Running Free (2000) | Full Movie | CineClips

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I was born in a year when many horses were sent to Africa to work in the copper mines Africa was far away and the journey was very long my mother was pregnant when she was taken from her home she gave birth to me in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean [Applause] [Music] we didn't know where we were being taken or why the ship's rising and falling made my world even more unstable in this strange and unsteady place I taught myself to [Music] stand that is how I started my life I [Music] help I had never seen the land or the light of day I wondered what we were doing here the cold salt water was a shock I had just learned to walk and now I had to teach myself to swim I fought to keep my head above the waves but soon I fell behind [Music] [Music] I heard my mother calling me but try as I might I couldn't swim any faster [Music] he [Music] come [Music] I couldn't answer my mother my throat was full of salty [Music] water I had to find my mother come on I had to find [Music] here what's that coach doing down there H him on the train why didn't they understand that I needed to be with my mother [Music] [Music] I was hungry and thirsty this world made no sense [Music] [Music] [Music] we were packed together in the box cars in the desert heat I didn't see anything Green in this harsh land [Music] why would they bring us to such a place how would we [Music] live I became too weak to stand I found myself moving in and out of Dreams sometimes I thought I was still on the ship I felt that I couldn't hold on much longer [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] I was too too sick to cry out my mother was going away that's when I lost all [Music] hope for [Music] [Music] [Music] po boy what happened to [Music] you drink it'll help this boy had a gentle touch I felt I could trust him easy boy come on Daisy bring me some water it's coming I'm going to take care of you good boy that's enough for now let's go you feel better [Music] I saw horses working everywhere in this town and I wondered what would happen to [Music] me the boy told me that he was taking me to the mine boss's stable where all the pedigreed horses lived he could see that I was no Prince but he took me there any [Music] anyway stay here okay watch him for me you're making yourself Trouble boy no it's all right I have to do something the stallion looked huge to me he made it clear that he ruled the place this stable is for Thor breads you're not welcome here you little runt but I had nowhere else to go get over here so what are you doing there you've already been working there for 3 weeks for me man what's that watch your T did you see a nursing man found a baby kid do I look like I have time for babies she probably died on the ship bad luck for your cult Rich bring it over come on Hur up with [Music] that get a hey come [Music] on come on don't be so choosy try and drink some I couldn't find your mom but I'll stay with you I promise I missed my mother I would never stop looking for her [Music] good morning Cesar how are you boy wrap his legs and give him a wrap down what what's this I found him in a box go what's your job boy wasting time or taking care of my horses I felt sorry for him I think his mom is dead let me keep him just for for a while I handsome all right thank you he's in a good mood today why did you do that then as better as you said no the boy's got nothing he's an orphan a little friend can't [Music] [Music] Hur boss lives there he's got his own private wealth with nice clean water not like the dirty junk at the Town stay away from Caesar he's handsome but mean that's our Beauty she loves to play She's much nicer than her father Beauty come here [Music] I hadn't even paid any attention to Beauty before but out here Beauty was funny and full of life I couldn't take my eyes off of her her father Caesar was angry to see us together Beauty this is my boy lucky I was was only the stable boy's horse I wasn't good enough to play with his daughter do you like [Music] him she likes you lucky do you want to play together [Music] brother [Music] I hope that Caesar would begin to like me once he knew me but I was wrong you useless little runt if you come near my daughter I'll kick your teeth in poor Beauty having him for a father I thought thought someone should challenge him [Music] I have bad news her manager hardly a surprise we all knew war in Europe was expected yeah yeah I must say interesting the improvements you've made here it's finally a town I have plans for this place you may need to change your plans this war is spreading to Africa we expect the enemy to attack the town if they bomb the tracks you'll be stranded here we can't defend your town we still think you have a few weeks in the event of an attack you must be ready to evacuate this is an order roast don't give me any trouble Caesar e easy easy EAS where's his brush do it again keep that run out of here away from him yes sir go to HS get some more I'm my way sir today's mood's pretty [Music] bad it wasn't only in the stable that the world was unfair in town as people prepared for War I saw something else horses were forced to walk in circles to draw water from the town well now you know why they brought you here [Music] I decided on one thing that day I would never be chained to a [Music] wheel I Was Born to Run free and wild no one taught me this it was something I knew in my blood [Music] lucky good boy [Music] good boy do you miss you Mom I heard a familiar voice my mother was calling from far away [Music] there we go easyy [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] I had dreamed of this moment over and over but Caesar didn't give us much time Caesar was Furious that a lowly Workhorse had dared to enter his domain [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Applause] [Music] [Music] I was so sad I wasn't strong enough to protect my mother easy boy [Music] easy easy I'll never forget the sight of my mother being led away she tried to hide it from me but I could tell that she was badly [Music] [Music] hurt thr her yeah she's hurt did she work nah she's finished I think she's going to be okay let's hope I know how you feel [Music] my mother needed me I had to find her you [Music] [Music] [Music] I thought I heard a horse in the distance it was my [Music] mother she was very weak [Music] no one came to help I stood by her all night praying that she would survive I would take her far away from [Music] here my mother didn't make it [Applause] [Music] I knew I couldn't stay in this place [Music] a [Music] but I've looked everywhere for him he says lucky doesn't have a chance I have heard stories about a Hidden Lake out there somewhere in the mountains perhaps your hor found it huh I don't believe in fairy tales lucky where were you I was so worried are you okay I had no other home except my boy I