Holy Spirit & Prayer||Apostle John Kimani William

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we magnify your Holy Name in Jesus name Amen god bless see worship team Kamala Kahn a seafood tuna Reza cuca Cheney - karateka Holly Imam be so you can continue interceding even as I continue with my message on the Holy Spirit and prayer for a few minutes Warren bajo el equipo de nasi badeah Tsui Amalia Marissa quit Asama vomit endow Facebook YouTube Leone shaquita - NASA created nagarjuna alarm Tecate foo natin Angelia kumihimo wacom kabalyero home Tecate fou R - Sadie a atacama um be not gonna in the book of John chapter 14 in verse 26 the comforter and by and I eat one a Greek Parakletos Kazakh Nick Wamba he is our partner in prayer way about a Samana prayer partner pame our advocate was above mohombi akan illegalities otoki Angelia language imam be petition nominee no kamae Ali Yanis Amamiya legal language na kaho una Itachi advocate was bob opieop a Luna no kana acusa um an aqueous honest Emma ho Tang Jia karate Miyako Ottawa Cooper Akira Rome Takata Phu Yen da hua kiri advocate wok Oh nanny Zuri Casa Babu an idea what happened in the past and a jeweler present knock on a supernatural insight on the future so an irresolute a tear pasaba BAE Akana ajussi nahi kima now Faja mu gamma XI ikuyo team never go to can Galia Taconic Wamba niversary tomb Cuba Iran Tecate foe quaza Bobby area 2 pi n gufu attic attic ayuda F way to Zama ohmy catechol on Jurassic William need a semi-coma ce qui le o tune Anglia dynamics of answered prayer hot atropos moo moo shu aramta Qatif ooh tune Angelia dynamics of answered prayer nee nee nee afonya to party Mujeeb ooh katha c'mon beer - I thank God for the testimonies we are receiving of what God is doing nummy nummy near qualms ba o Keeffe whatta to Amazon Nina Quan Gaza because to me prayer has been very practical and I can say my life my ministry what I am and what I have is a product of prayer so to me have seen the reality of the power of prayer Nana Mae - I'm talking juoh gobos Imam be now a Jew a protocol zombozo an away zakat amia a kawazu kupatana g boo ba see you will enjoy your prayer life watchin us a proper new Assam dynamics of answered prayer embassies in am langa sana rome Tecate Phu wah Mungo Nanako Pennock Whangarei Pachulia mambo my tattoo I'm bajo - Isaiah kupatana my Chi boo I'm bio tuna taka katika mohombi mega Pinos put semi-coma genre Kwanzaa they are answers in prayer that depend on you or they depend on me Kaname chibok Ithaca mohombi I'm by Hyatt ma mangu Yannick atanga Mira where we little quinesha that cannon Ramu mu P Hakuna Matata comma jambe Bojana Tamiya mundo nappy Hakuna Matata mohombi here now take a mirror where we namu myoho do to ask you pata my chip we among beer - LAN Seema - dicamba co2 kuleana Wamba Arafah moon wa naku Jana fannia Kazi ransom estudia comedy our dynamics Amazo Mambo main Guinea do one image EBU yet acutally me aware when whenever water to Anne's Anna my GPA o Yannick atanga me aware when when iam in Karratha wanama jibu the rebel says in the book of Matthew chapter 11 and verse 12 give us Matthew 11 verse 12 and from the days from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has been false affray advancing and the forceful men lay hold of it so the Bible says here that the kingdom of God has been 4c free advancing AMA suffers parents you see of error in Syria what to abaya one a pig or to a noir to apana he knew variance here the ability to conquer it is a force that helps you to conquer your promised land become a Villanova Israeli War II Petrovic Attica in Chi Y mystery Ottumwa naman we're gonna pray Gattaca in Chia javi whereupon Yeshua in Chi walk on a Kuta Wakana mijito what a spice to me worry Rudy and they gave a bad report now I can say my engineers URI Rohini had to erase the creatures you Ana Clara Bacchus Emma to keep a turkey body there is a wanna a two party eg the takawana Wamba canta canta Durand they were supposed to be involved now a category kata America Simon moon where is Emma Taku fear Jang Gwon II Mingo J wow they are ready to cooperate with me and to do their part by the mnemonic RM a Q&A a Joshua anima be an Apache Alima I'm a born re near hidden economy a carbine Nasus an economy economy Nene Nana Katya Requena copy Ghana Nika - cool Mahima Emma wanna Olivia he be he Nana Phoenician eeny Meeny marijuana Obi Wan Jia ni o Kuna mama mangu attorney partying gufu and it's why we need the Holy Spirit Kumamoto Korea now chief Unga ransom Oh Perry Google's around Takata force equation you exercise your authority as a believer and you conquer and the kingdom of God has been false afraid advancing and the merciful man we're a horde of it officials chapter 6 and verse 12 the Bible says that our warfare our for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly Liam's suburban a semi-coma vita fear to see of Yamuna damn worry when I was really worried pagane Novato a noun a cannon a macho na mijito Ricardo a Kuta a mommy pakka amethyst Weezy vinay Vionnet canada module like in ECC tuna bill not demonic boundaries has Yannick amina macho but those boundaries he saw kuta they are lil tuna pagana mijito powers principalities rulers and authorities Nepal miss Emma mo him waka fungus Naberius where is Emma Matthew 17:21 a Cosima I nahi hai where sequin