Copy And Paste Links = $800 A Day... Does It Work?

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can you just copy and paste links to make eight hundred dollars a day that's what the other people here on youtube would have you believe if you watch their channels but today we're going to talk about the truth we're going to talk about why most other things aren't working for you what the opportunity cost is because obviously if you're spending time watching videos that don't work you're going to get results that don't work which is going to cost you on things you could actually be doing that actually do work like what we're going to show you today and today we're going to show you a very simple method to copy and paste links to make profit online now i apologize if you hear the air conditioner running it is 76 degrees in here according to our thermometer if i don't have the air on it's going to get up to about 90 in here which is kind of brutal so we're going to have to live with it so today what we're going to do is we're going to show you how to do this copy and paste blink method it's extremely simple it's extremely easy all you got to do is follow along watch this entire video to the end it'll be about an hour and we're going to show you exactly how this works now we're going to show you exactly how to earn money using this and this is a screenshot from some of the sales i made using this exact same method on this web page pretty simple right we're going to show you the whole thing nothing's going to be left out at the end you'll be able to go and do this and if this if you i can't talk today if you think this is a good setup and you want to learn how to do this let me know and we are going to dive right in i'll put my comments over here so i can see what's on your guys's mind as well now in today's lineup again watch this entire video all the way through at least one time today in part number one we're gonna show you the other guy's brake pads and if you know the movie i just referenced put it in the box we're gonna show you what the other guys are teaching why it's wrong and how it's stopping you from making money online part number two important i'm going to show you why this method doesn't work part number three we're gonna get to the good stuff i'm gonna show you a real sinister method that actually works if you work it part number four a bonus meth method that works even better than that and in part number five i'm going to show you a crazy stack method to build up for even better profits and in part number six we're going to show you some cool traffic tips so again stick around to the end you'll learn an entire plan you can go out after the plan you can use the plan and you can make money with the plan disclaimer results not typical implied or guaranteed when you see eight hundred dollars up here those are my results i've been doing this for 21 years yes i can make pretty good money after doing this but you have to realize that the average vast majority of people trying to make money online make zero so keep that in mind let's go ahead and dive right in part number one what the other guys say this is what the other videos say i know i watch them they go out there and they say grab your clickbank link or a link from jvzoo or a link from digistore24 and go out there and tweet about it or facebook it or instagram it and throw it up all over your social media just like this little birdie it can't get any easier than that you just grab your link and you share it well there's a big reason this doesn't work and that takes us into part number two the reason this doesn't work is because this is what's known ladies and gentlemen as spam right you're going out there and putting links in front of people who don't want your links which means they're not going to click them and even if they do click them they're not going to buy anything so can you go to clickbank copy and paste an affiliate link share it with people and make money yes you can but there's a little bit more to it than that and if you feel like you've been watching video after video and training and course and all this stuff and you feel like something's been left out you're about to learn it but you gotta stay to the end and you gotta smash the like button so other people can learn this too now part number two the reason this doesn't work is because all they're doing is spam they're going out there and they're yelling at the top of their lungs to share their links with all these people and they promise that you're gonna get money but the problem is is people don't care about your links say it with me ladies and gentlemen people don't care about my links they don't care that you have an affiliate link they don't even care that you found them a good price they don't even care what you're talking about because all they hear is noise noise noise they're like the grinch all i hear is the noise noise noise so how are you going to cut through that news noise what you're going to do is you're going to watch this entire video and you are going to subscribe because this is going to show you the real world method which brings us into step number three a real sinister method that actually works here's the deal let's break this down let's open up the old notepad here or whatever this thing's called get our handy dandy pen and let's take a look so first thing we have what's known as an affiliate link all right an affiliate link is a link where when people click it and buy something or fill out a form or download something i get paid now this is what's known as a constant this does not change your affiliate link is your affiliate link and it will make you money as long as the company is paying which is a long time so i could go over to clickbank like this i could search for products i could promote these products and i will get paid so if i share this link i get 134.54 on average when they buy the product 173 here 111 here 51 here or if you want to promote the blog profit network which is my product blog profit right that's paying an average of 91 dollars and it's brand new so it's actually going to pay a lot more than that but