Kenshi / EP 23 - The Beast and the Feast / Birth of a Hive

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hey everybody you read I'm here thanks for tuning in to kimchi breath of hive if you need to recap the rules or goals here they are and let's get rolling so a recap the last episode I got a little bit in over my head and regular Caravan guard who are a little bit better armored than the slavers all sort of attacked me and I happily responded in force and as the net result got a lot of people sort of knocked unconscious and wounded so they're resting right now also I do know that I have two O burrows and I'll fix that shortly what else was there to announce here so we are of course at slave farm but they still have a bar the idea here is to maybe try to ferry people into town and get them some proper medical attention in a bed the issue is that's kind of a slaver village so maybe I'm not going to do that I'm gonna hold off another thing I wanted to mention is a big THANK YOU to Brett Brett made a mud that makes the robots and prosthetics in the game look a bit more hayver and I've installed it oh that's a very strange way to carry cookie isn't it well whatever teacher on so yes I don't have any of those prospects and robotics yet but when I do you'll be the first to know because you'll see it all right I think with silver shade I'm gonna have him put cookie down and do some reconnaissance see if there is a large sleeve er contingent still left in this town or not it's possible that they've moved on but it's also entirely fun oh no as you can see I am indeed being chased by quite a lot of guards yeah it's good that I didn't waltz in there with a person on my shoulders that would have been pretty hard to tout run alright so here we are I guess we're not going anywhere so another thing I could do is I have I think sufficiently stripped most of them but of course some of them still have some gear left so you know I could definitely take that Oh trading Ranger like ten feet away sometimes it's fussy sometimes it's not what else so these bolts really ought to go to silver shades so silver shade let's set those up Silva shade has nice cool goggles in out too as you can see they they might not fit exactly but good enough uh hella let's give you the other mask and then this will go to red rain red rain has a lot of storage space so actually what I'm gonna do is trade thorns let's go take a bunch of thorns and stuff I'm gonna make sure I'm using the best Ranger yes I am indeed using the best Ranger and then I'm gonna trade this to red rain just so that we can store more stuff on thorns walk around and clean up the loot okay that's about the limit of his capacity so back to thorns Oh also I uh well it doesn't hurt the silver shade has a Merck Club to be honest that's that's totally fun just a case they close in on him and he needs to whack-a-mole oh that's weird uh so this yeah okay there's a nine club in that backpack and that's why I couldn't grab it alright let's continue the looting this guy stole his weapons so likely yes still gear one two three and we'll poke around see if there's anyone else with loot I basically don't want to leave them with weapons I think I finished everyone off anyway though just about if I have it I'll find them up yep here's one Caravan guard that was the caravan guard that was really persistent and wouldn't leave me alone and did I kill him yeah he's dead he's very dead there are some side effects of the mod that I have to execute which is a lot of the times when you're enslaved they will take your entire inventory so for me I don't have an execute item that kills me off but for for pretty much everyone else that would be enslaved they will just be executed instead so I might disabled as a result the the mod that I had I haven't decided yet boy they're townies you know I don't much like being called a townie but it's better than no hive or whatever they said last episode I'm trying to keep this family friendly so I'm not even gonna repeat what they said all right uh Peck bull's peck beasts Peck bull wild bull I did I will absolutely end up adding bulls and goats but I've stated before and I'm gonna state again that I really would like to wait until oh my god the the amount of storage I need I would like to wait until I have the main island I'd like to restrict it just to dogs until I have like the proper farm amount of of area all right everyone else can go back to their jobs the cannibal threat is over Oboro operating machine let's just have you mine and then green you are going to hold at the gate so that if anyone's incoming he'll I don't even need message that they're incoming he'll flash red by shooting them also seems like um like half my bridge blew up I'm not sure well you know what that was so I did an import the bugs I was getting with the slave mod I ended up doing an import and I guess what ended up happening was everything that was outside of the sphere influence of my town got removed or roughly as you could see this dome is the sphere of influence with my town I did shift f12 for that and it seems like that's why my bridge got destroyed and I don't really want to fix that on camera because it's not compelling to have you all watch so I can fix that off-camera on my own time another thing I could do here is silver shade you could hypothetically maybe not silver shade actually hella you could run into hang and with thorns have thorns sell off some of this stuff red rain are you conscious yeah red rains conscious