Keys to Divine Exemption||Apostle John Kimani William

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[Music] [Music] lifted [Music] believe [Music] and washington [Music] oh [Music] [Music] glorious [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] glory as [Music] all believed [Music] we are [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] god [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] with [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] the lord is good i [Music] [Music] thou what is good i'll lead him up higher [Music] everywhere i go i will [Music] lift his name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his name [Applause] [Music] lift his name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his name is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of [Music] the jesus of jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] of jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] amen hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] you [Music] there is none like you love there is none like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the spirit of god come upon azaria son of obed he went out to meet us and said to him listen to me asa and all judah at benjamin the road is with you when you are with me if you seek him he will be found by you but if you forsake him he will forsake you in those days it was not safe to travel about for all the inhabitants of the land who are in great turmoil verse 5 year 15 verse 5 second chronicle 15 verse 5 in a semi he removed the high priestess and incense also in every town in judah and there in this day it was not safe to travel about for all the inhabitants of land who are in great tumult verse 12. in a summer they entered into covenant to seek the lord the god of their fathers with all their heart and soul verse 13 or who would not seek the lord the god of israel were to be put to death whether small or great null woman nor man or woman 14. they took a north to the naked verse 15 tafadari all judah rejoiced about the earth because they had sown it wholeheartedly they sought to god eagerly and he was found by them so the lord the road give them lest on [Music] [Music] wash and perfume yourself and put on your best clothes then go down to the threshing frog but don't let him know you are there until he has finished eating and drinking to me divine strategy is [Music] nishiko [Music] [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] we [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes jesus we praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me foreign [Music] [Music] amen [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] me [Music] whoa [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] way [Music] hey [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Music] hey [Music] um [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes lord we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor we magnify your holy name in jesus name amen amen thank you worshipped him god bless you you can take your seat come out meaning and inaudible the lord has prepared a table for us tonight and i pray that each one of us we are going to be a partaker of that table nina god bless we thank god even for the whole week we thank god for every savanta who has been ministering to us this weekend we have come to the end of the week and every week as we come to the end we are having our mini question in the next one hour and few minutes i started a message this morning on divine exemption then you can say my aquaman this is a preparation also for the uh uh uh the week of uh the prayer uh festival weekend about aqua night september 13 um uh seventh to 19th of september nagoyavon took on this weekend and the other coming weekend we thank god for the so many testimonies ambassador to mekuwa sifa heshima naotokufu kualate but the message is going to be a reality in our lives so tonight i'm sharing on the keys to divine exemption keys to divine exemption uh jesus told uh peter and i will give you the keys of the kingdom so the kingdom does not operate with only one key they are keys of the kingdom and remember it is the key that gives you access into a place unawares yes i'll give you the keys of the kingdom i request i'll give you whatever it takes for you to have access and this is after jesus [Music] pendula in this kingdom in the dealings of god with men there is access to divine exemption and i say divine exemption is when god by his own divine power and wisdom sets you free from something that is imposed on others the same case there is divine exemption a thousand can fall at your side ten thousand on your right side that is psalms 91 and verse seven but they shall not come near you mamboyan now we have a thousand may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you a couple of hours ago i was speaking to a sister maybe she is even watching this program god bless you in um in lebanon i was giving her testimony and i said i just need to hear this testimony [Music] me akwamba we are living in times when we just need god to exempt us from the things that are going to happen because as we read in the book of matthew chapter 24. yes what he said my combat these things must come must that is unconditional prophecy it is not determined by your prayer and fasting i want to an apology there will be famines there will be pestilences there will be earthquakes there will be wars and rumors of wars because jesus said these are the signs of the end of the age they are the beginning of bad pains because something is just about to be born divine exemption and that is why tonight i'm sharing on the keys of divine exemption how can you be exempted from shame from trouble from consequences ambassador you are exempted how can you be exempted how can you be exempted from certain consequences but god can come through for you and exempt you okay i give a testimony of her sister naniwa muji to any piasimo i think it was a i am not using that money i am not using those medicines god can set you free from asthma god can set you free from blood sugar god can set you free from every condition because he is a mighty god he can exempt you anawa's accused there are these patterns there are these cycles that people go through but you can be exempted there is divine exemption all you get lift up your head that the king of glory may come in the marango yeah now using access to the provision of divine exemption key number one which is very important is a revelation of exemption and invest you know every area that is why i've said the keys of the kingdom it is not one key you may be able to access one door but you're not able to access the other door because you don't have the key to that door so for you to access different doors in the kingdom you require the key and the key is divine liberation how can i go about to enter into this door that is why we have been led into prayer of of praying for divine strategy that is the bible says jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly the will of god for your life is abundant life but not every believer is living another balanced life i don't want to go to heaven like razaras revelation of divine exemption especially receiver when i posted this message yesterday i say that this is a prayer for this decade because as we enter into this season dunya and verse verse 10 that god is able to deliver you from the hour of trial since you have kept my command to endure patiently i also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth god can deliver you so we need divine exemption that is why scientists and researchers they cannot and they cannot understand why coffee 19 is not killing people in africa as it is in other places of the world but one thing i know is that the god of africa has been exhorted high because africa loves jesus we are the biggest uh we are we are building mega churches in africa where others are turning their churches into moscow and into supermarkets there is a revival there is a fire already in africa you find people praying in prayer mountains you find people in cash us seeking the face of god there will be divine exemption in africa in the mighty name of jesus because we love the lord and we seek her the face of god may god cause africa to arise and usher the end time revival even to the other nations of the world i believe my nation kenya is a springboard of revival may god raise this nation to our prophetic mandatory in the mighty name of jesus so that our sons and our daughters can go out there and be able to touch the nations for jesus because that is what the bible says in matthew 24 that this gospel of the kingdom will be preached into the whole world and then the end will come so in the midst of everything that is going to happen there will be a mighty outpouring of the holy spirit and the gospel is going to be preached in the whole world so liberation you cannot rise above the liberation you have aparos why the difference is not a man of god he was the man of god but they are truths he who is coming after me his saddles i'm not worthy to untie he will baptize you with the holy ghost and fire so there must be a liberation in our time that there is divine exemption don't be surprised that your business can be exempted in such a time as this you find there are people who are being promoted there are people who are rising why because there is divine exemptions you can be exempted from trouble from failure from oppression from demonic patterns you can be exempted unanimously may you be exempted in the mighty name of jesus tonight i declare the grace of diviner exemptioner in the mighty name of jesus you can be exempted your son your daughter can be exempted because you serve almighty god and you believe in his power so key number one is a key of revelation [Music] yeah there is divine exemption the bible says in the book of john chapter 8 and verse 12 that jesus is the light when jesus spoke again to the people he said i am the light of the world whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life jesus said when you follow me you never walk in darkness but you'll have the light of life naturally we know that uh light despairs darkness jesus is our spiritual son the bible in the book of maracai chapter 4 and verse 2 calls him the son of righteousness the work of the sun is to dispel darkness but for you who deliver my name the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings and you go out and leap like calves released from the stores jesus is a son of righteousness the sign of healing when he comes he dispels darkness he takes away our spiritual ignorance he removes the veil he removes the covering and we enjoy divine liberation the most is that the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot be able to see the right of the gospel so when you see the right of the gospel when you receive the revelation because the gospel is the power of god that brings salvation so the revelation that you receive is the liberation that you enjoy in your life may you receive the liberation of divine exemption in the mighty name of jesus there is a way you can be exempted from the same fate aiza kari panda wakati angazi akafuna miami i belong to a kingdom where there is a divine exemption yes is a god of divine exemption in the mighty name of jesus number two serving your mandate and purpose when you serve your mandate and purpose you can receive divine exemption the bible says in the book of exodus chapter 23 from verse 25 that when you serve the lord worship the lord your god and his blessing will be on your food in water i'll take away sicknesses from among you a nun will miss cali or be barren in you around i'll give you a full lifespan i'll send my terror ahead of you and throw into confusion every nation you encounter i'll make all your enemies turn their backs and learn this is divine exemption god is saying worship me it is another word for serve me and when you serve me i will exempt you from sicknesses from diseases i will give you your full lifespan there will be no barriness there will be no miscarriage why as you serve your mandate when you serve god's purpose in your life you can be exempted from the things and the challenges and the consequences people go through the bible tells me in the book of um acts chapter 27 from verse 21 mary but the bible says after the men had gone a wrong time without food poor stood up before them and said man you should have taken my advice not to sell from crete then you'd have spared yourself this damage and loss but now i urge you to keep up your courage because not one of you will be lost only the ship will be destroyed last night an angel of the god whose i am and whom i serve i love that that i belong to him and i serve him he stood beside me and said do not be afraid paul you must stand trial before caesar and god has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you marika come to kerapura poor mum fasting by force you are not eating because you have despaired unto death i'll i know i am protected as i continue to pursue my mandate and my purpose there is that divine protection that exempts me from trouble i give a testimony [Music] unfortunately because there is a god when you pursue your purpose when you pursue your mandate he is able to exempt you from trouble he is able to protect you he is a mighty deliverer may god help you to pursue your mandate don't rebel may you seek god's purpose for your life and desire to fulfill your purpose may you live on a purpose driven life jacob i am here for an assignment and i desire to fulfill my purpose for it is appointed for a man to die once and after death judgment but god can give you your full life span so that you can be able to fulfill your purpose as long as you are spending your life the way god wanted to know what to encourage you i am i know there are so many reasons to that but i believe we need to raise a generation that understands divine purpose you are going to be fed by 11. now