it somebody pray [Music] holy spirit [Music] you are welcome [Applause] [Music] i like the honesty of these sisters listen it won't kill you [Music] [Music] feel the same [Music] [Applause] come on pray those of you that are online kneel somewhere and just pray or if you are standing just stand and lift up your hands and pray somebody sit on your sofa and just pray [Music] we wait on you [Music] way [Music] [Music] lord in the name of jesus christ deliver me from the lying tongue somebody come and pray father deliver us from the lying tongue in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ of now let our congregation not be the congregation of liars in the name of jesus christ may our congregation not be the congregation of lies i was lord i win [Applause] oh oh [Applause] in the name of jesus christ foreign [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Applause] oh i like the fact that we are finished dealing with ourselves let's go further one of themselves even a prophet of their own said the christians are always liars evil beasts and slow bellies put it in the basic translation of the bible one of their own prophets said it best the cretans are liars from the womb backing dogs lazy bellies i want you to pray right now in the name of jesus christ that god will take away the spirit of life from our churches and congregation i can tell you there are a lot of liars people that lie people that destroy and you want to pray father go back to the king james father remove lying from among us there are those that creep in unawares with a lot of lies i need you to begin to pray father destroy the power of liars evil beasts and slow bellies somebody begin to pray is [Applause] [Applause] holy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at me how many of you like this word today i don't think i've gone this way a long time because many times we are looking on the outside but about here here here oh jesus how many of you feel clean you feel clean sometimes just by confessing you feel clean sometimes by telling god i have a problem you feel clean but you know what people the world brings us to a place when you don't lie you can't even get anything they put you under pressure it's like if you want to succeed and you don't lie you can't succeed so you see even churches cutting corners just to succeed but i read in the scripture blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly not standard in the way of sinners nor seated in the seat of muckers and those seats of the moccasin there's comfort lying is part of it but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law does he meditate day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water his leaves will no weather he shall bring forth his fruit in the season my bible said whatsoever he could do i shall prosper listen to me when god blesses you is it easier not to lie if truth brings you your food if truth brings you your promotion if truth brings you your growth if your church is growing and exploding you don't have to lie sometimes you know what the fact that you are not getting results is one of the things that will push you to lie you are waiting waiting waiting a husband is not coming and a certain man meets you and says margaret who are you then you say my father is the chief of yandy my father is the chief of yandy and you know your father is not even a farmer in hindi but you must fake royalty in order to get a man to marry what i'm saying is that you know what you use the power of the holy ghost not to lie but there are times you use the power of the holy ghost not to lie and you are really suffering but i feel in my spirit to tell you this that because you honored him by saying you will not lie god said i will bless you so that you don't even need to lie i can tell you there is a certain amount of blessing you can get and blessing that will come upon you and you don't need to lie of course there are people who lie no matter how much they are blessed but i want you to pray father if people can lie and get some kind of results i'll be temporary and and not nice father give me the true blessings that come with walking in the truth father reward the righteous and the righteous is you father reward me and bless me bless the truth that you have put in me somebody pray does the last prayer foreign in the name of jesus christ lift us up above the liars in the name of jesus christ jesus christ lift up your right hand jesus i'm going to pray but i want you to look at me while i'm praying i'm going to pray but but i want you to look at me while i'm praying in the death of esther the women were using all kinds of cosmetics all kinds of makeup the chamberlain just told esther esther i want you to use these simple things don't add artificial things too much to yourself you are already a beautiful woman and go into the presence of the king and without all those artificialities and superfluities esther was the choice we pray eternal father that your people without lying without artificiality without superfluity father bless you father bless your own father bless your own father bless your heart i pray that every hand lifted every business father they don't have to lie to succeed they don't have to lie to breakthrough they don't have to lie to prosper everlasting father bless your home dania shadrach meshach abednego without lying purified did not eat the meat that was offered to the idols refused and sat in the presence of the king and the bible said when they were found they were examined they were found 10 times better than the astrologers and the magicians further every hand that is lifted make them 10 times better make them 10 times better make them 10 times better they will not dwell in the congregation of lions but they will prosper they will succeed in the name of jesus christ i pray for your blessing over your children throughout the world that eternal father you will touch their lives and you will be good unto them you will anoint them you will favor them in the name of jesus somebody lift up your hand and thank god today bless his name bless his name today listen look at me i want you to pray this prayer before you sit down that any trap that liars have set for you may god make your foot escape their trap because sometimes liars at your place of work will set a trap for you liars in your house will set a trap for you the bible called them sometimes liars in wait people don't lie in wait they just hide somewhere in wait to strike and sometimes what they used to strike at you is just a lie i pray in the name of jesus that any of you that anybody has fabricated lies to destroy you i pray in the name of jesus may god deliver you from the lies in the mighty name of jesus may god deliver you you will not fall into the trap but you will escape it in the mighty name of jesus you will not fall into the trap but you will escape it in the name of jesus come and clap your hands and scream like i'm talking to you [Applause] lift up your hands and thank god for tonight oh jesus and take your seat wherever you are [Applause] makoto further in the name of jesus i pray for a blessing of truth i pray in jesus name deliver your people from evil magda don't say quebec i've been ministering to you quite a bit tonight and i'm praying that god will deliver you from the talking of liars and magicians in the mighty name of jesus when you walk in the truth and may the truth be a blessing to you jesus told the jews he said you are of your father the devil and the lies of your father are what you would tell that means