Dr. Myles Munroe -The Doctrine of Satan (Lucifer)

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tonight Isaiah chapter 14. I want to welcome those of you joining us by television or videotape or audio tape wherever you are our session tonight is going to be continuing on a series entitled doctrines of the Bible in this segment we are dealing with the doctrine of Satan We have dealt with many doctrines a matter of fact eight of them already and we are on our way through to the end of the year to get through all 10 major doctrines of the Bible we're dealing with Satan because he is a very important person in the experience of a human whether you are a Christian or not you have to understand and deal with the Devil in our earlier session we talked about the fact that many people don't believe in a devil well I guess that means the devil has been very successful because one of his major weapons is to make you not believe in him as a matter of fact his number one weapon is ignorance and we wanted to clarify that in our earlier session I hope you got the message that the devil deals in ignorance he is called the prince of ignorance which is the word in the Hebrew for Darkness and we're going to talk about tonight the nature and the character of Satan we're going to talk about how he got his names we also got a night tonight going to talk about his names and what they mean because his name Reveals His character and his nature so please take careful notes tonight as we approach this very important subject on the character and the nature of our number one adversary and that is Satan we stopped off in our last session on the point that Jesus is the ultimate acid test concerning the reality and the existence of Satan no matter what anyone says about anything it's important to check what Jesus attitude is toward that thing because he is the manifestation and the embodiment of God and therefore whatever he believes is the truth there's no doubt in the scriptures concerning Jesus belief that there is a real physical devil there is a real spirit and a personality called Satan Jesus not only spoke to him he spoke about him he even talked and warned us about him and also commanded us to be careful about his devices we recorded a few scriptures this morning I hope you wrote them down one of them is found in Matthew 13 verse 19 when Jesus said then come it the wicked one to steal the word it is he that sowed them he is the devil Jesus is referring to a person not some nebulous attitude in John 8 verse 34 Jesus words are very clear make a note of this passage he says you are of your father the Devil he's speaking about a specific person as a matter of fact he goes more detailed he says and the lust of your father you will do you are of your father the devil he was a murderer he was a murderer from the beginning a specific person he's talking to and he Abode not in the truth he didn't remain in God and therefore the truth is not in him that means he does not know the truth of God when he speaks lies he speaks his own native tongue for he is a liar and a liar from the beginning of Father of Lies Satan I also mentioned in the last session was introduced early in the Bible both in the Old Testament New Testament it's important to understand why he's introduced so early he's introduced actually in Genesis 3. as a matter of fact we meet God then we meet Adam then we meet Eve and then we meet Satan he is that important that he is introduced in the third chapter of the Book of Genesis in the New Testament he's introduced in chapter four and it's actually introduced many meets Jesus in the wilderness of Temptation so he is very important with regards to our understanding of spirituality now according to the scriptures I want to talk first of all about the origin of Satan let's talk about him for a minute that's the topic in this segment the origin of Satan where did he come from someone said to me years ago did God create the devil and that's usually a common question people ask you as a Christian I mean if God is so good why did he make the devil well if God is so good why did he make you you ain't too good God is so good but did God create accidents no the God create disease no as a matter of fact the Bible is very clear on the quality of everything God created it is found in Genesis chapter 1 verse 14 it says and God saw that everything was good and God said this is good so everything God created is good everything including you you will have created good but something went wrong with God's good so God didn't create bad good became bad can you hear an amen somewhere down there so don't let anybody put pressure on you saying well God created the devil let's talk about where the devil came from now according to scripture Satan was originally named Lucifer we talked about his name this morning write the name down again Lucifer the word means in the Hebrew tongue light bearer or bearer of the light the light bearer remember the word light is in reference to the knowledge or the truth of God so Satan who we know him as today used to be Lucifer or the light bearer so when you call him Lucifer you're really using the term light bearer the one who's supposed to carry the truth of God but what went wrong with such a beautiful awesome creature who had such a lofty position in the kingdom of God matter of fact he was the most glorious of the Angels let's turn to Isaiah chapter 14. I want you to meet the devil before he was the devil I'm going to read two passages from the Bible concerning his origin in Chapter 14 verse 12 you find these words oh how have you fallen from Heaven o Mighty star Morning Star son of the Dawn you have been cast down to the Earth you who once laid low the Nations you said in your heart you said in your heart now he was a good guy but he said in his heart I will Ascend to heaven and I will raise my throne above the stars of God I will sit and Throne on the Mount of the assembly on the utmost Heights of the Sacred Mountain I will Ascend above the tops of the clouds and I will make myself like the most high but you are brought down to the Grave to the depths of the pit those who see you stare at you they Ponder your fate is this the man who shook the Earth and made the kingdoms tremble the man who made the world a desert who overthrew cities and would not let his captives go home please turn to Ezekiel we pick up the continuation of this experience Ezekiel chapter 28. [Music] Ezekiel is right before Daniel it's on page 761. if you're still looking in the reference to find it uh you gotta practice Ezekiel chapter 28 now here's something important for you to appreciate there are details here concerning Lucifer [Music] 12 son of man take up a lament concerning the king of tire and say to him this is what the Sovereign Lord says quote you were the model of perfection full of wisdom and perfect in Beauty you were in Eden the Garden of God every precious stone adorned you Ruby topaz Emerald crystalline Onyx and Jasper and Sapphire and turquoise and Barrel