too so let's pick up red rain let's go on a little bit of a sell run and then see if we can't purchase some more camp bags I I guess I should have expected that I would need as many as you know as I have but people but but obviously that was not the case all right so let's heal someone else up I think healing our doctors a wise choice and pretty much everyone else does not have treat goods that needs to go sell or anything so that's totally fine and that will free up some money a few people mentioned that I need to build up some money for the recruit Caravan that is heading my way it is let's see factions upcoming events aventuras guild i don't know their ETA but yeah once they get here I'm obviously gonna need some money to recruit help they just arrived all right that was much faster than I expected but hopefully if I wait a little bit and sell and hang they won't leave anticipate who are you guys you are outlaw swordsman so steering clear you now I do find a little low a little distasteful to have to do business with the enemy but they have the vast bulk of the people of high verse to recruit these you see cities so until I bulk up my numbers I really don't see that I have much of a choice alright let's trade oh yeah I can't fence this stuff too well I can fence that any of the stuff that was purchased from the caravan guard obviously they have a tight affiliation with the I guess I could sell my animal skins Caravan guard our allied what I could do perhaps is there's shinobi thieves I'm gonna get a huge price gouge on this but it's better than nothing given that I hastily need the money so these guys don't care what I sell to them I'm looking for the one that has a backpack on there you are all right let's trade it's funny when you ask them what they buy they're like we buy everything and they really do they really don't care they just don't give you top dollar for it but I don't need top dollar uh all right so Queen we have guests I'm not entirely sure oh there we are they probably didn't sing excuse me for a while now okay so here are the recruits we got three drones in a soldier at this rate I think the only people that I really need is a soldier so here it is [Music] we have a new soldier right all right so taking a look at my cue I would say sing gely you are now a new soldier of the hive let's check out your stats you weren't special haha that's okay everyone has a rough start so if I want one more hayver they're all drones I'm curious actually what they're charging for a drone let's check they're gonna stand around a little bit so yeah I don't I didn't have the money for the drone when I asked for them to come back I will definitely have more money but that's that works oh really really my friend that is what you do first sit on the throne and is a incorrect assumption about what you should do as a new member to this I that's ok Queen doesn't get easily offended let's see let's give you the meathook cuz that's a weapon that he's not going to break your arms trying to hold unfortunately the people that just showed up I wasn't going to be able to sell anything to them they weren't traders in that way and then if I put these pants on you are perfectly encumbered so we'll just wear the pants for now he wears the pants in the relationship so now we have to gate guards and one with some cannibal pants all right checking back on the swarm here now some people have mentioned that they the number quite obviously the number passed [Music] past ten so one of these solutions that I could do is to split this group up and have have them be in two different groups now the issue with that of course is kenchi is a bit of a hardware hog and it does require a pretty good hardware especially when you're splitting groups up like this so I need to be careful not to crash or whatnot so this rate I would say I don't much care in what condition these guys are in just as long as they can walk so Thor is gonna give his bed up and French he's gonna give his bed up the borer actually has to make his way back to hang to talk to the thief [Music] plastic surgeon as well that's something I'm gonna need to do and you know what all you could probably stop sneaking and stop holding all right now that Frenchie's a up banana he can run around and split people and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna stand around and wait until everyone is able to move at full speed all right Resnick I still want you resting cuz your legs are still noodles I have been getting a little extra rest to Ron and beep just in case I get into combat I need them be able to throw down and defend looks like I'm also probably yeah let's turn around hella you are gonna go back into hang we need more food don't we we already ate all of it and Talyn is getting hungry so not all these people have been finished off most of them oh who are you alright you can enslave this guy let's see if it actually works that they just killed them immediately obviously if they make any oh here we go we have some starving vagrants that know here's the caravan boss silver shade let's pick up skiff Frenchie pick up tellin no one's getting enslaved today now to not violate the ten person rule I of course can just keep five of these guys in the bed on ice so to speak silver shade whoa who hit oh that must have been Rowan just crush that guy's head for 107 red rain and thorns up horns just 108 yep don't mess with my my puppies as you can see starving vagrants I don't even have I would say particularly good gear yet and