one of the chief qualities of the devil bad quality of course is lies may the lord deliver you from liars and deliver you from that which destroys if you can shout and amen it's yours i want us to sow a seed we want to give our offering and make sure that that offering is not anonymous and safir is offering you understand what i'm saying by now but now don't give an ananias and saphira offering just go ahead and give an offering which you believe that is not an ananias or a saphira kind of offering give an offering that is in truth in the name of jesus and before chris takes his wife away she can sing for us is she here okay she's not around that's fine it's okay if she's doing something else that is fine um number you can just read some song quickly and then let's receive the offering so wherever you are just find a basket and those of you that are using the details on the screen go ahead and use the details on the screen and sow your seed and the lord might really bless your life i pray that today you won't do the ananias type of seed in the name of jesus come on shall we [Music] we are your children and we've gotten here today we've got it here to pray see our hearts [Music] and remove anything that is standing in the way of coming to you today i father who are in heaven [Music] halloween hear us from heaven forgive our sins we pray hear our song it rises to heaven may your glory fill the earth [Music] as the waters cover the sea see our heart [Music] and remove anything that is standing in the way of coming to you today our father our father who i am hear us from heaven forgive us sins we pray [Music] all right this is is [Applause] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] have crossed that river before and this is [Music] is [Music] the lord [Music] holy is the lord [Music] is is [Music] is we are your children and we've got it here today with god and here to pray hear our cry oh lord we need your mercy and we need your grace today now if somebody can guess what i'm trying to do you must be a magician [Music] unless you have serious discernment it's okay and i say sorry so that i don't suffer too much when i'm doing the next step give me the scissors and make sure you're sanctified he's not sanctified we're just worshiping and worshiping and worshiping and i saw a revelation and a man was coming out of a tomb burned in grave clothes and his name is lazarus and jesus said lose him and let him go and i said lord i don't understand a woman is standing in front of jesus they said this woman was caught in the very act of adultery jesus said he that has no sin let him cast the first tool on this woman and the bible said they began to go away one by one and i said but lord what does this one mean he said there are many of my children under the sound of your voice today who people have used lies to tie them up like this for years they have used lies to bind them up they cannot free themselves because of the lies of people they have lied against them from the time they were born everything about them is a lie some of them they said they were witches and there were no witches i know people who are walking about in the world today and everybody says they are which but they are not listen you will not believe in this church how many of you know the woman we built the household the woman will build the household will you believe the villagers are taking the house from here you know sometimes people come in they're like and these pastors are driving big big cars and they are living in big big houses and then they won't help the poor we built a house for a poor woman in a village i wish you can bring a picture of that of the house poor woman homeless sleeping outside we built a house for her as i speak to you now this woman is not in this house they chase her out i guess she's living somewhere in town in burger i'm here to get all the facts because i tried to go to the house i said let's go there let's properly acquire the land so that i'm going to put a wall around the house so that one day we will continue giving this house to people who need it the villager said never other people moved from somewhere went into the house and this poor woman as i speak to you now i don't know whether the story has changed but my heart got so broken i stopped following the story one day when they told me what they were doing to the woman i nearly fainted i said it's okay leave it let them take it and that's because the woman has been stigmatized from the time of their mother they put a label on them and these people we bless them up to this point we bless this poor woman up to this point she still could not enjoy the blessing because of stigma i don't know whether judge whether she's there she's back there in the village or you don't know maybe she's there maybe she's not there myself a whole complication it was breaking my heart i had to stop so when you hear the people and these people are building 99 churches and they are doing this and that and that people are suffering and they are not helping the people look we helped somebody to this point she's not sleeping there what do you want us to do again what would you lie on the floor and roll what you really do how can a church go and build this for a homeless woman and still you think the church is not doing enough and the ministry is not doing enough and the pastor is not doing enough but what should they do again and there are many who are sitting here because of lies people have told against you you can't get a job because of lies they told against you you cannot marry burma be a bad yes you see we are painful until no man can come and marry you people who don't know you don't know you they've lied that you've committed about 20 abortions and the man that is coming they say hi that woman has no room i see a gynecologist but today by the time i tear up this paper i have lose you from that case in the name of it i came to declare today in the name of jesus that let god be true and let every man be a liar and then lies they've said against you and then lies the abuse against you any lies they have used against you that is making it impossible listen some of you cannot be promoted in your place of work because of lies lies some of you in a church they've gone to the pastor and they have poisoned you i know the number of times my own spiritual father i'd be shocked anger williams you asked me is what somebody said this and somebody said that and somebody said that i remember one day some of my friends went and told my father stories about me call me is what they said you said this and that and that and i said i didn't say it we were conversing we were talking and they asked me so what did the person say i said papa i can't tell you me and my friends were talking and it was private and i will not tell you our father what we're discussing i will not come and sit here and betray my friend what we're talking was children talking and sometimes children can meet and even make fun of their own father but it is not for one to get up and take the thing and run and go and tell the father what what kind of spirits are these come and clap those hands because somebody said it's being set free [Music] [Applause] we built a house for a woman and she's not enjoying the house initially it started by other people moving into the house to stay with her and i felt they were choking her out of this piece so i sent a message and i said i want this woman to enjoy the house because the house is we want to come and build a wall around it but we want the ministry to