The ONE Skill You Need To Make Money Online In 2021!

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stop whatever you're doing whatever you're watching and pay attention for the next hour because i am going to show you the one skill that is responsible for making me over 9 million this is a very simple skill it's very easy and it doesn't take that long to learn and once you learn this you're going to be able to go out there and figure out ways to make money as if by magic so make sure you subscribe click the bell stick with us because today we are going to show you some really good stuff part number one i'm going to show you the truth about what it takes to make money in 2021 part number two i'm going to show you income proof ironclad proof that this skill is still profitable today 21 years after i first learned it part number three i'm going to talk to you about why you struggle with info overload and the secret is not what you think part number four i'm going to show you how i accidentally stumbled on this high profit skill and in part number five we're gonna show you the facts that you can use this skill to profit right now yes ladies and gentlemen if you learn this skill right now you could go and take this skill and use it right away right now as if by magic so let's go ahead and dive in if you're happy to be here type something in the chat box let me know you're excited in the comments below and let's dive right in now this is a picture of what i used to look like i still pretty much look the same only you know i lost the hat but you know to each his own now this is what i look like when i first learned this skill it's very important that you pay close attention to this and it's very important that you understand this concept this is going to seem very simple it's gonna seem almost too simple it's gonna seem too easy but once you learn it you cannot unlearn it which is why you want to spend the next hour glued to this training now you can get notes over at we have notes of this training and we're going to have a special webinar going deeper into the skill set on saturday so if you want to join that go to let's go ahead and dive into part number one now the truth about making money online in 2021 here in 2020 you guys have seen a barrage a ton a ridiculous amount of make money online content this year in my 21 years of doing this i have seen more people come out with new strategies and new methods and new basically frankly junk teaching you how to make money online and very very little of it actually works and in the year 2020 because people are staying home and the work at home business type stuff is going crazy there has been more confusion more noise more bad ideas that don't work and i want you to remember that everyone is out for their own yes even guru marcus is out for his own like i do these trainings so that you buy stuff now i give you good training and good teaching because i know that if i give you the goods and you get some results you're going to come and buy stuff but at the end of the day i am here to sell stuff that's why i do this so we got to look at that you got to understand it now not everyone is created equal there are a lot of people that are popping up with videos and trainings and courses that have only been doing this business this year or maybe two years and they don't know what they're doing they might have gotten lucky with this or lucky with that but the fact of the matter is it's so confusing how many of you guys feel confused type confused in the box put confused in the comments below and it's one minute you're watching a video about how to make money buying shoes and the next minute it's how to make money with your phone while sleeping and nothing works and you're confused and you're like this kid with the puzzle and you don't know which piece goes where and you feel frustrated and you want to give up and you're like well i can't really go back to my job because circumstances have made this very difficult so what we're going to do is we're going to clear this up now i'm going to show you some results these are results of screenshots i just took this morning and we're going to take a look at these now i want you to look at these to show you that this exists we're not showing you this to show you hey this is what you're going to earn i have no idea what you're going to earn the results are not typical they're not implied they're not guaranteed we don't know what you're going to get we have no idea now i will say i'm kind of like lazy and i'm kind of a small fry in the internet marketing industry my income is not as big as some other people that just hustle 24 7 i would rather spend time with my family but at any rate we got to look at this and understand it your results are what you put into it very important now here's a screenshot from this month during a pandemic during this month with all this stuff going on this is automated income i made twenty four hundred and ten dollars in automated income from one source and one affiliate offer i didn't do anything to get it i had already done the work about four years ago when i started the site actually six years ago when i started the site i think it was 2015 but i wasn't sure the exact date so i just put 14 in there as well and i started this site and you could see this site has generated 185 000 over the course of a couple years generating as much as six thousand dollars a month automatically which is pretty cool again results not typical implied or guaranteed i don't know what you're gonna get but today we're gonna show you the skill that makes this possible if you don't learn this skill you're gonna be frustrated you're going to sit here in 2021 and i'm going to be doing a video for 2022 and you're still going to be confused but if you pay attention now you're going to save yourself the heartache you're going to save yourself the trouble you're going to save yourself a crap ton of money and you might even make some if you're paying close attention