Keith Moore Transformed Pt 2 The Spirit Mind connection

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you bring a Bible with you this evening if you didn't raise your hand the oysters have extra Bibles be glad to let you use one of ours and let's all turn to Romans 12 Romans the twelfth chapter and let's agree together and believe for the Lord to speak to us you don't want to hear from me you won't hear from him but he could use me and he could speak to you directly things that I didn't even come through my mouth because he's our teacher so let's be together in prayer father in the name of Jesus we join together we gather here tonight in your name and we ask you for utterance precise and exact and complete accurate and we ask for revelation eyes that see and ears that hear truth that makes us free light for our paths causing us to know which way to go and what to do what's right in your eyes and we purpose before we hear it we know if it's from you it's right and we purpose to do it put it into practice and we know as we do we will be blessed with will prosper we will succeed because you're faithful to watch over your word and perform it in our lives when we do it in Jesus name Amen everybody said out loud I'm a doer I'm a doer I'm a doer of the word of God thank you lord romans 12 and verse 2 well let's read verse one he said I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God thank you lord we begin what a couple of weeks back on a series that we're calling transformed and it's based upon the truth and principles in this passage and so we want to pick up and continue and if you want to get the previous message it's available you can download it along with a whole lot of other things or you can go back in the back if you're in the building and the word supply we sold a lot a lot of seed out of the word supply last weekend let's believe that it goes to some good places it winds up in the hands of folks that are really needing it and you know the Lord orchestrates those kind of things people look with amazement and wonder how did I ever wind up with that series how did it get to me but but it was the Lord doing it because he's sending his word and this passage says I let me read it to you from another translation the new living says verse 2 don't copy the behavior and customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person but by changing the way you think did you hear that phrase let God transform you into a new person how's he gonna do it we're involved in the process by us changing the way we think is it true that if you change the way you think you change you God changes you he's the one that gave you the right thoughts the right words and the right thoughts to think been in you and I made the choice to think them and change our way of thinking and it'll cause you to become a different person then you will learn to know God's will for you which is good and pleasing and perfect how many in this place and and outside the place watching by the internet and other means you are interested in knowing the will of God knowing what is exactly that that good and and well pleasing and perfect will of God for your life well he's telling us how to know it isn't he if the knowing and being established in the perfect will of God for our life is connected to mine renewal and I think it'd be safe to say that we're not going to find and know the will of God the perfect will of God without our minds being renewed because he said this is how it happens so should we be interested in our minds getting renewed people sometimes talk about churches like us and go man watch out don't go over there they'll brainwash you well in fact your brain needs a real good scrub and we know just exactly what to how to do it it is the washing of the water of the word and depending on what you do and how much in the world and how much of the world you're seeing and hearing it is defiling it is contaminating and that's one of the reasons we need to come together and have the word wash over us and it's fine you need to open up your Bible at home and read your chapter and other things and wash let let the washing of the water of the word cleanse your spirit and your mind we need it and in that washing process is renewing your washed your renewed you're refreshed invigorated excited about tomorrow now you hang around their own stuff and listen to the wrong thing you'll feel weighted down heavy sad hopeless powerless victim which means you better get out of there and guess the one where you can hear something else that's why you need faith buddies and faith friends they will not talk the junk and failure and defeat and impossibility and hopelessness of the world but they'll talk faith to you they'll talk Bible expectation they'll talk excitement about the future you know you can take that looking forward to the future another step in just a few more breaths we're out of here to heaven that's real that's not a fairytale that's not imaginary that's real and this is you know this is all we've ever done so we think you know 50 years a hundred years as a long time it's not the Bible said it's it's like a rose that blooms and then it's gone that's what our life is like it may seem long to us but that's how it's really like anybody deal with flowers how long does it bloom last that's our life he said it's like a vapor it's like a mist it's like a morning fog there it is then it evaporates it's gone Sun comes out it's gone that's your life that's my life but it's not the end this was just faith school preparation and training for the future because we're gonna rule and reign with him forever we're going to be with him forever we're gonna be with each other forever you know you're gonna meet your great-great-great-great great-great-great-great great-great-great-great great-great-great-great great-great-great-great grandpa and grandma that you never even knew existed you're gonna like you got family there family of God