KICC Morning Glow LIVE | Making Impact! | 20-01-2021

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praise the lord this is the day the lord has made will rejoice and be glad in it welcome to morning glo trust in the lord to bless you impact your life enrich your life it's a beautiful days i know someday in the presence of the lord and i believe it will be a day of victory and testimony for you heavenly father will lift up your name and glory and praise and adoration awesome god healing god delivering god the god whose name is enough to set free by your name we are healed we are saved we are sealed unto the day of salvation what a joy to be before you to be in your presence we do not take it for granted we honor you we celebrate you we adore you we magnify you we thank you for the privilege of salvation thank you for the privilege of sonship being called yours is the greatest privilege on earth bless us this morning touch your people let the prophetic word that will go forward from this platform seal their destiny for good for greatness for favor for testimony let your name be glorified let somebody find victory today victory today open doors which no man can shout and silence the enemy in any place where he wants to open demonic doors in jesus name amen amen amen amen welcome to this morning welcome to a beautiful time in the presence of the lord and i trust the lord that you'll be impacted and you'll be blessed in the name of jesus if you are just joining us we have been speaking maximum impact into our lives first of all we like to welcome all of you by joining us from around the world we bless the lord for you thank god for the grace of god in your life please for those of you who are on facebook in particular like subscribe create a watch party invite your friends welcome zimbabwe india welcome uh uh virginia welcome the netherlands be blessed be highly favored this morning from all the corners from where you join us we thank god for all of you who live in the united kingdom your moral lays the hosts of this time together in the presence of the lord but it's become a global thing and we trust the lord that you will continue to be blessed in the name of jesus welcome south africa welcome people outlaw across essex uk pizzi in the united sx god bless you in jesus name chuffed hundred oh wow god bless you uh from california be blessed be highly favorite in the name of jesus uh west east sucks east sussex east sussex god bless you in the name of jesus fourth time hardcore nigeria be blessed denial favored uh every other part which i have not mentioned wherever you have joined us from yes uh australia the lord bless you johanna's work uh the lord bless you gambia be blessed and highly favored be lifted by the lord in the name of jesus [Music] or else anyway i did not acknowledge where you have joined from you need to know we celebrate you and we appreciate your thank god banjo and gambia again bless the lord for you nairobi kenya be blessed not favor this morning jambo ah the lord bless you in the name of jesus yeah all right cow uh croydon and uh and uh sorry lutete zimbabwe the lord bless you trust the lord to bless you and impact your life in the name of jesus and the mighty name of jesus a few places you go to they leave you with memories i enjoyed my time in bulaway a bit quiet of a city and then i did something uncommon we couldn't find a flight from villa to harare so we hired a special vehicle that could sit very well stretched and drove for five hours and from pulley away to harare i don't think i'm gonna try those things nowadays anymore from pull away to harare drop for five hours man italy the lord bless you in the name of jesus be blessed be [Music] this one is going to be awesome it's going to be great for you the hand of the lord will touch you and you will have reasons to magnify god the word that will share today will impact your life will strengthen you and as we prophesy in this place victory is going to flow someone is coming out of the bed of convey that of sickness out of disease in the name of jesus malawi in blood tyre i have been to blind i know they know we have only been deadly long way uh two times god bless you in jesus name and we had a strange experience living a long way the second time the flight is 2 a.m to nairobi to fly to oh it was a strange journey then to nairobi to fly to south africa to go to namibia and minister oh jesus man african connections left uh the long way malawi by 2 am and uh go to nairobi by five because you gained one hour something like that the one guy who was to fly with all that to him was so drunk he grabbed my briefcase after he asked him it was his we took the briefcase around he got into the plane removed his shoes when we got to nairobi he was so drunk he didn't know he left the plane barefooted you see crazy things when you travel you had to call inside you would let the plane be footed unfortunately i don't know how they did it okay they wanted to bring his shoes because international protocol once you leave a plane you can't go back in particular international until all passengers are down anyway this morning i believe god that uh you will be blessed holy favor victorious wherever you are and uh god will touch your life and uh god will cause you to have reasons to magnify him in the name of jesus that funny story i told it's one of the kind of stories you remember and you laughed to yourself and renew your strength and refresh yourself so when you think you have issues you remember that god has saved you from the things that have made some beautiful to just be ridiculed by themselves first kings chapter 17 gives us the story of elijah going from minimum to maximum as he ministers to the widow woman first kings 17 verse 1 to 10 and verse 18 and elijah the tishbite who was of the inhabitants of gilead said unto ahab as the lord god of israel liveth before whom i stand there shall not be doomed nor reign these years but according to my word and the word of the lord came unto him saying get these hands turn the eastward and