Joe Budden Reacts to Kendrick Lamar's "meet the grahams" | "They're Believable Lies on This Track"

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I wanted to let this breathe so y'all could get all the Drake [ __ ] off cuz this is the moment to have it because cuz then not even 53 minutes later this is crazy not even 53 minutes later cut this the [ __ ] off this [ __ ] is so [ __ ] dark don't don't write don't start no song Dear my kid yo this is dark the [ __ ] is wrong with you bro yo you ever been you ever been on the Nitro I mean not the Nitro what's the kingdom Co Kingdom car go up that steep [ __ ] slow no the [ __ ] it don't it go up slow no it don't Kingdom zoom up zoom up zoom up oh I'm talking about when they do the countdown when you just sitting there when you just sitting there they three two they just shoot you in the no it just immediately takes off and the change of speeds and what it do to your heart and your body that is what Drake Family Matters to Kendrick meet the grams did when Drake dropped I thought Kendrick was in for a long weekend I had just iron some clothes I'm going outside my chur is outside we about to get lit when this scary spooky [ __ ] dropped I started mourning the people that I lost I text my kids this Alchemist beat was so spooky mhm so spooky spooky and sad the same mistake number [ __ ] two with your one trick pony ass cuz push-ups you was being jingly y'all say he was rapping I say he was still being catch he was and then on this [ __ ] you just dropped as hard as it was you still being catchy your opponent is dancing around Styles and controlled a mood change a mood change happened it's not that this record was so powerful that nobody wanted to hear that [ __ ] it was that he instantly changed your mood however lit you thought you was about to be with all that [ __ ] it's dark Alchemist is the best in the world at that he didn't have to say nothing he could let it be he's the best Joe is it so he took the and he took the family [ __ ] and immediately that that was the play that was that was the [ __ ] play God y did y'all catch how he kept everything still Soulful and still to culture even with the beat and they all sound different he's never leaving culture he's never that was that was the thing for me that I and he told you in Euphoria your angles are predictable and if you do that I I will be ready well he talk the LA the last line of euphoria if you take it there I'm taking it further and Whisper and that's something you don't do that's the warning that's that's it right there so back to you flip if you are in a battle you need a Evergreen joint I'm with that you could drop no matter what that will have some effect it didn't M the timing of it didn't matter when he when he wrote this it was when he dropped it when you have it and you drop drop it change the whole mood change the whole tempo of the battle even if you don't love this record this did what it had to do and it was the perfect record to lie on if we go with the LIE Theory this is the record I'm putting my biggest Li on the one that I'm stepping on your [ __ ] hey he got a daughter what and other kids that is genius I don't give a [ __ ] if D got a daughter or not that whole third verse I don't even care about that it's the last verse this yeah the last verse was the one it's how he is playing psychology games psychopath games too music mental Warfare frequencies chakras communication if I say the nword you going to think [ __ ] mm I don't have to say [ __ ] Drake and that's why in all you [ __ ] battle rap fact Checkers that have entered the beef I boy I hate you [ __ ] fact Checkers we want the lies make the lies sound a little believable and that's the end of that like I said earlier man hey you moved from La you in Brooklyn you've been engaged for a long time I mean whether it's true or not it's a good lie it's a great lie looking at you great lie hey that lie could be true take it from a [ __ ] that thought of some good lies it got to kind of be true a little bit it don't matter that Drake didn't have a daughter what matters is you had a child that we didn't know about until somebody told us you had it m and you did try your best to keep that as low as possible you had a few paternity tests you made some people signed paperwork you sent that girl to the [ __ ] Bodega and held somewhere to never be seen or heard from again mhm so to just people listening that don't really care about facts you could have a daughter somewhere and you know the internet they don't went and they found a daughter Mexican girl the internet found a daughter aternity I went to the they they internet [ __ ] yeah the internet going internet the internet made me believe it I was like oh [ __ ] all right they got them well and then he came out and said if you find I'm coming to you if you find a daughter of mine this is from act when I had to leader hook Club about to talk to act but uh if you find a daughter of mine I will come and work for y'all there's no way that you will find a daughter of mine I took his word I believe him okay I don't think he has a daughter I don't think that that was his daughter but that did not stop the internet yeah no and see the part in that sense where he jumped out hold on hold on the part where he jumped out on the internet put the little meme up that's where you lost me again I don't like you some I have a daughter somebody please bring her to me something he said along them lines I'm like uh we a got to do here my issue listening to you Joe why is it okay for Drake not to lie but it's okay for Kendrick to lie no no no no I want all lies because you just you were just a couple of minutes ago you hold on you were just hard on Drake like Li saying you fended people but it's okay for Kendrick to make up a li [ __ ] we should both hold them on the equal playing field of line so that means if Drake we had to look at Drake funny for lying bringing up Whitney saying all these stuff about free we should look at that [ __ ] Kendrick for saying all that [ __ ] about his 11-year-old I'm at anybody funny for lying I want lies in my B you remember what you said a couple I don't think you remember what you said like 20 30 minutes ago I said it's not believable you said that when no no wait hold on you know why it's not believable though because and and I've been having this conversation dog [ __ ] want to believe the worst about the [ __ ] [ __ ] let me talk please [ __ ] [ __ ] anybody you get in a conversation with you could say yo Drake is an alien he live on Mars part time [ __ ] be like yeah I knew he looked funny and then the [ __ ] say something about Kendrick and [ __ ] be like yo you think that's true I don't know if that's true it don't matter what it said and how egregious [ __ ] automatically believe it about Drake and [ __ ] question it about kendri let me ask you a question real quick if if we if I catch immani if I caught immani last month with a crack Pike Yole Li CRA we know you don't you going with one know it's crazy if I start losing weight I know you going I know where you going so now if I turn around and tell y'all yo I sawman smoking crack this last weekend it's more believable because you already got a track record of this happening so that's what it's just the believability of the lie and that's why I said it could be any lie but we not talking about any lie we talking about a lie that specific a very specific lie that just happened you telling you telling you got believable lies that you're saying about somebody who has maintained their Mystique for 15 years so good so the nigga's character he is who he is and he was who he was before he got here Drake's character no disrespect but what we know what we and the masses and the public know how he's presented himself there doesn't seem to be a [ __ ] in the armor and it certainly wouldn't be family guess what even if there's family problems see that's the point that I'm trying to dve that's the point I'm trying to drive home I'm I'm agreeing with you that's the advantage that's the advantage and disadvantage if you in that's my point if you in the biggest battle in the world and like I said your high school sweetheart your fiance blah blah blah outside of the internet hip-hop fans this regular working married lovey lovey humans listening to this that is a very believable that's a very normal happen stance is what I'm saying so you're not deterring people that have some experience in that area because for a lot of people that's some of the most trying times of their life this is how crazy it is I saw women online defending the DV what I saw women like everybody in relationships go through physical I saw women defending the domestic violence it [ __ ] me up my [ __ ] I say yo he can't win it's impossible for him to win the second that women are sitting online defending the domestic hold it [ __ ] my head up no stop stop is I swear to God I'll show it to you I believe that but we what what they're saying is the truth [ __ ] huh what they're saying even though what they're saying is everybody so what hold on a lot of [ __ ] be true that's hypocritical as well no it's hypocritical for people to pick and choose when it's acceptable but then that's a different statement cuz you we will all we will all come on here not you guys but I've said before that [ __ ] have situations their home and we should mind their business and you agreed with that so now you're surprised that the women are saying you're missing my point you're this the problem with the tea you're missing this is the problem with the tea and the beef true relying on TMZ WS is a problem in a be no one can prove that no but no but that's no listen the bottom line is there's advantages and disadvantages to beefing matchups makes the fight if you're going against somebody that's what he meant oh both yeah if if you're going against someone who has the Mystique who has all that and you choose to go down the path of creating narratives a lies most likely your [ __ ] ain't going to land as well as their you designed a plan that put you and I and I said that I'm saying that's the I'm I'm agreeing with you so so so my thing is this in that respects Drake you're smart maybe you should choose not to go down this route or initiate this route because now if this guy decides to go that your chances of losing on that Merit is more likely higher than him it's almost like he lacked the self-awareness I'm a look look look arrogance usually without self common them is the arrogance I disagree but it's cool expand say it though okay what I'm saying is he lost M the second he opened his mouth he lost right no that was my question because if you're saying yo I'm this guy to the world we came up here before Drake ever opened his mouth and said yo Kendrick is this he's a family man he's a stand up quality good guy right everybody believes that I still believe that he's a good dude right cool so when Drake starts to show let's say everything let's say just for the sake of this conversation that everything Drake said Is Right MH I still hear people saying so cool but now he's saying XYZ about Drake and it's Landing from the same people that just said so about the [ __ ] that he say I don't think people are saying so I think people are saying we don't believe you slow down slow down that's my point slow down I do want to respond to that me too pretending that it's all true you run the risk of gaining your opponent the sympathy vote I know because people want to sympathize let me talk no that's that's something to sympathize with if you came in here and told me that you thought your kid that was yours is somebody else's [ __ ] with hearts will sympathize with that you don't think so cool I'm asking you a question do you think so yes and no I think I think when you're painting well versus versus you're a pedophile I know no but when you're painting the picture of being and you added that piece but all right go ahead I certainly didn't add it you did cuz we wern't talking about pedophilia we was talking about the particular point that you were talking about and I think that if you're the quote unquote family man and you have this great life and now somebody comes in to say yo my [ __ ] your life ain't so good you fronting that's a point to be made that's a point that point that point pales in comparison to somebody saying you are a pedophile we just B listen that was in the response though that's the part I think you missing yeah you right he didn't even get to that piece yet he stepped on it 40 minutes later with that n and we're going to keep going it was 40 minutes is point is pointing out that is pointing out that worth taking the risk of what you know he's going to say in response but wait