Keith Moore Perfect Protection Pt 11 We have authority

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hallelujah I'm so thankful for our men here at this church aren't you you know a lot of churches the women do everything and carry everything and the guys stay home watch TV and goof off or whatever and thank God for the spiritual women in the strong women but to me and is supposed to be strong to their right and we got just a bunch a strong men hallelujah and we're thankful for this right glory to God thank y'all for that good singing y'all can be seated turn with me again this evening to Scripture we've looked at last Friday night Psalm 4 Psalm 4 in another thought about our offering a lot of you guys have been so it you've been sowing and you've sown some substantial seed let me remind you reaping is not automatic you got to stir yourself up to expect and expect bigger than you've seen come in before don't just bump along and say well I mean so no wonder where my harvest is coming hey don't come in by wondering when's my harvest gonna come in you're not waiting on him reaping is not automatic search it out in the scriptures and see what I'm talking about you got to use your faith when you sow you got to use your faith while you stand and you got to use your faith to reap got to use your faith somebody say use your faith what does that mean you got to get excited expecting you're expecting it to come in are you expecting any harvest how do you reap your harvest off of what you saw it's with your faith right so start claiming bigger amounts to come in you don't have to know how right start claiming bigger amounts bigger amounts for you business start claiming bigger contracts bigger sales bigger thank you for those three he meant sip it but not there isn't I said is because the Lord just prompted me people don't like this they want to believe everything's automatic we just leave it up to the Lord and whatever we need to he'll just send it for us and we don't have to think about well that's just not how it is it takes faith to so and this takes faith to reap right and the reason why a lot of folk don't reap Moore's because their faith is so small in the reaping area said out loud I have faith too so I also have faith to read I'm just as good a Reaper as I am so er amen so let's stir our self up I mean whatever we're doing in the church you're supposed to be doing in your family right and didn't you hear me say what a week or two ago we're reaping now in the millions well if that's not where you are okay but let it be one notch above where you were right if you were reaping in the fives at least be reaping in tens and twenties now right if you were reaping in the hundreds it's time to bump it up now to two thousands if you were even in thousands it's time to bump it up right now you're reaping in scores of thousands or hundreds of thousands were you are bump it up a level from where you've been bring you expectancy up another notch and God needs that give him a legal right to do it for him Psalm four if you didn't bring a Bible with you we have extra Bibles would be glad to let you use one of ours hold up your hand and let the usher get one to you turn to Psalm for everybody happened tonight lads in church I am what good meetings out on the west coast glory to God that airplane just made it too easy yeah after we went non-stop out none stump back we just sit up there and looked out the window at the Rocky Mountains as we soared past earth up glory to God now this is the way he took to travel hmm thank God and as we our schedule is increasing and it comforts me to see that we can do this without wasting whole days trying to get somewhere you can do it and get back and get ready for the next thing you know get into some words not the whole deal it's what shape are you and when you get there right you got a job to do what condition are you in you come dragging in bloodshot eyes and I'd slept the last two days you go I'm here well whoop-dee-do I mean what what can you do so keep that in mind as you plan your holiday travels - right just getting there is not the whole deal you know how long is it gonna take you to get over it and don't be led don't be led by money hmm you know why I'd need to say that because 98% of the folks are led by money they do things based on how much it's going cost know if you'd be open there'd be times the Lord would lead you to do something and it costs more money but that's the best way for you to do it this time and he would deal with you to believe for the money to come in and it's easy for him to do it right so don't at least ask him I said at least ask him which is the best way for you to do this and be open now when you're believing for stuff how do you do it always start at the top can you receive this or not when you're believing for something you you know I don't care if you're believing for a mixer go ahead and find out what is the best mixer in the world for what you're wanting to do with the mixer now if the thing cost 8 million dollars you may decide my faith is not there for the best mixer in the world but there may be one just three notches down that's almost as good right so number one find out what is Bar None the best way in the world to do what I'm trying to do then number two find out where is my faith right now and don't start at the bottom if you shoot for the bottom and get it all what did you do if you reach for the top and got halfway with least you got somewhere right you shoot for the bottom and get it also raise up your eyes begin to look at the nice stuff huh don't faint and fall out over the price tag people don't think right they look at a new car and they go use the Lord's name in vain go dear God they're not talking to God can you believe it and yeah and just go off and talk bad about it well didn't even realize what a fine car it was and what if it costs you nothing or what if you got it for the same price as an economy car I mean there's so many things that could happen and if God gives you enough money that wouldn't bother you either just pay for it going down the road or you can let poverty mentality grip you they're a whole rest of your life and do it out and buff alone and scrape along and and in all these comp compensation you have is the ability to gripe about how high everything is is it really that it's so high or just that your faith is so low huh well that went over big too didn't it oh well atlas we need to look at it don't we is it really that it's so high it's not high to some folks is it they'd laugh about you calling about how high it was it's all relative according to your means and your ability so is it really so high as it's just that faith and vision is so low well thank God we can do something about it we can get in this word we can draw close to God and do you think God thinks that's