your settings and your mountings were made of gold on the day you were created they were prepared you were anointed everybody say anointed you think only people could get anointed in the ministry eh this is an anointed chariot you were unanited as a guardian cherub for so I had ordained you everybody say ordered ordained you were on the unlocked among the fiery Stones you were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness until wickedness until wickedness was found in you I want to read verse 12 again the quote you were the model of perfection [Music] hmm verse 15 until wickedness was found in you he was perfect pure he was holy he was spotless there was no there was nothing in this angel that was corrupt but wickedness was found not in God but in this beautiful cherub through your widespread trade you were filled with violence and you sinned so I drove you in disgrace from the Mount of God and I expelled you o Guardian cheer it from among the fiery Stones your heart became proud on account of your beauty and you corrupted your wisdom please underline that statement he didn't lose his wisdom it was only corrupted so don't think the devil is stupid he's still wise but his wisdom is corrupt it is perverse so I threw you to the earth I made a spectacle of you before Kings by your many sins and dishonest trade you have desecrated your sanctuaries so I made a fire come out from you and it consumed you and I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching all the nations who knew you were amazed at you and they said you have come to a horrible end and will be no more that statement No More means you'll never be cherub in this Heaven Again I want to just mention a few things from this verse that are very important now please notice generally that God created Lucifer the bearer of light as a covering chair underline that term please covering charity the word cherub means guardian or protector the the Cherub is an angel the most beautiful angel and the I guess the most intimate Angel to to God himself is a cherub because a cherub was created by God to protect or to safeguard God God's holiness we have a few of them mentioned in the bible Michael is named as a cherub Gabriel is named as a chariot and this particular one Lucifer is also named as a church these are very very unique Angels they are very close to God they are the ones you notice the Bible talks with them being around the throne and the fiery Stones John talks about how the Throne of God looks and the word Mount there in that passage the word Mountain doesn't mean a physical mount it means the place of God setting in other words where the power of God sits that's called the Mount of God it's not a mountain as we know it it's a place or a throne of God setting God has around that beautiful Throne obviously John saw them his rug is made out of diamonds how's it like that topaz and Barrel and and all these beautiful stones are just sparkling all around God's strong just let's see his rug it's made of stuff you buy and die for you know now if his rug is made of diamonds no wonder why the streets are made of gold that's local stuff no problem now this Angel used to be in that intimacy that's important to remember because you see if he was a guardian cherub it means that Guardian cherubs always got information first write that down so Satan formerly Lucifer knows a whole lot about God and about what God's plans are and maybe more than you do that's why we got to be careful with Satan because he's not a dumb Chariot he used to be a chariot cherub means Guardian Angel he was there these are the ones who had a lot of wings you know the Wings Over The Head and the wings and the Hand All These Wings there's seven wings are they the ones that kind of covered God's holiness these are the ones that God told Moses to build in The Mercy Seat with their faces looking down at the blood and they're weighing spread back to protect God's holiness from the sins of men and when the blood is there they can't see the sin it's covered by the blood that's why they are on The Mercy Seat they are God's intimate chariots now they don't guard God because God is afraid of someone's going to attack it okay a guardian cherub doesn't protect God from bad things they protect you from God let me say that again you all don't understand the cherish the cherubs don't want God's power to kill you [Applause] [Music] that is why on The Mercy Seat their heads are facing each other which means that they are both looking down at the mercy seat what's in the mercy see the law of God is in the box which is the sign of our fall the budding role of Aaron which is the sign of our debt and our need for life and also some of the manner which is the sign of our Grace and dependency on God when the church look at that the only way that they could allow the presence of God to come into your presence is when you put blood over that stuff so the preach is the pour the blood Over The Mercy Seat so the church could see the blood when he saw the blood then the present Lord could come so that the blood could protect man from being destroyed so the chairs are not to defend God but they are ready to protect us from God's power and Holiness which would destroy us instantly if we were to ever get in the presence of God you remember one time when a number of priests touched the ark without blood and what happened instantly they were killed and that's why we got to be careful when we begin to handle God's glory without caution and without respect and reverence thank God for these chairs now this Angel cherub Lucifer who was that intimate with God before God created man God conceived man therefore Lucifer knew about you before you knew about yourself remember Lucifer used to live with God in the head office in the inner courts this is not some INF Angel out there flattering around this is the big boy hello I mean the best way to describe his importance is well let's talk about how how does God say it God says you were the model of perfection in other words God says but I made perfect things you were one of the the best of my perfection but this must have been an awesome day no wonder why it says because of his pride because of his Beauty he became proud this guy was so good looking he was impressed with himself [Music] now the cherubims are also important because they were given Authority now the other angels are given commands but all cherubs have authority they have a will that's why it's important to understand how he could decide to rebel against God Michael could too and so could Gabriel but Michael and Gabriel stayed in the truth hallelujah but this one left the truth so therefore he became the first lie on the father of Lies he was so beautiful that God himself called him the model of perfection verse 13 you were in Eden now let me just correct something here someone said to me some months ago foreign that means the devil used to live on Earth the word Eden write it down is a Hebrew word matter of fact you can't even spell it in