Going For More ||Apostle John Kimani William

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we give to you [Music] belongs to you [Music] our lives below to you [Music] worthy of the glory to you our hands we raised lives belong to you you are alpha and omega [Music] you are worthy of the glory to your hands we raise our lives belong to you help me say [Music] [Music] [Music] oh in our lives [Music] oh [Music] one more time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you are [Music] [Music] you are you [Music] until the end [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] jesus for me [Music] yes i [Applause] [Applause] glory one more time here i am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is do you not know have you not had the lord is the everlasting god the creator of the end of of the earth he will not grow tired or weary and his understanding no one can for them to endear he gives strength to the weary and increases power of the weak dependent year 29 won a video mandica in even youth grow tired and weary and young men stubble and fall 20 but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles they will they will learn and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint mandica energy is there now he gives strength to the weary and increased [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] now [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] huh oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] oh jesus sweet jesus you're the bright and morning star watching [Music] the master of the world see jesus you're the bright and [Music] i call you jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] oh jesus [Music] you're the brighter [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] your name hallelujah i call you jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] you have done glorious things you have done wonderful things [Music] you have done glorious peace [Music] my you have done glorious [Music] are the center of [Music] there is power [Music] as we lift [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is power [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] stronger than the stronger higher than the highest greater than the greatest you are bigger bigger than the biggest stronger than the strongest higher [Music] higher [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] there is nothing to ask for here even as we go for more [Applause] [Music] is as you clarify his name [Music] we give you all the glory we give you all the prayers tonight [Music] there is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] it is you that we see tonight you are the one that gives us power to come on over you're the one that gives us power to press on our path to press on for more and tonight our father we are here to glorify your name you are our strength hallelujah [Music] amen [Music] we are pressing for more tonight put your hands together for jesus i'm pressing on to reach my god i press you on the mark of the high calling i press i press i press [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] was [Music] i'm [Music] i [Music] [Music] i will never give [Music] i [Music] i pray [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ahead of me [Music] i [Music] i [Music] i [Music] put your hands together for jesus [Music] oil hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] my [Music] we give you place our god we love you jesus we love your master we love your king thou want welcome come glorify your name come glorify come glorify your name come glorify your name tonight thank you jesus thank you holy spirit we give you glory and come and learn tonight in jesus name amen thank you so much worshiped him god bless you killer mahalia to say okay facebook [Music] we received a prophetic word even before to end the pandemic he already recommends a church without walls and when it came at our twinkie no many indicate message and their lives will never never be the same again so i thank you for being there thank you for your players thank you for your financial support you have kept us going and we have also been able to be a blessing to many people there are so many testimonies ambassadors and i thank god for that now nina owned by aquaman next week took away i just want to read some more testimonies ambassador to my research here these are some of the testimonies of the church without walls and we give god all the glory may this testimony help you to release your faith and also receive your miracle tonight in the name of jesus as we give god all the glory for what he has done here considering i want to testify of the doing of the lord in my family god has healed my daughter who is a doctor her husband her baby a house girl from corona which he contracted in the line of duty god has god also preserved her other child who was not infected even when everybody in the house got it since i joined this church without walls my life has changed god has blessed my children with employment even with this time of corona i have been praying and fasting with you there is a mighty healing and deliverance in my family all honor and glory to god another testimony praise god apostle i have a testimony for years i was an addict of pornography masturbation secular music adatali and drinking i was bad but when we started the church without walls on march i have never done any of them i thank god because i received christ and i've been pressing on i can't believe i used to do all those things because i detest all those things now jesus has delivered me in my youth and i'll serve him glory be to god another one here my friend had gotten a diagnosis of glaucoma and surgery recommended as a main form of treatment i believed with you on the night of 21st august 2020 during the kesha anasamah forgive me for delaying sharing god intervened that same night the following day on saturday the doctors said no papi redema in her eyes so no surgery hallelujah i was in awe of god still he still i am how he