de vino' khumba knockoff Unga ah give us Matthew 17:20 buzz King James Version 21 21 how bait this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting one a fools you are yes Swami Gary boire pepper one machine one San Saba moon when I interior kawaki mangu con la Mambo and I in Korea katha kadu Patil gufu the OLM way away would irritate my Jeep come out yo I could see Kia he never saw really kill ya kamekona my Jeep unit a futa now I am a G boo monk Guan attack Aquabat en gufu where when way away ot retain my Jeep oh happy when a foolish woman were I mean he that means their battles I am supposed to fight so prayer is not just about asking God and God does everything for you know their prayers God gives you the power of the Holy Spirit that you may be able to take authority that whatever you bind and they shall be bound whatever you rules it shall be roost but this also comes with the understanding from the Holy Spirit ER because even as we use the original meaning is that we use what God has already roost we bind water lead in the heavens has bound that means that Imam bialy liturgy damageable that simony on girls when alone tacit if you need to acquire this land God has given me to conquer so that whatever I am binding or oozing I am doing it according to the will of the Father but it is me to do it when the Bible says you wear the food Amma in a cemetery rocky mushy pea work wearing the helmet of salvation the shield of faith but the Bible so Caesar the sword of the Spirit that is the word of God that means even when you have the word our own you cannot be able to use the word just by quoting scriptures does not make things happen what makes things happen is the power of the Holy Spirit that is why God in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 before he spoke the Spirit of God was hovering over over the waters and then he said let there be and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and then verse 3 the Bible says and God said let there be light and there was right swat away acute angles on no.9 america ways academia battle writer chica Wilma Jim Ganesha Nang gufu Thoreau talkative we wanna take a course Emma Nene whatever crystal and au1 appender took one youngin owada evil hunama GPM army how otter is a capita what about my Chi boom engineer Nakata gave me away Oh a full moon a cop and gufu window fan that is why even when the Bible Jesus commissioned his disciples had one be a muniyandi Nepal yahwah going to AA sama biriukov Azuri re whadya go and heal the sick raise the dead cast out demons you and that is what the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 3 and verse 20 that God is able efficient Samson 3 and verse 20 now to him who is able to do a mission immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to their power that is at work within us when we come to this area of answered prayer hey take a mango guhmungo a cañazo anatomy gufu the mangu well away away uma puparia the fire Kazi daniel mom when I was a fireman Burma Cooper say be a villain of Yama SIA video review Korea that kim epi not a mere mean gufu chaos irani the mangu uma Kapadia zero Dania I wish to knock when Adama power Yacouba makan apologia sigani ah mundo see a temperature Syria Corona yaku Angelia Okinawa bouzoukia sigani Otesaga yakumo at winking annual Cristo neva to me she latina one on Google the manga Danielle and the Bible says leave us of reading waters shall flow from your bearing you are supposed to be a carrier of the power of the Holy Spirit even Jesus before he began his mission he went into the wilderness and he prayed for forty days and he received the power and he said now the Spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon me that I may be able to declare the year of the Lord's favor that I may be able to set the captives free so when you receive the power of the Holy Spirit ah then you can be able to bring freedom to the captives and you can first begin because the where's the end of cacao egg in a table how AG combo the rebel says in the book of Acts chapter 10 and verse 38 Yakama ballet acutally amma futon aramta cattivo yes valley an Akita named Emma how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil because God was with him yes ooh a little futon Gugu the ROM Tecate Phu ocotillo Mahuta I kinda keep on yahwah ganja knocking from guara water while you from ghana shaytani it's a believer land Somalia combi you cannot bring God on everything that is happening in your life sometimes you need to take the blame because me where we am Isis is well-acquainted is Emma all power and authority and that they are in the earth in the heavens have been given to me but the same I give unto you so you must go and trample upon scorpions and serpents and that is why today is important because we are going to have three days of intercession when we are interceding and pleading with God we are pleading with him so that he can come and do that which he is supposed to do directly but we also going to have another three days of warfare and declarations because once we receive power they are things we can go and tech power and authority for the Bible Caesar for this cause the Son of God was manifested that he may destroy oh they're works of the enemy and today he is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for