English e-d-e-n is Hebrew and it means the moment or the presence of the Lord of the word Eden means the moment or the presence of the Lord now what that means is God says not only were you perfected but I place you in my presence well that's true he was in the presence of the Lord around the Throne of God Among the fiery Stones he was in God's Eden Eden means presence of the Lord that's all it means it doesn't mean a place a garden somewhere it means a presence of the Lord so that's why we gotta understand that when God creates his presence somewhere it is called Edie God placed his presence on the planet when he created man and that spot became Edie and God put man in that spot so God actually wherever he created his presence he creates a garden called Eden now please notice in verse 15 verse 14 rather you were anointed as a guardian Church write the word anointed down to anoint means to enable or to give the ability to this Angel was given the power to God God's holiness that means Satan does have the power that God gave him now remember the call of God is without recall so when God gives something he doesn't take it back because of his faithfulness that's why God got to bind this guy he got to bound him in the end because he has this power that he gave him he is Anointed he's anointed to do what to be a guardian Chariot the other word used here is the word ordained ordained has to do with order he was placed in a certain position or order of relationships there's God then there's a cherubims then there's a seraphims and then they're the other angels this one was placed ordained ordered next to God so Lucifer came from the inner circle you know if he was a seraphim we could have whoop him real easy but this guy is from the inner circle he is a cherub he was the ones next to God I described Lucifer as well he's the guy who was in charge of Fine Arts and Music In Heaven you know and you got one guy who's in charge of military operations that's Michael right yeah and he got the other guy who's in charge of communications that's Gabriel So when you read the Bible Michael never brings a message he's a fighter Whenever there was fighting to be done Michael showed up never Gabriel Gabriel can't fight well at least there's no evidence in the Bible Gabriel only brought messages he was the chief of communications when God wanted a message carried he sent Gabriel when he wanted fighting done he sent Mike now when Mike shows up you're in trouble because Mike coming with a sword the Bible says mike handles the sword of the Lord all right remember Daniel was praying guess who bought the message Gabriel but he couldn't get through so guess who they call Michael it's all in the Bible Mike showed up demons ran message came through in 21 days they couldn't get into fighting for 21 days Mike says let me handle this and Mike handle things so I tell you what here's a secret if you got a problem can't make things happen call Mike Give the Lord a half a mic let's praise the Lord for Mike all right Mike handle yourself [Music] thank God for Michael and everywhere in scripture if you read the Bible when they said the gods against the garden the sword of the Lord and the cherubims that was Michael there guarding the garden from Adam and Eve and all through the Bible it was Mike that showed up but it was Gabriel who came with all the messages so there was a guy in charge of the military Department every government has a military Department no Defense Force whatever you call them yeah every government has a Communications Department you gotta have a media Department the guys who carry the message that's Gabriel but then you gotta have a culture art dance music department That's Mike now Mike was Wyatt Lucifer sorry yeah checking to see if you're listening here Lucifer now Lucifer think about it that's why we got to be careful with those who are in music Ministry anyone with the Arts and dance and media you know and in song and and acting anything to do it with the media and music and arts is very dangerous because you are in the category where Satan is an expert that's why people in the media are always tempted to believe their egos because it's in the area of the devil the devil gets into people who are in the area of the Arts that's why there's so much corruption in those areas because it's the it's the feeling of the devil okay and we got to remember therefore that he is not a dumb Angel he knows God's plan therefore he is after the destruction of God's children and he'll use the media Department like nothing else because he knows that area all right now check if you will verse 14 you were on the holy Mount of God you are on it you walked among the fiery Stones he was in the Inner Circle you were blameless in your ways verse 15 there was nothing wrong with Lucifer perfect the guy had everything going for him he had a good job had a good boss I mean the guy had all kind of perks he could he could go wherever he want to and make music he had all the angels in the choir he this guy was in charge he said there was nothing wrong with you nothing no blame from the day you were created it's like other word created Place created I want you I wanted to emphasize something now there are some religions who teach that Lucifer is the brother of Jesus well God says he was created now Jesus was never created he is the Ancient of Days he is without genealogy without beginning and end so if Captain of Jesus now the moments teach the moments each that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers according to the Bible Lucifer was created that cancels that no more discussion all right so there was a beginning for Lucifer somewhere he said I created and God repeated it twice to make sure we don't make a mistake in verse in verse 13 He says on the day you were created and now in verse 15 he says on the day you were created he is a created big but Jesus Christ is from Everlasting to Everlasting without beginning and end so don't confuse some creative Chariot with the Lord God Almighty Isaiah was right about Jesus he says fun to us a son is given not born and his name Shall be Called wonderful counselor Mighty God Everlasting father who became the son Hallelujah so don't mix up and don't put in the same class Jesus and Satan okay that is why Christ left us to cast him out you'll get that next time you know he let his kids work with this guy he's so low on Jesus's totem pole he let the kids cast him out he told you to bind him and come on say Amen somebody he said I don't want to get involved in it matter of fact Jesus does not even mention him getting involved in the fight in heaven Jesus told the disciples on Earth he says you know you want to talk about Satan he says I saw Satan like like men he didn't say he was the one who made it happen I was just watch it come on the Bible said clap man that's a good day to clap May the devil mine Hallelujah Jesus said I never fought him matter of fact the first time he and I had an encoder was back there in the wilderness and I beat him