loves us and desire to move mountains for us we press on and lift our faith to him until all he meant with our lives come to bath and maturation he has given me timely living blood through your ministry i desire to know him as lord to see his glory i ask for his grace to diligently seek him and obey all his commands god bless you abundantly as you obey him it's the highest calling now that is living nothing else satisfies this much may you a couple of afro may god refresh you as you have refreshed us and put your hope in him in jesus name amen another testimony praise god praise almighty god apostol i want to give god all glory for divine healing have been having mouth answers the whole of last week the whole of last week i purpose to join the church without walls on friday last week for prayer and fasting i was not able to open my mouth and pray for the whole mouth and tongue was saw now nothing was allowed to come in contact with the tongue when you were praying for the sick you mentioned some arakana in the bible for they cannot speak a word then you said pain then you say pain will live immediately i believe god for healing i could not feel my tongue [Music] i could feel my tongue was able to touch the upper part of the mouth pain has been going slowly and the sauce drying until i'm completely healed i give god of the glory for divine healing god bless you praise god i testify of the goodness of god i was delivered yesterday from sexual dirty thoughts i used to think about it every time i pray and lead the word of god i would feel so dirty and guilty i cried to god to be delivered from it and it happened yesterday during the kesha i haven't thought about it it's like i didn't know what i was thinking before all glory to god wonderful and merciful lord jesus christ that was the demonic attack um in your thoughts and we thank god for that deliverance during the last prayer festival i didn't participate but my husband did at the end out of nowhere he got a job glory to god praise god another one praise god about okay mania thank god for his blessing after six years i confirmed on 26 august 2020 on thursday that i am pregnant glory to god that is after six years we thank god for that milako i have one more testimony i want to read here praise be to god my 14 testimony my 14 year old special boy lost speech when he was 5 years after suffering meningitis during this corona season he has started communicating who is like our god i've been participating in the prayer and fasting and believing god for restoration i have been sending prayer requests prayer requests since 2014 finally god has answered my prayer glory be to god and that is florence mungy so we thank god for all that he is doing and i want to declare decree and declare in jesus name that what the lord has done in your life it shall be permanent in jesus name we pray father in jesus name tonight even as we read the testimonies of what you have done to your people we say not unto us but unto you be all the glory all the honor praise and adoration and tonight as we continue my father there are many thousands who have trusting in you putting your faith in you lord may you stretch forth your hand of mercy and grace and touch their lives let there be divine intervention tonight prepare us my father for divine encounters even for next week we worship you and we praise you in jesus name we pray amen amen glory to god those are the few testimonies we can be able to lead there are so many i have so many copies in the office of testimonies and we give god all the glory especially for what he has done for us during this covered season and we declare that there is a god in heaven who is able to cause all things to work for good for them that love him and they are called according to his purpose i've been sharing a message there is more and that is the word in simplicity the holy spirit put in my heart that though there are so many challenges around us there is more that we can access in god that can help us to overcome the challenges surrounding us now we will see cooler because i was sharing that there is more tonight i'm i'm sharing on going for more because it is a declaration that we are making it is an agreement that we want to agree tonight that we are going for more because if there is more for us if there is more that is available for you why should you not go for late why not purpose to go for more i know some people are not a lady because they feel i'm not able to pay their costs but it is by grace prayer fasting there is nothing we can do on our own jesus said without me you can do nothing and so tonight i want to share briefly on going for more and then i'm going to give you the prayer program for next week how are we going to pray because the prayer program is also crafted in a way to help us to go for more [Music] uh this cleans that i'm going to sell to you they are not the same they are better they are clearer they have more functions so akane bia this quotation and bio umenitumia near 2017 nasa 2020 uh in a technology regulator in a way that could improve but it also can it is also coming with a cost now technology the bible in the book of daniel if we you can give us uh uh daniel chapter 12. maybe you can give us new king james version new uh daniel chapter 12 from verse 1. what does the bible say is the bible says at that time michael shall stand up the great prince will stand watch over the sons of your people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time and at that time your people shall be delivered everyone who is found written in the book of life and many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awaken some to everlasting life some to shame and everlasting contempt those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firemen and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever but you daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end many shall learn to and fro and knowledge shall increase higher imam bombay or daniel to nadua the book of daniel is one of