Kenshi Apocalypse - EP4 - THE HORDE DESTROYS SHARK

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what's going on clan ad here welcome back to more kimchi apocalypse this is a series based on the zombie mod and we've got all these guy kind of zombies roaming around out here trying to kill anything in sight and we're tasked with just trying to find a cure to the zombie plague and also just try to survive while we grow stronger in the game in the last episode we encountered a zombie Hulk who almost destroyed our entire party yeah so we were able to get away vampire lost his left leg and I think jag took a beating to the chest and almost died so it was pretty exciting in this episode I think we're gonna head back north east back towards the hive area probably squint in ad mag area and get vampire replacement limb or maybe we'll go maybe northeast through the swamps over to the weigh station and get him a limb up there but we're gonna try to get in some more battles here and get it grow stronger maybe recruit a couple more people in shark you want to see more kimchi in the future don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any new episodes we've got ourselves a pretty decent party here we're gonna be breaking up into different squads fairly soon we need to level up some of our new people sir face truth Giovanni and blessed and get them kind of combat ready right now they're kind of weaklings and we're gonna have to kind of babysit them a little bit here get them into some combat but the main group is gonna be heading back northeast we found some decent recruits down here but I think maybe we'll fight some swamp ninjas or red savers or something like that we've got some outlaw swordsmen headed right for us okay this will be great bring it on wait where you guys going come back here [Music] all right I guess we'll have to go to them we got a boon dog headed I don't know he's just walking that way all right here we go attack all get him all right what's going on here gotta fix everybody seems like some people don't huh everybody's on hold what I go off of hold there we go we stuck on hold for some reason wow we're getting destroyed here huh Yeager's down sir faces down there you go truth ax nice crushing this guy damn taking a beating here blessed is still up good block nice nicely done and a few more hits on this guy and we should should have him nicely done there we go we gotta get some crossbows for everybody probably our high verse let's get blessed with the crossbow you can take the straw hat - all right heel up guys let's see toxic iron has oh yeah we do have enough skeleton repair kits good oh let's take a look here let's get calf with the crossbow if we can do they have any more crossbows got a weapon here I'll take that got these martial arts bindings that we're gonna hold on to until we get our martial-arts guys going but we got to get our dexterity up first we're not going to do martial arts until we get the dexterity higher until it's in the like the 25 to 30 s and then they can we can have some people start their journey as being a martial artist but 13 dexterity isn't gonna cut it yeah once we get let's see cath is at 22 toxic iron though is at 18 he's gonna be our first martial artist so we got to get him just into more combat for right now doesn't look like anybody got wounded in the legs so that's good well looks like we just encountered our first zombie horde holy crap look at all these guys that's a lot of zombies there we've got zombie fight runners we've got regular zombies than the zombie brutes okay this is like a small horde oh wow there's more of them Azam to fight humans okay where are they headed all right we're down here yeah it looks like they're just roaming around Rome in the world all right we're gonna have to avoid them for now we can't no way we could fight these guys we finally made it to shark in one piece didn't run into any enemies no blood spiders so pretty lucky they're so good a little spot for us to rest to get a couple people wounded anyway we went ahead and rested and got everybody healed up I actually went to some of the bars in the swamps here and added a few more characters we've got ourselves haze mop bucket captain D ominous commute is gonna be renamed to Magnus a little bit later and also say Ron so welcome guys to the dragon clan we're gonna need some more people because as you can tell that shark is becoming overrun here with zombies they are literally everywhere look at this this is a nightmare we have got an army of them over here look at all these things bloated zombies there's you've got the hounds over here fighting and along with the black shifters everybody's fighting together I think we're just gonna get in here and and try to help them out we've got ourselves a little army here quite a few characters so this should be quite fun hopefully we survive this okay these guys are taking off the zombie brute you've got a lot of people that don't have any combat experience though but we could just turn the tide of this battle so I think it's necessary we get in here and do what we can look at this madness oh my gosh wow