hide thyself by the brook cherith that is before jordan and it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook and i have commanded the ravens to feed thee there so he went and did according on to the word of the lord he went and dwelt by the brook cherith that is before jordan and the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the evening and he drunk of the brook came to pass after a while that the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land verse verse 8 to 10 and the word of the lord came unto him saying our eyes get to zaraphat which belonged to zidon and dwell there behold i have commanded a widow woman to sustain thee there so he arose and went to zarephath and when he came to the gate of the city behold the with a woman was there gathering of sticks and he called to her and said fetch me i pray the little water in the vessel that i may drink wow praise the lord so listen wherever you are we believe god that it is your season to make my maximum impact and for you to make this maximum impact god is beginning to move you from one location to the other that declare and decree that you are getting out of small locations you are moving from local to global in the mighty name of jesus god is removing you from the circles of limitation from the circles of limitations god is breaking you away from what held you down what brought you here cannot take you here what brought you here cannot take you here what brought you to one level cannot take you to the next level this day god is moving you out of the brook terrace to your zaraphats to the place of a turn around the place of a smelting a melting down in order for somebody else to emerge i declared ukraine to your life that you are moving into new levels new dimensions new grace new favor new testimony new power new grace new love in the name of jesus ikaya god is making you to travel up to a new level travel up to a new dimension travel up to a new grace everything that held you down must let you go in the name of jesus i speak into your life today that you will connect with where your blessing is where your favor is for there i have commanded the ravens to feed you for that i have commanded a widow to feed you there's a place called there there's a season for there there's a place called there you will not stay here when god says there are speaking to your love today you are moving there you are entering there you are getting there in the name of jesus in the name of jesus may your ministry be maximized may your life be maximize me your call be maximized in the name of jesus as you move into the new place the new level the new dimension nothing will stop you in the name of jesus you are coming out of your limited background you are coming out of your limited life you are coming out of your limited situation into new levels new dimensions into new famous new grace in the name of jesus christ in jesus name the next thing elijah elijah did was in order for him to enter where god said he will enter he learned the power of travailing that is to pray to take a stand to declare and decree to travail like a woman giving birth aspirations you have carried i prophesied this morning that it is coming forth god is making it become your reality in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ into maximum the bible says in this month's travail the bible says ii first kings chapter 17 verse 9 who he says that he travail let me look for that verse for you praise give first kings chapter 17 verse 9 says arise get thee to zaraphat which belongs to zydon and dwell there behold i have commanded a widow woman to sustain it there he heard the word of the lord in the place of his travailing if you and i don't wait in prayer we cannot hear god but if we travail will give back to a testimony isaiah 66 verse 8 isaiah 66 verse 8 who had heard such a thing who had seen such things shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day or shall a nation be born at once for as soon as zion traveled she brought forth her children the time of really having your testimony and what god said when he's ready to make zion travail us and prevail and bring forth he can make it happen because a man wants a child in one month don't mean he makes nine women pregnant he doesn't cut the time if nine women were pregnant they would still all wait till nine months but god said as soon as zion began to cry and travail she began to bring forth this year out of this womb of your praying and calling to god from this place of the morning glo there shall be a prevailing there shall be a bringing forth results result results you are travailing to prevail you are traveling to receive god knows what he is doing why would god send this widow woman to this will i mean elijah to this widow woman and did not send him to kings because what god is about to do in your life no man is going to collect the glory no man is going to receive the glory no man is going to steal the glory god is going to bring out a message out of your mess a message out of your mess a miracle out of your mirage a miracle out of your mirage get ready for results that are faster than your prayer as soon as zion travailed she brought fought children you have been buried but you are about to give birth i speak that into your life right now you have been deserted that's why he chose a widow this woman no baby anymore no husband for god is about to pregnant her prayer god is about to make the seed of the woman and the ground of elijah to produce i live abortion you need a good ground when you have a good seed for there to be a marriage and for production so this woman had do a bread elijah had the anointing the two had to come together something is working in the background for you this year you are about to make maximum impact your deserted land is about to become a fruitful land your barren land is about to become a fruitful land as soon as zion travailed she brought forth kayaba koshaka your land had been ravaged but god is about to make you have impact this year your business some visions some