Keyword Research Tutorial + Best Keyword Tool For 2021!

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I think we are working now had a little bit of an issue with the live streaming software but we are back and ready to go and we are going to be talking about some cool stuff here we are going to be going over the full keyword research tool with the keyword research hacks so if you're here if you're excited give me a thumbs up smash the like button as the cool kids say and we're going to get into a full-on keyword research tutorial now if you're new here make sure you subscribe click the bell and give us a thumbs up so that you can see some more cool videos on how to make money online how to find some killer keyword niches and all of that good stuff now we are gonna go through and at the end of this training you are going to know how to do keyword research without spending thousands of dollars a month on tools yes I stayed up all last night and got up at 5 in the morning and went through some of the tools that I use to get you guys some screenshots and do some comparisons to show you what you need and what you don't need because I run a big business that deals with SEO stuff and keywords all the time so I spent thousands of dollars on keyword tools but the good news is you don't have to you can actually do this free so we're gonna teach you some free ways to do this as well I'm also gonna show you my killer trigger word method for finding non-competitive niches in any market I'm gonna show you my secret competitor keyword jacking strategy that is ridiculously awesome you guys are gonna love this one plus sometime in this training I'm gonna reveal a link where you can get my trigger word list for finding niches even if you have no idea what you're doing so this is gonna work for you if you got a business if you got a website and you want to get some traffic this is gonna work for you if you have no idea what you're doing but you want to make money online this is gonna work for you so smash that like button and let's go ahead and get in here now if you're excited about all of this and you're willing to stick with me for the next 45 minutes or so you got to make a commitment sit with me for 45 minutes and I'm gonna show you how this stuff works if you're willing to do that give us a like a thumbs up and we're gonna go ahead and dive right in now first what we want to do is we want to look at the tools what kind of tools do we need now if you go out there and you look at keyword tools there are keyword tools up the wazoo whatever the hell a wazoo is there are literally tons of keyword tools you could spend a hundred thousand dollars a month on keyword tools it's insane it's confusing it's crazy it just adds more confusion to this already confusing business that we're trying to get into what we're gonna do your old buddy Marcus here likes to make things simple and so I use very simple stuff so we're gonna go in and we're gonna talk about these now we got a couple of key word tools that we use okay number one is the Google Adwords Keyword planner you guys are gonna see we're gonna pull it up it looks like this very simple to go through now in order to get in the Google Adwords Keyword tool all you need to do is do a google search for Google Adwords Keyword planner create yourself an account and boom you get access to it now you're gonna get in there and you'll probably notice that on yours your average monthly searches are not exact numbers yours will go through and it'll be like this word gets between 500 and a thousand searches a month this one gets between a thousand and ten thousand a month so it's gonna be like gauges now if you want the exact numbers all you have to do is have a running ad okay doesn't matter really what the ad is obviously make it ethical and link it to your site but you don't have to spend a lot of money you could just go in set up an ad with like a penny a click or something and spend like a penny a day or whatever and you'll probably not get any traffic anyway but you'll get access to the tool very simple okay so that's how the Google Adwords Keyword tool works now when we look at the Adwords Keyword tool if you're taking notes pay attention because the Adwords Keyword tool is only for two things one it gives you the average monthly searches this is how many times a keyword is searched for each month that's important next it's going to give you the competition this competition has nothing to do with SEO or free traffic this is all paid traffic that's why it's the AdWords tool because it's about AdWords which is about bidding on keywords so this is primarily for that now we can use this as a kind of a guide map because I like to know from the horse's mouth how much traffic they're getting and I can use all the keyword tools under the Sun but I'd like to hear from Google how many clicks and how many searches they're getting for the keywords because I think just going out on a limb here I think Google kind of knows that information right after all they're the search engine so we're gonna look at this now this is very good for paid traffic it's good to kind of gauge how much traffic's out there and look at some keywords excellent now again remember your competition all has to do with paid traffic the lower the better obviously and then it's going to give you some ranges of how much it's going to cost per click if you were to advertise on this keyword it's a pay per click marketing which means if I bid on this word I pay 68 cents per click when someone comes within a word clicks on my ad I pay the money very simple okay that's the first keyword tool it's free we can run it we can make it work we can use it okay now again if you want to do this free you do not have to buy keyword tools I'm gonna show you how to use the adwords planner and some other free tools to make this super easy it's not that hard the next one we're gonna use is neal Patel's ubersuggest okay the ubersuggest tool I had it up earlier I have some screenshots for you below I had to log into a different account so we can't show it live on here but you'll get the idea okay the ubersuggest tool is very simple very easy it looks like it's basing the traffic based on Google it's got a little score for your SEO and the free plan will be plenty if you know what you're doing if you don't know what you're doing you'll probably need to pay for a plan but after this training you're gonna know what you're doing so we're all good give us a like because you want to know what you're doing next we have the aah refs tool