elijah the tishbite from tishbe and giril say to ahab as the lord the god of israelis whom i serve there will be neither do you nor lane in the next few years except at my word then the word of the lord came to elijah live here turn eastward and hide in kerith lavin east of jordan you will drink from the brook and i have ordered the lavender to feed you there because he obeyed his his mandate huh he stood before the king and he told the king there will be no rain for the next few years there will be a great and a severe famine in the land and it was but god exempted his servant from this farming he provided at the brook and later elijah was sent to the widow at zara faith and miraculously god provided for him may god provide for you miraculously in the mighty name of jesus because he is almighty god number three seeking the kingdom the bible says in matthew chapter 6 verse 33 seek he fast i love this scripture but seek he fast his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well verse 34 therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble for its own the bible says that when you seek the kingdom it is not a waste of time the bible says the things that the hidden sweat and labor to receive them and sometimes they die i have seen people die referring working hard trying to make ends meet and they achieve nothing but the bible says when you seek their kingdom and his righteousness these things you are going to be exempted there is a way that god is going to make a way for you there is a way god is able to provide for you the way he provides for the birds of the air the way he crawls the grass of the field and the flowers because that is what is written in the book of uh matthew chapter six he is well able to provide for you let me tell you i know when uh karna people among unanimous it is not a waste of time god can exempt you in a lifetime because a moment of favor with god is greater than a lifetime of human effort proverbs 21 and verse 31 the horse is immediately for the day of battle but victory is of the lord promotion does not come from the east or from the west promotion comes from above every apartheid uh gift comes from above our god is able to make a way for us when we seek his face so there is divine exemption but i know i am exempted for consequences so it is not a waste of time when you seek the kingdom of god when we say we have a week of prayer what you know i am busy i don't have time to pray but that is one of the secrets and the keys of divine exemption when you the bible says he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him you can just imagine when god purposes to reward you he rewards you as god in his capacity and when he rewards you he makes a distinction that is where the bible says in the book of america chapter 3 and verse 18 that you make a distinction between them that serve him and those who do not serve him and you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked between those who serve god and those who do not god is able to bring and to make a distinction so seeking the kingdom of god and his righteousness is a key to divine exemption number four the key number four to divine exemption is seed time and harvest amma to navigate sowing genesis 8 verse 22 mongolia semicomba as long as the earth endures seed time and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night will never cease so there will always be seed time and harvest time you can be exempted because of the seeds that you have been sowing what kind of seeds are these proverbs 3 27 the bible says proverbs 3 27 when you are able to do good do not withhold it do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it is in your power to act do not say to your neighbor come back later i will give it tomorrow when you have it with you exempt category there are people you can be able to alleviate they are suffering there are people you can be able to exempt them who say who you watching he only begun a panda because it is in your power now mayweather so there are people who are exempted from trouble because of the seeds they have been sowing don't take it for granted god bless you god bless you god bless you the power of life and death is in the tongue so whenever you do something and there are so many god bless you may that is where the bible says in psalms chapter 41. from verse 1 to 3 psalms 41 verse 1 to 3 the bible says blessed is he who was regard for the weak the lord delivers him in times of trouble when you regard weak people when you regard the poor can you give us the same portion of scripture in a new living transition oh the joys of those who are kind to the poor the lord rescues them when they are in trouble verse 2 the lord protects them and keeps them alive he gives them prosperity in the land and less kiss them from their enemies the lord nurses them when they are sick and they stores them to health and it was above you regard the weak you regard the poor you are doing good when it is in your power to do so you are not oppressing people with injustice even in your place of work or cat you cannot the bible says god himself will come and he'll not see you and if god becomes your nurse then you can rest assured that you're going to receive your healing so the seeds we sow the world is controlled by this principle of sowing and leaping ninini me panda especially we enjoy divine exemption even in our sick bed god delivers you he does not give you to the desires of your enemies not everybody is wishing you well but when you do good when it is in your power that is in proverbs 3 27 as we have read you don't withhold good 327 i want to read it again very important this is a very important key do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it is in your power to act okay number two and i deserve don't withhold it if it is in your power and god will also remember you wasababu life is all about sowing and leaping the other key is the key of faith the bible says in first peter chapter one and verse five we are shielded by god's power through faith uh who through faith are shielded by god's power until the coming of salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time the bible says we are shielded we are who through faith are shielded by god's power inaudib it's not my portion god is will protect you without faith you cannot preach him the bible says in hebrews chapter 10 35 cast away not your confidence because it shall be greatly rewarded it is good to be confident in your god hebrews 10 35 so do not throw away your confidence it will be literally rewarded huh let's go to verse 33 verse number three truly upon your monkey dog sometimes you are publicly exposed to insult and persecution at other times you stood side by side with those who are so treated you sympathize with us in prison and joyfully accepted the configuration of your property because you knew that you yourself had a better and lasting position so do not throw away your confidence it will be greatly or will be literally rewarded god rewards