the books that covers the things of the end time ambassador daniel aliwesa accounting video because people are moving to and fro all over the world seeking for knowledge and the bible says there shall be increase of knowledge remember what is happening today was already prophesied in the bible and so we know when we see increase of knowledge in our time we know it is one of the signs of the end times but that is not my main point my main point is if the world is growing in knowledge improving the technology that was being used now in the easter east is not the technology that we are using today why is the church not growing and improving in the revelation of our god indiana evil has been reinvented by the kingdom of darkness because the bible says when the enemy will move like a fraud the spirit of god will raise the standard against her the flood of the enemy namina divine knowledge the revelation knowledge the bible says in the book of his intent was that now through the church the man forward wisdom of god should be known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms that means through the scripture god desired that his intent was through the church the man fought wisdom of god should be made known to the rulers and authorities in their venereals means and the devil is inventing evil to be able to counter the works of darkness ambassador zita zina fanika katika wakati what pendua la zima kubari mabadirico oh maybe like 20 20 something years huh they are strained by the power of the holy spirit to meona i think today i saw i like sometimes going through the message people are sending on facebook and the platforms he was given an accurate prophetic word by i think a priest in the catholic church because there is a remnant that god is raising our people who love god are people who desire and they are going for more because they have discovered co2 technologies we have not exhausted all that is available for us in christ we have not gotten everything that christ has gotten hold for us and that is why in the morning the lunch hour i think we led from paul and we thank god for that humility when i look at the life of paul i like that sincerity in the book of uh philippians chapter three and verse seven if we can pick it up from there philippians chapter three and verse seven we are talking about going for more god is raising a generation are people who are going to go for more the bible says whatever was to my prophet i now consider loss for the sake of christ there are people who are going to consider us what is more i consider everything or else compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing christ jesus my lord that means poor alice comparing to the surpassing greatness of knowing christ jesus my lord for whose sake i have lost all things i consider them rubbish that i may gain christ and be found in him not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law but that which is sought through faith in christ the righteousness that comes from faith from god and is by faith i want to know christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings uh becoming like him in his death and so somehow to attain to the resurrection from the dead verse 12 of know that i have already obtained all this or already have been made perfect but i press on to take hold of that for which christ jesus took hold of me let's go to verse 13 brothers i do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it but one thing i do i forg i forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead verse 14 i press on to have the goal to win the prize for which god has called me heavenward in christ jesus and verse 15 all of us who are mature should take such a view of things azimuth would you say the people who are mature they should have such a view of things and if at one point you think differently that who god will make clear to you so paul is saying all of us who are mature should have such a view which view name one of the things i have discovered wherever there is more in god than you have ever imagined and if you don't have your neighbor now choose the kid people may see you as a hero people may see you as if you have already achieved or attained like you needed more experience this is another whole world that i have never experienced and i have just started so poor and i say my aquamba when we there is more in god and we need to continue pressing on straining forward that we may get hold of that which christ jesus has already gotten hold for me mature people understand that there is more there is still more our compared to water is available for you there are possibilities that are in christ that we have not been able to access and we need to be realistic and accept that there are possibilities that are in christ when we see our people being overwhelmed by different challenges oppressed by the enemy it's not that god is not having an answer for them but there are possibilities in christ that we need to access for us to become a solution for the ever-changing needs of our people because the enemy is always trying to invent evil and the way he is attacking god's people and that is where the bible says his intent god's intent was through the church to give the church his man-forward wisdom and this wisdom will not be known by men it will be known by their powers and the rulers in the heavenly places we thank god for them that have gone ahead of us in their faith and what they documented for us and but i am here to tell you we must go for more because there is more that is available for us when we read concerning i was looking at the book of exodus and i was looking the uh concerning moses in the book of exodus chapter 33 if you read from verse 13 this is after moses having an experience in the burning bush and used by god almighty to bring deliverance to the children of israel from the land of egypt but he still told god exodus 3 13 if you are pleased with me teach me your ways so i may know you and continue to find favor with you remember that this nation is