but just quoting scripture [Applause] but he says I saw Satan like lightning fall from Heaven he is nothing he's created he is just something that we produced and we had a purpose for him his purpose was to to safeguard our Holiness from being from from destroying things that are contaminated and for him to make music and be in charge and glory of the music department now let me say to all you musicians you could get fired see that you get you know you you start believing that you use everything God will move you quickly oh Jesus help me though Hallelujah where was I hell verse 16. so I drove you in disgrace from the Mount of God I expelled you o Guardian cherub from among the fiery Stones your heart became proud because of your beauty your wisdom was corrupt please underline it make a note Satan did not lose his wisdom everything that he learned still knows which means that he knows some stuff you don't know and he knows stuff that you probably will never know but it's corrupted everything he tells you sounds good but it is perverted and he contaminates it and it becomes a destructive element when he uses it one other point I thought was very interesting was how God destroyed him how God cast him out please notice Verse 18 by your many sins and dishonest trade you desecrated your sanctuaries underline that somebody don't know what and the word is that about Sanctuary has to do with that which is sanctified Sanctified that that which was set apart for a specific reason so when you read this prep carefully it's saying that Lucifer had some departments in heaven that was Sanctified unto him in other words God set them apart to be under his authority so there were angels that were under his authority that was his sanctuaries now God says not only did you have wickedness in you but notice it says you also corrupted your sanctuaries you made your sanctuaries desecrated which means he influenced those who he had authority over to follow him in his Rebellion that's why we get our demons from a demon is an angel without a job so demons are frustrated Angels who ain't got nothing to do so they just make trouble and they are following a guy who has a head that's mashed in so you know all of them in trouble the guy who's their leader is sick okay he was crushed under the defeat of Jesus on the cross so the leader of their gang is sick and they are frustrated that's a serious enemy we got so demons not only are they Fallen Angels but they are also Angels who was kicked out with him that's why the Bible says God says so I made a fire come out from you now this is interesting God says he didn't send a fire to destroy him he used his own Pride to kill it can I suggest to you that we need to get a revelation here destruction of a proud mind is by the same proud mind if you build yourself from and Elevate yourself and think that you are everything God will allow your thoughts about yourself to destroy you you know you don't have to to worry about the person who's showing off they gonna fall off when they show it off you you've seen it happen people brag about what they can do and how great they you know I think about the Beatles one time and the Beatles said they were more popular than Jesus now you know that's a dangerous thing to say you know what I mean and now Christ's still going on all over the world one of them dead the other one trying to find out who he is and all them sick and hurting what are they talking about I heard Mr Farrakhan the other day I did hear him I got it on tape where he said he is Christ now when I heard that I just smiled I said well there goes another one you know his day coming his own fire is going to consume him that's why the Bible says we must submit to God and then you can resist the devil But first you got to submit to God get off your high horse tell God you need him once you do that the devil is in trouble because you got someone backing you up when you talk and the one who bigger bigger than you is backing you up don't ever think how great you become that you are greater than the one who made you great that was Lucifer's downfall he decided he wants to be like God and so God allowed his own corruption to destroy him and the angels that fell with him also became victims of his destruction let me say one thing about demons please notice uh in both passages God says he cast them down to earth okay now Earth is the atmosphere around here this is the Earth's atmosphere this is where they were cast out remember when they were Castle to Heaven this is the area where they came where they fell Satan did not decide to take up his residence on Earth because if you live on Earth you need a body to be legal okay that's how God designed Earth only those with bodies could live here God says let them have dominion them who their man humans humans are man and humans spirit and dirt so the demons and the Devil Himself were cast out but they couldn't come to Earth legally so they set up their Kingdom in the air so he's called The Prince of the power of the air so there are strongholds their fortresses are in the air so the Bible says we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and wicked Spirits where in the high places and we we use what strong weapons the weapons of our Warfare are what I'm not Connor but they are what Mighty true God through the pulling down of strongholds why because the strongholds are up there now when and Danny was praying the answer was released the same day and what the Bible says for they couldn't get through the atmosphere so Michael was sent to clear the atmosphere and then the answer came through so between us and the next realm is a whole lot of activity going on and that area is filled with demonic powers and the big honcho Lucifer who is now Satan so the demons and Lucifer have one big dream since they counter 11. and they got kicked out of nowhere and in space they're looking for somewhere to rule you know this guy wanted worship from day one y'all got the point that was his his number one desire he said he wanted worship so he have to get somewhere for someone to worship him he wants to get on Earth but he can't get on Earth legally without a body that's why we could cast them out because they are illegal so the number one goal of every demon is to possess a human body to make him legal now the Bible says your body was made for God and God made for your body Roman says that and therefore your body is the Temple of who the Holy Ghost not the Unholy ghost it's the Temple of the Holy Spirit not the Unholy spirit now the devil is the Unholy spirit and every demon is Unholy Spirits they are looking for a temple and they're after yours now I want you to lift your hands and say this with me no room in the end are you sure everybody say occupied keep a sign on your life which says No Vacancy Hallelujah I Say No Vacancy tell the devil ain't no room in here for you and none of your demons I am filled up with the Holy Ghost Hallelujah build up so their job is going around looking for bodies that is why uh