Chief Keef on Hiding Pain with Silence | The Therapist

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so you ever been in therapy yeah yeah yeah what why do you smile about it you didn't did you enjoy it or did you you didn't like it no oh really what did you like about person going therapy you know what it's a much you don't say much well that's interesting cuz therapy is talk they're very but we want to have an experience here what about that that's how an experience my name is dr. Siri satnaam saying and I'm a licensed therapist this week I'm sitting down with an inner Matic young rapper who is notorious for his tough exterior and silent demeanor but today he is pushing himself into the uncomfortable this is Chief Keef [Music] Keith Cozart also known as rapper chief keith was arrested last month for possession of marijuana 17 year old rapper chief keith has been sentenced to probation after a pointed a gun at a Chicago police officer in 2011 so your hometown is Chicago Chicago are you still living there I moved like three years ago where you live now Tarzan LA California wouldn't you so we left Chicago mmm what did we leave behind sickness sickness yeah you know like away from bad the best of the fact I used to be and I used to get in trouble with the law daily basis did you say daily uh-huh so you were dodging them or were you trying to get their attention dodge I would try to get their attention but you said you did it daily so maybe you were unconsciously trying to get their attention I mean no they get the day Norma I'm Chief Keef so I am the attention I just have a hunch I don't know anything about your history that maybe when you were younger you're still young that you didn't get much attention am i onto something about on to something yep I didn't know I was you know younger when I was growing up there's no that was like I just want to hang with my cousins and they're my because and it was what I wanted to be that's how you tried to hang with them you know is that the cousin that that symbolizes yeah exactly one but yeah they got killed yeah police are investigating the death of 33 year old Mario Hass we shot up to 10 times last night in Inglewood near 56 in South Elizabeth with the investigation underway officials say there are no suspects at this time this violence do something to you I mean you came from Chicago I want to apologize Chicago there's a lot of violence there none that you look for bathing's let it come to you and it ever does as if it does what and then you seek you know what she did and you lost a lot of friends to violence I mentioned some of the names let's give them was face right now that that you've lost the violence oh my brother cap couple Marvin OD Y white but um kita limo there's a lot of gas even from the front was it mo even it was more yeah did you just feel that loss of your friends oh is that very uncommon it's been felt what did you do with those feelings take him and say here you want me to laugh this out oh you want me to uh you know not crying I you know he want me to just laugh this out and be like it won't me laugh you know here want me to keep going and smile you know I do I could understand how on the other side our loved ones want us to keep going but yet I just wonder if it's very emotionally healthy not to feel hurt and loss you know well deeper you go here mmm the freer and the more evolved you will be you're already doing great things and so we're holding the potential that you can even do more as you access that stuff that's in the darkness that you're trying to keep in the dark the bad boy that's in the dark that comes into the light what about that what what do you can you get that image yeah that's why I'm here [Music] so let's talk about that lack of retention that was dad and mom in your life gotta kind of yeah what's kind of okay so where did you live when you were younger did you live with mom and dad laughs where did you live my girl oh yeah so the grandmother raised you grand huh yeah yeah that's what grandmother's do tell me my grandmother you know it's always been like this you know always been close still I taught I like my friend every day yeah I'm a shy least taste uh but she takes me a lot you know she's Braille of you know and try to keep me on right track at all time they showed oh that's wonderful you could tell grandmother anything mm-hmm and she will never desert you true never turn her back on you and like tuning in to your grandmother's oh yeah I'm just sensing your grandmother from what you a few words you said her magnanimity just came into the room you know to end your love you got a 13 so dad how much was dad in your life oh no don't know you don't get it so you got I don't know so you got Norton I'll still talk to him you still talk straight yeah so you got no attention from dad but grandmother gave you a lot of attention and you smell it mom and grandma mom and grandma mom and grandma I think I needed my dad I have my mom I'm wrong okay I'm cool okay my cousin okay at that age how much hundred years older were they than you you know so those probably 20 soon Frank I was probably like 17 yeah so he's always won a hotel and they took the minute to see you know the see that I was able to change so that young boy was looking for a father image dan gives us a respect of authority so I mean maybe a part of you doesn't have respect of authority okay okay so we may be onto something that dad gave you know attention I mean I just closed this house okay but not really the attention you need it so you unconsciously are getting the attention of other authority male figures for lease what about that you ever connected speech yeah yeah that you trying to get the attention unconsciously of male authorities because she didn't get it back then I think I'll a Bello never thought that geez yeah so what are you gonna do with that awareness that you maybe unconsciously asking for their attention by doing things that just respect the man's law you may be doing going by chief Keef's law but sometimes that breaks man's love you notice though that I do can be done another way so you do have the awareness that they could bring you down oh yeah you got that awareness oh yeah Oh have