Seeking God Differently prt 2|| Apostle John Kimani William

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[Music] we lift your name [Music] me [Music] your yeah [Music] i [Music] is [Music] your name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we are here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah we are here to lift your name my name is [Music] there is [Music] a [Music] [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] father [Music] i [Music] you are [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] we are here to leave [Music] i am [Music] will let you [Music] i [Music] me [Music] it is [Music] families [Music] foreign [Music] he reigns from one [Music] me [Music] we are here to exalt you [Music] you deserve all the praise and glory we are your children our girl and we are here to declare your lifted on heart on him [Music] we give you glory jesus [Music] we magnify your name you are the at the center of the universe and we declare that you reign with power and majesty we love you jesus other center of it [Music] it's you that i see it's you that i see [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] miracles [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] stronger [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] greater than greatest everybody [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] you reign [Music] you are highly glorified [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] in your name you are saved that's why we are not ashamed to lift your name and to call your name jesus jesus our savior jesus somebody glorified the king of kings as we praise his name this afternoon [Music] and the lord of lords amen [Music] put your hands together for jesus [Music] celebrate jesus celebrate [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] thanks for jesus [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] legs [Music] yes lord we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor blessed be the name of the lord thank you jesus we worship your name we magnify your holy name there is no one else like you you are highly highly exhorted blessed be the name of the lord thank you jesus thank you thank you have your way lord someone is waiting upon you they desire to touch the helm of your gum and lord in the name of jesus someone is releasing their faith for their miracle touch them lord whenever they are watching from uh wherever they are reasoning from you are our wahilah you are our deliverer the lord god almighty we worship you we worship you the power to heal is here receive your hearing wherever you are receive the touch of god receive the touch of god let the yoke of the enemy let the oppression of the enemy be broken over your arrival resist the devil and you free from you tell the enemies enough is enough i'll assist you i resist the sickness in the mighty name of jesus and i receive my hearing i receive the answer to my crime reign my father thank you holy spirit thou art welcome even in this lunch hour even as we continue to wait upon you today we continue to declare this is the day the lord has made uh that we may glad and rejoice in it in the name of jesus hallelujah in jesus name we pray amen amen hallelujah god bless you you can take your seat come on can take your bible you can take your notebook and your pen as we continue with our lunch hour meeting today come on ask his acquaintance tv or social media i love you all god bless you niryan's a message yes you are seeking god differently [Music] [Music] personally when i see people who are discouraged who are giving up on god and his name is faithful and with a group of business people from nakuru from nairobi new york i don't have to get into details but this was something [Music] [Music] to tell god thank you for watching [Music] where you make your request to be known to god repentance your so dedication gives god entry and dedication is very important that is why we dedicate our houses we dedicate our children it is a way of seeking god it is a way of telling god that what welcome in this house that what welcome in my business come and reign in my business warfare we know that as believers we were given authority by our lord jesus christ engage him in battle and start possessing his land on sunday after service i was dedicating a uh a building happen yeah one of our members and they gave a story of how they started their journey their opposition but thank god they had already heard from god there were confirmations even as we prepare for our next prayer festival in next week but one god desires to show himself mighty on behalf of his people i want us to look at psalms 101 psalms 101 uh we are going to read from from verse 1 psalms 101 we are going to read from verse 1 if you're there or if you're reading from our screen we are going to be able to live together we are going to read the whole psalms ceo kubwa economy about eight verses and then we are going to go through some of the verses the bible says i will sing of your love and justice to you oh lord i'll sing praise i'll be careful to lead a blameless life then will you come to me i will walk in my house with a blameless heart i'll set before my eyes no violet thing the deeds of faithless men i hate do not cling to me men of perverse heart shall be far from me i will have nothing to do with evil whoever surrenders his neighboring secretary him i'll put to silence whoever has hurt the eyes and a proud heart him i'll not endure my eyes will be on the faithful in the land and that they may dwell with me he whose work is blameless will minister to me no one who practices deceit will dwell in my house no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence every morning i'll put to silence all the wicked in the land i'll cut off every evildoer from the city of the lord he sums 101 in atufondisha mambo sita amazaba tonight there could be more it depends on how you look at it but i want to look at this psalm so that i can be able to teach this message of seeking god differently because they said mr now lisa akwamba when will you come to me or will you come to me god in one way or the other they desire god as much as they could be in bondage i have met with the people so generally all of us the humanness there is a vacuum in our hearts that no one else no amount of money no amount of fame can feel that vacuum it is only god who can be able to feel that vacuum and all of us religious rituals there are different ways there are different things that you can address in your life let me teach from my bible so that uh we are not going to occupy the screen the whole time i will be able to keep uh to to pick the scriptures unless otherwise i need some some of them to be displayed but we are going to go through the psalm and we see the the six or seven things that we need to do or as a way of seeking god differently the bible says psalms 101 that is verse 1 i'll sing of your love and justice to you oh lord i'll sing praise so number one god loves us all and he is also a god of justice so as we seek god we approach him knowing that he loves us he is the god of justice an appender who tender haki wakati water so sometimes there's justice inaudible verse 2 if we can be able to get verse 2 on the screen because it is foundational give us was too in a new living translation because we have led it uh and uh the bible says i'll be careful to lead a blameless life when will you come to me the bible says i'll be careful to live a blameless life when will you come to help i'll live a life of integrity in my home okay number one here the sermis is asking when will you come to me when will you come to help me and i believe there's a question many people are asking yes i've been praying yes i've been fasting yes i've been going to the church but oh god when will you come to me when will you come to help me but there are a number of things that the submission is addressing number one he says i'll be careful to lead a blameless life come on lead a blameless life [Music] if you want god to come to you that means if you want god to identify with your life now living a blameless life is a way of seeking god number two the bible says i'll be careful to lead a blameless life when will you come to me the psalmist continues so to say i will walk in my house with a blameless heart i will walk in my house with a blameless heart sometimes our prayers hangs on the way we handle our family life and let me tell you for free your family life can be a hindrance to your player life the bible tells us very clearly in the book of uh we can read the book of uh first peter chapter 3 from verse 1 that your family life can be a hindrance to your prayer life so you must be brainless the bible says in the same way you wives wives in the same way be submissive to your husband so that if you if any of them do not believe in the word they may be worn over without words by the behavior of their wives i hope the wives are reasoning that sometimes you don't need to win the husband by the gospel of matthew and the gospel of john you need to win your husband by the way you submitted to your husband and remember submission is in the lord the bible says they may be one over without words by the behavior of their wives so the bible says you can preach without words you preach by your behavior and your behavior can cause your husband to give their life to jesus i have so many testimonies i may not be able to share but i know they are husbands who have given their life to jesus because of the behavior of their wives how is your behavior to your husband wherever cathy mcconnell your husband do you submit her huh when your husband guancia and bayern akbar my wife because you can win them without words i remember uh i i today she is a bishop their wife the husband the driver nana support ministry but the story the way it was before the husband was a drunkard to the extent in pakistan by the time they finish the meal they were all on their knees and they received jesus they were transformed without words because of the behavior of their wife now we are here and today who you mama needs kofu akona makanissa ana kazia mungu let's go back there first peter chapter 3 we are supposed to be in verse 2 now very quickly the bible says when they see the purity and reverence of your lives your beauty should not come from outward adornment ah such as braided hair and wearing of gold generally and fine clothes we are still talking to the wives instead it should be that of your inner self the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is of great worth in god's sight and that is a gentle and a quieter spirit the bible says for this way for this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in god used to make themselves beautiful they were submissive to their own husband they beautified themselves with their actions versus like sarah who obeyed abram and called him her master you are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear verse even the last one i'm going to read addressing the husband husbands in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives and treat them with respect as a weaker partner and as hairs with you of the gracious gift of life so that nothing will hinder your prayers nothing will hinder your prayers so what you don't get we are supposed to seek god by the way we live in our families i said from the beginning i love prayer i love