expensive wonder when the last time God looked at something and go whoa that's high ah oh that's a lot of money I think never what do you think never well you're his child you and I need to think more like him right and quit fussing about this stuff and could have this little small vision said out loud I am NOT led by money I am not led by price I am led by the Holy Spirit two very different ways right now just because you said that doesn't mean that's the end of it you need to stir yourself up every time you know I'm trying to I'm trying to get off this and get to my notes here but you do understand why how large of a percentage of Christians don't even pray about things they just say what's the cheapest don't improve I don't never ask God about it don't try to be led in it they just want to know what's the cheapest and so to them that's the one that's the Lord's leading I remember something years ago brother Reinhart bunkie said he was a in the beginning days of putting his you big you know Crusades together and he needed more trucks for his equipment and he didn't have the money and so he went he was going to salvage yards and trying to find him a truck that he could piece together and because he didn't didn't have the money and he looked and he looked and went to another one and he went to another and he's using all his time and finally he said in the middle aged 10 out there in the middle of all this rusty junk and and he said God he said why would you help me on this and these are the Lord said to him why are you looking for me in the salvage yard [Applause] we got to watch you about looking for God in the cheapest everything and trying to fire God find God in the cheapest thing he said if you'd be willing and you'd be obedient you would eat the good that's the best right the best of the land the good of the land do we believe that said one more time I am NOT led by money I don't serve money I'm not led by price I'm not led by the cheapest I'm led by the Spirit of the Lord okay if you are there will be time and time again where he'll lead you to do something you go oh yeah but that's high yeah but it's still his leading did you hear me you might have thought that one was too high but time you had that fit not that cheap when fixed three times and then see he knows that right so be led by him not by the price some for some for verse eight I will both lay me down in peace and sleep for you Lord only make me to dwell in safety today's English version of verse eight says when I lie down I go to sleep in peace you alone O Lord keep me perfectly safe can he do it is it his will you alone O Lord keep me perfectly safe we've been on for the last several weeks now a subject we're calling perfect protection perfect protection we read you know that the Bible said in the last days that be perilous or dangerous times and that evil seducers and people would wax worse and worse so we can't really use our faith to believe that this whole planet is going to become safe and completely safe and peaceful the longer we go we're told it's gonna get worse aren't we we're told it's going to get worse it's gonna be be violence and there's gonna be danger that led in the last days he said would be dangerous perilous times and we can certainly see that can't we I mean you you don't you don't go a day without seeing on the news where somebody got hurt somebody got killed somebody got robbed and and murdered and so called accidents and every other thing so we are in the midst we have been here all our life and we don't think about it so much but this is a dangerous place this place called Earth right I don't care where you live you you think you live in a country town in a rural area but people get killed out there too right they get killed people crime and tractors running over people and I mean you know you can get killed anywhere and dad is dead whether in the city or the country by a bullet or by a mule kicking you in the head right dead is dead there's dangers what I'm saying there's that you can't go to a place where you said well this is a completely safe place you could get the flu and die I mean right I mean where is this completely safe place not down here you can't find it but but but can God in the midst of all this danger can he keep us safe can he protect us is it his will we are convinced that yes he can and yes it is his will and so we've been camping out and Psalm 91 you want to go there now Psalm 91 we've been camping out looking at it word and then phrased verse at a time and we're convinced that it's always God's will to protect his people but we have found that it's not all up to God whether we're protected or not we have a large responsibility in the matter and we see in this 91st psalm things that we're supposed to do and in things that God said he would do in response to us doing that so there is a man word side to us being protected and there is a god word side to us being protected well if we got responsibilities we need to find out and we don't need to wait a bunch of time we need to find out so we can be safe right now right so us verse 1 let's review a little bit Psalm 91 1 he that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty let me I'm gonna read this to you from the English version here I got got it with me today whoever goes to the Lord for safety this is verse 1 whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty can say to him he's going to do what he's going to say you are my defender and protector you are my god in you I trust should we say this is this our responsibility now see people that haven't been taught the importance the significance of saying they've been taught the importance of their words that just goes right over their head but how do you get born again you believe in your heart and you do something else you confess you speak with your mouth you know there's a lot of people in this town tonight people all over the world that believe in God they believe he's real they believe in Jesus they believe Jesus is real they believe Jesus went across they believe he rose from the dead they believe he's coming again and are lost lost you know why they have not received him and confessed him as their Lord right the Bible said the Devils believe in God and tremble well they're not saved right no but how many are glad that you not only believe that but you confess with your mouth and you said Jesus I receive you as my Lord and my Savior thank you for saving me I my faith is in you that I'm saved by your blood by your redemptive work right you must believe it you must confess it personally now we know that about the new birth but people got off the train after that no it's the same thing with your healing it's the same thing with your provision it's the same thing with your protection it's not enough to believe God can heal sometimes he heals no