knew he would never turn me away looks like a snake [Music] bite we've got to fix this fast I'll take Cesar's medicine [Music] look dad I told you you steal from my horse you steal from me I had to I'm sorry come here he really deserved it [Music] what sort of a place was this where a boy could be beaten for helping his friend even the desert with all its dangers was better than [Music] this let's just go nobody would miss us my boy told me about a magical Lake high in the mountains he told me we would go there and live in Paradise but I was smart enough to know we'd have a hard time finding any Lake in fact all we discovered was a lot of rocks and sand you hear that hope it wasn't a liard [Music] hey lucky [Music] [Music] [Music] hey the Bushman girl was amazing she could dig under the sand and find ostrich eggs that had been filled with water I waited to see what other things she could do he hurt his leg he doesn't feel [Music] well what are you doing [Music] what must I do with this [Music] my boy didn't understand this medicine the girl seemed to know what I needed I hope she would stay with us for a while like [Music] I'm Richard excuse me that's lucky lucky thank you feels much better [Music] [Music] now save some for me [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] in the warmth of the fire with the girl and the boy close by I thought that we had finally left all danger behind [Music] [Music] in the morning everything changed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I don't [Music] know the Stables I've got to get the horses please CH stay away from [Music] you how long do we have if he boms tracks West stranded we have to evacuate everyone to the [Music] train hey wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you all right let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] has he been injured come over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your horse we have no place for a horse you fool let him go Richard come on no I'm not leaving leave the h no get on the train now no let me go I'm can't leave him Lu I was confused where should I run the people had gone crazy lucky [Music] lucky I suddenly realized they were taking my boy away from [Music] me lucky lucky lucky [Music] now I was really alone I would never see my friend again [Music] the horses didn't know what to do they had been abandoned and they had forgotten how to be wild without my boy I had to learn how to survive on my own these horses pushed me away as if to keep me from drinking water that we couldn't reach anyway [Music] suddenly I remembered where I could find water [Music] Beauty was happy to see me [Music] [Music] why did Caesar hate me so much I was just a young cult all I wanted was a little water I would rather die than bow to Caesar I thought of my boy I wish that I could see him again fore let me [Music] [Music] when the girl appeared I thought I was dreaming a once again she knew what I needed [Music] [Music] I stayed with the girl because I wanted to learn to live in the wild I knew that she would teach me the ways of the desert [Music] [Music] [Music] spe fore [Music] [Music] I smelled the blood of the hunter's kill I realized I did not belong here it was time for me to set out into an unknown world where I might be as Wild and Free as my dreams [Music] I would miss the girl but I knew she would understand [Music] [Music] [Music] alone in the desert I grew strong but I started to feel lonely I wandered from one place to another [Music] these little cubs were hardly the company I was looking for the shade was cool and so we rested a while at least I wasn't alone it never occurred to me to wonder why two baby cubs would be alone in the desert [Music] big mistake [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] help can come from the most unlikely places of course it's wise to make friends with someone who has horns the orics and I accepted each other's company and at first we traveled well together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what did I do wrong the orics had found a girlfriend I understood [Music] [Music] [Music] it was not easy to live a solitary life each day surviving each day alone it was unlikely that I would find any other horses roaming the desert but I pushed onward driven by my instincts I had to find my place in the world [Music] I had found what could not be found the lake in the mountains was real [Music] [Music] I wanted to share this place I thought of Beauty and the other horses too I wished I could have brought my mother to this place I thought of Caesar why should the other horses have to live in fear of him and why should I have to live without Beauty I decided that one day when I was a stallion I would go back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I saw no signs of anyone in the town had I come all this way only to find that I was still alone [Music] [Music] [Music] and then I saw Beauty we had both changed but I knew her at once I was thrilled that she remembered me too [Music] [Music] C [Music] why wouldn't the other horses follow us what did they have to fear [Music] Caesar would never allow Beauty to leave but I was finally ready to take him on I didn't know if I was strong enough to win but I was strong enough to try [Music] [Music] oh a I could have hurt Caesar some part of me wanted to kill him but he was old and I was the strong one now so I drove him away where he could never hurt another horse [Music] [Music] now the horses followed us [Music] [Music] [Applause] J [Music] [Music] we had lived in the mountains for years without hearing the sound of a machine or a human voice the horses who could remember were afraid I promised them I would defend my herd [Music] [Music] The Stranger tracked my fo until he found the rest of the herd I didn't recognize him who was this intruder [Music] [Music] easy Bo easy [Music] I knew that whistle at once I looked for the boy but I saw a [Music] man it was my boy his touch was the same Rey H you remember me I missed you I had to find [Music] you I had to know you were all right all these years I thought about you sorry I left you lucky [Music] I'm glad you found this place I won't ever tell anybody [Music] this this is the story of how we came to live in the vast Dunes of the African desert how we claimed a place that will always belong to us where my children and their children will always run free [Music] [Music] oh [Music] for [Music] oh for [Music]
Channel: CineClips
Views: 65,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cineclips, cine, clips, cinema, films, movies, compilations, best of, comedy, horror, sci-fi, drama, animation, scene, scenes, funny, scary, trailer, new, 2019, fresh, trailers, official, movieclips, movie clips, fandango
Id: NFWdjmZ5eQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 46sec (5086 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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