the conversion's pretty good so if you were to go and click on promote and get your fancy affiliate link right here i could take this affiliate link i could share it with people when they buy the product i get paid that is what's called a constant i want everyone to type constant in the box constant we know that is a fact all right you can take that fact to the bank there it is right you go out there you share your link and you make money okay that's pretty simple a lot of us know about that that is a fact but the problem is where are we gonna share our link how we gonna get money i mean i could go all day and i can copy and paste affiliate links like this just copy them and paste them and copy them and paste them and copy them and paste them but to get to eight hundred dollars a day or even eight dollars a day or even eight cents a day is going to take some work now can you copy and paste links yes ladies and gentlemen you can but there's a little bitty secret you gotta learn and this secret is gonna knock your socks off it is so simple it's so easy it literally hinges on the idea of copying and pasting so if you can copy and paste type copy and paste in the box then smash the like button and let me know you're enjoying this because i'm going to show you something crazy that the other gurus don't even know exist because they don't do this stuff right most people don't do this for a living i've been doing this for 21 years which is most of my life this year i'll be 42 and i'll be doing it for 22 years right so a lot of stuff here so we got to look at this now if everyone types copy and paste in the box i want to see that thing light up everyone type that in everyone smash the like button and i'm going to show you the sinister method because if you can copy and paste you can make it work and it's super simple here's how it works you're not just going to copy and paste affiliate links and put them on social media we know that unless you have a following that's not going to work and most people here don't have a following that's going to get you enough traffic to make this work so let me show you a really cool way that actually works and you know it works because the three has eyes i mean do you ever go on a webinar where the three has eyes no this is the real deal folks here we go the real sinister method that actually works what you're going to do is you're not just going to copy and paste affiliate links so the other gurus are telling you they say just get your affiliate links and share them with everyone all right what does this do well this does not provide value if i just share my affiliate link you can go buy that stuff anyway and you probably weren't thinking about buying that stuff and it provides no value it doesn't give any good in the marketplace it doesn't serve a need i am basically out there just spamming and spam doesn't look like that but you know you get the idea here so let's talk about what this actually does take to work because if you can copy and paste you can do this you don't have to be a fantastic writer you don't have to make tons of content all you got to do is serve the need that people are looking for again case in point this is your little hint just last week i did a video about buying and selling domain names on that video a lot of you guys went to my site to get the links so that you could actually buy and sell domains right here it is you could go here to just dropped you could go to godaddy here's a bulk tool a bunch of free tools what did i do i copy and pasted links based on people that want to do domain searches because a lot of people don't know these links exist a lot of people don't know these websites exist so what i do is i copy and paste them here with a little trick and the trick we're gonna get to in just a minute so here's what we got we got people looking for things like crazy okay best used car websites best real estate websites best dating websites best free movie websites look at this best used car websites 22 a month twenty two thousand people a month search for best used car websites did you know that six thousand people actually about seven thousand actually nine thousand if you add them all up nine thousand people a month look up it's where to find expired domain names interesting right that's an example here that's exactly what i'm doing right like i practice what i preach this is the screenshot here that's where the money was made right this one here talking about domain names boom there it is right that's actually live ready to go we probably made a little bit more than that since i put that up uh yet last night but here are people looking for this most expensive car most expensive pokemon card most expensive stock most expensive houses in the world and on and on we go now this is all gonna make sense in a minute mike right now you might be like okay marcus you said copy and paste you said something about domains now you're talking about websites and expired domains and most expensive things okay think think think pay attention check this out buy now pay later sites survey sites that pay survey sites that pay no paid dating sites sites that pay you sites that pay you to write are you starting to get an aha moment if you are type it in the box smash the like button it's gonna build and it's gonna grow and you're gonna see how this works in a really cool way here's other ones websites that pay you um 11 sites that will pay you to test out websites interesting so this guy wants 11 sites that will pay you to test out websites all right put that in your brain keep it in for later i told you watch the whole video right if you duck out early you're not going to get the aha moment which most people will leave early because you know they really don't want to make money they don't have an hour in their busy schedule to actually do this right they got an hour to watch the mass singer which like seriously i watched that show and i just can't get into it my family likes it but i'm like i just have no desire to watch people dressed as turtles sing i just don't yeah i don't know but don't watch that for an hour they won't watch this for an hour