Keith Moore The Power of the Tongue Pt 8 Overcoming Giants

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I'm convinced it'll be a blessing to you James 3 and verse 2 says in many things we offend all If any man offend not in the word the same as a perfect man and able also to bridle the whole body NIV says if anyone is never at fault in what he says he's a perfect man able to keep his whole body in check the rest of this passage describes how that like a bit and bridle and the horse's mouth like a rudder on a ship so is our tongue in our life if you're writing it today you might have said it's like a steering wheel in a car it's because you use that bit to steer that horse you use that rudder to steer that ship is it true that our tongue what we say is the steering wheel of our life most Christians don't believe this even though it's very plain in the Word of God most Christian how do you know they don't believe it brother kids because of the way they talk it's obvious you really believe that what you're saying was governing and directing your life you would watch what you said and you wouldn't say a bunch of negative and harmful things over yourself and just by listening to people talk you can tell they don't believe this because they'll just they just say all manner of things but it is true everybody said out loud my tongue is the steering wheel of my life but what if you're going the wrong direction huh I'm in fear in your car and you're going south and you want to go north I was just up north you may not want to go there right now it's I heard Phyllis was saying I was on the beach somewhere I didn't see any beats up there we saw ice about that thick on every pond and we just thought we had some winter time down here brother snows piled up 12 14 feet high on the sides of the parking lots and stuff whoo I think that what they say Mike they had like six days above freezing since the first of the year and every one of them was tired of it everybody it's like they're like you got room to take me but you're excellent so yeah we had a little winter but we were blessed we're blessed but you know wherever you're supposed to be there's grace to be there there's grace the lord of grace you and that's where your provision and the plan is that if your life is going the wrong direction can you turn it you can do it with the steering wheel of your tongue if you're going south in your car and you want to go north what do you do you don't just hold the steering wheel and press the accelerator harder and go I don't want to go this way I don't want to go this way you got to turn the wheel and as long as you keep saying what's happening you're not gonna turn around you got to say something different from what you're seeing in feeling if you want to turn it around well it's just it's so hard and I just can't no matter what I do it doesn't it never works out for me and this is the biggest mess and and and it's just the biggest mess and and it's just the biggest mess if you say so right and what folks don't realize you are holding the wheel in that same door you're just reaffirming what's going on if you want it to be different you got to say something different instead of saying what a mess it is you need to start saying we're coming out and even if you don't see anything that indicates that that's what faith is about faith calls those things that be not as though they were right you know we talked about this and other times about calling those things that be not and some folks you know they they mark people like us and say oh that's that confess it possess it bunch you know they're off that blab it and grab it and and all that kind of stuff and and I don't believe in calling things like that well it'd be like calling your dog you know unjustly well this time for the dog to eat call the dog and then they said well no the dogs not here we said we know us when we said calling no I don't believe in colder spots not here he's not here your so call him nope he's not here well know people so where your bills are not paid that's why I'm calling them paid well your body's not healed that's why I'm calling it here right if it looked and felt healed I wouldn't need to call it here if the money was already sitting on the table I wouldn't need to call it call it take the take the steering wheel of your mouth and turn that thing around and start bringing your life in a different direction say that loud again my tongue what I say is the steering wheel of my life look in Proverbs 29:18 20 proverbs 18 verse 20 please a man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled are you wanting to increase in this new year this 2011 you wanting to do better this year than you did last year it does not start in your checking account it doesn't start with your contracts or with your customers your clients or you know where it starts the increase of your is what will cause you to wind up full and satisfied and then you need to start talking increase do not join the rest of the world talking about how bad things are and how high things are and how hard things are hard times hard times cause so much nobody's getting anything don't you dare say something like that you need to say even if even if they don't understand it if they say well nobody's getting any contracts right nobody's getting any work right now under your breath you need to say I do now if they don't understand it you don't necessarily have to sit in front of them but you better say it to yourself I do and it's not because you think you're smarter and better-looking or anything to somebody else it's just you're doing what he told you to do and they're not he'd do the same thing for them if they could talking all this unbelief and fear and lack everybody said out loud this is a good year for me I'm coming up we're