The most successful Culture Vulture

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as you most likely know Drake have been in a pretty entertaining rap battle with Kendrick Lamar and it seems that not like us is the final blow finishing off this Garcia Haney type Showdown I mean Drake could respond any minute now but honestly Drake lost he put up a good fight but he just didn't have enough ammunition to use against Kendrick either way regardless of what drops next most people agree that Kendrick won but that's not what this video is about you know since there's already a billion other videos about that throughout this 20 V1 where a bunch of irrelevant [ __ ] tried to do a damn me too movement on Drake there's been one reoccurring Meme and that is that Drake is a white boy the rest of this video when I refer to a race I'm referring to its culture not actually genetics or skin color since culture is how we actually connect with each other so is Drake a white boy and why does it matter let's start with why it matters I mean there's plenty of successful white artists nobody got a problem with fele or Justin Bieber people love them so why would it matter if Drake wasn't as culturally black as the artist he generally collaborates with people like Mac Miller and G easy well the reason why it can be explained with Drake's own discography Drake is not just a rap artist like G easy he's a rap artist who constantly tries to act black constantly trying to sound like like a gangster I mean my [ __ ] really got a song called mob ties and because he's such a talented hit maker people just ignore how cap that whole song was yes you're surrounded by so-called gangsters but that street credit is non-transferable the thing about making an honest living in this day and age is you'll probably have a pretty visible paper trail people can dig up your past and in the case of Drake AKA Aubrey Graham his past was apparently on TV in the form of a corni ass teen drama show called de Grassi it's possible he was a Canadian gangster trapping out of the Mean Streets of Toronto before he got hired on the grassy but Drake landed his job on the grassy in 2001 when he was just 14 years old so yeah he wasn't a gangster but maybe he understand the basic struggle of being a black man in Canada I mean I'm sure there's a hood somewhere Canada just D where's my sandwich I'm so hungry um I didn't buy you that sandwich why because I I bought I'm I I bought chicken salad I'll make you a sandwich I bought some other things why couldn't you just got me that sandwich because the lineup was incredible um what is this it's a grape sandwich so well give me a chance here well maybe you can help me then Aubrey let's let's do it baby okay um do you want to give me a hand put the food out and I'll bring the uh well then you go and get the plates come let's do it I'm tired well I'm more tired than you so what's up you didn't get your sandwich no didn't talk about it no get out of here I didn't get my sandwich I was looking forward to a nice tuna sandwich on a bagel oh tuna I you ha tuna I clearly said hey can you please get me a tuna sandwich Oh I thought you were kidding cuz you don't oh yeah because cuz you don't I definitely pull a joke joking about a tuna sandwich that I wanted you like chicken I'm just a regular comedian over here get me a tuna sandwich huh just joking okay so this is the issue right here Drake targeted an audience he doesn't understand and can't relate to let me give you examp example of what I [Music] mean his power is unequal his dominance in mixed martial arts is legendary [Music] [Applause] [Music] G thank you very much AR but you know as I said when you listen to when if you have ever listened to my workout music lately is God plans ah you know God's plan when God's plan something nothing can stand against it and God have planned this for me and it's about to happen God's plan by Drake so if somebody is some yes God planned by Drake that's my workout music that that speaks to me take a look at why the phrase Started From The Bottom means so much to Francis born and raised in Badd Cameroon and ganu grew up in very poor conditions with very little formal education and ganu started work at the age of 12 the area of Cameroon that he was born in was known for its sand quaries and this is where he worked to help support his family on top of doing physical labor from a young age francis's father was a well-known Street Fighter in the area and he used this as motivation avoiding routes that would lead to joining gangs Francis vowed to do something positive with his life and started training in boxing at the age of 22 after helping to support his family by taking any jobs available in ganu decided to move to France at the age of 26 to try and pursue his boxing dream though his dream was held back by two months in jail after he illegally crossed the border in Spain in ganu finally made his way to Paris with no money and no one there that he knew after walking around on the streets trying to find a boxing