but i know you're different you're gonna watch this for an hour and you're gonna learn it because one hour could change the course of your internet marketing affiliate marketing life if you let it so let's keep going websites that pay websites that sell websites that don't require billing address how to find old websites that no longer exist okay interesting this is all interesting keep this in your head and you're gonna get an aha moment here's a couple more royalty-free music royalty-free images royalty-free youtube music royalty-free photos sound effects free mp3s and downloads my downloads mp3 music downloads font downloads here's some for forms and these are people like 1.8 million people a month actually almost 8 million people a month globally look up forms irs forms free fillable forms microsoft forums tax forms zip forms forms google all right let's keep going again focus all right you might be your brain might be going crazy right now and that's okay because this is all going to come full swing in just a minute and you're gonna be like man i'm glad i stayed for this entire video because all the other guys are teaching things that don't work but this actually works here we go 10 million clip art heart clip art flower clip art christmas clip art all kinds of clip art creative commons interesting where to watch where to brush the presidential debate where to watch the old harry potter where to watch other stuff okay now is anyone getting a little aha moment if you've been watching my stuff for a while you might start to get it what do all these things have in common right what does all these things have in common it's like third grade again right what do these have in common well what these have in common is they are all list driven now most people are going to go out there and they're like marcus you don't understand i just want to make money so i need to get my affiliate link and i need to send it to as many people as possible aka spam now you don't want to do that spamming's bad you can't even have a disclosure it's a bunch of junk but what about people looking for these lists right right think about this where to watch clip art creative commons forms royalty free downloads how to find old websites websites that pay websites that pay you to transcribe things websites that accept this 11 sites that pay you to test out websites is anyone getting it yet type it in the box if you're getting it someone said trigger words no not really not really um these are all based on lists so i could go out here let's say 11 sites that will pay you to test out websites all right cool so here's what i do i go out there and i find eight websites okay this will literally take you an hour i find eight websites that pay you okay to to take surveys for whatever right okay whatever our keyword is surveys so i find eight websites that pay you to take surveys cool right that's not hard anyone can do this you could do it before the webinar is over if you wanted to all right then i find three affiliate programs for surveys huh you like that so you go out there you find eight websites that pay you for surveys then you find three affiliate programs for surveys and there's tons of them you go and you go to the old clickbank or whatever it is and you can find all kinds of like survey stuff right watch this survey boom all right survey cash um all kinds of survey stuff right you go through you look them up you got to do a little bit of stuff but you'll be able to find exactly what's going on there's actually one on max bounty right now uh let's go to offervault and find it give me a second here offervault and it's a survey one that actually pays you i think it's three dollars for a lead a 280. check this out right 2.80 for a lead all they got to do is put like their name zip code and phone or uh email address and you get 280. right that's all the you you don't even have to sell anything right so i go out there and i'm like hey guys check this out here are eight really cool links so i copy and paste my eight links here's eight cool links that'll pay you to take surveys right and then hidden deep within my links not a hidden actually pretty blatantly i put my three links that pay me how many of you guys are like wait a minute dude that is amazingly cool like seriously that's all i have to do and you could actually go through and very fast you could do like a little simple overview oh this site does this here's how much they pay here's some reviews here's some results pretty simple charles says but you have to get approved to max bounty and it isn't that easy yeah it is you call them up and if you don't get approved there you go to clickbank if you can't use clickbank you use what you got use what you got there are no excuses in this zone right you go you use what you got okay if you can't find a survey offer do a different niche you got to do you got to be willing to do it you got to be willing to do the work karen says she got approved for max bounty two weeks ago it wasn't hard at all so like you know you just go and you call them up but there you go like i make these 11 links i'd give a little text about the links if i want to do the bonus method and then i drive them to stuff now guess what you say well marcus you know now i got these 11 links and you know what i'm going to do you know i uh i don't know what am i going to do here well now i have what is called a resource here's my resource here are 11 sites you didn't know about that will pay you to take surveys online now i got a resource i could turn it into a video i could turn it into a pdf i could do whatever i want or i could just simply put them on a site all right let's get into that i'm getting a little excited here right we're getting a little ahead of ourselves but we're gonna go through smash that like button again stay to the end you're gonna love this like this actually works how many of you guys can see that this actually works you're like wait a minute that totally makes sense now if i want to share it on social media i'm not just like hey here's my clickbank link go buy some stuff because i'm broke no no no now you're like hey y'all want