this is one of my favorite tools it's good for advanced users you could use a free trial I think their plans are like 30 99 dollars a month for this one so it's a little pricey but you can use this along with other things uber suggests is plenty enough to get you going I like a href scuzz I can export things I can get a real detailed analysis of what's going on so if I go in and I type in FHA qualifications if I spelled it right I think I did I did not all right let's go ahead and copy and paste because all Marcus does not know how to spell all right so we're gonna go into the a hrs tool like this we're gonna type in FHA qualifications and we're gonna see how the aah refs tool breaks it all down for us very cool right it's like okay here's how hard it is for free traffic and here's the subcategory keywords when I go in and I look at the subcategory keywords I want to look for the ones with a low key D a KD that's your keyword difficulty it's from 0 to 100 zero means pretty easy to get 100 means yeah you need to be like a gigantic site like the New York Times to be able to get that word ok now somewhere in between a little difficult now what they've done on HR EPS is they've made it really easy by color-coding it so we have like yellow and orange for difficult we have green for good and then you can find stuff like this one's an 8 here's one with a 7 and lower is better ok so we can go through and at a glance see what's going on now some of these words are only 80 searches a month so we might need a different strategy but we're gonna get into the strategies in just a minute and show you how that works okay so very simple that's kind of the hrs tool you can see the differences here and you can see okay yeah is it similar FHA qualifications all right so they're showing a little bit less traffic there it could be my settings but it's giving you an idea of how it works okay so again this is why we like to use multiple tools again you can use multiple free tools if you have like 10 free tools it's probably going to give you the data from the the paid ones if you know what you're doing and we're going to show you that okay next up we use the SEM rush tool I've dabbled with the SEM rush tool I find it a little confusing but it is a good tool and then number 5 we have the Mae ghouls tool which also has some stuff in there as well now most of these are doing the same things some of them will pull from different data sources some of them have like dated data sources so you're seeing stuff from like six months ago rather than right now so we want to keep that in mind again if you want to know how many people are searching you always want to get it from the horse's mouth and the horse is Google all right so those are the tools that we use again AdWords ubersuggest that's enough to get started you can use the free plan and you can use the AdWords for free as well and there's some other stuff like keywords dot IO or something like that keyword tool that IO google it you'll find it okay now the last tool we're going to use is the most important tool and that is your eyes and common sense okay that's your eyes and common sense because if I look at this and let's say it says oh well you know this one's only a ten right so this one's only a ten here to make this a little bit bigger so we can see it okay so if it says you know this one's a ten FHI or this let's go to the ten 1fh a construction loan qualifications okay I want to go to Google and I want to see if it really is competitive so we're gonna go to Google we're gonna search for it look up this and we can see the balance FHA dot-com you're not going to outrank FHA dot-com it's not gonna happen right Lending Tree policy a genius FHA lenders so we see some big sites here right so this is like yeah it's a ten but there's two big sites there that it's pretty competitive when we look at it now again we're gonna show you how to find the non-competitive stuff and we're gonna show you how to find words you know you can rank for and when I do this stuff I always go for words I know I can get I want to go for stuff I know I can get like when I went out there and I was like I want to rank for lyft affiliate program right I knew I could probably get this one and we ranked between number two and four depending on the day it changes a little bit but we got that ranking I also knew I can ranked four other words and if we look at this right if we do ruber or lift affiliate program I think we also have the uber one but if we do this in our keyword tool where did it go got a lot of screens open it is here okay so if we do this in our keyword tool right we're gonna see that this one has three hundred searches a month so that's pretty good I'll take it right there looking for affiliate stuff so I'll definitely take it now it has a zero I was like yeah zero I could probably get I can probably get that I can see here with my eyes and common sense that there's some other sites you know niche FAQs and promote affiliates and and flex offers and stuff like this which some of them are quite a bit bigger than me but I was able to get this by by honing in on the keyword because as you can see this guy's not really honing in on it some of the others are I just did it a little bit better apparently right so very simple we look at that that's why I was able to get that because it was a zero so very important now you don't have to have a zero there are some that I have that are like a twenty or thirty again your common sense and your eyes are going to to really help you here okay again very important to stress that you can never just trust a keyword tool even the great Google AdWords tool when I see that this is 72 cents a click or whatever oftentimes I can get it a lot less right so you never just want to go in there and be like a low in center with 760 I'm gonna bid seven dollars and sixty cents no no you want to test it you want to look and see if you're going for paid stuff see if there's ads there right if there's not ads there then obviously it's probably not seven dollars very simple okay so very very important that we go for that very important that we look at what's going on you guys following along give me a thumbs up type a ten in the box if you can see if you're following along okay really cool yes I can probably make me smaller for the future trainings but right now I can't because we're kind of locked into this setting so just watch it on big mode right really cool okay so AdWords ubersuggest EHRs SEM rush man goals your eyes and common sense again you don't need for tools now