look at this wow these guys are crazy this zombie brute or what is this bloated zombie Wow mm hitpoints that's insane all right we got a lot of hounds over here the fighting though I think we can do it let's just get in here let's make something happen come on guys glitch leading the charge let's get in here and take out these easy targets all right let's see everybody go off of hold all right vampire is missing out on this battle unfortunately I got to get him a new limb which is why we're headed we're headed north if we can survive this all right attack all here guys do what you can split up and take him down oh my gosh there's so much going on here all right looks like I'm going up stairs here with cat and Giovanni ruff you're fighting on the tower oh nice nicely done whoo captain diabolos has taken a beating and same with mop bucket there we go glitch nice by Giovanni on the ground now fighting along with blessed day blesses her tonight yeah we got this Shirou the fightin with Jaeger all right mop bucket and sir face are moving in I've got a zombie infected here Oh sir face took a beating he's down wow there are so many enemies up here all right I'm under I'm fighting uh what am i fighting zombie brutes I can't even tell oh no I'm down ok vampire he's crawling man he's fighting from the ground this is insane there you go glitch nice we gotta back up the moots over here captain Dominus is still up mop bucket is still up - alright uh-oh we're gonna need to heal alpha let's see truth ax you got a human at first heal alpha go for it man elf was gonna be dying soon ok who else we've got to heal these guy we've got to heal everyone because ok Hays probably gonna need some help all right I'm down oh damn I'm gonna need some help I'm toast somebody's got to take out this freakin zombie brute cuz he's destroying us Oh Hammoud dust took 70 damage right to the face wait where's say Ron where are you at oh dude you're over here heal yourself bro damn you didn't even make it that far son of a gun alright crawl to alpha bro okay we got a he'll be we gotta heal people jag I'm gonna need you to back up out of the the area here heal alpha all right alpha okay alpha is good where's calf at cath is all right fight this guy behind you cat toxic iron is up top Manning the turrets okay that's fine jag has got a heal he's got to heal me I'm gonna die all right first aid me go for it dude where's all the where's the freakin hounds at we need some help come on jag don't let me die bro all right I'm good let's see who else needs help Jaeger needs help first aid Jaeger go just got to heal everyone all right first aid cat all right we got the hounds alive here okay all right make sure nobody's dying boo-boo-chh needs help all right go for glitch first aid glitch all right just cover me hounds you got a you got to cover me here oh we got a yield toxic iron no not trade repair repair toxic Watson's gonna need help too okay go for Watson this is this is insane all right repair Watson wow there's so many oh my god dude holy crap there's so many of them this is impossible we can't we can't win this battle huh we're gonna get we're toast we're gonna be toast jag is taking a beating here all right run jag all right huh moot get out of there all right pick up seize her face is he dying all right pick up sir face we got to get people out of here now we got to go j-rod where yet hey Ron you just get get out of here you you can't do much crawling freakin crippled okay let's see jag let's see anybody else dying here Giovanni is hurting he's got limb trauma all right pick up Giovanni all right you got him get out of there jack you just got to get out of here I've got to drop people back off damn I got to drop people back here there we go yeah come on Hammoud got to get back to the bar oh my God look at that okay my screen is peaking lagging all right put down everybody all right jag and Hammoud comeback answer face or your face is down okay that's fine actually he'll sir trade with Giovanni [Music] grab the med kit and heal up here [Music] you got to get it we got to get all these people all right I'm not worried about the people in a recovery coma we got to get vampire all right go for vampire wow this is a nightmare all right we got vampire get out of there huh mood pick up alpha all right come back guys I just got to put everybody down this way hey Ron get over here man this is kind of like our staging area just put everybody down all right the move repair yourself man all right we got to get some more people here let's go quickly before they're eaten all right let's get hazed huh moot gopher Hayes let's pick up Hayes jag you pick up we got to get slash all right let's go Oh Jaeger is getting eaten okay all right we can we can get them here in a second just gotta gotta get jag to get just gotta get as many people as we can this is just insane all right who moved has Hayes come back back here and take off those boots so you can run faster say Ron just go on hold man everybody go on hold over here everybody on hold all right so far so good all right put a heel slash all right put them down all right let's go yeah this is