Keith Moore The Wisdom of God Pt 16 The Wisest Of All

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hallelujah this is glory to God here's a net breaking ship sinking good measure pressed down shaken together running over too much God he is yeah well I'm glad I came already tonight I mean I if we dismiss nod be glad I came but there's more would you turn tonight to proverbs the fourth chapter rushers would you take the island if you're here tonight and you didn't bring a Bible with you would you raise your hand and use one of ours so you know it's just shows respect for the word to take it and open find the place and if you don't if you have a hard time finding where it's at well your neighbors will help you look around and see what we'll see where they go we'll be going to the same place and that's one reason you you read your chapter every day get familiar with the book who ever heard of a Christian didn't know anything about the Bible it's all too quiet on that there's a lot of them so a lot of Christians that just are so woefully ignorant of the word and it shows it costs people in their life terribly and you'd say you cannot have faith if you don't know the will of God and you can't know the will of God if you don't know the Word of God his word reveals his will so hook up with us if you're not doing so already join us in reading our chapter every day we got bookmarks out in the information area that tell you what chapter we'll be on Monday and if your email us or ask us we'll send you one wherever you are and we read our chapter what chapter we're on now huh we read romans eight today right what a wonderful chapter right so Romans nine Monday and how do you read it read it out loud with your whole family yes right you don't read it fast give it your full attention you don't have three TVs and two radios on right you don't read them all one day and you said I'm done for the week you don't read it when you're tired right you do it you do it properly you show proper respect read it in the faith you pray and ask the Lord open your eyes and show you good things feed your faith in your spirit and you read it in faith and you feed on the word and you'll grow well tonight in proverbs 4 we're going to continue on this series with calling the wisdom of God and this may be our last session on this the Lord is dealing with me about some other things last for right now because the wisdom of God is so vital so important that uh you know we're not through with that but I am so pleased at just what studying these things has done for me and helped me and I trust you the wisdom of God is just more real to me than than before I'm seeing things I wasn't saying and I believe the wisdom of God is increasing in us would you say Amen in proverbs 4 down in verse 5 he said get wisdom get understanding who's the understood subject you you get wisdom you get understanding the Lord tells you to do it then what should you do you should get it well it must be available or you wouldn't tell us to get something that wasn't available I wasn't available yet he'd say well okay as soon as I make it available to get it now if he says get it what does that mean if mall rings the dinner bell and goes come and get it what would you suppose it's on the table right ready well wisdom is ready for us we're not waiting on that understanding is ready and available to us we're not waiting on God to give it to us and then so it would be inappropriate to beg God month after month to give to give you some wisdom and think you're waiting on him because he could have just as easily said beg me couldn't he see people rewrite the Bible don't they they say well yeah I know it said there but you know it means this we just have to ask him and when he gets ready to give it to us in his own good time and in his own good way he will if he wants to well why didn't he say that why didn't he say it then begged me for wisdom and when I get ready to if I won't do I'll give you some why didn't need you say it like that no I'm not just saying that for this passage of Scripture you do understand people do that with the Bible all over the place no matter what it says they wouldn't explain it away so that no faith is required no responsibility for us at all it's just all up to God if and when he decides to well why didn't he sound like that because it's not true he said it the way he intended to say it the way he meant to say it and that side is which is what get it get it then if we don't have it why because we didn't get it is it his fault no cuz he told us to get it right could we have gotten it obviously could have cuz he said get it he wouldn't said get it if you couldn't get it so for these weeks night we've been what we've been getting it we've been getting it getting what getting our wisdom laying hold of it by faith endeavoring to understand more about it and we're not just teaching and preaching on the subject we're believing as God unfolds the word to us it this comes into us and as we receive this it comes into a stronger and is growing and increasing like the mustard seed even if it started small expanding and expanding and expanding until it becomes a great tree he said get wisdom and get understanding don't forget it don't decline from the words of my mouth forsake or not she'll preserve you love her she'll keep you wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all your getting get understanding what's the recurring fault here get it get it get it get it somebody say okay I'm getting it we found out that wisdom literally means if you look up the words it means skill and in looking to understand why he would say skill it's the skill in mastering living mastering life living life as God intended living life up to God's standard it requires the wisdom of God to live life the way God intended and we saw that foolishness is the opposite of this and it has to do with being unaware being heedless not having a clue fools are continually surprised why'd that happen well you know you know always surprised the the wise man sees what's coming the Wiseman thinks about if I do this then this is going to happen and if I keep doing this um I wind up here and so if it's bad the wise men don't go so we're not gonna do it right there is no wisdom in sin there is no wisdom and said anybody that would have enough wisdom and understanding and discernment to look at sin I don't if you told my lion tell my stealing tell my committing adultery I don't care what you tell my if you would look at it instead of just yielding to your flesh you go okay alright I want to do this my flesh wants to do it bad but if I do then what comes next and then what comes next and then what has the way the wisdom that will see the progression and where it's going the wise men or I'm gonna go mm-hmm nope I ain't doing that it ain't worth it right but a fool just doesn't even think about that and just blares into something and finds out later oh I shouldn't have done that that's a fool not faith Life Church people we have the wisdom of God we have gotten and are getting our wisdom so God's helping us right we're thinking and contemplating and looking and asking him before we speak before we leap before we do he said in all your ways acknowledge him in how many of them every one of them and he shall direct your paths you'll be walking and operating in wisdom so we talked some about what wisdom is and what it's not let me review just a little bit for you we also talked about the beginning of wisdom how that you must hunger for wisdom and we saw that wisdom is crying out for us and we must cry out for it and seek it there must be something precious to us that's why we spent week after week we're after this it's precious when we're not spending the time on something else it's so important we saw that you got to be teachable you got to receive correction you got to watch your words we saw that if you walk with lies people you'll be wise if you hang out with fools you'll pay for it right we saw that there is the counsel of the godly and there is the counsel of the ungodly we saw there is something called a devilish wisdom and it's up to us which one we receive which one we reject of course the more you know the word the quicker you identify godly counsel our ungodly because godly counsel was going to sound like this book it's from the same source it's from the same author and if it contradicts this book it couldn't be godly wisdom couldn't be godly counsel we talked about the wisdom of Daniel how Daniel had an excellent spirit and how that the spirit of excellence is the spirit of wisdom and sometimes sometimes people talk about the spirit of excellence the spirit of excellence and in their mind it just means doing things the best you know how and there's an element of that but really it goes far beyond that doing things with the spirit of excellence as is mentioned in the scripture means doing things by the spirit of wisdom and again and again that's beyond the best