all of your family it's going to be amazing so we can we can endure these little trials and tests here the afflictions they're not even worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed can you make it a few more days and and do some work for the Lord have some victories and then get out of here I mean yes you can yes you can well we we're talking about finding and doing the will of God and in order to do that this passage says mine renewal is connected to it today's English version says it like this do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world you ever heard of peer pressure it's talked about a lot concerning a school junior high and high school college people talk about how how terrible the peer pressure is peer pressure don't go away when you graduate peer pressure so-called it's just simply a manifestation of the pressure that's in the world to make you like it self why is there so much pressure to conform everybody else was trying it you're the oddball if you don't try it everybody else is wearing back in my day bell-bottoms and big collars and platform shoes afros if you could there's there's this pressure to conform and in the the shades and designs and all that change although they're continuously changing but the pressure remains don't be an oddball don't be the last one on your block to have one don't be the last one to participate don't be the last one to experiment why the pressure we need mind renewal we are different we are different we're supposed to be different and you they're supposed to rise up in you and I when the world pushes us to conform to sin to unrighteousness to ungodliness something or to rise up in us and you know don't rebel against God don't rebel against your your leaders don't rebel against your your parents rebelling it's that rise up against that and go No well everybody else is wearing short skirts everybody else is doing this drug everybody else is doing that everybody else is doing that no they're not no they're not there's a lot of folks like us there's millions of people like us now there's billions of people on the planet and I know that but there's where there's not just two or three of us but even if it was we're not supposed to conform we are to be non conformists we are transformers not conformers pressure is the right word now I'm referring to the scripture look at it again what did it say verse 2 what did it say don't conform did he say don't conform then what should we do don't conform anytime you feel anything pressuring you and that's what it is that the word conform literally means to fashion alike it means to conform to the same pattern the devil the spirit of the world and ungodly people pressure is coming from that to make you a cookie cutter copy of them and we don't have to do that do it we're not like them we're born again were the people of God we're different we're supposed to be different and we don't have to make apologies for we're not the ones that's wrong people that don't know God need to know God we we don't need to go their way they need to come our way and if they don't see it and they don't believe it it's sad but we're not gonna help them by allowing them to pressure us into conformity and hide our faith hide our believing and prosperity hide our believing in faith hide our speaking in tongues no they need to talking to us everybody on the planet should be a tongue talker everybody should be a faith in Jesus walking by Faith Authority in the name of Jesus binding and loosing talking in town Christian surely preacher you're not so narrow-minded as to say that everybody should be like you all cultures vary we're not supposed to go try to westernize the world that's not the same as evangelist and a lot of what people fake is Christianity is their traditions that they've developed and we need to separate tradition from the word but we we must not let the pressure to conform bend us and mold us and shape us into a carbon copy of the unsaved ungodly world we're different we're not like them we're not supposed to be like them part of our job is to not be like them they need to see something different they need to see a different way to live a different way to operate and different or to be in front of their face every time we come through I'm going to talk about trying to be weird trying to draw attention to you so let's tell them what that I'm just being who you are just being a child of God and not apologizing for it not being ashamed of it letting your light shine everybody with me what the Bible say don't don't be conformed don't conform yourselves but he went on to say but let God transform you in wordly by a complete change of mind V the emphasis in the original language the best I can tell and this word transformation it means metamorphose it's what happens with a caterpillar to a butterfly is the exact picture of it and it is to change into something else to change into another form now the world is to conform you to be like everybody else but God would transform you into a different person and I believe this it really is a missing link with a whole lot of Christians that come and they get born again and they get saved and they hear about the power of the new birth but then they are surprised and disappointed when immediately thereafter they're still dealing with some of the same issues the next week in the next month and six months later as they were before they got saved and they kind of assumed that getting born again was going to take care of all this but no when you got born again your mind didn't get born again your spirit the manner that the spirit part of your being became a new creation in Christ Jesus but you had the same mind same body didn't you and so immediately after being born again the word tells us we got to do something with our minds we must take responsibility for getting them renewed because especially if you live for any length of time on the earth before you got born