own the land and the house not because we want to own it but so that anytime at all we can help this woman to pass it on to another person pass it on to another another person within the same community because she's not married and i don't think she has children she's not married and she has no children but the children died their children died and i wanted to find a way of protecting it so that one day people would not go and waste the house today when we're coming to church we're talking about her or should we go to the place there and maybe if she has a fridge left or some chest we will get an alternative accommodation and then take those things and go and keep for her i said pearl but now if you go and see the chest you won't like them if you see the fridge you won't like it if you see the television you will like it they should take come on yes sometimes with and some of you lies have been told against you your own father doesn't want to see you your own mother doesn't want to see you because your own brothers and sisters have gone to your father and they poisoned him about you or some of us our regions people will go to a president they will go to a prime minister and they will tell them things about the region and the region is this and the region is that and you can make investment and not to look at the lies they've told against africa all these years and africa is like this and africa is like that and africa is like that and people come to africa ah it's not like that today we help my daughter get to say you've come to bogatanga it's not like what you were hearing because uber tells him overthinks him uber them i'm holding these caesars in the name of jesus let it be the battle act of jehovah i cut in pieces every entanglement of lies ever listen sometimes even what they are saying is true but you have repented you've changed the truth is not what you were yesterday the truth is what you are today but all things are passed away behold all things have become new and you know what sometimes they will hold your past against you we know him no you know who he was but now the person has repented [Applause] i see myself in the spirit standing in a valley and the lord said this is a valley of war and battle and i said lord why am i standing here he said i brought you here with the scissors the sword the knife the axe in your hand and i want you to cut this thing and i want you to free somebody right now and the anointing breaks the yoke and as you cut it any entanglement of lies an entanglement of divination any entanglement of witchcraft the anointing breaks the yoke he said my son break it free my people and that any entanglement for which sick my people are insane for which sake my people are not being blessed and that anybody who is looking at you today hey ready say you know anybody under the sound of my voice who the king has believed lies concerning you and has denied you promotion i pray in the name of jesus today let god be true let every man be a liar anybody that can shout is happening to you now you can't even buy you can't even borrow you cannot buy anything on credit they have blacklisted many of us are standing where we are standing not because we are not intelligent not because we are not blessed not because god has favored us but people's lives have overwhelmed us and when i did this well i didn't see the scattering i saw fire banging the people i saw fire burning the listen can i let you pray right now that every entanglement that people have entangled me and i cannot move in life because they have used lies to bind me up listen bring me that scripture on titus again the scripture on titles the scripture i quoted untitled when he said evil beast one of themselves even a prophet of their own said the creators are always liars evil beasts and slow bellies oh evil people they cook their lies they manufacture them they make their life look like truth they polish it they embellish it they fabricate it they reinforce it and the thing is sitting on you you try you try you try you try you pray you pray you pray but these lies [Music] today i need somebody to pray if i be a man of god i'll be a woman of god and i declare every one of you you are a man of god you are woman of god pray if i be a man of god let fire bend the lies let fire bend the lies and let me get free let me be free come on somebody pray tonight can you permit me can you bring me tonight i want to bring johnson to the house song of angels song of angels let me bring it so my instrumentalists good people [Music] so my instrumentals no don't play i need you to just pray because you may even be in the state so pray [Music] okay [Applause] somebody come and keep praying stop praying pastor livingston just leave them to pray pray pray for yourself somebody pray okay pastor livingston you pray just help them with your voice help them with your voice [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus please in the name of jesus the bank manager doesn't want to see you that doctor doesn't want to see you your father doesn't want to see you your husband doesn't want to see you your wife does not want to see you people are lying all over against you you want to pray now forever burn it with fire somebody call them fire god on fire [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] in the name of jesus christ [Music] sometimes you just have to confuse your enemies [Music] do you know there are rich people in ghana who cannot enjoy their money they have lied that the thing is rich woman until the person is even wishing he was poor this person worked hard god gave them favor they got their money people around the society it is rich for money it is rich woman it is rich woman until the person cannot enjoy the money when you are going to the person for a blessing they say don't go don't go don't go it's rich our money listen to me lies have destroyed the fortunes of many people i wanted to continue praying and some of you you know because of these lies if the thing does not burn today and the thing that's not cut today marriage some people have gone to your father they have lied against you some have gone to the regional minister some have gone to the municipality chief executive you can never get a contract can i see you pray seriously this time i won't stop you just five minutes pray now watch this let me stop you again sometimes it's even your own husband he doesn't want to see you people have convinced your husband you're having an affair and you are not having it they've convinced your wife that you have an affair and you don't you know you have not slept with any woman and sometimes even the woman can come out to yourself and say this man slept with me and she knows it's not true can i get somebody to pray this entanglement must be broken pray that's what it means in english [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say [Applause] okay [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] from i can see all stuff happen the spirit of the judgment [Applause] [Music] when you see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah [Music] all day you know there's something your father [Music] says [Music] [Music] and this is what you do to the enemy [Applause] tell him to leave your stuff alone for the worst of our warfare one more time [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and jezebel they wanted nabob's thrashing floor adam could not use his power as a king to take it from the man jezebel could not use the power of witchcraft to take it from the man they looked