you knew did you hear me now you you didn't know how to do it and then God showed you his way which was so much higher than your way and it was the more excellent way and now you can do it in a way that really properly represents him and do it in the way that it should be done how are you able to do it so excellently by the wisdom of God he showed you how to do it can you see that yeah we talked about that we kept on that we talked about wisdom and riches we saw that when wisdom comes it literally comes hand in hand right with longevity and wealth that's not our talking that's not charismatic talk that's not wearing a faith talk that's Bible talk right so men if you're interesting to live in a long time you want to find out about wisdom interested in prospering you want to find out about wisdom now we've talked about discerning what is good discernment we're gonna talk more about that tonight and last time we talked about wisdom and waste which still has to do with discernment go with me if you would to Philippians Philippians the first chapter thank you master you know developing spiritually maturing growing up spiritually involves developing powers of concentration and focus and developing faith and patience I know you know we more than one time I've gone a little longer on these wisdom nights and there's a number of things going on one is I haven't taught on this before just like this and I'm believing God for the revelation but it I can go back and look over times in praise and worship times in prayer either in my own personal time or in a meeting a prayer meeting services for the Spirit of God begin to move and again and again some of the greatest things came out and happened when we just kept on a little longer did you hear this now I did I prayed a little longer kept praising God a little longer and it's not about how long you go but it's about not stopping till you get it how would you know if you got it or not oh you know you know in your heart and I'm not just time not just telling you this to think of and relative to services I'm telling you for in your own personal time praying and praising God if you're gonna develop you develop powers of concentration and focus and you don't let other things distract you cluding people sitting around you right including things going on in your life what's going to happen after you get home tonight what's going to happen tomorrow what happened today if you sit through the service and you miss half of what God's saying to you because you're still troubled about what some body said to you this morning you're being carnal and you're letting the enemy eat your lunch because that's exactly what what's going on he's trying to distract you with this and while you're being distracted you're missing something so whether it's reading your word you're reading your chapter you pray in your praising its service you've got to focus you came here for something right and then we're after it do we get it right and I have a call Phyllis on uh on our lives that is much beyond the city here are you with me if I do and she does you do too you're my family right I'm your family and you might have thought you just come in to get fed and get your wisdom on Friday night that's partially true something that's been going on for three years now is God's been training you and me he's been training you to help me are you with me believe God with me look to go not look to me now but look to God with me believe God for a revelation that can come out and go all over the world and we've improved but he wants us to become expert at it right so don't forget this after night remember this every time you show up and come to help not just to get but to help it's not about volume it's not about how loud you say Amen it's about where is your mind and where is your heart are you believing with me or are you coasting and so what I'm telling maggie singl I had a rough day brother Keith I'm tired I come here for you to bless me well this is how you get blessed by sowing we're back to sowing and reaping right because when you sow what's gonna happen you're gonna reap the Lord said something to me recently and I'm he's as you can tell he's releasing me to share some of it with you right now this isn't this is important this is valuable I'm happy because means you can hear it you can understand it some folk cake he said to me recently said there's two kinds of churches people who want to be served and people who want to serve and there are all kinds of churches where most of the people come to be served to be preached to somebody that'll counsel them somebody that'll pray for them somebody that'll visit them they intend to be served did you hear me that's a baby church full of babies right now we we we're gonna have people get born again and they're gonna be babies and they need some extra attention and that's okay babies need to be served little ones you need to you need to feed them you need to change your diaper you need to give them a bath you need to take care of what right but when they're fed properly they don't stay babies they grow they develop and if they're trained properly they get to where they can serve somebody else right that's a maturing Church a growing church we are a serving church hallelujah we're growing in it we're developing in it we're believing God for resources to serve and the minister to branch out and you're not thinking all the time about how so what somebody can do for me but you're thinking what can i what God used me to do for somebody else is that okay do you understand that you're with me on this we got a call far beyond this town in these walls and if we if we're called you're called right the calls on you my friend he could have sent us anywhere in the world send us to here Branson with you to you but not just for you not just for you right yes for you but now we're rising up right so every time I mean you know it doesn't have to be a hundred percent but if just you guys if just you guys that are here tonight and he members to you don't have to be in the four walls if your heart's here your faith is here you're here but I'm telling you you can become expert and from the time the service starts you're not just here to be served you are believing with the music folk you believe in with the singers you're believing with the musicians right you're expecting you're believing for the anointing you're believing expecting the presence of God and from the time somebody gets up to speak whoever it might be and including me you are not just sitting there along for the ride you are believing for revelation you're saying here comes here it comes here it comes Lord you're helping there you're causing it to come out here comes the utterance here comes the anointing here comes the revelation you are you are believing actively you're not drawing on me your people use that fright sometimes I go to places and the pastors get up say yeah now y'all y'all suck everything out of brother key that he's God I mean draining dry wrong I'm not the source that's looking too much to the man ya know you're believing with me there's an unlimited source he could minister through me or through anybody else happens to be me tonight right for the moment but we're believing God you you understand we're talking by now okay good good don't forget it remember it next week and next week and next month and keep it in mind something to pray about also because all how much further we can go than where we've been oh oh mm because the Ennis Nevada Tori need reached a a lejano flea on Basnet key is DJ door postural Authority be nice DL avati for the time is short and the fields are white and the laborers are few so the carrot Deniz Dion - a name a snow foil are geeks nay a day or snow energy that which has been hidden from times past is being revealed revelation is coming in much force and the kingdom of God is being advanced modeling and those who are hungry are pressing in pressing in pressing in millions in darkness shall see light millions in religious bondage we'll find out the truth that will make them free Vinnie will come many will see and hear and be glad many will be healed many will be set free many will grow up in the Lord and will be happy and will rejoice especially in time to come in eternity when we see the results of all the fruit hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so qua l eglise name and mines Donna Nia a NOFA snoring Randy Edie Bayless is Gus gain in G so think not what's for me think not about yourself think not I need I need I need but be maturing ones be developing sons and daughters of God and say here am i Lord I believe you here am i Lord I'm expecting here am i Lord I'm here and I'm hooked I'm Yours use me and I will hallelujah hallelujah oh my my friends we are come into the kingdom for a specific time this time hallelujah glorious things glorious things glorious things just ahead sooner than we thought and much much much bigger than we thought