it's not enough that's like believing God can save and sometime is its will to say you can be lost like that right somebody what if somebody told you what I believe God can save now oh I believe it with all my heart and I believe sometimes he does well if you said have you have you made Jesus your Lord and Master oh I don't know it's up to him what would you tell them you're in trouble right but see people have not carried that over to other areas they you ask them do you believe God can heal I believe God can heal anything anything anywhere anytime you believe it just will to heal well you just never know you know what God is going to do you believe God is your healer well it's up to him you know we really don't have much to do with what you believe a lie you have just as much to do with you being healed as you do you being saved just as much and you can't you can't just run you know bump along and say well God is a healer no he is my healer my healer he heals me just like you believe he's my Savior he saves me can you see that so important everybody said out loud the Lord is the Lord who heals me he forgives all my iniquities and he heals all my diseases in my court in Scripture yeah yeah well what if it's not his will well then like we said before confessing that would create a problem wouldn't it but there's no problem in the word just in people's heads now what about your protection same that people say ah now believe God could protect you in any place I don't care do you believe if somebody put up guns gonna shoot you could God protect you and keep that bullet from hitting you I believe God can do anything you believe if somebody put some deadly disease in you could God neutralize that I believe God can do anything could God do it I believe God would he would he do it for you Wow well if it was his we'll see that's that's the easy way out that means you know how it's not your responsibility you don't have to believe anything did you hear me now it's a spiritually irresponsible position and it's just as wrong as the man's and I believe God can save anybody but it's up to him whether I'm saved or not we know that's not right but we got to get clear that it's that way in every area of life is he your savior your Savior my Savior is he your healer come on everybody said Island he's my healer how about your provider he's mine now I'm telling you it's a spiritual principle whatever you say he is to you he will be to you you go around all the time sin gods my provider he meets all my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus he always takes care of me he always meets all my knees whatever you say he is to you he will be experientially to you will notice what does it say I mean we're we're verse 2 of this song and what does it say I will you must say this and not put a bunch of ifs and bunch of doubt in it you must say what the English version says you are my defender don't you like that you are my defender and protector which is the spirit of what he's saying here you are my god in you I trust everybody said out loud you are my refuge you are my defender you are my fortress you are my protector I trust in you you're my god and you protect me anything try to scare you try to shake you you ought to be so full of that that he just comes right out of your mouth anything try to hurt your kids did you hear me it ought to come right out of your mouth what what ought to come out of your mouth God is my protector God protects us but see religion has taught people to be quiet and just be afraid and beg god oh god please please oh god please don't let this happen to us please please no faith did you hear me religion has made beggars out of men but it was never so it was never so in the Bible it was never so with Jesus if you're a believer you're not a beggar if you're a beggar you're not a believer which one are you hmm you know no you don't teach people to come to the altar and beg God to save them that's acting like it might not be his will right oh please God would you save me please go he already has he's already paid the price he's already demonstrated his will and you don't beg God to heal you millions of Christians don't believe that but it's true you don't beg God to heal you if you do you're not in faith and you don't beg God to meet your needs if you do you're not in faith and you don't beg God to protect you well I got a few people with me tradition tradition so similarly what we've had preached well what Scripture did they give you for it huh that's not what we we Bridget our church what scripture isn't based on all this begging we're reading the Bible tonight right and listen how bold it is I mean most believers know Psalm 91 don't they but they've not acknowledged how bold it is he said I will say of the Lord if he chooses to help me he has the power to no no no God is my refuge he's my fortress he protects me he keeps me he's my god and I trust in him to protect me no ifs ands bow you know if it's all I got no no no verse three he will keep you safe from all hidden dangers and from all deadly disease and they got to keep that in verse two while you're saying that while you're saying he's your God and protector he will keep you safe verse 4 he will cover you with his wings there's that canopy of protection you'll be safe in his care his faithfulness will protect you verse 5 this is us again right back to us our part verse 5 what you'll not be afraid now the NIV says you will not fear and the King James says what she'll not be afraid can you control whether you're afraid or not a lot of people don't believe you can don't don't base what this on feelings I'm trying to say don't base it on feelings you can feel afraid that doesn't mean you have to yield to it you your hair can be standing up on the back of your neck goosebumps on your arms your knees bumping together and you say I don't care yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil I refuse to fear I refuse to yield to this gods my protector don't yield to fear when you yield to fear it gives the devil a legal right to destroy and it hinders God takes away his legal right to protect we've got to do our part we say God's our protector and two we don't fear we don't fear let me read this while we're talking about that you don't have to turn there but Psalm 27 verse 1 that's also in the English version Psalm 27 verse 1 says the Lord is my light and my salvation I will fear no one did you hear that this today's English version Psalm 27:1 I will fear no one the Lord protects me from all danger I will never be afraid did you hear that said out loud I will fear no one you're quoting the Bible Psalm 27:1 said again I will never be afraid say it again say it again say it again I will never be afraid to see the devil to tell you you can't do that but if the Bible tells you to do it you can do it hmm didn't