your confidence in him and in what you do in his name so faith is a key to divine exemption the other key number i think we are in number six now is the anointing of a holy spirit the holy spirit is described in the bible as a seal or maybe before we get there the bible says in psalms 105 from verse 15 that do not touch my anointed well do not touch my anointed do my prophets no harm he cut down a farming on the land and destroyed all their surprise of food and he sent a man before them joseph sold as a slave that means that the anointing is god's way of preserving his own the life of joseph was preserved in egypt from potiphar's house to the prison but joseph was preserved until the word of the lord was fulfilled in his life in the book of second corinthians chapter 1 and verse 21 second corinthians chapter 1 and verse 21 the bible says now it is god who makes both us and you stand firm in christ he anointed us set his seal of ownership on us you can underline the seal of ownership on us and put a spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come if you find an item in the market that is sealed it tells you that this item you cannot penetrate the item until you break the seal so god sends his holy spirit as a seal upon his people so that no weapon of the enemy can be able to penetrate into into your life until the seal of the holy spirit is broken the seal is broken do not give the holy spirit the bible says because he is a seal upon your life that anointing that function of the holy spirit is there are so many times you have received divine exemption because of the unction of the holy ghost upon your life because of the seal of the holy spirit and if tonight you are not filled with the holy spirit say lord jesus fulfill your promise unto me and send your holy spirit upon my life jesus said when i go i'll speak to the father and you send the holy spirit jesus is the officer of baptizing with a spirit up and fire and you can ask him to baptize you tonight in the mighty name of jesus because the holy spirit will create a seal that the enemy cannot be able to penetrate that is why we need to become a friend of the holy spirit you need to tell the holy spirit be my friend i desire to walk with you because he is going to bring a seal of protection remember the children of israel in the desert the crowd or fire by night and a peter by day that was the holy spirit the most they were baptized in that crowd that was their baptism of the holy spirit may god help us in the name of jesus to seek more of this anointing of the holy spirit in the name of jesus divine exemption another key to divine exemption is covenant our god is a covenant keeping god and he has not changed some people think that the the god of covenant is a god of the old testament even the new testament is called the new covenant so he is still a covenant keeping god and there are times god prompts men to agree with him to covenant with him in their businesses in their career in their ministries their times have been prompted to agree to covenant with god and when there is a covenant there is divine exemption it is because of the covenant that god said i'll bless my people the children of israel that is in deuteronomy chapter 7 and from verse 12. it was by the reason of the covenant that they were exempted from sicknesses if you pay attention to these laws and are careful to follow them then the lord your god will keep his covenant of love with you as he saw to your forefathers he will love you and bless you and increase your numbers he will bless the fruit of your womb the crops of the land of your land you are gray new wine and oil the calves of your hands and the lambs of your frogs in the land that he sought to your forefathers to give you you'll be blessed more than any other people none of your men or women will be childless no any of your livestock without young the lord will keep you free from every disease you are going to be exempted from sickness he will not inflict you on you the holy body caesars you knew in egypt but he will inflict them on all who hate you so the covenant was the basis of their prosperity and the basis of their divine exemption from sicknesses so when you have a covenant with god when you agree with god in your business in your career in your ministry two cannot work together unless they agree they are liams of blessings and breakthrough that you cannot walk with god without a attacks second opinion the higher you go the greater the opposition that is why even in the world like in the world of politics memorandum of understanding they make agreements because for you to rise to some levels to fulfill his good purpose he works to will and to fulfill his good purpose because every time he is blessing you he has his kingdom in mind i'm just about to finish the covenant is a key another key that i'm going to share is a key of spiritual covering spiritual covering today in the church people don't understand authority and they don't submit to any authority as long as they are gifted they have their calling they have some money they ignore authority and the bible says that that is how people are destroyed the bible says in the book of jude okietaka kuharibiwa that is why the centurions told jesus i am a man under authority i understand submission and because i submit i exercise authority joshua chapter 20 god told joshua let there be cities of refuge so that if somebody has been pursued by the destroyer if they get to the city of refuge then the destroyer is not going to touch them joshua chapter 20 from verse one tell the israelites the lord said to joshua tell the israelites to designate the cities of refuge as i instructed you through moses so that anyone who kills a person accidentally and unintentionally may free there and find protection from the avenger of blood when he frees to one of the cities he is to stand at the entrance okay let us stop there because these cities of refuge they are symbolic of the church today it was not one city they were different cities of refuge the church today is a city of refuge it is a place of divine protection it is a place of spiritual covering and not every city was a city of refuge they were designated cities of refuge every time you join a church every time you join a ministry it is important for you to ask yourself am i going to receive a spiritual covering in this praise is there divine authority in this place is god being honored in this place is the name of the lord being glorified i am am i under an umbrella that can cover me or is it turn apart so that when it rains rain is going to hit me hard divine exemption can be experienced because of the spiritual authority that you have submitted yourself to [Music] some of these spiritual things sometimes may not be understood when we think with our kind of mind but i can tell you every time we submit in a city of refuge in a church in an order they are less of the power of god that covers our families our businesses from that order um because of your submission