glory to God now what's been shared with you in the last few minutes is a stewardship a spiritual responsibility right it's apostolic it's prophetic and you have to make a pinion heart in mind if you receive it you don't overemphasize it you don't try to say that you're this or that you just say I accept a personal responsibility I'll pray about this I believe about this and when I come I'll not be dragging a bunch of baggage and my own problems into the service I'll come and I'll leave it all outside and I'll focus and I'll help believe God for whatever supposed to come out and whatever is supposed to happen do you see that answer the spiritual stewardship it's a Oh glory to God you've been hand-picked for this assignment there are a number of people think why did I move here there's a whole bunch of you you've moved here like us if they could God it's an endtime assignment yeah the church will grow yes the church will advance our children will be ministered to excellently and our youth and there will be local outreaches but it's just the base of the bigger vision hallelujah many many many of the churches will spring up hallelujah from seed planted out of this glory to God and you'll have to be ready because some of you he may send you out so you better be drinking it in did you think men may need to be giving it out tomorrow our next month to go be a good soldier be a good soldier you'll go where the Lord sends you you'll do whatever he assigns you right and you'll be happy about it too because just in a blink of an eye this thing's going to be over anyway this this whole your whole life handpicked by the hand of God oh how blessed we are how privileged we are glory to God well I need to get to the rest of what he has for us tonight hallelujah there are stronger degrees of anointing now Arthur there are greater levels of light in ministry and you know you you get acclimated to to the anointing you get used to it there's been periods of my life did I did extra waiting on the Lord and the Lord is really ministering to me I member one time I came out and I've been in this particular anointing that I was enjoying for days well I was I'm coming my experience in the past and I was happy with it but you get used to it you get you get used to it and it doesn't seem out of the ordinary to you and I came into the room I hadn't seen some folks for a while during depth I was fasting by myself and I came out and grabbed somebody in and they fell out and he so did some other people and they're like glory to God brother Keith I thought huh how many remember Moses he came down out of the mountain with God and what happened they're going he didn't know it he didn't know a whole church can be that way the anointing can just keep increasing and the presence and the glory of God just keep increasing increasing until somebody that's visit or drive out on the parking lot go oh god is here let me go yeah it's like this all the time but there's an acclamation we'll get used to heaven I didn't say we'll be bored with it I said we'll get useful get acclimated to it's a better word acclimated glory to God I think we ought to praise God some lift up your hands father we praise you we worship You Lord we worship you oh we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you yes sir yes sir uh honey and pasty come on just praise Him I'm talking to him you talk to him Oh praise You Lord Oh praise you we worship you we worship you lord oh we worship you we worship you we worship you yes sir oh no ho like a steer aged DNF apk stair Jota oh my my my my thank you Father we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you glory to God thank your father well I see why the Lord's told me what to our next series back week or two ago and now I'm seeing more wine will let you know about it soon but it's good it's very very good God doesn't go down and back it's always forward and uh an increase greater bigger better thank you Lord and this next one one of them I've taught some quite a bit before the other one I haven't taught at all just like this this was two series it's amazing how much we don't know but this but this is how you learn right you you know you get in I'll do my part and you you gonna help me right so that I don't feel like after an hour or two two hours apologizing to you you know why would I feel like that well there's a number of people ready to go and I don't want to go longer than I should either I don't feel like I got anything to prove did you hear me I don't want to go too long but I don't want to go too short either I don't want to miss out we were here to do something get something accomplished and are you clear on it now to get revelation out so that it may go around the world so that many many many many many many millions meant that millions may see here and be saved and healed and delivered millions it needs to be the time is short Philippians Warren did you find that glory to God well yes sir that was just that set us up for this that's wonderful it's wonderful Philippians 1 God is so smart he said Philippians 1 9 he said this I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment we've been talking about wisdom and understanding and discernment now if you haven't been with us on the previous lessons you're behind on this you know you should have heard everything it went before this to get the most out of what's going on tapes are available you can download it for free off the internet that's what it's there for no you're not doing anything wrong don't feel like you have to send us anything that's a free gift to you download it send it to your friends and if we're getting the word out we're so yes it costs money to do but God's taking wonderful care of us we're not hurting at all right but but get caught up with us up to this point we talked in in detail and depth the Lord helped us about discernment what does discernment mean what is discerning just the word difference people attach all kind of goofy goofiness - I've got discernment I have spiritual discernment and a lot of times they'll roll their eyes back in their head and I have their or I'll give you the eye I have discernment and a lot of folk have the gift of suspicion nothing to do with God and are just weird but there's cure for that I mean though if you've been weird don't be depressed you can get healed and deliver and be wise a lot of times people have been in goofy just out of ignorance just didn't know any better and sometimes people are goofy because they're unteachable they have been taught better but they wouldn't receive it they think they know it all I think they the only ones that know the Holy Ghost and that's why people stay goofy and develop in goofiness and become goofier as the years go by we don't want that to be you or me so let's be teachable right and this word judgment has to do with that you'll see it discerning in verse 10 that you may approve that words also translated try or are differ the excuse me excuse me tries the word here things that are excellent that's the word for differ that you may try or test the things that are different why did he say excellent well because you're going to differentiate between the excellent and the not excellent he said that you may be sincere without offense till the day of Christ the wise person has understanding and discernment this discernment primarily has to do with with being able to tell the difference between what is valuable and is worthless what is good and what is evil fools don't discern fools don't realize how precious their time is and will just waste whole days and weeks and months of their life on nothing fools don't discern the value of their words it'll just say anything that crosses their mind and say the most inappropriate things the most inappropriate times and just whatever they feel they just rattle off and it hurts people and it does damage and it hurts relationships and they feel bad about it afterwards but they'll do it again because they don't they don't see the value and the importance of what I say or the value of my time a wise man gets up every day a wise woman gets up every day realizing I won't always have days soon and very soon the Lords either going to come I will leave this planet and I am here for a specific time to do some specific things I don't have a day to waste how I spend this day today is unrecoverable I could blow money and waste money and I could get more money back but ever hi spend this day that's it right so wise people are growing in awareness of what's a waste of my time and what's a good investment what's a waste of my words and what's a good investment right having discernment to know what's good and what's bad what's precious and what's worthless with that in mind in the third chapter of Philippians just over a page or so notice this before I read it let me just remind you what Jesus said in Luke 16 don't turn there you're going to just chapter 3 here in Philippians but in Luke 16 Jesus said what