if you want to get notes from this training along with some trigger words and some other stuff go to keyword sniffer comm you can get that we got the notes planned out for you you can actually get them right now if you want really cool now for the AdWords tool we want to look at this we want to break it down we got our keyword we got the amount of time searched with some trends this little thing is trend so probably Peaks and like February and and June and November or something like that right you can click it and see that we got the competition again the competition for paid traffic not for free and then you have your numbers of your low bid and high bid range okay next we have the uber suggest tool ubersuggest tool is kind of like a hrs only it's free okay you can buy bigger plans but you can get by with the free one just fine they're gonna have your keyword here your trends here it's I think they have 12 little notches for each month your keyword volume you can see it's very similar to Google we got our cost per click it looks like what they did is a middle-of-the-road cost per click so like somewhere between 68 and 311 its dollar 59 then you have your SD which is your difficulty again higher number is more difficult lower number is better okay very simple now you're gonna notice differences like a href says this is a 70 this says it's a 28 so again you've got to use your eyes you've got to use your common sense you got to go out there and you got to look for this stuff and you got to have a strategy which is what this calls about and if you're willing to stick out there and learn this strategy stick with me you're gonna learn it it's gonna teach you how to make this stuff work and how to know what you can go for like on this screen the only word I could probably go for is FHA loan requirements which is like a number two but that's 2018 they're probably not searching for that anymore alright so we got to kind of gauge that we got to look at this we got to use our brains here some people get in this and they're like I just want an automated way to do everything and that doesn't exist unless you have money to buy big robots like big companies but that's another topic for another day now the SEM rush tool is very similar you got your key word here got the volume got your trend got your KD percentage so they have a percentage instead of zero to 100 and then your cost-per-click now I find the KD here to be a little off right thank you like I if I use just the SEM I would probably miss a lot of key words that I can capitalize on so that's why again I want to use the other ones in conjunction with it and also in my brain like what's going on because I can go out here and I could go to Google and I could search for a term in quotes so let's say FHA loan requirements or whatever and let's say I do this in quotes okay I want to go through and I want to look at what it is in quotes so 78,000 that's not that bad okay and then what I want to do is scroll down to the bottom and just keep hitting the last number until it times out it'll actually go through and I'll be like oh everything's pretty similar so you know we're just going to show you the similar ones or the non similar ones so you can see here page 15 of about a hundred and forty-seven results which means a competition isn't that bad but again look at who's there right if it's like the government and Google and medium you're not gonna compete with these big sites it's not gonna happen sorry to say so FHA investopedia now stories these are good that's good to know I could probably do like a press release or something but most of these sites are pretty darn big so we're probably gonna have a hard time with that one okay so we want to look at that and we want to take this with a grain of salt and look at it again I find a href to be the most accurate when I'm going for search engine rankings for free traffic I find that to be pretty solid ok next up we got man ghouls man ghouls is probably the next one after a hrs that I like again they're gonna show their number here they have different color codes but look at the number not the code and you're gonna see here the the traffic and everything like that so we look at this and we're like okay good we got all these keyword tools that's great we understand we need to use our brain a little bit we got to do some research on it and we can't just rely on keyword tools alone that's that's I'm willing to do that because hey you know what yeah let's make this work this is a business we want to make it work we want to make it happen now what we got to do is we got to say what is our goal what is the goal of doing this stuff anyway what's the goal well the goal is to find non-competitive niche keywords you can rank for how many of you guys want that goal you're like yeah I want to find non-competitive keywords that I can rank for that's what I want to do I want to use those tools and I want to find some free traffic I can get that I can run two affiliate offers or maybe I run a business and you know I need some more traffic to my business or maybe I have a website we get a little bit of traffic or we're new and I want to find some keywords I can write for well you're in luck because we're gonna do that right now so the goal is to find non-competitive niche keywords that we can rank for and we can get traffic on very simple all right so now you have the standard run-of-the-mill way to do keyword research this is what everyone else out there is teaching this is why you subscribe to your old buddy Marcus and you click the bell and you smash the like button because we teach stuff that's a little bit different for some reason maybe my shoes were on too tight when I was a kid I just think a little bit differently and we're gonna teach you that way of thinking because it's worked for me for 20 years again 20 years we've been through updates we've been to SEO changes we've been through pay-per-click changes we were there before Facebook and this stuff has been working all along like clockwork is it a guarantee that if you have a low key word difficulty you get the word of course not that's why you need to go in and you need to do your research with your brain nothing will beat your brain so far so far robots have not become smarter than humans but you know when that happens we'll have a different webinar about how to like stay away from the robots or something like that so the standard ask method that everyone teaches is number one search for your main keyword if you're in the weight loss market you go into your keyword