to take some surveys and make some money here's 11 sites that i'll pay you ooh i want to see the 11 sites and they go over there do you guys see how that's different if you if you see it type different in the box because guys this is where it's at like this is not hard to do people over complicate this they make it too hard why do the other gurus make this so hard because it's easier like i could make videos that string you along for the rest of your life and then you'll watch more videos and never make money but i want you to actually make money and then come back and watch my videos right i want you to watch this stuff because it actually shows you what happens right um let's see gideon says what are the sites well you gotta go find them like that's it you go and you google and you're like what are the best survey sites you make a list you gotta go do it right no one's going to do it for you it literally takes an hour literally it takes one hour and you go do it and you look at this you're like wait a minute so this can actually work and these people are actually searching for this stuff you look at clip you're like okay here's 10 free clip art sites right here's here's 10 free clip art sites that you can use for whatever but guess what guys i like to use which by the way has an affiliate program i like to use because when i pay i know that i actually have the rights to it so i could use it on my videos and other stuff or here's 10 free video sites right boom there you go send them to stuff that makes you money all you're going to do is you're going to point it out and you're going to show them why they need the other thing right here on this page here's a bunch of places you can go and you can find expired domain names you can buy them all the time i just bought some we got an offer last night for one of my domains right pretty cool i didn't even like try to sell it this guy was like i know you have it i want to buy it so these people want to go and get these links and i'm like hey here's the links but like if you want the software that actually gives you the domains and actually does all this stuff bada bing bada boom there you go ladies and gentlemen this does it for you and it's only 30 bucks right so do you see how i'm utilizing the stuff to make this work and orlando says can you connect this to list building yes you can we're going to get to the stacking method in just a minute now you might be saying yeah but marcus you know what about like creative comments what are you gonna do with creative commons how are you gonna make money with creative commons well not the typical way what we're gonna do is we're gonna show people sites and then link to stuff that has royalty free linked to stuff that they ultimately want see what this is all about is looking at the ultimate goal right now you got a guy and he's out there and he's like i am sad marcus i am so sad i look like this and i have one hair and he's sad he's like what am i gonna do i can't find any clip art i can't find any clip art marcus what am i gonna do and what we're doing is we're gonna make him happy by understanding what he wants and what he wants is not clip art wait a minute marcus what are you telling me what this guy wants he types clip art in the box you're telling me he doesn't really want clip art are you telling me that what right nobody wants a pencil they want to be able to write nobody wants clip art they want to be able to make something nobody wants this they want that all right and if you understand this everything is going to change because now you're like hey wait a minute these people are sad they're looking for forms great wonderful great i can make a list of forms i can copy and paste those links then i can link them to stuff that makes them happy for example maybe i can go over here to offer vault and find a download like here we go here is a pdf download right there there it is pdf download so all these people that want all these forms right i'm like hey guys here's the top tax forms here's the top forms for name change here's the top forms for this and a copy and a paste and a copy and a paste and i make a nice little list and i do the research takes me maybe 30 minutes maybe an hour maybe all day if i'm like eating chips and watching tv and not paying attention to marcus's video wait what you should pay attention you got to pay attention here there we go we got the forms what do you need to make the forms work well you need some kind of pdf software this pdf software is free it costs nothing they download it and i get myself a buck 60 every time it's downloaded again remember they don't just want the forms they want to apply for stuff they want to fill things out they want to do this other stuff and if you understand this your life's about to change in terms of affiliate marketing same thing here clipart we can show them places to get clip art here's the best places that have sun clip out or flower clip art and by the way for a hundred bucks a year you could get or whatever creative commons you could sell them different membership sites to video things that i pay for all the time and you look at this where to watch right there's little things about like news toolbars and media tab that's the news one pays you a dollar when they download it storm search right how do i find the storms that are in my area or whatever or how do i find maps or what are the links to make my computer faster if you're starting to get this type aha in the box smash the like button because ladies and gentlemen this is stuff that actually works now you can get notes from this video at but don't just go there yet because we're only on step three of six steps ladies and gentlemen and the four has eyes so you know if the four has eyes there's some money here you just gotta pay attention here's a bonus method that works even better check this out i did a research on medium medium is a website where you don't even need a website so you're like marcus you don't understand man i'm totally broke i don't even have a nickel i can't do anything but somehow miraculously i have a thousand dollar cell phone and i have internet access