they like to they are attracted to the people who take drugs demons love drug bushes and drug dealers and and people who take drugs why because drugs actually numb your senses and take away your self-control and therefore they can possess you without too much resistance that's why it's dangerous to deal with drugs matter of fact the word drug in the Bible is in the Bible it's the Hebrew is the Greek word farmakia let me get that word pharmacy from and it actually means witchcraft let me say it again the word drug in the Greek New Testament is the word pharmacia where we get our word pharmacy from and the word pharmacia means witchcraft so when you take drugs you're dealing in spirits witchcraft that's where they get the concept of alcohols being called spirits it's a historical thing those who drink this stuff open themselves to Spirits I hope that's enough to stop people from drinking and taking drugs because you're going to end up possessed with something and it might not be the Holy Ghost so watch the things that you consume if they cause you to lose control of yourself then they are ungodly anything that takes away your self-control is anti-god why the fruit of the spirit is self-control if you are walking in the spirit one of the things that would be evident is you are always in control of your faculties even when you feel like screaming and shouting you don't have to you are in control now should I scream now no because Dr Miles gonna rebuke me you're right yeah you're always in control when you are filled with the holy spirit because he will never violate the nature of God he is God so Lucifer then was cast out and his cohorts with him they became Satan and the demons so this group of Angels were enlisted in his Rebellion and they became victims but who exactly is Satan what is he like what is his nature what is his character how does he work what are his strategies what is the purpose and intention of Satan what is he after these are important questions for the Christian because if you know what he's after you know what to block him at you know how to stop him what does he seek to accomplish these are questions we must answer in essence what is his character the record of his origin is found in Isaiah as we read before but many have wondered and I'm probably thinking you're wondering now why does God use the kings of Babylon entire to introduce us to the history of Satan you notice in these chapters it talks about the Kings right the king of Babylon the king of tire turn to Ezekiel 28 again I want to show you just a moment of what is happening here now the answer as to why God uses the king of tire and the king of of Babylon to introduce the devil and his history is because certain of the kings of Babylon entire will blasphemously claiming worship as Divine beings so in other words the king of Babylon was saying he was God and the king of tire was claiming he was divine and he was God and they were commanding the people to worship them now you remember in Daniel the king of Babylon you remember that's a good another example now there were many kings of Babylon who had the same idea they thought they were divine beings who were deserving of worship got the picture and it was the king of Babylon doing is Nebuchadnezzar who told them to build a statue in whose image His image and he said put it up in the center of the square and every citizen must Bow Down and Worship that image every time they pass it this guy was getting really high-minded he began to believe his own mail and he began to think and believe he was God now the king of tire had the exact same Blasphemous claim he was claiming that he was God and he must be worshiped and because of that they were using the humans in their subjugation as play things I mean people were nothing to these men they'd kill them and you sacrifice them and boil them in oil and boil them in Blood and and boil them in in in cow's milk I mean the Hideous practices of the Babylonians were satanic because it is man these Kings who thought they were gods so now God is upset he had enough of these guys look at verse 1 of chapter 28. the word of the Lord came to me is I this Ezekiel talking son of man say to the rule of tire D this is what the Lord Sovereign Lord says I like that God said tell the king of tire The Sovereign Lord want to talk to him now remember this guy I think he's God because I tell him God won't talk to him now you know you're in trouble when God uses this proper name tell that man God want to talk to another man that's the first statement in the pride of your heart you say I am a god I sit on the throne of a God in the heart of the Seas but you are a man and not a god though you think you are as wise as a god then God throws in a little statement are you wiser than Daniel Ezekiel but he's referring back to Babylon he said and you do you remember Daniel now you remember her Daniel you God was saying now look you know read history okay King attire read history because your future looked just like nebuchadnezz oh now remember nebuchadne hasn't thought he was God but in a few months he was eating grass with fingernails long like that with animals here and here all over his body remember this guy that God would make a spectacle out of you foreign he says you better go back and read Daniel but look at what his claim was his claim was what he is God sit on the throne of God sounds familiar sounds familiar yes where did that Spirit come from where did that attitude come from so now God is talking first to the man the whole chapter down he's talking to the man yep that verse 9. will you say then I am a God in the presence of those who will kill you you will be but a man not a God in the hands of those who slay you you will die the death of the uncircumcised I mean God is really laying it in on this guy then all of a sudden Ezekiel shifts into prophecy now this one here is not prophecy this is a message to the god okay the first part of the verse but from chapter 12 look at the introduction it says the word of the Lord came unto me in other words the first time the Lord told me to talk to him the second man God told me the prophesy of this guy said look there's another guy who's before you who are the same idea his name was Lucifer and here's what happened to him and then we introduced to the devil so he's showing this man what happened to the angel who was intimate with God here's the point the point was to reveal to this man this king and the kings of Babylon to warn such that if God would cast out his top intimate angel how much easier with God cast out a man who set up his own Tin Can throne on Earth the lesson is if God punished the Blasphemous pride of this High Angel he would not fail to judge nor hesitate to cast out any King who dare to usurp the place of God in the presence of men notice Satan tried to infect Eve our first parents with the same spirit you remember trying quickly to Genesis chapter 3 you'll see him doing it again at the beginning in Chapter 3 of Genesis Same Spirit of Satan