nuts [Music] alright jag go for cat and her uh a moot go for cat we got to get toxic iron go okay it's a real good thing that the hounds are distracting these guys it's giving me a chance to get in here and get everyone out of here all right we only have to get captain D ominous and truth us so let's go get them and pick them up I'm gonna loop the hell out of this stuff though all right grab these two quickly quickly okay run oh nice okay we got the hounds shooting them from above there with the turret all right we've got people starting to get back up now this is good holy crap can't believe we survived that it's still going on though I don't know if we're gonna I think oh my goodness we got battles going on over here now what is this oh dude a horde must have we've literally got it the shark got attacked by a horde insane all right let's put them down all right put down Jagr put down all right good job now let's have Jack come up here and loot everything I'm gonna start on this side just start looting whatever I can how convenient for Jag two to be here I might actually just take the animal skins to be honest well look at all the but look at all the Flies oh we got actually got these guys actually firing now which is good oh we should probably heal this guy is he dead no let's first date him first aid the hound any other hounds we can rescue over here wow these guys are boss man these hounds are actually pretty decent I don't only first aid you don't want these guys dying on us I beat this guy up jag there you go all right how we doing out here you've got oh my god what where are you coming from there's so many of them unbelievable man how many there are [Music] Wow they're getting me eaten - we don't have that many we've got oh jeez well get in here jack you can take a beating for some reason Giovanni had his skeleton repair kit taken oh we got blood spiders now all geez not too worried you got um this guy's hurt and oh good Jeff kill this thing jack there you go get it from behind smack it down alright once you first aid this hound a member cuz he needs it there we go alright umm oh my god how'd that get up there I think isn't that tough get up there Jack I think you can take it gotta help these guys well you got this jack it's taken a lot of blood loss so you can take this thing down just a couple more hits buddy oh geez get out of there bro get out of there this two of them ha ha too many oh man we need help you got incoming here oh jeez there's so many of them we got to get out of here like ace oh no don't tell me there's more coming up this way oh just a blood spider all right we got to get people healed up you got to get them in the beds and get them healed and get out of here ASAP well it looks like Giovanni has lost his legs so we're gonna need to have somebody carry him I think we got everybody here I'm gonna carry vampire we're gonna need to get to replacement limbs okay all right we're walking somewhat fast that'll be in fast enough to get out of here this is nuts look at this oh my god who's this guy intelligent infected this is somebody new we haven't seen this guy before oh wow Wow dressed to the hilt ooh intelligence infected with 62 attack 105 strength they're everywhere like shark is overrun we got everybody fighting out here this is crazy all the shopkeepers are gonna die everybody's gonna die in here oh my god we got to get out of here all right let's go let's bounce we're going out the back exit if I were you guys I would bail no no we got a blood spider okay jag you take it out man cuz you got a lot of hit points seventy-three damage oh geez all right oh I guess I'll try and help were freaked Watson oh my god we need everybody up all right everybody just freakin kill this thing Wow see they do a ton of freaking damage but they're really easy to kill if you can land a hit but oh man alright who's slowing us up now jag is okay we gotta get somebody's gonna have to pick up jag guess we get Zeron over here pick him up let's keep going let's hope we don't run into more blood spiders or work toast [Music] I gotta say that was probably the coolest thing I've seen in the in kimchi for a while that battle that was amazing I think shark is gonna be completely destroyed though after those zombies get done with them Wow the only good thing about all of those zombies attacking shark is that a lot of the blood spiders are probably going to be attracted to shark and that's why we started to see them there because every every monster has like a different kind of smell radius and they're attracted to death and bleeding and stuff like that so you'll notice if you're ever playing kimchi and you you're fighting beat things or spiders you know or you're just fighting other enemies you'll notice that a lot of animals start to come in and check out the area and that's because they have a smell radius and they can smell all that carnage going on and it kind of attracts them so I don't think we actually have to worry because they're probably a whole it's shark right now we've got ourselves a really large party we're not gonna need this many people in one group or eventually we're gonna