How I Built A Multi Million Dollar Content Marketing Business - Full Training!

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hello and welcome to the big content webinar training today i'm going to reveal the content secrets of how i built a multi-million dollar business using content marketing now i want you to remember results are not typical implied or guaranteed i have no idea what you'll make most people trying to make money online make nothing but i think if you understand what i'm about to talk to you about today with how to do content marketing and how to structure it right so that you can make money online you're really going to like it and you could probably get some good results with it so if you're excited about this training make sure you smash that like button and put lots of comments and questions in the box and let's dive right in now at any time you want you can go over to and you can download the notes from this training along with my content templates and some other stuff but first i want to talk to you about today's lineup because we got a lot of stuff for you very important part number one i'm going to give you an overview of content marketing how it works for traffic and sales part number two we're going to talk about ai creative commons content spinners and plr we got it all today part number three we're going to talk to you about the key to outsourcing content this is very important if you don't want to write your own content or you don't think you're a good writer or maybe english isn't your native language or whatever it is this is going to talk to you about how it works and we're going to show you seven sites to outsource content part number four i'm going to talk to you about my magic weapon which is content structured differently can make you rich that's right ladies and gentlemen if you content if you structure content differently you can make lots of money online we're going to give you examples of this and we're going to show you 13 types of easy content that you can start creating part number five we're going to talk to you about how to repurpose your content because you might find out that you write a wonderful piece of content and nobody reads it so we want to know how to repurpose it and get it in front of the right people so if you're excited about this smash that like button put some comments below type content marketing or something like that let me know you are ready to go now let's go ahead and dive into part number one part number one is an overview of content marketing how does this work well let's go ahead and get our trusty pen here and talk to you about how this works first of all what you're going to notice is that the internet runs on content what you are watching right now here on youtube live is me creating content this is creating content live for you and this is designed to get sales the reason i mention get website is because i want you to put your name and email in become part of my list i give you cool stuff you buy stuff down the road and it makes me money now it's very important that when you create your content okay you could have lots of content you could have articles you could have videos there's our video you could have a pdf you could have reports you could have pretty much anything checklists anything now your idea here is to position this in front front of the right people this is what most people get wrong they go for the wrong type of person if you get the wrong type of person this is not going to work i don't care how good your content is if you put it in front of the wrong person it's not going to work it's like when you try to sell stuff right if you try to sell like basketball shoes to a guy who doesn't play basketball he's going to be like i don't care how great they are i don't care if they made jordan get the three-pointer or whatever it is doesn't matter to me i don't play basketball hence i'm not interested in those shoes so we have to put our content in front of the right people this is crucial if you get this wrong your content marketing empire will never get off the ground because you need to focus now one of the problems i see with a lot of people who do content marketing and articles and outsourcing and all this stuff is that they get in front of the right people they are actually running a 90 waste rate what does that mean that means that 90 of their visitors are not pre-qualified to buy their stuff this is extremely important i would rather get 100 targeted people that want to buy my thing than 10 000 people who are just looking for something at random this is extremely important because when you go through this what we're doing is we're looking at focused content notice this training here is about how to create content so you could build a business now i'm not just going to go over there and teach you how to write a term paper all right i could get a lot of traffic if i was like hey here's right how to write a term paper for college all right that would get a ton of traffic but that's not the traffic i want we see lots of people doing lots of things and it's not focused which means 90 of their traffic is wasted and and what that means in real world terms is that ninety percent of their effort ninety percent of their money ninety percent of the stuff that they're putting out there to get traffic is a complete and utter waste now i would venture to say that if you're out there and you're creating content and you're not making money it's because you're focusing on the waste we're going to talk to you about how to get rid of that waste so you can go in front of the right people that can make the decisions about your stuff now it's very important that you pay attention to this four step process number one we're going to look at the intent what is the intent of someone who's looking for or is going to stumble on your piece of content what is it that they want if they're looking up like dog breeds what do they want right are they just like comparing oh hey you know i made a bet with my friend that a mastiff is bigger than a greyhound right it could be it right a lot of people settle bets on the internet and they try to you know figure things out i don't want those people i want specific people the next thing we got to find out what the intent is number two we got to find out how our positioning is how are we going to position this to get in front of the people with the intent that we want and the means to buy what we have to offer or click the links or whatever it is okay number three we're talking about loaded content this is why a lot of the strategies don't work because the content's not loaded notice how i put intent and positioning before creating content that's right if you're out there creating content and you don't know the intent and you don't know your positioning you have no business creating content start over sorry you need to start over and then of course number four is our offer so what we're gonna do is we're gonna look at the intent now if i was gonna go for the example of dog breeds you could see lots of people are looking up mixed breed dogs yorkie mix lab mix all kinds of stuff right lots of traffic here a lot of people searching for this now i want you to look at what is the intent of someone looking this stuff up yorkie mixbreed they might be looking to buy a dog so unless you're able to sell a dog online probably not the case because it's pretty geo-targeted and i don't think you can ship them uh that's probably not a good idea don't do it disclaimer don't do it right this is an example calm down but what if instead of going for all this traffic i went for something like puppy won't my puppy won't stop biting me puppy won't eat puppy won't stop whining puppy won't eat it these are intense of people that have a dog that won't do something so if you're focused on this and you're starting to understand okay i could get much more mileage out of a word like puppy won't stop biting than i can out of mixed breed dogs okay does everyone understand that type understand or type a one in the box if you're understanding this put it in the comments if you understand the difference here because most people don't understand this and i know because i look at their sites and i'm like hey most of the traffic you're getting is junk traffic the traffic i get is the exact person i want now once we understand this and we understand the intent all right intent here is nothing i think they don't know they could be looking up anything it could be just deciding on a puppy or whatever and you can use this but you know it's a little bit trickier now intent here is i got this puppy and i need to train it right like these are all linked to puppy training if you're selling a puppy training book you're going to get much better mileage out of this traffic than you are the other traffic and if you start to understand this if you start to get this in your head this business is going to be way easier for you because now you're going after exactly who you want very important now the next thing is once we find our intent we're gonna find our positioning okay what