your people the lord repried my presence will go with you and i'll give you lest let us jump to verse 17 verse 17 and the lord said to moses i'll do the very thing you have asked because i am pleased with you and i know you by by name then moses said now show me your glory and the lord said i'll cause all my goodness to pass in front of you and i will proclaim my name the lord in your presence i'll have mercy on whom i have mercy and i have compassion on whom i have compassion but he said you cannot see my face for no one may see me and live then the lord said there is a place near me where you may stand on a lock when my glory passes i'll put you in a cleft in the lock and cover you with my hand until i have passed by then i'll remove my hand and you see my back but my face must not be seen happen now musa [Music] [Music] that is what the bible is telling me in the book of exodus that we have read that in 3 13 3 13. let's go back there uh teach me your ways so i may know you so i may know you and continue to find favor with you everywhere was the humbliest man on i'll do the very thing you have asked because i'm pleased with you and i know you by name then musa and there are joining verse 18 then moses said now show me your glory the glory of god means the worth the value all that he is his brightness his majesty what pendulum there is more that is available for us as believers not that i have been made perfect i desire to know him you know to the philippians paul was a spiritual giant he was an accomplished man of god preaching the gospel with signs and wonders i desire to know him for there is more that i have not experienced we need this confession in our time we need this kind of humility in our time for god gives his grace to the humble but he opposes the proud to kiwanis to the secret 53 chapter 43 and verse 19 the bible says see i am doing a new thing now it springs up do you not persevere i am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland from how [Music] to come to a pleasure of intimacy with god with the holy spirit this is a season for going for more in the mighty name of jesus there is a call there is a cry in the spirit of a remnant doesn't matter where they come from some of them i'm going to come from other religions they worship other gods but they have a genuine desire for worship of a true god they don't worship idols because they love idols they have been misled because of the kind of education and information and the kind of environment where they were brought up but god is going to reveal himself to them because the bible says that there will be inaudible hangar now for the days are coming decrease the suffering lord when i'll send a famine through the land not a famine or food or a thousand water but a famine of hearing the words of the lord kunawatu ambawata wakatihu watasema you know money it's also another god united who are competing their cry and their desire for god away an encounter but you cannot be taught an encounter cannot be taught you receive it for yourself but you see an encounter however foundation you experience it for yourself you receive it and once you receive it it is a mark a mark that cannot be removed by anyone and it gives you a new liberation in your life and that liberation gives you a conviction and that convictions brings faith and that faith puts you into action and action brings result brings tangible results in your life and you cannot argue with the results huh the process the process initially you die to self the process the holy spirit is recruiting men and women who are going to go for more who are going to have a personal encounter now what is they will be ready to die for their faith they will surrender everything they will consider everything as rubbish for the surpassing greatness of knowing christ divine encounters in the mighty name of jesus to the remnant of your people in the mighty name of jesus who have a hunger and they are calling upon your nema it doesn't matter where they are they are triba they are razor they are creed of our nationality but i decree and declare they are going to receive a an encounter in their season in the mighty name of jesus area i declare the supernatural i declare divine encounters in the mighty name of jesus encountering angels encountering the supernatural encountering the holy ghost somebody prayed and the korean declare i desire as an encounter with my maker i prepare to meet my maker in the mighty name of jesus i defy my religious boundaries in the mighty name of jesus i defy my theology in the mighty name of jesus and i am going for more in the name of jesus it is not about what i was taught can you just call upon the name of a daughter and tell the lord i desire an encounter can you declare and declare i am going for more i am going for more i am going for more i am going for more i destroy every religious covering uh every perverted knowledge in the mighty name of jesus that is not of you that is not of this seasoner oh my god ray kaba gandabar shutter deliver my mind renew my mind in the mighty name of shiasa open my eyes my inner eyes are that i may be able to see the new thing that you are doing here in my generation in my timer recover ganda babusi recover gandali mass area recover gandali mass area i refuse her every expired information about god in the mighty name of jesus and i receive a new revelation upon my life in the mighty name of jesus i receive the illuminationer by the holy spirit in the name of jesus that i may understand the word of god that i may see the scriptures in the mighty name of jesus and be able to see the wondrous things are in the mighty name of jesus that are written in the word of god in the mighty name of jesus the korean declare i am going for more i am going for more i am going for more i am going for more i am going for more let that be your declaration let that be your desire tonight let that be your confession tonight just be grateful unto god for what he has done if i am going for more i desire to know him recover