you been brought down um yeah what's the longest you spent in jail three months four months what Lots I have to do long how was the four months you were in there talk about that girls can find most of the time 23 hours every day oh yeah came out one hour every day I would think that would be a haunting memory that should maybe deter you doing things to get back there I would let that memory hot me okay rather than just yourself I don't even think about it yeah maybe you should yeah maybe that's why you know you continue to go by Chief Keef slaw cause you don't sit with that experience that your freedom was taken away what do you need to do I should have done so that you don't get locked up for 23 hours a day try to stay away from whatever it was that I was doing and going another way okay leaving it that way they'll take it another way to conquer and not be conquered okay is either you conquer are you gonna be conquered so you know they're looking at you your children yeah they're looking at you so you want them to continue to look at you out in the outside world they can't look at you if you imprisoned lets behind a glass we don't want that I know right now I don't want that for you but you have to say you don't want that for you and began to do so that that what will happen so you don't have to experience that yeah I don't want that you don't want that so it's like you got the image of the bad boy where do you have the image of the good boy no I mean the good boy images look like less talking about this and I don't know okay right though I don't know where I can help you with assist you with that image Go Go horn maybe begin to respect man's law and not chief Keith's law that's hard didn't it because of your people you looked up you always they were older than you you wanted to be like them does that make any sense to you yeah yeah and so in your psyche to the man was to be hard and rough and maybe violent is that hitting on to something like boy stuff yeah so we're trying to create that image for you so we're going to acknowledge the fact that you have a love of guns unless okay so I'm just wondering if there's some kind of way you can get into guns legally safely to acknowledge your love so that you don't have to do it illegally I'm just wondering is that way no I actually I substitute I took my I took it's a paintball and I was doing it everyday took it so serious oh wow oh I was going again can you say that a little louder I'll never have to have a gun again I'll never have to have a gun again okay I'll feel that way ever I don't know how to have a gun again again right and now that you're a man what do we do with that voice stuff you can cremated cremated all right better growth realize good and see you there you go I'll put it in the seat miss Downes it's gone gone okay they ready what about when you left this session that you went and planted a small tree to ask your team to get a small tree to symbolize the new life of Chief Keef and to watch it grow the real tree a real like a little bush and just see it grow like your children and this is your new like her she just cremated you gotta have a rebirth uh-huh would that be something that would be meaningful for you oh yes also and water it every day like used to be you got the attention of the police every day we cremated that then water you want some water yes his water thank you it's cool gracias you just watered the tree those toast maybe I should have some water on that we have a toast to the tree for the nutrient news Oh just just just sit there and feel the love of your freedom the love of your grandmother the love of your children the love of yourself to where you will reach your potential and live to your highest destiny what does that feel like well I want to be where you want to be free and in love or what are you feeling right now first rate yeah yeah seriously it's a little high but okay filling this is a nice this is cool I don't anymore I like well we have this little practice in our session here where we see what the Veon wants to communicate to you in to see if it resonates something that hits home with you so these are angel cards and just let the Veon talk to you take one big one anyone anyone okay openness you don't have a refutation I don't think of being open do you know if that has any Verity of truth to it it's communicating that they want you to continue to be open so you have this openness to your life your higher life I can see this they come you didn't see this day coming no no me talking last my down there some house of trouble you know Joe never I mean the talk service service since the good life over for you oh I so this was a good experience for you yeah you know because I haven't said I say been done this in a long time so for me to do this is like a big step not a talk to you I don't let people in on my life and you know talk about stuff drama and all this so yes so that has some truth to it uh-huh I was like via what did you get out of this today that what you thought was gonna happen cuz you already said you this took you by surprise you no no and you think you did maybe why not be a Cheeto dealer deep you know but you think you stand away from something she can be showing yourself back to that and not even knowing it you know so you're saying you went back into your past and brought it into the present to positively impact your future right your new life which would be no firearms not being imprisoned no violence staying in love with ourselves feeling the love of our grandmother and to get that good attention not from the police thank you now you you
Channel: Noisey
Views: 4,714,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music, rap, artist, Chicago, guns, Noisey, health, water, therapy, healing, Meditation, jail, Incarceration, musician, Chief Keef, grandmother, tree, blood money, vice, journalism, documentary, underground, vice videos, punk, independent, exclusive, vice magazine, noisey music, noisy, music news, sosa, love sosa, earned it, biggucci sosa, biggucci, big gucci sosa, citgo, love no thotties, APCLPWCL124153118
Id: p5LmDlzExlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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