starving vagrants really oh oh dear no you are not taking cookie excuse me so they took someone cookies gear but I the you took cookies sword that's okay cuz there's plenty of weapons now laying on the ground [Music] so cookie already has a weapon crabs on his feet you know what I'm I'm not okay with this guy slaving around me so yeah what what is an early grave for you yep bye bye two hits goodbye you're dead and I'll take my uh I'll take cookies weapon back thanks oh you idiot alright cooky get sir weapon back I don't feel bad about that a little transaction at all all right beep you want to be on your feet sorry starving vagrants you probably don't deserve being finished off but I can't have you sitting around my people armed and unconscious because I know what you're gonna do I would do it too if I was in your position which I'm not which is to get up heal yourself sneak around and then try to murder me again just remember you picked this fight I did not you wanted it like this had you walked by I wouldn't give me a pass but nope you decided fight to the death all right too far it's a good amount of stuff that I keep plucking off of these uh morons that keep getting in fights with me oh are you oh that one's pretending to be dead aren't you yeah you are hey starving vagrant apparently I can't attack you for some reason that's very strange but they're don't pose any threat to me so I'm gonna not worry about it all right let's do a quick health check people's legs so Ron needs to well first round needs to give his big old bludgeoned up so that you can run at normal speeds and his legs do not carry him the speed that I need them to somehow cookie says she can run at 26 miles an hour no she's in a coma okay so yeah the people that are resting need to be resting AB or you can rest now one of the issues is getting in a fight when you have really really low limb health is you can very easily lose that limb and then when you lose the limb generally speaking you go unconscious for a long time not always but that's generally what happens Oh what is going on who are you stealing oh you're still carrying around the boss you know what just because you slavers pissed me off so we're shade is gonna use you for target practice we're shootin each other oh my gosh OTT in the head well I win still silver shade worse for wear but I did make it a fair fight it was a gentlemen's duel and I won oh well it was profitable murder is profitable guys did you know all right so I got the boss down and then I got this dude who has bolts for me and I am running out of room murders so profitable it fills the bags my cup runneth over all right there we go Oh what is this just a bounty hunter bone dog and he is eating a corpse or is that eating okay yes it is eating okay I was a little worried that was something else and then the legs got bit enough oh and the whole body is gone and he's just gonna do this to a new one you know I'm okay with this this is a really good method of removing you know corpses from the area that I don't want to have to deal with so back here all right I have this uh green hose the armor from the cannibal that I'm gonna want to eventually sell and a hook as well I forgot about that it's lighten your load there all right sing Gilly um who has a trader wooden backpack meat pants does all right meat pants I'm gonna need you to empty out the electrical components and we're gonna make a caravan run sooner or later once the main group gets home and we'll be able to we'll be able to sell off a whole lot of stuff the other worry is of course food so angel cactus is what you're waiting on here we have a lot of green fruit so I'm going to switch this over from dust witches to food cubes and that should get her working again yep that indeed is the case Jay let's see stangard just because there's not much else for you to do as long as it's being fueled actually you're supposed to be hauling to grog but I'm guessing the grog full no drugs not full rum is full nope alright let's forget that we don't really have an excess of the stuff we need for grog and rum so we've made some of it for trade but I don't want to make much more oh what the there's a babbler in the water nice as you can see the toothpicks here get oh wow we've been shooting him where the Sun don't shine it's very tough to pierce strong armor with crossbows in general and then the little toothpick crossbows are particularly bad which is actually exactly what I want because once I armed up my own squad I can train a lot of people on crossbows and have them constantly pelt my own allies with crossbows and it won't matter because it won't do a lot of damage oh he's swimming back to us because of course this lost babbler is no joke of an opponent it would take a considerable amount of our forces to put him down so if i can if i can whittle them down from a safe distance that'd be great of course i haven't done very much yet checking in on these guys now this rate uh hella you should be in hang and you are what a useful princess my favorite customer all right cool you have weird idea of what a favorite is cook fish is real real cheap dried fish is real cheap so we'll buy all that stuff and run this back to our group and maybe even check out a well let's check out the slave trade and then maybe another bar so where is this is hang right so the slave markets over here well looks like there's only green Lander and maybe a scorch liner on the roof but no they've got no hybrid I mean I'll talk to them anyway but they got no