Mark Kermode Jack and Jill

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gonna marry ya in fact it may well we're already happened by the by this time next week who knows right so that's an AC it's probably what we're gonna do next after the travel well we I think we should do Jack and Joe cuz I've had to get it out of my system mark has paid 12 pounds odd to go in yeah she says I think nine pounds wit with the ticket and three pounds it was the treats a bucket Oh coke or whatever is ticket look I'm going here there is so the action of the price of the tickets eight pound ninety and I should say that the as I said the staff are very nice and very efficient and I walked down the corridor to the screen which was nice and clean and I used the facilities they were in very good very good order you know I did leave them as I'd like others to find them yes and then I found my way to my seat there was nobody else in the screening room so it was great and the image was projected perfectly onto the screen and the film started the ratio it was 185 I think okay and so and and everything worked perfectly fine from beginning to end and there was nobody else in the cinema to bother me or to kick the back of my chair and I didn't have my phone on I turned it off because I complied with the rules of conduct and I that's it as far as the good stuff is concerned the bad stuff is this so the thing about Adam Sandler and I know how much you know what people want me to do is go off on one about how terribly mean the film is unspeakably bad it is there's really there's no point in in you know gilding that's what it is it is it's just terrible there's an I didn't laugh once in the whole film there was one moment that I might have lost but I'd seen the gag already in the trailer so so the gag wasn't funny however every time I go to see an Adam Sandler film I have in the back of my mind that Adam Sandler made punch-drunk love and anyone who makes punch-drunk love is not stupid and also in punch-drunk love he's really good and the thing that that film did which really work to me is that it took that kind of creepy quality Adam Sandler has and did something interesting with it and I remember talking afterwards to the director Paul Thomas Hanson and you know and saying you a fan of Adam Sandler's me said yeah I am he said I do find his comedies funny yeah I really said yeah I do I like him and I'm saying that the actually the thing you've done is you brought out the you know the other side the dark side you've done something really interesting and I still think punch-drunk love is I can't I can't just let go of Adam Sandler as a result of point 11 matter how many terrible movies he makes so I do this thing that I go in and I fit okay for that they didn't press screen this films and arrogancy fine not a problem there have been films which haven't been pressing it's not necessarily the rule anymore that a film that isn't press screened is any worse than stuff that is why wouldn't they press premium well I mean clearly in what in this case it's because it's utter rubbish and they know that nobody in their right mind is going to say anything nice about it whatsoever that's fine but there have been cases in which movies have been you know pretty much done but are either not properly screened or screen very in very few places that they haven't wanted they haven't gone out of their way to make the film available for you to see and yet actually when you see the film it's much better than you thought so you can't take it as a rule that just because a film wasn't widely press screening it's possible they've had some press screens and this certainly wasn't a national pressure any of whatever so I went in thinking hey you know it might be alright the story is Adam Sandler is two people he's identical twins although he can't be identical because one of them's a boy one of them's girl he's living this kind of market life he's Jack Jill his sister comes to visit him he can't get on with her everything's really difficult they having terribly she's she's basically Adam so on during Dragon she has uh such creature and then he being an advertising executive it's told that he has to get Al Pacino to advertise a product which is the the cap like a cappuccino Frappuccino you know a tablet so he has to get out then the next thing there's an old Robin Williams joke it is and the next thing you know Al Pacino is in the movie and you're going but not just in the movie as a cameo in the movie a lot as Al Pacino this is a clip with Al Pacino in it right just think Bronx let it just flew ok ok ok can you do me a favor and not hold me like this alright I'm just trying to show you we're good I know I gotta do is make contact that's all I feel like this is your game and it's not my gay ego if you want to play my game Hungry Hungry Hippos out today do you have that here ready you guys that's coming utila frontal sickness Jupiter you could use your co-op I just joy but we okay come on know about em pitcher oh oh oh my god oh my god I'm so sorry I'm sure you have others though are you'd think it but oddly enough I don't and that's the gag and that gags in the trailer that's the gags a clip that what's broken is the Oscar okay I've broken your Oscar it's okay I'm sure you'll have others you'd think so know that the gag okay and it's almost letting laugh at that no I didn't know I the first time I heard it in the trailer I went oh that's funny it's Al Pacino making a keg about being snubbed by the Oscars and now and then but