advancing we're increasing in everything good thing it'll be better better better then it's ever been thank you lord if you believe that if you say that Jesus said if you don't doubt in your heart but you believe what you say will come to pass jesus said you will have what you said did he say he said it people can mock if they want to and do without I'm gonna respect what Jesus said and enjoy verse 21 here in proverbs 18 he said death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit they eat the fruit of what well whatever you love to talk it's what you'll what you'll eat what you'll enjoy does it matter what we say how much does it matter he did what's coming out of our mouth is a matter of life and death we're talking life and enjoying that or we're talking death and not enjoying that life and death go with me to Revelation today please and let's look at another aspect and part of this revelation 12 and first Timothy 6 revelation 12 first Timothy 6 we're going to talk today about how to overcome are you interested how to overcome anything how to overcome the biggest problems revelation 12 and verse 11 and they overcame him the previous verse had been talking about the devil they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb but that's not the whole verse what's the next word and so there was something connected with the blood of the lamb that enabled them to overcome and what was it it was the word that they were saying the words of their testimony what they were saying testify and in the situation about they overcame by the blood of the limb if it hadn't been for the blood of the lamb there wouldn't be anything for us to testify about we wouldn't have any healing we wouldn't have any forgiveness we wouldn't have any protection any any redemption the blood of the Lamb has procured it for us has paid it made it paid for it made it available to us but even though it's bought and paid for and given to us that doesn't mean we'll enjoy it you know take the new birth there are people in the in the world that are lost but you couldn't say that Jesus hadn't paid for them to be saved you couldn't say the blood of the Lamb hasn't taken care of that but they haven't added the word of their testimony in their faith to appropriate it how are we born again do you remember Romans 10:9 and 10 describes it exactly put it upon the screen for us if you would please Romans 10:9 and 10 what does it say the first thing if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and if you'll believe in your heart that God had raised him from the dead you shall be saved verse 10 for with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation is confession a vital necessary part of being saved no question about it how did you get born again you believed the gospel good news that jesus paid the price for you you believe that then the blood of the Lamb paid the price for all your sins and salvation and you said your mouth and you confessed and receive Jesus as your Lord there are many different ways to say it and do it but you believed it and you said it hey man and you and our gloriously born again are you glad that you're born again well we should not be shocked that the way we got into the kingdom is the way we will operate in the kingdom a lot of Christians believe this you'll talk about being born again oh yeah they believe in confession absolutely they do but then you talk about making confessions over your finances and you your healing and you can't oh no I don't believe in that well that's the same way you got in the kingdom of God it's the same way you got born again it's nothing different you're just doing the same thing in other areas you believe it in your heart and you say it with your mouth how did they overcome the accuser the devil and all of his junk by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony said out loud by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony in Proverbs the twelfth chapter you don't have to turn there but just to make note of this important phrase 12:6 of Proverbs it says the last part of it the mouths of the upright shall deliver them the new living says the words of the godly save lives in our v the speech of the upright rescues them what if you get in trouble what if you got some big problems hmm what can what can deliver you what can get you out the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony how did you get out of sin how do you get out of darkness and death you believed in your heart and you said with your mouth and you're no longer lost you got out you're not going to hell I'm gonna think of you if you can get out of hell you ought to be able to get out of a lot of other stuff right I mean see ya you got out of hell you can get out of hell you ought to be able to get out of debt that should be easier than getting out of hell but do you remember how you got out of hell how'd you get out of hell you believed in your heart and you said it with your mouth by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony that's how you'll get out of other other trouble other problems look in second Corinthians or or they'll put it on the screen for us 2nd Corinthians the fourth chapter well we didn't read 1st Timothy different let's read first Timothy and then we'll look at 2nd Corinthians for 1st Timothy 6 and 12 it says fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life were until you are also called how do you fight the good fight of faith well we know believing is involved but read the rest of the verse and you have what professed a good profession as the same or translated confession you've professed a good profession before many witnesses verse 13 I give you charge in the sight of God who quickens all things and before Christ Jesus who before Pontius Pilate witnessed of what what did