here's what it says interesting Satan comes verse 1 to the woman and he said to the woman did God really say you must not eat verse 3. she replied but God did say we must not eat and then Satan replied you will not surely die for God knows this is the verse I want you to check for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God Same Spirit he says hey you want to be like God now I figure he should have had some sense you know they say if a man's selling fish but you don't eat none foreign [Music] if a man in Us in University teaching you how to make a million dollars and he teaching you in the classroom how to become a millionaire and he still teaching The Same Spirit that he had in himself he was trying to transfer to mankind he was saying you want to be like God here's how to be that God and he tried to sell her the same program and you know he succeeded for a while because she obeyed him didn't she and the ambition in the heart of this woman influenced her husband and caused the whole family of man to fall and God knows that men haven't changed much Satan is still using that tactic how many people have you met or read about who claimed to be Christ claimed to be God claimed to be the last prophet claimed to be the best claimed to be the cheapest I mean all this attitude is satanic you know Satan shows how disappointed his pride was on how depressed his ambition still consumes him he wanted to be worshiped so badly want to be God so bad [Music] worship as the God of this world that's why he's trying his best to get people to worship Him you remember Matthew chapter 4 verse 9 what was this temptation to Jesus the guy is Twisted man he's sick he comes to Jesus and says do you see all the kingdoms of the world and all the glory of them and all the power of them yeah I run things and he was right Adam gave it over to him he says all that is mine he says now look I will give you the whole planet this guy wants worship so bad he'll give him the whole Earth that he got from Adam just for one guy the bow down worship Him now if he tried that on Jesus he often listen look he says look you want money no problem you want husband no problem oh you want a woman no problem you want Power political power economic power position power no problem now here's my skin you want get promoted sleep with the boys no problem one night he ain't gonna hurt nobody can know tomorrow you're gonna be supervisor in other words bow down lay down and worship me and I'll give you power what do you want money no problem that's it there's some kilos floating around we didn't need somebody to take them from here to there [Music] worship me tomorrow morning 200 000 bucks is yours I mean the guy is still sick and he's never stopped he's always going after the kids worship that's why when you stand together and worship God Satan has fits you wouldn't like to know what your praise does to the devil Oh Glory Hallelujah because the guy wants it so bad I believe many churches demons out in the winter going [Applause] I hate them you know the boss wants them to call his name but they call in the chief's name Jesus Yeshua Jehovah Adonai Elohim oh they call him his name [Applause] [Music] he hates the worship of God that is why whenever you decide to serve God with all your heart Jesus said expect persecution because the persecutor goes crazy when you decide to live Godly in Christ Jesus there's no his attack on Jesus he wanted to be worshiped he tried to gain Eve as an ally but God wanted the plan and the plot because in verse 15 or chapter 3 God says to him I promise you you'll never get man to worship you I'll put enmity between you and this woman you want this woman to join you in your Rebellion but I'm gonna fix you good this woman gonna be your nightmare now the word enmity does not mean enemy all right she's not your enemy it's worse than enemy enmity means irreconcilable hostility which means there'll never be any agreement between you and the woman she'll never agree with you you know that's why women hate the devil you know [Music] I've seen some women who decided the devil ain't gonna have my children husband left everybody left she said I don't care I mean she will stay up all night pray fast then your son go do food and she's still home praying listen I heard Helen Baylor say when your grandma are praying for you guess it [Applause] don't run from it because you ain't gonna never get away when your mother or your grandmother praying for you why because women got this thing against the devil that's why when women go behind the devil the devil in trouble and this woman was his destruction because it wasn't a man who had the baby all the men say oh yeah he's the head of the Homer we can't carry the savior the woman was the problem for Satan and that is why Jesus has established the church as a woman because the woman is his nightmare she's called eclasia [Music] and Satan hates the church because she's a woman and the church hates Satan because she's a woman and the church will never agree with Satan because this is irreconcilable hostility we are hostile against the devil and he hostile against us that several we agree amen we can kill him healing or kill us amen that's it that's that was it we are victorious Hallelujah now please note he didn't lose his wisdom it was corrupted therefore we got to be careful with him it is said that the best defense is a good offense and the best offense is knowledge knowledge of your opponent the best defense against Satan is knowledge of him study him his nature his character his devices let me give you the names of Satan write these down very important concerning his character now we're close in a moment all right the character of Satan now please write the word character down because this is how you know about the devil the word character is from the word characteristics which denotes incidents that reveal the nature of a thing so you can understand the nature of something by its characteristics it has to do with its Behavior so the quality of Satan's character is indicated by the names and the titles by which he is described the Hebrew concept for example is interesting the Hebrew concept of name means the thing and the thing is its name so when you talk about name in the Bible you're talking about the actual thing in other words whatever a thing is called that's what it is and whatever it is that's what it's called that's the way the Hebrew thoughts of name is that's why when you call the name of God he is his name and his name is him that is why God changed people's names now this is very important let me just say something I meant a Bahamian the other day whose name was Damien that's a pretty name for some people that means demon you got to be careful don't name your son dab dablo or some you know Diablo gotta be careful that means devil in other words whatever you call a thing it becomes and whatever it becomes that's what you call it so when we study Satan if we study his names the names that God calls him that the Bible calls