things of yours have been ruined by people who took advantage by liars and crutches but heaven is about to fight for you you have carried phantom pregnancy but god is about to change the story what is phantom pregnancy amazing the human body is such funny body that when a woman really really believes in her head that she's pregnant because she's so desirous to be pregnant our body begins to swell a stomach grows that's fun tom pregnancy isaiah 26 18 we have been with child we have been in pain they will they have a child they will feel bad pranks whereabouts it were brought forth to wind but there's nothing there we have not brought any deliverance in the earth neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen everyone you've been carrying a phantom pregnancy around a big stomach without result a big stomach without fruit a big stomach without a baby you've cried you prayed you fasted you haven't seen results i declare and decree this morning in the name that is above all names the season has come you will give birth the season has come you will give birth you will make maximum impact maximum impact in the name of jesus you've been through a place of desolation but this morning we are in the place of travailing and we are speaking for your given birth rib sheikh you will not just go through birth banks for nothing you will not go through that pain for nothing you will burst your miracle burst your testimony of child birth yours will not result in phantom pregnancy isaiah 26 18 we have been with child we have been in pain we have as it were brought forth went not your story 2021 you will not bring forth wind you will embrace your baby you will embrace your miracle you will embrace your testimony you will not wait in vain you will not pray in vain you will not cry in vain you will not trust in vain you will not seek the lord in vain you will not hold to the lord in vain every dream aspirations you see in your spirit and you're saying when lord when rick happened in the name of jesus this morning as a servant of jesus christ from the place of travailing push your dream to birth your dream will become your reality it was a dream before it shall become your reality your vision will become your reality you saw it in your mind you saw it in your spirit but i speak into your life today you will receive it in your heart you will receive it in your heart you will receive it in your heart you saw the breakthrough but it never manifested before well from this morning there shall be a manifestation whatever you have desired as a breakthrough there shall be a manifestation the word manifest is the same word as reveal apocalypses in the greek so when the bible says creation is waited for the manifestation of the sons of god it also means to revealing of your breakthrough revealing of your testimony they will remove the cloth to show that i'm for your testimony testimony is following you glory is following you i speak it this morning this place of travailing ah your hand will handle it your eye will sit in vice somebody their eyes were like saucer when they saw what the lord had done your level is changing your level is changing go to zarifah there i have already commanded i speak a change of level in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you are not going to copy anybody your miracle will be peculiar your testimony will be unique today every dried brook in your life no time to cry anymore every dried brook no time to to weep anymore a kaya balay kasha kamakura basha no time to whale anymore it's time to prevail i prophesied dried brooks will result in the gaussian river dried opportunities will result in a gaussian favor dried brooks will result in new doors new horizons new favor new testimony god is changing you to make a maximum impact you have been quiet for some time you have been silent for some time you've been in hiding for some time because god is getting you ready for the next level in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus christ i declare the crime to your life today god is changing your level and changing your story you've been in quietness because god has been re-engineering renewing your life two days ago i was just playing on the internet looking for the kind of vehicle i love to drive i mean i just like this particular vehicle used to drive it in london i drive in africa i'm like exactly a car person i'm an suv person i don't maybe because i was raised in the parks and then they stopped production in 2009 i was just going on the net and checked do they have anything and i saw what they are bringing out end.221 i said wow they went quiet for 11 years in order to shock everyone in fact it so you all truths are parallel what you see in the natural is a mirror image of the spiritual realm some of you have been in travail for some time god reworking renewing preparing getting you ready in your launching yanica and you're launching your relaunch you will travel you will prevail you will make maxi mom impact your ministry see a person who's going to walk in the dimension of the prophetic like you've never done before god is beginning to show you things and you're wondering he says god is this me speak out from today in the name of jesus because your eyes of understanding is beginning to be opened and god is beginning to show you things i'm beginning to give you revelations god is beginning to direct you and god is beginning to speak to your heart get ready get ready get ready get ready hey you have been in hiding for this year because god is getting you ready for what he's about to launch you into i was amazed when i saw that vehicle i said hey i can't wait man it's a little more expensive but i like what i see i like what i see same thing in your relaunch in your coming back you will make maximum impact you will shake your world now k quarter financial maximum impact emotional maximum impact spiritual maximum impact reaching souls for christ shaking your friends for christ touching your family for christ you will make marks a more impact in the name of jesus