Jesus do when all the pressure and all the world was coming down on him he stood up in front of his accusers and he confessed amen the truth the great iron hallelujah and you and I fight the good fight of faith by believing in our heart and saying with our mouths and not changing not being moved no matter what kind of pressures come to bear you got to make up your mind what the will of God is right and you believe that and that only and you say that and that only and no matter if the bottom falls out of it out of everything you still say God will supply all my needs according to his riches in glory no matter if you've got nine terrible and terminal diagnosis you still say by His stripes I was healed and with long life he'll satisfy me and show me his salvation then you don't change does it take strength to fight that good fight oh you'll be tempted to get weary and you'll be pressed and you'll feel like saying something different and that's when you got to be strong and only say what he said second career the second Corinthians yes four and thirteen tells us how the patriarchs did it and tells us we have the same way available to us he said we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written I believed and therefore have I spoken we also believe and therefore speak the Bible says let everything be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses have we seen more than a couple of scriptures already this morning that this is the way it works you believe in your heart and not just believe in your heart believe in your heart and say with your mouth we're not just delivered and we don't just overcome by the blood of the Lamb but by the blood of the lamb and the words that are coming out of our mouths what we testify of into in the midst of the trial and the situation this is why these heroes of faith are in Hebrews 11 all these individuals that saw such mere miraculous things and such exploits and in the things of God they had the spirit of faith of believing and saying and not being moved and the Grug the glorious revelation here is we got that same spirit of faith in us and own us we can stand and say things in our life like Elijah did on that mountain that showdown with the prophets or Bale like Moses did when he was facing the Red Sea come on are you listening we got that same spirit of faith in us and on us how does it operate tell me one more time how does it operate what did it say we believed that they believed and they spoke and so what do we do therefore we believe and we speak why we got the same spirit of faith we believe it and we say it now one of the most well known heroes the faith if you went to Sunday school when you were little you learned about David and Goliath hmm did he face something big did he overcome do you remember how you did it let's go back we know he did it by the spirit of faith and we already know from the New Testament how the spirit of faith operates let's go back and see if we can see it for ourselves then it's operating the way we're talking about here go to 1st Samuel the 17th chapter First Samuel Chapter 17 you got a little more time this morning now I know a lot of you familiar with this story and that's good but let's read it like we haven't read it before and let's look the Lord put us there do you know what I mean by that I mean by the Spirit of God he he can put you right in the middle of this thing and let you see it right right from the 50-yard line do you know he can't he can't this is not a fairy tale this happened David obviously a man who lived and Goliath is a man who lived at this specific time and need these things happen and of course they're not just a historical account but it's preserved for you and I to remember and feed on wine so we'll know what to do when great big ugly stuff comes up in our life hmm because we got the same spirit of faith first thing of seventeen now the Philistines gathered together their armies into battle and they were gathered together at Shoko which belongs to Judah and they pitched between Shoko inuzuka and FS Damon and Saul in the men of Israel were gathered together and they pitched by the Valley of Elah and set the battle in array against the Philistines helis teens stood on a mountain on the one side and his restored on the mountain on the other side and there was a valley between them you got the picture army on this mountain over here army on this mountain valley in between there we're not a champion out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath of Gath whose height was six cubits and a span anybody know how tall that is well a cubit is from your elbow to the end of your long finger and so it was six of them and then a span which is this long 9 foot 9 is what that works out to be somebody say 9 foot 9 this is not an exaggeration this is how big the dude was now seven foot five is tall you've been around folks that talk I mean you come around the corner you run into a guy to seven foot five you go whoa I mean now you stack another two foot on top of that guy two feet not two inches nine nine nine nine he had a helmet of brass on his head he was armed with a coat of mail the weight of the coat was 5000 shekels of brass that works it out to about a hundred and twenty pounds that's his fighting jacket hmm come on think about if he walked it besides nine-nine he's looking down what four or five feet and he says hey hold my coat for me you get a hold of his coat huh 125 now he doesn't just have this he fights in this coat so you got a lot of muscle mass to be able to fight and move athletically in this kind of gear but because it was so big and thick see most people couldn't fight anything like that you would want to why because the bigger and thicker means nobody can stab through it he could wire stuff that was so thick and heavy that