again where your whole mindset has been conformed to an ungodly worldly way of thinking and you don't even notice it because everybody around you thinks the same way and people call that normal thinking but it's conformist everybody awakened here it's conformist thinking and when you start thinking like the Lord told you to think it's gonna raise a couple eyebrows and you go for it up here we go look at you go who do you think you are because it is so different from the way they think don't be conformed but let God transform you transform means to become different to undergo a change in form to change into another form that's why these other translations bring out a come let God transform you in wordly you become something different even after you're born again you're a new creation in Christ Jesus but people that need you the day before are going to see a very similar looking person and you and you will retain a lot of your ways if you'll pay attention to your heart wrong ways will bother you now things will bother you now that didn't used to bother you and so we need to get on a a continuous diet of the Word of God feeding God's thoughts into us and every time one of his thoughts shows up in a wrong way of thinking we're to reject that old way of thinking and embrace his way of thinking and if we'll do that the Bible says we will be changed into another person do you believe this do you want to be changed and that the person the other person that you're changed into is the christ-like person because you're thinking like him and this still may this is the amazing thing we haven't emphasized this enough this is transformative power to change you what about the billions of dollars in the count hours and effort and training and education that human beings going through trying to change their self and trying to change each other and trying to get things changed and people that are in terrible habits and and terrible practices we got we've got to get them change we got to get them changed and even Christians have made mistakes by freaking that prayer would take care of everything well I prayed for them and prayed for them and prayed for them and they still hadn't changed prayers wonderful but you can't ignore the Word of God that says you got to get your mind renewed unless we and they do something by it to change our minds and to change our way of thinking we will not change we will not be permanently changed we got to do something with our minds the Lord did something with our spirit when we were born again so now we got the power we can do something with our minds but he's not going to control our mind for us that's our mind we have to do something with are you willing to be transformed by the renewing of your mind renewing renewing restoring you know the word transform is used another couple of places mark nine you'd have to turn there but put it up on the screen for us mark 9 and 2 this same word this transform transform is used here concerning Jesus when he took Peter and James and John and he took him up in the mountain apart and he was transfigured before them that's the same word transfigured is translated transformed in Romans verse 3 verse 3 his raiment became shining exceeding white as snow so as no fuller on earth can wipe them he changed right in front of them they saw what was inside come out and they saw something different than what they'd been looking at is it true that this there's a glorious possibility of this kind of Transfiguration beginning to happen in us it's the same word it's the same word can you say glory to God go to second Corinthians the third chapter transformed by the renewing of your mind you're not going to be spiritual we're not going to be spiritual unless we do something with our minds there's been wrong thinking in this I've heard more than one person so I wish I could just turn this thing off God the Holy Ghost just take me over I've heard people pray and cry old God you know just just take me over and push my mind out of the way and just just yeah you're talking about of possession that's what demons do I just looked the Holy Ghost and just possessed me and take me over and make me think right and it's never gonna happen he's not a devil he doesn't want to make you do something you don't want to do you have to yield yourself to him willingly voluntarily and he's not going to control your mind that's one of the things that unique things about us God has made us nobody can force us to think what we don't want to think we have total autonomy we have freedom to choose what we want to think and choose what we want to say that makes us speaking spirits in the god class I know folks don't like to hear things like that but we need to understand are you not made in the likeness and image of God this is a big part of what makes us that way we can think any thing we choose to think and we can say it and we can believe it and that's God like that's our God operates himself and we must take seriously what thoughts are thoughts you know we've been talking about words on Sunday mornings and then thoughts and words go together because what is a word a word is a thought capsule a word means nothing unless it conveys thoughts and so with these are closely connected and one of the biggest problems is folks not taking seriously thoughts not even thinking about that they're significant but every thought came from somewhere every thought when we immerse ourselves in a book or a movie on a show or a conversation the inspiration for the script or for the storyline for the where did it come from you know I know I I got a revelation as a boy having to read certain literary works in school they had us read Edgar Allen Poe's work he had us memorize some of it you know thus quoth the Raven what do Ravens say Nevermore Nevermore and even as a young teenage Christian I decided Poe had Devils at his house Poe needed to get saved and get delivered man but say all these folks like all