part of this woman's travail was that she had become widowed she had been widowed it seems like she must have been just widowed because her son seems young the widow has gone through so much maybe the place of her pain of losing her lover her husband poom pushed her to the place where she knew the power of god many times we don't realize it is the place of our pain that brings us to the place of our of of our blessing i speak into your life today your pain will not be wasted it will push you to your testimony your heart will not be wasted it will push you to your testimony i declare again someone at this altar you are entering the place of maximum impact in the name of jesus christ turmoil you have been through already called by other people involved false accusations who knows if this woman was an african in some part of africa they were accused of killing her husband everything they've thrown at you will push you to your maximum impact everything live i've thrown at you corona virus have thrown at you situations have thrown at you rita yiker he'll push you into your maximum testimony this year 2021 in the name of jesus in the name of jesus discouragement in your life i rebuke backsliding in your life i rebuilt the lies of the enemy because this woman being a prayer warrior and yet having only one more meal i see a result was not going to come and yet she did not give up some people only one more meal they said how can you say you are god how can i trust you only one more meal and yet she held on to god until her breakthrough came job said i will wait until my change comes i declare today you will not give up before your favor you will not give up before your testimony you will not give up before you turn around your change is on the way your breakthrough is on the way your glory is on the way your testimony is on the way rika pales she kept travailing as if it was the only hope she had even when there doesn't seem to be an immediate manifestation she kept holding on she kept holding on she kept holding on it kept i mean she had no other option she did not go to some relation that would have ridiculed her she kept holding on as if this is the only thing god was sure he's too good to lie he's too awesome to lie he's not a man that is the son of man that he should repent as he as he has he uh spoken will he not do it i have been younger now and old and now i'm old i've never seen the ratchets for second those children begging bread the woman held on one last meal she held on i don't know if she has a canal pastor a pastor probably would tell her madam so i am the man of god it is not possible in this second the devil is a liar everything you've trusted god for in this season of your life your eyes will see it your mouth will testify god will come through for you god will come through for you your travailing will result in your elevation your travailing will result in your maximization your will result in your testimony your traveling will result in an unusual open door receive receive receive receive in the name of jesus french may have deserted her the ones she relied on may not see what you what we saw and they may not see what you see because when you have one last breath it's interesting how people's phone just go dead you no longer are in their circle you don't need them you will not go back and connect to somebody you see you as a weak link you will not go back to the lower level you will not go back begging bread in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus there'll be a lifting in your life there are men who will walk the value of life with you hey like elijah valley workers valley workers dream makers vision and the vision empowering valley walkers dream makers vision empowering elijah showed up in town he did not look for the king it was sent to a widow he knew the address he came with the with her with the gps from heaven when he saw the woman he knew she was the one valley walker the man you thought would help you didn't help don't worry those who deserted you come to eat dessert in your house those who deserted you will come to eat dessert in your house i prophesied this day maximum impact maximum impact maximum lifting in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you know when people think you are going down they begin to withdraw the man who said he will marry you suddenly says it's not he's not trusted anymore wipe your tears i prophesied to you today your life will make maximum impact your life will make maximum impact zika you've been through tough times you've been through hard times but i come this morning i prophesied to you ira basha isaiah psalm 66 verse 12. you've caused men to ride over our heads we've been through fire and through waters but you brought us out and into a wealthy place you are coming into a new place a place of prosperity a place of increase a place of testimony a place of glory a place of power a place of the manifestation of the full grace of god travailing times will be on the wing of prayer that's why you are here today everything that you have listed on your paper as the thing that the lord will do in your life i am prophesying this morning that god causes you to love you and your sons you and your daughters supernatural provision supernatural television supernatural protection supernatural grace man and woman have walked away and have failed you the persons who said i will not leave you i will not forsake they have not been able to make it happen but this day as a servant of jesus christ i declare that the lord himself shall shall be your partner he shall be your friend the bible says in the book of isaiah said and the lord will marry your land and your land shall be known as beulah which means married and when it's married means the land will be a fruit ikayatake kokosaki having one meal means she doesn't even know where the next meal is coming from but she kept holding on i'll keep holding on i'll keep holding on let's sing that one for the wrong reasons but this morning you keep holding up for the right reasons she kept on