split up here into different squads but I want to get to a spot where we can get some training going with these guys because we can't send them out by themselves without a little bit of training but the good thing is we got everybody's toughness up oh we have some band of bone guys here I don't know if we want to fight these guys right now not after everybody's freaking wounded wow we got a lot of people down right now that like have low health uh and we got skin spiders too okay how's their back looking all right looks pretty good let's it's gotta go sneak mode here and hopefully the the skin spider attacks the band of Bones guys it might actually just miss them though well let's just keep going so you can get up up top here on this Ridge oh we got band of Bones everywhere okay well we're gonna get everybody sneaked up then luckily those guys don't care about us right now we're just kind of trailing behind these guys right now our entire squad 15 people how many do we have two four six eight actually a lot let me go to squad they have 19 holy crap yet 19 people try to help shark out and survive that battle that we all got knocked out it was amazing [Music] okay yeah good they're engaging the skin spider perfect I'm gonna keep everyone's sneaking though because it levels up the sneak really fast let's take a look everybody's at oh wow alpha is at 44 sneak all right a couple people at five I can imagine when we build a base in this series it's gonna be insane because I think the zombies will attack your base too so that's gonna be just crazy because I don't know how what they're gonna send we're gonna have to find a good spot but I'm probably going to wait to build a base until the southeast part of the world map opens up because I want to explore this entire thing I don't want to be locked down to a base so we're kind of we're gonna be a little bit mobile for a little while until we we explore the the southeast part of the map and see where we want to place our base because mate there might be a really cool spot down there I don't know oh we've got some hungry bandits over here in the distance like we'll probably take them out if we can let's go for it crush them Oh your face is down always getting back up [Music] there we go we got to get everybody some farmer as well we're down to 15,000 though we're gonna need to make some more money [Music] let's get this guy come on good block there you go nice toxic sweet [Music] you up gents [Music] have I been doing my splint rigging job I don't know let me see if anybody needs ya Giovanni needs a new leg oh yeah I did splint the calf's leg cool I'm gonna head over here to the northeast way station because we'll be able to buy some robotic limbs there I don't think we can buy them at this weigh station but maybe we can I actually don't remember if you can or not I don't think you I don't think there's a spot where you can buy them but I could be wrong now I don't believe you can so we'll go to the Northeast weigh station we're getting attacked by something what is this Oh zombies stalker oh geez all right attack oh god what okay is that it oh uh okay we ran into a few more guys all right come this way get everyone zombie stalker is beating us up alright take this guy out let's focus on him oh I'm down woof all right you can't take all of us bro he's gonna try though Oh captain Dee ominous almost lost his right arm okay we got the zombies stalker down let's take all this stuff oh uh sir face lost his left leg damn it oh no everybody's losing their limbs man all right Jaeger pick up vain fire and I don't know what you guys are doing we got to pick up is Aron all right did we get everybody okay we're good let's get going damn I did not see that zombie stalker but he snuck up on us we've made it to the weigh station and finally rest here and feels safe these guys a ninja guards are pretty boss they they're pretty beastly so they can protect us unless a horde comes then we're toast wasting time head back he says all right cool let's go over this way and we'll just put everybody down and see what kind of limbs we need to get everyone all right let's try not to throw everyone across the there we go usually when I do that people go flying roars a ronette oh he's currently knocked out all right what do you guys shooting at now what the hell Oh zombified human runners oh don't tell me you got a horde coming I don't see one I guess they're just kind of roaming around all right anyway because I kind of feel like the zombies are like hunting us down now it seems like alright let's go over here and loot this zombie runner 500 cats there we go take that oh geez here they come he's fearless he's just going right after them he doesn't even care okay all right let's just not worry about that for right now okay let's see sir face needs a left leg all right vampire needs a left leg so we need two left legs Giovanni needs a right leg okay two left legs and a right leg so for right now two left legs and a right leg who stole my animal skins first of all we're up to 21,000 all right we got a scout lake let's see skeleton leg right okay I'll buy that it's 5000 see