its great literary work because it's written with elaborate prose we should have enough sense to not be razzle dazzled by the prose and see where the spirit of it's coming from so the devil is taking the world to hell with window dressing it's flashy it's bright it's this is that it's art and so people who land on and say oh this is world conformity so-called experts oh and I and you looked at it and saw some crazy squiggles but you don't want to be an outcast so so you read books and you look at it long and hard and you decide yeah I see some depth in there you're a phony and a conformist if you don't see anything but squiggles that's what you say up squiggles you just have no I for art and who made you the expert who wrote the book that gave you the edge what devil inspired doom just because somebody writes an 800 volume page with a hardcover and has nine letters at the end of their name doesn't mean they know a thing what spirit inspired them where did it come from is it life or death is it light or darkness is that joy or sorrow if it's from God it's good it's perfect its life its freedom its joy its peace that's art there is no greater artiste than the Creator God he made you he made me one-of-a-kind originals let him tell you what's art you know what he'll tell you stay away from that death stay away from that confusion stay away from that perversion I don't care if the whole world calls it art and wonderful have enough sense to know its death where it came from what it is don't be conformist don't care if the whole world is raving over it and they're handing out medals and accolades and and if you need to say it you say it that's depressing I don't have depressing stuff at my house well he has no eye for art don't be conformed don't be conformed don't be conformed tell your neighbor help them out right now look at him said don't be conformed don't be conformed don't be conformed the waves of what school what's great is changing oh look back over a little bit of history what's you know what was all the rage the world over 100 200 years from now you can't find it now you know what what do you think about what's going on right now what's it going to be in a little while but the things of God never change and they're always good they exist forever can you say you mean glory to God what was I talking about for I got got off in dollar huh tell me again second Corinthians three that's right you guys are sharp second Corinthians three this thing has grown on me considerably and I was believing for that you believe it with me for utterance you know go to Romans eighth chapter don't let's not go here right now don't think we're quite ready Romans chapter eight Romans chapter eight Romans 8 I want us to get to this passage in Corinthians that third and fourth chapter has a wealth of light and truth on this subject but for right now Romans 8 and 4 let's talk some more about this what is a thought what is a thought I would I would encourage you I would exhort you not just tonight tomorrow the next day next week next month think about that one simple question what is a thought we've had them ever since we can remember that we were cognitive and aware self aware but what is it what is it just because you're familiar with something doesn't mean you understand the significance of it take oxygen for instance we take you for granted right but how did it get here what is it where did it come from and some people got all these theory as well the cosmos and explosion and they're okay if it happened that way where did it come from to get to there what is a thought I'm encouraging you meditate on that one simple question tonight tomorrow the next day as we go through this series just in the middle of a Tuesday just say what is a thought what is what is a thought thoughts are much more significant than we have thought what is a thought a thought is spiritual it's not natural can you touch a thought no you can't feel the thought now a thought can affect feelings and result in feelings but the thought itself you didn't feel it what is a thought where did it come from what exactly is a thought there are some thoughts come on now think with me there are some thoughts you can just be going along not happy not sad not anything and think of that thought and just make you happy maybe it's your grand baby maybe what whatever it is something they did something that happened or something that you're about to get to see them you're about to get to do thing that thought comes to you and I mean immediately instantaneously it makes you feel different then you did a millisecond before doesn't it it's transformative it's powerful there are other thoughts that make people break out into a cold sweat and start to shake and tremble nothing happened to them physically it was a thought of what they're about to go through what so what could happen to them or a thought thoughts can bring you you know make you happy and full of joy thoughts can terrify you they're powerful powerful things what are they where do they come from how did they how do they exist how did they get to your mind and as we answer that question we'll begin to realize we take responsibility for what thoughts we let ourself think we must stop this just letting anything rattle around our mind that happens to come through in Romans 8 can you take some more Romans 8 and 5 they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the Spirit for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace the mind is the connector the mind is the connector how would you place your go to Hebrews 4th chapter I know I'm going slowly but we need to we need to because this is not something we've necessarily a lot of people to spend a lot of time in and so there's no need how many there's no need to talking about multiplication and you hadn't got addition you know get get first things first Hebrews 4 and verse 12 for the word of God is quick now the word quick means life living and