the average guy could weigh on him with his sword and it wouldn't even finish rate and then he can reach up from 3 or 4 foot above and take you out you can't hurt him and the Bible city had Greaves of brass on his legs target of brass between his shoulders I mean he is virtually covered with impenetrable material and his staff of his beam was like a Weaver's being the spear was like a pole and his Spears had weighed 600 shekels of iron that's something like 15 or 20 pounds just the head of the spear not the whole thing and one burying a shield went before him it took a regular big guy just a toady shield in front of him and he comes behind with all this gear he stood and cried to the armies of Israel and he said why are you come out to sit the battle in array am I not a Philistine and your servants of Saul choose you a man for you and let him come down to me and if he be able to fight with me and to kill me then we will be your servants and if I prevail against him and kill him then you shall be our servants and serve us it's known eating the whole Army's going fighting I'm a Philistine pick your best guy come on let's fight we'll save a lot of war in time but nobody volunteered the Philistines said I defy the armies of Israel this day give me a man that we may fight are you men you don't have a man in the whole bunch I thought you came here to fight fight Here I am and the Bible said he did this for a month and a half twice a day that's plenty of time to cuss and the Bible said he he cursed God and he cursed the Israelites and he said I'm sure he said bad things about their relatives and their family and he did everything he could to provoke them he wants to kill somebody and we see later in the chapter he has been a warrior since he was a boy and apparently nobody's killed him everybody he's fought with is dead and not only is he 9 foot 9 and all this mass and weight he's skilled he's a skilled warrior and there was some big and tough guys in the armies of the Israelis but there wasn't a man in the whole bunch that would consider going hand to hand with this guy and so then King Saul starts making incentives and he says if anybody could find the courage to go fight this guy that he will give him X amount of money he can marry the Kings pretty daughter and become part of the royal family and he never has to pay taxes again the rest of his life and still not one taker none I'm sure they sit around and talked about all that money and the pretty girl and no taxes but then once guy said well Engel do you no good if your dad and so nobody nobody found the courage to face him verse 11 Saul and all Israel heard those words and the Philistine and they were dismayed and they were greatly afraid David the son of the ephra thought of Bethlehem whose name was Jesse Jesse had eight sons and the man went among men for an old man in the days of Saul and the three eldest sons of Jesse went and followed saw to battle the names of these were ilium the firstborn next to him a bit of dad and the third shaman David was the youngest and the three eldest followed Saul he wasn't old enough to be at the battle if you read the the rest of the passage that says he was a youth we'd probably call him a teenager because if he'd have been old enough you know they needed every man they could get he wasn't old enough to be there and he went and returned to Saul to feed his father's sheep at Bethlehem the Philistine drew near morning and evening and presented himself forty days twice a day times forty 80 different times this guy had come and railed and blasts fiend and challenged and provoked and cussed and Jesse said to David his son take now for your brethren and Aoife of parched corn ten loaves run to the camp to your brethren carry these ten cheese's to the captain of the thousand and look how you brethren fare and take their pledge Saul and they and all the men of Israel were in the Valley of Elah fighting with the Philistines David rose up early in the morning and left the sheep with a keeper and he took in win as Jesse had commanded him and he came to the trench as the host was going forth to fight and shouted for the battle Israel and the Philistines have put the battle in array army against army David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage and ran to the army and came and saluted his brethren as he talked with them behold there came up the champion the Philistine of Gath Goliath by name out of the armies of the Philistines and spoke according to the same words that he had been speaking for forty days and David heard him and all the men of Israel when they saw the man fled from me he just he just walked nearly the armies are supposed to be meeting for but in the valley Goliath walks up to the front and all the Israelites just get out of the way they just back up and retreat nobody you're facing nobody'll meeting and so the heater starts marching back and forth and yelling and blaspheming and and challenging and provoking again and David was there just in time to here and they fled they were sore afraid he must have been one imposing bad dude and they said have you seen this man that has come up surely to defy is well he's come up and it'll be that the man who kills him the King will enrich him with great riches what would great riches be like he must be talking about today's money hundreds of thousands of dollars more and he'll give him his daughter and he'll make his father's house free in fact in Israel their whole family never have to pay taxes David spoke to the man that stood by he said what shall be done to the man that kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel because who is this uncircumcised Philistine a friend something we can learn from this it is very important how we refer to our problem you don't refer to the disease that has