and that is why you should not be rebellious when i was a young minister as a youth i encountered a severe demonic attack and the demon said the demons they know when you submit he does not force himself that is why even the devil you can be exempted because of the city of refuge where you have gone to hide yourself and this is why sometimes and i want to say this with all humility sometimes god removes somebody from a church and tells them i want you to go into another ministry for their safety sometimes for their protection sometimes because of the level that they are rising they may need a strong cover that is going to cover the the the greatness that god desires to manifest in their lives city of refuge and so it is very important to understand that i am in a city and the city where i am is a city of refuge it's not just a city it is not just a church it is not just a ministry it is a place where i can receive a divine protection there is divine authority that is instituted of god the bible says no one can take this honor upon themselves they must be chosen as aaron was chosen and you cannot be able to offer that covering if the altar is compromised if the city itself is compromised it cannot be able to offer protection so spiritual covering is very very important and lastly divine exemption can come because of the company that you engage in the people you see like let me give you two examples number one is the case of elijah in the case of elijah the bible says the widow who hosted elijah her family was provided because of hosting elijah first kings chapter 17 and verse 15. the bible says she went away and did as elijah had told her so there was food every day for elijah number one for the woman number two and for her family that means the woman was having one meal to eat with her child and then die but they received divine exemption because of hosting a man of god they were in the right company if you read the bible in the book cover uh proverbs chapter 13 and verse 20 give us proverbs chapter 13 and verse 20 the bible says give us uh okay he works with the wise gross wise but a companion of fools suffers harm let us read the same in king james version he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed a companion of fools shall be destroyed you can be destroyed because of your company unattenbe there is safety in the people you associate with they are attacks that can come upon your life because of the people you associate with and there are blessings that can come upon your life because of the people you associate with even in the case of paul paul was told that god has graciously given the lives of those who are together with you into your hands they will be delivered because they are together with you if they were around they could have died but because they were in the company of paul there was safety visualizer wow you read the book of psalms chapter 1 psalm chapter 1 from verse 1 as we finish the bible says blessed is a man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor see death in the seat of this country but is the right is in the law of the lord and in his law he does meditate day and night what happens to him and he shall be like a tree planted by the levels of water that bringeth forth his fruit in a season his life also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper you are exempted from failure because of your company you are exempted from disaster because of your company my brother my sister oh tonight i pray for you that you may access the keys of divine exemption your company can determine how you are going to prosper spiritual prosperity i remember when i gave my life as a youth and i thank god for men like pastor charo who is in swaziland people who are uh who became part of my life and they helped me to be aggressive in the things of god images because of that company i became confident i became aggressive workout can you don't care if we can even care however your company may determine your prosperity both material and spiritual prosperity can be determined by your company they desire to see the glory of god they are talking about the power of god kirawakati they desire to seek the face of god whole day tonight six hours but i was starting something because of that company and finally i was able to be my own man and be able to seek god on my own why because there is a company that inspired me it is good to be in the right company in the mighty name of jesus if you are in the wrong company defect become a defector i call upon the name of the lord and ask god for the grace of divine exemptioner remember your covenant with god in the mighty name of jesus may you renew your covenant with god and tell god i will live for you i will serve you i will live a holy life out in the mighty name of jesus receive the gracer of diviner exemptioner from trouble in the mighty name of jesus as it was in the land of goshen where god said i'll bring a distinction in the land of goshen where my people are may god bring a distinction in you arriver in this season in the mighty name of jesus are rikaba ganda riba boshim rikaba ganda riva bosaria real time shakka baganda rima mosem exodus eta and verse 22 the bible says god said i'll bring a distinction but on that day i will deal differently with the land of goshen where my people live no swamps of fries will be there so that you know that i the lord i am in this land i'll make a distinction between my people and your people this miraculous sign will occur tomorrow we are living in the days when god wants to bring a distinction in the mighty name of jesus may where you live in the name of jesus god bring a distinction upon your children upon your business upon your ministry in the mighty name of jesus upon your career may you stand out in the mighty name of jesus let it be like black and white because when god promises her that he is going to bring a distinction it must be noticeable to everyone in the mighty name of jesus he is coming to make a difference in the mighty name of jesus he said i'll deep differently with my people in the mighty name of jesus may god bring a decision release your favor and decree that there will be a distinction in my life in the mighty name of jesus because i serve god i have a covenant i am in the right company in the mighty name of jesus i have a revelation of divine exemptioner in the mighty name of jesus i'll be exempted from failure i'll be exempted from trouble in the mighty name of jesus i'll be accepted from the name there will be no delay in my life there will be speed anointing her to my destiny in the mighty name of jesus remember your monday tonight remember your assignment remember you are purpose in life and tell god i will leave a purple stephen lifer i will pursue my mandatory because when you pursue your mandate you are going to be exempted in the mighty name of jesus do good when it is in your power seek to do good in the mighty name of jesus cast your blood upon many waters for after many days it shall come back to