you got to pay close attention very very important all right so we have this here 185 000 you can see it's up to today here's another one where i made 295 in one day 580 in another day 248 almost 1200 that day and these are daily this is daily revenue which is really cool and again this is just one source there's another source i have that's making two thousand a month and the cool thing is is all of these add up right you look at this and you're like okay marcus yeah that's great you know 2400 what am i going to pay my mortgage and maybe a car payment maybe right depending on how much your mortgage is but you look at that and it's like well i have a bunch of these and you got to understand that your your income is going to come from multiple sources but only once you learn the secret the skill that i'm going to teach you today you need to learn this put everything else out of your mind oh marcus what's the best web hosting marcus should i use wordpress or funnels should i use this or that forget about all that it's all confusion and it's all noise if i didn't learn this one skill back when i was a 19 year old dorky looking dude like this doing magic i wouldn't be where i'm at this skill is responsible for every single penny i've made online and in the beginning i wasn't that great at the skill but it still made money now i've gotten pretty good at the skill and it makes a lot more money so you have to look at this this is the one thing you need forget about the other videos forget about watching the other stuff what you're doing is you're watching a promise of i'm gonna do i'm gonna get this money by checking my phone every day i'm gonna get this money but no no pay attention to what i'm about to teach you you will not find this in a course even the courses that are like ten thousand dollars you're not gonna find it because it's something that people don't talk about because they're not good at it they don't understand it they think it's about the wordpress and it's about the hosting and it's about the seo and it's about the youtube no everything hinges on this one thing and i'll tell you what if you learn this one thing you will be able to get traffic right now right now like this second before the webinar is over if you knew this thing you'd be getting traffic before the webinars even over but you got to understand it so we got 2 400 a month automatically here 185 000 over a couple years we got days where i'm making twelve hundred dollars again results not typical implied or guaranteed the average person does not understand what i'm going to teach you which means the average person makes nothing that's right 99 of the people who watch make money online videos never make a dime that's a sad fact but we're about to change that and we're about to show you what it really takes 5 30 a day another 1200 day thousand dollar day 900 day here's another 1900 automatically automatically right i just get that boom there it is this was from september to october of this year all right here's another one over twenty thousand dollars in revenue in my pocket that's my commissions plus a five thousand 000 bonus in 19 days again results not typical implied or guaranteed i don't know what you're gonna make most people make nothing pay attention so you're not like most people there we have it here's another one check this out this is from this year this year while all the was hitting in the fan while people are out of work which is sad and the government should do more about it that's for another video for another day but we look at this i had a ten thousand dollar day eight thousand dollar day eight thousand seven thousand that doesn't even include this income this income this income this is just a separate one right so imagine waking up one day and you're like in addition to making this money i also get that other money and it's automatic and i don't got to do anything for it i already did the work and i already built it very important to look at because we look at this and it just keeps going and going and going and the money adds up if you do it right again i cannot stress enough don't expect to just watch a webinar and get 11 grand in a day it ain't gonna happen you need to understand fundamental things fundamental not fundamental fundamental things that are going to get you where you need to go and even when you understand them you have to act on them in the right way but you'll never act on them the right way if you don't understand what's going on and we're going to show you how that works now part number three you guys have seen hey there's confusion there's crap there's junk there's garbage the online make money world is a shitstorm to put it politely and here i am i'm making money so we know shitstorm marcus is making money what's he doing well part number three why do you struggle with info overload if you got info overload put it in the comments put it in the chat box say marcus i got info overload don't know where to start don't know what to do i get in the wordpress and i get confused i go buy traffic i don't know what i'm doing i try to get an seo you know i don't know what to do or maybe i do get an seo and i don't get any traffic or the traffic doesn't sell and you're confused as hell and you don't know what to do and you're struggling and you get kind of pissed off when you see people that are like hey i made 10 grand in one day on one source you're like how the hell does he do it why can't i do it why can't me why can't this happen to me you know marcus isn't that great of a guy i mean he's you know semi-good-looking a little smart why does he get those numbers and i don't do i not work as hard as him do i not struggle as hard as him what what is it what's the secret well you could listen to guys like gary vee and the secret is that you need to work 28 hours a day okay that's not really the secret all right it's probably going to lead to burnout you watch other guys and the secret is their software guys there ain't no software that's going