am i gonna do like my puppy won't stop biting me i've tried everything okay so we could do this one here and we search for it in google right my puppy won't stop biting me i tried everything we're gonna look at what's out there and we're gonna see where we could go like reddit's right here uh some kind of news press release site or whatever and dog forums all right pet network social network all kinds of stuff so now we look at this and we're like okay i see what's going on here there's some blogs there's some places i can get involved so now i know what my positioning is going to be maybe i'll do a video maybe i'll do an article maybe i'll have a checklist about how to train your new puppy or what to do when you get a new puppy or whatever it is now armed with this i'm gonna create loaded content so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go out there and i'm gonna find offers all right for this i'll be like okay pet insurance if you got a puppy that's that's little and you know you just got your puppy you love your puppy and you know maybe you don't have five grand to fix something on your puppy maybe you need to get pet insurance or maybe i'm gonna do dog training or or puppy training ebooks or courses or whatever it is now with those in mind i am going to create loaded content and what i mean by loaded content is i'm not just a nice guy helping out all right you guys are here you're like marcus does webinars every week he does them free he's such a nice wonderful guy all right i like to think i'm kind of nice but i'm not that wonderful i do this because i want you to buy stuff i do this because the traffic makes money i do this because i have an end game in sight i know where i'm going with it and i don't create one piece of content without knowing where it's going without it being loaded yes ladies and gentlemen this is loaded content to get you to buy stuff that's what it's all about and that's what i want you to do as well then we're going to take a look at our offers and say what can we do with these offers now when creating your content and i want you to stick around to the end because at the end of this training there's going to be a big reveal that's going to blow your mind and you'll be like holy crap this is amazing like seriously i can do this all right there's going to be a big reveal so stick around if you're in it to win it type to the end if you're going to stick around to the end we'll probably go for about an hour or 90 minutes i don't know i didn't get much sleep so maybe just an hour okay so when doing this what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at what our content is going to be now every piece of content every message must contain an introduction right so i'm gonna go through and i'm gonna be like okay great so uh my puppy won't stop biting me maybe you start with a story when i had little tuffy or billy whatever your puppy's name is right i'm gonna have that puppy and he wouldn't stop biting me and here's what i did okay then you're gonna go through and you're gonna have the main message what is it i want to teach them or help them with what is it i want to talk to them about next we're gonna have a conclusion all right hey this is how all this works here's some things to check out this is how all this works i got this puppy insurance and i'm sure glad i did because it saved me three thousand dollars on my puppy's foot problem or whatever it is okay very important obviously you want to make this stuff true and and legitimate you don't want to make things up you want to make it very very on point and if you do this you can start to build this is about building and growing and when we get into part two everyone's looking for the shortcut magic weapon and i gotta tell you people come to me they're like marcus i've been looking for a quick way to make money online for 10 years and i'm like well if you look for a quick way now is it really quick because it took you 10 years to get here so it's not really that quick all right you've been you know screwing around for 10 years and now you've want to find a way but if you had been doing a constant strategy of content for 10 years you'd be making money by now like it's almost inevitable so you got to look at that you got to say i'm going to be consistent and i'm going to do what i have to do now we have introduction we have our text we have our conclusion and then we write what we want to say in all three sections and you have a summary of your blog post and everything and you can organize it and everything like that so it's very important that you look at this and it's very important that you focus on intent what does my reader what does the person consuming this content ultimately want okay positioning where am i going to put this what am i going to do with this piece of content next loaded content we're going to load it every step along the way we're going gonna have affiliate links we're gonna have offers we're gonna have resources that's very important and then of course we're gonna have our offers okay so when we're building our content this is the structure you want to use we're gonna talk to you about that a little bit more once we get into the outsourcing and the content structure differently because again you look at it and it's like there's lots of videos here on youtube that go crazy viral get lots of traffic and you know you look at it and it's like it's not that much different than a blog post it's not that much different than what i read on reddit it's not that much different than this it's not that much different than that and it's really not it's all their intent their positioning and the structure and that is the key if you structure this differently you win and you have to structure it based on what the intent is and based on where the people are very important now part number two let's talk about ai creative commons content spinners and plr now i did a video a couple days ago where we tested one of the new ai content creators all right i paid like 70 bucks for this thing i generated uh five articles with it um and you have to pay per article too so it's like 70 bucks plus a buck 25 per article um and i got to tell you the articles were absolute crap why because until ai gets smarter it's not going to get the intent it's not going to get the positioning it will never create loaded content and it's not going to make it around your offer it's just going to spin out a bunch of junk that hopefully will get you a search engine ranking for a short time and then google will be like yeah your content's crap you go to the bottom of the list okay so very important we got to look at this we got to start to understand exactly what's going on now ai from what i have found is not the way to go because it's never going to provide the creativity of having your offers again you know you could spend 10 hours trying to get ai content and i guarantee if you spend 10 hours doing good content i'm gonna win nine times out of ten a hundred times out of 100 i'm gonna win because i know what i'm doing i know who i want and i know exactly what i want to do and before i sit down to create content i have to know these things so so far the ai testers that i used did not work okay next let's talk about creative commons there's lots of people out there that say oh you know download youtube videos and re-upload them all right well that's not really your content and again it's not focusing on the offers it's not focusing on the intent it's not focusing on building something of value for your people what most people are teaching out there all those courses that are like 12 bucks 20 bucks 50 bucks even 2 000 is stuff that's that's short-lived and it's not focusing on the user at the end of the day it's all about the user if i open a restaurant and i serve crappy food if i don't have like anything good words gonna get around and they'll be like hey guys you know what uh we don't wanna eat here you gotta have it all right now with the exception of a hook like maybe convenience or something because some of the restaurants that are the top restaurants in the u.s are crap but you know they're convenient you go there you get the same thing it's the exact same thing every way now creative commons is basically just copying stuff my advice don't do it make your own content build your own stuff make it work okay very important next up we have content spinners content spinners are very popular um however i think they are utter junk right content spinning is not writing content focused on a visitor you need to remember that this at the end of the day people are consuming it at the end of the day people are watching this video because they want to learn about content if i came on here and had a bunch of rehashed spun automatic stuff you would probably all leave by now right it's hard to keep people's attention it's very hard to keep people's attention and the robots aren't going to do it and the spinners aren't going to do it yeah you might get a little traffic and this is something i learned early on in my career when i first started seo stuff we would do this thing