but i'm broke yeah it's called priorities but at any rate let's say you're broke and you can't afford a website for six dollars like seriously okay if you can figure out a way go do it like go to start your first site but if you truly can't here's how to make money without even doing that you could actually go out there and you could look at medium medium ranks for fan fiction websites portfolio websites poetry websites and on and on we go they also rank for like youtube alternative websites netflix and chill alternatives um slack alternatives like look at this they're ranking and they're getting traffic and it costs nothing they go out there and they're like wait a minute so people are searching for this stuff right they're out there and they're searching for it and i could go and put a free medium post up it costs nothing i'm like here's the top links if you want to convert a dvd to mp4 on a mac or here's the best 10 free pdf converters okay how many of you guys honestly can go find me 20 free pdf converters right if i told you hey look your life depends on finding these pdf converters how many of you guys could find me 20. like you go to google you look up free pdf converter you copy and paste the links you can make me a list of 20 if you had to right how many of you guys could do it type pdf list in the box if you could do that if you can't do it go watch the other guys i probably can't help you but if you can do it all you got to do like this guy on medium right now he's getting this traffic right now like right now he's doing it now right now while you're watching this he's getting traffic and all he did was make a list best free pdf converter free m4v converters how many of you guys can do this you literally go to google and you're like free pdf converter and you're like yay free pdf converter here's a couple of them i can copy these links copy paste copy paste and i'm like okay here you go i found you 23 pdf converters but at the top of the list i'm like hey here's a paid one and this will allow you to do x y and z here it is now you can get traffic you can get traffic and you're like hey i got a resource i could put this in front of people i can do this with literally anything and then i'm like hey guys check it out my favorite free pdf converter is this one here that's free go download it so i can get a dollar eighty pretty simple right here's a list of twenty the top one happens to be my affiliate program and bada bing bada bang i didn't even buy a website i just put it on medium and there you go very simple so medium is a great way to go you can always use blogspot you can do a facebook group you can do whatever you want but let's talk about the stacking methods did you know people are doing this here on the old youtube like there are literally people 10 amazing websites you didn't know existed 20 cool websites to visit when you're bored five websites every web designer should visit one million views and what did he do he went and found some interesting websites that's what he did and he patterned it after what people are searching for now you can do this all the time till you're blue in the face and here is how the stack method works all right what you're going to do is you're going to start with your keywords all right we always start with the keyword over here at the old affiliate marketing dude and you're like check this out so what we're going to do is we're going to start with our keyword then i'm gonna make my list okay a lot of people are asking for the list the list is something you create it's not something i give you you gotta get it right so to get your list started you're gonna go out there and you're going to do a little research okay and you're going to create a resource you can take this resource and you can put it on medium you can put it on your blog you can turn this resource into a pdf hey guys download my free pdf about the top 10 websites designers need to know about pretty simple right then we go through and we put some affiliate links on it boom now what we're gonna do is we're gonna do the stack method because once i have this list i can make this all kinds of ways so i can turn this into a pdf right you don't know how to make a pdf you open microsoft word you make your file and you hit file save as pdf bada bing bada boom you got a pdf you can distribute this on download sites pdf sites you can put this on your medium you can put this on your blog you can also go out there and make a free report free report reveals 20 websites that that show you the best stocks to buy pretty simple now you're getting into some big traffic stuff right free report shows you the top 50 gardening links to like garden or whatever okay you can go do the report you can make an audio right you just read your report you're like here's the top sites you can make an infographic you can put this on like your um graphic you could put this on your instagram you could put it wherever you want you could put it on your pinterest right here's a pinterest top 50 sites for this you can put it on your medium you can do a press release shocking 10 websites that are going to show you how to do x y and z pretty simple right we can go out there and we can do whatever we want we can even make videos we can turn our little list into video guys this is not that hard to do people over complicate it because they don't believe that making money can be as simple as this and it literally can be now again there's a trick to it you got to get the traffic like you got to go out there and get the traffic but what i'm showing you is start with your keyword first that way you know there's a built in traffic method and then all you do is you find people who would want your download you make it helpful you make it good good you do the work you help people that's all you do right how many people last week downloaded this list of where to buy and sell domains right how many of you guys were like yeah that was helpful i totally dug that like that showed me what to do i like it or in fact maybe you're going to go there now and it's got a list of links and it also made me money now did this make me a fortune