How Kendrick Proved Drake's Not Like Us

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when Jermaine Cole stood on stage at the biggest event of the year for dreamville fans he apologized to Kendrick Lamar many including myself were confused seeing as he'd been on a role taking shots at Kendrick alongside Drake with bragados bars in records like firstperson shooter and seven-minute drill it seemed like a three-way hip-hop war was imminent Cole's decision to bow out gracefully left me so confused even I dropped a video titled Jay Cole Let Nas Down again and here we are a few weeks removed from rap's first major rap beef since Drake went at Meek Mill and Cole's decision is all starting makes sense hell even reports came out claiming TDE school boy Q told jcole ahead of time to not come to school the next day and thank God he didn't because we just witnessed a blood bath on wax that was absolutely great for the culture I thought these three were just going to have a fun competitive lyrical Spar but it turns out Kendrick and Drake really hate each other's guts it all started with Kendrick's verse on Metro's album we don't trust you that's when he declared that there's no hip-hop big three it's just big me and that's when Aubrey and his angels went into a total hissy fit on social media so we ended up getting back-to-back records from Drake titled push-ups in tailor made freestyle I thought push-ups was an okay record that served its purpose as a first round jab I didn't feel like it was that clever and it was a bit unfocused but it definitely had its moments Taylor Made freestyle on the other hand I wasn't a big fan this is the record you can't even find online anymore and that's because Drake chose to use an AI voice mod to make himself sound like Snoop Dogg and Tupac I understand the angle he tried to take by using Kendrick's West Coast Heroes against him but I don't don't think it stuck its Landing for me specifically the Tupac portion that man's been deceased for 30 years I I don't understand why people don't just let him rest in peace and apparently I wasn't the only one who wasn't a fan either because the Tupac estate sent a ceeon assist notice and the song was taken down it would seem that Drake didn't ask for permission to use Tupac's voice which further reinforces why the Heart part 6 is such a terrible record but I'll touch on that more later instead I want to focus on a part about Taylor Made freestyle that was forgotten the internet moves really fast these days so people tend to forget even quicker so allow me to ref refesh your memory one of the key takeaways in tailor made freestyle was Drake was taunting Kendrick he kept begging Kendrick to drop even insinuating he was scared he also did this on push-ups as well and I'm not going to lie at one point it did look like Drake was bullying Kendrick because kot was so quiet I just want to reinforce the whole taunting part of this battle because I think that part was forgotten and it plays a major role in why I don't feel bad for what happened to Drake and his stands who are still defending him on social media but in retrospective Kendrick really wasn't getting bullied it was simply the Cal before the storm When the Smoke cleared on this battle all I can think of was that scene from Pearl Harbor where Admiral yam says I think one of the most unique things about this battle we've never seen before is the onslaught of Records usually artists go back and forth in a battle but Kendrick treated Drake like he was a fire who was going to throw dirt on and just suffocate him and it started with Euphoria which upon first release I liked it but it also felt like a light jab similar to push-ups I would say at this point in the battle I would give a slight Edge to Kendrick but Drake is far from out of the fight that's how I felt when the song first dropped now that the battle's over that song is aging like Fine Wine Not only is it a banger but Kendrick told Drake everything that was going to happen and he still let it happen Then kof followed up with 616 in La which is a play on Drake's timestamp Series this song was just okay to me at first but I think this one has really grown on me that Al Green sample is great it's essentially a three-minute record saying I don't want to do this but I was chosen to slay the the dragon so let me say a prayer Kiss My Wife and Kids goodbye as I wage war against a man that represents everything that I hate about modern hip-hop culture this is another song that's aging like fine wine for me and I've seen people complaining about this song not being available on Apple and Spotify now I don't work for them this is not an ad but I will state this is just another reason to own YouTube premium upgrading to YouTube premium is one of the best things that I've ever did not only do you not get any ads on videos but you also support creators and you get YouTube music they have everything Spotify and Apple has but they also have leaks mixtapes and non-cleared songs like 616 in La I'm just saying wink wink wink anyways this entire battle