that's it okay for the rest of the movie as you heard friendship what happens Al Pacino falls for Adam song in drag Albertina as Al Pacino and he at the beginning of it he's doing Shakespeare somebody's got a mobile phone in the audience he has a go at them he has a meltdown he thing's got to save his career he wants to do man from man she's do Don Quixote he's going to research the robbed Don Quixote therefore he falls in love somebody's you know BRR so he falls frowns on and during the course of the movie they actually directly reference some like it hot which is never a good idea don't reference something like it I just don't because it you know you're only going to look foolish by comparison but I promise you I promise you I went into this thinking okay there must be something in there that's quite funny because Adam Sandler catty can be quite mean Rob Schneider's not there you know it's like it's an antenna but in fact at one point there is a gag about Rob Schneider not being there somebody actually says you know he says oh I've been hanging out with movie Sutter who Rob Schneider somebody says actually I quite like Rob Schneider even that by that point didn't because by that point I just had this thudding sort of migraine like headache because I had been sitting you know when you're waiting to laugh it's like waiting to sneeze what happens as you feel you know when you laugh there's a kind of release involved in it like when you cough or when you say when you hiccup there is some kind of physical relief in it I think okay the movies 90 minutes I've got al pacino in it there's a gag in the trailer that was passingly funny it's not possible to go through the whole length of it without there being one laugh are talking nothing at all it's not possible so at some point I'm going to get to laughs of what I experienced was ninety minutes of waiting to sneeze that tickle in the back of your you know you think I'm Judy other thing with your about sneeze you have to tell everyone you're about to sneeze because otherwise you might surprise them if you look at the Sun or look at the light then you that's the thing that triggers it what if you're waiting to stay if you feel a sneeze coming on and you need to bring it on very fast look at the light okay well if there had been a light in the cinema to look at not only was it I'm fine well I've never heard that before I spent the whole movie waiting to light remember that movie Waiting to Exhale I felt like that and as I wasn't laughing I started to tense up and I started to get this really bad cramp in my neck I started to and I started to realize that what I was experiencing was that awful sort of claustrophobic feeling when you're desperate you're absolutely desperate for the movie to do the one thing it's meant to do which is to make you got that release of and you don't and the more you don't the more you become like somebody crawling along in an eric just desperate for anything somebody being hit on the head with a you know with it with the wheel of fortune' somebody falling over a scene in which somebody sits in a loo and has a conversation with their other self in the other side with fart noises going on I mean it's a you know a diarrhea scene right that's the comic highlight Adam Sandler talking to himself through a toilet wall to the sound of diarrhea whilst Al Pacino goes hoo ha hoo-ha hoo-ha and makes a joke about the fact he hasn't got enough Oscars there has to be a laugh in there if there really has to be it's not possible for that and I there was nothing nothing nothing at the end there was a guy the usher was standing there waiting it was work okay and I walked out the cinema on my own and he looked at me and he went all right and I went all right and we knew we both knew what had happened in that cinema nothing nothing had happened at all but you had a relationship at all had happened you don't need to be touched when there's only you there anyway I wanted to laugh in sufficient laughter is grounds for divorce Esther Harvey enjoyed that to rant which she said we wasn't gay that wasn't it no but I do mean that that you know that thing when you really want and we've just remote so that you said it with just disappointment it's more than disappointment it is like that thing when when you when you want to cough when you want to it is I don't you come out got have you not if you never seen a comedy when you've never laughed at all oh yeah yeah all right but you haven't you just sit then get getting bored yes okay and disappointed okay I don't have a physical kind of sense of revulsion don't you okay all right fine all right just me then I do and I and I and I you know at some point Adam song we'll do something good again Esther see and Esther says I thought mark was going to cry at one point but I do love I felt like that I do love the shawshank ask relationship with the Usher yeah though exactly very exactly no no it's not good he honestly he must have been standing there in the in hearing the sound of no one laughing hearing this and say one hand clapping they marks a phone just sent a request to like a virgin to Phoenix FM in West Yorkshire with the dedication hello to Jason Isaacs and they just played it and they said that delegations think it's time to take over the airwaves video
Channel: jaiminroger1978
Views: 142,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kermode, Mark Kermode
Id: ySKXQ0vKxpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2012
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