to make you rich doesn't exist unless you invent software like bill gates then you'll get rich but it's not about this and the people say oh it's in the email marketing it's in facebook it's in finding the right niche it's in knowing how to read your stats it's all about having the right message it's about your offer it's about copywriting it's about wordpress it's about follow-up the fortune is in the follow-up that's it right but if you don't know what you're doing what are you going to follow up you can't follow up on nothing or it's about video marketing this year everyone oh we got to get on youtube youtube youtube youtube i'll tell you what right now there's people on youtube that get tons of traffic and don't make nothing they make peanuts because they don't understand this one thing or it's about lists or it's about link building or it's about ads and at the end of the day we focus on all this crap and all the gurus and all the marketing people they tell you this stuff and it fills your head and you get frustrated and you get confused because you forgot one big thing one big thing and the big thing is at the end of the day we forget that it's all about people it'd be easy to come on this webinar and be like hey you know what there's people on the youtube they're watching me i got you know a thousand people that are gonna watch this and there we go but i forget about the people and i only focus on the thousand now stick with me here because you're about to have an aha moment that is instrumentally key in getting you where you want to go because we forget that it's about people so far the robots have not been able to replicate people because they can't even type in those captcha codes or pick the sailboats when it says to pick the sailboats but if we understand that it's about people we win because behind everything there's a person behind this training there's someone struggling someone's saying i want to make this work i want to know how to do it and they can't get there because they need to understand some things and if i understand that you're a person and you've got struggles and you've tried things and you've bought stuff maybe you had a hard year maybe you had a hard time maybe you're not getting it if i understand that that's part of the puzzle but guess what that's not the big secret it's not even close now part number four i'm going to talk to you about how i accidentally stumbled on this high profit skill and i'll tell you this skill takes you from making nothing to making a lot again i don't know what you're going to make results not typical implied or guaranteed most people make nothing but this skill will start to change it back in the year 1999 i was 19 years old or 20 years old or something like that i turned before the year so who knows right so i was 20 years old and i was a magician and i used to do magic i was pretty good at magic but i hated practicing i like to just show up and do a show and it seemed to work pretty well but i wanted more shows to do because i had done magic at the local restaurant and some people would say yeah come do this birthday party for a hundred bucks or 150 or come to a school show for 600. and i would get the shows every occasionally like three a month or something like that nothing to write home about and so i decided you know i want to get more of these shows because i go to work and i spend a month at work and i get a check for like 1200 bucks and i go and i do one thing and i get like 600 in 30 minutes doing the magic so i wanted to do more of the magic and less of the work and so i had to understand something and so i decided that i was going to shell out 170 of my dollars and those dollars were hard to come by that was the hardest 170 investment i ever made i had to go do magic shows and i had to work to get that money and i decided i was going to risk that money by buying an ad in the local parenting magazine i think it's called orange county parent or something like that and so i ran an ad and i said magic balloons comedy and fun magic by marcus here's my phone number and i was shocked i was like wait a minute now my phone's ringing not often but it is ringing and now i'm getting seven maybe five to seven shows a month automatically so i invest 700 i get the five to seven shows i'm making like 1200 good investment i was like dude this is cool it's a good investment and now i'm getting the shows and now i'm making more money but then i kind of hit a roadblock and i was like all i could get is about five to seven shows you know i mean that's cool i like spending 170 to make 1200 that's pretty cool but i wanted to make more i had a kid on the way i wasn't married i was struggling and i needed to make more so i talked to this guy who was a magician and he's like dude here's what you do he said come here come here call him up he says change your ad and i said okay spend more on my ad no no no buy a bigger ad no no buy more ads no he said change the wording of your ad from magic balloons comedy and fun magic by marcus phone number two make your child's party unforgettable comedy magic show your child is the star call marcus today called up my ad guy i said hey ad guy change my words he changed the words it took two months for the ad to change because back in the day we had to do print ad and it took a while after those two months passed i was still doing my five seven shows a month struggling whatever all of a sudden that ad hit and it went out to thousands of people and my phone lit up like a christmas tree and boom we got so many calls and i got so many bookings i was like wait a minute the same 170 bucks produced five to seven sales put 1200 in my pocket and the same 170 bucks produced like 20 to 30 shows and put like three or four grand in my pocket and so i kind of had an aha moment and i said the difference between four to five thousand dollars a month and twelve hundred a month was words on paper it's all quiz is words like if i walk up to someone and i say hello or i say you