tool and your type weight loss that's what people say I mean they say well you know you want to go in there and you want to use your keyword tool so if we're using like a hrs they'd say well go here you know you want to start with a word like weight loss and then you want to go through and you want to try to find stuff that's non-competitive so I could find Celine Dion weight loss Adele weight loss all right but what am I gonna do with that okay maybe I could make a site about it I don't know I mean I don't know if you're allowed to use their names or not but you know you can look at that but again you know probably not something again like if you look at this I guarantee you there's like news sites right Adele weight loss right there's probably tons like the news sites insider insider CNN you're not gonna beat these guys it's not gonna happen and it's not even that good of a keyword so they're gonna say well you know what just keep digging what you need to find old buddy is longtail keywords you don't want a word like weight loss you want how to lose weight in Cincinnati when it's 83 degrees outside and someone stole your bike but nobody searches for that and so we go and we look and we're like okay well you know let's find these longtail there's a trademark one don't want to do that shark tank weight loss maybe okay longtail yeah these are all people you know maybe I could make a site about the people but again you're gonna be computing with the news sites so yeah you know not much here how many you guys have been here done that you're like yeah you know I don't see anything good it's you know a calorie counter would be good but that's a 79 weight loss plan would be fantastic but that's a 70 and so you go and you get depressed and you're like internet marketing doesn't work you know there's no longtail keywords I can use and it gets discouraging and that's the main thing and they're gonna go out there and they're gonna be like hey just just keep doing it keep hoping for the best one day you're gonna find that magic keyword that's gonna just get you traffic like that but you never find it because you go in and you type in refinance and all the way down the page with the exception of Chase refinance which is trademarked you're kind of screwed there right it doesn't work now let's get into your old buddy Marcus's keyword tips and strategies because these strategies will change the way you do your business this is strategy for some reason I stumbled on back when I was about 20 years old and I was like wait a minute I think there's a backdoor to everything I think there's a way around everything because I understood something back then I don't know why I did I'd like to think it's because I'm smart but that's probably not it I probably just came about someday and I figured you know what about search intent okay why do people search for what they search for why would someone searched for refinance calculator well they want to refinance their mortgage pretty simple why would someone searched for refinance mortgage they want to refinance mortgage behind every key word is an intent even the Adele weight loss keyword there's an intent there they want to look at it I want to see how thin she is because she heard it or whatever right and so there's an intent and we want to look at that intent because I'm marketing to intent not keywords what they intent these words are just my way to get the intent okay so the first way we're gonna use is what I call the glossary method okay you might have heard me talk about this before and we're gonna get into some you haven't heard yet but if you haven't heard about the glossary method this is a game changer this is a complete game changer for any market out there don't care here Marcus credit repair is so competitive yeah it is but if you use the glossary or @ method you're golden so let's say we want these guys we want to market refinance what I do is I go to Google I search refinance glossary and I click the button and I look for sites that have glossary x' okay that's I do so I search my niche plus the word glossary I find a good complete glossary with a lot of words that have to do with mortgage because if you've ever gotten a mortgage before there's a lot of crap they talked about that normal people like you and I don't know like they're like oh you got to get an impasse account you're like oh my car was impounded what the hell no no no no an impound account is where you put all your stuff into one thing and it pays it right or or you know what we need you to write a loan commitment letter what the hell is that and then they go to Google and they say what the hell is a loan commitment letter my mortgage guy said I need a loan commitment letter these are terms that people search for in the process of ending up where you're at there's a video I did years ago it was a silly video it's here on my channel I believe it's still on my channel and it was I got a big microphone and I went out into the jungle aka Park and the idea was what if you could predict because a lot of you guys know I was an alcoholic six years ago I was completely down-and-out alcoholic couldn't stop drinking and I got sober I'll be six months or six years sober next week so pretty cool but I asked myself a question and this question is a game-changer the question was based on my search history could you have predicted that I would become an alcoholic think about that based on my search history could you have predicted I would become an alcoholic if you could you would be a very wealthy person because rehabs are not cheap I know I went to them one but it wasn't cheap right think about that and so I went through I got my computers and I was like ok let's look at my search history and I looked things up like am I going insane why can't I stop drinking alcohol and anxiety alcohol and insanity alcohol and mental illness I looked up everything under the Sun and those words were inexpensive but the word rehab is like $100 a click and it's competitive and so I looked at this and I was like can you can you predict what people want based on what they're searching for yes you can you have to use the noggin no keyword tool is gonna teach you how to do this right so we got to look at this and we're like okay letter of commitment look at this keyword difficulty it's like nothing you compare this with this ouch this sucks this is like quit don't mark it this is like yay I can make a little age with some letter of commitment samples and some tips about mortgages or whatever okay and you do it with the glossary I