Kermode Uncut: The Issue Of Accents...

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we anywhere from here so here which means we are on one of these two edges or would be cost right if we're on this Ridge we must be right next to the you both now this submarine was based on the u-boat design so we find the u-boat we could enter and we take the drive shaft been in water for 70 years useless now no no the black sea's anoxic at depth no oxygen no decay that's perfectly preserved Roman galleons idea welcome to come out uncut black sea the submarine thriller starring Jude Law is about to come out on blu-ray and DVD may remember when the film opened in cinemas Jude Law and Kevin Macdonald the director came on the radio 5 live show I do with Simon Mayo he talking about the movie which both Simon and I liked I kind of enjoyed it I like this under Paul Stroh phobia of the submarine setting all it was a good well-made thriller but there were some questions raised about Jude Lords accent in the film he uses an Abba dhania accent and when I saw Reed it didn't trouble me at all man I'm from North London and it sounded fine to me in fact I think during the course of the interview Simon Maher may even have congratulated Jude Law on his accent back to your posts we leave in an hour I'm in staunch if I could him then with the film open we started getting emails from people from Aberdeen people who really have a good ear for an avid alien accent they said believe me that accent isn't really up to snuff you know why didn't they just make him an English character who happens to be working in this environment you know was it really necessary to go with that accent now as I said as far as I'm concerned the jury is out it's often the problem it's just that you see somebody using an accent which you don't necessarily associate with them and something sounds wrong about it there's a film ants in the Muslim moment called robot over Luke just shot in the Isle of Man with Ben Kingsley Ben Kingsley in the film does what sounds to me like a nonspecific generic northern accent I have to say to my ear it went a bit a bargain every now and then and yet of course Ben Kingsley I mean you know lived in sulfur it's like he knows what the accent is meant to sound like is it just the fact that I can see Ben Kingsley doing it makes me think that he's acting of course the question of adopting accents of whether to try it or whether to just bypass it is really really central for most actors some actors are brilliant at it look at people like Saoirse Ronan I mean she appears to have the most extraordinary capacity with accents any accent she does sounds utterly natural look at domhnall gleeson I was actually quite surprised when I heard Donald Gleason's normal speaking voice because I'd seen him in other films and didn't realize that he was doing an accent in films like Frankie just sounded completely natural and that's the most difficult thing to make your voice sound natural to the person whose ear is naturally attuned to that particular accent of course many actors work round the basis of putting in a line to explain their accents I love Jason Statham whichever films Jason Statham does he basically uses the same accent and sometimes he'll try and do an American accent but more often than not there'll be something about he's doing an American but maybe he grew up in Britain maybe he spent a bit of time in Europe something to explain it away Liam Neeson whenever he does an American accent there's often something about oh well yes he's American but he's Irish and then of course think about Sean Connery now Sean Connery has become somewhat famous for his ability to do the same voice whatever he's doing you remember there was a movie poll some time ago in which Empire Magazine did the worst movie accents of all time and very very top of the pile well Sean Connery doing Irish in the Untouchables I mean you watch that film he's not doing Irish she's just doing Sean Connery it does sound exactly like every other Sean Connery performance of course there are few things worse than seeing American actors trying to do Irish accents and getting it done badly think for example of Tom Cruise in far and away I mean I quite like Farr in a way but the accents are ridiculous think of Mickey Rourke in a prayer for the dying possibly the most ear scraping Northern Irish accent you have ever heard in your life because one of the most interesting things about actors adopting an accent is when they keep that accent outside of the film shoot itself I once it an interview with Robert Carlyle he was doing a movie that was set in London and he was doing a London accent and I did the interview with him and the interview he kept in the London accent because he said as far as he was concerned he was making the movie he had to keep his ear tuned he didn't want to go back to his natural accent he wanted to stay in character in the long axis he was speaking as Robert Carlyle but in a London accent similarly when Christian Bale made American Psycho he did all the press for that movie with an American accent and he said the reason he did it was he didn't want to put the audience off by them hearing him speaking with an English accent so you see the press interviews for American Psycho and there we have Christian Bale speaking in American accent so what do you think who are the people that really nail it as far as you're concerned with you know really good accent work and perhaps more pertinently what's the worst movie accent you've ever heard tossing the sky and if you say Jude Law in Black Sea we're not going to be on speaking terms where's the bottom that's all crush dad
Channel: kermodeandmayo
Views: 107,716
Rating: 4.9400749 out of 5
Keywords: Kermode Uncut, Blog, Mark Kermode, BBC Radio 5, Live Simon Mayo, Black Sea, Jude Law, Kevin MacDonald, Sean Connery, The Untouchables, Robot Overlords, Ben Kingsley, Sairorse Ronan, Domnhall Gleeson, Frank, Jason Statham, Liam Neeson, Tom Cruise, Far And Away, Mickey Rourke, A Prayer For The Dying, Robert Carlyle, Christian Bale, American Psycho
Id: c-ueyeG2gWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2015
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