however unsurprising I do like how it is set up that who you got in the who you have in the cages who you have to sell now I I'm sorry I'm not attributing whoever told me this but they also said I've been told I should check in the bakeries because sometimes there's people to recruit in there is their bakery here might not be one in this town though alright so the bar I went to was the other one so I'll head into this one of course there is also the possibility that there's a traditional person to recruit not that I really have the money to well let's do business they have a lot of a lot of dried meat and cooked fish I guess the cook can't afford anything else well that's a lot of food that will get us home that will also encumber hella a lot so thorns you're gonna go follow hella and then Oboro you can run at 20 miles an hour you are going to actually hella wait here and Oboro you're gonna run and change your name hell is waiting here so that I can sell thorns is inventory that should free up a bed and it has Frenchy put town in telling the noodle arms still unconscious a lot of these guys are still fairly unconscious and a burros gonna get a new name I'm just keeping watch cuz it borrows not exactly the fastest or healthiest but longest keep it on him you should be okay alright so thorns is here with hella let's poke into the robotics workshop oh it's a scold I'm working there that's how you know it's you know legit uh so let's see thorns you were gonna sell oh wow this robotics doctor does not care that this stuff was owned by slavers I should have sold here I suppose but oh well what's been done cannot be undone [Music] then hella you're gonna trade with thorns making sure that she's not super super unbelievably encumbered because I need her to be able to run like reasonably fast Wow like even with no art no food she's just fine and then yeah let's go back and feed people now if you're a patron of mind at this point I don't have anyone in queue for a burl I do have a queue for certain animals and soldiers but I don't have a queue for drones so if you want to be a drone now's the time to speak up patrons and then if not I will name them whatever I want I'm not so don't don't say please name them after me unless you're a patron because then that means that patronage doesn't mean anything okay so we're gonna try to get fairest cook a bit how's everyone else doing Oboro should be just about at yep alright now we need to find the plastic surgeon areas all right quatre is his name and now he's gonna be running home that's temporary name so don't get used to it all right seems to me like there's space for someone in the bed so silver shade how about you I've been relying pretty heavily on silver shades ability to get us out of tough situations so helps to have him be healed right all right now the thorns here people are digging into his backpack for food for nutrients which is good I definitely need my strength Resnick's almost full cookies leg is still pretty rotten but somehow she can run at full speed with it we're almost out of the noun murk now malnourished amount for talent I think everyone is now conscious at least which is great and that dog is just topping off must be a Wolverine and if you you know get that reference if you don't I can tell it to you Wolverines in the wild they eat until they are like almost comatose that's just what they do for you know food why I really couldn't tell you but that's what they do alright jazz and Katter counters arm is really anyone that's like deep end in the negatives or splinted should probably take a little bit of rest like cookies leg I don't feel like replacing limbs here and it's possible that I'll need to at some point but skip your worse for wear [Music] when it becomes okay let's check out this bakery and see if the slave trade guard etc wants to get us murdered I'll see if anyone turns hostile nope no one to recruit in here that I can see these Samara heavies they're slavers here and they don't seem like they want to kill me so that's good I don't oh yeah there's some there's some slaves in cages and one's a hayver that's perfect find some slaves so stay or fast wow they have a lot of slaves in cages let's check out next door so stare fast welcome to the crew just go ahead litter your shekels I don't care I have no respect for this town anyway in fact I aim to see it burn oh and then one of the starving vagrants got imprisoned so I guess I guess it is possible even with the execute mod - to enslave and they don't know they don't have anyone ok what about working in the fields it's easier to see who's working in the fields if I don't pause the game because I can see them swinging I am just looking at the fields to see if there's any Ivers and is the stare fast no this is this is a slave that I could free at nighttime so I will come back at nighttime and free said slave alright stare fast just gonna stand around and wait for people to heal man that bone dog is feast of his life just one limb at a time it's dark and it's gross alright I guess there's no disadvantage of just waiting around for them to be dismissed in fact I'm gonna follow one of these guys and then once he goes inside I will yeah they have a bunch of hybrids employees Oh employed is probably wrong term enslaved here actually Dan the life of this slave he really does not seem to be work oh there he goes what's about to say she's not actually working he's just looking like he's working good for him resist okay so some of them gotten prisoned in