you and me because we are the ones now to destroy the works of the enemy Venus Emma Walla water allergy you on an N or among goo voila Fanny commune boo vivillon semi-coma God has given us great and precious promises so that we may be able to share in the divine nature the financial command Asia where we operate come among GU virion of your palate - come on Isha Wamba Khanna Mambo novice Akutan Fatima G boo Niki kochiya mangu rocky Nemo - Emma Nina co-co-chair Gianni and the wife Amanda Bahia baba Zocco Westerberg wellness Yuja now I am mad about the Uranus radio Shuja walk santoku namaha deep aqua - when the Haribo jeremiah can be won in jeremiah chapter one and verse 10 and jeremiah was a young person remember come on BSC today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms number one uproot number to tear down number three destroy number four overthrow number five build number six plant for Jeremiah nami wah wah wah I appoint you and as I appoint you they are things you are going to do you are going to approve you are going to destroy you are going to overthrow this is you who is going to do it I will give you the power so when your power is there are things you are not able to do but you cannot Bream God that he has not answered your prayer because you are supposed to receive the power they anointed so that you may be able to carry out the mission of destroy the works of the enemy their Wars their partyís so that you can be able to breathe their Guardians their Giants in you arise in your family in your city in your nation so that you can be able to bring them down way vicuna majid o una vez a quandary Akama Jesse Dawa no Israeli una cambia una Leah uno is among wanna wanna meet watcher lock-in eagerly as a teacher uh nacho quarter and a semi melee oh where am I here in Seattle WA Lita partying and Yamazaki quand a k1 Ghani who Anatolia city huapi Nick was a Baku Nevada I made you a mundo yo monk Oconomowoc you partying gufu atacama futa when the gorgeous city we are surely killed when there will be the devil enough is enough I take power and authority I remember in my early Christian life learning on the authority of a believer leaving a book written by John Hagin mechanical video alacrán Awasthi Ananias ooh Pecha Kucha can see mama Katya Katya Hakata mama Siriano uncle Joker's viburnum gana is to resume on take a mere yes who ha Kuan gay but I can silica can say mound oka he condo camara motor but they're called is a Mona paper in Aquitaine young girl in a car in a kata Marciano year to can say Malika Sabah boo boo boos Orton a mom like Amazon eBay para me makeup away if you don't exercise the authority don't wait for me to come and exercise their authority on your behalf so if you remain a weekly in the kingdom you will suffer who become the Eifel who become younger who that the second what about my boy la una fur who let MIG boo Lucas 81 and Google's around Tecate Phu man boy ally how Theresa Caputo my Chi boo boo boo tonight socks Emma they are dynamics of Prayer whereby you don't just wait upon God saying God I am waiting upon God to do it for me no there are times you wait upon God to give you the strength the wisdom and the divine strategy to go and do the mission yourself and if you don't do it you die in the wilderness not because God is not able but because they are Kingdom principles there are dynamics of our God answers our prayer mimi naka muka me a chiasm an Aikido go to cotton and a combi mary comma gong to Namba sequence rena moja to midi tengo una Naboo frontier hizo nada de mundo casaba banana onion que nada fo na IE Bunica syndra can't imagine rocky me Italian baa nanna kima Lily a moo moo moo moo by dining a secure comm becomin yamasa rockin a patent cuckoo no yes sirree sequin mmm fun dish was an imam where spiritual fear like in a cooter comin as a manic otaku sweetie wa knock attack of worth one born our cotton equal Analia mangu a coochie boom on Bianca let's see mommy meme way away IgG and Emma now Mimi need to quit her to her so Kunis a heavy one bio moon when I chip on my own Bianco like what we have seen in acts Acts chapter 10 and verse 38 let's go back there how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and how he went around that means God responded to the prayer and the cry of our Lord Jesus Christ by anointing him and he went and he did it a vimana Reza cucchiaio mohombi Akko was Paco Katia gufu Kwanzaa Babu as much as there are so many resources in this world not Arabic wanna rip okuu choppa duniya knee IRA to a Kannada haru-kun Amma futa now a chilly windy duniya knee when you know tajiri how chroniger economica to rocky nice work wanna - ah ah - Yahoo Korea Vegeta Hachiya wonderful urk Walter GD iur dia the mission he was supposed to fulfill it requires super natural resources so you must wait in Jerusalem until you receive a power from on high what am I saying we need natural resources there is money and means but we also need supernatural resources to fulfill the work of the ministry and these super natural resources has the practical equal supermarket has the potty Connie Mahara pagina Parvati naman go to Anna where's ocupado where's oh never mangu hoochie Puma on the air to go to Pattaya helium bacio to nacho Netaji et tu cabeza cutie Mesa kusuda lucky now a key to Pattaya Nancy SI la CIMA