for two sons of bilial liars with false weakness it was liars that made them stone above to death and they took us vineyard for me never joke with the power of liars it is stronger than the power of a king and it is stronger than the power of witchcraft remember that forever and i pray today in the name of jesus i set the talking of liars on fire and with this weapon i cut in pieces every entanglement of liars [Applause] [Music] will cut it in pieces in the name of jesus in the name of jesus my god i declare you free i declare you loosed in the name of jesus no weapon of the enemy formed against you shall prosper you are separated from every lie you are separated from every enchanted enchantment it will not stand the accounts will not stand the accounts will not stand in your house in your office on your land wherever you are any lie they've told against you from the time that you were born i declared that the lie will not stand in the mighty name of jesus any lies they tell about your company any lies they tell about your business any lie they tell about your family and then like they tell about your ministry any lie they tell about your church i pray right now in the name of jesus their lives are broken their lives are broken their lies are broken somebody come and lift up your hand and start thanking god the doctor doesn't want to see you the lawyer doesn't want to see you the bank manager doesn't want to see you because of people lives the lies they've told the lies they've told the lies they've told i needed to pray right now i needed to pray right now i need you to pray right now thank god their lives are broken their lives are dismantled in the mighty name of jesus [Music] christ somebody lift up your hand begin to thank god all lies are dismantled all lies are broken all lies and sometimes they will tell the lie you see that family everybody there's a witch you see that family everybody there is a witch and because of that people avoid your family completely because they say everybody there is a witch today i dismantle the yoke of lies receive your freedom can you begin to thank god may the lord bring you from the backside of the line and promote you my god come on pray oh can't you see no man no man people come to you propose to you they want to marry you and all of a sudden they disappear because somebody went and said something somebody went and said something may the god that answers by fire bring fire upon liars in the mighty name of jesus can you lift up your hand and thank god thank him thank him thank him and whilst we are thanking him if you have a testimony this message means something to you can you let brothership and this house know and if you are sitting in the house can you let us know i need you to leave this paper here because they just remind me what lord what the lord has just done your clap offering will show that you are giving god the glory listen this is what i like to do every day i've been preaching from eight in the morning i'm still on my feet at the age of 61. because this is what i like to do this is what god called me for i'm standing here ministering and i'm asking lord what happens test days and sundays in case i have to travel say that time will come you will travel and even on thursday you may not be home then i said what that tells me what happens okay you go short you come back and i looked at pastor mike and the lord said he can preach he can preach when i'm not there he can look hey this man is a whole machine gun he can do crying or somebody clapping you are fed [Applause] he can't preach i know that when he stands here there'll be no difference between my voice and his voice and there'll be no difference in the fire intensity [Music] because i tell you kia we need it not only every sunday thursday sunday thursday sunday test this how many of you were blessed by the revelation today yv the second part of this meeting i didn't see it coming i never saw it coming until it landed i didn't come with all these plants in my head i didn't come with them from the house but if what i have preached to them means something to you send me a testimony if you are in-house text it to me but if you feel that texting it will be a little difficult but you want to say it today i'll permit you to take a microphone and say it the reason you are still sick is because of their lies they've lied for you until you even hated yourself nobody wants to marry they've convinced them you are no good and people are sitting there ready to believe what they want to believe anyway do you know that the lies can be stronger than your works you can be a tall man liars who say you are short people believe it you can be a short man liars who say you are tall people believe it because the last time i read something he didn't say death and life are in the power of reality he said death and life are in the power of the tongue you can be perfect but when people say you are not you will not be father i'm waiting for the first testimony i just lose somebody from fear oh john are you coming to me give me my microphone clap your hands [Applause] oh lord all right let's take the testimony as soon as he finishes thank you very much daddy for this opportunity um the lord has done something great in my life i arrived here on tuesday and then i came straight into this meeting in the evening and then i saw what the lord was doing through daddy when it got time for us to pray i realized that for the first time for a while after a very long time the prayer atmosphere that i found myself in was totally different the atmosphere in this room was totally charged so and that song that you ministered you led us to minister that's the you are the covenant keeping god that song really entered me so after the meeting i went home and then i slept as usual i had a dream and in the dream we had finished a similar meeting and people were just having one-on-one engagement or chatting i found myself engaging acting we were discussing something and then you just appeared and when you appeared you laid your hand on the shoulder of mine and he started praying for me while she were praying i started performing says kill me in the dream while she was praying for me and during the process of screaming i also saw that there was a vast field of desert land and the land was so it's raw desert like the sahara desert so while the skins were going on i saw that there were explosions coming out of the ground in a straight line and tragically just coming out like that and the explosions took place the land began to be covered with tiles with very beautiful designs so i was looking at this thing and it was going at a very top speed the desert being converted into tiles with fresh designs beautiful designs i said well then i turned again i saw that you were now praying for a lot of people they are forming the kill and you will lay hands on them and you were declaring that may they be filled with the glory of the temple in jerusalem that was exactly the declaration that you made so i was still observing you making this direction and laying hands on other people then i woke up from the dream i started meditating on all these things that i've seen in this dream and then i realized that let me pray about it and let me meditate on these things i've seen i can't ask as i stand here i can't say i've actually gotten a full revelation or understanding of whatever transpired in the dream but one thing that i can say for sure is that i went into that dream nursing a one year old pain on the shoulder of mine by the time i