know good morning what if that was the difference between making nothing and making money what if that was how simple it was what if you understood hey wait a minute the words make all the difference and if you understand this you will start to get how marketing works because here's the deal how many of you guys already had an aha moment right put it in the chat box put it in the comments say i had an aha moment because it's about to get more real we're going to show you how this works in a real way because if you understand this then everything changes there are bloggers out there that get massive amounts of traffic and they don't know how to convert it there were people in the magic magazine that got less calls than my five calls a month or my five bookings a month there are people that got last i know i talked to him and now i got even more and what was the difference same ad same magazine same everything different words and so the skill was the ability to convey a simple message this is what you're missing there are bloggers out there that massive traffic they don't know how to make money with it if you know how to make money with it you can scoop in get his traffic and make money he'll gladly sell you his traffic you buy traffic right now from basically anyone right now the problem isn't traffic you can buy it right this second and get traffic before this training's over and if you have the ability to convey a simple message to the group right make your child's party unforgettable i know it was a parenting magazine right i wouldn't go put this in like you know motorcycle monthly they'd be like it was this jackass with the magic what the hell's he doing right but i put it in the parenting magazine so you got to have the right people and you got to have the message and it's not hard to do it's not hard at all all i have to do is say hey guys i got a software and a tool that teaches you how to do x y and z here it is go get it and if you understand that things change here's an exercise i want everyone to do and you want to stay to the end because you guys are going to have aha moments that are going to change everything because if i know how to to get a message in front of people i could go put something on a forum i put it anywhere i get traffic right this second all right the skill is the ability to convey a message now what we're going to do as a exercise there's some work here all right as an exercise what we're going to do is we're going to go to the moz we're going to go to top 500. what this shows us is the top 500 most visited websites there you go we got youtube number one apple google microsoft all these sites okay what i want you to do is i want you to go here later after this webinar is over go there check it out i want you to take a look at the top sites okay so one of the top sites surprisingly amazon was like number 154 which i thought they'd be higher i thought they'd be like number three and amazon actually gets 77 million visitors per day that's why jeff bezos is so rich because everyone goes to amazon all day every day right and so we look at this now here's how the exercise works and if you get this if you understand this smash the like button and focus because here's the deal and here's the question i want to ask you 77 million people a day come to this page here 77 million okay if i was a genie and i was in a lamp and i said you got one wish and the wish is that you could be on the amazon homepage for 24 hours i'm granting it free i take the state farm ad i say hey stay farm step aside this guy gets the ad now what would you put on this page if i granted you the ability to be in front of 77 million people right now what would you put there okay think about that for a minute put your answers in the chat box put your answers as a comment below what would you put on the home page of amazon if you knew that for one day you had the ability to be in front of these people what would you do to get as many people as humanly possible over to your website or your offer alright let's take a look at another one okay we got tons of sites here what if i said the youtube gods have been in your favor and for 24 hours you're going to be right here your video is going to be right here for 24 hours what would you put there okay this is gonna start to change everything forget about all the junk that you watch forget about the blog forget about this forget about that what would you do if you had 24 hours to be here 24 hours how are you gonna get as many people to watch your video all right let's take a look at another one what about yahoo news yahoo news is pretty big up on the chart here right yahoo news what if i said you got 24 hours what are you going to put here all right if you think this way this starts to change everything because right now you're thinking how am i going to get traffic how am i going to do another video how am i gonna do another this let me tell you something traffic doesn't mean jack if you don't know what to do with it traffic doesn't mean that much like even the great amazon right 77 million visitors a day are they making the most off of every visitor i don't know they are a store so i mean they kind of got it rigged in their favor youtube are they making as much as they can off of everything yahoo news are they making as much as they can or medium right if you had 24 hours to be on medium what would you put what would you put there okay if you understand this this is why everything changes because guess what ladies and gentlemen you could buy your way to the top of those sites right today right now if you wanted a million visitors today you could go buy it if you want a thousand visitors a day you could buy it if you wanted free visitors because you don't like paid traffic or whatever which by the way if you don't like paid traffic that's because you're too afraid to make an offer all right the first time i learned about paid advertising is when i ran that magic ad and it was scary it was like 170 bucks do i