fasting but let me tell you if you want to live to pray and to fast there are some answers you'll never receive there are different ways of seeking god and the same mystery said i'll be blameless in my house wife you must be blameless in the house husband be considerate to your wife treat your wife with respect i know family life sometimes is challenging when i began my journey as a married man i was already in ministry and uh i thank god we have been living with my wife now this is our 21st year and when we began we had challenges i love the lord i wanted to go and preach the gospel desire to see the power of god but sometimes things will not work very well in the family and i remember there are times we would hold our hands with my wife in tears and cry to god and tell god help us lord that we may win the battle of our marriage even as we desire to go out and preach the gospel if you desire to see god in your ministry if you desire to see god out there in the world you must also seek him in your family your family is working because it can be it can hinder other breakthroughs there are people who are struggling financially struggling in their ministry struggling in other areas because they don't want to address and to labor in their marriage because for anything to succeed in life it requires commitment for your marriage to work you must be committed take time sit down talk name where is there is a way you can handle your family life it becomes a hindrance to your prayer so i'm saying there are different ways of seeking the face of god one of them is having a blameless life number two the way you handle your family life and the family life can also apply to the extended family the bible says honor your father and mother i know i'm speaking to children teenagers and youth and you are not married but the way you treat your father and your mother it can bring a blessing upon you or it can bring a curse upon your life a blessing means the power to succeed a cast means you are empowered to fail [Music] remember acts 24 verse 16 paul said i strive to keep my conscience clear before god and men will say the way you handle man also determines the kind of blessing you receive from god so let's also take care of the extended family looking at our parents the way we handle one another in the family the way we are able to uh seek peace blessed are the peacemakers because they will be called the sons of god i remember when i gave my life to christ one of the things i did i'm bounding i carry the wrath of god in my heart because god is a god of love he is also a god of justice i'm talking about now the extended family so that the family will receive the hearing let us continue with psalms 101 the bible says i'll set before my eyes that is verse three give us verse three maybe a new living transition i'll set my eyes before my eyes no violet thing i refuse to look at anything vile or vulgar look at that i refuse to look at anything vile or vulgar i hate all the deal who deal crookedly i'll have nothing to do with them there are two points there number one the summit is saying i'll watch at what i'll be careful at what i am watching there are so many varga things today especially when you get into social media and let me tell you god was speaking to me this week he is a god of honor and the bible says those who honor me i will honor them and one way that you can honor god is the way you use your body the bible says we are supposed to use the our bodies as instruments of righteousness in the book of romans chapter 6 and verse 13. how are you supposed to use your body romans 6 13 do not let any part of your body what is happening do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin instead give yourselves completely to god for you are dead but now you have new life so use your look at that whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of god so the bible is saying here that do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to self sin do not let any part of your body there there are many parts of the body but the bible says that all the parts of the body they should not be used in a way that you're going to dishonor god that means if it is your eyes don't use your eyes to look at virgo things for your body is a temple of the holy spirit to me i'm with you guanaj our tongue the way we use our eyes the way we use our hands to know we carry akira mutton econo and they are not our wives huh they are people who don't get to a sexual act but they are in extreme lust they can use their hand to touch women or men any part of their body like you know i say ma started to find your character to me conor the way you use your body god is concerned come out of pornography come out of masturbation come out of slander jeremiah but nothing happens because the way you have been using your mouth you are tan um you are going to miss god because he is a god of wrath but he is also a god of justice whatever so the way you use your body will determine if god will come to you because your body is a temple of the holy spirit let me go to this a little further and i know it's a big challenge especially in our time the way you close your body is very important because of the sanctity of your body okay my time is spent the bible says the deeds of faithless men i hate they will not cling to me when you hate evil the bible says you don't hate the person you hate their deeds and something does not become long because of the person there are some believers who do things that are evil they did the bible says in the book of hebrews chapter 1 verse 8 and verse 9 there is promotion that comes when we hate wickedness uh hebrews chapter 1 verse 89 but above the sun he says you are thrown all god