ganda my lord and my savior and the power that resurrected hima from the dead in the name of jesus i am pressing honor that i may get hoarder of that which christ jesus has gotten hold for me i am straining forward that is why i am praying that is why i'm just preparing her for the season of fasting and prayer that i mistrain for other because this battle is not and declare that i am going for more god is preparing you for an encounter an encounter an encounter an encounter shirabaganda i see lemnanta that are prepared for the encounter in the mighty name of jesus just speak to god and tell god i have seen the oppression in my generation they are situational that are asking me where is your god i thank god for his salvation the grace that saved me ray kabagana i thank god for the holy spirit i thank god for the miracles that i have seen her but i am going for more i am going from all in the name of jesus yes there is more for you there is more for you child of god there is more for you reykjava gandha masira recapagandarimaseria oh my god we are going for more tonight we are going for more in this season we are going for more we are going for more sheila bagandarimaseriya ricka baganda latini the bible says blessed are those who hunger and faster for righteousness for they shall be filled when you are hungry for god god will fill you will fill you yes those who are rich the bible says they have been m i am going for more i am going for more i am going for more i am going for more i am going for more decline declare i am going for more ricca baganda raba we are going for more we are going from on we are going for more we are going for more we are going for more sheila baganda ricca baganda rivers area i want to read this portion of scripture just to give you an example in the bible that people can go for more in the book of second chronicles chapter 15 from verse 1 it was in the time of asa and they said we are not satisfied by being called god's people the bible says the spirit of god came upon azaria son of or dead he went out to meet asa and said to him listen to me asa and all judah and benjamin the lord is with you when you are with him if you seek him he'll be found by you but if you forsake him he'll forsake you let's continue for a long time israel was without the true god without a priest to teach and without the law but in their distress they turned to the lord the god of israelites and sought him and he was found by them univercation moja one nation was being crushed by another one city by another because god was troubling them with every kind of distress but as for you be strong and do not give up for your work will be rewarded asa [Music] people are fighting people are in distress although they were being called by the name of the lord it is not enough for you to be called my people you can seek me and i'll be found of you but if you forsake me i'll forsake you the bible says all these sufferings and you'll see they made a covenant they agreed to destroy other altars they agreed to seek the face of god and when they agreed oh my god to seek the face of god god revealed himself in a supernatural way and the bible says he gave them rest on every side foreign [Music] the purposes of god cannot be worthy he makes fools of divineness and he overthrows the wisdom of the voice i'm a practicing christian for the last 27 years yeah union me how to work out my salvation with fear and trembling the only ways it is not enough to be feed of the holy ghost it is not enough to be called a pastor it is not enough to be called a bishop it is not enough to be called an apostle there is more that is available for me i am going for more in the name of jesus whatever it is to my prophet is to my prophet i consider it as rubbish festival i pray for you now wherever you are receive the grace you need me wherever you are receive the grace just pray for yourself and declare i will be among the number i sign in in the spirit oh hey just tell him tell the holy spirit i am among the number of those who are hungry of those who are vastly i am among the number of those who are going for more i know i am weaker oh my god i do not even know how to pray for a weaker i do not even know how to faster to register now register in the spirit tell the holy spirit i'll be among the number i am going to seek your faith in the name of jesus i am going for more yes i am a preacher yes i have my title yes i have my positioner yes i know i am blessed there is more i am going for more gandaba i desire to know you they kaba ganda i desire to see your glory recover ganda ray ka magana pray for your silver dedicate yourselves in the name of jesus for the prayer festival for the prayer festival dedicate yourself now dedicate yourself now dedicate yourself now he knows you by your neighbor he knows you by your neighbor he knows you by your neighbor he knows you by your neighbor he knows you he knows you he knows what you're going through tell him i surrender tell him lord help me i don't even know how to pray i don't even have the grace too faster but help me help me help me shirabaganda ricka baganda recover ganda maybe what you are hearing is strange but tell god you know me i may not even see you i thank god for the church without wars i i don't i i may not i i may not even know who is committing themselves to pray but there is a god in heaven who knows you by your name and whatever you are going to do in secretary he is going to reward you openly in the name of jesus i pray for your silver declare next week i am going for more next week i am going to seek the face of god i am going to seek the face of god i am going to seek the face of god in the coming weekend in the coming weekend i'll set aside our timer in the name of jesus to pray to read the word in the name of jesus i pray for the grace of fasting there is more there is more somebody is going for more i want to pray for you now in the name of jesus christ i give you glory because you are a mighty god and there is no one else like you you are able