gem he found one that let him in and gave him $50 to to buy some basic training clothes though boxing was his first love the guys at the gym convinced him to try MMA since it would be easier for him to make money since the gym was closed on weekends enanu would normally spend his remaining time at any available homeless shelters soon enough he found another gym where he would meet his longtime head coach Fernand Lopez also originally from Cameroon Lopez took one look at the genetic Force standing in front of him and welcomed him into the gym okay now let's see Drake's idea of starting from the [Music] bottom hey Bubby yeah me and my grandma have a little thing where my mom doesn't let her eat chocolate but uh my my grandma slides me a little extra cheddar on the side and uh I make sure she gets her her daily chocolate do that's my grandson um this is the living room and it's nice and elegant and I kind of leave this alone it's too too too much for me this is our dining room and uh here's my mother making notes as usual on probably some that's exposing my to-do list yeah exactly through here this is our wonderful fridge with stock because you know there were people over today so we had to get some food now we're going to check out my space this is my space this is where I live and through here this is my living room I like a chilling Vibe that's my favorite thing about this this basement I I made this table got Barry White Frank Sinatra notorious b everybody around this table basically inspired me to get into music particularly for he's like one of my Idols so this is where I sit and sometimes write and actually we missed a very important thing I write songs and that's what I like I do music these are full from front to back of just songs pages and pages of lyrics and ideas something that I'll probably never use but I mean cuz they're old I just like to keep them around for Nostalgia purposes this is my dad and who my uncle worked with Al Green that's basically why I do it I mean he taught me everything so thank you Dad I don't get to see you that often but you know my love is always with you and then through here this is this is my comfort area as you can see I recently did laundry this is actually a very nice couch and in here I have more stuff some sweaters and t-shirts some Blazers jackets and the shoes are a big thing I got them from from bottom to top at the end of the day that's material possessions that's not that's not what I'm about this is what I'm about I love music for Fanatics so so I got some Fabs Marvin Gay Kanye w Big L Jay-Z all the Jay-Z albums um I don't know we could go on for days I got the studio mic set to my height so I can just flow a little if need be I've been a mess since every girl I left went and got a new man but I'm the new version of Fresh Prince and the bands got bumped for real I switch wifey every season like Uncle Phil and then of course drops so that was a little verse I wrote little something little something bro you got a damn basement to yourself even in his own lyrics he's describing like the upper middle not the bottom my uncle call in like where you at I gave you the keys told you bring it right back okay so you had a car to drive not the bus got it but okay not every city got reliable public transportation so fine his uncle's car okay I kind of see that as a struggle let's go to another bar oh okay so no more bars about his actual life in this song who knew well that song was a hit so let's go to another one worst [ __ ] Behavior now this is the one that had me looking at Drake sideways let's break it down cuz this song and video put a bad taste in my mouth and I'm talking about back in high school when I first heard it the first unspoken rule this [ __ ] broke he doing a damn video in someone else's Hood pretty damn sure this is somewhere in the states Drake is from Toronto so what town is this and whose damn baby is that even if this was somewhere in Canada we know it's not where he's from you in someone else's Hometown acting like you from there now I actually believe this is Memphis where his father is apparently from and also I think that's the old guy in the video but that doesn't make this any less C Drake didn't grow up with him he grew up Jewish with his mom in the damn Toronto suburbs it's the fact that he thinks wearing some chains and standing in the hood for a couple hours while holding a black kid is what it means to be black if Drake actually grew up in Memphis one he wouldn't have to purposely mispronounce words to sound less white in songs cuz he would have had that good old Memphis public education to rely on in other words he would sound as illiterate as every other [ __ ] who graduated from public schools in the US No Child Left Behind [ __ ] in the US even if you fail you pass the first president of the United States first president of the United States it wasn't uh mly King was it uh yeah okay you a full [ __ ] man next Drake wouldn't be so soft because there's no way this pasty Simpsons character built