Kermode Uncut: Sequels: The Sequel

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it's not getting out of your body that's the problem is getting old your mind you are an addict I haven't held a hundred thousand change masks you're 12 more steps for my comedy he'll be addicted be addicted to something else where you're running until I feel sick yes or something else you've got to channel it you've got to control it people try all sorts some people just boxing boxing well it's just an example I do it doesn't mean you should will you try to learn to get in away covered uncut last week I did a blog about sequels and how much if we really really loved and original we can be worried about the sequel issues in relation to t2 Trainspotting which actually I think there's a pretty good job of not letting down the original I was asking which films you love and you think you might like a sequel to but the idea of it would worry you and loads and loads of responses this I want to read you to some of them one title that came up time and time again was dread this from patch Adams 1981 color bands dread such a great adaptation of the source material and a shame it didn't do well enough to be granted a sequel I've slogged clearly thought about how I think I misread that film first time around another thing I was fair to it I think it's a much better film than I gave it credit for when it first opened goes on safe now if you follow what was ever made the studio wanted to be part of a wider expanded universe which would take away from what makes the first one so special that would indeed take away some of that unique quality this from small clone direct em Frances Blue Valentine I want to know what happens to Cindy and Dean but it might just might kill me and that's exactly the feeling that I was talking about you want it but also at the same time you worried about it this from GBL 89 I love to find out how the scattered characters of Paul Thomas Anderson's Boogie Nights a finding modern la can you imagine that's probably why it's best left alone and this from Anthony Quinn closing accounts of the Third Kind wouldn't you just love to know what happened to Roy Neary so many many years and thought about this I am sure he would have some wonderful stories to tell see I'm still of the opinion that we've already got more of Close Encounters than we need going into the spaceship all that stuff didn't need that I mean I know there was some tweaking to be done the first release I think there's now at least three different versions Close Encounters was fine with just you know seeing him go off I don't need anything beyond that so now a slightly different note this is very interested in quints ghost what I do like is the approach that Duncan Jones is taking with moon and mute she's not a sequel to moon but it's set in the same universe and there are definite knobs towards moon within mute if you know where to look this is particularly interesting I was talking to Duncan Jones just recently we had a 35-millimeter screening of moon he was talking about mutant about how that was the project he originally wanted to do and then we followed it and now mute is happening and as you say it's kind of it's connected but it's not like directly a sequel or something and it was a fascinating subject also fascinating that Duncan Jones said he was very sad that as it results of the hard time but Warcraft had had we won't see more Warcraft movies Warcraft sequels because as far as he was concerned all the hard work of setting the world up has now been done and that was where the adventure would really begin this from market came as much as I adore David Fincher 7 would I really like to enjoy detective Williams from effect cantle his retirement and get involved in another case without his sidekick Mills in a word no to try again would be a John Doe of an idea with enough we kind of did get a sequel to seven already that terrible Anthony Hopkins films solace was originally written as I sort of spec sequel for seven member solace the one in which Anthony Hopkins is a psychic fat Knapp left left left something bad is anything moving on to some sequels we are going to see this and Paul really alien covenant is a worry from the air you and everybody not because of the right director keep receipt by Prometheus exactly the opposite I'm worried that mr. Scott will bend to public will and make a more alien like film which is an interesting anxiety and this from West 2003 I'm really worried about guardians of the galaxy too I absolutely love the first one I believe it's low good because it was refreshing long to see of Marvel films but are either too generic and plot and premise or take themselves salty seriously my anxiety comes from the prospect of Marvel he never could be making it a cash cow and really all the charms keema can you meet look at the original I'll be honest about this I have a hunch that that's not going to happen I have a hunch the guardians of the galaxy it's actually going to be good white like you no reason to thinking that other than I just remembered the surprise and the first one being as good as it was I think that God the galaxy too might be okay this from Richard goes the Mary Poppins two team are going to have to pull something as brilliant as Julie's interpretation of the part out of a very unique hat good luck yeah good luck just a few final thoughts this from Jimmy this came up a number of times my favorite film of all time is with Mel and I and I wouldn't change a thing about it including the bittersweet ending the idea of seeing them reunite again after all these years is a horrible thoughts and I hope none of the makers or actors are ever tempted because if you're big whistle fan you'll know that in the original ending as it was originally scripted there would have been no chance of a reunion this from Sam dreaded sequel Leone to Natalie Portman returns as a tough vengeful assassin of know this I really liked from be lost in translation never needs to be found in meaning to the lovely phrase and just last you hear from Joel Wilson this discussion immediately reminded me about the sheer beauty of one car wise in the mood for love and now we twist it and kind of ruin those characters in the messy pseudo poetic sequel 2046 I do remember seeing 2046 in town being really disappointed by it I think I should revisit it I think it's probably a better film I remember I remember really feeling let down at the time this room cords miles already been made by the role of depend it hasn't s Darko which is an absolutely bahtman action a strike I can watch as many different cuts of Donnie Darko as we like s Darko we didn't need this from Venza I'd love to see a sequel to the matrix but I'd be worried that they turn it into some rubbish trilogy or something I'm so glad that witch house keys never made a sequel very well played this from eh miles Bladerunner oh wait and this finally from max Frank's 44 The Wicker Man oh I forgot about the wicket rethink I've blanked it from my mind
Channel: kermodeandmayo
Views: 113,709
Rating: 4.8561711 out of 5
Keywords: Kermode Uncut, Blog, Mark Kermode, BBC Radio 5 live, Dredd, T2: Trainspotting, Blue Valentine, Boogie Nights, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, Duncan Jones, Mute, Moon, Warcraft, David Fincher, Seven, Solace, Anthony Hopkins, Alien: Covenant, Prometheus, Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2, Mary Poppins, Withnail And I, Leon, Natalie Portman, Lost In Translation, Blade Runner, S Darko, Donnie Darko, The Matrix, The Wicker Man, The Wicker Tree
Id: 95OFtf4odws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2017
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