called doorway pages and we'd make a page that would lead them to an offer and we tried to get the traffic from it and it was kind of like a a hack or a tactic or whatever and it wasn't focused on good quality content i made some money back in like 2003 2004 but at the end of the day i didn't have anything of value it was just a trick that's all it was now 20 years later 17 years later the search engines are smarter they're focusing on people they're watching what you're interested in google yahoo youtube all these places are focused on what people are consuming they're watching how long you stay on a blog article they're watching how long you watch a video they're paying attention to all this stuff and if people are not looking at your content they're saying that's a bad user experience and they're not going to push your content out to the people we see this everywhere from instagram to pinterest to whatever it's got to be focused on what people want now lastly another trick people have is plr which is private label rights which is i go and buy the rights to a bunch of articles or an ebook or a pdf or whatever and i use that as content on my website now my advice to you is never ever use plr as content for traffic from the search engines don't do it all right you can you can change it you can make it your own but don't just slap it up there and expect traffic because what's going to happen is other people are doing the same thing it's going to be duplicate content it's not going to provide the good user experience and at the end of the day you're not going to have anything and what i want to do is i want to set you guys up so that you could build something of value so that every day is putting money into your future bank account and that's what this is about think about this with me if you could sit down for two hours today and create a good piece of content that would make you one dollar a day every day how many of you would do it type one dollar in the box and you might be saying marcus a dollar i mean i can't even get a slurpee for a dollar what are you talking about but think about it how many of you guys are going to go to work today and make 365 or less for two hours of work nobody but what i just showed you if you could focus today and say today my goal is to make a piece of content that generates one dollar a day every day what's gonna happen is this is gonna start to build and you're gonna notice a lot of stuff right you're gonna go out there and you're gonna say okay my goal is to take two hours or whatever it is maybe some of you guys are slower maybe you guys are faster and i'm gonna make this piece of content and the goal is for this content to just make one dollar a day every day that's 365 dollars a year okay now what happened is i just freed myself up and i could do another one the next day and another one the next day and the next day and the next day and if all of them generate an average of a dollar a day every day at the end of 10 days you're now at hundred and fifty bucks a year and then the next one let's say we do a hundred uh thirty six thousand dollars a year now what you're going to notice here is that not everyone's gonna produce a dollar some might do a penny some might do 20 bucks some might do five dollars some might do nothing okay but what we're gonna do is we're gonna focus on intent and we're gonna say i only want words that i know are going to get the traffic i want that generate the income that i want and if you focus on this what's going to happen is you are going to get better and better and better and pretty soon you'll have some of these that take off and go nuts right same thing with youtube you make a bunch of videos you learn how to do it you learn how to talk to your audience you watch what they do you build and you grow and some people are making a fortune at it i make a small fortune at it right some people are making big fortunes and this is how it is how it works right you look at the example we did a training here on uh the penny hoarder blog a couple of weeks ago and the penny hoarder blog sold for 102 million dollars and this was a guy who just started a blog some of you guys say well marcus i don't even have money for web hosting he started on free web hosting and then he transferred it over now you look at that and what did he do he stayed consistent he didn't look for the next big shiny make money you're gonna get automated money in your money pack right now no he went and he said i am going to do this slow and methodically some of them might take off i've had blog posts after doing this 21 years i've had some where i set them up makes like a thousand dollars the first day results not typical implied or guaranteed the chances of you making money are like one percent or less most people make money because most people don't put content in the right order they don't get in front of the right people they're not building a business they're horsing around that's what they're doing so you could horse around or you can get paid it's your choice it's your choice right i was recently watching a video all these people going crazy about this investment platform network marketing company and all these top youtubers were talking about it and i'm like how do you guys promote that crap right like seriously there's this investment platform and they're like okay well you know you get paid commission to get people to invest so first of all it's like you pay commission they they pay commission for you to invest which means half your investment is gone right now right it's gone it's literally gone and then you expect to get some kind of return okay that's a bunch of horse crap it does not work and what you got to do is you got to focus on providing valuable content and getting people into legitimate stuff that actually works and guess what i've tested this the last couple weeks i did webinars and people say oh you know marcus you got to do a sales webinar you need the perfect webinar script you got to have the story you got to fluff it up you got to make some stats up and you got to lie to people and i'm like i don't wanna lie so what i did i fired up my software and i made some good content and answered questions that's all i did best selling ever best-selling why because i'm literally just going out there and creating content that people want to know about it's what they want because they're like hey there we go this guy out here he wants to know how to stop his puppy from from biting him that's what he wants he needs a puppy training book he needs this he needs that and if you look at that you focus on realistic stuff and you're focusing on real world problems and you go out there and you say hey this is the tip this is how you do it and you structure it so when going for ai when going for creative commons content spinners and plr don't do it write your own content well marcus i don't speak good english we'll learn how to people learn languages all the time marcus i'm not a good writer try your best the only way to be a good writer is to write a lot of stuff the only way to be a good speaker is to speak a lot right people say margaret you got away with words you're good at speaking i wasn't always this way i took speech class in high school because it was way funner more fun see i didn't even take english class it was way more fun than the other classes and it was an easy a i liked it it was good it worked and i learned skills all right learn the skill of writing if you don't want to do it then maybe hire people if you don't have money to hire people then figure something out because you need to put good content out there right you're not just going to go buy a 12 ebook and get rich tomorrow you're not going to go and invest in these programs that are like legit scams and they're not legit they're legitimately a scam and get rich the way you're going to make money is by building something slow and methodically and going out there and figuring out what people want now is that to say you can't do something fast no absolutely you could do something fast you could put up a pdf a good report a video whatever and you could get traffic and you can make money like that same day if you wanted again results not typical implied or guaranteed most people will make nothing but if you understand this it's about intent positioning loaded content and an offer that's all it is that's it right that's the magic sauce that's the secret that's the secret that other people are charging you two thousand dollars for three thousand dollars that's it you go out there and you build it now part number three let's talk about outsourcing content now i outsource content all the time i've spent thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars last month alone outsourcing content that's what i do it works right i go out there and i have people do stuff in a really simple way now the key to outsourcing content when you go and outsource content the places i like to use are like higher writers or iwriter okay the key to outsourcing content is to be specific about what you want so if i'm gonna go out there and i'm gonna