is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight the new living says what the world honors is an abomination in the sight of God Jesus said this he said it to the some of the religious leaders who were so covetous to them it was all about money and they they changed the Word of God with traditions about money and and the scripture said that the love of money is the root one translation said of all kinds and all different sorts of evil and it is and the reason being is because people are fools they think that money is more valuable than people they think that money is more valuable than their time or that a relationship did you hear me it goes in every direction again and again when somebody did something foolish they were not discerning what was valuable and what was worthless they traded they grabbed for something worthless and gave up something precious that's a fool but a wise person will keep passing worthless stuff and hold onto the precious can you say Amen in the third chapter are you there Philippians 3 in verse 7 Paul by the Spirit of God he says what things were gain to me I counted them loss for the anointed one yeh doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency for the what we know that's a wisdom word don't we the excellency of the what well we know knowledge and wisdom go together of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung garbage refuse that I may win Christ the Anointed One and be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith that I may know him that's precious and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable to his death if by any means I might attain to the resurrection of the Dead that's he said what is valuable knowing him walking with him being close to him understanding him and he said he said I have suffered the loss of what is he crying about it no he said it was just junk anyway see God's been doing a number of things in us with this kingdom of God series and you can see how it all ties them together can't you why would you be so kingdom of God minded because it's precious to you you know people sometime they don't understand why they that you ask me what's what's the secret brother Keith one of your people saw the way they do I can't get mine too so I'm not trying to get - oh I've never asked you to sub right one thing is you sew yourself right not because you're trying to do something but because that's what you believe in that's how you live why would I so you know why would you so and I so our chunks that we just did a few days ago why would you do that instead of keep it and spending on something else it was my money it was your money right why not do something else with it cuz something is more precious to us then our personal stuff makes us willing to sacrifice anything oh come on now come on that makes us willing to walk away from anything to give anything so anything do anything why because we know through the wisdom of God we've we've become enlightened we know what's important and what's not what's precious and what's just stuff can't last anyway but see fools don't know that oh they wouldn't part with our dollar oh it's my dollar I worked hard for that dollar but we're not asking you for it see what I'm saying now it's a revelation of what's precious and what's not and Paul said I've lost see he he was somebody in his community he had this super education he was coming up through the ranks he was the rising star of the biggest set of the Jewish religious leaders the Pharisees he was their rising star wasn't he he had the respect of his community he had the a voice he had a future of tremendous advancement in this and he said I lost it all because I started talking in tongues he did you know and they didn't want me in the organiz well first of all he started leaving in Jesus that was the big whopper thing there and then it just went on from there and he said I lost it all he said but I counted garbage just junk why because I got the thing that matters most knowledge of him glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God [Music] ha the Lord showing us can you see for the last few months here he's been teaching us this is precious this is not right thing after thing such a why what what is that we're getting our understanding we're getting our discernment we're getting our wisdom that's precious so that we don't waste our time we don't waste our efforts we don't waste our energies we don't waste our resources we don't waste our life glory to God now let me talk a bit about what is precious I go to Matthew 16 no mark 14 then we'll go there mark 14 oh thank you master I think if we could see what God has for us than just in the near future here we just we just shout all night so we can do it by faith when you go home anyway you can just write glory to God and all we got to do is keep our heart right that's all we got to do to keep our heart right keep focused on him in mark 14 notice this this is such a good example of what we're talking about mark 14 verse 3 being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper as he Jesus as he said it meat food to eat there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard now that's pretty big description and how many not understand that uh space in this book it's extremely bad what didn't get in this book you could fill the oceans right and so here the Holy Ghost takes the time to describe it is an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard how many words is it one two three four five six seven eight nine in the Bible about perfume you see what I'm talking about now what's the last two words of the description very precious now if you look it up you'll see it box meant something the box was worth money it was hewn out of stone precious stone I mean this is high-dollar stuff I'm gonna stand when the container is worth $1,000 the box it came in you're into some high-dollar stuff and we see that this you know we may not be too familiar with the currency that's talked about there but we know it was a year's wage it was an average year income what would that be today well it varies hugely but it's tens scores of thousands right or more this is expensive stuff and so just buy on the market it was very expensive and very precious but the thing that really made it precious is it was her fluffy it was the finest thing she had in her house it was the most expensive right and so this goes how I'm understand giving God something it's not gonna make it to heaven what you put in the offering down here of what you give to a brother or sister the currency they don't need any dollar bills up there right or any checks and so if that's all it was was money and a check then it went from your account to somebody else's account and that was it but if it came out of your heart I said if it came out of your heart and it was faith and it was love and it was precious to you but you're demonstrating that someone else and something else is more precious to you than the most precious thing you got your hand on it's spiritual it goes beyond the natural and it comes up before God I said we studied this in the offerings of the Lord it comes up like a sweet smell he inhales it it ministers to him God receives it it's something that's what's going on on this day she brings this very precious we know a couple of reasons at least one and she broke the box and dumped the whole thing on his head this is not a suit he can preach in this is not a car or a donkey or a chariot that he can ride to the next meeting he's going to smell really wonderful for a while right and oh verse 4 there was some that had indignation within themselves and they said why was this waste this what sa-weet we see two two descriptions here one says it was very precious and this is what waste how would you know which one it was the wisdom of God right which would be on which comes with understanding which comes with differentiation discernment to know the people that hollered waste waste were acting foolishly they have no discernment of what was going on the woman's heart of what was happening with Jesus why was this waste of this ointment made it could have been sold for more than 300 pence a big amount and it could have been given to the poor oh well now that sounds good doing it you ever heard this kind of thing mm-hmm now Jesus could have if he wanted to make a statement about stewardship with resources it would have been a good place ready wouldn't it would have been the perfect opportunity if either said yeah now sister I know your hearts right and I appreciate it but that's not what I've taught y'all these lavish gifts on each other and on your ministers and no you really should have put that into feeding the poor been a good time if he'd wanted to say y'all see someone looks I'm getting across the cards like why is this an issue when does it get sticky when you start talking much some of these things because people don't know what's valuable Jenna tell me what happened here