here I don't know who to talk to to recruit for this area though oh but what are you you are recruitable oh no your bodyguard okay so he's a mercenary that hires himself out for protection that's gonna be a big knife I mean dude you did join me or not all right so if I want to recruit poo hot for instance who do I talk to I truly do not know I'm not getting uh chat bubbles on any of these guys for like come talk to me except for the piece and that's just for that's just for hiring him out as a merc analyst maybe it was this one because this one seemed to have a giant list of slaves beyond what seemed available on this Oh actually let's wait that that Huibers about to get in the cage there we go stork and I'm out of money I realize oh your name is Tengu oh haha that's funny Tengu is also the yeah there is no way that that there should be an slave named Tengu Tango's the emperor of the united states all right so this is just a nomads bone dog this is still bounty hunter bone dog I wonder what happens when these out of corpses if he's gonna turn on me and try to eat me or not um I'm sort of morbidly curious there's no one to treat here I'm also yeah there's only one scorched Lander there I know I don't have the money for anymore but I could make some quick if I need to by selling research books or iron plates or something but no one else is talking to me there was definitely more oh that's a caravan actually what is this yeah that's caravan here how about you by my small meds and in fact anyone got no we don't really have anything to trade no again have no idea who to talk to in here they're all just they're all just guards whatever happened to poo hot his poo hot still here yeah poo hot still in here doesn't seem to be Oh outlaw well are all the slaves out lost maybe the I they don't seem to be fed at all though I gotta say let's check yeah they're all outlaws okay well that might be all that I can afford anyway so that's a lot of cactus I suppose when you have free labor and why not scale big but I disapprove all right silver shades fully healed who is I think we're maybe ready to get moving I don't have too many serious injuries so let's go ahead and do that let's uh let's break down these beds break camp I've been sitting here long enough I suppose that's the penalty for getting a weapon and uh not even having out of camp beds so getting the requisite camp beds is definitely going to be on my to-do list the slowest here is probably the newest slave I've recruited I'm just gonna make sure I have everyone so one way to do is just drag a box make sure everyone's highlighted and they are so stork is definitely the slowest here he was the hungriest now there's one more step I need to make which is I socket the market just south of me for another fan favorite recruit here and I won't deny you all right so we got outlaw farmers right around here we'll steer around it and as you can see stork should be speeding up soon with the hunger being fulfilled thorn still has plenty of food on him I'm sort of curious I'm gonna pause for just a moment I'm curious about the state of my food cubes yep absolutely we are making food cubes unmistakable the angel is getting that done I think this would I don't know what she's waiting on she might be waiting on cactus or a green fruit yep she's waiting on green fruit all right well that's fine back to the swarm now stork becomes less malnourished wow they were really starving out there slaves Styron's darker they've seen healthier days we will know this is a nest of some sort and I want to be going south they will eventually speed up a bit as their nutrition improves and also their athletics so the curious thing here is of all the people I recently recruited do any of them have special talents the answer seemingly no none of them came with like hidden talents sometimes when you recruit people they have hidden talents sometimes they don't okay these phone dogs are not looking for a fight that's good just keep on marching got a skimmer that will avoid a bit not that we couldn't take it on I just don't want to slow down the movement I have going on with injuries given the numbers that I have it's pretty in my opinion important to get home and then start start training these guys as craftsmen or at least the ones that wanted to be craftsmen so some of my patrons said yes I want to be a craftsman so for instance in the case of Resnick Resnick said he wanted to be a soldier but also he wanted to be I believe as an armor Smith yes he wanted to be an arson sorry do realize that yeah soldiers actually do have a penalty you do see armor smithing whereas the the laborers don't but that's how the patron wanted it and I'm totally okay with it in fact I've mentioned numerous times that basically I this Queen believes that people should do what they want not what they're made for or born for which is why beep gets to be a soldier and why Resnick gets to be an armor Smith that is the exact reason why she started her own hive so there is a slave traders here I don't yet have the money to buy any one so let me let me sell off some of the excess I've got let's do business all right sadly the first thing to go will be their end plates they're a little bit more there are trade good so they're more replaceable than the books the actually the books are pretty good too and then let's take a look we've got ray here who is shackled and imprisoned and sitting next to the barfly and he's saying useless slave because he doesn't speak and I'm gonna say can't talk