Kenshi: Guy with a Dog | New Game | Ep. 1 Ver 0.98.20

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what's going now hi cat ran clan today we're coming at you with some more kaanchi and we actually gonna start a new adventure I've been kind of jonesing to try out the experimental build in our main game it was pretty hard to deal with I don't know if it was just you know maybe some things in the background maybe we need to go into all of our people and quit their jobs and reallocate their jobs but there was just major performance issues but if we started a new game I think it won't be much of an issue because we'll be running around with two guys instead of you know 30 day so we're gonna do the guy with a dog which is basically you start off as a homeless and hungry drifter rescues an abandoned puppy it seems pretty useless maybe you'll just eat it so you start off super poor 13 caps not camps what's the money in this game I don't even know 13 C's and we are going to basically keep all the options the same I love the difficulty of this games we're not gonna change hunger or anything along those lines we want a challenge so with this they are going to bring us into the character creation screen so for all you Tiger Tran clan members let me know if you would like to be added in on this playthrough just let me know in the comments and as we recruit people I will customize their names and add you to the clan I'm excited for this playthrough though there's always a part of me if you've been watching the main series or at least our first series we are pretty beefy right now I mean we can still take some licks if there's an insane amount of bad guys and fighting the bug master oh my gosh I still can't believe you one shot hit one of our guys it was absurd he has but I guess he probably does have the best weapon in the game so from here I'll do they're gonna give me a terrible lead pipe and we could do they put mustaches in there was never my stashes before dude this guy's got that that hilarious like Bandito mustache like the criminals from like the nineteen sixties he's like man seem the tie it is some railroad tracks brother Soho all right let's I'm kind of interested I wonder what kind of things they put in my favorite idol stances where he's got the arms crossed this one this one oh my gosh this one always cracks me cracks me up though it's like I got terrible posture bruh I mean look at my cell phone all day and all night I never stopped looking at my cell phone so I got that that crazy Hunchback of nortre DOM style but BAM you like this skin tone alright I enjoyed me some Sun let's go alright so I'm 6 foot tall add some frame oh man there's always some great stuff dude in the hizzy [Music] that posture oh yeah this is really yeah you can have some crazy hunchback action but I actually have been working a lot on the neck position your boy loves chess day and I realized that you actually have to do a lot of compensating if you do a lot of chest it's a bulk action on in here hand size I just never know about a hand size oh yeah I wonder cuz it was so cool about this game is you actually can see when you're your guy is getting hungry because they actually begin to starve and they actually look super skinny it's pretty cool oh that's so interesting so you have like redonkulous lee huge quads or calves that's cool feet we've seen this I want to know what they like the mustaches dude this is totally new where is mustaches maybe it's hair beard oh well they I think they always had beards right but now is this all we spend in here and I'm just like these styles crack I feel like these are new but maybe not I could be wrong what's up with this like random it's like they love that style man I just wanted to have like a little bit of Grizz because it is the apocalypse so I can't find a little bit of Grizz so I'm kind of attempting to make him as close to me as possible oh my gosh do you these hairdos Oh oh my gosh he totally looks like a Super Saiyan ask she looks like that Street Fighter guy in red oh my goodness oh my goodness all right we're rocking this hair this hair is so dope I love it boom now let's try to get a face that doesn't look like I got hit in the face with a shovel Hey look at that so jovial so happy I like that face actually we're gonna go with it all right my nose is definitely not that huge I usually don't get too picky when it comes to all of the like the creation as long as it's not so absurd that it becomes distracting to my mind where is it snot-nosed position nose arch nose with Oreo dude I take this hair holy cow it's weird how it kind of is put on here though all right so that's that's good for now so we shall be tiger tread all right so let's look at our our trusty Doge does it tell you it must not you must not have like female versus male if you've been watching the other series all pets get my wife's name with a junior this that goes back like 10 years playing wow do you alright let's confirm this and let's see where they started us ravaged Hamlet oh this is awesome this is exactly what I wanted for our start I wanted to start up in the desert area because ok so they haven't unlocked this yet so I've always started down in heat well I see we had in our other playthrough we have a base here but we have always started you know towards the center and I've never been up into the sandy area so this will be fun to explore what is this area though a ravaged Hamlet that makes me wonder if there is potentially some goods that we might be able to go and find but let's actually go into bassed first because I've never been here so this is gonna be a fun adventure so wait this is just like one house that's locked alright let us can let this adventure here it would still kind of load it in the world a bit hmm okay well that door's locked it's over here oh it's like a it's a like a devastated City kind of like the hub bug house so I know that you can't buy certain houses and renovate