say hey i want someone to write about the hundred websites that will help you do at this or about five ways to help your puppy stop fighting or six ways to help your puppy go outside or whatever it is right i'm gonna go out there and i'm going to be specific about what i want all right i'm going to pay them i'll pay five bucks six bucks couple bucks sometimes a hundred bucks you'll see an example at the end of this that'll work really good okay and we look at this and we say the key to outsourcing is to tell them exactly what we want when i go out there and i outsource content right i tell them i say these are the instructions i want here's some examples and if i'm doing a numerical list like hey the top x amount of things i'm going to give them a random number right i'm not going to give him 100 or 50 because other sites have that and the chances of them copying it are going to be pretty high but if i give them a random number that makes them have to do a little bit of digging a little bit of work and that is what gives me something custom and good and unique and we're gonna show you an example a live working of example of content that i outsourced that's making me money right now while you're watching this right how many guys want to see that you're like give me the reveal i want to see this like you literally got content and it's making you money right now as i watch this yes it is and we're going to show you how that works now the key to outsourcing is to understand exactly what you want from your visitor and the way you're going to do that is by finding your keyword so if i go out there and i say puppy won't stop biting me i've tried everything what i'm going to do is i'm first going to come up with a title i want to come up with a title what would my title be well maybe it would be uh stop your puppy from biting once and for all learn the truth okay and then i'll tell them hey give me seven or eight ways to stop a puppy from biting very simple right that's all i do i take that to the outsourcer and i tell them hey this isn't an seo article this isn't junk make sure it's an article written for humans and then i go and i find three or four good examples and then i tell them what i want so in this one i spent 105 on these articles just yesterday right live example here and then i gave them some examples i said hey we check for plagiarism make sure there's no filler no junk and run it through all these tools so that i can get my good content and i did a very very specific thing that's going to give them what i want to give them okay very important like if you don't tell them they're not going to do it for you article writers are there to write articles they're not there to make you rich that's if they can make rich off the articles they just write the articles themselves that's what they do right but they don't know how to do that so your job is to direct them this is what i want this is how i want it this is exactly what i want you to do and if you do that you'll get some good content um very important now when i outsource there's several sites the two that i use are high r higher writers and iwriter those are my two favorites uh higher riders is good because i could pay a little bit extra and get them in six hours like this one here um i paid a little bit extra to get these in six hours so that i could use them on the training today to show you how it worked there's another one i did too i'll have to look it up here uh on a different screen to show you um an example of something else let me just go ahead and approve it here make sure it's good okay yeah that's pretty good so we'll accept it um so yeah when we go through we're like okay this is what i want to do now you can use ir iwriter you could use text broker hire writers constant content crowd content upwork freelancer writer access you could use fiverr fiverr is really good for this stuff as well and when you focus on this the key to outsourcing is to have your title and tell them what you want and be specific it could be specific one of the examples i'm going to show you i was pretty specific but they didn't give me exactly what i wanted but i'm going to show you how it works probably because you know doing a 2000 word article on the taco bell cheesy gordita crunch isn't really i mean how do you come up with 2 000 words about that thing all right we'll show you in a minute how that works and by the way doing reviews of fast food items there's people making millions doing this stuff like seriously you blow your mind all right so we got to look at this and we got to start to understand exactly what's going on these are the places you could go again if you want these notes go to we'll have these notes for you with the content template this is the template that i use we're gonna give you this over there as well as some other stuff it's not ready yet put your name and email in when it's ready i will email it out to you very simple okay now part number four is content structured differently can make you rich okay very important if you understand this it's game over because here's the deal there's lots of content out there right you go out there and you're like okay how many pages are out there about the cheesy gordita crunch taco bell thing and the calories in the cheesy gordita crunch right and we look at that we're like okay there's lots of stuff out there but if you look this up in your keyword tool what you're going to notice is that there's people looking this up so 16 1700 okay a lot of people looking it up very low competition what you'll notice if y'all do a youtube search for cheesy gordita crunch there are videos with millions of views okay so what's the difference like what happens was this video literally in front of these people for like what five years to get that much traffic no what the difference is is the content structure differently got more eyeballs very simple and what i'm doing right now live is content structured differently okay that's gonna blow you away at the end i'm gonna be like hey check this out content structure differently can make you rich so more eyeballs what can you do to make your content stand out what can you do to position your content in front of the people that are going to buy the stuff or click the links that make you money all right the key here is to get as many people as possible i doubt there's anyone on tick tock talking about the gordita crunch it might be i don't know i don't do tick-tock much right but um i doubt there's that many there's probably not that many on pinterest it's probably not that many on recipe sites and we look at this and we're like okay how can i structure this differently can i make it a video can i make it a downloadable pdf can i make it something of value for them what can i do to structure this differently and when we look at that we're going to look at the 13 ways types of content that you can use number one is your publication right what could you do you could do like a blog post you could uh make it the way that people search so like cheesy gordita crunch calories right i'd probably have like a little calorie chart or something like that or i'll probably have like a little list or maybe a comparison here's the gordita crunch versus the you know big mac or whatever okay and we look at that number two is using list posts here are the top 10 ways to do this here are five sites you can do this here are this many things to lose weight here are five ways to get your puppy to stop biting these work like crazy and if you repurpose this on youtube you could do a list video right number three standard blog post you could do a standard blog post about a topic where you're just talking about a topic number four you can do case studies and stories right you can find out what other people do like the video that i did which we turned into content which we put on the website about the penny hoarder blog right that was like a case study on a different business that's doing something so like if you're looking for stories and stuff there's plenty of them out there you just need to know where to look and how to structure it in a way that makes sense that people want to read it and of course it's ethical and not copying right we never want to copy or plagiarize we always want to create our own stuff number five checklists there is a video in the blog profit network where we talk about checklists that's really good and we talk about how to go through and do the checklist marketing method where you could build checklists for people and you make them in pdfs like here's a bankruptcy checklist right now if i have that checklist i attract people who are going to go through bankruptcy and those people are worth a lot of money to certain people here's a new apartment checklist a new house checklist a new job checklist a moving checklist did you know that moving is like really expensive i had to get them trucks and people and everything it's expensive stuff and they pay lots of money as to affiliate marketers number six you could create beginner's manuals right you make a little bit here's a beginner manual to stop your