took away see where away at Wamba I am equipped so that I can be able to make things happen I think I've led something about three types of people there are people who make things happen the other group of people sue people watch when things are happening and I think the other group is people do what their work is to talk I don't know but I want to be part of that group that makes things happen and God has called each one of us that we can be able to make things happen and the only way you can make things happen in this world is there 19 of God is the power of God if you are not a carrier of the power of God you tangle wahed wahed a second ooh Tahu Rumia rocky jnana where's oh no kya Padilla paisa she doesn't in a nice idea pencil and okutani Nawaz mo Polly mucho mi Nikita Hatake Bhatia paisa how is a v-neck ammonium - Americana Comerica macabre Nene I am F ooh mwah and as you gotta catch'em will be working at OPM kucik won't break a coin Yuma how ways period naturally Dutch and Italian super natural resources their power of God to set him free hey I want to create a vast in a desire for the power of God that you may make things happen you know and God anoints you and he gives you the power you are able to make so many things to happen because of the power that you carry in your life remember we are living in a world of powers the powers of darkness at work their powers of darkness opposing and oppressing people to live in poverty in sickness in suffering and so when we don't have the power of God to set them free for the Bible says in the book of second Corinthians that where the Spirit of God is there is freedom this is in 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 and verse 16 second Corinthians chapter 3 and verse 16 but 3:17 now the Lord is the spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom mangu A to D el Ojo namaha real agua wanna Akko qu knockoffogre Eva mangu Amen - Tamara Hohokam Tecate foo et tu cabeza Cooper drishya Holly what penguin Matakana can be a word - especially kinesin our crystal - key and area - Helena - semi - Namba ziba Dirac a highly innovative Kosaku body Rica rocky knee to chemo mania moon well - partying gufu now Reza to tell Adama bedico now we roam Tecate Fuu and I to the spirit of grace in the book of first Corinthians chapter 15 first corneas 15 and verse 10 pora and a semi-coma me Mina finally a classic recovery me to me to me a guinea by the grace of God I am what I am and His grace to me was not without effect no I worked harder than all of him yet not i but the grace of God that was with me mica Okuma marina Kuja Kuna mama Alta Badia mama - ah - yee-hoo namib otaku Berea accompanied Minnelli upon Emma Kuna Malta fauna sassy Oh Congo usako nah hey Maya Conaway Sawako rock in equestrian Emma Luca where Zakopane Mambo mokuba vacati name is Django kuta kita Jaquan zaliens a nap Wamba knockoff Unga bad eye a kind of arizim found me and the bible says that his request was granted because the gracious hand of the Lord was upon him but fast forward if you didn't hey Maya chapter 6 verse 14 and 15 Nehemiah chapter 6 verse 14 and 15 go to 15 so the war was completed on the 25th of a ruler in 52 days when all our enemies had about this all the surrounding nations were three and lost their self-confidence because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God name I am a fire cars me Monsieur nakum our to Hualien among go knock a mutiny obey at each angle Kuta how awkward a monk mihari party like any video area area video kazimir Anika Wiley sama how our new mangu and I was idea the owner Mir equally across suburbia if we are kuta let me see your mom very good yahoo Gengo kuta meaning mi repellent Emma Nevada could be one Emma I kinda am where we wait and him call them saravana a tkachenko kuta my brother my sister received the spirit of grace er because they are things are you are going to do in the next 10 years not by might not by power but by the spirit of the Living God the spirit of grace er to rest upon you he the mighty name of Jesus so that when you are doing your business er you are not her owner when you are doing ministry here are not her own come out to my aqua aqua how did she from here to Kuan Yew ba R on the moon and I food to my Aklavik aqua Aparna who tell my mangu like any movement occupancy aneema now everyone dokie when doko BD y Shara from you Jesus tofu nor Quan mi apana naman Bo ya - iike bossy who do my aqua Tonga second so who roam Tecate Fuu maloha one Emma he if he is the author in the giver of all Chris because grace is multifaceted I mean a man designing engi kunam tonight a genie McCall Duma Naima India Kalia Naima in the marketplace but the Spirit of God is the author he is the author and the giver of all grace the Bible says in the book of Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 29 that he is a spirit of grace how much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the Covenant that sanctified him and who has insulted the spirit of grace the possibility Mokomoko for integrity foo bassy Otis Ameri because the ndo convict ah - ah - boo - boo than the Apache awha - naeema Yakuza mano - every form of ungodliness so at our catchiness mi mangu miss ivy Enoshima etiquette if you miss idea you watch a zombie attack ooh jackpot ero horn hammer now he'll talk when