the Lord Jesus himself say don't let your heart be troubled don't let it be afraid did he tell us it didn't say try he didn't say try that would implied that we might not have been able to do it or he might not have known whether we could know he knew he could don't let your heart be troubled don't let it be afraid said out loud I don't yield to fear he said I will not be afraid he said verse 3 even if a whole army surrounds me I will not be afraid say it again I'll not be afraid even if enemy's attack me I will still trust God that's how you overcome the fear what do you do when you feel afraid you trust God hmm what do you do when the thing looks fearful and it looks bad and it grips you and you feel it what do you do instead of yielding to the fear and talking about how terrible is and how we're not going to make it instead of doing that you say I fear I resist you in Jesus name God is our protector God is our deliverer we trust in him and he will deliver us and the Bible went on to say that he'll do it right verse 5 you'll not fear any dangers at night our sudden attacks during the day I'm back in Psalm 91 now are the plagues that strike in the dark are the evils that kill in the daytime you won't be afraid of any of that a thousand may fall dead beside you ten thousand all around you but you will not be harmed glory the thing that helps you in this area so tremendously is to be free from the fear of death right not afraid to die now if you're not saved you don't know God you will be afraid to die and I don't care how strong you think you are you will be afraid to die but when you know God and you know your names in the book of life and you know what happens to you when you die and you know it's not the end it's just the beginning right and you know where you're going you're not afraid to die and if you're not afraid to die you're not afraid of being shot you're not afraid of crashing you're not afraid of wrecks you're not afraid of disease because you're not afraid to die most of the population is scared to die full of fear of death but believers are not supposed to be we're supposed to be free from all fears makes for a good life he said verse 9 you have made the Lord your defender the Most High your protector that's reiterated what we saw before it he say he's my defender he's my protector and so no disaster will strike you no violence will come near your home can we can we believe that no disaster will strike you no violence will come near your home can we believe this or not say that loud no disaster will strike me that is an unpopular statement religiously if you stand up and say semester's was such as such they threaten this and they threaten it could be a disaster it could take out millions and you say well it won't strike me what will masses of religious people say and do there go yeah who did who do you think you are right which means they don't know who they are no disaster will strike us and what else say no violence will come to my house said again verse 11 God will put his angels he'll charge them to protect you wherever you go they will hold you up in their hands to keep you from hurting your feet on the stones we have angels and we talked about that glory to God I was reminded you know when the man of God they they sent a whole group of soldiers to take him one man because he'd been telling his King the enemy Kings secrets and plants and they found out about it and send a special force unit to go get this prophet and his helper and they came and saw the whole city surrounded you remember that and and his young man helper was scared and he said Lord he said to him he said there's more with us than with them and he couldn't figure that out I see a bunch of people and it's just me and you yeah there's more with us than be with them he says Lord open that young man's eyes and he did and he saw round about the whole area ran the bath the whole area there were chariots of fire in all hallelujah there's more with us then with them okay how many they are we read where one angel one took out a hundred and eighty-five thousand enemy soldiers they are mighty the Bible says they are mighty in strength and you have at least one and more assigned to you Bible says so to protect you to keep you it ought to make you feel warm and cozy to know who you got camping around your house while you snoozing in your bed who you got camping around your car while you ripping down the road right we believe it don't we now keep reading verse 13 was it safe now this is what we're this is where we are we've got down to this now and this is the today's English version says it like this you will trample down lions and snakes fierce lions and poisonous snakes you'll do what with them Lions men Lions are rough I've never had a desire to go hand to hand with a lion they are they are fierce and there are some bad snakes around too there are some monster poisonous snakes right and he said you do what with them trample glory to God God says I'll save those who love me and protect those who acknowledge me as Lord now he said you'll tread upon the lion and adder the young lion and the dragon shall you trample under feet these are things that bite and hurt and sting these are things that bite and sting hurt and you'll do what with things that hurt what to trample means you're on top of it it's under you and this is this is spiritual language and it has to do with who has the authority over who right go to Luke please the tenth chapter Luke 10 now we've talked about how God protects he protects by his mighty canopy of power under his wings the Bible said you tree he has the ability to just come over you like a mother hen or eagle can just come over her young and put her wings over him and and the predator can't even seal or get - we talked about this how the Bible says the the devil goes about as a what lion hmm what do we do with lions goes about as a roaring lion doing what seeking why would he seek him means he's got to find them first seeking whom he may means he he may not be able to seeking whom he may devour so he's got to find you and even any may not be able to but when the Eagle puts his wings over its young the predator can't even see them anymore can't find them and in order to get to him he's got to come through the eagle and that's the picture that is painted of our God under his wings under his feathers his pinions we are safe unless you're a dumb little independent chick that's going to run out from under the covering then you're gonna be somebody's lunch but he that dwells huh he that stays where he's supposed to he's safe he's kept he dwells he say under the shadow that canopy that power of the Almighty this is real I said this is real also he protects us by his angels we talked about that that are mighty in strength also he protects us what's the last thing we've been talking