life-giving quick is alive quickening is life giving life and party the word of God is quick how many know it is both of those the Word of God is living and the Word of God is life-giving it is quick and it is powerful how many believe it is powerful what is a word of God well the Word of God has been written in Hebrew Aramaic Greek Italian French Portuguese on and on and on and on and a lot of those words if you heard them wouldn't mean a thing to you so what is a word including a Word of God the Word of God though it is wrapped in Portuguese words and French words or English words for us it's the same false if the word is the correct word it's a capsule that contains the same thought that he uttered when he uttered it in the first language but I don't believe God is limited to Hebrew what did he speak ten billion years ago he speaks everything how many ways could he say it we don't have that long to discuss it but it's not the letters that form the English word or whatever the word is the thought so we're really talking about his thoughts aren't we the some has said Oh God your thoughts are so precious to me would you say the same thing what could a thought of God do for you what is a thought of God God tells you I had a thought about you and I want to tell you about what would that thought would it just be information or is it alive and life-giving and powerful God had a thought and so he said it light B before he said it it was anything wasn't it there is nothing more creative more transformative more powerful than God's thoughts and we got a book full of them a book full of his thoughts and his desire for us is that we immerse ourselves and think his thoughts night and day until we begin to think like him oh come on now and as we begin to think like him we are transformed into being like him glory to God and this is our eternal future for the rest of our existence God is going to share more and more of his thoughts with us and we're gonna see things and we're gonna know things we're gonna understand and comprehend the vastness of God we're gonna know and understand and comprehend and experience the heights and the breadth and the depth length the whole love of God who is love this gets too big to talk about donut and yet it's just not in vain you know what all of us are doing that are awake and paying attention our minds are on the same place you and I and all of we're sharing these thoughts same thoughts at the same time remember the book of Acts talk about when they all got in one place one mind one Accord some of the most amazing things happen glory to God somebody say glory to God whoa Rheda God glory to God everybody lift up a handset out loud Lord I love your thoughts I love you words that contain your thoughts with all my heart they are precious to me they're more valuable to me then silver and gold than any amount of money they are life itself I yearn I seek to know your thoughts hallelujah glory to God glory to God hmm the Word of God is alive and life-giving and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit we have been woefully ignorant of what we are i guess most christians on the planet think their mind and body are if they acknowledge their spirit they're not aware of it it's just well let the word escape me it's a position of belief but you're not just a body you're a spirit you have a mind that's eternal if your body fell dead right now wouldn't change you you'd still be you you'd still have your mind you just would no longer be restricted and limited and even though we take your body today and bomb it or cremated or bury it or whatever that's not the end of that body I don't care if you died out in the desert and you bones bleach to dust and the buzzards got you and everything the Coyotes and everything else and then what remained will turn to dust and and blue to the four corners of the earth over the next five hundred years when the trumpet sounds God knows for every atom every molecule is and it's going to come back together and the glory of God is gonna flow through and it's going to become immortal and in corrupted you really believe that absolutely yes let's go ahead and then you go slip back in your body like a brand new pair of shoes and you and I are gonna have it all we're gonna have a body that could keep up with our spirit we will be able to go at the speed of light and do nine thousand things at the same time and never get tired and never get weary never have a wrinkle or a gray hair or a sore spot what that's gonna be like what disco it's just a few breaths away from us we're so close to it makes you happy to think about it's a thought see God gave us that we wouldn't even know to we're thinking about that did that make you happy just now okay that thought did something to you and for you we wouldn't have even know that thought except it's in here and the Lord said I'm going to prepare a place for you if it wasn't so I would have told you and I'm gonna come back and get you and revelation gives us some detail about it and and pay pistols tell us about we're gonna have a body like to his glorious but the way we're just putting all that together and sharing these thoughts we wouldn't we wouldn't know to think that wouldn't know to conceive that unless he had given us that thought he gave it to us there are thoughts that are true there are thoughts that are lies these thoughts are true he said this word sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit your soul and spirit is not the same some theologians teach that it is it's not and the scripture shows you plainly a way to understand it I'm believing for more understanding of spirit and soul I've heard some things that popular teaching that doesn't satisfy me and the word if you've done much study on it the word pneuma and the word tsuke you can come away after nine hours scratching your head it's because it's used so many different ways seems and this has to do with the translators but