not just that it's pointing out that with all the breadcrumbs that people are now going back to point out the the conversations here the this it's like one do we believe it or not the other one damn we got a lot of [ __ ] that look like that we could actually go and verify that looks like there could be some validity here and my question to you is is what do you think there was for Drake to win before this battle started nothing I I don't if I'm Drake I wouldn't even have battled I wouldn't have said nothing trying to be trying to dros again I think is another Kendrick head I think he was damned if he did and he was damned if he didn't I don't think he really had an opportunity to win this then why do you think he was outside with the posture in like he was looking for somebody nicknamed The Boogeyman that's the no no because because now in the in in The Art of War like yo I'm I think he has an ego problem I think he's lived on the media I think he's lived in public life for the last 20 year 15 years or so right so that's just a part of his daily routine you get what I'm saying I think that it's like yo you calling me out all right [ __ ] I'm outside what's up I can rap you not thinking about what the Reaper CS would be I think that nobody thought about that when you [ __ ] punch you in your face you just going you don't think that the [ __ ] got brothers that's Killers you just know a [ __ ] put their hands on you in the middle of this club let's fight time you know what I think I really I think coming off of that Pusher loss with what was exposed about him I think that Drake really believed that I could take the DV route with you and the the whole might not be your kid thing and that's going to be enough and I was holding that so I'm daring you to come out so that once I drop this on you I'm forcing you back in your hole and you can't come back out of I agree with you he underestimated I agree with you you don't hear the difference in somebody focusing on one target versus somebody focusing on everybody yes we hear the difference if you focus on one person it just opens up your brain allows your brain to just do different things if you write something down and just look at it and focus on that one thing you wrote down your brain is going to think of 10 things it didn't think of before but maybe you have that's just how brains work but maybe he didn't have a lot to say about Kendrick except for that line then you need it to put you the fillers didn't need to be I needed to find fillers about flip not start attacking all the other people I got beat the lies got criticized see what I'm saying well you need you need to expound on the line Kendrick we don't know that Kendrick said anything true that we don't know that any people is being persecuted in opinion one person made a movie out of he's still in character he's still the tone of his voice he's still treating the he's Tre like he still doing album that's the difference that's the differ yes and yes and one [ __ ] not to bring back most death was doing some Target [ __ ] one [ __ ] was trying to get the singy Bops and get to get [ __ ] going one [ __ ] was doing Martin scorsi type [ __ ] this this this is ridiculous I'm telling you all these songs without this is nuts all these songs without Drake being a vocal point you could take these lyrics and still strip them and put them on the album still be dope albums Cuts just play this you 18 that little line that's law even him saying little [ __ ] like that just lean oh my God at this point I sat down in the bed I thought about I thought about not going out no more just fit him better what damn what are y'all telling me right now honestly what are y'all telling me right now y i yo why your face like that what is you can't appreciate the ball I don't even know why you ask why you asking them my bad why you asking it's good God yo y'all bugging it's nice not better than family matter we forgot Family Matters exist we forgot Family Matters happen by the time we get to verse two flip just we never played Family Matters again till 2 Days Later no I won't say that I said two days later I said two days later for me [ __ ] after this not like us came out family matters never saw a burn for two days okay I I I I heard that and I 100% ran it back and I did go back to family memb you [ __ ] that need therapy like this [ __ ] what what the f you [ __ ] that therapy like this [ __ ] no disrespect get [ __ ] off get in your bag you [ __ ] it's not about getting the bag but you [ __ ] that understand it was dark nobody [ __ ] we like like untrained a the UN therapeutic a [ __ ] we listen to that like all right that's cool all right like y'all need therapy un maybe the the untrained he the ear can hear Dennis you raised a horrible person take you getting deep to do that and now hold up and that one point that sounds so clean and normal just the regular Point hey you rais a horrible person I'm now going to expound no s sit down person is able to go in depth about the things they're saying and one person has it there's no way around it I don't give a [ __ ] what y'all [ __ ] is talking about one person keeps man I ain't saying nothing where is he going in depth keep going I want you to keep playing it's the whole totality I'm asking the depth you don't hear how this is expounding on why a horrible person he's telling you why all of this [ __ ] you never saw the [ __ ] that broke the Beatles record get treated this way you never saw a [ __ ] even try to talk to this [ __ ] this way [ __ ] I'm about to do it are you crazy yo this is this really is Prince versus Mike the more I think about I agree with that this really is I agree with that I understand wheny I I totally understand it this [ __ ] is is artistically just different [Music]
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 376,319
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Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, joe budden network, humans, podcast joe budden, queenzflip, melyssa ford, joe budden humans, humans joe budden, joe budden 2024, meet the grahams reaction, meet the grahams, kendrick diss, kendrick diss reaction, joe budden kendrick lamar, joe budden kendrick lamar diss, joe budden drake diss, kendrick lamar diss drake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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