no it made about 800 bucks in sales something like that okay now full disclosure this has a recurring billing thing so as long as these people stay i could be making that 800 bucks over and over and over again that'd be kind of cool right most people probably won't stay past six months but still it's gonna add up right and now i got this resource and i can make this money and be like hey wait a minute this is pretty cool now again this site probably got a couple thousand uh visitors to it okay so it's not like per click it's not some whopper of a make money thing but it really didn't take me that long to set up and because of this i could make money and it's not that hard here's the top resources to do this here's the places to do this and if you want to do a bonus method add to it here's three sites and why you need them here's five sites plus how to use them here's five keywords uh keyword tools plus the trigger word thing guys if you get this the game's gonna change how many of you guys get it type i get it in the box because you can copy and paste links now are you gonna make 800 a day probably not most people watching this will forget about it in like 20 minutes you'll be like hey you know aren't we watching cartoons or something most people won't make that much money even people who try there's a chance you could make nothing the average person makes nothing but if you understand the fundamental principle of i can make helpful resource lists of links by copy and pasting links then i can go out there and i can make money and if you understand this it will work for you if you do it you just got to do it you got to do it long enough you got to make it work you got to focus on the people that want it and if you get it ladies and gentlemen you can go out there and make money you can do this with clickbank jvzoo max bounty whatever affiliate program you want on offer vault web hosting whatever you want you can go out there and you can copy and paste links and make money in a really really simple way don't over complicate it don't overthink it now if you have questions about this method let's go ahead and take some questions that way we got some more content for you guys anyone have questions about this method and again we're going to have some notes over at you can actually download the notes and i'm going to show you some other examples as well while you guys are typing your questions in so some cool traffic tips that we can go to is really looking at why these people are searching for this stuff and how to find them if you go for the low competition ones this is always going to make life easier for you especially if you're doing medium youtube or whatever it is you can go out there and provide good valuable stuff which is pretty simple for example there's ones about like how to find someone on a dating website right that would be perfect for like how to find out if someone's cheating perfect it totally works for that niche and it's really cool now if you want notes from this go to if you guys like this stuff and you're like marcus is the real deal he teaches stuff that actually works check out my course at we literally have a live call every tuesday where we just rip into your sites and answer your questions and everything like that now another one i wanted to bring up for you was the word apps okay apps is really cool so when we look at the word apps i have dating apps uh drawing apps chrome apps um organize my apps iphone investment apps guys these are perfect for making money these are perfect for going out there and promoting things that make money and if you focus on this and you're like hey yeah i can go out there and i can make a list of cool apps list of apps and if you go on youtube there's people that are like here's the top 10 apps for investing here's the top 10 apps for this here's a top 10 apps for that and if you look at this and you make this work you can get the results that you want okay let's take a look at some questions here where to go after keywords for traffic i like to use the ahrefs keyword tool so the ahrefs keyword tool will show you um screenshots like this and it'll show you what people search for and then to go for traffic you want to find out where the people are at right so if i do like free pdf converter if there's like forums and stuff here then i'm going to use that and if you do that it'll work really well for you again if there was youtube showing up i would probably do youtube sometimes you can do paid ads you could do whatever you want there but again look at where the market is okay david says do you put your list on a site then drive traffic to it via facebook ads well in this method you're not gonna make a bunch per click because it's not super targeted so paid traffic may or may not work like if you can get it for three cents a click then yeah it would work um i would really uh encourage you to watch my video on facebook ad flipping which is pretty cool and that will work for you you can also use facebook for free traffic as well okay casey says once the list post is done how important is it to have a domain in my opinion getting a domain is very important i would go to set up your first site take you 15 minutes boom there you go it's like six bucks a month um let's see here do you think facebook is good for free traffic if you have the right market yeah like if you create um a good resource for like survey sites and you go to a make money group on facebook that could be a jackpot that could work really well um you could do one on keywords or best sites to spot scammy offers or best sites for this and if you can go do that that'll work because again what's happening is this is putting you in a new league right you were out there and you're like i'm just going to promote my affiliate link it's what everyone's doing it's spam it's junk it's gross instead now i'm providing a resource this is like hey dude now i'm trying to help you guys out totally different ball game like do you guys notice the difference between my videos and other people that are like here's ways to make money you watch a 30 minute video at the end you're like i didn't