woke up i can say to the glory of the lord then that pain on the shoulder where you laid your hands on had disappeared so i thank god and i must say that this particular meeting here maybe i can claim ownership of this meeting that this meeting was purposely organized for me and therefore i thank god and daddy i thank you very much for doing this great thing for this meeting to take place and for me to be a beneficiary of the blessings of god through this meeting daddy thank you very much come and clap your hands amen and father we pray your blessing upon your son we ask that your name be glorified anoint him with almighty anointing let your favor rest upon him and we pray in the name of jesus that he's not only physically healed but spiritually mentally environmentally transformed to the glory and the honor of your holy name somebody shout out hey man oh come on give a big big big big big big one to okay is there a testimony coming to me pastor mike from the uk yeah uk or uk zombies thank you daddy for the word the body of christ needs it we are the people who pray more than anything and yet our sins are 10 times more than the unbelievers especially i can't say this one just in case i'm carried i don't want to be carried god forgive us and help us to repent genuinely father bless the body of christ deliver us from the tongue of life let us walk in the truth in the name of jesus amen come and clap your hands [Applause] muthuma from kenya i also sent a prayer request on kia concerning planting a church here in uttawa nairobi at that time i didn't even have a place to plant the church we tried to look for one but to no avail after the prayer someone called me and we were giving free space and last sunday was our fourth sunday service at that place come on clap your hands and scream like your voice is yours praise god the first sunday the first sunday we didn't have a peer system but someone texted me on whatsapp and offered us a free sound system glory to god the anointing on this man of god even reverend eastwood annabel is a global anointing god bless and preserve your life sir father we pray in jesus name for mutuma in kenya and we ask in the name of jesus let their ministry grow from strength to strength in the mighty name of jesus aban all glory mary joy from the united kingdom this message is just what i needed over two decades lies have been up about me and it has infiltrated my whole network destroyed almost everything i have worked for i believe today is my day of deliverance thank you man of god father we thank you for mary joy and we pray that the mary will not even be the mary m-a-r-y but that it will be the mary m-e-r-r-y and she's also a joy and i pray for mary joy that you will fill up with mary and fill it with joy in the name of jesus and so shall it be somebody shouted amen [Music] francis from budapest hungary daddy thank you for this sort of message lacking on most of our puppies in this time god bless you for your ingenuity and for allowing yourself to preach this semen it has brought back our conscience to subtle lifestyles we take for granted or see as a normal way of life i have been awakened to be conscious of whatever i say by this message thank you daddy and mommy father thank you for francis we ask in jesus name god's name glorified in france's life father let your name be praised unto you be glory and honor unto you be majesty and praise and ask in the name of jesus that the course of fire will touch our tongues and that will be purified in whatever we see the name of the lord our god be glorified even as i hear somebody shouting and screaming like your voice is yours and praise in the name of jesus hey i gave a seed of one thousand ghana cities yesterday and prophet said we will receive a financial breakthrough to the glory of god i have received that money back today with another credit into my account father bless linda's life letter increase 100 times 1 000 times more in the name of jesus and i hear somebody clapping your hands [Music] turning things around a long walk before always turning things around for my good [Music] [Applause] heaven and earth adore [Music] arms has given us victory miracle signs the wonders come from you testimony testimonies everywhere we go [Music] one of the things i'm trying to especially since pastor chris are poised in the house one of the things i'm trying to do is to avoid the temptation of conducting a choir otherwise it will mean that they don't have a leader and today i told russia kingsley you are doing a very good work so when i preach an attempt to require to correct simple drumming and simple simple timing between drums and instruments and singers he bring me the same old world and i want you to bring me nathaniel to the house to reduce the temptations that shall not lead me lead us not to temptation and deliver us from evil so give me nathaniel bassey bring himself all right but let me take this abner i a follower papa for a while now me and my family have been trapped by the power of lies so many people telling lies about us but today i feel relieved god bless you mommy and daddy i pray for abner eternal father that she will not only be relieved but that she will receive freedom and your holy name will be glorified vindicator are self-indicator and anybody that is saying an amen any lies that have entangled you i pray for your vindication in the name of jesus may god vindicate you in jesus mighty name come and clap your hands and praise his holy name listen there is practically nobody on earth who is doing something meaningful and you are doing something that is a blessing and people will not fabricate lies whether it's in your family it's in your house wherever you are your place of work even in a church come to the choir is there ushers is there deacons is there church board is there and at times you are just coming and everybody is quiet and they are looking at you and that's just because of their lies i disentangle you today in the name of jesus just like that paper was disentangled if you can shout it is done in the name of jesus ah justice come on let's go [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you testimony [Music] [Applause] [Music] turning things around [Music] but you were moving [Music] you have done more than i was there is nothing more [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] now [Music] jesus turned it around for me he has given me [Music] [Music] can you lift up your hands and thank god [Music] now from essex in the uk reverend israel thank you so much for preaching the latter part of the message i felt you were just preaching to me directly for years lies have been said against me by people i know and i don't know which damage my life which soul might damage my life i picked up the pieces of what was left in my life and i left everything to god it took a long time to heal but today i am fully healed father we pray in the name of jesus that now who has been healed will receive the just recompense and compensation in jesus mighty name come on clap your hands and shout on amen afra kia follower good evening daddy i want to thank you for the shepherd summit for 20 something years and my parents being pastors i haven't heard such words about the holy spirit god bless you and mommy father touch our first life your name is glorified we pray in jesus name that your power will rest upon the son of yours in jesus name come on amen clap those hands alice from ghana good evening daddy issued please pray for my brother who was just rushed to keep coast regional hospital