I'm goofy aku's Emma no - every form of ungodliness and that is why I'm saying there is a prince you walk together with God the Bible says we are coworkers you don't just wait for God to do everything he comes halfway and you also go half way and make things happen he gives you the grace he anoints you he gives you the power and then you take the power and authority and you make things happen why am I saying this because I know we ain't at time and the creation is groaning waiting for the manifestation of the science of God and before the exact and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ the sons of God will be manifested like father like son Jesus aid the things that I see my father do I also do so if the creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God the creation is waiting for people who are going to do the same thing they are father does so if we become crybabies Korea Oh - number Giavanna - number geomungo minimum ten days Nanao do my angry chakra Nigeria Aparna their dynamics of answered prayer mwah takoyaki rocky - Catemaco boom brother Kuja acquisition occupancy amma occupancy Oh Paco acaba TM gufu anima be aware Cabo well mmm do do la quinta de cría Trumbo Kip here say Amen oh ooh - Yagami Rhema that means I had a camera in Yogyakarta camo akinesia min honggi me many taco fania Nita Koopa reso Otesaga me Rima you Telugu so Joey you Tarifa Manabe shaytani suitable more missing amoeba cat Academy nu Otis Emma enough is enough because this kingdom has been falsely advancing and false if you man lay hold of it so if we don't have forceful men and our economies a mundo what - Ana raise a Qui Qui she Mia Kyoto a Carissa Khedira coo quani moon were you happy Bona to Anika Sasaki born attorney Martin rockin the Kasbah bakunawa - and I'm going to aku di Chiba mohombi Nana say Monica Boccia iniquity and go Niko partying Emma new patio foon or when they walk attended go and hit the sick going lazy dead go and cast out demons my pepper King Yemma Holly Kuno Katina nimesh iguana mihari - now Mara - Camozzi I'm a penguin a synchronous you got a mother who caribou tourism ahoy I'm a pooja cos wama Kuja Christoffel yes what a pity and Antioch oh the a musical but you to Khufu hakama pepper yet the kapa haka mama pepper he had that idea Gina Rocco it is because you have allowed God to anoint you the same way he anointed Jesus and everywhere he went he did good He healed the sick he delivered the oppressed McCrory is a deliverer in this prayer season a delivery in your family a deliverer in your village I deliver in your city a deliverer in your nation when I reason and I lead about the stories of men of God Ike in the Xhosa due to a minor security a common idea good acronym katana watch ow now I'm a para reisen's the Iguana makutano Diana semis if I be a man of God who on Kuta know how tough I Iike now finally Coutinho Waikiki nikasha Babu Gani Kwanzaa Babu found they were mangu Niwa Kunio anyone know whare wananga Nana one out TECA Kwan gufu leukemia - mom grassy my mission now finally my moment Guinea with a Kufa table - Iike like a new kitchen takasi come a video to make Watsuki file now it won't be Aparna Nathanial Champa Zaza amber - - aku a treasure this treasure is in the jars of cream wanker keep our choco way Takara Morocco where can a Morocco danyoung goo welcome America welcome to Fusako danyoung and a hooter see mama nakute angles a mambo you shall declare see we shall come to pass so their dynamics of answered prayer whereby what winner is a qui she Mia coyote what he go Jeremy what is salmon and og a moon IG boom I ami now moon when as Emma it is finished it is finished I know there is God's path I know they are divine interventions where God can send angels where God can raise his grace his anointing he gives you divine backing but you must also be akka wakka akka wakka is somebody who works together with another we are Caracas with our Lord Jesus Christ yeah a funny Kyra Quito ransom ah to us a meadow now here same here - ha - Teresa quickly misa-nee Melissa - seppuku Bali Google's aramta qatif ooh ziwei julia my share - to my own air combi Rome Tecate foo the analytic formula not Attica first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 17 Paul Alice Emma man in Ohio for Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel not with words of human wisdom lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power under EAJA mañana mañana con mucho here combat the cross can be emptied of its power Ninian away the Cohanim zaraba when a canal non-google and a chapter 2 from verse 1 1st Corinthians 2 verse 1 when I came to you brothers I did not come with eloquence all superior wisdom as I proclaim to you the testimony about God for I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified I came to you in weakness and fear and with much trembling loss was my message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words but with a demonstration of the spirit power so poor honest Emma miserable is su una razón a kanaka maole a nanny Ezequiel AO kirim Tanaka bara calcium Sabha in azoty who kena mechana security yacon I sure am sorry bah ha Tacoma Jango mask of a two-way navamsa raba a mangu Ohio Nisha I am sorry bah wah wah to Rasheeda noms urabá ha to Nishida 'no calcium's araba rocky me to kanashii de Grasse babu