did this for stock market I've done this for mortgage I've done it for alcohol I've done it for everything right very cool like there's one term in alcohol that I found I think it what was it called gel and Nick curve this is like the the curve this doctor came up with for the jelinek method of alcohol something or other right and I found this word super non-competitive and watch this get results boom thousand people a month low competition right now we look it up but we're like okay that's pretty cool I can get that it happens to be one of my top videos on my alcohol recovery Channel pretty cool right so we look at that we're like okay we use our glossary method and if you type in alcohol glossary the jellinek curve will probably come up very very simple okay now we got letter of commitment and we could type that in we got a mortgage impound very good non-competitive earnest money deposit how much money do I need to put as a deposit for my house very simple right how many you guys are getting this if you're getting it type aha in the box and smash the like button because of our error today I can't see how many likes we got so surprise me and like smash that like button so that we get a lot right pretty cool and what it'll do is by hitting the like button other people will see this and be helped with their keyword research as well so mortgage impound account is a good one learn it's money deposit again very low competition next we have loan-to-value ratio okay a little bit more competitive but on that one we can go into longtail like what's a good loan to value ratio for refinance pretty good right how many of you guys are like dude this is this is crazy type glossary method if you're gonna go out there and start using the glossary method like today okay next what about origination fee okay and these are all ones I just typed in mortgage glossary I took the keywords that made sense right I don't one like you know loan yeah that's a little broad I want something specific like guys who look up origination fee are obviously looking for a mortgage so like I could dominate the market by going around the keywords that are competitive because here's a deal when things are super easy everyone does it everyone does it and it gets so competitive and that's where we're at right now it's 2020 you need a strategy if you don't have a strategy you're gonna be out in the cold with nothing to eat you gotta have a strategy metaphorically right so glossary method is very important okay again the notes from this webinar and the replay from this webinar will be over at keyword sniffer comm you can go there put your name and email in the box you'll get it and you'll get some other cool stuff as well everyone who's on my list knows that I give you guys really good stuff everyone who subscribes my YouTube knows that I give you good stuff you guys see it it's here all right so let's keep going next so we got the glossary method okay that's number two number one standard run-of-the-mill number two glossary that's a bit better I like that I use a glossary method all the time number three the competitor jacking method pretty cool this is where we go to Google and we could search for something like jelinek curve or we could look for like gardening hose reviews okay if we do like gardening hose reviews okay what I want to do here is I want to find a site that's doing what I want to do okay so I want to find something like the wire cutter now he's not doing what I want to do I mean maybe maybe if I go to his gardening page or something maybe Popular Mechanics now he's not doing what I want to do gardeners pass calm that that would probably be a good one okay or gardening products review that would be good backyard boss he'd be good my garden plant calm these are great does anyone know why these are great there's no one no why do I like these oh I don't get excited when I see stuff other than Amazon and Business Insider and the sprin and these other big sites why am i excited okay what you guys to get interactive tell me why you think I'm excited when I see these sites here okay let's see if anyone gets it have another sip while we're waiting it's hot in here I gotta have the air conditioner on low otherwise it messes with the microphone okay why I'm excited all right yeah when you do this method okay and answer the question in the box that way we get that the competitor jacking method is to search for some lower competition words in your niche you want 20 to 30 KD okay so I would go through and I'd be like okay gardening hose reviews does this fit does it fit gardening hose reviews is it under a 30 did we spell it wrong I might have spelled it wrong that's it here come on or might have an error let's do gardening room use there we go I got a spell right what's wrong with me I can't see when I hit 40 my eyes stopped wanting to see right there we go so gardening reviews like 14 I know hose reviews is a good one as well really cool okay so these are under 20 to 30 which is good right here's all the different garden hose reviews 806-853-9949 a niche that are doing the same thing put him into the tool and then it spits out the stuff they're ranking for I would have never known what a works hydro shot was but this guy's ranking he's getting traffic and it's not competitive I wouldn't have known what a thermos cell was or if it had to do with gardening I suck at gardening I have a joke with my wife where it's like every year we have the six hundred dollar tomato because we spend all this money on gardening and we get like one tomato and I'm like that's a $600 tomato you know it's pretty good but I don't know in 600 bucks so I don't know gardening and you might not know every little nuance about your niche and you might not know the words they're using and I can literally get reports from all of these and compiled a big keyword report based on what I want and boom boom there you go and I go there and I start to strip away the words that I can get I could say hey I only want everything under a five from all these competitors boom don't you have to have a paid subscription for that not if you know what you're doing right you got to know what you're doing if you use the keyword tools and you go through right and you look at this you can actually isolate it and say only what the keywords that are under a five and then boom it's gonna show the ones under fight that way you're not getting a huge list and then it's a total well you need to subscribe and pay money to get the rest of the list okay that's that's fine because it gives you a