this woman is a woman who hears god that's why god could command her and in the end oh god comes through late in the midnight our god's gonna turn it round somebody's at this altar you are presenting something this morning i see as if you are saying oh please this this this i don't know what it is i see papers i see papers i don't know if it's a document of a vision a dream or an application or a business you want to start but i stretch my hand this morning and i declared the lord prevails the lord prevails and the word also prevails acts chapter 3 verse 19 and 20 the word prevails the word prevails the word prevails so mightily grew the word and it prevailed the word prevails the word prevails the word of god prevails the word of man fails the word of god prevails sociality in the name of jesus so mightily grew the word until it prevailed oh i love it i declared this morning that the word of the lord prevails for you the word of the lord prevails for you in the name of jesus that you will have reasons to magnify the lord in the name of jesus christ i declare a prevailing a prevailing a prevailing a prevailing a prevailing in the name of jesus oh it's acts 19 verse 20 acts chapter 19 verse 20 so mightily grew the word of god and prevailed what else do you expect the word became so mighty the people could not resist it it prevails acts 19 verse 20. lay copper wrote this morning there is going to be prevailing somebody at this altar in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you've traveled in private you will prevail in public you've traveled in private you will prevail in public romans chapter 8 verse 26 27 likewise the spirit also helped our infirmity for we know not what to pray as we should pray for or as we ought to but the spirit with groanings uh which cannot be uttered make it intercession oh glory to god the spirit makers intercession with grown links which cannot be attacked there are times the english language or your local language or italian or spanish or whatever you speak or dutch does not convey the groanings of your spirit reading but the one who can read the heart can read all the prayers in your spirit i prophesy to you this morning you are prevailing and you are making impact after this issue you will give the kind of testimony you've never given nakaya oh by the way right now i see this person i curse that ulcer that commander also to dry up in the name of jesus every uncertain part i see this also i think it's in the stomach or something i'm not good i'm not a doctor that's it left side seems like stomach could be intake i don't know where the outside is about i don't want to know but i see answer and i curse the also that command you to be healed right now be here to talk total healing pressure also on the head i see on your brain and you are really worried i lay hand on your head right now a blow on it now command your to the health in the name of jesus as a man he's had urinal issues through urinary nerves be healed be set free be healed be set free be healed be set free i command that prostate that is swollen looks like it's swollen and is blocking somewhere the shrink can go back to normal in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i don't know why this person was taught to bring their spirit or whatever i don't know all this maybe it's coveted i know that they have put so much stick in my mother and this covey thing i've done to have tests because i fly all over the place but i see someone i see them fact they're saying we need more space receive your healing yield be healed to the absolute complete total total total total in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of oh wow something is happening here this morning someone has been set free they are filled with sorrows and cares hearts are lonely and rare burdens are lifted at calvary [Music] calvary calvary burdens are lifted at calvary jesus is very near romans said 27 says and he that such at the hearts know at what the mind of the spirit is because he make it intercession for the saints according to the will of god intercession is in order was to come in between two people and appeal and present an argument for and on behalf enter in between rikaka kakaborozya i see you making maximum impact recap you shall prevail now i speak prevailing i speak prevailing i speak prevailing i speak prevailing i speak prevailing i speak prevailing i speak prevailing i speak prevailing and the name that is above all names i speak prevailing by the power of the living christ i speak prevailing the bible says i first king chapter 17 verse 14 to 16 but don't say the lord god of israel this is prevailing now the barrel of male shall not waste this is your prevailing now neither shall the cruse of oil fail this is prevailing now how the shall the crucible fail yeah i saw a strange revelation and i was wondering what is god trying to drive nice making sense i'm not gonna tell you was a beautiful revelation very very very very very very beautiful revelation the night season oh wow should i should i not all right glory to god until the day the lord send it rain upon the earth and she went and did according to the saying of elijah and she and he and her house did eat many days glory to god because it wasn't long after he declared that they would be farming that he came to our house and they ate until the farming was over if you have a king james version you see that many is in italics and she did eat days the italics is to make it flow in the original green original hebrew that many wasn't there just days and the barrel of mill wasted not neither did the cruise of oil fail according to the word of the lord which is speak by elijah after the furnace the ultimate is conquest i stretch my hand you've been through enough fire my sister you've been through enough fire my brother now it's time for conquest for prim feeling cayenne maccais after all the battle you've been through in this season of your life you prevail this is the year you make maximum impact some people are not going to understand your success