what will only go fou yeah classy young zaraba Nepal a Cosima miserable you know rizona Kahuna gufu Kwanzaa Babu Gandhi Enda nah Hakeem I am weary okey anda now fossa walk one gear Menino masuri sir about Hakkasan gufu Paul raucous Emma Mimi siku takaguchi I wrote a little coup to a number one yes to a miss Ruby schwa number two Rome Tecate Fuu I made two more - epoch with yak when you I came with a demonstration of the spirits power idiot my an easy way Julia Hakim I wanna damn lucky Nakata Kangoo foo Yoong zaraba y ESO Cristo wat pendra Sakuya Leo 121 ashinaka mom Sara babadook Anangu vu in akhira katafanga williams araba yani kani Niram Tecate foo because the Holy Spirit is an equal partner in the work of redemption wha - deuterium inany calle es su Saira Bonnie nanniversary luckily our Father is the author of salvation for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him may not perish but have eternal life our Father is the author of our salvation and then he sent his son to pay the cost of our Redemption yes you are Kakuta akari panorama yo como si wet a repo Marisa a Cosima it is finished a kakuta fuga occasion yes iguana Fonzie rocky Nia Columbia had a common enemy orphaned Esha hakama me marry panorama yellow Kovu me marry panorama guarana me marry bugger AMA Yamaguchi WA Niman funny comma Cikini Muhammad a genie a Columbia don't leave Jerusalem why until you receive a power from on high so I require of me a quote for P he kasi it is not a one-man show we are all working together the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit I have done my part and it is expedient that I may be able to go back because unless I go he will not come baba boom bang go wah wah Kovu Nene Cuccinelli played any yokomo see when that kid Acuna witness answer at the kujaku venetie Kazi here Danny and Byron America the boss of the Bible says where the Spirit of God is there is freedom know I'm working here mihari purporting an ass Emma what were fukui with Danny Mary poor what would you Arana Danny Mary poor what to upon Yvonne joy Danny marry poor Latino horsey poor Kuja hakama Danny marry poor Nana telephone wa9 yet our poem Agora Sudan Somalia he is an equal partner we have been treating the Holy Spirit is like he is by the way if we want him to come he can come but it is not a must Hussein it is not a must it is a must for us to receive the Holy Spirit if we are going to see the implementation of the work of the cross and that is why today I introduce you to the third person of the Godhead who is the Holy Spirit Cassy Aki Nakhon Phanom zaraba Luciana Connie mechanical Marengo vu how long would you have a pepper how long am I going to AH how long will my zucchini how long would she Arana Kira Tina fania miserable one a kanaka maole and Gugu it is when we remove the holy spirit in the equation because the charge has removed the holy spirit ur in the equation of the work of redemption and that is why men like Paul they could not leave the holy spirit behind in the book of Acts chapter 19 from besoin as I finish and the worship team is coming at chapter 19 from verse 1 while a prose was at : Paul took the Lord through the interior and arrived at Ephesus there he found some disciples and asked him did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed the answer no we have not even had that there is a Holy Spirit so for asked then what baptism did you receive John's baptism they replied pour Sade John's baptism was a baptism of repentance he told the people to believe in the one coming after him that is Jesus on hearing this they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus when Pope raised his hands on them the Holy Spirit came on them in this book in tongues and prophesied a Perrault's ally appear in Giri Rohini how could you are man we're on target if you re Giorgio party so I wanna por arriba' Kuja Cowell Riza Maury Povich Eva Marie aramta cattivo vacas Emma watch a couple care otaku see Kia there is a holy spirit we have not had ha to jamia passed away to re to a mere to to patisserie uberta sotoba para Columbia Oh Bertie so a Ohana who may expire Johanna when you aricema Poonam wing given Akutan you may hang on by Ottavia to via kc5 before now who you at our bodies are quran Tecate fou Nemoto Jesus is the Baptizer of the Holy Ghost and fire receive the Holy Spirit today tell the Holy Spirit er I cannot do without you I know I am supposed to receive the power and then when I receive the power I can approve ah I can destroy I can overthrow I can pull down and then I can be able to builder and planta when you receive the Spirit of God you become a spiritual builder I have written a book on becoming a spiritual builder and this is a great elaboration of becoming a spiritual Buddha I remember when the Holy Spirit was I think it's about two years ago when they this word came to me past a friend of mine and I to a level Elijah I can appear Simo granion be a post-hoc on and eternity on Yeshua maybe onion choker on a Pharisee one my babeh bow Saffy Marie cognitum bear and gan equal Hera now me me to rip okuu turn on away me who Canyon be a kid Amina and a couch Inga hockey GOI cuon Akana kawatche ana Keneally's am an endodontic Nene are too queer the capita who knew her listen and it was a mama a lot o who can help a team on a committee in the react