about he protects us through warning once this is an area not to be neglected now if you aren't with us get the materials they're free in the word supply you can download them free online in their entirety get them and get caught up with us this is very important how did he protect Jesus as a little child warnings well we shouldn't try to make him protect us by more spectacular means than the master himself how did he protect Paul more than once he said hurry up and get out of town Jesus in a vision told Paul hurry up and get out of town well what's it time to do then hurry up and get out of town you don't stand then go God will protect me he is he told you to get out of town right so people have done foolish things and have ignored warnings and have ignored what should have been obvious and died young and wrong hold your place here and go with me before we read this to Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes y'all even with me tonight I think your Ecclesiastes 7 seven Ecclesiastes and verse 17 there is so much wrong believing and on Christians so much and it's because people don't base their believing on the word they stay out of the word they're not knowledgeable of the word and they just believe what people say they believe what preachers say they believe what people with degrees say they believe people that write books did you know I don't care if it's 330 pages and nice graphics and a hardbound cover and the author has four degrees it can be completely wrong right just because it's in print and make it right you should be asking one standard question every day every night every sermon every person what's the scripture excuse me once I give you the punchline what's the question what's the question where's the scripture where's the scripture and not just a half of a verse if it's really word the Bible said let it be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses show me multiple verses where it is right but people don't do that they just swallow stuff and accept stuff and they get excited about this new idea no tell me what the standard question is all the time where's the scripture where's the scripture and if you don't have it don't care if it's mean okay who it is if they don't have the scripture don't you believe it don't care how nice they are how educated they are don't accept it don't build your life on it don't act on it people no telling how many times it happened today believers died from a disease from the car accident a crime all over this planet today there were a lot of believers who died from these kind of things and there were preachers who stood over them and said well it was just their time to go huh it was their time to go and we don't know why but we have to leave these things in God's hands and God loved him so much he wanted to take them to himself so God took them and it was their time and they're standing up there lying to these grieving family I said they're standing there lying to these grieving family members some of them may be doing it innocently they may think that's the case but it's not true I said it's not true look at this verse they cleese st 7 and 17 what does it say be not over much wicked neither be foolish why why should you die before before your time and if you put all the scripture together you'll find your time to die is not a preset you know two o'clock in the afternoon on a certain day you'll find the Bible talks about you shall come if you're blessed you come to your grave you know in a full season like a shock of corn there's a time when it's appropriate time to harvest the corn and there's a time when there's still green right and the end of this psalm that you and I are studying Psalm 91 what does it say with long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation so somebody says well you know they died at 21 but it was just their time no it wasn't no it wasn't they died at 46 from cancer and it was just their time I'm sorry but no we cannot accept that in light of the Bible now if they're saved they went to be with Jesus and that's better than being here and that's wonderful but they were robbed of days they could have had I know a lot of people don't like that but give me the truth right how about you the truth makes you free are there people dying young before the proper time to die because of living wrong and being wicked and what else what just being foolish hmm can you do something dumb and die years before you are to leave here is it because God decided to take you know is because you were dumb foolish am i reading the Bible here or not why should you die before the proper time to die by being too foolish well the reason I read that is because when the Lord warns you and lets you know things and you blare out on into them that's being foolish and that's how a lot of people die prematurely they die before they should die if you do a study on this don't just take somebody's word for do a study for it you you'll find the Bible teaches there are some things you can do that was shorten your time there are other things you can do that will add years to your life the scriptures that say this and thank God this very son was studying with long life so what is his will long life is his will being satisfied before you go that's his will how many know you got to be protected to make it all away yeah you do so protection is part of if we're going to get there all the way to long life we've got to have some protection now go back to Luke please you doing okay can you take some more Luke how does God protect us go over with me again what have we learned from Psalm 91 how does he protect us that that shadow under his wings that canopy power of protection how many believe you could be in the middle of something where people are dying all around you and God could just come over you and like a force field can he do it he's done it many many many many times what's your part you're standing there saying God is my god and I trust him he is my protector he is my defender he keeps us you saying it and you said I refuse to fear I will not fear this God will keep me you got to do your part also angels also warnings and now we're getting to another area you'll do what to the lines and the adders you'll do what trampled with us that's not warnings and that's not angels and that's not canopy of protection trampled son lest they trample what's trampling where we're gonna see it right here Luke 10 ready to trample huh trampled Luke 10 thank God for the Bible thank God for the word thank God for God who lets you gonna thank Luke 10 well back up to the ninth chapter and you begin to get a more a more full understanding Luke 9 and 1 Luke 9 1 Jesus called his twelve disciples together and he gave them power and authority somebody say power and authority he gave them power and authority over all Devils that you do know