puppy from biting here we go you do a good job you make that out there and again if you focus on this maybe you have a checklist that goes gangbusters and it makes 100 bucks a day or whatever again we don't know what you're going to make but you're never going to make anything if you don't try you got to go out there and you got to try and when you try you don't come to me and say marcus internet marketing doesn't work i didn't get a million dollars overnight well when did you put your post up three days ago why don't you wait and see what it does most people didn't get any traffic i'll just delete it and you know bob over here says there's a way to make money uh overnight by sleeping and so i'm just gonna go to bed and hope i get money in the morning and they wake up and they watch another video it's like dude slow and steady wins the race you got to do this you got to make it work can you get results fast yes you can there are tricks and tactics and things you can do to get results fast like on my content i put live chat you want to make sales get a bunch of content get some traffic put live chats hey you know what kind of puppy you got great here's a book on how to train your puppy go buy it right pretty simple and we look at that and we make it work beginners works well another one is controversial or drama like a lot of people talk about stimulus checks or politics or whatever's going out there right and you look at it and you're like okay i could do that number eight is interviews there's lots of people that would be willing to do an interview or you could summarize an interview or you could do reports on the interview or whatever it is lots of stuff out there number nine is reports here's a free report out of this here's a free report for this number 10 is graphics and infographics right if you have the right graphic or infographic the thing could go crazy if you position it right again it's all about positioning i don't do this by accident i'm not an accidental marketer maybe in the beginning i was a little accidental because i didn't know what i was doing but after 21 years of doing this i'm kind of like yeah i'm gonna put this in front of these people here's what i expect and i'm usually within a couple of cents of my guess right because i know what's going on i position it to the people and i know what their intent is we are not guest marketers we're not throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall to see what sticks no most people do that and most people will teach that it's not what i teach it's not what i do it's not it at all we need to go for who we want it's very important because here when trying to grow my channel here i could go for a lot of traffic like i could make videos on you know make money overnight doing nothing i could do that right and sometimes i do stuff like that but is that the traffic i want like a lot of people they do make money if you're broke okay do i want to teach broke people how to make money no because they can't buy my product so why would i do that or they target countries that have lots of traffic but they don't have the means to buy their product right i'd rather have a tight knit group that i monitor that can work really well i don't want everyone i want specific people i want a specific group that wants what i have to offer very important and we could do this with infographics graphics all kinds of stuff you can build uh data graphics all kinds there's there's a channel here on youtube that literally i think it's called data is beautiful or something like that and they just show data that's it there's nobody talking there's no one on camera it's just data with music in the back obviously royalty free music and bam there they go right number 11 you could do guest posts you could have people guest post or create user generated content forums videos articles reports whatever very simple number 12 is data driven content where you're compiling data here are the statistics of the top people who go through bankruptcy here are the statistics of this here's that learn to do the research or have someone else do it for you and big reveal is coming up pretty soon and it's going to show you how to do this number 13 is product reviews product reviews are great you can make a whole business out of reviewing products very simple do them ethically do them in a good way don't do junk don't tarnish the brand name do a good review like take what you got and you're like hey i'm gonna review the uh pipe tool or i'm to review the the microphone here or whatever it is and you look at it you're like i can do this i can make this work and if you like this smash the like button all right so this is what we're going to do these are 13 types of content now when you do this we're gonna also look at repurposing our content because what's gonna happen is you're gonna have something right you go out there and maybe you spend some money okay you spend 20 bucks on an article or whatever and it's a good article you're like here's my article it's got the 13 ways to stop puppy biting puppy bite okay you're like okay this is pretty cool so now i got this report now once you have this report even if it doesn't take off right away you got something of value this is your resource okay your resource is money in the bank you just don't know it yet there's money in the bank simple i got a resource over at you can download the resource which is this it's my content template how many of you guys are like dude i want that content template type content template in the box you can take that content template and you could go order content which will make you money hopefully right but it'll actually get you good content right so you look at that and you're like okay so marcus has this this content thing or this puppy bite okay now i can take that and say well you know i could turn that into a video that's not that hard to do i can make an infographic okay i can make an infographic here's uh five things for your puppy not to bite or whatever you shorten it obviously because you don't want the hugest infographic on the planet or i could do a list or i could do a pdf i could do an audio right i can do a report i could do a whatever right and we're like okay or i could do an excel spreadsheet right lots of niches you guys are in you can make like an excel spreadsheet and you look at this and these are valuable things and you say well marcus what about that content template well that's something i've been using for a while and you look at it and it's like all you guys want it well i'm gonna make you put your name and email for it and after you put your name and email i'm gonna try to sell you on my blog profit network which is a new course that uh is awesome you guys will learn about that in a minute uh you could go to go get website and repurposing your content is key to making this work because what you're going to see is not everything works the way you want it right out of the gate so you're going to have to go out there and you're going to have to adjust and you're going to have to adapt and you're going to be resilient right do you want to do this do you want to make it work now i want to show you some examples of some content i had written um and and what we're doing here okay so one of the examples here was the cheesy gordita crunch recipe right this one here for cheesy gordita crunch recipe or uh calories sorry um i actually got we could actually go ahead and view it and you could see it talks about let's put it in a notepad so you guys could see it here i think it's about 2000 words and it's actually pretty decent let's open a notepad and so i told them exactly what to do i used my uh content template and i was like hey tell me about this and they got the grams they got the cholesterol they got the keywords and you could see that they outlined it pretty cool the calories different items on the menu and bam it's a good piece of content now i already rank for this keyword which was a kind of a joke i did a joke on a webinar where i'm like hey i think i can rank for this word and i set it up and it literally has no content and it ranks number 30. all i did was make a title that said uh cheesy gordita crunch and you could go you could search for it in google i think we're number 30 or 40 for affiliate marketing dude which is a site that has nothing to do with gordita crunches but we're going to put that up there and see how it does now some other examples i got and i got all these just last night i paid extra to have them done in six hours uh here's one and you're gonna notice here seven websites to outsource content and article writing surprise ladies and gentlemen this webinar was outsourced let that sink in i didn't create the notes for this webinar i didn't create these lists this webinar this training that's going to make me money and is making me money right now was outsourced that's right here's the article where i got the seven websites to outsource content iwriter text broker look at it there it is right this was outsourced why because i wanted to show you guys that this stuff works and this article here can