them and actually build within here but doesn't I don't see any options it's usually down here I wonder if any of these can be purchased though and and built it doesn't look like it do you have to be like friendly or something with them this place actually looks barren I don't actually see any other human beings here so maybe this isn't oh my gosh they got cages all right we're hitting the all button because I was wondering if this was lootable stuff but it doesn't look like it just like a bunch of rocks and random stuff around here mm-hmm and the whole button again the stealing are there actually people need in here dude this is really fun dude I'm excited about this new playthrough your boy loves adventure and I think that's part of it so I lost my home lost my family lost everything I worked for that's a bummer where are you guys outlaw farmers oh that's good that these kind of guys aren't attacking us on-site because in the other game outlaw farmers actually attacked me on site fabrics so okay so this stuff doesn't look like wait if I grabbed this Cup do you think the other little count it is stealing how much does a sell for tax collectors they're ruthless is bandits okay so let's so they actually did start us with some basic first aid that's good cups over six well I mean if this isn't stealing we might as well loot it III don't want to steal anything because I mean we can't fight right now so let's pop up here Oh building materials empty the question is and I'm kind of interested I'd never steal in this game because I don't know feels it feels wrong to my sould I always play these games like a paladin you know like law lawful good for the most part so I think we'll continue on there's a part of me that wonders if I could steal that from being upstairs but I'm not down with that so it doesn't look like you can buy any of these houses I don't know if that's a mod let me know in the comments if you do know I feel like SH Mott would know but I do know that you can buy places in in Oh what is this some battles going on it's pretty close to us - I'd love to get over here and potentially loot some delicious gear it's really far away though who's fighting who can we click on from like this and say ha you guys say it city samurai hmm all right well this is cuz this is an interesting place I don't know if we can make our way over there fast enough but we can always attempt oh yeah dude like everything just beat up around here let's see how the path thing works and if it can actually it's like this whole area has been devastated by war I wonder if the backstory of this place is oh cool he's actually taking this high ground area I love it come on Kristen jr. cuz this would be great if we could get some potential loot I don't know what the what they're fighting all right a reading Charles right now by the pathing like he climbed up here as if he there is a way and then it was like nope never mind okay oh man what a bummer all right well that's sex she just pop out the front door because it looks like it can't figure out how to get out of here and let's see if there's anything scavenge in a bowl so we're like scavengers scavenging able that's lootable it's probably easier way ooh Kristen jr. so slow that's okay what's cool about this game is animals will actually level up or I guess age they I don't know I don't know what if their skills are solely set to their age I'm not a hundred percent sure about that but I would I'd like to do four early income is potentially get copper who are they fighting a skimmer oh it's like a bug interesting oh it's unconscious this had some crazy stats dude I wonder no I don't know go over here we're gonna loot it and kill it ooh these claws actually sell pretty dang well now the question becomes is I don't know how the loot of a dog works let's come over here is this okay does count as a backpack okay so we'll have Kristen come over here and I'm gonna give all the follow me to her so I was told that if you click this button it will lock it in no room for that we what what can they not well how does a dog eat that if you can't does it eat out of your inventory only hmm trying to see it does any of this stuff actually sell the water-jug does but these empty bottles don't so I think what we'll do is we're gonna grab the follow meat so that way at least oh my gosh look at our ragging cloth oh so terrible our armor is absolute buttons okay but at least we have some basic food who are these people holy chosen and they're fighting a samurai who are the holy chosen Oh holy nation so it's holy nation versus who's this guy a samurai oh the holy nation in the samurai fight each other that's cool I didn't know that I like that this biomech she has a lot of War I love it ok let's pop over here because one of these guys is going down I mean this is really dangerous because I mean if you're wearing the gear of an unmanned enemy faction it's uh you can get pwned and but I do oh my gosh dude that you just wrecked but maybe okay so this is the United cities right so if we can find a holy city we could probably sell their gear this is where I wish I had a backpack I wonder if we'll get attacked by wearing their gear okay so this is a what is it this this is so interesting is it just like a belt or something stealing chance 100% because they're knocked out what is this dang solid blade way better than ours but is it considered a uniform it doesn't look like it alright so we just picked ourself up a new sword let's go so these actually have uniform of factions so we're not gonna grab that that's too dangerous we will go into these guys and grab their blades because blades sell for a lot in this game they're like the most lucrative way that I know of making money in the early game I do not like that Kristen jr. cannot pick up anything though that's kind of bumming me out I want this but I don't think I have enough room you know what we'll probably do is we're gonna get rid of I mean this