it's Devils that cause problems reason I say that people are talking about accidents but we already talked about how that again and again is not so much an accident as it is a setup the devils set it up right it takes some pretty good timing for you to get to the intersection at exactly the same time as the guy that's been drinking for the last eight hours in all the places he's been to set up and he gave them power and authority over all Devils and that includes all the stuff they're doing and what else to cure diseases well now this covers a whole lot of ground what's dangerous to human beings well so-called accidents violence crime well the Devils are involved in this stuff and what else diseases can kill you people too but he gave them power and authority over all Devils and all disease if you have power and authority over all Devils then they shouldn't be running you you should be running over them if you got power and authority over all disease disease shouldn't be running your life it shouldn't be destroying you you should be coming over it is this true now any sinem to preach the kingdom of God and what what because that's evidence of the message isn't it healing has always accompanied the proclamation of the good news with Jesus in the book of Acts with the Apostles and the prophets and evangelists right always always why because what is the good news I mean Jesus main text that he proclaimed the Spirit of the Lord is on me because he's anointed me to preach this good news and he went on didn't he what good news to the poor recovering of sight to the blind heal the brokenhearted set the captive free the cell not getting healed to me right getting heal getting out of death right glory to God that's good news signs and wonders follow the proclaiming of the good news any Widow he sent him to preach the kingdom of God and a heal the sick and verse 6 verse 6 they departed and they went through the towns and they did what exactly what he told him to they proclaimed the good news and he leaned everywhere preaching and healing preaching and healing preaching and healing looked in Luke 10 verse 1 as mrs. yevo number of the kief that was the twelve he always got somebody around and wants to explain it away and take it away from you don't you that was the twelve brother Keith and when the last apostle died all that ceased said who what yeah where's the scripture what about the seventy right here verse 1 of chapter ten after these things the Lord appointed other an additional 70 also so how many we got now 82 and Counting so people aren't even saying it right other were they trying to talk us out of it they should be saying well that was the 82 but when the last 82 died all that they didn't get that right of course that wouldn't be right either and he sent them didn't he he sent them in verse 9 verse 9 what do you tell them heal the sick you can't do it least you got power and authority that are therein and tell them the kingdom of God has come near to you glory to God and verse 17 skip down to verse 17 they went and did it just like the twelve went and did it and the seventy returned again with a proverb says when the righteous are in authority the people well sure you do when you got power over the disease instead of it having power over you he'll make you happier let this get in your spirit free and let this get in your spirit are you a child of God are you a disciple of his the Holy Ghost in you then you have the name of Jesus then disease is not supposed to rule over you Devils are not supposed to rule over you sin is not supposed to rule over you you and I supposed to rule over it he said he was sick that are therein they did verse 17 and the 7 they returned again with joy what they say what they say they said Lord and there we were not saying it properly they were happy they returned with joy they were pumped they were excited weren't they who's that Jesus Jesus them Devils ran just like they do from you just like from you could we set it man we said get and they got and they all shouted the other one said yeah I told that disease I told that cancer die and get out of that woman and it did it did it did it did this all we told it to do [Music] though they were excited weren't they they were rejoicing Missy you got millions of Christians ago who wouldn't have been sleeping to live back there and then one of the twelve no no 82 one of the 82 but of course you got to add everybody in the book of Acts to that number yeah then you got to add us it's right it's right you got to ask the question who has the name of Jesus because that's where the power is and that's worthy of thought who has the Holy Ghost that's where the power is who's got the name of Jesus that's where the authority is I thought we had the Holy Spirit same Holy Ghost they had I thought we had the name of Jesus huh same name they had did why wouldn't we have the same power and the same authority well we do actually the seventy came back they said Lord even the Devils are subject to us to your name Jesus said yeah I saw him fall I beheld Satan as lightning I mean that's falling hard and fast you know how quick lightning comes down he didn't float down we're talking no parachute big rock tied to your feet we're talking boom and nobody deserves it more behold now now get verse 19 they are talking about Authority and power over devils and their operations and their work and over disease and its operation aren't they and what did he say verse 19 What did he say behold I give to you but Pat that's the word for authority I give to you authority to do what what that sounds familiar where'd we hear that in the protection song right I give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and Oh get it get it I'm reading in the New Testament friends and what nothing shall by any means hurt you Oh glory to God that's not ambiguous that's not wavery that's not if it be the will of God that's not just we just never know this is powerful this is bold right do we believe it I believe it hmm faith Life Church believes it am i right we believe it we believe it that includes everybody watching with us everybody everybody everybody care what country you live in I don't care how wild it is in the streets I don't care if they're shooting each other in the streets right now you believe this and nothing shall by any means hurt you I didn't say it jesus said it Jesus said but people don't believe it people to hear all this won't they hear all this and go well I know all them good verses are in there but you know you just never know you just never know see they believe that more than they do this they believe you just never know they have more faith in that than they do this but not us I said not us we believe this so when he says you'll tread you'll trample on the lion on the adder the dragon the poisonous Viper what is he