kendrick's most evil diss track

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I think is where you where they think that you went too far I don't care was I don't care there is no too far I don't play like that so that's why you don't play with me right right right right that's why you don't play with me throughout the entire Drake and Kendrick Lamar rap beef of 2024 one song has remained a fixture of discussion and it didn't come from either artist you mention wedding ring like it's a bad thing your father walked away at five hell of aad Thing released in 2018 push teas the story of adadon might prove to be one of the most impactful diss tracks ever put to tape not so much because it destroyed the career of its Target but because it forever changed what we Define as a win within a rat beef Pusha Forever The Lyricist and Wordsmith made the fascinating choice on that track not to go after his competition with strictly bars and beats but with hidden information and gossip revealing that his opponent was hiding a child from the world in a move that handily won him the battle in years since with the rise of dirt digging as entertainment on social media platforms such as Twitter push's added-on has completely reframed what we as fans see a great dist track to be expectations have now shifted from wanting hard-hitting bars and lyrical reads to wanting shocking reveals that can't be recovered from and so from the moment that Kendrick and Drake started going after one another with Jabs about who's the greatest and hints towards taking the beef further all anyone could talk about was the possibility of either artists releasing their own story of adadon it also helps that the person Pusher was fighting in 2018 well it was Drake fans clamored for a reputation Destroyer even overlooking some great songs in this battle because they knew it had the potential to escalate even further the massive status of both artists making the prospect of scandalous information all the more appealing and on May 3rd we got our story of adadon in fact we got it twice both Kendrick and Drake releasing within minutes of one another nuclear level dis songs with wild accusations and the potential to Forever change how we view either artist Drake's family matters questioned the true father of Kendrick's children and claimed he put hands on his longtime partner Whitney Alford Kendrick's meet the grams implicated Drake in some of the worst stuff you can imagine involving children and asserted that he's hiding another child this time a young daughter I'll admit that in the moment it was overwhelming and I didn't know how to feel unlike adadon neither of these songs came with definitive proof of their claims and I went to bed that night Shell Shocked more than anything I held out for support in either direction but even as the DK settled there was little to be found definitely not anything that wasn't available to the public beforehand but the strange thing is this was still a turning point in the beef the moment where Kendrick Lamar definitively upstaged Drake and became the clear favorite all without receipts or a discrediting of Drake's points and the reason for that is the same as to why Kendrick's Euphoria top Drake's push-ups or 616 in La beat out tailor made freestyle because Kendrick across this whole beef has been subtly crafting a narrative one born out of the conceptual story seen across Lamar's entire career and brought to natural Peak on Meet the [Music] grams sorry that man father me in this ongoing series dissecting the deeper messaging and Kendrick Lamar's recent disc records I've been very adamant that Kendrick's use of subtle storytelling and musical narrative through rap beef has been a key factor elevating him above Drake and nowhere is that more apparent than on Meet the grams but before we dive into that track it's worth exploring the song it answers Drake's family matters because drizzy's disc provides a perfect window into what grams might have looked like and what effect it might have had without Lamar's more Artful touch Family Matters is a supremely bloated song for every cutting Drake bar on the track there's one that amounts to simple filler and there's a notable lack of pace or structure here to make each of the songs three parts feel necessary additionally the track fails to tell us all too much about Kendrick Lamar its main target when Drake isn't taking aim at the likes of Rick Ross or Metro boomman his shots at Kendrick are scattered at best so much of forming a strong disc is stringing together information about an opponent to build an unflattering character portrait something Drake just doesn't do and most importantly Family Matters lacks Innovation we're at a point now where rat beefs have become almost predictable we've lived through so many and seen time and time again the common trajectory of a beef so for a conflict and rap to truly make its Mark now especially when it's between two industry Titans there has to be something more going on a change to the beef formula that keeps it interesting and pushes boundaries now Drake tried to do something Innovative in this