to see the ends of the earth and you can see everyone who is surrendering and committing themselves in your presence to seek your face i take this with a lot of humility that you have given us this opportunity from this altar to guide your people and to lead your people and to be a voice to speak to your people that they may be able to start to seek your face i pray as they obey as they respond to you and to the core of prayer show yourself mighty on their behalf let there be divine encounters let there be divine visitations answer the cry of your people may you give them rest on every side some of them are troubled by the enemy from different areas of their lives but lord you are able to give them less on every side i dedicate them to you may you remember them with mercy and may next week my father be a week of divine encounters and divine visitation we worship you as we surrender to you in the name of the father and of the son and of our holy spirit we pray amen amen amen to god be of the glory for everyone who is committing themselves in this prayer festival i want to guide you a few minutes only now sequences to open the pothos in the heavenly presses the bible says let everything that has breath praise the lord the bible says in the book of psalms 22 and verse 3 that god is enthroned in the places of israel in the praises of his people foreign wednesday and thursday deep repentance a few days wakatini on gaya you are seeking god differently manchester um deep repentance okay watching us so that i combined secretary she friday saturday sunday we will be praying for healing and this healing applies to every area of our life when we say in the book of ii chronicles chapter 7 and verse 14 that if my people who are caught by my name if they shall humble themselves and pray and forsake their wicked ways then shall i hear from heaven and i'll heal the iran if god can heal the land angaria pale music if my people who are caught by name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land natal say my evie healing is very important and healing covers every aspect of our lives to hospitality to quicker but this is that is only a small part of healing like you just imagine to marriages a that is why sometimes even when you have all the information i'm buying azaku's idea in a certain field you find people don't succeed they have all that it takes when the bible talks about second kings chapter 2 and verse 19 where the bible says the men of the city went to elisha the man of god the men of the city would say to elisha look our land this town is well situated as you can see but the water is bad and the land is unproductive so what is man of god the place is well situated as you can see it is present the place is sick their family is sicker their business is sicker ministries are sick those are signs of healing the land can be sick marriages can be sick in a family recognizing that is why the bible says psalms 103 and verse 3 so that we combine both psalms 103 and verse 3 the bible says 103 and verse 3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases so the bible says that god forgives all your sins and he heals all your diseases this word all you are diseases who all your diseases in a minutia healing in every area of your life and the cause of sickness let's have king james or new king james because you know some of these interpretations in the bible we need to be conversant when we sometimes when upon a tuna tumiyah version suffolk nevis um here who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases i love this uh version because when it talks about iniquity you know seeing it is missing the mark that means sometimes it's not even intentional iniquity iniquity in the bible need to fought it when the bible talks about iniquity it talks about pervasion or something that is perverted or crooked this path is crooked in our family that means that is an iniquity it covers something that is happening for a long time to a peat and chia only buyer so why am i talking about deep repentance nikola sababu we need to go beyond the surface when we talk about going for more and there is more there must be a strategy for more otherwise s one of the greatest signs of revival is repentance because repentance comes with solo and regrets it also comes with a turnaround of 190 degrees 180 degrees on a seminar i am a humble servant i am honest saying and giving the direction the holy spirit has put in my heart we are going to share more details we are going to release um uh a player life threat uh because satay is a uh secret tattoo uh karma is a deep repentance combined so going for more has a strategy and this is a strategy the strategy will be deep repentance quingi and dani nakutubu there was a time i was praying to me to mia a identification so i'm just saying in a nutshell it will be deep repentance but it's going to be broken in parts then we are going to pray for healing so the bible says he forgives all our iniquities and heals all our diseases [Music] declaring this is a new day this is a new decade money may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning just having faith in god and thanking him for the new season thanking him for he is ebenezer this far he has brought you then from tuesday we will have a time of deep repentance what wenger talia your deep repentance so three days deep repentance three days healing healing cancer there are many times the holy spirit has led me to pray for inner hearing they need healing and their countenance will change it will be a time of healing but we are going to begin with a time of deep repentance so panda uh kumalia now we'll be able to get more details as will will be going on with the prayer festival now mini aqua is a prayer festival prayer festival you're going to release great liberations and insights of how we are going to pray in the coming week that we may be able to receive more that we may see more of your deliverance that we may see more of your blessings that we may see more of your salvation holy spirit