skeleton leg left shoddy grade rather not by that but I could get the stealth leg left it's 14,000 though it's too much all right skeleton leg left hi great I'll buy that one it's and then I'll buy the shoddy grade one for right now that's all we can do all right sir face let me give you something here you need the left leg all right there you go got yourself a left leg all right vampire needs a limb let's give him the team needs a left leg as well there we go vampire welcome back man you're back in action okay Giovanni needs a right leg so let's give him that there we go and I think everybody else is good so we got everybody a replacement limb for right now captain D ominous almost lost his arm his right arm but everybody else is okay for now oh my goodness Wow okay we got the mercenaries out here now fighting more zombies coming it Oh what is that over there oh that's another horde are you kidding me okay it's just oh it's missing us Wow dude okay so we're getting like the stragglers and stuff there's so many hordes roaming around out here I think they got it covered I am gonna go over here and loot everything though well the ninja guards took care of everybody I want included pretty much a lot of these guys who were back we got a lot more things to sell and work the 12,500 with cats wise and he's go ahead and just sell this stuff at the bar real fast cool thing about this mod is that it adds things into stacks so it changes the way your backpacks work which is pretty cool because it doesn't do that in normal Ken cheat I'll probably buy a couple med kits though we're gonna need more of those and probably another sleeping bag or two I'll buy two more of those because we're gonna split up into different squads eventually I'll give to two of those sleeping bags to the other squad well I went ahead and recruited one more person to even out our clan to 20 members total so I've added black dragon he's got some cool sick ass paint war paint going on on his face it's pretty cool if you don't have that mod called faces it adds about like eighty extra faces to the game and it gives everybody kind of like a unique look so that's pretty cool so we've got him on board and I think what we're gonna do is leave this area now and head towards the hub and rest up and do some training because we still got a lot of people wounded but it's 200 cats for everybody to sleep here and that's we don't really have that much cash really to waste I did go ahead and buy some food though some dried meat and I think we also have some in this small backpack that we can use so we have plenty of food for right now keep everybody fed well we're gonna head out now and get towards the hub and do some training and split up our squads into separate groups here so we'll probably like keep some of the more experienced members with we'll kind of group them with part of the new squad and then keep some of the new squad members with the the more experienced place so we'll kind of make make them even basically both squads even one of the things that developers have added is a dodge panel down here at the bottom left kind of like an indicator it shows you how much dodge each of your characters have so they've added that to the main attack screen which is pretty cool I like that well we've discovered some dust bandits over here that we can take out oh it looks like one of them sees us dust bandit Bowman beautiful okay let's take him out gonna take the crossbows - oh wait we got a couple people on hold here all right everybody go on hold go off of hold there we go all right take him down he's by himself that was a foolish move there you go Oh Alf will let that attack through all right hold on guys stay back let's get haze over here let's get him some gear all right got hey you some gear I'm not gonna take their samurai boots because they're really slow I don't like using them unless we're fighting like a war or something like that we're running is not an option for us but I want to continue to remain fast especially with all the zombies running around out here [Music] there you go get in there nice okay let's get mop bucket some gear this is temporary gear for right now okay let's let's go fight the rest of them we're 20 strong we're gonna be able to roll over these guys no problem all right go for it tackle let's see Jagr take off your backpack all right crossover alright bless once you go after this guy up here captain D ominous still has his wounded arm mop bucket grab this guy over here there you go well done I've seen a lot of green oh yeah bless putting this guy in the corner every girl teamwork there you go my bucket nice Oh the spatted soldier I've soldier got a few hits in well done oh that guy was yeah I don't know what he was doing Oh sir face went down damn bro we even got you better Armour to okay do you have are you gonna work on your toughness look at that toughness is that 12 that's cool all right let's get everybody some more gear let's see we need captain the ominous with some gear all right went ahead and looted everything that we could and I think it's time to get out of here now pick up sir face and we'll get to