anyway we're we we are spirit and we we have a soul and we have mind and the Bible tells us that the word pierces to the dividing the word can pierce and divide soul and spirit if it can be divided it must not be exactly the same and of the joints and marrow and to me this is a picture of soul and spirit why would he use this right together with it joint and era is a picture of soul and spirit well you could see why they it could be challenging if you hadn't lured haven't give you much revelation about it to understand because joint and mera is close isn't it joint and Mara that's the way soul in spirit is and so with that in mind go back to Romans 8 and notice this the joint and numeira are touching each other aren't they are they connected are they touching and yet they're not the same Romans 8 tells us to be spiritually minded is life and peace to be carnally minded is death they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh they are after the spirit the things of the Spirit to be carnally minded is death does it matter what you let yourself think on or is it true that there are thoughts that will absolutely minister death to you another way of saying it kill you all their thoughts that will kill you that sometimes people my said well know what I mean just cuz you think something don't mean you're gonna die a lot of stuff let's talk about a lot of stupid stuff that people did and they're no longer with us why did they do it they had a thought this crazy thought came into their mind they didn't think it through they just acted on that thought and they're not here anymore so did that thought have anything to do with killing them to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace read that out loud with me please to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace minded means what you keep on your mind what you think their carnal natural fleshly things and things inspired by the unsaved world and the devil that just Minister death to you and there are the words that God has given us that contained his thoughts and just thinking them changes you do you believe that you can think the Word of God and it changes while you're thinking it it's changing you what is our tax sale being eat transformed by the renewing of your mind will it change it to think on what God said to you we need to our minds being renewed right now that while we're thinking on what he told us we're changing right then we're changing internally and if we keep doing it it'll show up on the outside how many know the caterpillar was changing on the inside before you saw the butterfly and that's me and you go to Matthew please the 18th chapter I had the privilege of working in brother Kenneth Hagins healing school for a number of years and ministering to people who a lot of them were pronounced terminal hopeless and there came there as a last resort looking for a miracle and we saw some amazing things and we also saw some people that didn't receive and I know one thing it frustrated me in the early days was there were more than one case I saw this over and over again we had classes in the morning and in the afternoon so people that came and just gave themselves to it they would get like three or four hours a word every day and praise and worship and prayer and sometimes there are additional things too that a lot of times I gave them assignments too and they went home to read and confessions and things to do and there were people that came in that they've breathing so loud and laboring so hard to breathe or even sit up straight you could hear them all over the room and we're so pale and we're struggling so much some of them were on machines and some of them brought things in with them to to sustain them that you wonder are they gonna make it through the service they look like they could just stop breathing and just quit just any moment and later on find out those doctors said maybe they should have been they expected them to be dead two or three weeks ago or or whatever and I saw some of these same people like a flower in the sunshine sit there and the word of God just come into them and them just soak and I'll say sometimes not everything change the first day or two or or three but some of them come stay with us two weeks three weeks a month and I'd see some folks sometimes just in five days of three or four hours of word a day just look totally different they're breathing good they're standing up talking to you their color is good now the symptoms are not going but it's obvious something amazing has happened and then we break for the week weekend and they go home and wherever they're doing and come back and Monday morning they look nearly as bad as they did the previous Monday morning well that's annoying I don't like starting over every Monday huh and I know this can't be God and I saw this too many times and so one point I got to seeking the Lord extra about it and praying and fasting some Lord what is going on here I know you don't fail I know your words not failing what what's going on I know real faith doesn't fail what is happening here and I didn't see it the first day or two a week or two but eventually the Lord to begin to open my eyes helped me to see it and I don't mean I heard a voice but he could cost me to understand he said son while there with you those three or four hours a day every day Monday Tuesday wins and and there a lot of them came from their homes or towns and even when they're not with you they're reading the word and they're praying in the spirit and they're worshiping God and he get up in the morning come back and get fed with the word fattening and go back but when they left and went back home even a lot of their own family asked them eight nine times a day how do you feel now don't tell me all that faith stuff how do you really feel how are you really doing he said while they're with with you and they're thinking of what I said they were connected to life but then they unhook