beef already using AI to just Kendrick Lamar on tailor made freestyle but that turned out to be a bit of a self-own many thought it was disrespectful the Tupac estate made him take the track down for its use of pox voice and Drake has been one of the most openly anti- aai artist in recent months so the stunt just felt Hollow and while Drake tried to replicate one of the most Innovative dis records on Family Matters attempting to draw from The Pusher T Playbook again his attempt fell flat where Pusher used his red button in the form of Drake's hidden child to complete a song that dissected Drake's psyche Drake uses his own red button like he would any other disc failing to do anything more than shallowly replicate added on so the these are the places where Drake failed disregarding the quality of his information and disses a lack of curation focus and effort destroyed Family Matters before it even released so what changes does Kendrick make to ensure meet the grams is something special from a rigid description of its content meat the grams doesn't differ All Too Much from Family Matters it too contains shocking and unconfirmed accusations and goes incredibly personal on its disses but the genius of the song and why it's Superior lies in the details Kendrick structures the track around four Central verses There's No Chorus no beat switches just lyrics and a haunting instrumental courtesy of The Alchemist in each of Kendrick's verses he directly addresses a different member of the Graham lineage slowly peeling back layers of Drake's identity and how it intertwines with his family Kendrick uses Drake's son Adonis to explore Aubrey's racial insecurities sexual addictions and history of abandoning his children in verse one in verse two Kendrick writes to Drake's mother and father blaming Dennis Graham for Drake's gambling addictions and manipulative Tendencies and pleading with Drake's mother Sandra to understand as a woman the predatory behaviors of Aubrey in verse three Kendrick drops a major reveal of the track that Drake is allegedly hiding another child and while Kendrick certainly knows this is a wild reveal he uses the hidden child to further comment on Drake's problems and how they contribute to a wider cycle of abandonment and neglect with the final verse Kendrick writes directly to Drake himself bringing together all the personal failings he identified or Exposed on the song and trying to find empathy with the tragic portrait of Aubrey that he's painted so that's meet the grams and even if Drake would have come with the same level of shocking information as Kendrick there's something so captivating and effective about the very design of this song and the clear effort that was put into crafting it it of course helps that Kendrick is an exceptional writer and laas is the with incredibly scathing and sissing disses but what makes those bars work is how they all stack on top of one another and contribute toward a leading narrative across meet the grams one that paints a vivid picture of Drake each person Lamar writes to provides an increasingly clear picture of who the real Aubrey Graham is making this track more than just a sum of a few scathing disses and certainly not overly long despite a six-minute run time it's impossible not to listen to this track in full once it has a Tok in you every bar leaves you on the the edge of your seat because it's all necessary to the story here and that's the type of Engagement Family Matters with its more simple dis strategy just doesn't have the conceptual edge of Kendrick framing each verse as a separate letter to Drake's family members that certainly isn't something we've seen done before in the world of rap beef making this track an incredibly Innovative one that will likely set a new bar for Effective disc records the story of adadon now looks like a rough draft of Meet the grams which is insane since that was the bar modern disc songs were measured against just weeks ago again Family Matters as a more comfortable track can't compete and I'd be happy to end the video here asserting that meet the grams is great in a vacuum which it certainly is and that it basically does everything Family Matters didn't which it certainly does but to leave it there would be to unell what this track is really doing to fully understand the song and why it's an instantly iconic staple of rap beef history we need to talk about how it slots into the ongoing story of Kendrick Lamar and how it builds on a foundation of artistry that ensured Drake would lose this lyrical battle before it even began we need to talk about Mr morale and the big steppers tell I've been going through something in my last video on the topic of the Kendrick and Drake beef I went in detail on the Journey of Kendrick Lamar As Told through his music and how Kendrick's Euphoria built on that story if you want more information about how Kendrick has progressed across his entire output I would certainly encourage you to explore that video and come back Hereafter but in summary Kendrick's story has been one of rising to the status of rap Savior and then abandoning that status to focus