talking about from this is obvious authority he's talking about Authority and the power to back up the authority over these things that would hurt us are y'all with me now the school bird again how does God protect us one his canopy his power of protection what else hmm angels powerful angel what else warnings and what else he has given us glory to God he has given us power and authority over things that can hurt us things that could could bite us things that could spin us things that could damage us and harm us let me read it to you again or you got your eyes on it verse 19 jesus is talking behold I give to you could you receive this for yourself is the Bible God talking to you I give to you power authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you everybody said out loud he has given me power and authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt me we're quoting Jesus we're quoting Jesus we believe it don't we we believe it now if you'll back up to the fourth chapter of Luke we read that he gave them power and authority over devils that's all the emissaries representatives of the devil and what else every disease in Luke 436 look 436 they were all amazed and spoke among themselves saying what a word is this for with authority and with power he commands the unclean spirits and they come out people say yeah but now it was Jesus yeah but who else did it the twelve and who else the seventy and who else we read about people in book of Acts doing it and who else us they said man what a word he don't just mumble around he just commands them and they get they hadn't been said scribes and Pharisees do that at all and verse 37 the fame of him went out into every place of the country round about and he rose out of the synagogue and he entered into Simon's house and Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever she wasn't just running a few degrees is that is she in danger yes she is I mean they didn't have all the drugs and things I have today either but she's running this this huge fever it looks like she's about to be out of here is this thing dangerous to her does she need protection from this can it kill her yes yes so we got a written example of how Jesus dealt with one of his people being endangered huh what did he do didn't beg the Father all night if he would spare her life and yet that's how most Christians do it you should see the looks I get across the crowd when I say things like this whose example you're gonna follow that some preacher somebody with degrees our Jesus he did not beg the father all night if he would spare Peters mother-in-law what did he do hmm look at that look oh there look here she was taken with a great fever and they came in besought him for and verse 39 he stood over her and he did what he must have believed he had authority over fever and whatever was causing it and cement said yeah but another key that's Jesus who else did it we just got through reading the twelve did it we got through reading do you believe it or not did the twelve do it too we read it did the 7d do it also which the example of people doing in the book of Acts - that kind of thing yeah he rebuked the fever he's not praying he's not talking to the father he's not talking to Peters mother-in-law is he who's he talking to the fever I remember years ago I read that and I stopped in I thought he's talking to the fever and I immediately thought can fevers here can fevers here and I read the next part what do you say huh and it laughter I thought yep yeah fevers can hear if fevers can hear cancer can hear aids can hear high blood pressure can hear come on now infection can hear but see millions of Christians they would never dare speak to a cancer or speak to a infection no friends a fever comes on your baby comes on your child comes on you you're supposed to jump on that thing with both feet spiritually and go no you don't not in my house you don't fever get off of my baby I rebuke you get off of my baby get out of my house fever get off of my body cancer I commend you to die you can't live in my body I command you to die but how many what percentage of Christians talk that way and do that well you can't control everybody but hey missus well I don't know if I'm only y'all are just trying this place out tonight but somebody might uh saw you come in here already they probably already know you're coming over here so you might as well get the benefits it's easier to believe that other stuff the problem is people die young and they perish and they lose their kids and they didn't have to are you with me no he rebuked the fever and it left her and immediately she got up and started waiting on them can God turn your situation around you know how many times did he tell them they come they brought him in there on the bed he said get up put the bed on you take it out you came in on the bed beds going out on you that's having your situation turned around my brother and sister they've been waiting on her putting cool cloths on her head patting her cheeks go on old bless her heart somebody go get some cool water they've been a ministering to her now boom get out of here favor she pops something goes no hungry I got something in here I can feed you yeah she goes to wait no meal how quick can God turn your situation around yeah so disease is the danger to human life can God protect you from it what is one big way that he has enabled us to be protected he has given us authority over devils and disease now going over in the Book of Luke I need a little more time you got something in the Book of Luke to the 8th chapter just just a couple of chapters over chapter 8 o the Lord's helping us so much on this is this getting in your spirit God intends for us to be safe all our life and for our kids to be safe right and for us not to be cut short of our life but to live a full length of days down here below do everything we're supposed to do on the planet be satisfied didn't go on Luke 8 are you there Luke eight verse 22 Luke 822 it came to pass on a certain day he Jesus went to a ship with his disciples and he said to them let us go over to the other side of the lake as brother Kenneth Hagin my father in the faith that was one of his favorite sayings nearly every time he'd get an airplane to go somewhere he'd say let's go to the other side boys what does that mean but if you make it to the other side you didn't crash halfway Jesus didn't say go halfway in sync what did he say let's go over to the other side of the lake and they launched forth and as they sailed he fell asleep he'd met our text was our tax payers hmm you know when you but you're right with God and you have faith and you're free from fear you can sleep anywhere if you can't you need to get delivered you got to have everything perfect and it's got to be so so and you can't rest here and you can't rest there till you