water jug I mean it sells well but it doesn't sell as well as this blade will sell so let's grab this unless we have like just barely Wow let's we'll be okay all right boom Shakalaka oh we're so heavy we might have to get rid of these blades in the future I still don't like that I wait like let's say what if we take tiger and we and I'm glad this autosave came in I remember we had a lot of issues with the game crashing right when I created my characters see what the deuce this is such a bummer so it doesn't look like you can put anything in your dog's inventory which kind of makes sense I mean it doesn't have hands doesn't have pantaloons or anything like that but can you is there backpacks that you can put on a dog I I was trying to find something like that my other playthrough and I couldn't find anything because there are special like garu backpacks but this one I know they don't have anything like that all right so this is good dude what the heck man this whole entire area has been just demolished it's like every Hamlet has an axe on it which means I don't think there's any allude to be had hmm well I do know that the holy nation is this way yeah so now the question is do we start at the holy nation first it doesn't really matter because once again these blades aren't they aren't a faction items we just need to find a city and I just don't know this area well enough so we're gonna just pop out here and keep our eyes open from danger oye Kristen juniors as fastest now I know there's that speed option oh good there's actually copper out here as well I think copper is the most effective way of making money in the early game from a mining perspective but once again we want to be able to mine close to an actual city all right so none of these houses carry rebuildable or at least viable hmm okay interesting can you talk to any of these guys I mean it doesn't really help us what we really need is maybe like a wandering salesperson another ravaged Hamlet holy cow well Oh a guard post we're but it looks like the guard post is even beat up I mean I don't know what any of this area is hmm well let's let's explore it's part of the fun of this series man this is it reminds you the desert in the other area I think I'd like these strange birds flying around I don't remember seeing birds in the other other areas I think this place is gonna be blown up though which is kind of a bummer but it does look like we're coming upon something up here hmm hmm okay so let us continue our adventure here Kate ends Chris Kristen is catching up let's see oh there's more battle going on over here let's go take a look because I would love to pick up some armor I mean almost all of its gonna be faction based which is dangerous we can't really see who's even fighting over here which is also kind of dangerous because if we run into banditos I could be really bad so it's actually you kind of figured this out because we're not gonna try to save scum I'm almost going to play this basically like Ironman style so as long as there's not and that's how we played the other version as well as long as there's not like some weird bug pathing or something weird that happens oh whoa they actually took out a samurai holy cow I'm actually surprised I guess it's only one right holy Sentinel I don't think we're at war with these guys at all but this makes me wonder can we what would happen might be dangerous whoa Oh what happens if we take this holy Bros weapon is it considered a uniform chance of stealing oh it's because this guy's playing dead well I'm just kind of looking at his armor as well yeah see this is considered a factions uniform oh that's such a bummer man this is a bo staff pull arm once it's damaged in comparison to ours it's not better hacker class all right oh this kids playing dead so let's do that let's not elude them and have them get up in Recker faces mmm Oh what is that dude this is so cool I love it man it's like they're all everyone's just brawling over here dude oh my gosh it's a huge bad oh okay samurai scouts so it does look like the holy nation kicks butt up here oh my gosh one of those big skimmers those things have insane stats man they're even stronger than the Raptors they do seem like they don't roll as deep as the Raptors do gosh I'm so glad that I won't be back at the swamp getting annihilated by Raptors that makes me really happy all right so we really need to find an actual city where we can sell so I know this is this is uh oh you can find science books here you have to fight the robots which are pretty tough but this is the cannibals lands mmm let's pop over here for now mostly because we're on this edge of the world anyways oh no tanker it's actually pretty hungry I think you can build fires with for free let me see this really nothing okay because I think you can cook meat on these so let me check this out real quick yeah yeah nice and then I think your tab tiger actually worked the job right no tiger what do you do Umbra oh there we go wait operating camp fire speak with me wait is this guy running at me he's a paladin it's gonna wreck me oh gosh that would suck love and devotion brother welcome to your motherland the sacred country of the holy Lord Phoenix himself blessed be his name evil lurks in all the shadows but the land of Oakland watches over you here brother where you belong as a pure blood alright divine blessings brother be sure to make use of the refuge of the only cities my brother it is a dangerous or it is dangerous in these parts but you're not completely alone that makes me feel sick here inside oh he gave me food what a nice gentle in man another playthrough we're gonna declare war on the holy nation but look at this what a gentleman Wow alright now let let's get you some food you look dangerously malnourished here take my rations and be well brother what a nice guy ah alright that's uh oh good we got two dried meat out of this this is great but the thing is how does Kristin jr. eat