hundred upfront but if I isolate the ones I want then I don't have to pay for a tool right cuz I use I get the hundred I just got to make the hundred give me what I want okay so that's a good one I also did one for like internet marketing product reviews okay internet marketing product reviews and I was like well I don't know all the products out there what if I took a guy in the niche boom Neal bucks whatever that is Clickbank University print profits there you go look at the competition it's all most are under five all of them are under seven that's like nothing and I could do this with site this is what I do this is how I get my keywords it's like crazy right you just go in okay just pop all these guys in here they did the work for me now you're gonna see on some sites there's some words you don't want like I was looking at some sites that sold for a bunch of money and one of them was like about animals and they had like gardening snake or garden snake and I'm like well I don't want to rank for that I can't really make much money with garden snake so I'll just strip out the stuff I want I'll make my big site based on the words I want based on the intent that I know I can get money from and a boom there we go why do I want a keyword like lyft affiliate program review because someone looking for lyft affiliate program wants to be an affiliate marketer and guess what I can go out there and I can do all these words that's what I'm going for Walmart and Target all these words about affiliate programs commission junction all kinds of stuff and in your niche you can do this same thing and guess what guys we're only on the second cool strategy they say there's more coming up right well wait there's more right so competitor jacking method you want to search some lower competition words in your niche typically between a twenty and thirty KD you want the ones that are a little higher we don't want to rank for the twenty to thirty s just yet with a new site but we want to find sites that are a little big a little bit out of our comfort zone but doing what we want to do okay we want to find sites with niches telling you what they're doing so you want to look for like my home remedies if you're in the remedy site or niche instead of like WebMD WebMD is gonna be too big it's gonna take you forever to comb through their keyword report you're gonna have to pay exorbitant gonna use them we're gonna use people in our niche that are kind of like us next we're gonna put those domains in our keyword tools and mind them you're like a miner i don't know how miners do it they have like the bucket right you're gonna mine for the ones that you want and you're gonna get the gold get the dirt out of there right there's a garden snake I don't want that I want like my gardening hose broke or something like that right we want something that we know we can get like flex illah hose garden hose review yeah I could sell some hoses I could sell some Moses they're very cool soil testing near me maybe maybe not I would want that if there was an affiliate offer where I got paid for like a soil testing lead or something like that right so we want to go through and we want to look at this okay best pruning shears those are good some of them I might not want and that's why you got to do the work yourself can't just rely on a keyword tool to just spit it out for you okay so that's what we have for our competitor jacking method if you get it give us a thumbs up type competitor jacking method in the box let me know you're with me and you're following and we're gonna get to some other really good ones that you're gonna love all right really cool so alright the next methods we're gonna go through after everyone types in and lets me know that they understand the competitor jacking method are ones for no niche no niche okay if you don't have a niche how many of you guys have known it you're like I don't know what I want to do I just want to make money online I don't know why you heard you got to have a keyword to make money I don't know what a keyword is but if I had one maybe I'd have some money I don't know right you might not have a niche yet so what we're gonna do is we're gonna look at this because I've literally ran sites in hundreds of niches I've had thousands of sites and I know what works and I know how to find niches that will work okay so the first thing we want to do is look at our trigger word method so if you don't know what you're doing and again even if you do know what you're doing you can use these trigger words with your niche ah pretty cool right I'll show you that in a minute so the trigger word method is like this I go out there and I'm like I don't know what I'm doing I just need to find a niche so I can make some money okay what you want to do is you want to download your trigger word list okay you go to keyword sniffer com you get that list then you take the trigger words and you put them into a keyword tool one at a time very simple like okay I could do that then you want to locate a non-competitive niches and deep dive with methods one through three okay so the three methods I taught you okay are what you want to use so we're gonna go in and we're gonna go to trigger right now what are trigger words trigger words is a list of words that I came up with big list and you can get it at keywords AFRICOM it's a big list that has words that have nothing to do with any market okay they have nothing to do with anything there like chart chart what does have to do with anything marketed I what does that have to do with anything well when I typed chart in the box here right we go to like our a href tool or we could even use our google tool and we can type in chart and we can see what people want based on chart so what are people searching for with chart alright and we wait and we see chart lucid chart pie chart bar chart all these charts okay pretty cool so we can look at this got a bunch of charts here great we can go to our 8 hrs tool or our uber suggest whichever you fancy now we could type any chart and we can go like this and could be like okay cool let's see what kind of charts people have so Dow Jones chart that would be cool if it wasn't that competitive let's go ahead and isolate this and just do under 10 competition alright what kind of charts ok Minecraft's chart we got rater chart we got all kinds of football charts okay I think that's what that is ok and what you'll find is you're gonna find all kinds of things now you can go through and you can do it or you can put your niche with it like if I go through and I'm like