pay the rent do i buy some food or do i buy an ad i chose ad and luckily it paid off and i was able to buy some food with what i got right again don't make risks that are silly i was kind of a risk taker kind of mellowed out in my old age but think about that because if you get this if you get this like someone says well i would put my link to my opt-in page and offer that means nothing what does that even mean right i'm going to pick on you a little bit because i want you to get this so you make money put a link to an opt-in what are you going to tell them to opt in for they're on amazon what are you going to do they're on youtube what are you going to do they're on yahoo what are you going to do and if you get this you will understand that traffic is not your problem traffic is not your problem you could go buy it right now before this call is over five minutes go set up on google you'll be on google in five minutes very very important all right so we look at this and once we understand this once we understand this once your your thinking changes from how do i set up a blog to what's the best wordpress hosting and you know is click funnels but hey forget about those questions they're wasting your time they're spinning your head that stuff doesn't make money it doesn't make money doesn't it all can it sure absolutely you can make money with wordpress you can make money with this you can make money with a freaking sheet of paper if you get it in the right people it's right hands right and if you understand it you will start to get what you need to get now robert says if he was granted the wish to be on youtube for 24 hours he would say youtube this video made me 1206 hours click here to see how i did it i wouldn't put that there you don't know if everyone looking at youtube wants to make money i need to be broad i need to get as many people as i can very important think different you got to think different and if you understand this life will change this is why it changed for me when i was a dorky magic guy now i'm a dorky internet guy but i was able to look at this and say this is how it works because here's the deal part number five you can use this skill to profit online right now if you know this skill you can go to a forum and go wherever you want and get traffic from google buy traffic on a blog get a banner ad you can do whatever you want paid traffic if you understand this skill but too many people are afraid to try they focus on everything but the wording what if i was out there and i said you know what i'm going to change the font on my magic ad or you know what i want it to be at the top of the page not the bottom that's the secret now you know what i think the secret is if i could get a discount on my ad instead of paying 170. maybe i could pay 150. that's the key or maybe maybe um i put a picture in the ad yeah that's gotta no none of that was the key none of it was the key was getting in front of people and giving them something that they could take action on and then telling them how to take that call marcus today and if you understand this life starts to change and when you understand this you could use this with forum marketing right now there are people on forums you can post an ad on a forum you could post a comment on a forum you could post a comment on a video you could post a comment anywhere you can make a medium post you could buy traffic you could do all this right now right now very important now we got some other videos on this channel that talk to you about how to get traffic so definitely watch those subscribe click the bell uh there's video about 31 free traffic sources you must see that one that's a good one another one about the most profitable traffic sources and if you start to understand this and you start to get that it's about people it's about the message it's about getting them what they want now we're going to answer some questions in just a minute including what would i put on the front page of amazon if i had the chance what i would put on yahoo if i had the chance and we're going to look at this and we're going to understand it now for the notes of this training go to if you want to learn more about this stuff on after you put your name and email in it'll prompt you for saturday's webinar on saturday i'm going to be doing a webinar that's going to teach you the stuff in detail right stuff i can't teach here because you know privacy issues and all that stuff um but we're going to show you how that works in a real world way we're going to show you some sites we're going to show you ads we're going to show you how this works now if you want to learn from me personally how to do affiliate marketing and how to make money online go to you can get my course my course will literally walk you through everything if you look at it i don't know if i have logged in on here let me see if it's over here it'll literally walk you through everything again it's only if you're serious if you really want to learn this stuff i've put together what i think is by far the best course that teaches you this stuff and you can actually go over like this you'll get instant access to the software and it'll walk you through everything you go through you watch the video it teaches you the stuff it's got lesson plans it's got tools it's got software it's got everything and we also have video archive where you could learn about literally everything you want including paid traffic and everything so if you want that go to now to answer the question of what would i put on the amazon homepage i would probably put some kind of discount offer like hey did you know you're paying too much for the items you buy every day click here click here to see how much you can save i'd want something broad and something that gets a bunch of people and something that appeals to as many people as possible with a low barrier of entry that's going to make me sales and i guarantee you like do you not think even if you sucked and you had an ad on amazon's page