will rest forever and ever and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom verse 9 you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness therefore god your god has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy you can see what god does just by hating wickedness and loving righteousness the bible says an anointing comes upon you not because you have just been praying and fasting an anointing comes upon you an anointing to lift you up above your companions and this anointing comes upon you because you hate wickedness you hate wicked deeds so everyone who will desire that god will come to me wicked deeds you cannot be there and you testify others mocking god number eight no the bible says because you have hated wickedness how taking off in fact psalms 101 verse 18 a seminar every morning i'll put to silence all the wicked in the land i'll cut off every evildoer from the city of the lord hatakanizani wickedness should be cut off we should not allow people to minister and their ways are not right just because they have money just because they look good just because they are eloquent people are not supposed to be allowed to serve god because of their gifting our own they should be allowed to serve god because of their character because they honor their god we serve if they dishonor god they don't have any portion in our lives and even in our middles so hating wickedness the bible continues to say verse four men of perverse heart shall be far from me i have nothing to do with evil so you have must have nothing to do with evil verse five whoever surrenders his neighbor in secret him will i put to silence whoever has hurt the eyes and a proud heart he will not endure your company speaks a lot about you it's not just about who you are i can tell who you are by the people who are you in your company most of the times so that means if the people who walk with you are slanderers and you don't silence them m whoever slanders his neighbor in secret him i'll put to silence whoever has hurt the eyes and a proud heart him will i not endure what to a ki because of who they are because of what they have they should not be part of your company the bible says god less sister the proud but he gives grace to the humble name because of your company the kind of people who around you determines the way god is going even to treat you so if you're in the wrong company the bible says in the book of proverbs chapter 13 and uh verse 20 we can read very quickly proverbs 13 and verse 20 this is the word of the lord we should take care of the people we work with he who works with the wise growth wise but a companion of fools suffers harm give us the same bus in nlt new living transition walk with the wise and become wise associate with the fools and get into trouble your association can get you into trouble okay six as we come to the end my eyes will be on the faithful in the land that they may dwell with me you have to identify the people who are going to dwell with you we are not going to interact with the sinners we are supposed to jesus ate and drunk with them but he spent most of his time with disciples so who you spend most of your times with tells us who you are yes i'll have an opportunity to sit together sometimes even to eat with people who are not born again but i cannot spend hours days all the times that my company our people who ever do us then there will be a big problem the bible says chapter 6 verse versus part b give us versus part b this is very important the bible says my eyes will be on the faithful in the land that they may dwell within me he whose work is blameless will minister to me you must choose the people who minister to you give us the same scripture in lit i will search for faithful people to be my companions searching means intentionally looking for faithful people go out there an intentional look for physical people to be your companions and then only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me i love niv to say go back to niv that's the last question the bible says he whose work is blameless will minister to me let me tell you as much as you are seeking god you are spiritual traveling speaks a lot over your life i have met with faithful and diligent christians they give they fast they pray but their lives is always in trouble why the people who minister to you when we are ministering there is what we call transference of spirit i transfer to you what i carry and transference of spirit is beyond the word i speak it talks about my life my way of life if somebody's way of life is wicked even if they declare the word of god the spirit behind them as much as they are sharing the gospel it's like this girl who was speaking to paul and his companions but paul was troubled in his spirit was babu the spirit behind this girl was not the writer spirit there are people speak the right words they quote they write scriptures the topic of their message is the right topic how to succeed in life but the spirit behind is the wrong spirit so if god psalms 101 is about god coming to you you can be under a spiritual covering you can allow people to minister to you and god will never come on your way because you have submitted your life to the wrong authority or you are saying apostle how do i know the bible gives you the responsibility test every spirit because not every spirit comes from god you must work in the spirit of discernment because the bible says we read matthew chapter 24 and verse 6 matthew 24 and verse 6 and we say that they are unconditional prophecies the bible says you hear of wars and rumors of wars but see to hater that you are not around such things must happen but the end is still to come verse 7 nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom there will be famines and earthquakes in various places all these are the beginning of path pains then you'll be handed over to be persecuted and put to death and you'll be hated by all nations because of me at that time many would turn away from the faith and betray and hate each other and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people look at that verse 12 look at the verse 12 huh verse 12 not verse 12 of sorry verse 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people jesus said in verse 6 that these things must come and he continues to say some of the things that must come he said that there will be false prophets and when these false prophets come they are going to deceive many people what are we going to do because they will come it is unconditional prophecy jesus said these things must happen so in our time there will be false prophets what are you going to do so that you are not under the covering of the wicked people who mock god but they're the kind of driver they live people who are in agreement and they have convented with the devil and you allow them to lay their hands upon you you allow them to take your money how do you receive the blessing of god if you have given your sacrifices to the devil and you want god to bless you and you complain i give my money and i have not received a blessing where did you give your money you gave your money to those who hate god and you want god to bless you you are supporting that which is not of god and you want god to continue lifting you up it will not happen the bible says if you want god to come to you it is only the blameless it is only the upright who are going to minister to you they are going to lay your their hands to you they are going to receive your offerings and sacrifices they are going to speak into your life because when they speak their words are not just what they are life and their spirit but somebody could be speaking to you but what they are speaking to you is not life they are speaking death to your business death to your marriage and then you complain to god and you say you know i've been praying i've been fasting i've been giving but god is not doing anything about my situation please seek god differently seek god differently ask yourself a question whom have i allowed to minister to my life i have prayed to people who have suffered because they arrived the long covering the long ministration by the time they discovered this person is a diviner they are operating under the spirit of divination it was too late they all were already operating under that anointing that destroyed everything in their lives may god have mercy upon answer in the mighty name of jesus i want us to pray today in the mighty name of jesus because i would like to finish as i welcome the worship team we are going to continue tonight we are looking at how we can be able to see god differently gia to faulty futa mungo and i know it is a big test for us preachers but i remember one time somebody came to me with an envelope good money that time our minister was in a humble beginning [Music] because you can give you isaac and you get nothing back you give your isaac to the mountain that the lord will show you sony come on mia and i want but thank god it was a test after a few days i declare and declare that this is honor there are people who are going to receive god's visitation in the i cannot afford to miss his visitation in this season i will avoid extremeza i'll be balancer in the word of trudeau i am going to seek him when you do something the same way all the times you get the same results yes there is a place of patience but there are things that sometimes we do the same way all the times and the results will not change you need to ask yourself what am i supposed to do differently is there anything that i need to address myself to so that god will come to me what is hindering him to come is it my company is it the way i use the instruments of my body is it in my family huh who has been ministering to me whom have [Music] when will you come to help me when will you come to me that is a question many people are asking but as you read in psalms 101 there are a number of things that you can address so that god can come to you just open your mouth as i hand over the meeting to the worship team i'll continue tonight from 9 30 we are going to have our many kesha in the mighty name of jesus and i know we are preparing for the prayer festival we are dealing with barriers the bible says the preparation of a heart belongs to man when god wanted to meet with the children of israel god told moses prepare my people to meet with me i am preparing with you i'm preparing you because i desire that you're not going to miss your visitation this is a season that we cannot afford to miss god's visitation it is a new season moving forward in this decade we cannot afford to miss god because if we miss god we are going to be oppressed by the enemy we are going to be terrorized by the enemy because the enemy knows his time is short and because he knows his time is shot he wants to terrorize the saints he wants to take as many the bible says so i cannot afford to miss my visitation in this season i must seek god in every way possible so that god can come and help me that i may stand for him in this season just speak to god and tell god god help me in the mighty name of jesus show me lord the way i'm supposed to seek you if there are things i need to address myself to in the name of jesus minister to me lord reveal yourself to me my father in the mighty name of jesus i don't want to do the same things uh the same way other times uh if there is anything i need to change in my life oh god if i need