ass looking [ __ ] would have grown up going to Memphis Public Schools in '90s and early 2000s without getting his ass roasted so he would have developed thicker skin not to mention it wasn't all that soft ass anti-bullying stuff to like 2016 for real so he would have had to learn to throw hands just to survive school and that's without being involved in no kind of gang [ __ ] Drake didn't have those experiences but that's okay he most likely had a much much much much more comfortable life in Toronto with his mom I doubt he would have had an entire basement to himself if he lived with his dad so Drake The Man Who Started From The Bottom don't know what it's like to live in a normal bedroom or to not be able to argue with his parent over a damn sandwich or to be hungry and open the fridge to find some food don't find none close it then come back 30 minutes later like maybe you just overlooked something he don't know what a ass whooping feel like he most likely haven't experienced many black cookouts most likely never had to ignore the sound of a smoke detector that's low on batteries cuz let's be real that's a struggle in itself you don't know what it's like to vote for Obama because he's black then try to pretend you know his political views when people ask you why you voted for him I mean a lot of people straight up save because he's black [ __ ] I did he don't know what it's like to get harassed by arrogant cops just for walking down the damn street he probably don't know what it's like to watch roots for the first time and want to punch the first white person you see in the face cuz you know that would probably be his grandma and most importantly I don't think he know what it feels like to be trapped in a system that's praying on your damn downfall Drake don't get it yes it's negative that Black Culture glorify crime and criminal Behavior but we need Outlaws in our culture so there's a balance of power that mindset comes from not trusting the government that takes 25% of your check and then send the enforcers to shoot and arrest you because you fit a damn description police original purpose was to prevent slaves from escaping the plantation and blood's original purpose was to protect the black neighborhoods from police we need Outlaws because we can't give all the power to the government they do not have our best interest at heart our friend Aubrey don't understand that black culture is more than just street names and fashion Black Culture is a perspective one that Drake doesn't have so why did it take this rap B for people to finally call him out for it well that's simple because unlike Danny Lei unlike igia zelia Drake is a consistent hit maker he make good music so even though we all been knew he was a fraudulent culture vulture it was just easier to look the other way and enjoy your favorite Drake song everybody got at least one Drake song they [ __ ] with the problem with everybody letting Drake slide is it gassed up other frauds to come out with the mentality that making catchy songs is all that matters but this is obviously damaging to the rap culture this mindset is the reason why so much rap now sounds the same cuz all these little [ __ ] say whatever they want and who going to check them after all nobody's checking the top rapper and almost anybody got more cred than Drake [ __ ] a newborn baby born in the hood got more respect in the Hood than Drake dead ass but the most unforgivable thing the RAP Community let Drake get away with is definitely Ghost Riders people actually tried to defend a top five lyrical Contender having [ __ ] ghost writers talking about some singers be having writers [ __ ] Drake is a rapper that sings singers credit their writers they don't pretend they're the ones that wrote it I'm just saying when you grew up battle rapping and schooling [ __ ] you take a certain pride in your ability to spit now I'm talking about without writing [ __ ] down that's the cultural aspect of rap yes the end product matter but so does the process now people just want to have a catchy hit and don't give a single [ __ ] about how that hit got made rapping someone else's lyrics living someone else's life singing with someone else's voice but what's real though are you talented away from your team in studio seriously if breake was broke and on a street freestyle in the subway you tipping is he hitting those notes without the autotune is his bars hitting without the writing [Music] team so how the [ __ ] can I put his ass in a top five conversation I don't know what part of his hits is due to his talent and what part is due to his resources and he loves to brag about his wealth and fame and by that I mean is all he raps about but the truth is Drake started his rap career as a crossover artist I remember I was in Middle School when he came out unlike the elementary schools and the high schools I went to where there was like only two white kids in the whole school the middle school I went to was mixed it had just as many white kids as it did black kids and those