they are not going to understand your blessing they are not going to understand your favor they will wonder how you made it but i declare and decree today that god is lifting you testimony is following you glory is following you because god is taking you places you've never been after the travailing victories are short who shall separate us from the love of god that is in christ glory to god shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword or kobe 19 as it is written for your sake we are persecuted day and night we have been led to the slaughter like a sheep in all these things we are jupero hetero that is how to say more than conquerors in greece is the greek word for from which the english director was super perro we are super conquerors not just conquerors there are boxing champions then there is the world heavyweight champion there are heavyweight boxers but then there is the world heavyweight who has all the ball all the belts so he's not a world heavyweight champion he's a super heavyweight champion because he has all the belts there are heavyweight boxers but this one is the super heavyweight because he has all the belt he has one on all counts so that's who you are you are a whopper [Music] you are a super conqueror through him who loved you and you know this word was written before you were born so any issue that came against you anything satan wrote cannot stand forever because the flower fades the grass with us the word of the lord abides forever i'm watching over my word to perform and so shall my word be which is sent for they shall not come back void without accomplishing the purpose for which it was sent glory to god for all the scripture was given by inspiration for god by god and they are profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction that the man of god may be thoroughly furnished unto all good ones therefore study to show that servant unto god the workman that needed drought to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth psalm 119 verse 180i am watching over my word to perform it therefore this word which i have given will come to pass glory to god oh forever oh god your word is settled in heaven i prophesy on you today you are prevailing as the lord lives whose servant i am you are prevailing you are going to make maximum impact this year [Music] corona spiking corona sparking corona speaking whatever corona likes like corona do barala we will draw that corona will not do what he likes we cancel it by the blood of the lamb i'm declaring that you are rising above corolla you are testifying above corona you are lifted above corona it shall not stop your destination or stop your purpose it shall not stop your favor retirement it came one way shuffling seven ways we break the power of chronovirus over the lands of our countries everyone was represented on this altar we're speaking to your nations peace peace peace with cursed coronavirus in the united kingdom we rebuke its hand this death is enough we draw the blood upon the doppels we draw the blood upon the doppels we draw the blood upon the dopples enough is enough we command this thing to blow away the name of jesus i declare today you prevail you prevail i repeat by the power of the living christ you prevail they say you will never be better than how you used to be because the husband died she had one cruise of bread and a boy or a child depending on her i always imagined i was a boy i'm not very sure i don't think he'd say it's a boy but i always imagined said she would never be better than this then the anointing came to town and the anointing took her brokenness and turned it to mendedness and took her nonsense and made great sense i declare and decree this morning this morning in the place where they said you are not going to do well you will be a testimony you prevail in 2021 you will increase you will know the grace of god you will prevail you'll prevail maximum impact not just prevailing i don't want to win the battle in my christian life and your swipe sweat i want out of the battle i want to become immediate testimony you will prevail you will shake your world you will prevail you will shake your world they say you will never rise from the flow well next time they look they will look up to you and the name that is above all needs next time they look they will look up to you they say you will never see better days but i prophesied to you this morning prevailing days i heard this woman prevailed essentially nothing better is they came to eat in her house she is now the one feeding the village of near the village of zarifat everybody now has to come to our house one of my good brothers i've just sent me a text to show that i was right yeah verse 12 says my son oh thank you son yeah he's a son glory to god not a girl it's a boy yes yes yes thank you thank you thank you you are not just going to make maximum impact for maximum impact in lips and pounds and lips and pounds sun fed grew up woman taking care of man of god blessed everyone around her bless family coming back to her rick rico you are not just going to make maximum impact you are going to make it ellipse and bound in 2021 and the years to come i strike my hand towards the years ahead for you and i declared this morning that your coming years are going to be years of favor years of maximum impact years of maximum impact years of maximum impact years of maximum impact yes of maximum impact years of maximum impact 10 years time you still be really mad 20 years time you'll still be relevant 30 years time you still be relevant sometimes when i pull out photographs of people i have had encounters with even people i went to bible school with i cannot tell you how grateful i am and i still had a voice to preach that i still have platforms inviting me now i say platforms it's global coronavirus are speaking to 4 000 pastors in the u.s who am i what did i do so i take off that oil and i place on your life today i take up that oil and i place on your life today i left bible school 45 years ago i went to a ministry 47 years ago i