because he just suffered a stroke he is very young he is very young to suffer that same sickness my daddy is dealing with he is called stanley and my daddy is called michael thank you daddy and mommy rosemont father we pray for alice we ask in the name of jesus that your mighty hand will rest upon alice's brother stanley we ask in jesus name for him and for her dad michael and we ask in jesus name for recovery let god be true let every man be a liar and we pray that wherever this aru came from father deliver your sons your holy name is glorified somebody lift up your hand and pray for them for 10 seconds that is why we are in burger can god trust us with this ministry can god trust us come on clap your hands [Applause] and your time beyond yami personally [Applause] but i'm going to use them and i'm going to reach the whole world including all these countries we are touching and i'm going to use them to help people we shouldn't take it for granted as for me my crowd will say apparently i'm keeping it to the end i am dependent listen i preached the whole of last week yesterday in the morning i preached today this is my third message and i'm still on my feet as if i'm not 61 years and i can tell you that for the fact that we must go home i can push this meeting another four hours i'm telling the truth i can do it because i'm telling you people it is even now i'm waking up i like the way mommy smiles oh everybody because you know namdi in my case it's just some gratitude then i just say god who am i [Music] hiding in this part of the world today i beg pastor kingsley in the afternoon as that was okay can you let um pastor chris come sometimes just three days just three days come and help us for three days and go he said oh my brother millennium casa about three days per m wow sometimes he has to come like for three weeks and things like that but three days will help you so when he comes me and him will talk and i'll see i can be releasing him to come for some period like some three weeks three weeks instead of just three days then he charged me the dowry how much he was taking a dowry on you a seed is it 350 guinea fowls [Music] and i also said i'll give him that and i'll even add some dogs look at you you're afraid to clap this one wouldn't offend anybody this was one of them look at you still you can clap [Applause] you know there are some things when they pass and you look at them that's like just some humor to spice the system now this is alex ghana good evening in daddy eastwood please pray for my brother so we prayed for your brother and we pray in the name of jesus let there be full recovery somebody give a big clap offering to jesus what again joe from ghana i was lied to that black african brains were inferior this is a lie that has helped many blacks for centuries in a class of 45 students from 19 countries in the uk i came out the best student and i won an excellency award and now i am a professor in accounting and finance i am a black african boy praise the lord this is joe from ghana magadhava sakaya i think this is the joke from ghana maya goddess this is a joke from ghana sitting right here in this building that is the original uncle joe come and clap your hands and praise god father we ask in the name of jesus bless his life in the name of jesus and we pray that as his best so let the strength be in the name of jesus he came out as the best student and won an excellency award this is papa joe come and clap your hands isaac from ghana i get extremely uncomfortable when certain people ask me personal questions i feel uncomfortable within my spirit so i lie but after tonight's message i have made up my mind not to lie anymore but to tell people to their faces that i don't feel like answering their questions when i get uncomfortable father bless isaac's life and we ask in the name of jesus that you will grant unto him the grace to speak the truth and not be ashamed of it in the name of jesus amen oh come on clap your hands this is angel from london thank you daddy and mummy for the word god bless you and your ministries i believe this word is for me there have been lies made against me and it has affected my marriage my children and my work please daddy pray for me angel from london father touch this life in the name of jesus let this light be delivered from lies in the name of jesus amen you have no idea what lies can do to people and as you clap your hands today may the lord free you from lies may the lord deliver you from every lie may the lord deliver you from every lie may the lord deliver you from every lie come on other shout out victory and praise the name of jesus christ from takara daddy today's message has a lot of moral lessons god bless you more for the transformational impact in my life father bless christ's life glorify your name in the name of jesus amen wonderful praise the name of jesus papaya from kumasi pastor eastwood god bless you for preaching this message it's like you know my wife and i december will be 10 years since we got married people have turned their backs on us in so many dimensions because of lies but we believe we are free from the tongue of lies father deliver them from the tongue of lies they are loose and god's name is glorified two more testimonies two and i'm done two mary from burger i want to take this opportunity to thank you grandpa eastwood and grandma roosman and the entire kia team for supporting me with prayers i had my first choice of school advance my girls glory be to god father we pray for mary we ask in jesus name that your name be glorified in her life in jesus name amen is that our sister what's the name of the mom kate come here is that your daughter come here come here come here is he kid is that the knee huh faith all right so faith what happened pull a pull of your what happened to your daughter actually we are very grateful to the almighty god she has gotten her first choice which is the infantiment work so she has gone to connect her admission letter to return wow and i know um sister cilla and her husband abednego are involved with her are you aware of that yes i'm away those kia followers from um from takara they always know they're in cape cod from cape cod they're in touch with her so she's happy yes she has a school yes please definitely went to fancy mine is that correct so daphne is a graduate of him okay and she became a lawyer so maybe your daughter will become a lawyer or something father in jesus name thank you for faith's life thank you for the daughter and we ask in jesus name god's name glorified in their lives as a family in jesus name amen all right god bless you somebody come and clap your hands ah rosina from the u.s god bless you so much daddy and mummy and the entire family today's message is a revelation an incident and an incident that happened to me at work a client lied against me to my boss i had to go and defend myself what a message you are a godsend i am so liberated by this message god bless you again father bless the life of your daughter your holy name glorified in jesus name somebody come and clap your hands and praise come on clap your hands and prays we are getting ready to close we are getting ready to close we are getting ready to close and i need somebody as usual the way we would normally do somebody pick up a thanksgiving offering and just bless god and say thank you but thanksgiving offering normally is not for everybody it is just for some people who feel like saying thank you to god just get up come to the altar those of you that are doing it online just go ahead