woman at which a moon to confine a mutant or a condom on oahu dry and that is the first time I started sharing the revelation of becoming a spiritual builder when I shared the holy spirit quickened in Nairobi for Columbia who tuned a deal didn't bow south Juliana who notice a vehicle Jenga Kiera Umberto hottie John Akana vacatio map a dolphin or walk open Iike New Jersey rocky Roe nyuk Wamba kooky were equipped Nana Noah mangu now Maggie takasi now Okinawa Boozer on Tecate ooh ooh no answer couch anga mom Bombay oh yeah Miyako Moochie way no taifa hurry Girona cuesta Babu we see spiritual builders in the Bible they are there Jeremiah was a spiritual Buda our because when you coach anger and a joke Obama engineer re agenda you ma a lacuna Quechua samples of zodanga naka samarasimha to Chiba Cheney the onion bypass America cook Korea to come or VC key Nami and buy a Maui do you my party Mary Paco Korea was a Bobby Osito Aki now Cooper Aki so now i oq m jz 1 kilo ransom oh joy Obama Kuna mah boya Kumar Kuna mom we're repo una mom where who ambushed ah the oka jangle now cap and a no-no Reza Korea me a coyote fukiko Giovanni Mambo Gattaca my shaco classical Jaime Rocco Nana's Emma Nina cougar chair we are caucus Pooja Nico Penghu foo Pooja mokuba Emma now awareness who Kappa Moy you Kapoor who can who she and a food chain key now Pandey that is why no one should despise you that you are an intercessor no tell them you are a spiritual engineer well an ingenuity door unagi mihari Munna more una Haruna Gousha bad eye Munna Changa Raja Babu whom a lever here combi who made wa kooyenga kilo yes Lucas Emma Kiera pondo amber ogia baba Mary Panda return gonna wanna miss easy NaNoWriMo Kuna map and Oh yummy penguin are doing now where we do topo Qian GU GU GU Ohio map and OH that is why nickimja to see and Raekwon's inequity shibito cosmic ooze yaki ratito to nepata aqua tisha Cunha mambo tuna pata Coco piranhas Baraka z2c McCauley WA namun KU r dunya he Nakamoto op Evita with a queer jawani , wanna wise lady Sansa receive a when the Quran umami abana Nippon Emma Nippon gufu NEPA where's Sheila Buganda Babu's Rika began debar Barea and then manga coupon/email coupon to vous una India neroon an Zachary boo Kazi Asheton to navona Evo the Bible says submit to God less sees the devil and you free from you in the mighty name of Jesus so kwanghee Acacia energetic wanna time' intercession interceding with the father so that he can do that which honor him can do even in our lives but we also have three days of warfare and declaration so that we also exercise una Mambo meter quango sake on their way when when you eat a deal now and there'll be an impact una semana mango di musica kinky little Juan Garza who died a shoe Rekia now turn a motoki unless Americans Bob were Dominican a mambo Roman were in your Gaza who Yeshua Kia necrotic well guru nanaka declare kata Nayaka on Daka katha Commission those are the dynamics of answered prayer that even when you are waiting upon God God will not do everything for you that is why penis Emma mulethi come on in toto Mariotti eat Akashi Nehemiah chili Baraka my Bible it is your Toto live in you our to worm a coma righto a Maulana chua chua now Vasya when I Raisa could be an Evita not enough Anya heavy because we have been able to align ourselves with God the righteousness of God the kingdom which is the power of God is upon our lives and the anointing of a Holy Spirit then we can be able to implement that which God desires to be done in our lives jesus said do not leave Jerusalem quani to see you okay who me to fund a shammy rocket a to whom a who from Sarah Bonanomi fuuka Connie to see and okay Nick was a Babu the Holy Spirit must come he is one now who is going to be with you until the end of the age from Tecate pet iguana kinesin pakka can easily occur even that is why we are not going to see the full manifestation of the spirit of Antichrist Kwanzaa Babu Google's aramta Katif was eaten maria pakka can easily agree we can easily connect aura then the world will see the full manifestation of a spirit of Antichrist that spirit is at work but the full manifestation mama Maggie no NAWAPA Hayat Africa racemic Anissa Kwanzaa you know key whatever Tyra do a toner surah committee here oi'm pinga crystal but as long as the church is around the Spirit of God is at work and that is why the season we are entering is a season where we need to allow the Holy Spirit to take over and to give us the power to leave victorious life Victoria Guinness evil are gonna see victory over the powers of darkness victory over all manner of sickness and disease it is the power of the Holy Spirit ER that to help us to leave the Correa's lives and till Jesus come and Jesus is not coming for a defeated church that is desirey to go to heaven Jesus is coming for a glorious for victorious for a church that has been able to overcome because he overcame we shall also overcome we need the power of a holy spirit today we are going to meet them in acacia from 9:30 a.m. until 1:00 a.m. 9:30 p.m. 1:00 a.m. keone Saturday Mikado - Kannamma on be higher in Asia free the next week Saturday and Sunday to talk wanna makutano can Doha Tanabata so tomorrow from 3 to 5 - the Cranham kuta no sunday badabada 3 to 5 stock Wenham kitano 20 reg Wamba - under a coma minimum 20 Requiem Google's among