help us and guide us into other truth the things that we are supposed to confess the things that we are going to be that we are supposed to bring before the lord in repentance that we may destroy the legality of the enemy or the legal grounds all the accusations that we may silence the accuser help us in the name of jesus and the lord in jesus name there will be a healing like never before healing us in every area of our lives that your name will be forever glorified we worship you we praise you tonight in jesus name we pray amen session and to me i have a cry in my heart yakumba what you know maturity comes with responsibility um ohio i'm just putting my faith in god but you can also allow god to use you to support us and to be faithful in your giving and so even as we continue with our programs we may not have a lot of time to speak about money to speak about giving but i know god can speak to you and give you a burden to support the mandate and the vision he has entrusted to us even our being here every day having so many staff members who are supposed to serve on full-time basis we need resources to support the vision tonight you have been supporting us our members sending you a tithe sending your offerings you are supporter i am forever grateful we may not be able to gather and be able to raise funds but i thank god that the grace of god is sufficient the grace of giving is available for us in the course of time if god blesses you and you need to support us in any other way you can also contact us the numbers ambassador if you say you want to support us in kind of among attackers one of our accounts we even have a dollar account we have an account in dora's and you can be able to send your money in dollars direct to our account we can give you the account but for now we have our pay bill numbers you can use our paypal numbers 807 101 871 0 0 187101 amma 87100 then in awkward the the account about thai thanksgiving offering sacrifice whatever you want to give and from there you can put the amount your pin number and send what i am about being in a comparison you would like to use the m peso number we have our mp number zero seven one seven nine double four triple four zero seven one seven nine double four triple four zero seven eleven one twelve one twelve zero seven zero six twenty six twenty six twenty six this is our our prayer lines but pioneers acoustic to me last time in economy gaza julia call center uh i'm about to may train our teams and our work holiday we know there are so many people who have been calling sometimes uh to nakuena simone but we want to have an organized way more people serving so that we can be able to minister to more people and so maybe in the course of this week the coming week we may launch our call center i think the service providers wanna devote wanini to meku and um the service providers they have not been able to respond quickly as we thought now we've got to number two once they are done we can be able to continue with the call center i want to pray for offerings tonight father i am humbled because of the opportunity you have given us to serve you we know as we give unto you we are the one who require what we are giving and so as we give it's just a test of our obedience so that we can be able also to connect with your blessings and promises and so my father we pray that bless us in the name of jesus as you accept our offerings tonight and even in the days to come oh god everyone who has a heart to give into this ministry and to support this vision i also ask that you may continue to bless them and those who have given in the past they have continued to support our partners especially those who have been supporting the heavens gate prayer mountain father i pray in the name of jesus that they have honored you even in this times of hardship i pray that they are also going to leap a hundred fold in the mighty name of jesus i pray that beyond what money can do father you are going to bless them in the mighty name of jesus for you are able to do exceedingly abundantly above more than you can pray or we can think of and so i release your mercy and blessings upon your people as they give tonight in the mighty name of jesus receive our sacrifices receive our offerings up in jesus name we pray and then i will come back just to make a prayer for the prayer request we believe god together nico summer testimonies when we began these testimonies are just an inspiration of what god is doing and i would like us to believe god that god is going to do even greater things as we continue to wait upon him so as we worship uh the few minutes that you are having we are going to make our request be known unto god the bible says we should not be anxious of anything but with thanksgiving we should make our requests our petitions to be known to god tonight just take your time and speak to god and god will bless you worship team calibu as we prepare for that small session of praying for the prayer requests [Music] foreign [Music] be sure [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i [Music] did [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] amen hallelujah we give you praise and glory panda too anime messi aquamba m-pesa services they are not working i i hope that is what is happening everywhere i see you come on nihapatu i have also tested your message and i may put a message from our media team so independent to focus we pray and god is going to bless us whatever you you'd like to give keep the numbers and you can send even if it is tomorrow or any time when the services are back whatever you have decided to give in your heart to support the vision because account whatever platform it needs the m-pesa network unless uh maybe being aware outside the country beginning let us focus now let us worship the lord and then we can be able to pray together whatever you wanted to give because it belongs now to god you can surrender it tomorrow once the services are restored back god bless you let us worship the unaccompanied voices to focus maybe