attacked you as the most awful untreatable incurable thing there is on the planet hmm you don't refer to your money problems as unpayable humongous they're looking at nine foot nine and bad to the bone and what does he say uncircumcised philistine that's the body strong as custom as he could come but this is not meaningless words uncircumcised means no covenant no covenant with God no connection with God no help from God and here he is a cussing and blaspheming God who is he what's he saying he is nobody and that's how you need to talk about your issues what about your dad it's nothing I wouldn't say $83,000 was nothing you better talk about it right because the more impressed with it you are the further away from getting free from it you are when you're in awe of how bad and terrible and hard your situation and how big the bill is you're not in faith faith does not go on and on about the problem faith is not in awe of the difficulty faith is in all of God faith is in all of the provider the healer the protector the deliverer we're not going to talk about how bad the problem is we will talk about how big God is that's what he's doing you want to get free from that thing you want to overcome that thing you want to beat it start talking it down start talking it down he ain't gonna talk about how big the spear is he ain't gonna talk about how tall the guy is he's not gonna talk about what a warrior he gonna talk about I'm circumcised Philistine he is not anything he's got no covenant with God he's not who is he who is it what's cancer in front of God come on someone needs to help me out what puts diabetes in front of the power of the Almighty [Applause] what's $100,000 to God what's what a million dollars to God is put is nothing uncircumcised philistine you gotta look down your nose when you say it uncircumcised philistine come on somebody needs to try it out I said I'm circumcised Philistine that's what your dad is that's what your problem is the sickness is uncircumcised philistine and these says said yeah how much they say they'd pay the guy that kills this thing they said you know $500,000 and which dog is it too much all the pretty one oh I've seen that girl hmm and no taxes forever your whole family never pay taxes again who is this cat is uncircumcised philistine well ilium is older brother overheard him and he comes up verse 28 and he said where did you come down here because he overheard him talking him lucky was talking and he said what have you who have you left those few sheep in the wilderness with he's accusing him of being negligent in his duties I know your pride the naughtiness of your heart then they were naughty here's Hebrew for evil and bad you full of pride and got a bad heart I know you you just come down here to see the battle and David said what did I do what have I done is there not a cause somebody ought to be doing something around here but this uncircumcised philistine out here cussing God for a month and a half let's just stop right here why did Elliot talk like this to him embarrassment are you with me pride Envy why faith shows up unbelief when somebody when everybody's been in unbelief they're been talking feared and doubt and failure and somebody comes in and talks faith nobody else look around and go huh who does he think he is everybody in three counties knows how bad it is around here waltz in talking about what he's gonna do if that humble themself that go right I should have been saying that and get on board but if you're gonna be prideful you then you mock and you'll accuse and you'll try to lash out against them when you're the ones got the problem you're the ones got the deficiency you should be doing what they're doing so they attacked him but notice what it did verse 29 he said you know what have I done verse 30 he just turned away from him and turned meant to somebody else and said tell me again how much money they said they paid what what will happen to the man the kid takes this guy what why does he keep asking I think he got the information right the first time why does he keep asking this question because something is going on inside of him he's getting stirred that he's supposed to do something and he needs to make sure before he goes out there to dance with this guy right he needs to know that he's heard from the Lord doesn't he and so he keeps asking and they keep telling him and he keeps asking and this guy his brother wants to come down on him and he just turns to somebody says like I said how much well well don't don't let people sway you don't let them talk we got start stirring something up in you and you can see it's time for you to believe something and to say something don't let people talk you out of it or or try to shame you or or talk you down or don't don't do it just turn to somebody else to say tell me again till you get it settled in and when the words were heard which David spoke they rehearsed them before Saul and he sent for him now think about this this is an army of men warriors this is a kid if you read the rest of it the Bible said he was ready now that's Old English it means reddish he had reddish hair and and a red fair complexion and he's a teenager he's a good-looking kid he's not a great big scarred hulking warrior but he starts talking and his words were so convincing that these guys say the King needs to hear this guy and these great big warriors can't just kid by them says come on you need to go to see the king why why cuz of what was cut because of the words is that right because there was something different about the words that were coming out of his mouth and burned that burnt verse 32 they brought him in front of Saul and Saul said let no man's heart fail because of this because of him because of Goliath your servant me I'll go fight this Philistine I'll go verse 