goo Google's aramta cattivo scene from waking you a Chaco manually po SI un delito mafia wanna me see where Z C where C coupe Agana I will if you wanna go I cannot be able to conquer the land that you are keeping unto me he the mighty name of Jesus are without the power or the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit is the one who has supernatural insider even of the future when he is praying through you and interceding for you he is able to intercede for 10 years to come he the mighty name of Jesus so today why don't you welcome him why don't you say Holy Spirit it's not about your charger it's not about your religion it is about the power of God that brings freedom to the lives of men HIDA mighty name of Jesus provided in Yakko one Mirim Tecate fou caribou kemal jump ok a zoo resi mom pokey a zoo Kwanzaa the Omkara besharam Tecate fou cabo make okishima zombie rasa mom Carrie bishop ROM Tecate few Kwanzaa welcome al cuerpo now a penico to Buddha Masako Natalie hi mami mangu say my boner years sue miss amina mokou-san Bassanio fania Lisa fish economy Yakko now Kwan's EST quia leo kniepp okay we wanna more cozy warm Aisha Ambu New Jersey salsa naranja wacom taykitty Fuu they could to Mickey Kwan's EST quia leo amen Babineaux be aware what remember Helio be let the power of the Holy Spirit also come upon them give them the grace of Prayer let's show them that had box readin in the mighty name of Jesus our God in Jesus name forgive us o my father anything that can hinder their outpouring of your Holy Spirit are upon our lives um we repent o god that you may send us a time of refreshing from the throne of grace ER oh god the church has been power ism but we know my father you desire to send us a richer outpouring on of your Holy Spirit our and here we are we sanctify our eyes to you we open our eyes to you feel as afresh with the power of the Holy Spirit are more of you Holy Spirit are more of your power Holy Spirit are more of your anointing upon my life anoint me afresh in the mighty name of Jesus yesterday's anointing I cannot help you to do the assignment of today anoint me a fresher with an anointing for the season on that I may be able to face the kingdom of darkness on that I may be able to face the works of the enemy he remind him of Jesus anoint me Lord by your Holy Spirit our give me now the power Sheila bog and Abba for the kingdom of God sovereign Firenze in the faretta shall a hoarder or Vater I refuse to be a weak believer a weak intercessor a weaker Menace of the gospel ah I receive the anointing ah I receive the power I am hungry I am hungry I am thirsty for you sheikha Buganda fill me today fill me today Chaka Buganda shaaka began Dhamma I desire to see the world to do to do the works of God the creation is waiting up for the manifestation of the sons of God shatter a Buganda Rekha Buganda bar Rekha began da ba Rekha began da ba anoint me alone call upon the name of the lord call upon the name of the Lord yeah seek for the power we wait upon you this is our upper room where you are is your upper room tell the Holy Spirit ah I am waiting upon you I pray for a leech out boiling of your power upon my life in the mighty name of Jesus hila mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus Kotaku is my shield are you know younger mommy I wanna tackle music or nywhere zakapa gana Vita be a key role here is a committee key my name appear who knew okati of India my name appear my new mafia for my new mafia johani see my new mafia Ayakashi amumu - Nutella wanna make a church is a tune attack a queen open Yahshua kyung-gu - Nutella Conoco ballsy a mouse yahwah Kawada we worship You Lord we give you praise god bless you as you continue the presence of god the worship team is taking over just continue to surrender and tell the Holy Spirit ah thou art welcome mommy Ivana nice efficient New Jersey non-google Saco Hejaz Inara welcome to achieve fou in the mighty name of yes come on man come on a or caca on my own by Hill OMB you can send your name and we can be able to follow up on you and be able to encourage you and guide you in their ways of the Lord become a member on Villa walk over our numbers will be on the screen so that you can send your name and we can be able to call you back god bless you the lobby with you [Music] in front of my you are all you are all [Music] underground for to you and I Jesus you are all that matters you are all that matters I put you in front in front you are you are on they prefer to you and I [Music] you are all you are all [Music] you are all that matters Oh [Music] you are all [Music] whoa [Music] in front in front of my Oh [Music] you were [Music] you and I Jesus you are all that matter you are in front of my you are all that matter you are all that matters [Music] you and I you are [Music] [Music] you were the car [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen if I don't have you in and watch what I do if you take the Holy Ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are all [Music] in front of my you are [Music]
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 25,340
Rating: 4.8146486 out of 5
Id: 0Q3tModtK5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 15sec (7155 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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