weight loss chart alright like this okay look at that people are looking for weight loss charts that's pretty cool now when you look at weight loss oh man that one's competitive ouch can't do this one very competitive weight loss chart ooh hey there we go this guy's in the process of losing weight you and only one a weight loss chart if you're trying to lose weight that's the only reason you would want to do that and I can get all this traffic ripe for the pickin there's all kinds of other charts like money charts and mortgage charts everything ok and I found that just using a trigger word very simple you can do that with any of these keywords or in any of these trigger words and I think there's over like 200 on the list I have for you you could do decrease what do people want to decrease okay we're like okay cool let's see we got decrease percentage decrease taxes okay cool so decrease taxes good there you go how to decrease taxes that's pretty cool right pretty cool carb counter chart yeah good one and on and on we go we can do instructions boom we got instructions right all kinds of stuff Lego instructions tax form structions like if you're a tax guy this is like your shangri-la like it is ripe for the pickin lots of stuff right very very important okay you can do the same thing with PDF we're kind of PDFs to people one and again with your keyword tool just isolate it so you get the ones you want only one ones that are ten or less and boom here we go alright small PDF PDF drive people looking for all kinds of book PDFs you could probably get them into like audible or some kind of book membership or something like that really really cool we can use raise what do people want to raise yeah raise blood pressure raise their income whatever raise anything right go here checklist that's a good one okay raise so we got like pay raise a lot of people looking at pay raise okay so we can do like pay raise a raise and then we just drill down we're like okay what can I do with pay raise maybe I can get them into like you know education offers saw an ad today for like sixty nine thousand dollars to learn to be a commercial pilot or something like that right probably has a good Commission on it I would think and so we look at that and were like okay cool remove this is a good one what do people want to remove like maybe here you have a carpet cleaning offer and they want to remove gum from carpet or whatever okay very very cool now again you don't have to use a href you don't have to use a paid tool you could do this with lewbert suggest you just have to know how to isolate what you're looking for use the trigger words do what I'm showing you okay so very very cool look at this how to remove nail polish how to remove all kinds of things okay reviews what kind of reviews people are looking for okay and the trigger word method you won't go wrong trigger word and gloss three are my two favorite methods because I work like crazy and we're gonna get into some other really cool stuff as well all right so we can go here and isolate this what kind of reviews okay look at this just tons and tons of reviews and they want to buy stuff I mean that's just boomed gold right there uninstall what do people want to uninstall you want to sell some virus software or anti virus spyware registry editors boom here you go how to uninstall things guys think about that really really really cool you just got to get in and you got to do it and you got to make it work right in your like there you go there's the words and so you look at that and the trigger word method will never let you down because you could just go out there and you can find keywords all day and as a marketer my job is to find words I can rank for and get people in front of this stuff right and then think about what do they want like this we did a call last week on medium where we did a video on medium how many guys saw the medium one right and we look at it we're like okay I went through medium and I found this guy looking for like a vast won't load right and it was a vast won't load and I would have never found this had I not used a trigger word a vast won't load let's say avast let's do a fast load because I don't know if they're using the apostrophe or not Avast failed to load that was it one on competition 8500 searches a month guys making sales it's not that hard to do you just got to do it right very very very simple now if your keyword tool your free keyword tool has a daily limit just use what you've got use the AdWords tool use that you know go back to it the next day okay don't need a hundred zillion a day you just got to go in there and do it right just got to make no excuses and say I'm gonna do it right and the medium video we're gonna show you something really really cool right you thought you're like oh Marcus is whining down you know we got through the trigger word method you know it's probably all just other stuff for here on out not so my friend we actually have a really good one so that's how the trigger word method works if you if you get it type trigger word method in the box okay and we'll go on to the bonus Big Sight method so type trigger word if you understand the trigger word method and we're gonna go into the bonus Big Sight method which is actually pretty darn cool and you can use it with other sites like I showed you that video which is why you need to subscribe and click the bell because I give you good videos and like unless you hate money if you don't like money and you don't like internet marketing then don't subscribe but if you want to learn this I think you'll really like it and with that medium one like you can actually use their site to rank and lead them back to your site which will build your site up build their side up get you traffic boom not that hard to do people are doing it all day so trigger word method we're good on that now the bonus number one is the Big Sight method check this out now for this you might need a paid keyword tool but you know what wait do all your research and then you can just get like the seven day trial for seven bucks and then you know use it for seven days or whatever or you know I think three dollars a day is not much to pay for a keyword tool that gets you what you need as long as you think you can make more than a hundred bucks alright so here we go bonus big site method you want to take a big site that has user driven content okay so like medium right like it's a good example so medium I can go into site explorer and go into medium yum dot-com right like this and I could see what medium