and he says a pass owner cut out his tongue he can be a feisty one and I'm gonna suggest how about I pay for his freedom freedom only once a thousand yeah all right I will buy right all right so that was the that was indeed the the pond that everyone wanted me to recruit and now I have a ray he's mute and as such you can't rename him not in vanilla anyone that doesn't talk can't talk to a plastic surgeon so as you can see here if I go try to talk to the barman it just says ray can't talk to people that's also true of Agnew who is a skeleton Agnew is a skeleton that is not mute but doesn't use words she was not built this millenia and doesn't really know the common tongue and as such he's not doesn't really have people skills or robot skills or whatever you call skills that robots should have I'm just gonna check because I have a little bit of extra cash if there's any other yep there are some Huibers I see you I will free you but I named after Schubert I perhaps well but I welcome to a new life so all these additional hot drones that I recently got that aren't oh what is attacking me grass pirates uh let's just make the city do till what the grass pirates cuz I have no interest in and getting chopped up defending a city that ain't mine you know it's not that I'm shutting away from a fight I just never ever want to be fighting side by side with slavers even if it is sort of in my advantage now one thing I could do is make sure that these these crass pirates get and almost death and don't get repurposed into the slave trade ie finishing them off and maybe stealing their dusk coats a small price to pay for you know not being a slave right oops I hit B tonight now I'm not sure grass pirates realize what piracy means but all right so be it another thing let's take the martial-arts bindings I'm sort of curious about that as well um talent can you wear it no you can't wear it well I consulted them I was hoping Tellem could wear it because he wants to be a martial artist but harbors don't wear shirts like that they only wear hyper shirts all right so I was waltzing around something else is about to go down what is this a bone dog that once want to bite me all right Frenchy is just will will toe up this bone dog free meat and friend she's gonna go sell the stuff he's looted I'm not gonna keep the dust coats actually the dust coats would be good um um hmm no sleeve does not sleep those dust coats I'm just gonna sell them I want the money anyway all right have they enslaved the other ones probably I don't really see them anyway Oh who'd they knock out here another grass pirate standard grade no I don't know it might be worth wearing especially for people that are going to be are people that are okay hold on let me just get rid of the execute the people that are gonna be eventually cross bowing or whatever just coats a pretty decent also make them look stick you know they stand apart so I'll keep the good ones do these so oh yeah I guess these sell for a little bit these grass Pirates have like not awful armor surprising enough but they are their blood is gonna become fertilizer now there was one more pirate that was waltzing into town just got knocked out sorry guys no money for you they're probably so mad I like how they just don't acknowledge that I'm doing that that works for me show me what you got alright I do realize that some of these guys that I recently recruited don't have weapons but because I'm already sort of violating the ten person Squad rule now that was ten people of soldiers or people that have determined to be soldiers and obviously these not all these guys are soldiers and it's not so much an attack squad an attack squad to me is Oh what is that like a giant Oh that's the execute button that I threw out that is really funny it like is a physical object that exists yeah so I digress to me what that means is a squad that's like fully geared and armored and going to go murder something that's in my mind went in tax squad is stork definitely took a hit to the to the lower limbs so don't worry Stuart I got you we've no man or no hiver behind stare fest is additionally a little slow do we have someone strong enough to lift him hella could you lift him without too much of a speed penalty oh no you can't maybe silver shade and this is the problem picking fight with with random wolves as it can really slow you down so Ron he's not even encumbered by this guy what on earth so the slowest is gonna be batai and we're gonna start to aim home but we're gonna make our way through some trading areas as well possibly recruit areas I'm not gonna head in this swamp though actually I should probably start going north and maybe I'll swing by this way station then then go noise he's doing his best trying to keep up Helen comfort is he he's not very encumbered one thing I could do with Rey is I don't really have another weapon that isn't ridiculously heavy gray you get silver shades bludgeoned that seems fair alright ray is now the slowest he's a soldier so he builds up athletics slower than batai who was a drone so ray will lead the way the the mute leading the footless kind of like the Deaf leading the blind and a blind leading the blind but no the mute leading the footless oh he's speeding up to uh ray stats let's see about that he's got uh low stats but better than most of the starting people and we were gonna pop into this weigh station just to see if there's a hybrid for sale or for hire for whatever hello let's go check no this is the materials building I could of