the hub we're gonna be job we're gonna be hanging out with the shinobi Jeeves for a little bit a lot of training to do with these new recruits all right awesome we made it let's go talk to the thief trader here let's see if they have anything that we can buy all nice we've got high-grade assassin rags oh that's sweet and standard grade I'm gonna buy both of those and standard grade drifters boots I also have another thieves backpack I'm going to buy that and give that to blessed and I'm not going to get the small ones we'll take the standard grade drifters boots let's see who could use those looks like alpha can use them and we'll have alpha give his to glitch maybe nope - hey is glitched aJE's there we go kind of replaces sandals get rid of though yeah get rid of those we also got rusty chain maille standard gray it's not bad and 50% off that's what I really like about the shinobi DS is that you can get really good stuff from them for fairly cheap because it's like 50% off everything you buy here so definitely check back with the shinobi Thieves every once a while because they have some really decent stuff but yeah we really needed to rest so I'm gonna go ahead and put some people to sleep here I'm also gonna get some people training let's get I guess haze mop look it kamut doesn't need oh we got renamed if you move to Magnus but uh everybody else needs to come up here okay there we go welcome back Magnus alright all right I've kind of broken up our group here or group members into two different squads Slayers and hunters for right now so this is what I kind of did I put four Slayers I've got myself glitch toxic iron jag black dragon got slash truth is Aron CAC and sir face so that'll be the Slayer squad hunter squad will be alpha Jaeger vampire Magnus Watson haze Giovanni captain D on this mop bucket and blessed so we're kind of split up a little bit here we do need to train a little bit with probably xyron and sur face actually yeah we gotta get sur face training and i think yeah everybody else is pretty good in black dragon of course but um we'll be able to head out with the slayer squad and then hunters once captain d ominous Magnus mop bucket and bless kind of train up a little bit then they'll be able to hunt they'll be able to go out as well so the idea is that we're gonna have two different squads maybe even you know we'll probably have more than that later consisting of ten people only I'm not gonna go more than that I think when with each squad so we'll have multiple squads going out doing different things in the world you know and that'll be pretty exciting because we'll be swapping back and forth kind of like how I've done it in the past and that's always fun because you get to see like one group for a little while and then another group in another area of the map I really like doing that it's really fun to have different groups going out and doing different things but what and the Holy Mac Daddy is going on over here oh my goodness we've got nomads fighting oh and the town militia is out here whoa all right we got ninja guards we got entire like lots of zombies out here I think they got it covered though honestly because we got a lot of zombie hunters and nomads out here fighting and the freaking ninja guard these guys are insane look how fast they run 15:59 attack 60 dexterity yeah they're they're crazy wow this is great though I love these battles happening kind of curious though I also have a shinobi citizen look at this chick she's got 31 attack 21 decks 11 dodge rolling around so there's actually some decent shinobi citizens out here from the holy nation outlaw faction looks like got a couple zombies dying out in the front where's the bar at oh here it is and a couple zombie hunters here Wow awesome well we're gonna do some training here for a little while and then we'll probably head out in the next episode and split up and maybe we'll fight this battle if it's still going on but yeah it looks like we're winning this battle I might have to go out and loot some of these corpses but uh yeah looking good so far well guys hope you enjoyed the episode you want to see more kimchi apocalypse and the future don't forget to subscribe or more kimchi in general I release kimchi apocalypse and also kimchi lone wolf those the two series of God going on right now you want to see more don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you again next time take care [Music]
Channel: Aviticus Dragon
Views: 12,114
Rating: 4.9213114 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi pc gameplay, kenshi sandbox gameplay, kenshi sandbox game, kenshi combat, kenshi episodes, kenshi indie game, kenshi rpg, kenshi aviticus dragon, kenshi game, kenshi pc, kenshi pc game, kenshi thieves, kenshi factions, kenshi experimental, kenshi hd, kenshi 1080p, kenshi base building, party based rpg, squad based rpg, kenshi lets play, kenshi slavers, kenshi research, lets play kenshi, kenshi survival, kenshi mods, kenshi zombies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 53sec (3053 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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