on himself and internal growth the album where the majority of that individual progression for Kendrick Lamar occurred was Mr morale his 2022 album that Dove head first in themes of trauma cycles of pain Universal experience and forgiveness I discussed Mr morale briefly when I analyzed Kendrick's euphoria but an analysis of Meet the grams Demands a much more extensive look since it is spoilers a track that ties into that album on a much deeper level Mr morale is a difficult record dents in its themes messages and the means through which it delivers both the record presents itself Loosely as a performative version of therapy every song Standing in for a different session and the album's narrative being determined by Kendrick's own journey of self-discovery through those sessions the development of Lamar here is informed by the key teachings of akar tole a German self-help philosopher known for his ideology of living in the moment accepting past failures and limiting the egoistic part of the self to's Concepts on morale blend with other spiritual teachings and the experiences of Kendrick to form a philosophy that can be read roughly as follows one all people live through one another personal experiences representing Universal ones and all persons influencing others through a web of inter connectivity two to be aware of this connectivity is to be enlightened and to be in tune with the true self three experiencing suffering caused by others can lead us to develop pain bodies manifestations of our trauma that can overtake us and cause us to harm others in turn continuing cycles of suffering four to overcome these Cycles we must become aware of how they perpetuate how the people who initially harmed us were products of Greater influences and how we reflect those same people and five in doing so we can learn to forgive others forgive ourselves and allow for the space to breathe and grow and stumble in our own lives that's far from a comprehensive look into the spiritual philosophy of Mr morale but it provides enough of an explanation for us to understand the album the story on morale is linear just like it is on any other Kendrick record but spiritually the progression is far from normal reflecting real experiences Kendrick bounces across the album from moments of great suffering to instances of false confidence to pain moments of regression to actual bits of spiritual enlightenment including the record's core worldview every step of the way and showing the chaos of internal reflection by the album's end Kendrick asserts a profound love for himself and for others acknowledging that he still has problems he must work through but reaching a place of semi stasis for himself where he can take a step away from some of the more unhealthy aspects of his existence and grow in silence morale is one of the most vulnerable albums ever created oftentimes an uncomfortable listen but the ideas within it are incredibly essential to understanding the modern identity of Kendrick Lamar especially as it pertains to his beef with Drake Mr morale was a record that didn't exactly hit with everyone maybe it was too dense or too dark but for whatever reason the album was written off by many that's fairly sad considering that the record was intended to spread such a universal message of healing but I'd argue that the failure of morale to connect with mass audiences is something Kendrick is incredibly aware of and I'd say this entire beef is a kind of revised means of presenting the messages of morale to the public meet the grams giving us Kendrick's ultimate thesis of those lessons all the artistic techniques I've discussed so far that give this track an edge over any of Drake's well each of them serve a purpose in advancing The Narrative of Mr morale the very structure of the track Kendrick commenting on Drake through letters addressed to his family simultaneous ly shows how Drake's own life is reflected in the lives of others and how the influences of people around him shape Drake into who he is today Universal connectivity and action referencing Drake's parents kendri gives us a loose starting point for some of the more negative patterns Drake and bodies patterns Kendrick shows Aubrey is instilling into his children and so we come back to the concept of the pain body trauma causing more trauma in cycles of suffering that Kendrick defined as generational curses on Mr morale as he did on Euphoria Kendrick devotes certain lines on Meet the grams to drawing parallels between Drake and himself making clear that no matter how twisted Drake has been or how much Kendrick might personally despise him there must be room for Redemption and growth themes of forgiveness and reflection as seen on Mr morale once again appear but while Kendrick relates to Drake in some ways this certainly doesn't mean Kendrick minimizes Drake's alleged wrongs just as often as he ties himself to Drake on Meet the grams Kendrick links his experiences with those of Drake's children drawing on his own victimhood to better understand how harmful Aubrey's actions have been again we're dealing with universal experiences and generational