and do it come to the altar come to the platform and do it a thanksgiving offering is not for everybody it is just for some few people who say lord i thank you for delivering me from something i thank you for giving me victory over something so get up and come and do it and those of you that are doing it online just go ahead and do it he said were there not 10 who were healed and only one pretend to come and give thanks but please sometimes when you can give an offering don't feel bad about it don't leave him force don't take your last five ghana cities and go and give thanks to god and after that you don't know how to walk home [Music] all right you want to try to allah god bless you yourself try it again let's see wrong was turning things around how long was turning things around [Music] a long walk up around us turning things around for my good yeah for my girl [Music] [Music] lord your ostrich arms has given us victory miracle signs and wonders come from you testimonies just turning fakes around is [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is nothing more to say absolutely [Applause] everywhere we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] suddenly [Music] oh [Music] there is nothing more to say [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] has given us victory miracle signs of wonders come from you [Music] words are testimonies enough [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that you [Music] always [Music] there is nothing more to say absolutely nothing [Music] [Music] [Applause] suddenly [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and there is nothing more to say [Music] [Applause] everywhere we look things around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] suddenly [Music] god [Music] arms has given us victory miracle signs of wonders come from you testimonies [Music] [Applause] [Music] tiny oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my there is nothing more to say absolutely nothing [Music] [Music] that you would [Music] always foreign [Music] arms has given us victory miracle signs of wonders come from you testimonies [Music] everywhere we go stand to your feet [Applause] the prophetic ministry i've told you i'm not a prophet what i see i see what i hear here what i know i know but i'm not a prophet i saw this room covered with paper and the laws they take the pieces of people and tell them and i said what is it he said it's a link between now and test this prophetic ministry and i said but what does this mean and he started with neymar and the leper who was cured in the land of israel and the bible said after being killed he carried sand from the land of israel and took it back to syria then he told me about the prophet he said i told the prophet to take his underwear and hide it at the riverside and after that take that underwear which is torn and show it to the whole of israel and say this is the way they are going to be beaten and this is the way they are going to be torn into pieces and then he told me about the prophet elijah who said bring me a new cruise and put salt in it and he took the salt and began to sprinkle on the waters of jericho and said these waters are cured then i said what about my u he said my son as easy as it is to tear pieces of paper i have dismantled the lies concerning my people he said as you work with the paper and you shred the paper i have shredded all lies concerning them and every lie concerning you has been shredded into pieces [Applause] [Music] [Applause] every life that has stood against you for years today it has lost its power in the name of the lord jesus christ and he said now tell my people before each of them go home they should carry a piece of paper from the floor and take it home don't rush there is enough for everybody walk to a piece of paper it doesn't mean if you take the big one your deliverance will be bigger [Music] and when you take it it's for you and your family [Music] oh lord can we now sing johnny jameson johnny have a son the covenant keeping something where is grace sing that song the son will not smite you even the tongue instrumentals can you pick your paper before they finish and leave you or you've done it already and then we are smart has everybody got a piece of paper everybody make sure you have a piece of paper [Music] he's the covenant keeping god he will keep his covenant concerning your life in the name of the lord jesus christ i pray that any door you have which lies are blocked may god set you free oh somebody can reach out for another piece of paper you can give it to someone oh um juliet mail this one to jennifer yours has been done but mail that one to [Music] jennifer [Music] you are okay [Music] it was paul agaboos took paul's belt tied his hands and said this is the way the jews in jerusalem would deal with the owner of this belt i brought you the opposite news that any lies they told against you for years we have torn it into pieces and it will not start and today when you go home you want to take this piece of paper in your hand and say father let your covenant concerning me stan i can tell you i didn't cook this up i didn't imagine it i told you i had closed the meeting can you sing that song beside me is want me is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and that is is [Applause] is is [Music] [Applause] me in the realm of the spirit i'm hearing something in the realm of respect jacob is sitting in his house and his children came and told jacob they said your son joseph is dead they have sold joseph into slavery and they told his father he's dead and they created animals with blood animal blood and soaked his coat he said the boy is dead their father cried and nearly died and joseph was in slavery between he and his father had no contact between you and his father no blessing i hear bell in the realm of the spirit people are standing here who are supposed to be married but in the realm of the spirit the man who is supposed to marry them doesn't know them because the devil has told the lie you are dead listen the reason you cannot get that employment is because in the realm of the spirit you are reported dead the reason you cannot be promoted you cannot prosper and to the church in saudis right you have a name that you live but you are dead sure when i will feel say ut but in the records you are dead entity blessing and mouth so because principalities blessings today i need you to do something just declare my life listen oh no no here i think my name jesus has is he has risen from the dead he's come out of the tomb mary came i was looking for him in the troop he looked at me and said mary look at me i'm alive he appeared to his disciples he said i'm alive i'm not dead i want somebody listen they certified you dead and that is why no blessing comes to you because in the population centers of ghana your name is not there in the manifest your neighbors be removed i can tell you that at the time they said joseph was dead if if jacob was distributing blessing joseph's name would not be mentioned because in their father's mind he's dead some of you have died in the brain of your master listen a human being who has been forgotten and a human being who is dead they are the same some of you you have been forgotten as if you are dead but today your memory will be revived anybody that can shout something is happening listen the reason that men are not proposing to you is that in the realm of the spirit you are dead the reason women are not accepting your invitation your proposal is because they think you