what happened here somebody several somebodies overvalued money and undervalued Jesus do you see that I didn't think that up the Lord gave that to me today they overvalued the money and the stuff that the who oh I mean this is $50,000 $50,000 50,000 won for the poor we could have built the church down and so and so we could have done this we could have went overseas and bought Bibles and we could have done that we could have sure you cook who says you still Kate see there's so many problems with this it would have been such a perfect place for jesus to straighten everybody out on this knowing that you and i'd be reading this later he could have said no no no no no no these gifts to each other like this no but instead what did he say he reproved them he said y'all leave her alone she's done a good thing in fact I'm gonna see to it that everywhere in the world from now on where this gospel is preached this is told I don't think we've seen that if he didn't wanna make a statement to correct her he could have just let it lay low couldn't he well we we won't talk about this I appreciate it and I'll receive it from you but we don't talk about this because we don't want to encourage this kind of thing and what about all the things that are not included in the Bible John said many other things happen that are not written in this book but Jesus said I mean he told him before this was written while it was happening he said whoever this gospel is preached this is gonna be told what's going to be told how this woman brought this very precious this this what this alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious and dumped it on this preacher mister he's the Messiah most of them didn't know that they didn't see that do you think how could they have with full revelation of him being the son of God and the Messiah jump up and go this is a waste this is a waste here's the thing it's a it's a problem of not knowing what is valuable the Lord's dealt with me strong to preach prosperity since I started the ministry and I've caught more flak over it than anything else more than healing more than talking in tongues more than oh it is bugged people to temper fits that we fly in a jet or that I would have a nice car a nice house or nice clothes or something it bugs people why they don't value what we do they got no problem with a tire company having a jet that costs 50 times what I was or are even my whiskey company but it's just too much for us why well now first of all back up to this is any money out of their pocket what business is it of theirs this woman brings the most precious thing in her house and wants to sew it to this man of God that has done so much God uses so much in her life and she maybe she's getting revelation that he's beyond just a preacher but what whatever level of Revelation it's hers what is it to them oh but it was they took it personal like indignation what does that mean and they're mad they're upset why it's not theirs what do they think it's anything to him but people do oh they do and people writers to say what do you all need a supercharged organ for that costs thousands of dollars why would anybody want a supercharged organ to play why did they make organs so you can play them well what are they saying what do they say that's too much for y'all I know the last over in Tulsa the last house the Lord blessed us with so people purposely drove by to see it and inform some other folk that that was just too much for us why would they care why now not just I'm not just belabor this for no reason what's going on here people do not see value why are so many people you know they they don't they don't want us you you and me having all this money for the gospel and for other things why they don't see any value in what we're doing here tonight there's a lot of folk they wish all the preachers were blown off the planet they see no value in it and that's what's wrong with them these are people who are walking with Jesus they're supposed to be his his most committed sidekicks and they didn't see his value they thought the money was more valuable on this day can you see this $50,000 what's most valuable let me read some things to you here from the scripture you don't have to turn to them just listen to him the Bible said in 2nd Peter 1:4 just listen don't try to turn to these there is given to us exceeding great and precious promises that by these we can be the partakers of the divine nature the Word of God is precious precious precious it's a mess a precious first Peter 1:7 says the trial of your faith is more precious than gold 2nd Peter also says precious faith is your is your faith precious oh it's so precious faith is much more precious than education knowledge right he went on to say that uh Jesus is the living stone disallowed of men what does that mean how could they scourge him how could they crucify they're treating him like criminal garbage what they do not see his value right and that's what he prayed father forgive them they don't know what they're doing what does it mean they don't know my value right disallowed of men but chosen of God and precious some us a precious precious precious now James 5 on 2 begin thinking about this now James 5 says the husbandmen waits for the precious fruit of the earth what's precious to him people right the precious fruit of the earth go with me to the Book of Psalms please some 49 some 49 and verse five he says why should I fear in the days of evil when the iniquity of my heels were compass me about they that trust in their wealth and boasts themselves in the multitude of their riches now we've heard this again and again my friend keep it in your mind most people are skewed in this area they think money is more valuable than it is most people there needs to be mine renewal right he said they that trust in their wealth they boast themselves in the multitude of their riches so whatever you think is valuable is what you will boast or praise that's why we praise God did you know think think of this word praise up raise up raise off I think somebody knowing our celebration day or that's not the right word our Thanksgiving Day for our paid-in-full if people didn't know they might think we were bragging and we were because brag is another word for praise you study it in the Psalms I will we will make our boast in the Lord we were bragging but not on ourselves we're bragging on him we're boasting about him 1 because he's the most valuable of all so we just that's when we talk we talk and talk and talk about him well because there's nobody more valuable there's nothing more more precious or more important than him glory to God now look what's right in the middle of this they trust in their wealth they boasts themselves in the multitude of their riches they think that's the most valuable none of them can by any means redeem his brother nor give to God a ransom for the for him for the redemption of their soul is what precious and it ceases forever what does that mean they live saying that it is costly beyond calculation what is costly beyond calculation the price of a soul you cannot calculate it in currency our our gold or silver in fact there's only one thing in the universe precious enough valuable enough to redeem a soul anybody know what that is well glory to God it was and it is what first Peter 1:19 says you are 18 says you were not redeemed from your old lifestyle with corruptible things like gold and silver from your vain conversation your lifestyle but he said you were redeemed with the precious blood of the lamb as of a lamb without blemish and without spot you redeemed by the precious precious precious precious what because the life's in the blood whose life's in that blood he had no earthly father whose life is in that blood God's life is there anything more valuable than the life force essence of God well he paid it for you what does that tell you that tells you that you are precious you are valuable people are precious said out loud people are precious not money not stuff right and see a wise man knows that a wise woman knows that a fool does not a fool will stick a rusty pistol in somebody's face and take their life over some wadded up green paper that's a fool and somebody who doesn't have a clue of what is precious and what is not and at the other end of the spectrum the most perfect man who ever walked the earth willing to go to a cross willing to give everything he is and he's got to bias that's the wisest of the wise he knew he knows what truly is precious it's you it's me hallelujah who's the wisest of all God and among men who would be the wisest of men and women those who think like he does who whose have made his priorities their priorities his values your values right so what value is a car to God I wouldn't say if no value at all it'd be like you saying that a little toy car that was your child's favorite was meaningless to you it ain't so if they lose it you might take a half day off work find a thing yes no one hunts