be turned into its own video seven websites to outsource content this other article i got how to write seo for blog posts right there we go 2100 words the other was about 2083 words right so now we got like four thousand words here uh here's how to write content shows you how to write content it's actually formatted pretty good and bada bing there we go check it out you say well marcus where did you get that list of 13 content structured differently well i told him i wanted a title for 13 types of content that drive massive traffic proper publication list posts ultimate guide this was outsourced how many of you guys are like holy crap are you telling me that right now live you actually paid for people to write content last night all right because it was late i think i paid 130 bucks let's see uh 105 dollars okay so 105 for three of them very specific and it costs extra because they were like usually they're like eight bucks or 11 bucks or something like that but i didn't want to wait and i procrastinated on making notes for this webinar so i had them make it for me and we look at this and it's like hot damn you can make this work and all you got to do is get that uh content template and start focusing on what you want to do now i want you to remember these are not perfect these are not perfect okay no content writer is going to make stuff perfect unless you pay him a lot of money i had a content writer that was about four grand a month and even that wasn't completely perfect right it wasn't it was like maybe a six out of ten perfect all right so you're gonna have to do some finesse you're gonna have to edit these like proper publication this one doesn't make sense i'm probably gonna replace that one the others are pretty good uh this one's pretty good here and it's like hey we look at that and it's like bam there you go you go and you make it work and you do it and you make it happen and this training was outsourced all i did was turn on my microphone and talk about what they did now granted i've been doing this a while so i know this stuff but you don't have to get on for an hour i could go through and i could make a 10 minute video about this i could literally just read this and put some slides to it and make a 10 minute or if i'm like well marcus i don't like my voice i don't like how i sound go to fiverr have someone read this for you we do it all the time right and you go out there and you're like hey i can start putting content out in a real world way that helps people and when we understand this and i wanted to make this kind of dramatic so you could see this is making money right now right now and if you build and you grow and you focus it's all going to come together for you and it's all going to start to work but you have to be willing to look at this stuff objectively look at it through the eyes of your viewer look at it through the eyes of who you want to reach and what you want to say and how you're going to make money and when you do that it will start to work for you you could go over to go get website we're gonna have uh one of the content templates there and if you like my training if you've been watching this stuff for a while and you're like marcus i want to get started with you but your courses are kind of expensive and they're worth every penny by the way um we have actually made an inexpensive way for you to get started and it's phenomenal like i guarantee right now i'm like a tenth of where i want to be with this course um there's a lot we're gonna add to it right now it's worth more than other people's two thousand dollar courses and i can tell you it's not two thousand bucks so what you're gonna do is you could go over to on um right here let's see blog profit network all right so on you'll see what you're going to get you get a bunch of plugins and cool stuff you can click the add to cart button you can sign up there are calls every tuesday that's right every tuesday i hop on a zoom we look at your sites we look at your content we look at what you're doing and we help you out just yesterday someone was like hey i'm going to give you the logins for my site i want you to redesign it we redesigned it and all they pay is 127 bucks and 37 a month and they can cancel anytime they want right simple pretty easy you're like hey do i want to be able to talk to someone every week do i want to be able to say hey i'm thinking about getting this content written what do you think what would you do and i'll tell you what i think and what i do anyone who's here who's been on the tuesday trainings tell us what you think of them they're phenomenal they go through everything now once you get in there after you sign up for blog profit network you're going to go into the forum this is a forum driven community where we're all helping each other out based on the trainings that i do so like right here this is where you get the tuesday calls you can watch the replays of the tuesday calls we have them every week we put the replays in there and they're actually indexed so you could search and say hey i want to learn about list building or i want to learn about this or or content or whatever okay now under welcome to the blog profit network you're going to see how to start your first blog in 15 minutes the thousand dollar fast plan this video this one's everyone needs to see this goes through what i would do if i had to make a thousand dollars fast again are you guaranteed to make a thousand dollars fast hell no no one's gonna guarantee you're going to make anything but if i had to do it this is what i'd do you can also be an affiliate which is cool then we go through we have special deals and announcements like right now there's a deal on high ticket niches in there you could go through the blog basic training which will show you how to do your wordpress everything it's all video driven you can even ask questions down below you can click the links all kinds of stuff in there um we also have the voodoo plugins now these are custom blog plugins that i had created for me right i spent over a hundred thousand dollars building these softwares out and we actually give them to you right because i'm like hey why hoard them for myself when you guys can use them we got stuff like the funnel voodoo which will turn your blog into a funnel the button voodoo which puts the buttons that actually get clicks i'm not talking about like two percent click-through rate like the other guys i'm talking like 60 to 80 click-through rate uh slide voodoo click voodoo voodoo announcer social profit voodoo the survey voodoo and more we actually have about 20 plugins we're loading up on there you just go in there and you're like hey i'm going to download the plugin put it on your blog and you're ready to go very simple very cool we also have blog themes there's tons of themes that you can customize and edit if you want to make money blogging and you like my training you need to be in the blog profit network it's just there's no two ways about it right uh you got the market flipper training you got the money reports where we upload uh different pdfs and reports that i had written some of them i wrote myself some of them i had people write based on my stuff really cool right you can download them you can print them whatever you want very simple and you go in here and this is this has everything you need right like remember how i told you about the content uh strategies of press releases uh landing pages checklist the money code training it's all in there right and you go in and you're like hey this has everything i need and then you go on the tuesday calls and you ask important stuff and you get help uh very very important dan says on the tuesday calls he'll tell you how to improve your site if you ask on tuesdays it's terrific exactly like the number one problem people have is they haven't been around 21 years so they don't know what they're doing so what we do is we tell you exactly what you need to do and you could go to i haven't even made a sales video yet because this is brand new you just go here click on this it'll take you to our clickbank order page you order here you can cancel whenever you want you can stay as long as you want and i think for 37 bucks a month you know that's like a dollar a day to learn all this stuff to be able to talk to someone every week like hey marcus i put this up it didn't work what do you think hey i did this didn't work what do you think or i did do this and it did work how would you make it do better very very important and not to mention i'm also going to load five different content templates in there for you that you can start using all right let's take some questions azad says where do you get the unique images that rank for your website i don't focus on image ranking but if i do i create them myself in a tool like snagit or any other image creator there's lots of image creators there's free paid it doesn't really matter as long as you get the job done and you brand it so they go back to your site very important right and if you do this you'll get results so let's take some questions uh you guys can go to get get website