course to not learn that yet I could of course by iron plates now that I'm not poor again but I think I'm gonna keep the money for now okay so there's Pato but he's a prince and therefore and yet another Prince to print oh no that's a you see pacifier this is probably a merc or guard yep and there's a pretty there's a lot of diversity in this bar in this way station I gotta say there's a little bit of everyone here yet another prince but also not for hire nope there's no one for me alright that's fine Raley's the way yeah we're gonna follow this road home and try to avoid as many of the you see patrol are the holy nation patrols as we can again a noble nomad animal trader but that's that's to be d I will get there soon who are you bunch of outlaw not looking for a fight I should probably given that my numbers swell well past 10 avoid fights on my way home only take the ones I need to I do like this sort of like fat Flying V formation they got going on it's kind of nice all right let's check in on home making sure all's well farms are watered yes yes oh it's even ready to harvest yes yes yes yes and Ferris have you been actually cooking up fish yeah I think so oh yeah you have a lot of raw fish uh let's cook it and then bring it to the cook fish storage hall to cook for storage fry fish fish and then get bait so really soon with the new drones that don't get named after patrons I can have them be full-time fisherman full-time whatever you know I feel bad about relegating patrons to such duties but unless they you don't request them all right stare fast is gonna get put down now and we're gonna follow him he's going to be dis lost but he needs to build up his athletics skill stork storks legs still not gonna allow for speedy movement actually let's see about that Frenchie put him down and maybe we'll splint his leg up oh yeah stork can run in fact Ray is still the slowest cool so they all healed up and l4 got splitted up enough that now they're all on they're all on their feet and well strokes a little fallen behind but oh I was staring at the very sweet formation I had going and not staring at warehouse commented walked right into a bunch of submerged schemers as did these club hinges well lucky for me I don't care about cloud ninjas alright will REE reform our formation here and now I'll actually look where I'm going I think skimmers are supposed to sort of replicate like antlions or something that have little burrows and then when you when you tamper with the Burrow it uh pisses them off and they amber oh and they try to eat you and there's a skimmer there and there were the burrows over there these rocks look so cool until you realize well maybe they're petrified wood I don't know what they are they look cool that's all I can say who are they worn with outlaw farmers I wonder what like the average life expectancy of like a hungry bandit or outlaw farmer is gotta imagine it's like dreadfully low uh oh speaking of which we weren't set on passive and one of these skimmers just picked up big old fight with us luckily we are not pushovers so thorns actually let's know it's Roy drain let's give wrong the Ron stick yeah let's take this fight it's gonna slow my caravan down but so be it don't want a passive everyone in attack all Talon we'll do a little bit of cleanup I'm gonna need to do a little bit of recovery here clearly cuz I already have some people that are unconscious but yeah I don't know felt it felt right to fight this group I've been avoiding the skimmers for so long I finally fought feel like I should be able to fight back especially given my numbers so here we are mano a mano whoa talk about playing with your food throwing it halfway across the map all right I don't know what you guys are doing you guys are Oh what is this a patrol that wants to kill us or something no that's a bunch of mercs so this will keep us better fed we were running low on fish already we have a pretty large contingency of people that were moving around here and I think I just have one more I should have just been living with thorns but okay let's just loop with noise much easier alright so bowtie and red rain or unconscious reprimand but I won't be unconscious for very long and then the other thing is Oh yep we have some dinged up legs are you going to think I'm a slave I dare you no they're there they're looking to actually sell their um their skills I think as mercenaries so Ron give your big bash stick back I'm checking everyone's move speed sarey is gonna definitely be the slowest but no one's really truly all that slow which is great so onward we're gonna do the northern or the northeastern pass to World's End but I'm just about out of time guys so I want to give a big ol thank you to everyone that is supporting the series especially this episode Brett Potter for the mod that you made it will be really cool to have Huibers have hive looking appendages as parts of prosthetics and robotics if you have any tips tricks feedback for me drop me a line if you are a patron of mine one of these drones damaged after you just let me know if not these guys are gonna be put to farming and you know honest work but not slave work I think you all for watching I'll catch you all later adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 28,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Let's Play
Id: waWL6CaH4Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 4sec (3724 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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