you in the mighty name of jesus the good you do will never leave you arriver you shall reaper what you have so now in the mighty name of jesus when it is in your power to do goda in the mighty name of jesus go ahead and do it in the mighty name of jesus because it is a seed that you are sowing it is a seed of divine exemptioner in the mighty name of jesus when it is in your power do not withholder in the mighty name of jesus do not oppress her in the mighty name of jesus because this lifer is governed by the principle of sowing and leaping up whatsoever a man shows up that also shall heal it may you saw the right cedar that you may receive the right harvester in your in the mighty name of jesus i worship you tonight i magnify your holy name god is bringing a distinction in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus so that you may receive the marker of distinction in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus i want to invite the worship team and maybe as the worship team is coming i can give you one more key i see our time is spent but the blood of jesus is a key of divine exemption in egypt when you read from exodus chapter 12 verse 1 exodus 12 1 god commanded moses the lord said to moses and alone in egypt this month is to be your first month for the first month of your year tell the whole community of israel that on the 10th day of this month each man is to take a lamb for his family one for each household okay let's stop there they were supposed to take a ramp slaughter the lamb and smear the blood at the adopt and when the destroying angel came and saw the blood he would pass over that house today we have the blood of the lamb jesus christ so the blood of jesus is a sure key for divine exemption and that is why you need to receive jesus in your life and acknowledge that he died for you at the cross of calvary maybe you are there tonight and you have never given your life to jesus you are a sinner can you allow the blood of jesus to come and grant you he adam yayesu niki [Music] i pray for divine exemption tonight and i pray for your grace and mercy to be upon them you are the lord our god who forgiveth all our sins and he is all our diseases i send a word of hearing i send a word of deliverance upon your people tonight in the mighty name of jesus thank you jesus in jesus name amen come on yes and you say i received jesus and after worship we are going to pray prayers of agreement the bible says whatever two shall agree it shall be done for them by our father in heaven and so as we get into this session of worship i'll be able to come back and pray with you and agree with you because of your personal needs tonight but let's continue believing god for divine exemption this is one of the prayers that you are going to pray during the also the prayer festival i'll be able to read you in that session there are a number of things i'm praying about that the lord is leading me that you're going to do in that time and i'll be able to lead you into the same so let it be your prayer that in this decade you are going to experience a divine exemption you have the revelation now the entrance to the word of god bringing the light and understanding the simple may you continue to study the word there are so many scriptures in the word of god that speaks of divine exemption we have led a few of them in the morning and in the lunch hour but there are so many scriptures that talks about divine exemption and you can be able to find them in the bible so let the word of god dwell in you literally so we are going to pray tonight and i want to um announce tonight especially for our members that will continue with the church without walls the virtual church has the service remains one and a half hours as you work on our tortoise and pakistan they cannot be able to come to the church i know we have so many members in those demographics and by work on our total one to six years we also have a few elderly people 65 years and above and because um of that situation and the numbers of people we are dealing with we are going to seek for your intelligence you are also strengthening your family order i also know the church without walls is having so many people who have been following us we are called as a ministry uh to minister to the body that is why we have the mbci mission to the body of christ and because we desire also to continue serving the body we are going to hold our services for a while as we prepare as we wait upon god we know covet is coming to an end in the mighty name of jesus this is not our portion in the mighty name of jesus kenya is going to be exempted in the mighty name of jesus from the impactor of this copy 19a in the mighty name of jesus that is our prayer so we are looking forward for the next prayer festival and i know by the climax of that prayer festival will be able to come for a celebration service because god is going to give us victory in the mighty name of jesus so we are going to be coming in in in in the house of god for prayer our watches we can continue coming for our prayer watches in the name of jesus and i know that god is going to bless us tonight as we allow the worship team um to take over i'm going to give you an an opportunity to worship god with your offering in the mighty name of jesus friday we give you an opportunity to support the vision to connect with the gracer to support the mandate and i believe that god is going to bless you so we have our people numbers uh 80 71 0 1 80 71 0 0 account as a quaker tithe i'm an offering i'm a pledge among whatever the lord has put in your heart you can name your offering you can name your offering in the mighty name of jesus divine exemption whatever you want to call it so you can do that through our paypal numbers you can also give your offering through our investor number zero seven seventeen nine double four three four zero seven one seven nine double four three four four zero seven eleven one twelve one twelve alma zero seven zero six twenty six twenty six twenty six nine nine worship team giving is part of worship give you a worship offering tonight and god is going to bless you i can see the father of the house representing the family as you offer that offering on behalf of the family may god bless your family as you have had family on behalf of your life as an individual may god also remember you with mercy in the mighty name of jesus father tonight as your people take this opportunity to worship you through giving i want to pray that their offerings will be acceptable before you and lord you're going to bless them and remember them with mercy in the name of jesus and that in this decade may they enjoy divine exemption from you in their businesses their career some of them have lost their job some of them their businesses have gone down but as it was with elijah that he was fed by the lavenza oh god make a way for them and feed them provide them provide for them in your own special way and let glory and honor be unto your holy name i receive every offering