put your name and email in the box it'll take you over there and then after you put your name and email it's gonna take you to um put a real name and email in there uh but after you do that it's gonna take you to the page to sign up for blog profit network i would highly recommend you do that i think for a measly investment of 127 i think that's a pretty good value for everything you're getting and everything we're going to add and the tuesday calls like if anything else join for the tuesday calls because those are incredible so you can go and you can do that very important and then when you're doing your content again remember that's what i just did i just outsourced content i made a webinar on the outsource content and i drove you to stuff that makes money why because i know the intent of someone searching for how to do content wants to make money online now i could have done a video on make money online but that's really competitive and it's not going to get the people that i want right it's going to be difficult to get traffic on that but if i do something specific i get the exact people i want very important selena says does the tuesday training include social media posting yeah you could ask whatever you want on on the tuesday training like anything you want uh the only thing i don't do is like risky sites i don't i don't look at those you know i just don't it's my own personal thing um or anything like that but if you're doing social media you just ask say hey this is what i want to do how would you promote it um and what you're going to get is real world strategies like some people walk away from the tuesday call with a business strategy and they're like now i know what to do and then they show up next tuesday and if you want to be in it to win it show up show up and make it work mike says do you have a paid ahrefs account and do you have suggestions on other comparable keyword information for less ahrefs is the industry standard it's the best um we do have some tutorials on my site you can go to and we have a couple of options for uh people that don't want to pay that much for it um so yeah okay uh will my content rank if it has one keyword targeted or one percent density i don't know yeah i mean it all depends on the keyword like i can rank a keyword that has low competition um doesn't matter if it's one word ten words whatever uh if the competition's low then i can do it like the cheesy gordita crunch yeah i could do that uh robert says is the lift and uber page is an example of how to structure content yeah exactly so like if you were to go and search for free ad forum right like this okay you're gonna see my post here this is an outsourced content okay i didn't write this this was outsourced and it gets traffic every day it ranks for free ad forum and this term actually i think it gets like 900 or a thousand searches a month or something like that and then we have also have uh lyft affiliate program okay lyft affiliate program uh we rank right here and this again was outsourced right and we're going to show you how to do all this and all you got to do is go to go to uh you'll get that you can sign up for the blog profit network as well but as you can see this stuff's working right now like right now while you're watching this you're seeing an example of outsourced content on these pages that are actually ranking you're seeing the example of outsourced content and it's very simple to do you just need to focus you cannot expect your outsourcers to make you rich that's not what they're there for you're the rich right you're the one who does the stuff you got to direct them health advise are there free websites example classified ads groovy ads all these free sites any good that people promote and post on from my experience with the exception of like craigslist and stuff like that which has rules um and you always got to follow the rules on any site you're posting on and be ethical and have an affiliate disclaimer what i've found is free classified ad websites mostly get traffic from people posting free classifieds so it's not actually visitors it's just people posting uh which isn't the traffic i want i did a test there's actually a video here on my channel subscribe click the bell check that video out it's about uh a test i did where i posted on free ad forms to see what traffic i'd get and i literally got like less than one visitor i didn't get any okay what about backlinks um you don't really need backlinks if you have the right keyword but you can get backlinks and we teach you all about that in the blog profit network uh i have so many links out there on ads and nothing yeah that's exactly what i said free classified ad sites usually don't work you'd be better off outsourcing a good content putting it on medium or putting it on your own blog or making a video okay are there free keyword ranking tools and if so what do you recommend i think ubersuggest has a free version uh there's also like keywords something just search for free keyword tools you'll find them um but i mean you know you get what you pay for how do i find the links for tuesday calls good question what you're gonna do is you're gonna go into the forum so after you sign up you'll go into the forum here and then under tuesday calls we'll have the link each week how do you keep your rankings on top well um you can update them or if you're going for a non-competitive keyword you'll probably stay on the top for a long time anyway but get a good keyword tool that'll help you carol i'm really trying to write the content but i wonder how to pick the keywords for the subcategories well you need to look at your niche and find out what's out there that's something i would say go on the tuesday call and we'll pull up a keyword report we'll show you uh different ins and outs and you know you could show up every tuesday and be like give me a keyword this week i'll give you a keyword and you'll make it work okay i noticed something about wordpress you do the thinking they do the writing boom you got it it's exactly what you want to do you direct them and if you could direct people i mean it's cheap it's literally cheap to get traffic or content it's not that expensive um it's your job to position it it's your job to make it like this this is all content i already had i already had these videos i already had this stuff i stuck it into the blog profit network made it inexpensive and boom now i'm gonna have another probably six or seven figure business i don't know depends on how well it does but i think it'll probably be close to seven right and it's something valuable and what do i do i show up like hey i'm here every tuesday to answer your questions you can make a webinar as content people mis they don't even think about this like what if you did a webinar on how to you know help your puppy no one's doing that you do it and you're like hey here we go very simple um let's see here any seo tips yeah get the right keyword that's the number one seo tip if you have the wrong keyword don't even bother uh treasure island most of the time people search sentences that are not well structured and they still find what they want that's fine we're going after stuff that's low competition that we know will work in wordpress i saw something that i could make my own classified ad site so the people paying for upgraded ads i assume they're the ones making the money probably yeah um and i did pay for an ad on some of the popular classified ad sites and i didn't get crap i didn't even see my ad i just like basically wasted 50 bucks or whatever it was um siva if i miss the call can i get the recordings yes the recordings uh after each week they will be under the topic so what we're doing is um under this topic i haven't put yesterday's up because it has been a busy week um they'll be under the topic here so like that call yesterday's will be right here um and then the next one will be under the next one and you can actually ask questions so we've made it forum based so that you could ask questions for the next week and if you can't attend i'll answer it i'm going to go into the forum every week and say hey what are the questions and then you can watch the replay john are banner ads the best traffic source for a splash page that won't rank well depends on your category i don't know it might be paid ads solo ads banners social media youtube i don't know depends on your traffic your traffic and your market uh like and that's what you're gonna find if someone answered like if someone answered john and said yes john banner ads are the best traffic source but john didn't tell me what he's marketing don't listen to that guy because you don't know okay i don't know i need to know what you're marketing that's why you need the tuesday calls because you could be like hey dude are banner ads best for this this is what i'm promoting and i'll be like nah nah here's why this is best and i'll show you what to do um and if you like this stuff we can't do this on youtube because there's so many variables uh with the sites so i can't really pull up your guys's sites because i don't know what i'm gonna see