you would probably make something but the problem is is they're not giving away ads right now you know they charge a lot for them so we need to learn this skill because no matter what you do no matter if you get free traffic youtube traffic google traffic no matter what you do if you don't learn this skill about how to talk to your people how to appeal to the people that are coming to your site then nothing's going to work for you you need to understand the skill which is why you're not making money because if you knew this skill you'd go buy traffic all day people ask me they say marcus how much is too much for traffic and i said no amount i would pay 10 000 a click if i knew i could make 15. why not why does it even matter if i know i'm making profit why does it matter and advertising should always uh should never be an expense you never look at it as like you know an expense it's an investment and if you're not profitable you posit and you learn to be profitable which is very very important and you have to understand this because if you don't get this nothing's going to change and you need to understand like okay if i was on the yahoo homepage what would i put here okay what would i put that would get a generic crowd over to what i want or if i'm on medium what would i put here that's going to get as many people as possible to click because at the end of the day it's all about the clicks and if you have a blog that's getting traffic or you have a video that's getting views and you don't understand how to get them to go to stuff it's not gonna work now take for example this training the training was for the um skill that made me nine million dollars so i know people are going to come here looking how do i learn this skill that's going to make me money so i teach them the skill and i say by the way go to to get free notes i know that all of you guys watching if you like this in any way shape or form you're going to go get the notes because you're like hey i want the notes i want to learn this stuff i want to join the webinar on saturday i want to learn more okay that's how it works but most people are out there and they just say go buy my stuff go buy this stuff people on youtube and yahoo and medium they don't want to buy your stuff they don't want to they don't even know who you are and what stuff are they going to buy so what you got to do is you got to learn how to get them in in an interesting way now here's the cool thing what we've talked about so far is broad marketing putting an ad on amazon putting an ad on youtube putting an ad on yahoo it's broad but internet marketing is so specific it's ridiculous now when i ran my magic ad okay it was specific i didn't run in the new york times or the orange county times or register or la times i didn't do it why because people reading the l.a times i don't know if they have kids i don't know if they got birthdays i don't know if they're interested in that but because i went to the parenting magazine i know that their parents parents have kids that's why they're called parents right and i went there and i was like okay make your child's party unforgettable that's why it worked on the internet you can get very specific i can market to a group of people searching for anything i could target people on facebook that are like middle-aged read the bible on the weekends and like to go to clubs i don't know if those people exist they probably do but at any rate i can market to whoever i want and if you could figure this out on a broad scale if you could say what would i put on amazon or youtube or yahoo what would i put out there then you can understand how to do this in a specific way to the exact person you want to reach help talk about you i did this training because i want to reach you i know you're struggling i know you need help i know you want to go to and join the webinar on saturday i know that you want to get the course so you can learn how all this works i didn't just broadly target everyone i was actually debating i wanted to do a video today a training today about what i thought about politics i was like yeah kind of in a weird mood i don't want to do that so i decided to do something that would fit my audience and my audience is about this and this is what they want and if i came on here talking about stuff that i care about you guys wouldn't pay as much attention i got to talk about what you care about and if you understand that everyone on the internet is thinking about what's in it for me what's in it for me what am i going to get by watching your video what am i going to get by clicking your ad what am i going to get by opening your email what am i going to get by clicking the link in your email what am i going to get by buying your product and this is what everyone forgets because they're too busy focusing on wordpress and clickfunnels and opt-ins and this and funnels and this and that and it's all noise do you know where the idea of a marketing funnel came from it came from newspaper and print advertising i got magazines here from the 1920s with the first ads i looked at the ads and i looked at where our industry started from and if you understand this life will change because here's the deal i'm not an internet marketer i'm not even an affiliate marketer i'm an ad man i write ads that get results i write ads that get clicks that's what i do affiliate marketing is just the means in which i do it the internet is just the medium in which i do it if i didn't do it online i'd do it in print if i didn't do it in print i'd do it on tv if i didn't do it on tv i do it in radio i just like the internet pretty cool get to sit at home and when we understand this everything else goes by the wayside and if you get info overload it's because you're not paying attention and if next time you get an info overload i want you to fire up the replay of this video and i want you to watch it again and the next time you get info overload fire it up and watch it again and then i want you to go and i want