cuz she's hungry and I want to give her food but she can't loot right so how do you how do you feed your dog pickup trade also edible by animals see she can't eat anything though how do you feed your doshas oh this is kind of sad actually because I think Kristin jr. might die and it'd be dumb if she dies if and we have food but we can't feed there's no option like there's nothing I can't trade with her right I'm clicking no room for that cuz she has no inventory is this a bug let's actually make sure we go into our options oh I'm on hold oh that's good that's actually probably a good thing so I remember in squad and a I ditch items sleep uninjured sit while idle heal allies help allies okay these are factions rescue allies share food okay it's turned on all right I like military then they actually like create a rank and file hmm well it's nice that the auto-saves don't take 15 years either well let's continue on thankfully we have some food oh my gosh huge brawl still go there fighting the bugs which our inventory is just too full at this moment in time I do not like this man how do i how do I feed Gaytan do you want to build a trough can we build a trough no we can't even build that yet like an animal feeding trough oh man I hope she didn't starve to death I'll probably maybe that's maybe something so I in this game I usually don't like to look things up I kind of like to experience the game as I play it oh my gosh dude it's just a huge horde so we're goning into a new area here but thankfully at least our food is going up for ourselves I just do not like the fact that we are getting pwned right now our least Kristen jr. is I am gotta be the clan you know saying wow it was so nice that he gave us some food so you can't open a bag to trade with Kristen jr. you can't trade into the inventory she doesn't look like she's gonna pull in items outside of my gear oh yeah samurai on paladin action over a year they might actually have some good gear look at their stats I definitely am gonna attempt to take the weapons of whoever gets pwned man we really need to find a city though like yesterday huh but let's get over here for now because o 2v1 no duals oh this lady's a stud ironically I think that's the person's weapon that I would want as well look at her do cheese chop them in jar Oh over here what's your stat set her stomach is pretty injured Oh Oh dog wolf so that's what uh Kristin jr. will grow into so it's a Bop over here okay the person is unconscious are you unconscious you are alright so we are going to loot this guy medical supplies what is this paladin's cross holy cow it doesn't say it's a factions items so I'm gonna grab this bad boy oh my gosh dude this thing is beastly and then we're gonna look at this and see what the price differences are so it looks like this sells for more I do kind of want these medical supplies but they actually the value is pretty low I think we're okay with a single one that we have now actually we'll get rid of this jug and because I would love to actually be able to even get meat oh my gosh we're getting heavy but this is actually good this is getting our strength up oh this is a bummer that this is all considered uniforms it's pretty solid priced blade I was keeping this foul meat because it's edible by animals and I wanted to feed it to Kristen jr. oh I was trying to figure out if there was like a right-clicking option hello friend but to share in SPO my goodness animal skins those things so Oh No so this stuff isn't isn't stackable oh I guess none of it is alright well let's actually take some like actual legit need these t sell pretty well and they're pretty small in size I want this hide but oh yeah because this hides actually sells more than even a sword holy cow alright see look at this see how the bone dog has an inventory as well as a backpack how come my dog doesn't have it it just have to be dead this is weird am I missing something well let's grab this for now am I missing something I see I don't get a backpack open bag there is no open bag so how do you how do you eat what if I put food on the ground will you eat food on the ground wait all right so I'm gonna try to put a foul meat on the ground oh yeah he did he did oh this is great okay well I'm glad that we figured that out now the question becomes did we lose all the follow meat on this guy get over here Kristin jr. we need to grow big and strong all right so we can put you on the ground oh that is so dope that's a really cool mechanic actually but there's a time limit in which they can feed you if you see this arrow will go up and it's like they're almost like considered like full oh he's so trying to operate the the fire will take this job off for now I'm not necessary wait where's the follow me because she can't eat it yet I do wish that they had like a little bit of inventory space but what are you gonna do we're not game programmers you know I'm saying all right guys well that's gonna do it for this video I'm so glad that we figured out how to feed Kristin jr. pass out from hunger and we're making our way we actually have some pretty solid gear we still need to find a city so that's gonna be our adventure for episode number two if you're new to the channel please hit that subscribe button and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Tiger Tran Gaming
Views: 6,181
Rating: 4.8775511 out of 5
Keywords: shek, New Game, apocalypse, empire, Thee Wolf, Tiger tran gaming, Open, clan, holy, fun, Guy with a Dog, gaming, tiger, base, challenging, survival, exploring, bows, rpg, ep., Kenshi, mercenary, sandbox, hive, Nathan’s Sandbox, crafting, thief, warlord, play, robot, Episode, tran, beasts, ended, Nookrium, .98.2, city, slave, defense, commentary, let’s play, hard, Aviticus dragon, wildlife, bandit, building, explore, lets, hordes, Tiger with a Dog, let’s, rebel
Id: Ew_w9HSGaBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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