um and also you know what i want you to pay for it i've been doing this 21 years if you want to pay for it you make it work um and it's a business right that's how i make a living on this site and so we look at that and it's like okay if you want the tips you can go in there and make it work but here we can't really do like site reviews and stuff should i make different articles for the same sentence but in different words no that would be called article spinning and we don't want to do that uh you're the boss you're a boss marcus if i had found you before i would have not wasted two years of my life yeah lots of people come to me and they're like i've wasted ten thousand dollars trying to learn this or a hundred thousand i think the record i met a couple that spent 225 grand trying to learn this business and they got nothing to show for it right and if you go in here you're there every week the only way it's not going to work is if you don't show up and you quit that's it right now again results not typical and played or guaranteed i don't know what you're going to get but you know what it's pretty cut and dry once you learn how the internet works it's pretty simple share says hello sir i only see numbers and i didn't get a single cent what does that even mean what's the reason despite my implementation of a large number of strategies but they're all free well i mean you could make money with free strategies people do it all the time but without knowing what you did i can't really help you which is why you should get in the blog profit network uh siva says such a nice guy i know you're back from eight years awesome um marcus i would like to get the market flipper day one video from 2015. we are working on putting them in the uh blog profit network forum i'm having trouble with them so my programmer is going to have to help me but we are trying to put them in there it's going to be under market flipper training marcus how do i get access to blog profit network um write tina on support she'll help you where can i outsource content to write from africa i don't know like from africa where to get it but the top sites we had here are these would i make a separate post for the same sentence no no you want to go one like i'm only gonna make one for you know puppy biting or whatever it is am i going to make a million unless it's something specific like puppy biting shoes maybe i'll make one for that um so i want to focus exactly on what people want and i don't want to bombard it like i don't want to make a thousand videos or articles on whatever it is right i want to make it very specific very strategic and if i do it strategic that's the key all right any other questions let me know and we will get you rocking and rolling again that's you can click the link on the bottom uh as soon as you sign up you'll get logins um the logins will lead you into this page here uh where you can interact this is locked so like if you try to go on this it's not gonna load because you gotta buy the course first um and then it'll walk you through everything the plugins the reports tuesday calls everything and it is a work in progress it's brand new so we're adding to it all the time where can i outsource content writer right there there's the list if you need the list go to and get the list pretty simple all right guys and that's the dealio any questions on content let me know and blog profit network is ridiculously awesome like if you're not in that they're probably not serious about making money online because i think you know 127 bucks is a pretty small drop in the bucket and if you like marcus i want free stuff i don't want to pay for anything that's fine there's a lot of free stuff here on youtube i just gave you an outline that you can use to make this stuff work you just gotta do it uh where do you get your domains and hosting i get it at that's my site that'll walk you through how i do hosting and everything can you rank your google doc yeah google docs rank all the time all right guys any other questions let me know affiliate network website to use the one that has the offer you need there is no best affiliate network um i need the one that has the offer so if there's one that has the pet insurance offer and i have a pet site i'm going to sign up with them plain and simple far too many people are looking for the best thing for x y or z and until you know what you're doing this is why this is structured the way it is like when you go on blog profit network this is structured in a specific way we find our niche find our traffic find our offer then we build we don't do it in a different way like i'm not going to tell you the best network i don't know best network for you might not be the best network for me it all has to do with the offer i need so it's very important that you focus we also have a video going up i'm gonna put up today about how to get accepted to the cpa networks can you use a sales letter as content of course yeah it's uh the old the late corey rudel used to say educate inform and sell more educate inform and sell more if you educate your market through content teach them something then you're going to sell it's what i did i had people outsource my article i made it into a webinar we've had over 1500 people watch this webinar so far and now i'm selling the thing and you're watching it live that's all it is i educate you how many of you guys got something type it in the box put it in the comments say i got something from this i learned something today i want you to type that i learned something today and that is exactly what i'm showing you how to do you say well workers you know these gurus don't practice what they preach showing you exactly what it is now i do this on multiple niches i've done this from like happy face niche where it's a simple content to niches about mortgages which is complicated or money or whatever it doesn't matter what you do and yes i do this and i make money in the affiliate marketing blogging make money niche do it all the time a business is a business as a business and if we look at that we focus and say hey that's exactly what he's doing right and we focus nikki good to have you here he says he's new or she uh you do it hey man how you doing it's been a while roger right i believe it's roger i don't remember my brain is old and tired uh fine niche fine offer number three write content uh yeah number three is write your content what do you think of online gaming niche um personally like if you're gonna do video based i think that's where that niche is however i do have uh i did do a high ticket niche for gaming which was pretty cool um so it's good there's a lot of traffic in it um just find the low competition a lot of people learned a lot martin says seo is super important to get traffic the backbone for seo are backlinks okay great that's fine um cool my kid's picking up lunch so the benefits of having driving kids is they get you lunch all right cool how do i become an affiliate for your blog profit network first you got to sign up i'd like you to actually sign up to be an affiliate so i can help you with it uh so just go to and then after you log in you can click on get paid to promote blog profit network and i'll show you how to do that cool yeah uh are we doing a meetup i i haven't paid attention to it i know i took over one of the youtube groups on meetup but i don't know what to do with it all right awesome guys so how many posts do you need per week depends on your keyword like i could probably get by with you know a couple i don't need thousands uh but again you get what you put into it so if i do like 10 a week i'm gonna get more results than if i do like one a week your video of 47 niches sat here and wrote so many down got the paper in front of me now yeah that was a fun video uh i like doing that one marcus have a phone like calculator yeah i have to have a big phone uh because my eyes don't see well like when i get glasses they're like huge but at any rate i got contacts most the time all right guys i think that's about it for today hop over to get signed up if you're looking for free stuff go to uh we'll send that out to you free but i think if you guys like this stuff get into uh blog profit network you'll love it uh what about the catering equipment niche it would depend i mean you know i off of off my head i would think the traffic would be low but selena i would say get in the blog profit network and ask that on your first tuesday call yeah pretty cool all right guys any other questions i think that's about it for today make sure you subscribe click the bell put lots of comments give us a thumbs up and we'll see you next week
Channel: affiliatemarketingmc
Views: 14,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: content marketing, How Content Marketing Will Change in 2021, outsource content, fiverr, content spinners, seo content, affiliate marketing, content ideas, blog content, make money online
Id: h_5nhL2yBrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 10sec (4450 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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