you to learn i want you to make an ad get some clicks get some people in forget about all that other stuff too many people are focusing on tricks guys i've been at this 21 years there's no trick all right yeah back in 2003 there was a software that got us ranked and then it lasted like six months sometimes there's some little thing that works do you want a business or do you want a gimmick because there's lots of people selling gimmicks lots of people selling crap like drop shipping drop shipping is marketing the only difference is like a company ships the thing to the guy that's the only difference you need an ad you need to get people you need a sales message you gotta have that with everything there's always drop shipping better than this learning to write ads is better marcus what do you think about learn to write ads hey marcus you know i was gonna use the elementor theme and the uh you know plug it learn to write ads well marcus you know i heard youtube is the future learn to write ads i'm going to say learn to write ads till you learn to write ads because until you learn that your video ain't going to be worth a damn your stuff ain't going to be worth it here's the deal here's another test go on youtube go to trending look at the videos what would i do if i had these videos what would i do if this video was mine what would i do okay pokemons uh whatever what would i do if these videos were mine that's the question you need to be asking not how do i make a video like this that's fine that's good deal with that later but if you have a video that gets 10 million visitors and you make like 300 bucks i would feel bad for you that would not be good i want to make a video that makes a lot of money and the way i'm gonna do it is by focusing and learning to write ads because if i could go through and say hey here's my video now go to put your name and email get the notes join the saturday training boom that's how it's done you go through you listen you figure out what people want you leave them hanging you give them something else so go over here to get this go over here to get that lead people that's what this is about it's about leaving them by then hate having trouble with your mortgage here's some things i found out click here to do this click here to do that and that's why the tools the software that we include in the simple sites bonus course is all that like my plugins are not fancy they're not wonderful but they get the job done they get people to click they're based on sites that i've gone out there and i've got 95 to 99 of the people to visit the site click think about that most people 70 to 80 percent leave their site without doing a damn thing that's 70 to 80 percent wasted traffic so if you buy a million visitors that's like 800 000 wasted visitors that's what most people are going to do if they put their ad on the on the big sites so they're going to do they're going to waste visitors because they don't think about what they're doing and if you go get traffic i guarantee it i got people every tuesday for the simple sites bonus people we get on a webinar i look at your sites i help you out every tuesday am i here on the training we go through not here but on the private training after you sign up and we go through your sites and there's people they got traffic and yesterday this guy got traffic and he's like here's my site it's getting traffic and i said look put this banner on your site and he had this stuff and this is the banner i made him all right it's not pretty let me see if i can find it anyway where'd it go and it's not pretty it's not fancy but it gets the job done and if you can get the job done i don't know where the banner went it's somewhere it's going to be a little slow i'll try to find it before this call is over but if you understand that you will get far if you understand that how do i get people to click how do i look at what's naturally going on like if i was gonna make an ad for amazon homepage i would probably make it look like these boxes here right why because amazon tested it they know these boxes work they know the boxes work and guess what ladies and gentlemen we have a plug-in and simple sites bonus that makes boxes just like that you click a button click click there you go you get the clicks when you realize and you understand exactly how this works everything will change s brown says you begin to realize the really poor people are the ones attracting a crowd and not converting hardly any of them yes you need to convert it is all about conversion 100 you got to get people to click that's how i was able to take lottery traffic people looking up lottery numbers and convert them into money people looking up bible verses convert them into money how and why because i focused and i went through and i said this is what we're gonna do so what this guy had on his site he had a bunch of junk and it was all text and i said slap this bad boy write in your content you think that's gonna get some clicks for people looking to get paid to write yeah download my free get paid to write money making course there you go super simple super easy and if you understand this stuff life starts to change info overload goes away and you start to understand yes i can go out there and i can make money online and if you enjoyed this training smash that thumbs up button subscribe click the bell go to get the notes join saturday's webinar and if you want to get my course and learn how to do all this stuff from scratch including the tech stuff and all the other stuff go to thanks again for being here and i'll see you next week
Channel: affiliatemarketingmc
Views: 15,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, make money 2021, affiliate marketing, writing ads, copy and paste ads, make money blogging, internet marketing, passive income, how to start a blog for profit, copywriting, affiliate, cpa affiliate
Id: xiU9tEPlfB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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