they they disconnected and hooked up to death to be carnally minded is what when you're thinking on the wrong things you're connecting yourself to death so that death can flow in you when your mind is on the right thing it's life and it's peace and this doesn't take some rare revelation if you've had a bunch of death and torment and vexation you haven't had your mind state on him because if you'll keep your mind stayed on him what does I say that he will keep you keep you keep you in perfect peace and I saw Rob come come up here and help me out just a minute I saw this in my spirit with these individuals Gary you come up here to honey I need this Gary thank you Gary he's ready to come on up here stand on this side I saw this individual that they would it's like they would turn and think about let's let Rob represent the Lord I'm sorry yeah and they came in all all down and and but if they would turn their mind on him and what he's saying and they would touch him and life would start flowing into them and man they just they just begin to come up it might not have happened all in a day or two or even in a week but but life would just keep flowing into him just keep coming up just keep coming up but then if they quit thinking about what he said by stripes are here with long life he'll set is fine and they start thinking about the bad report and they start thinking about how they feel and and what happened to ain't Mildred and and Uncle Joe and and how ain't Susie didn't make it and and what they don't understand is just like this it's like the life beginning to come out of him and death begin the car they just begin to be drained and pulled down and then they come back to healing school and they disconnect and then hooked back up to that and it began to blossom again and begin to come up can you see this thanks guys it to be spiritually minded connect you to life and life flows into your spirit and into your mind and into your body and into your life but to be carnally minded is death and death will flow into you in your spirit and your your mind your soul your body in Matthew 18 can you take a little more not quite through Matthew 18 what we're emphasizing thoughts are spiritual they're not natural you can't touch a thought you can't smell a thought you can't feel a thought it's spiritual where did it come from well it came from a spiritual source did it came from an evil source or it came from a good source should we think on thoughts that came from evil should we identify a thought and its source before we meditate on it and dwell on it and talk about it all day and night yes and this has been the issue folks thinking well you know as long as I don't act on it if I'm just thinking about it I'm not gonna do it you're already doing something spiritual and real when you're thinking on something and what's happening is we are connecting with spirits we are touching something and letting it touch us just as real as a hand touching somebody or letting them touch you in Matthew 18 and 18 he said verily I say to you whatsoever you shall bind on earth will be bound in heaven who you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven should we bind up and cast down some thoughts and should we should we allow the good ones to come in and verse 19 again I say to you that if two of you shall agree on earth notice these next two words that's what now he's not talking about physically touching something agree on earth as what touching anything that they shall ask when you and I get in faith and our mind is on the same thing and we ask the same thing and our faith is on the same thing this says we touch it we touch it as touching anything they shall ask it shall be done we touch something something happened it set things in motion things changed something was done right we touched something spiritual things are real my spiritual things are real when you set your mind on something you open your spirit up to it and you you reach out to touch it and you allow it in to touch you if it's good that's good if it's bad it's defiling and death-dealing and there's no such thing as it's not having any effect to meditate and dwell on so even if you hide it from other people if you go around thinking about it all the time you're touching it and it's touching you and it's changing you you can only hide it for so long and if we're touching and thinking on something bad it's bad but if we got our mind on him and we're thinking what he told us hallelujah then it's transforming us on the inside and even though everybody might not see it and you can't hide it forever you're gonna begin back like the master talk like the master don't begin to come out people going to look at you in a while where'd that come from and it's good and it came from you being changed inside and where it began was either last week or last month or five years ago a thought from God came into you and you didn't just let it pass through you grabbed it and you said this is precious I'm gonna just think on this all day this makes me smile when I think about this I am the righteousness of God in Christ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me see if we if we thought about that enough hmm if we thought about that I'm sorry excuse me if we thought about that enough then if anything from the outside I tried to conform us and tell us we couldn't do it we'd look at them like they'd Custer we're nuts we think huh I can do a whole things it has made you into somebody that can come on do you see that and you will just stay after it until you do if it takes a year or ten if we have to move mountains and build bridges and cross oceans you'll do it but if you're quick to go well you know they know they hadn't been able to do it and I guess not I guess that's just reasonable I mean Who am I that means you your mind has not been renewed so you think like the unsaved people don't even know God you think just like them even though you're born again