it because it is it's big stuff to them and you're his child but other than its effect to make a person happy or feel blessed or know that they're valued are loved to him it's worthless do you see that now yes which is exactly the way you should see it buildings stuff technology jewelry clothes the list goes on and on and on there should be nothing that we put on a pedestal in and of itself and it's it's wonderful it's no it's it's value is directly determined by your ability to use it to bless somebody or y'all see in this now if it makes somebody happy if it blesses them if it helps them if it makes it more comfortable and easier for them and take something off of them it's valuable because it affected them but just open by itself it's gonna melt with fervent heat very soon hallelujah go to Daniel please Daniel 12 and proverbs 11 my my can you stay with me a little bit longer Daniel 12 proverbs 11 we're talking tonight and I think this is our conclusion of our series on this and the title is the wisest of all and God of course is the wisest of all but among men to be the wisest of all how would you have to be like him we've already said it before but you must see things the way he sees them years ago I was first year Rhema student and a man came to speak to us at school and man it got in my spirit that's many years ago and it's just as real to me right now he said he was in New York Central Park he's walking around beautiful day this fellowship and with the Lord and he said the Lord spoke to him he didn't didn't heard an audible voice but inside him he said what do you see you know the Lord asks you questions like that you know the Lord asked the man one particular time about the scripture he said how do you read that remember that just not just watch there how do you read it it's not just what there how do you see it and so he said what do you see and he looked around he said oh they're buildings cars everywhere there's train coming through and airplanes he's looking the Lord spoke to him said that's not what I see he said what do you see Lord he said I I see people in the car I see people in the buildings in the rooms I see people on the train I see people in the airplane see being carnal means you just see the outside thing becoming more spiritual means you see things like he sees them and every day and every hour of the day and everywhere it's always about people people people people people and if you're in a hurry to go deposit your check and you rude to somebody you're clueless you don't you don't know what's going on in the life if you're you're in a hurry to run save your money I get your coupons if you but in front of somebody if you're short with somebody because your money is threatened they're gonna charge you too much you think they already have cuz your money your money cuz you work so hard for your money you're being a fool right because what's important people people I've seen ministers lord help me not to do it I've seen ministers on their way to minister to people treat people like dirt because I got a go minister to who - what people what's these you looking for people to minister to about praying for these you just hurt you better what I'm talking about and it's not just preachers it's everybody every time you open your eyes what's today about it's about people not just about selling your product making your sales making your quotas it's about what and see the Lord said to me some years ago he said most of the people on the planet Keith are either dead or asleep he's telling my living people but he's talking my spiritually dead are spiritually asleep either way you don't know what's going on masses of people get up and go and come home get up and go and come home and don't have a clue what's going on or how short their life is but there's some who are alive and awake the Bible said wake rise up from the dead and Christ the Anointed One will give you light Oh glory to God dr. John G Lake was a very educated man very successful man in business and in one point very successful in the insurance business this many years ago and he gots a hunger for God and feeding on the word so much and communion with God he said he finally got out of the insurance business and he tells one reason that led to his decision he said of be sitting there with a prospective client that could mean tens of thousands to me and with all my many years ago that be like millions today and all I can think about is their soul and just mess up his insurance deal because he's so focused on her spiritual condition and he's finally got out of injures business and full-time in the sole business and I'm not saying that's what you should do but I'm saying there's a whole lot of people that'll never even come close to being in this whole business and that's all they know and that's all they will know but you and I should be thinking night and day about people people now let's are you in Daniel 12 and you also found proverbs 11 we're gonna go right straight from one to the other Daniel 12 thank you master thank your Lord Daniel 12 he's talking about the the end of things this is near the end of this book this is what this last chapter right and he tells him and he's already shown him about the kingdoms of the world that are gonna rise and then how there was this Kingdom that was cut out of the mountain not with a human hand and it filled all the earth so much the kingdom of God the everlasting kingdom and he he shows about the resurrection in verse 2 let me let me read it 12 and 2 and many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake it's not the end for our family that we've bodies that we buried someday everlasting life some de shame and everlasting contempt verse three and they that oh yeah they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament that's you and me because getting our wisdom doesn't stop it just keeps going and keeps going and keeps increasing and you can't see it all now but in the future our glorified bodies will permit this and what's only inside of us will radiate out and we'll be beings luminescent beings we are and it'll be more demonstrated that we are like our God beings of light and what is this wisdom it's God's wisdom it's him in us and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever that's us that's those of us who know what's valuable who don't waste our life on things that are not going to matter a hundred years from now oh yeah there's a lot of natural things that you do and it's to be done over and over again you wash your clothes you vacuum the carpet you cut the grass you comb your hair this needs to be combed again right away you take a bath and it's to do over again right away and that's what the the preacher we read about last Sunday in Ecclesiastes that's why he said vanity of vanities Cs his wisdom increased he saw waste it's a waste what's the value of it we all gonna die it's but the child of God that's born again knows why and that there is a purpose and when you use your life for the kingdom of God every bath is worth something every hair combing and tooth flossing and brushing is not meaningless because why are you doing it anyway what to fix this body that's decaying up as best I can to go do some kingdom business oh come on now so ever hair curling and spraying and and every sock putting on and shoe shining is not a waste it's not a waste it's not a waste of time why cause we are being used of God to turn many to righteousness God's way of doing things glory to God glory to God glory to God oh do you see this people think it's a waste did you have to replace all that glass out there what can we just patch it and do this and that is that waste no well we we clean this carpets got to be cleaned again every swipe it's Kingdom significant those bathrooms just get dirty again yeah but isn't it great I mean if we were just you know making cups or something or screws or bolts it'd be different mister what's what I do I'll make screws yeah but are you King demanded so your whole business can take on a kingdom orientation if you get your priorities and heart there and if what you're doing really is Kingdom first go to proverbs now please 11 who's the wisest of all well among men who would be the wisest those that turn are used of God to turn men to righteousness right and are you in proverbs 11 I got excited and lost my place proverbs 11 28 he that trusts in his riches what happened to him they'll follow but the righteous shall flourish as a branch he that troubles his own house will inherit the wind you know hurting your spouse he's really being a food because it's hurting yourself right Paul said that and running to the Saints at Corinth when he had to correct them but then he talked about him not wanting to be too severe and want him to restore because he says if I make you sad who makes me happy do you get that yeah you're gonna pitch a fit and you see people all the time they're just fools they just blow off you know of a handle and