learn anything like you promised a way to make money and i literally didn't learn anything here you actually learn stuff which means this is now a resource this is something i can go out there and say hey here's the top this here's the top that and boom there you go okay so it puts you in a new league okay mark this makes too much sense you can do this again and again marcus the real deal yeah you can do this it's easy glenn can i get a discount on your high ticket niche it depends on what you've ordered before ask us on live chat or support and they'll they'll talk to you about that casey says 90 of my income comes from facebook yeah facebook's a gold mine if you do it right uh could this method work with native or push traffic totally yeah it can absolutely work because now you have a resource you're like 10 websites you didn't know existed that can make you money um harass said how can i start for free as a beginner i just showed you if you didn't get it watch the video again uh let's see would you add an opt-in page between the links and the sites absolutely yeah you can do that it will hinder the amount of people who see your resource so in some markets that'll work and some it won't again it's going to talk about the value of your list um in the domain one yeah i'd totally do that in the domain one please tell us if a facebook page could rank in google as easy as a website yes and no i mean sometimes it can break easier it just depends the key to that is to use my booster methods on your facebook page anthony marcus what's the best keyword difficulty score if you're using ubersuggest i don't know i don't use ubersuggest kind of a pain i mean it's okay in my opinion it's kind of hard to navigate um but if you guys get this you could use whatever you want i think uber suggests like you want below a 50 i think um so yeah uh heart shed yeah watch the video again you could do this for free it doesn't cost anything you can go do it as a beginner for free a lot of people are like how can i do this as a beginner it doesn't matter if you're a beginner or if you've been doing it a while you just follow the directions uh any suggestions for paid traffic yes so if you're going to promote something like the pdf download and it pays 16 or 6.60 a download okay 1.60 per download then you would want to get traffic for less than 10 cents a click right 10 cents so you need to make sure that your paid traffic makes sense okay all right guys any other questions let me know and we'll get you rocking and rolling from there all right i think guys if you follow this this stuff works there's no funny business like you don't even buy anything don't even you don't even buy my course you can use what you just learned and make it work you can go to we'll have notes on this video that'll be up it takes about five hours to get them up but you can make this work in a really easy way if you want to buy a course you go to we're there every tuesday helping you all right casey says if you want to start for free my suggestion is watch all of marcus's videos i've been doing this a while and he's seriously the real deal thanks for that casey ben marcus would you make a video on advertising psychology i do have a couple they're like two years old but they're pretty good what is the n a on top of the promote button n a i'm not sure what you're talking about yeah i'm not i'm not seeing that how much would you start with paid traffic i would start with as much as your offer costs right now in this example i'd probably start with like 10 so i'd spend 16 to test this one uh if it was an offer that was like 30 what i want to do is i want to run 300 clicks okay so i'm getting traffic for three cents a click it cost me nine bucks if i'm getting traffic for a dollar a click it cost me 300 bucks right so that's what you should spend is 300 clicks but again make sure it makes sense okay obviously i ain't gonna spend 10 bucks a click if i'm only making 30 a sale it's not going to make sense okay did we do five and six yes we did five and six were the bonus methods uh which was the stack and the traffic tips okay smart says as usual pure gold thanks glad you liked it make sure you smash the like button let's see if we can get over 100 likes we're like right there it's if we get over a thousand likes i don't know everyone should like this video because i like the video right pretty cool uh daniel do you think it's better to have posts on my own site or medium both go for the stuff that's more competitive on medium and go for the easier stuff on your own site and link your medium back to your own site okay do you think it's better to have my site have low trust flow and backlinks yeah put it on both okay how much is the average the average what yeah i don't know is there any sites where you can put these lists directly medium blogs youtube forums lots of places all right any other questions we'll go about five minutes for questions and then uh you can hop over to again smash the like button subscribe click the bell and we'll get you making money gotta go out and do it again you gotta look at this like a business far too many people think they're gonna watch a video for 45 minutes and get rich tomorrow it ain't gonna happen you gotta do the work you gotta be willing to do it right gotta go do it now can you copy and paste yeah you can i just showed you got to make it work all right guys doesn't look like too many other questions so we'll call it a wrap for the day subscribe click the bell smash the like button let's make it work let's make it happen let's go forth and make money thanks again check out my other videos there's tons of videos binge watch my content make it work make it happen it's not that hard to do thanks for watching subscribe and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: affiliatemarketingmc
Views: 123,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copy and paste links, copy and paste, make money online, earn money online, affiliate marketing, affiliate program, copy and paste ads
Id: 4TEjnjnoS7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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