33 Saul said to David you're not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him you're just the youth he's been a man of war from his youth from the time Goliath was a boy he was learning how to kill and fight he's not just nine nine he's an athlete he's skilled killer he's got the biggest most advanced weapons he's got as much muscle as two or three men and you're just you're a kid that watch his sheep you know what you can go verse 34 David said to Saul your servant he stole money stuff kept his father's sheep and there came a line and there came a back to my two different instruments I guess and took the lamb out of the flock verse 35 and I went out after him say what you did what a line came and grabbed a lamb to eat and it was taking it off lot of folks would go hide somewhere David runs after the lion then faith will do something for you faith will give you courage he ran after the lion he caught him and he smote him and when he smoked the line he dropped the lamb he got it out of his mouth but then the line turned and rose against David I guess he said well I'll just eat you and he caught him in a lion's have this this this beard he caught this line by the beard this is face-to-face hand-to-hand with a liar and he's a boy he's a kid and he killed him smote him and killed him how did he do this it wasn't by mass it wasn't by sheer strength he's a kid I mean no teenager gets lion Lions gonna win every time unless you add something else in right he did it by faith and he did it by the help of the Lord and verse 36 your servant slew both the lion and the bear same thing same type of thing happened with a bear and this uncircumcised Philistine he's not gonna talk about how big is how bad is he just a no covenant nobody [Music] [Applause] he tall he's bad nah nah he's a no covenant nobody what about what's been messing with you and attacking you and bothering you it's a no covenant nobody because if they don't have God to help them and if God's for us it's not even a fair fight I don't care if they make 10 of us they don't make 10 of God he said this uncircumcised philistine will be as one of them seeing he has defied the armies of the Living God he didn't say he's made me mad very important distinction he said he has he's defied the armies of the Living God he's blaspheming him verse 37 david said moreover the lord that delivered matt now come on come on stop right here what's David doing right now helping me out what's he doing he's talking what's what is the spirit of faith do it believes and he said listen to what he's saying the Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear he y'all pray huh I'm gonna go and do what I can and you know you just never know what the Lord's gonna do but huh this story wouldn't be in here he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine said out loud he will deliver me who will God will he might we'll see we hope so we don't know see this is how faith thought faith is convinced of the will of God faith knows what God's going to do before it happens and so it decreases it say it again he will deliver me he will you got a little extra time holds your place here and go to Daniel Daniel a third chapter on the way over there said again he will deliver me without reading the rest of that verse as soon as he said that you know Saul had just told him you can't go you can't fight this dude and David made his little speech the lion and bear speech and the punchline was God delivered me out of the hand Paul that bear he delivered me out of the Paul that line somebody said hey man then and he will deliver me out of the hand of this uncircumcised Philistine as he said that Saul said we'll go go he talked him he convinced him because prior to that he said you a boy you King there was something about the words that were coming out of David's mouth that even though they're looking at a redheaded fair-complected little teenage guy that they thought okay alright do it what faith is inspiring now Daniel 3 I want you to notice something that's been they a an issue that I think a lot of folks have gotten wrong and I want you to this is our church and I'm your minister and I want you to know real plain what I believe about this is that okay and you can do what you want to with it but I'm talking about not just my opinion but what I believe the word says plainly in this area this is the story where Nebuchadnezzar the King made his great image and commended everybody when the music played to fall down and worship it and you remember when everybody did except the three Hebrew children Shadrach Meshach and Abednego you remember that and then they sent word to him that they are not bowing down and oh it made him mad and they sent word and it brought him in front of the king remember that and in verse chapter three and let's see uh what about verse fourteen or so did you put that up for us Daniel 3:14 Nebuchadnezzar spoke and he said to them is it true oh shut Rach Meshach and Abednego do not you serve my gods and not worship the golden image which I have set up is it true verse 15 now if you be ready then it what turn you hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery dulcimer and all kinds of music you fall down and you worship the image which I have made well in other words we'll forget about this incident he and you won't perish you won't be thrown in the fire furnace but if you worship not you shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands let's just stop right here these three boys are they in Hebrews 11 he the boy these boys have faith did they see miracles this spirit of faith we're talking about did they have it no question about it so what did it look and sound like next verse Shadrach Meshach and Abednego answered and they said to the king o Nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer you in this matter this is big talk this is big talk listen we don't need any time we ain't got to confirming ourselves we don't have to think about this we got your answer right here right now verse 18 excuse me something seventeen if it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of your hand o King does that sound familiar that sounds just like what we're reading over here with date right with David sounds just like it verse eighteen but if not be it known do you kill Oh King we will not serve your gods no worship the golden image which you have set up I've heard a lot of commentary on this and numerous different people preached on this and in my opinion they got it wrong and even a lot of your modern translations will reword it and add words that are not in the text and the way that they bring in a cross is like these boys said if you throw it if you throw a sin you know well me back verse 17 let me say it exactly like he says if it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us verse 18 but if not and the somewhat translation says if he doesn't deliver us it's in half the modern translations that way if he doesn't deliver us be it known to you O king that we will not serve your God's nor worship the golden image which you have set up they did not say that they could not have said that because that's not how faith operates some said well yes it is now brother Keith that was showing their consecration that no matter what happened they no no that's wrong that is incorrect interpretation of the scripture literally the the scripture says verse 17 in the literal it says lo it is and verse 18 and lo not that's exactly what it says lo it is lo not anything else that people come up with is added how do you translate that go back to verse 17 I know I'm taking a little time with this but I think it's worth it if it be so stop right here if what be so if what be so that's where people get in trouble you got to go back to the previous verse verse 16 15 excuse me if you be ready you fall down and worship but if you worship not if you fall down it's going to be fine I'm not gonna throw you in if you worship not you're gonna be thrown in next verse verse 16 and then verse 17 if it be so if what be so if you throw us in are y'all with me freeze you see how folks have twisted that if you throw us in we want you to know something our God that we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of your hand verse 18 and there's no way that they said but if he doesn't cuz what does that do to the phrase he will delivers but if he doesn't there's no faith in that you don't know the will of God if it be so if what be so if you throw what's in if it be not it's what if you don't throw us in be it known to your king we will not serve your God's nor worship the golden now if it's if God doesn't deliver them then I is it necessary to say we're not going to serve your God if we're burnt to a crisp I think that'd be pretty self-evident yeah they're saying if you don't throw us in we still not gonna serve you God you try to be magnanimous magnanimous and you're not gonna throw us in we're not gonna bow down we're not gonna do it but if you throw sin and you want to know what kind of God can deliver you our God that we serve is able to deliver us and he will deliver us he will he will he will [Music] and this thing about but if he don't that is wrong that is not what the scripture said and that is contrary to anything you learn about faith faith begins where the will of God is known faith comes by hearing and through hearing you find out the will of God then you can stand and boldly say everybody with me on this now the if and if not is if you throw us in and if you don't doesn't go with you do you know why I'm talking about this I mean there's a lot of people preach that that way and it's not his faith destroying it's wrong back to first second seventeen do we see that spirit of faith in Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that's just boldness such clarity did God deliver them out of the burning fire for me was he able then he did exactly what they said he proved and showed that he was able and they have their own verses in Hebrews 11 don't they 1st Samuel 17 where were we remember the verse 37 that's right thanks guys the Lord that delivered me out of the Paul the line I'm here somebody going hey man and the Lord delivered me out of the power of the bag yeah that's right he will he will he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine and his words were so powerful and had such a punch that Saul said go in the Lord because and verse 38 he looked at him again and realized how small he was and said man let's put some armor on you at least and they tried to put the armor on him and you know Saul was a tall guy his self and so you know he's several inches taller than then David I'm sure him and so he's his probably his coat of mail is hanging off of his hands and he can't walk in it and the swords dragging the ground he said I keep I can't go like this I don't know what to do with this stuff no no y'all got to take it off on him so they took it all off and he got his stick him and his sticks been through some stuff and he knows and he went down to the brook and he picked him out some real smooth stones that were just the right caliber and he put him where he could get his hand right on him and he checked his sling out and made sure the strap was right and it felt good get the picture redheaded teenager with a stick slingshot and he came out to the battle area let me see how can you find the scripture and the scripture said that uh verse 41 the Philistine came on and and drew near to David the man that bear the shear went before him when the Philistine looked about and saw David he disdained him now first of