think it was 1974 yeah 47. entire ministry 1974 bible school january 2. when i left bible school 45 years ago 45 i don't know what i did but i found myself entire and you know invited globally so i speak into your life today maximum impact oil will never cease in your life in the name of jesus this woman entered another level once the thing exploded in her house from practically speaking death right in her will and testament speaking death to being the one feeding the nations that is not just maximum impact that's the next level that's a greater level that's you that's you that's you that's you where people were expecting death they will come and find life they'll form come and find hope god is changing your story wiping your just so that is a powerful revelation somebody got a powerful testimony and they didn't know what to do they were wiping tears and reading the testimony and laughing it's you it's you it's you it's you it's you it's you it's you for there's going to be a shifting around you and there's going to be a season of sifting and shifting i see a ministry there's going to be a season of sifting and shifting sifting and shifting you look as if the boat was shaken but it is because god is about to change the lieutenants around you for the next level he's taking you to get ready maximum impact get ready in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus elijah had to travel god relocated i just saw a revelation god relocated one of the three most powerful prophets in the whole of the old testament for this woman ah after moses we don't know of any other great prophet until elijah even though elijah did more miracles he was not one of those who showed up at the mount of transfiguration it was elijah at the last day the prophets that shall show one of them has the anointing of elijah and yet he was sent to this woman there must be something in the prayer of a widow woman there must be something in the cry of a woman who holds on to god and say no no this ridicule is too much i declare to the everyone who have laughed at you and cry and and thought it's over for you right before the eyes they are coming to feed from your hand the lord will wipe your tears fill your mouth with laughter oh you are about to move into the dimension you have never entered before i feel it in my spirit somebody's at this altar you are drawing so much grace now the revelation i saw is making sense ah get ready get ready get ready girl's about to move you from the back to the front he's about to take your debt and cancel it he's about to take your paid and turn it to laughter and celebration a great man of dignity came to town and he's not looking for the king he's looking for one widow and her son who have no food in their house said i was sent to you oh receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive get ready you prevail you move to maximum maximum impact those who think they've heard the last of you they haven't seen anything and for those of you who have touched the anointing on your life if they don't repent there is going to be a power reaction against them in jesus name i'm sure you were blessed this morning praise the lord i feel god in this place i just feel the power of god in this place here i feel jesus i feel jesus i feel jesus in this place yes my soul dots me i feel jesus in let's please join us tonight as we study the name of the lord as revealed in the old testament is the beautiful one all through the old testament it is all about him he is in every chapter every book even the book of esther where the word god is not used you see him at work is the answer to esther's prayer he's the one who declared the fasting not esther he's the one who prevailed and kept his people so when the enemy rose like a flood he is the one who delivered them he is our ultimate sacrifice he's the one whose blood prevails is the scapegoat sent into the wilderness after carrying all our sin so that it carries it to the place of no returning no retrieving no retrieval no returning no retrieval and no reparation that's where your sin went those of you some that still keep confessing the sin that has gone it has gone to the place of no return and that's the whole essence of the scapegoat being taken to the place where it cannot come back no returning no retrieval and no reparation no asking you to come and pay for it glory to god so tonight is going to be very powerful 7 p.m uk time everyone else all around the world please adjust to the time and be blessed invite your friends tell them we could have taken this time to just be doing miracle services in our wednesday because our miracle our wednesdays not just bible study is really fit for the miracle hours but this time around i felt you need a depth you need to know the one whom you followed so that anyone ask your question and say who is this jesus and that you can answer someone may ask me someone may say who is this jesus you talk about every day he is my savior he sets me free make sure you serve the lord with that which he has provided for you join us tomorrow morning also at the morning glo we didn't raise the prayer points this morning but we are going to die i think i want to raise it on friday oh yeah yeah after the communion so please uh what's up number i want you to send all your dreams for the year to the whatsapp number which will be indicated send it to the whatsapp number send it to the whatsapp number then i'll lift it on friday morning and we're gonna just prophesy over it your eyes will see it your mouth will testify of the goodness of god the mighty name of jesus make sure you have a great blessed happy day the lord bless you dear thank you very much
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 7,018
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Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Joyce Meyer - Enjoying Everyday Life
Id: 3zOhXaoGX3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 17sec (3977 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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