curses and the hatred Kendrick embodies across this whole song well that's just a symptom of the still flawed individual Lamar told us he was at the end of Mr morale he's regressing in some ways here driving home even further Mor Central Concepts this track is Mr morale in a distilled package a tldr for that album if you will but to say Kendrick is just restating the themes of Morale on this track would again be under selling his Artistry more than just a recycling of the philosophy on morale Kendrick's choice to apply the messages of that record directly onto Drake show their application in the real world morale was an album advocating that everyone processed their faults and in their generation curses through coming to terms with how certain influences caused them to harm others but there was only so much Kendrick could do on that album as an individual while Kendrick tried to use his features on that album to show a more Universal experience Kendrick couldn't really Force anyone to open up to the extent that he did but now Kendrick has exposed cycles of suffering in another albeit in a way that reflects somewhat negatively on himself but regardless Kendrick has proven a lot of the groundwork laid on from Mr morale to be undeniably true Kendrick is all at once here going after Drake delivering a disc that functions perfectly on its own following up Mr morale and showing his personal philosophy to be true in a real world context next rap beef that comes along I'm not looking for a story of adadon I am looking for more of this meet the grams is not a fun song it's not all too replayable and I wouldn't say Kendrick lines here will be the most iconic from this battle not like us Kendrick's anthemic followup to this very track fits all that criteria and will certainly be the defining record from this era but on a creative and artistic level meet the grams has become my staple song from the recent flood of disc records it's like sitting in on Drake's incredibly revealing session with the world's meanest therapist and it represents the type of inventive track that only Kendrick Lamar could pull off defly balancing multiple Les and ideas in a fulfilling manner every technique here every word is carefully placed with the analytical touch seen on countless other Kendrick songs showing that Lamar doesn't have to compromise his Artistry to dismantle an opponent on May 3rd I showed up for the disrespect and shocking revelations but I'll be coming back to this one for the almost poetic dissections and the rich themes on display for the ties to Mr morale in the advancements of that album Story and for how Kendrick abandoned a more traditional dish strategy here in favor of a personal introduction to Drake and all the people who helped shape him into the incredibly flawed person we see today how Kendrick Lamar leted us or more forced us to meet the grams dear H I know you probably thinking I wanted to crash your party but truthfully I don't have a ha bone in my body what's up guys I am filming this on my iPhone which should probably be a sign that I'm very uh kind of overwhelmed right now didn't really have time to film a proper outro but regardless I'm here at the end just to say thank you all for watching I worked really hard on this one I had to do a lot of work in a very short amount of time which I feel like I'm always having to do but I'm very proud with how this video turned out um I think it's you know a great one and I really love getting talk about Kendrick although I am probably going to Pivot to some non music stuff for a bit at least non Kendrick stuff uh just to give myself like a bit of a break I been doing a lot of Kendrick writing and research and editing and stuff like that for a while now so I need more variety again hope youall enjoyed the video like I said very proud of it uh I do just want to come on here at the end as I always do to give a massive thank you to my patrons y'all are literally what keeps this channel alive and I want to give a very special shout out to my patrons in these shout out tears which let me just say we've been losing some patrons recently if you want to support the channel patreon is the absolute best place to do that that keeps my bills paid keeps these videos coming I have a lot of really cool ideas that I want to make this summer um and I I give updates about them over on patreon I'm also going to start trying to upload a week in advance like I often promise I do I've just been very overwhelmed lately so uploading a week ahead of schedule has been a little bit hard but I'm getting back on schedule I hope to keep that as a thing yeah so um my patrons anyway special thanks to Ana May Onyx Sophie villerot Adrian r31 Alex Mirabal and Grace and with that being said as always I have been Ellie you have been wonderful and until next time bye
Channel: Making Media Matter
Views: 443,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meetthegrahams, beef, kanye, metroboomin, future, notlikeus, mustard, babykeem, drizzy, euphoria
Id: 5rm9A6uBCyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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