him we also then discover who he is and what he is it's in his name let's read the first name Satan write it down here's what it means it means adversary so the word Satan literally means adversary it's not even his name it's a description of his activity he is the adversary now the guy is called adversary so you know his job is to be adverse to you I don't care what Satan promised you he don't mean you no good his name is adversary he's always had varsity Satan will give you money in a gambling game when he finish with you you walked now you're selling the house stealing the car trading the TV and selling your wife why you thought it was good at the beginning he'll allow you to win a little bit but he is adversary [Music] save my life to get away with your little things once get away twice get it I'll be set you up so high proud breakdown and then he run off laughing you thought I was on your side yeah gotcha why I am your adversary Satan this means he is malicious in his intent to hinder God's purpose and your dreams Zechariah 3 1 write it down it says and he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord and Satan standing at his right hand resisting him as his adversary that's found in Zechariah 3 1. First Peter chapter 5 verse 8 says what your adversary the devil seeks whom he may devour he's an adversary this age-long conflict between God and the devil is going to be ended when Jesus destroys the adversary but until then remember he is adverse to you his second name number two is devil everybody say devil now the world tries to move the D [Music] and depersonalize Satan don't do that he's not evil in the world he is devil in the world he is an actual person the reason why evil is in his name because the Big D is only interested in evil what does devil means here's what it means interesting word it means slanderer devil it means slanderer Satan Slanders both God and man that means let me give you the word the meaning of the word slander very interesting devil means slander the word slander means to speak the truth for evil intent in other words through slander is not to lie the slander is to use the truth for the purpose of Destruction that's called devil interesting which means this is crazy think about it that means the devil will never come to you in an open lie he comes to you with truth that leads to your destruction [Music] once again to slander doesn't mean to lie you know bahamians here in the Bahamas we say girl do you slandering a man no we think slander means to talk things that are not true no the word slander means to tell the truth but for the purpose of hurting and destroying their person here's what slander is like you find out something about somebody and it's true they told you they can find it in you they tell you you know I got AIDS okay I mean they trusted you they said no I gotta tell somebody I have AIDS now here you are boy you can't hold this thing in so you can become devil now you can tell somebody but you ain't lying you telling people the truth the only trouble is you know it's gonna affect that person's life and literally destroy maybe their job and their home and their family and their marriage and make their children ashamed of them and may the community put them out and make them lose their sanity but you tell it anyhow that's the devil at work [Music] you know I was thinking about what the devil does the Devil comes here and tells you the truth he says you are a sinner that he right what are they telling you not to make you depressed see you sinned yesterday talking about you safe you and church talking singing with blood you sin yesterday and the day I was telling you [Music] and he's right you know you said but he telling you the truth to make you feel guilty so he could be condemned therefore you stop worshiping so the devil really deals in contaminated truth that's why he's called a liar whenever he says something to you it sounds good but it is a slander he's doing it for your own destruction devil Genesis 3 4 is proof of it what did he say to Eve and Eve he said you will not surely die is that a truth yes he was right Adam sinned and lived 930 years afterwards so he was right he didn't die but he didn't tell the real truth he told the truth for evil intent just to disobey God pick the fruit he won't really die he said and so they disobeyed God and death comes but the devil tells the truth for evil intent Luke 4 10 he told Jesus throw yourself down why it is written he says he's telling the truth he'll give us Angel charges on you but it's just enough contamination to destroy the plan of God in Jesus life number three he's called Destroyer the Bible says he's a destroyer Revelations 9 11 says they had a king over them the angel of the Abyss whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek apollyon this is found in Revelation 9. both of these words Abaddon and apollyon these are in the Bible and they mean Destroyer the Bible says name is Destroyer meaning to annihilate is the Greek word apollyon or Abaddon it means to destroy to annihilate he is filled with hatred against God the Creator and against his works the devil ain't got no good thoughts about you he wants to destroy you he's a destroyer number four serpent I'm rushing through these for time's sake so everybody's a serpent now you know the Bible talks about the serpent Ezekiel and also the Book of Proverbs mentioned him as a serpent Revelations 12 9 is one verse you want to write down that old serpent called The Devil is written right there he's used as the serpent only as a a symbol when you see a snake you're not looking at the Devil okay he's called serpent because of the one that he used at the beginning because he needed a body to function in he couldn't get into Adam and Eve because they've already filled so we used a snake's body to do business on Earth he needed a dirt body and he used the snake to function in and so from that day forth God cursed the snake who was used to walk upon all fours now they crawl on their bellies and because of that they have to crawl into dust but he's called the old serpent because they want this warns us of his cunningness let me tell you something about about serpents now if if the Bible calls him serpent it means the devil let me tell you something about this certain thing about the devil it's amazing do you ever watch a snake in action going for the kill they say a cobra will stand motionless for hours looking at a rodent and the only thing that moves is his pupil and he stands sits there and the marks on the Cobra's back they say look like eyes they are used to literally hypnotize the creature they want to get now the Bible uses the devil as a symbol of a viper or Cobra the Viper does exactly the Corbin does they hypnotize you first and they just wait for the right moment the Bible says Satan is that way he will not rush in and destroy you so you got to be careful Satan comes in real cool and he doesn't rush to get you tonight he works on you for days for months and you think ain't