and i pray for your blessing upon your people in jesus name amen amen god bless you as you give tonight in the name of jesus we are going to receive two worship songs and then i'll come back here we agree mention your prayer before the lord tell god what you desire this is a night of prayer the bible says in psalm 65 verse 2 all you who hear prayer to you all men will come we are many tonight but the bible says because he answers prayer we shall all go to him he is our father he loves all of us he knows you by your name caught upon him prayer is also a key to divine exemption call upon me and i will deliver you when we call upon the name of the lord there is deliverance there is divine exemption that is why i love prayer because the bible seeks and you shall find knock and the door shall be opened ask and it shall be given unto you prayer is another key for divine exemption when we pray and we seek the face of god he can exempt us from trouble remember ezra when they were on their way back to the promised land and he said we have been speaking about of about a big god almighty god [Music] [Music] let us worship the lord together even as we speak to god concerning our needs and then i will be able to come back and agree together with you [Music] in [Music] key [Music] day [Music] oh this is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] m [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] yes yes [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] away [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes yes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] [Music] yes my [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] glory to god we love you jesus you are our king you are our master um we have so many prayer requests and i know you have a prayer request before the lord but before we pray i want to read some few testimonies just to give god glory and to help you also to release your faith because there is a god in heaven who answers prayer he has never told the descendants of jacob to seek him in vain it is not in vain when we see god tonight some of these testimonies they are the latest singing when i started sharing this message of divine exemptions [Music] they have enjoyed divine exemption let's just meet these few testimonies and then we are going to pray together i thank god for today's message i am a teacher i lost my job but god has shown me divine exemption i've been coaching a child whereby god has commanded a loving the guardian has been providing forced food stuff not forgetting i'm also paid this for sure is divine exemption praise be to god elijah gulligan but god made a way for him pandawamini i know they are teachers who are not able to receive their salary because maybe they are in private schools or maybe they are employed by the board and so many other people but there is divine exemption god can miraculously provide for you may god provide for you tonight in jesus name as you release your faith this one is also very encouraging to me because she is saying shalom apostle by the grace of god i fasted all the fast but i was discouraged when i had testimonies of many people but today god has blessed me with fifty thousand sharings even i didn't expect a melakar like that i thank god so much god bless you so much so alik i pray that also your testimony will come tonight i raise a harvest of testimonies that there are many more people who are going to receive their testimonies tonight in jesus name testimony praise god apostle i started this journey on in march of this church without walls and my spiritual life has changed completely i only used to read the bible on sundays in church but now i read chapters as inspired by the holy spirit even two books in a single day i was a wild dream i was in world reaction movies but now i threw all the cds away and now i follow christian programs 24 7. let the whole world know god is true this corona period is my restoration time i am blessed glory to god for that testimony of restoration colonel may be [Music] a pandemic that has affected so many lives but remember the bible says that god is able to cause all things to us for good for them that love him and they are called according to his purpose hallelujah to god apostle muniz from nairobi what a blessing i managed to fast for the seven days of prayer festival from 2015 i have never gotten a job only house help but only but on thursday i went for an interview i got a job i am glorifying his name because he became ebenezer i won't leave this god may god bless you so even in this season of this pandemic unaware of it is their time of breakthrough the lord is our breaker he is able to make a way for you i'm lorna from naivasha i thank god for what he has done to my daughter who lives in new zealand we have been believing god for her residence since last year and on monday 17 she got it we thank god for he has done for what he has done we humble this praying and fasting is seriously working thank you servant of god for reading us to god beyond the glory i believe even me that this fasting is working for me i have seen god breaking through for me and we thank god for the many many testimonies that we are receiving i am grateful for the guidance this is the last one i'm going to read i'm grateful for the guidance of the man of god during the seven days of fasting as apostle was praying on friday i saw a bright light coming from where he was standing and i saw a huge board of water where i am there was a great presence of god during this period i was invited to speak in a tv station and later on they have asked me to host a show for them and have my training programs on their platform this is the hand of god i'm trusting him for the multifaceted grace be blessed we thank god for those testimonies there are many more i've just taken a few copies and we give god all the glory and i want us to believe our father tonight he is a loving father he is a caring father he is always willing to hear our prayers what a friend we have in jesus we are going to call upon him tonight i want you to release your faith in the name of jesus i can see some of you in tears the presence of god is upon you in the mighty name of jesus may the same power flowing in this altar come upon you in your room wherever you are watching from wherever you are reasoning from let the power of god touch you now in the mighty name of jesus father i give you glory father i give you honor father i magnify your holy name let your power and presence now come upon your people in the name of jesus you understand the language of the heart some of them are murmuring to you and they are speaking from the depths of their heart in the mighty name of jesus they are desires like hannah and i pray now let there be divine intervention in their situation in the mighty name of the forces of darkness of oppression be scattered tonight forces of witchcraft every spare of the enemy in the mighty name of jesus those who are martyr for destruction in the mighty name of jesus