felt like the personification of Pride before the fall one side told the other I am fully prepared to dissect you with the Precision of a surgeon and the other side was just trying to little bro the other and meme it up and meme it up he did Drake was all over Instagram hinting at the fact that a nuke was coming and the world was on standby and when he finally hit that red button oh boy the damage was done all of for a total of 30 minutes but I'll get back to that later instead let's talk about Family Matters many consider this to be one of the best records to come out of this battle and a week ago I might have agreed but the more I listen to it the less I like it I think the production is great and the visuals are too but my biggest issues with this record is there are several questionable bars plus it lacks Focus once again and Drake stands please stop making excuses for this 37-year-old man Drake is at the top of the food chain it's no reason to waste so many bars on people like future Metro and the weekend when they can't even rap on your level so it looks like you're just ducking the Kendrick smoke we're here for the main event and instead you're just punching down I don't know who the boy had in his corner but if I could have advised him I would have told him focus on Kendrick because not only is he taking shots at everyone but then he's dropping bars like Kendrick's always rapping like he's trying to free the slaves I get where you're trying to go with that he was trying to imply that Kendrick is not this savior that he presents himself to be but it was a better way to word that also another problem is Kendrick never presented himself to be that he literally says on his album I am not your savior which makes me question Drake as a hip-hop fan also the line's just tacky what's wrong with freeing all the slaves if anything it just reinforces the things Kendrick's been saying about Drake being a culture vulture no Sayan African-American would ever tell another why are you acting like you trying to free all the slaves then he dropped another bar that some would consider to be homophobic he said in one verse weekend's music's getting played in all the spots where boys got a little more Pride that's why all your friends dip into Atlanta paying just to find a tour guide now me personally I wasn't a offended by this bar but that moment I heard that bar I paused a song and I said to my stream over at theblack Hoag yeah that's about to make you a lot more unnecessary enemies because it was just a stupid and unnecessary bar it could be offensive to Gay and straight people because if you're trying to say a straight male like me is gay for liking the weekend I'm just going to say that's stupid because I am a man a man who's gay you like [ __ ] get that to your head Drake also insinuated some things about Kendrick's character such as he assault his wife but from my research that's been disproven time and time again there's even been reports that came out stating he made that up as well as the dayree kid stuff simply because he didn't have anything on Kendrick I don't know what's true so the way I've been judging this battle to keep things fair is based on the music until someone has some real paperwork I'm simply looking at who had better production clever bars schemes metaphors and themes I think Family Matters is a solid Drake record I just think it could have hit a bit harder if it didn't sound like your typical Drake record and there weren't so many questionable bars Also let's be real it didn't help that meet the grham dropped 30 minutes at the Family Matters meet the grams is an amazing song I've never seen a disc record stomp out another one so quickly that night was supposed to be Drake's Knight I had only listened to Family Matters two times before meet the grams dropped but suddenly Drake's song didn't matter everyone was rushing to hear meet the grams because we wanted to hear what Kendrick had to say I've seen Drake Stan say that that song sucks because nobody wants to replay it on streaming services or it doesn't bang in the club but you have to understand this is a rat battle the goal of that record was to suck all of the out of the room for Drake and it did just that I don't listen to Ether or no Vaseline regularly but they're still great disc records one thing this battle showed me is how casual a lot of rap fans are I mean we all knew it but they actually see it as insane I even saw Drake St saying when are we going to move past this this is getting corny excuse you if you're a fan of something how can you get enough of it this is the first time that we've seen Titans Collide since Nas versus Jay-Z I mean Drake versus Meek Mill was just Drake punching down Meek was never going to win that battle I mean rap fans agree push a t did Body Drake but Drake STS refused to accept that instead they opt to make the corny argument about how he has the most album sales even though Drake admitted he lost there's not really much I can say big better than Drake has a baby I he won so once again this is the first battle