to change my company the way i speak of god if there is something lord i need to bring to ananda that have been using my body in the wrong way my father help me in the mighty name of jesus if i need to address myself to the issues of my family in the mighty name of jesus if it is my character out there oh god help me to live a blameless life if everyone is pointing their finger to me where i liver oh god in jesus name help me to live a blameless driver that you may come to me in the mighty name of jesus just speak to god and tell god tell me that i'll be able to seek you in a different way in a way that you're going to be found of me in the name of jesus i confess my sinner if there are people i allow them to lay my hands upon me and they were wicked i repent my sinner in the name of jesus where i allowed the wicked to minister to me give me the spirit of discernment that i [Music] [Music] [Music] that we may be able to seek you in a different way in a way that you're going to be found of us no one is going to miss your visitation i declare a great harvest of miracles i declare a mighty visitation in the mighty name of jesus because somebody is going to address her themselves uh to the issue slaughter that we are raising her from your water in the name of jesus i give you glory i give you honor i give you praise i adore your holy name thank you jesus sir i want to come to the end of this lunch or meeting and i'll continue tonight i said i'm preparing you because of the prayer festival and i decide that many more people are going to receive god's visitation in their life so if there is something i've shared or the holy spirit is helping you because you know as you minister the holy spirit is also speaking to us and ministering to us if there are issues you need to address yourself too that they can become a barrier please go ahead we have a whole week from today maybe a little bit of a week because our prayer begins on monday seven so we have about almost 10 days and we can use this 10 days to prepare ourselves to meet with our maker if there is an issue you need to address yourself too just tell god help me if you need to seek authority somebody who can be able to uh address the issue please go ahead because uh you should not miss god at any cost you better pay the costs sometimes when you know come on a high biker when they opened their lives because of hidden scenes sacred scenes i always give you an opportunity to support this work to connect with the grace to connect with the vision and i thank god because god has given us work to do with the resources so when you give your money to us you're not just giving for the sake of giving an offering you are giving because there is uh work that god has entrusted to us there is a mandate that god has given unto us and that that money that you give however small however big the sacrifice it is going to go into good use now we will launch our sequel you can give your offering or you can prepare to give your offering in the evening you can always use our paypal numbers we have them 1871 01 and 871.00 you can also use our numbers and peso number zero seven one seven nine double four three four or our prayer lines zero seven zero six twenty six twenty six twenty six all zero seven eleven one twelve one twelve bananas [Music] even as we look forward for the medication prepare us and give us a grace to be in your presence in jesus name we pray amen god bless you see you tonight holiness holiness is what i long for [Music] holiness is for i need [Music] holiness holiness is what you want for me oh for me holiness holiness i long for holiness is what i need [Music] holiness holiness is what you want for me all for me stay holiness holiness holiness is what i long for holiness is what i need say holiness holiness holiness is what you want from me what do you want for me say holiness holiness holiness holiness is what i love for holiness holiness is what i need holiness holiness holiness is me what do you want for me take my heart [Music] take my wings [Music] to yours [Music] take my [Music] take my wings [Music] oh [Music] take my wheels [Music] to yourself righteousness righteousness righteousness is what i long for righteousness is what i need oh righteousness righteousness righteousness is what you want from me what do you want from me say righteousness righteousness righteousness is what i look for [Music] righteousness righteousness is what you want for me for me for me take my heart take my [Music] [Music] to your [Music] take my mind [Music] to your [Music] yes take my mind [Music] [Music] my heart [Music] take my mind [Music] transform [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all yours to yours [Music] jesus reigns in my life rain [Music] jesus rain you're the king of zion [Music] [Music] come and reign jesus reigns [Music] jesus rain somebody say grace praise jesus reign in my life [Music] [Music] my prayer come and reign in my life [Music] you're the king of kings [Music] say lord come [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] see [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] yay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] the key [Music] [Music] [Music] way [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] say glory and praise glory [Music] we give glory and praise to the lord glory and praise unto the lord and we say thank you jesus thank you jesus glory glory [Music] [Applause] we declared [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 17,271
Rating: 4.8278689 out of 5
Id: B_trQ7WLjsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 29sec (6869 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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