and just do all kinds of stuff and then they realize oh oh I messed up our day now I want you to be happy let's go have fun oh you don't want to and then you're thinking duh you know maybe I shouldn't have done that I didn't mean to mess my own day up yeah but you did why because you're being a fool a wise person on the thought now if I say that and they'll think this and they'll take it that way and I don't even know if they know what to do with that after I tell them and I don't know the whole answer myself to tell them if they say okay I'll do it what's the answer I better be quiet and prohibit right and look at this some more and let's just be happy today you know have a good right and say there's no what I'm saying I know that sounds simple but that is the wisdom of God he said he that troubles his own house is going to inherit to win and the fool will be servant to the wise of heart we know we should become wise because there's a lot of fools I mean we have a lot of servants verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and and come on do you see this and what and he that wins Souls is what is what who's the wisest of all the person who has come to understand that people are the most valuable thing on the planet people now we need we need to qualify this because somebody said yeah I know what I know brother Keith and that's why I do not let anybody walk by me that I don't ask him if they've been born again and just wanting let him go till they say that there I didn't what it said he that what specific word he that what wins how are you gonna win people say people people have reduced this and twisted it into a and uncomfortable are you saved did you know you could corner somebody and by just being annoying and rude status stay and and make them uncomfortable until they do whatever you want them to do so you'll quit and go away and that does not mean they were born again and it does not mean they were one to the Lord then if you look up this word it's a victory even like a military like you went into the enemy's camp and you took somebody he had the word take it it's a translated take many times you don't you don't just get them to pray a prayer with you and then young you run away you win them there one over to another way of life there are one over to another way of existence another way of faking so we just got through reading it in Daniel turned to righteousness what can you see this this is not something you just do in five minutes you know the Bible in in Acts didn't say you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall go a witnessing from time to time as things are scheduled in the right well unless there's anything wrong with knocking the door or talking to somebody on the street I'm not saying that but he didn't say you will go a witnessing you will be a witness that's something that you are 24/7 everywhere all the time and the Bible said it is the goodness of God that leads people to repentance and I'm excited because you're getting it you your people right in there you're getting it and I'm getting it all these so-called Pentecostal handshakes and taking people out and blessing them and loving on them you're not just trying to corral them into making a confession what are you after you're waving them with what here's the thing go to Matthew five I need to tell you this way from the scripture oh this is important he that winneth Souls wins wins Souls is wise let me remind you something while you're turning there in proverbs 18 19 it says a brother offended is harder to be won than a strong City their bar their contentions are like the bars of a castle of you you do not want to offend people unnecessarily you make them doubly triply quadruply hard to win if not you the next person that would come by to win them Phyllis used to oversee doctors offices and she'd hired primarily ladies and trained them more than one office and again and again they hired unsaved people people who are not born again some people asked about their why don't you just hire Christians only well he's supposed to be led but invariably I don't think you had a one that y'all hired that lasted over about three months or so that didn't get saved and they didn't corner him they didn't pressure him they didn't try to push Jesus off on him on the job what they did do what she did do is love them and you anybody understand what that word means now love them now the word love cannot be separated from the word value to love somebody white why would you love them why why would you esteem them why would you have such a high a prey esteem and I say that's another word we saw praise and praise esteem estimation which is their value Oh people are so hungry for this I'm telling you today there are so many people they didn't get it from their parents they didn't get it from their school they didn't get just some people do but I'm saying there are some that have it and they're just starving for somebody that would genuinely see them as valuable and genuinely care about them and believe in them without wanting something in return and that just happens to be your in my commandment that is the New Testament commandment there were to love each other the way he loved us how did he love us he loved us so much that he was willing to pay everything everything so it shouldn't be a thing thought strange that we would hand a stranger a bracelet that we would take a stranger out and bomb some new clothes and pay off their car and and people that Wow what are they doing all that I it's this new church growth for well it is a church growth principle but it ain't new and it's not a formula it's called love and you're not doing it because you're trying to put another notch on your pistol handle you're doing it because you genuinely care about that person and you see in them things they don't see maybe maybe they're messed up maybe they're full of drugs maybe they're full of sin but you know how God cleans you up and fixed you up and you can see what he could do with them so you see something in them they don't see and all how precious that is how precious that is Matthew 5 think I'm closing y'all don't really care do not really Matthew 5 Jesus said Matthew five twenty five twenty haight to you that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees you shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven you have heard that it was said by them of old time you shall not kill and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment unless your stuff right here this is the hundred and eighty degrees from love isn't it talk about not valuing somebody you value them so little you want to rob them of their next breath you don't want them on the planet you want to take away everything they have or ever will have on this earth that's the that's the 180 degrees of love you value them not at all and he said you you were taught under the law you shall not kill and if you kill then you are deserving of death yourself judgment but here Jesus is bringing spiritual light they learned about righteousness from the law but like John said he is bringing now grace and truth right and he says you heard that verse twenty-two but I say to you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment why do people lose their temper say such mean and hurtful things or use their hands and their feet and hurt people why would you you hit your family member why would you hurt them because at that moment you have no cognizance no awareness of their value you cannot be looking at them and thinking about how precious they are and how valuable they are yeah and so I'm gonna break a bone impossible all you can be thinking about is how you feel and that is so carnal and devilish the Bible says love does no ill to his neighbor no hurt no harm no if neighbor means nearby whoever's close around you right whoever you happen to be sitting by right now these kind of people are not armrest hogs are they you see people I mean you know what they got this commercial over now and I've been there where the guy come or the person comes in on the airplane and they got their bag and they go boom boom boom hit in the back of the heads of the people I've been there I've had my head hit with the bags why would people do that because they live in their own little world where if their forehead was a TV screen all the shows are about me even the commercials are about me they're even me reruns because it's all about me and where I'm going and what I think and how I feel and what kind of day III and it's no wonder that they are so bored and nauseated half the time and miserable and unhappy they are miserable and unhappy because that that much dose of me will make you sick nauseous but what do people do that you see people man they just eat it and one thing that that bothers me you see so many young people so many children nowadays in public places they don't they'll push an adult out of the way they'll just run across things no respect why because their