of the Giants that we've seen in a while so let people enjoy it for some this was their first major rat battle and to be honest I miss it a part of me wishes either party dropped one more record because since the battle ended social media has returned back to your typical gender Wars podcast and shitty video game takes all over my timeline that night meet the grams dropped was absolutely insane that track gave me goosebumps the first time I heard it shout out to The Alchemist because the production sounded like something out of a horror movie some people didn't like the beat because it wasn't a Club Banger and to those people I say you totally missed the point the purpose of that beat was to set a somber move the angle K do took by sitting down and sunning each of Drake's family members was great I've been talking about Drake being an emotionally stunted adult on this channel for for some time so meet the grams really resonated with me this record felt like a dad was giving his son a well-deserved ass whooping and a Stern talking there's no way you can convince me the Reverb on Kendrick's voice when he said you lied didn't make your skin crawl there were tons of wild accusations on this record as well such as Kendrick insinuating Drake is running some type of sex trafficking operation and Drake's kids were surrounded by pedos and oh boy if this stuff comes to light and it turns out to be true that's horrible and we need to pack up Drake but for now there's not enough hard evidence on that so instead I'm strictly judging the song for the creative angle he took the production and the delivery this did not sound like a typical Kendrick record so to me he scores points for the creativity and the versatility now in regards to not being enough evidence I'm talking about the sex ring stuff with the Tinder app I haven't seen enough on that to believe it but I will say Drake does have some questionable interactions with young women on record and Baka AKA Drake's right-hand man he's looking crazy too Drake's been shouting out Baka for years and just in case you needed a reminder I'm might declare it a holiday as soon as Baka get back on the road a holiday yeah deadline does sound crazy now the world is more aware of the fact that Baka did time for pimping AKA sex trafficking I mean be let's be real bak's got a weird case Drake why is he around that Kendrick made a fair point that was driven home and not like us this was the nail in the coffin one of the biggest talking points Drake STS make is that Kendrick is boring because he doesn't make Club bangers first off that's not true dam is full of bangers and there's a mess message in that album but even if it were true Kendrick heard y'all and he dropped a joint for everyone to dance to this song was genius for several reasons first off he made this song Because Drake can't what I mean is one of Kendrick's main talking points is Drake doesn't have his own sound he just hops on Wave to wave collecting people's Styles like their Infinity Stones and he's Thanos even in the early days Drake was just a copy of fonte with a pinch of try song I think what Drake had going for him in the early days was he was vulnerable and he had relatable music to some degree his emotions and world view allowed both men and women to enjoy his music because it was very down to earth it was that moment he started acting like some type of mob boss is when he started to lose the people Kendrick doesn't have to do all that not like us is him essentially saying I'm from the West Coast this is what we do and oh I can do a club record better than you I just don't care to do Club records all the time because well I have other things I want to talk about I am genuinely shocked the most quotable meme bars came from the Kendrick songs I expected nothing but tripon tandas and metaphors but this man gave us what is it the braids and shoo shoo and you can't forget a minor and that's just a few I could keep going half a not like us is basically just calling dra aedo stuff we've heard before but the reason it resonated with the people is because of Kendrick's delivery he's having fun on the record and once again showing versatility my favorite scheme in this song was that Atlanta flip this man took those homophobic bars from Family Matters about Atlanta and turned it into a whole history lesson then used that history lesson to prove how Drake is colonizing Atlanta which further plays into his insecurities of not belonging to the culture and being half white I just don't understand how anyone can call themselves a rap fan but then call this song trash and before anyone calls me a Kendrick Fanboy just know you're listening to someone who used to call himself Drake Jr and Darth Drake I literally used to troll in Call of Duty Lobby singing like Drake because I was such a big Drake fan at that point in my life I sound like Drake yeah dying I think the biggest tragedy about this battle is how it all ended it was so anticlimactic dropped the last record and it's called The Heart part 6 which by the way awful record I