are dead and they don't accept the proposal of dead people nobody is inviting to preach because they think you are dead this is a mystery somebody said but how do i correct it the lord said how do you correct it death and life are in the power of the tongue it was with their tongue they told joseph he's dead they told jacob your son is dead he didn't see the dead body but he believed it and when joseph was alive when his brother saw him they didn't recognize him until he told them i am joseph i am alive i am joseph i am alive today you want to declare your life they buried you with the allies but today you want to declare my life begin to pray and declare your life pray and declare [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] keep me [Applause] you said that you wouldn't beside me [Music] [Applause] hallelujah now i am facing a question right now from the online viewers online viewers i'm very sorry but i got an instruction for you only that it has kept me sometimes you know these instructions can come about 20 or 30 in a meeting and you can harvest only some but i can tell you what i'm receiving at the end of the this meeting is heavy but the people online the lord gave me your instruction only that it escaped me find a piece of paper in your house tear it up put it on the floor and finish praying when you put it on the when you tear them up and put them on the floor pick it up hold it up in your hand and continue praying and i pray in the name of jesus the same manner in which you tear it that is the way the lies are turned into pieces and i see you begin to prosper and get promoted and increase like never before the case is broken in the name of jesus come on somebody pray [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] is [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh yeah [Applause] [Applause] you want me sad you want me is [Music] [Music] i want you to go the bible said when jesus rose from the dead he showed himself with many infallible proofs on too many i want you to walk to know less than seven people today and tell them i'm alive observe social distance [Music] i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive is [Music] yes [Music] come on shout i'm alive seven times now listen listen how many times have you not seen them declare somebody dead on social media and the person has to come out and be shouting i'm not dead [Music] let's just go [Music] [Applause] listen they have told many many lies but this is one of the biggest details and they tell that lie in the realm of the spirit out yeah because every blessing comes from the realm of the spirit spiritually in the realm of the spirit they say you are dead that means no blessing can ever come to you your will be done on earth as it is in heaven so if in the heavenlies you have been declared dead and to sometimes wonder may be acid but life be a new life life be a new name the lord is telling me to tell you something that anybody you see who committed suicide they died before the suicide [Applause] you can't even only in the spirit they could see themselves dead they only acted what they saw in the spirit tonight i've told you a lot of mysteries i don't think you can remember oh because me myself for many parts of the meeting i didn't know where i was i was just in the spirit doing what i'm supposed to do i'm not a prophet but on thursday i'm coming to teach you on the prophetic ministry i'm coming to show you how it works and you know what on thursday i'm going to show you how to benefit from prophetic ministry you can benefit from it you see you can choose to criticize it you can choose to insult it you can choose to ignore it but there are others who benefit from it because the gift of the spirit is given to every man to profit without i want to thank the municipal commander of police richard anaba for being in the house thank you very much sir forgive me you know he's my special guest and he appeared and my daughter come for chiraq as him he's in the house comfort wave at us she's in the house she too was my special guest and mandela mandela where are you he came from prison and joined us tonight mandela zanu no that's not what is mandela's party's name hey what anc what is the full meaning african word african national congress anc that is mandatory so how many of you were my special guest today in the church and you came lift up your hand look at them can you receive them can you receive them can you receive them may the lord bless you i want to thank you for coming and i pray that this will not be your last time for coming look at the way today you came and we are all alive the lord might delete bless you i love you all special people we have done well today tomorrow is a holiday just try and sleep and then get some good chicken eat it and send portions to your friends just invite somebody to your house in the name of jesus if you are looking for good places to eat go to places like ayat where eat there and then you can go to dark side go and eat there and then you can please don't come to my house i'll be sleeping i'll be sleeping obviously so um but you can go to um pastor prince house you can go to prophet livingston's house um i think um you can go to who say ram the guy's a bachelor when you when you go there you'll find some some some some guinea fowl gizard and you will eat those of you that are online we love you so much thank you for your tenacity thank you for your commitment the lord bless every one of us and on thursday we are coming back here for kia and the title is the prophetic ministry and if you know anybody that is working in the prophetic ministry you want to invite them to join us on thursday and if you know anybody who is a prophet and wants to flow in the administration just ask them to be in test this meeting and we will come and we'll take prophetic instructions and god is going to bless our lives mightily and i pray it will be a time for your life to be changed to the glory and the honor of god almighty in the name of jesus where is the host thank you thank you daddy [Applause] shall we please be on our feet and we just want to say a prayer for our father we want to say a prayer for the captain of the kia ship the shepherd over the desert pastures and the president of e.a.m you want to lift up prayer from your heart that the eternal father will replenish virtue unto him he will replenish strength to his body in the name of jesus lift up your voice and pray and pray for his family that the lord will concern himself with his family even as he's concerned himself of the things of god he's concerned himself with our families he's concerned himself with our lives let the lord remember him bless him be kind to his family in the name of jesus we thank you lord even as we look forward to the prophetic ministry on thursday in jesus name amen and let's pray afflicted our declaration for 2021. in 2021 i am exploding with the power of the holy ghost to be a witness for jesus christ in my family in my church in the body of christ and in the world amen and by the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit be with us now and forevermore amen thank you so much for participating in kingdom agreement today i believe we've been blessed for further information please head over to our website until next time
Channel: Eastwood Anaba
Views: 9,897
Rating: 4.9170122 out of 5
Id: kIik8kUX_gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 28sec (13888 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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