i decree and declare their deliverance tonight they are freedom tonight in the mighty name of jesus let your fire fall afresh tonight up in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus fill your people with the holy spirit the seal of the anointing are the seal of the holy ghost in the mighty name of jesus the seal of divine exemption in the mighty name of jesus [Music] from suffering except him from the spirit of death in the mighty name of jesus accepted her from a chronic disease in the mighty name of jesus let this yoka in the mighty name of jesus be broken tonight leaders the power to [Music] i agree with your people order as they call upon your name tonight as they seek your face tonight as they seek for divine intervention tonight for their children for their loved ones for their wives and husbands in the name of jesus oh god in jesus name that family is trusting you for divine intervention i see a family that is holding their hands trusting god for divine intervention may the power of god come upon you in the mighty name of jesus [Music] the lord is fighting for you in the mighty name of jesus christ [Music] let your power flow let your spirit up in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus for a fresher upon everyone who is waiting upon you tonight as i leave this needs of god that have been sent to my father and those who are speaking to you tonight o my father my god you are a god who answers prayer answer the cry of your people in the name of jesus every need here lord has been addressed to you my father respond to the cry of your people tonight in the mighty name of jesus show yourself mighty on their behalf oh god [Music] let your power from let your power flow let the yokes of the powers of darkness be broken out let every spell be destroyed in the mighty name of jesus i give you glory and honor because you are a militant god i read the supernatural let there be instant healing tonight in the mighty name of jesus let there be instant answers my father that from tomorrow oh god there are people who are going to testify of your goodness of your mercy because of what you are doing tonight tonight oh god tonight oh god tonight oh god tonight oh god you are sending answers my father in response to the cry of your people in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus let your name be glorified let your name be exalted oh god thank you my father for those who are far even in other nations oh god in other continents of my father i pray that your hand is not too short to savor wherever they are oh god touch them my father by your outstretched hand oh god of your great mercy and love in the mighty name of jesus touch them wipe their tears tonight in the name of jesus in the name of jesus and causing my father to be set free from their prison that they may praise you tonight in the name of jesus i give you glory i give you honor i praise you for what you are doing receive glory and honor for you alone you are worthy of our praises in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord be clearly clear the bible says let the weak say they are strong let the poor say they are rich let their six say they are healed declare in jesus name i receive my miracle tonight i receive my hearing my deliverance my divine intervention in the name of jesus the bible says when you pray believer that all you have been praying for you have received later in the name of jesus by faith declare declare i received i have received my miracle maybe there is still some little pain in your body but it is disappearing it is clearing the lord has sent her his power to do an operation in your body in the name of jesus in the name of jesus father i declare a harvest of miracles tonight that your people are going to testify of your goodness of your mercy of your love in jesus name amen amen god bless you we are going to continue with worship so that you if you have some more time you can still continue in the presence of god in the name of jesus in worship in prayer in adoration and god will bless you nakamura virginia will continue with this church without walls so i continue to welcome you to our services on sunday we begin our services at 10 and then another service at 3 pm and these services will continue in the name of jesus and we desire to be a blessing to you so may you continue releasing your faith and may god continue to bless you i want to encourage you to prepare for the next prayer festival week from 7th to 13th of september these prayers are working wonders we are laying foundation for this decade also so we know it is not in vain may god bless you as i actually in the worshiped him thank you for your support thank you even for those who have been praying for me thank you for your love to the worship team to all of us we appreciate we are encouraged by your support may god bless you we wish you well tonight as you continue to spend more time in the presence of god even as you sleep you are going to sleep in the presence of god let there be divine visitation in the mighty name of jesus those who are in other different timelines maybe already mario konimichana may god bless you as you continue to do your business the presence of god be your person wherever you are in jesus name thank you worshiped him you can take over [Music] send us your testimony the milica belongs to you the testimony belongs to god it is an inspiration for many other people to hear what god is doing so send us your testimony through our numbers and god will bless you in jesus name we you can also send your testimony through we have an email for testimony maybe the media is going to display to us the email for testimonies so that if you want to write an email some testimonies are longer for an sms you can be able to write a mail and we are going to appreciate what god is doing in your life as we thank god together and as we continue to be clear and declare that it shall be permanent what the lord has done for you in jesus name [Music] we bless your love [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] with me [Music] [Music] how [Music] where [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] when foreign [Music] [Music] how oh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] how many [Music] i am [Music] i am [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] how [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] so [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign oh [Music] foreign [Music] how is [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] me we bless the lord [Music] a [Music] a [Music] um [Applause] [Music] um is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] why [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] you
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 22,997
Rating: 4.8368578 out of 5
Id: 8AQrWBlRo60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 45sec (12585 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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