all he's looking about he's thinking where's the guy I'm supposed to fight see he's got a big guy in front of him toting his shield he sees a kid I here with a stick he don't he don't even compute to him he's known in register he's not course the guy if somebody says that's him just this kid with no armor no shield no bow no spear no blade kid with a stick then it made him mad he's insulted he looked about he disdained him because he was but a youth and ready and of a fair complexion and the Philistine said to David am i dog did you come to me with a sticks and fill the Philistine cursed David by his gods by his gods and the Philistines said to David come to me I'm not talking enough coating the moon [Laughter] now we'll give you a flesh to the fowls of the air beast of the fair I'm gonna whew nine nine you got to have a low voice don't you I mean your vocal cords that long then said David I want you to back up are you are you looking at your scripture verse twenty nine wasn't safe verse 29 and David said verse 32 and David said verse 34 and David said verse 37 David said moreover verse 45 then said David what's going on here there's some saying going on David said you come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a shield that's what that Giants faith was in was in his strength his stature his skill and his armament and weapons but I'm coming to you and none of that that is not what I'm trusting in to win this battle I'm coming to you in the name of the Lord of hosts the god of the armies of Israel that you have stood out here and cussed for the last month and a half that you have defied you have taken on the wrong you looking at me but you have messed with the wrong one is to God that I serve [Applause] now think about this redheaded teenager with a stick and some rocks and slingshot but what courage what courage how did you get such courage faith faith gave him that kind of courage we don't have to look back and longed to have something like that did we not just read in the New Testament that we got the same same spirit of faith that they had verse 46 this day what's David still doing today will the Lord deliver you into my head none of this y'all pray we hope so we'll see you just never know today see faith knows ahead of time what the Lord's gonna do today the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I'm gonna smite you and I'm gonna take your head off of you not I'm gonna try not I'm gonna give it my best shot and I will give and I'm not going to stop with you I'm gonna give the carcasses of this whole bunch of the Philistines today to the fowls of the air all your buddies too and to the wild beasts of the earth and that all the earth may know what a tough teenager I am no no no no that they may know that there is a God in Israel our God he saw a my god verse 47 and all this assembly everybody this season hears about it they will know that the Lord don't save with sword and spear for the battle is the Lord's and He will give you into I how many times have we heard will he will he will he will he will he will and they ain't no way he could have come in and said but if he don't can you see that there's no way no how if you do that there's no faith anymore verse 48 and it came to pass when the Philistine arose and he came and drew now to meet david here he comes cool cool cool cool david didn't wait for him to get there he haste he brakes and runs toward this big dude faith is not afraid of the problem faith doesn't talk about how big and how bad how awful and how terrible and and how much the price faith runs toward it to take it out forty-nine David put his hand he's running and he slips his hand down his back and he finds that 45 caliber stone and he loads it in his sling and he's running he's done this before he's been out in the field and dealt with beasts knowledge stuff and what do you do all day and all night when you're sitting around watching the sheep man he could pick petals off the flowers he all day long so mat-su Valley turns it loose and I mean just as straight as a bullet boom and the Bible said you know this guy has got this 120 pound coat of mail he's got this big shield on his back he's got all this brass on his legs he got this big helmet none of it did him any good he had a little open spot right there and that big rock hit him and the Bible said it suck down into his for it that mean it broke his skull I mean it's like he's shot now if David had thought about that previously and thought well if this guy starts if I get in close quarters with him what can I do with him hand-to-hand he could have thought about that and chicken not he didn't need to do the hand the hand with a guy as it turned out well I mean what can I do if he starts swinging that blade I don't even have a sword as it turned out he didn't need a sword the guy's laying flat on his face he just pulls his sword out and just does him in with it takes his hand off how do you overcome even the biggest even the scariest even the toughest problems how do you do it you do it the same way that they did it you do it the same way Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and David and Elijah and all of them you believe it in your heart and you say it with your mouth come on can you say glory to God hallelujah and you will see the same kind of amazing things next thing you know they'll be reading your testimony up here stand on your feet everybody thank you lord [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 43,806
Rating: 4.8435755 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, The, Power, of, the, Tongue, Pt, 8, Overcoming, Giants
Id: yvrJd9V8ezo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 44sec (4004 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2011
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