nobody can know you know what he's just waiting and by the time is all over you already convince yourself this sin is okay matter of fact you got scripture to back it up he hypnotized you and all of a sudden one day he figured I got you now everybody getting ready to find out now you're gonna fall now and all of a sudden he attacked now when a COBRA they say attacks that's a sure meal they don't waste their venom devil is called that old serpent so don't give him any space don't even believe that he ain't gonna get you he's as wise and cunning [Music] serpent gotta be careful with Satan another name that's given to him is the tempter everybody's attempted Matthew 4 3. he was led into the Wilderness to be tempted by the devil Jesus calls him that old tempter to tempt means to test or to try for weakness to test or to try for weakness Satan is designed his activity to test you for your strength and your weakness in other words when you boast of something the devil shows up when you start saying for it I'm a woman of God Satan let's see what kind of woman of God you are yeah you talking legally and man every friend that you thought was lost shows up the next day girlfriend and boyfriend all friends and they show up with a free lunch to take you out he comes to tests for your weakness in your strength do you remember when Peter said to Jesus I'll never leave you I'll never forsake you I'll Die For You Jesus suddenly said what oh Peter oh Simon Satan has just demanded you for trial that's what the word means and he will sift you like me now I can't help you Peter because you open your mouth but I'm praying that your faith don't fail during the tempt gotta be careful what you're saying you say me boy I'll never go back to drugs oh now every demon woke up what was she say did I hear someone post something some of you wondering you know why why it all hell break loose when I say that because here comes the tester to test your straight and your weakness [Music] everybody say what would you say the Bible says death and life is rare and the power of your tongue don't say nothing you ain't willing to die for think it don't say it just think it I'm I'm strong you think I'm strong don't say I'm strong you say you know I've overcome this thing oh you have Satan will demand you for tests I believe that job was walking around talking boy I'm a righteous man my children in college my wife got his car paid off the cow's doing fine hey hey praise the lord the devil says it to God I'll come to check him out can I check him out what did God do God gave permission he's a tempter now it's important to note that he's a tempter he's not a controller he can't make you do anything he can only entice suggest he can recommend he can refer things to you but he can't force or control he's just attempted that's how weak he is but you attract his attention when you talk too much so Christ said to us be careful with your words be quick to hear and slow to speak because when you start claiming things well I'm gonna I'm gonna build a business devil says oh yeah let's see how serious you are he go and move upon every president of every Bank in the town [Music] and you go with your proposal everything right fella you can explain why the fellas ain't no that was the yeah I'm gonna see how bad you won this business [Music] and the first bank said no second Banks and Devils now the Devil Couldn't get the fifth Banker you know because God got that one The Heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord but you see you didn't wait to get to the fifth one you quit on the third Banker why because when God gives you a dream no man can stop it no demon can stop it and the devil can't stop it so you got to keep being persistent thank you but Satan will tempt you to test you whether your commitment to God and your resolve to life is intact and strong he's attempted and number six and finally well this number six is one woman seven he is the prince of this world that's the name given to him very important word John 12 31 says now is the time for the Judgment of this world and now the prince of this world will be driven out Jesus says those words Jesus calls him the prince of this world now the word world that does not say earth the earth is still the Lord's and the fullness of the Earth the plants the trees the animals they are still God's Property but the world is the system that is operating near it that is what Satan is Prince of why he's the first one to introduce Rebellion so the rebellious World against God is ruled by Satan he's called The Prince of this world this also suggests then his influence over society as organized apart from God's will the devil is active in politics in social activities in sports in business that's his realm he's operating in this area why he's the prince of the world system that is why we need to move in there and tear down strongholds and pull down strongholds we see bills we're supposed to get into every area of life and bring the kingdom of God to those areas to destroy the works of the devil go ahead clap your hand that's what we need to do go in there take it [Music] and number seven he's called The Wicked one the wicked one Matthew 13 19 says then commit the wicked one this title suggests that Satan is not only Wicked but he is the source of wickedness in the world he is the foundation of wickedness the wicked one Satan is definitely an adversary to contend with but victory over his devices is easy if we follow God's plan James gives us the secret to overcome Satan there's a way to overcome Satan every time and James learned this from Jesus he lives with Jesus let's turn to James 4 7 as we bring this to a close here's how you overcome the devil and remember this plea this is the key to victory over Satan James chapter 4 verse 7. Peter also learned how to overcome Satan because remember Peter got beaten real bad didn't he I mean Satan would be the good because it was after that big statement he will never die I mean he will die for Jesus he will lay his life down Jesus said Satan's going to test you Peter and what happened Peter denied Jesus three times that means Satan whooped him good and Peter learned the lesson Peter said Satan is like a roaring lion roaming to and fro seeking whom he may devour then he says submit yourself to God and resist the devil James says the same thing in verse 7. chapter 4 verse 7. he says submit yourself to God so everything he does now he says submit yourself to God resists the devil and he will what flee from you I think the key to whipping the devil is not resisting the devil and that's what I want you to end this night on it's submitting to God
Channel: Grace - Mighty - Peace
Views: 301,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Doctrine of Satan (Lucifer) - Dr Myles Munroe, dr myles munroe, doctrine, doctrine of satan
Id: QSVM3419oTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 2sec (4442 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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