little white girls was talking about oh my God that's Andre from De grassy and my dumb ass like where's the grassy like is is that is that in New Mexico but then I found out he was from Canada and I was like okay so he's from deg grassy Canada right but Lil wi cosigned the hell out of him and Nikki so he was famous in two massive audiences at the start of his music career something that took Usher Beyonce Lou Wayne about a decade to accomplish and if you really pay attention Drake was corny as [ __ ] when he started people was calling him lightskinn but he didn't seem like a black dude at all I know plenty of lightskinned people okay they're still black but what I like most of you probably notice is as he gained more success and collaborated with more gangster rappers his swag increased his confidence increased and year by year he was seeming more like a light-skinned dude and less like the only white kid in a ratchet School taking a culture he don't belong to you and using it for monetary game and as for the pedophile claims get carried away in trouble and [ __ ] like this how old are you oh I can't go to jail yet man 17 why do you look like that you dick look at look at all this I don't know if I should feel guilty or not but I had fun I like the way your breast feel against my chest I just want to thank you [Music] we just text each other the other day and he was like I miss you so much I was like I miss you more he's coming to Atlanta so I'm definitely going to go and see him I'm so excited yeah you and Drake that's awesome that's awesome what advice does he give you like what does he say uh help boys he helps me yeah yeah yeah he's great he's wonderful I love him you know that stays in the text message it let's look at some of Drake's insane deleted tweets we're just going to start off with a heavy hitter right here I can't wait till she's 18 there's another one the kids I hang with are going to be parents one day scary the kids you hang with go if amazing was a young [ __ ] I'd be going to jail cuz I'm [ __ ] amazing saying that if the word amazing was a young he would be [ __ ] this one's simple I got a party with Bill Clinton on Thursday he said from Diddy view I think I see his vision if you didn't know Diddy is currently on the run right now from the FBI for like child trafficking Predator weak as hell in this movie put me in there I'll show him a real Predator this one was also deleted I think 8 seconds after he posted it so he probably posted it reread it and said let's delete this it gets better St Long 2016 he had this tweet up if she's 16 I'm 16 High School picks you even was bad then Drake nice for what this is a real lyric uh yeah I won't say too much about that but I will say something about Euphoria of the show since it was brought up in the beef and he's apparently the executive producer on it firstly it was really good but it is extremely runchy to be about high schoolers you feel me like I always thought it was weird in movies and TV shows that did that type of stuff sexualizing teenage characters knowing adults are watching like it's an overt issue in anime but it's a problem in Western entertainment too I don't care if adults are playing the characters you're still using makeup and daging Technology to convince the audience that it's a pair of high school titties we're looking at that [ __ ] is weird to me and Euphoria was an extremely sexual show with a lot of nudity all while all of the main characters were underage high school students there's literally certain scenes where the purpose of the scene is to show the viewers just how sexy Maddie is you know cuz she's the popular girl all while simultaneously explaining that she's a 17-year-old High School senior every time this [ __ ] entered a room it was in slow motion think about it like this okay if they had actors that were the actual age of the characters playing the roles this show would literally be child pornography so why is it better if it's just young adults acting out child pornography I mean if that's your fetish and you want your girl to wear a high school uniform or some [ __ ] I mean I would tell you to get some therapy but whatever that's you but with all the petal stuff coming to light about Drake isn't it odd isn't it odd that he was the executive producer on this show of all shows the extremely graphic show about drugs and the love lives of high schoolers and I mean I said it earlier Drake have been a child actor since 14 so maybe he was exposed to some stuff that made him develop a taste for teenage girls you never know with these famous people okay it'd be so many skeletons in their closets but that's all I got to say about that Drake is hands down the most successful culture vulture in the history of hip-hop
Channel: Lone Wolf
Views: 1,150,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #drake #kdot #Kendrick #bbldrizzy #culture #blackpeople #pedophile #rap
Id: Ot4sag8Q3QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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