the media team can learn the numbers whatever you wanted to send the mongoose so we want to focus and worship and then we are going to agree together in prayer just tell god this is my desire this is my cry this is my prayer tonight in the mighty name of jesus there is a god the bible says that uh psalm 65 and verse 2 or you who wants a prayer to you all men will come the reason we go before the lord is because he is a god who answers prayer we imagine [Music] there is more i am going for more there is more victory there is more deliverance the gospel to me better strategy here thanksgiving yeah deep repentance healing situation focus now go before the lord in worship and believe god for our prayer request in jesus name [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] i [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the power to heal the power to deliver in the mighty name of jesus let the grace of god in the name of jesus fall afresh on your arrival in the mighty name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] just simple faith believe in jesus tonight and you touch your life [Music] because of the simple faith my father of them that are listening and them that are watching uh wherever they are now touch their lives oh god let there be divine interventioner hearken to every cry in the mighty name of jesus you are the god who answered it by fire conceive the works of the enemy in the name of jesus and causing them to be glorified as you answer the cry of your people i release a half vest of testimonies tonight that there are people who are going to testify of your goodness tonight of your hearing tonight of your deliverance tonight of your masses tonight in the mighty name of jesus because you are touching them are because you are coming to their climb and you are answering them thank you jesus thank you holy spirit thank you for your mighty power i give you the glory i give you their honor in the name of jesus every miracle every answer every divine interventioner receive all their glory receive all their honor receive all the appraiser receive of the adoration thank you father i give you glory i give you honor for what you are doing for what you are going to do this is on my father i pray that as we go for more let us see you in a way that you have never seen you before come and do that which one you can do because you are almighty god you are a mighty deliverer i seal every millicar with the blood of jesus and every force of darkness that fight with the harvest of your people i learned that those forces powerless and i raise the harvest of your people those who have been sowing in tears oh god may you bless their lives in the mighty name of jesus their harvest will not be denied answer their cry answer their prayer tonight show you us almighty on their behalf and usher them into a new season we worship you and we praise you in jesus name we pray amen somebody say amen declare i receive my milaco i receive the answer of my prayer thank you father for doing it by faith i declare it is done in jesus name i give you glory lord i give you honor praise and adoration father we give you glory and honor for tonight as we come to the end of this schedule lord i pray for them that are going to continue waiting upon you wherever they are let the heavens be open in the name of jesus and let your grace be sufficient we are forever grateful thank you for the offerings given tonight bless every giver and even them that are purposed to give further remember them with mercy in jesus name we pray amen amen you can try the system there is a way it is working in a tumor message but it is still delivering the message so if you'd like to send your offering try the system when the enemy is resisting you are giving he is also resisting your blessing because the bible says give it shall be given unto you every time god wants to move in somebody's life two things are very key thank you for taking time to be with us thank you for your uh supporter uh may god bless all of us all our members may god bless you is on yamambi especially our members and those who are nakuru pakistani morning glory lunchawa i think we can accommodate a few people we're also going maybe to have an overthrow we have the other sanctuary we can use it as an overthrow if we have more people because we have to keep the social distance we can only take quite a number and that is why we have not opened the church because we as we have everyone here in the church uh i think this is a new season the family altar is becoming stronger and stronger may god bless you as we prepare for the prayer festival next week in jesus name tomorrow or today is a saturday and i believe also those who are able to connect with our worship service from three to five p.m you can be able to connect the problem it is not going to be life but it's going to be a powerful worship program and it is going to be a blessing from next week sunday we are going to have our morning service sa inem pakasa sita and then evening satisfactor but from monday our morning glory will begin from five am to the answer morning gloria sir kumina moja ceo saturday we will have a session quanzia sartissa pakasa kumi namoja and your life will never be the same again god bless you the lord be with you i'll put you in front [Music] in front of my melody you are all that matters you are all that much i'll make room for two you and i jesus you are all that murders you are all that [Music] you and i jesus you are all that matters [Music] what would i live for if i don't have you in my life what would i gain if you take the holy ghost what would that become of me if i didn't see your light [Music] that you are all i have [Music] in front of my yes [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] me uh [Music] i [Music] you
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 23,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 10sec (12490 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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