don't even think he should have dropped this song the gist of the song was I'm not a pedo because I'm too famous to be a pedo sir men of power have abused said power since the beginning of time if anything that's the reason we should be sus about you if I was a lawyer I would tell Drake to shut the [ __ ] up then he said he planted all this info that Kendrick wrapped about and he's some type of mob boss pulling the strings and this was all a part of his plan I'm sorry but your master plan was to have the world shouting you're a p over a mustard beat you're [ __ ] crazy make it make sense also you remember the tailor made freestyle and how I said I'd get back to that so let me get this straight it was your master plan to purposely use AI Tupac's Voice without the estate's permission so the record could get taken down and then people could forget about it he also misunderstood the bars from Kendrick's album about his mother being sexually assaulted Drake thought those bars were about Kendrick so he tried to use them against him by saying he touches himself to Mariah carries touch my body I know it's a rap battle but making fun of a child being essayed is crazy especially considering you're being called aedo but the icing on the cake is he was wrong that didn't happen it's like Drake's Ghost Riders just listen to Mr morale and big steppers once and they couldn't comprehend the concept of the song then at the end of the Heart part six he just yaps for the last minute and a half he just makes some jokes about how Kendrick's going to drop a thousand more songs because he's so obsessed and to bring this video full circle that's what makes this battle so anticlimactic friendly reminder half of push-ups in tailor made freestyle was spent taunting Kendrick to drop music even the hook was a double on time on push-ups when he said drop drop drop drop that wasn't just about the contract splits he was taunting K to drop music and when he did Drake didn't want to rap anymore he just waved the White Flag the whole heart part six was weak but that last minute and a half was Next Level weak and a prime example of be careful what you wish for the best thing to come out of the Heart part six was this I'm not going to lie this [ __ ] was some some good exercise like it's good to get out get the pen working you would be a Worthy compan compor if I was really a predator there's a few things I could take away from this battle now that it's over and the first thing I want to say is I don't think Drake's career is over like some people are saying he's a hit maker who hopped into the arena with an elite rapper and he just wasn't ready he will still have his fan base so long as his music remains decent and that's because people who are hardcore Drake fans really don't care about this battle the only thing stopping Drake is Drake if he puts out trash music or evidence comes out about some of these accusations then yeah he might be cooked and that's possible too because his music's been on the decline in my opinion plus there's someone on Twitter named ebony Prince 2K4 and he's been acting like Drake's arch villain this man is a whole Batman villain on the Twitter timeline he's been acting like the Riddler by dropping all these suggestive en cryptic tweets apparently he has a lot of dirt on Drake but at the time of this recording nothing is actually surfaced just a whole lot of yapping so don't hold your breath if you're looking for more teeth as for Kendrick he's just a friendly reminder of what a lot of our parents taught us when we were all kids leave the quiet kid alone you know they crazy and Drake would have known he was crazy if he was really from the culture and not some upscale neighborhood in Toronto it's almost like he's not like us but hey I'm just saying I'm also just saying thanks to Metro boomman this man gave us the BBL Drizzy challenge with that beat and it's been pure comedy on social media ever since as for jcole I hope you're doing okay bro I hope you found that piece that you are looking for last time I checked he was like on the beach with like random fans or something like that I don't know and since you're still looking for something to watch go ahead and look at the card on the screen for me now click it that'll take you to my video I did on Drake's latest signed artist for bats some are calling him an industry plant so I did a deep investigation as to why
Channel: ImJustSaiyan
Views: 732,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kendrick lamar, drake vs kendrick lamar, kendrick lamar vs drake, drake, drake vs kendrick, drake diss kendrick, kendrick diss drake, kendrick lamar euphoria, kendrick lamar not like us, kendrick drake, kendrick lamar diss, kendrick vs drake, drake diss, kendrick and drake beef, drake and kendrick beef, kendrick diss, kendrick lamar euphoria song, drake and kendrick lamar, Drake Family Matters, 6:16 In LA, Taylor Made Freestyle, push ups drake, meet the grahams
Id: mp9cIqh4dDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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