ranks for right they got tons of stuff they're a powerhouse and I could go through look at this that's what kinda like a ton of traffic and I think he got like shut down I don't know what this terms about but I think it was like one that you don't want to use but he had a lot of traffic overnight but don't do that right do the stuff that actually is good and we could go through like kickass proxy okay this is like hey this guy wants like a proxy server 18,000 searches a month he ranked for it twitch Affiliate nightbot whatever these things are right we can go through and we can look at these and we can isolate the non-competitive what hell let's let's do even better let's say I only want ones that are like up to a 1 and because of sites so big you're gonna find them and you can organize this by traffic and we could be like oh hey there's that a vast one here's a a bunch of weird ones we got let's see and what we're doing is we're looking for something we can use let's see and you just keep going and you keep going till you find something you can use like the Avast one would definitely work right we got all kinds of weird ones but you would just go through here and you would find ones that have what you want and it's super easy it's not hard to do right you just get the traffic and you're good to go all right how many guys are follow along so the idea but behind the big bonus site method is to put a big site in the keyword tool and dig around find what you can find like you tube to wave okay they're looking to convert maybe there's like a converter you can sell them or whatever right and that's okay seriously that's like 32,000 searches a month and like that's just that one keyword if I take this link and I put this link in here I can see all the traffic and all the words from that one post and their lot and you just go and you do it and boom there you go right really cool then you put the trick you put the big site in there and you locate the non-competitive niches with the deep-dive methods and you go in and you use it very very simple all right do we understand the bonus Big Sight method type Big Sight method in the box if you do all right and we're gonna get into the last one which is pretty awesome okay cool so when we get into the next one which is number six we're gonna look at our keyword jogger method okay this is kind of sneaky what we're gonna do is we're gonna go into Google and we're gonna search in quotes you have to do this in quotes and we're gonna search for something like affiliate disclosure why would I search for affiliate disclosure well quite simply because affiliate sites have affiliate disclosures so I can go through and I can find sites that look interesting to me like here's a wellness one if you're in the Wellness niche and and you can find all kinds of sites okay so what we want to do is we want to use these different keyword joggers I have a big list of keyword joggers over on keyword sniffer comm and we can look at this list of joggers type them in Google in the quotes and we're like boom there we go I can find these sites I could put them into my keyword tool I can find out what they're ranking for and I can take the rankings that I want and start to rank for them it's very simple I just find the non-competitive ones I build up once I get the non-competitive ones I can go for bigger ones cuz my site will get bigger it'll get a lot more stuff right so the keyword jogger method is really cool and you can use this with anything like if you want to do you know your specific niche you could do affiliate disclosure you know radios I don't people even buy radios anymore right people that are doing radios or affiliate disclosure you know whatever and you can find all kinds of stuff you could also use Amazon affiliate right type in quote Amazon affiliate links or something like that and to find people that use Amazon and when you use this with this stuff I teach you you can not only get traffic but you can convert that traffic into sales and if you guys use what I just showed you over the last hour you read a light years ahead of the competition and you'll understand what's going on and if you guys want to get that keyword tool go to keyword sniffer calm or the key word trigger lists and notes from this webinar go there now if you like this and want to learn more from me if you're like yeah I think Marcus has been doing this too long and he kind of knows about it go over to simple sites bonus com you can get my course my course actually goes through and it has a training it's actually a software course so it goes through like this and it actually has a training on trigger words right so we're gonna go in and you could do the training on trigger words and it actually has the trigger words right there in it so right here niche finding it's got a video that walks you through it and then under trigger words it actually has that trigger word list with a power search tool and what the power search tool does is it actually searches your stuff and it does a lot of the stuff for you that I taught you here right so it'll go through and it'll show you how to do this stuff so you don't have to deal with all the competitive and all the junk and whatever it's actually like the next best thing to having me there help you right in your house like helping you right it's the next best thing and you could go through and you can actually watch this and you can learn all this stuff and it's gonna teach you how to rank you know teach you how to set it up there's an SEO course in here all kinds of things and if you like this stuff and you're like okay I get it this is making sense simple sites bonus com is where to go now if you like this training give us a thumbs up subscribe click the bell check out my other trainings we have lots of good stuff for you here on the channel and join us live every week at 10 a.m. Eastern or live training where you can ask questions thanks again for joining I'm Marcos smash the like button check out our other videos be a lot more dramatic if I could find the end button in time thanks for watching
Channel: affiliatemarketingmc
Views: 26,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyword research, keyword research tutorial, best free keyword research tool for 2020, advanced keyword research tutorial, keyword research for a new website, seo keyword research, free keyword research
Id: YOmeJh9Lpg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 15sec (3255 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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