parents didn't teach you why didn't their parents teach them because they don't have it and a lot of them because their parents didn't teach them we're getting into Malta generational failure and people that when you're just talking about you know being proper men I'm talking about valuing the human being that's next to you and being such a man such woman that you would rather be uncomfortable than to make them uncomfortable that is the law of Christ bearing one another's burdens he preferred to go to hell himself rather than you and me having to go to take the chastisement of our peace himself letting somebody get ahead of you is nothing in light of that hmm sit and scrunched up on the airplane so they can have more room it's nothing compared to that Mister well I don't see what's the big deal I know you don't that's the problem that's what we're talking about it tonight it's so much easier just to flesh out hmm yeah just come sit down ah excuse me yeah could you move over and put my Bible right there because you know God is dealing with me and I got to get something out of this service tonight so y'all don't bother my give me plenty of room cuz I got to focus and run three people off the road getting in the parking lot somebody was just about to get a parking place and you were able to dart in ahead of it because we got to go in and learn about the commandment of love we already know something buddy we've heard about it many times it's time to do it do it and you are you're beginning to do it all there's a lot of room to grow a lot of room to grow but you're beginning to it we're hearing testimonies about it aren't we we're seeing how people come in everybody likes to be treated as as they're important everybody and a lot of people get none of it from anywhere and that's why when you look at them and you see them through God's eyes and there are the apple of his eye and they might be a fleshy mess but he has eyes of faith too and he knows what they can be and by his grace what they will be and he just needs somebody like you that can express that too and help them begin to see their self the way he sees them there's been a handful of people in my life brother Kenneth Hagin my father in the face one of them my own natural dad mom's others and several people that thinking her brother Hagin right now first started with him he'd call on me to do things and I think huh he'd called me you know I helped him I sang with him in his services and he'd called me five minutes for the service plus stock he'd say what you're doing boy I said I'm studying he said i SPECT you need to are you UNF know who DME just called me and say what you got on your mama says water ice okay I just getting ready for the service he'd say you go on take it today we see you pick five minutes fine barely enough time to get there five minutes people are there with critical needs they came to hear him now what are you doing the situation like that I see this is this is something I must believe about me what he believes he knows how important it is this was the healing school usually that these people get what they need on healing he he was paralyzed on the bed himself hopeless he knows this is not play he knows where I am in my experience he knows those things and yet still do this then I must believe that the God that's in him believes that he and me can do what needs to be done and over a period of months and years over and over this kind of thing you come to see yourself in a different light you come to conduct yourself in a different way it's because you begin to see yourself in him you begin to see yourself through God's eyes and you'll find this one of the most valuable things anybody else ever did for you was to genuinely love you and genuinely believe in you now that is not some of the mushy stuff people think it is believing in people loving people is not the same thing as giving in to them at all but then as that happens God is saying he God's been doing this he's been putting in to you putting in to you putting in to you putting in to you so that what so that you can put in to someone else and you can look look them in the eye and say yeah you can yes you can the greater ones inside you oh there's a lot more in you than what you think you think I can do that I know you can with God's grace and help I know you can come on I'll pray with you right now let's do it and what it is is loving people seeing the value let me finish reading this he said if you'll say you should chill not kill verse 22 but I say to you that whoever is angry with that his brother without a cause shall be in danger of judgment and whoever shall say to his brother rake I shall be in danger of the council but whoever shall say you fool will be in danger of Hell fire now Jesus called people fools did you know that Matthew 23 17 don't you know to turn there he said you fools and blind he said it again in verse 19 you fools and blind Luke 11:40 you fools Luke 24 25 you fools he called people fools several times and Paul call people food in first Corinthians 15 36 he said you foo that which you sow is not cooking except it died time at the resurrection there were some people send some really dumb stuff and he said well if you die what kind of body would you be raised up in he said you fool so as he is he in danger of hellfire well he's inspired by the holy ghost to say it no there's different word used here for fooled and if you look look it up you'll see fact let me let me read it to you he says if you say whoever is angry with his brother without a cause of endanger judgment whoever says to his brother rayko the this translation says empty-headed and empty is the word empty because the English version says you worth less fooled and that is the emphasis worth less in other words you are a mental and moral zero why so serious why judgments so serious because it is the violation of the New Testament commandment and the devil uses it to undermine people's confidence and faith doesn't he and he most particularly wants to use people that are close to each other that have a place in their life to get mad or get hurt and say some stupid stuff to try to indicate you are worthless he says you're in danger of hellfire why that's acting like a non-believer that's acting like a non-christian so here's the thing no matter what goes on or how mad you get or how upset you get you never lose the picture of the value of the person that you're talking to and you make yourself see their worth and see their value and even when you're the most upset with them you're still ready to tell them but you can do it you can be it right you're precious I'm not too happy with you right now but you are precious you're valuable I love you I believe in you I don't like what you just did and I'm not gonna say I do and it's not okay and I'm happy about it but I love you no matter what and I believe in you you can fix this that's the wisest person of all who never lets anything blind them from the preciousness of the people they're looking at at the moment stand on your feet placement [Music] okay what key [Music] go to see a flat e flat and maybe see Oh how He loves you and me oh he loves you me [Music] Begay is life what more could he [Music] he was he loved me he loved you [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] he loves me [Music] close your eyes pray this out loud with me a firmer reaffirm your faith said out loud father God I believe in you I believe in Jesus that he died on the cross paid the full price for all my sins I believe you raised him from the dead he's alive right now King of Kings Lord of lords soon to come again Jesus you are my lord thank you for saving me cleansing me loving me seeing me as precious and buying me with your own blood thank you pray this out loud father God I pray enable me to see through your eyes people all around me every place everywhere in every situation help me to see people as you see them to see their value to see their preciousness through your eyes through your heart that I might love them with your love believe in them with your faith in Jesus name hallelujah Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah all the Bible said as we have opportunity do good to the household of faith hallelujah everybody that's around you the Lord will show you love onnum asking for nothing in return Halliday we're gonna sing it as we go [Music] we love you [Music] [Music] he loves you [Music] love you II love you [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hey Oh ah he loves me hila [Music] Oh he loved [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] me [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
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Keywords: Keith, Moore, The, Wisdom, of, God, Pt, 16, The, Wisest, Of, All
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 11sec (7571 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2012
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