and if you died to go straight to be with Jesus in your mind you think just like the unsaved world and so you have no power to do things beyond what they can do he went on to say two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask it shall be done for them of my father which is in heaven do you know this Saint this same word I'm pronouncing it right it's the word we get our word Symphony from to agree together to harmonize this is exactly what Ananias and Sapphira did the word is used in the Greek they agreed together to lie they touch the wrong thing and the Spirit of God through Peter looked at them and said Satan has filled your heart to lie to the Holy Ghost he said you didn't lie to me you lied in God's face you got up in God's face and lied to him in for in his church in front of everybody man they fell dead but their own spot one after another did something touch them did they let something get into their and see they were I don't know if they're sitting around the house talking about it looking at the the money and how much they got for the sale of the land and they got on the same page and they agreed together that this is how they're gonna go and they they opened up their spirit to the devil what quote else could they have done the thought came up if they were both right like they should have been even if the devil's brought the thought to each one of them individually they're to shut that thing down in the millisecond and they'd have never discussed it it never even came up but if one of them had been weak and barred it up to the other minister are you kidding me no we're not gonna go tell a lie in the church and they would have shut it down and they wouldn't perish like that to be carnally minded is death to be spiritually minded is life and peace if we're not experiencing and ever-increasing flow of life and peace it's obvious what the problem is we have been letting our mind go to some wrong places we've been dwelling on long things we've been listening and thinking and talking about wrong thoughts and it's ministering death to us keep reading any two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything they shall ask it'll be done from what my father which is in heaven for where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of the do you see that verse 20 start with the word for that means it's connected to what he just got to say it about touching and the green for why would it be done for us of our Father which is in heaven because when you and I grab hands or we don't we just agree but our mind is on the same page and we're sharing the same thoughts and our thoughts are believing God and reaching out and we say in the name of Jesus he's there we're touching him he's touching us come on are you listening we're touching him oh the devil doesn't want us to know this he didn't want us to understand this he wants to try to confuse us and and complicated and keep us from but friend you get a hold of this and you begin to practice controlling your mind and focusing your thoughts and being protective of your mind letting yourself think wrong things you will develop in this and you'll learn how no matter what's going on I mean it can be a hurricane around you and you'll learn how to set your mind on God and immediately open your spirit up to him and touch him just like that he's there you're that and you're aware of him you're touching him and he's touching you and life flows out of him light flows out of him wisdom flows out of him Direction flows out of him but if the devil if you listen to him he will bring you to all and even use the dark name of the Lord in vain oh my god what are we going to do that thought didn't come from God and why where is this gonna come from how in the world we ever get by Stenson and then a horn in the world and those thoughts sit you into a spin and you're trembling and you're shaking in fear you're touching something else come on are you it's no wonder people shake them and tremble like they do in fear because I'm convinced if our eyes could be open and we could see what we're touching we'd take thirty five showers come on are you listening to me and we've never do it again some folks that have felt sorry for the sailfin going crawled up in the bed and laid there and pined and if they could see what's laying up in the bed with them what they are intimate with what they are letting inside their mind this is nuts I mean touching your skin when I tell my dad we're told my touching you inside you and we don't have to do it I said we don't have to do it we do not have to do it when these ungodly unbelieving death filled Fairfield thoughts come to us the first moment we're aware of them we got the power we got the ability to grab them and to cast them that's a strong word cast them down and said I refuse to think that that's a lie that's not true you cannot touch me and then you start speaking the Word of God and that puts his thoughts right back in your mind come on are you listening and if you keep your mind stayed on him he will keep you in perfect peace why would you be having perfect total complete peace all the time because you're touching the Prince of Peace you're in contact with him you're touching him and he's touching you and that's why that peace is flowing in you and around you filling up your house glory to God you stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 66,739
Rating: 4.8122978 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Transformed, Pt, The, Spirit, Mind, connection, Keith Moore, word of faith, Keith Moore Teachings, Faith life Church, Faith, life, church, keith, word, of, faith, preaching, teaching, God, god, Holy, Television Show, Hope, Talk, end, times, broadcast, FreewordofGod, free, Kieth Moore, kieth
Id: Uf_YJk4DBto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 19sec (4579 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2011
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