get to your one only spot you need to be delivered because you got some fears and stuff in you you'll be able to sleep in the back seat on the boat on the plane in the chair on the apple cart on the floor uh-huh some folk didn't like it but I said it for your benefit for yours get free now what if you say for 20 years I just can't rest on a plane I just can't rest till I get back to the house and get in my own bed and I just got can't rest other places like that I don't know I guess I'm just different now your mouth is messed up you could be rested it could be enjoying things instead of being tense all the time are you safe or not do we have protection not only at home in the bedroom however where we go so as they sailed he fell asleep and there came down a storm of wind on the lake and they were filled with water how many other one the boat is filled with water not good not good and what they were did didn't just say it looked bad when the Bible says you in jeopardy you're in jeopardy you are not in a good way what does jeopardy means they were in danger they were in peril net net what we're talking about here we got a perfect we got a perfect example what did Jesus do when he and his bunch were in danger a storm came up right and and this storm was dangerous this storm was the kind of storm people died in and already the votes full of water and they're not there they're not close to the other side but what did Jesus say let's go over not not going he didn't say go halfway in sync what'd he say let's go over to the other side that means make it all the way make it all the way and verse 23 they were in jeopardy they were in danger and they came to him and they woke him up and they said master master we're perishing we're sinking we're drowning were they in danger Bible says they were and what'd he do hmm he said pray boys pray pray oh god don't let us die out here please God please we hadn't I don't think we hadn't finished our mission please father please got boys pray what I say pray they're all begging please God please don't let us die out here isn't this what religion has taught millions of believers to do I tell you religion has taught people to be beggars not the Bible the Bible teaches you to be a believer believers are not beggars what do you do what do you do what do you do here's danger he's swooping in on you it's there it looks like you could die any moment what do you do he gods my god he protects me his powers around me his angels are around me now if he warned you not to go it's time to do some serious repenting right I want you to see a big difference in the in these two things here what did he do we know the rest of the story he spoke didn't he he rebuked the wind now if the father had been doing this storm he would not have rebuked it so obviously it wasn't the father in this storm he rebuked the wind and the raging of the water and it ceased and there was a calm and he said to them I'm sure glad you won't be up in time huh because you know I'm the only one on this boat that could have done that if you hadn't woke me up now what did he say What did he say why would he say that to them if they were powerless in the situation why would you say that how many remember when Jesus spoke to the fig tree cursed it and they remarked about it What did he say to them he said if you'd have faith and not doubt you would not only do this which he's done to the fig tree but if you said to this mountain be removed didn't doubt in your heart but believe it would obey you could they have done this absolutely he's asking them why they didn't that's what he's asking where is you just saw my faith he said where is yours why didn't you do this do you understand they didn't even have to wake him up religion has not taught us this but he's teaching he said where is your faith why are you shaking and scared why didn't you take care of this already hmm and they being afraid so since he says where's your faith they are more afraid now what manner of man is this notice didn't say God what manner of what he's operating this a man he commands even the winds and the water and they obey Him verse 26 verse 26 what happened and they arrived just like he said just like he said now I want to remind you of what we studied last week or so a similar situation Paul and they storm in a boat you remember that they did not make it with the boat to their destination did they they lost the boat they lost all the tackling and cargo of the ship it was an ordeal a harrowing ordeal you know Paul talks about he said I was in perils in this and perils in that and he mentioned he said a night and the day I was in the deep what does that mean out in the open ocean just floating and the whole bunch of them the crew and all the prisoners and all the passengers were out there holding onto planks holding onto something to float it was an arduous our ordeal it was harrowing not like this not like this at all Jesus stands up and speaks and it stops and they sail on over they were saved but so to speak by the skin of their teeth they arrived in authority peace and smooth sailing thing I mean the thinks just it's like somebody's pulled the plug on the storm he just quit what was the difference Jesus told them to go are you with me on this he told them to go the Lord warned Paul for them not to go oh do you see that and he told them we don't need to go but they wouldn't listen friend get get the difference here there was protection on both ones their lives were spared thank God one was deliverance through the oven was deliverance from deliverance out of the jaws of the storm and direction our deliverance from it didn't even get in to see I like deliverance from how about you deliverance from then in order to get deliverance from you got to be led by the spirit you got to fight you got to heed the warnings of the Lord and pay attention when he tells you now if he tells you to do something that doesn't mean that you never gonna have any challenges right in the middle of them obeying the Lord him telling him to go over there getting one of the biggest storms I've ever been in the enemy will try to hinder you but when you're doing what he told you to do there is grace and you got every right to stand up in the middle of it and use your authority in the name of Jesus and it has to stop and it has to back off and you're delivered from it from it glory to God now if you don't listen you ignore the warning you push on through people die because of being foolish people don't get protected they miss it but you know and you look at this situation Paul was not in control of this was he wasn't his boat he wasn't in charge of the military guys there he wasn't in charge of the sailor guys there he tried to talk to him they wouldn't listen what God knows that and while he was praying he said God you know the Bible said he did a lot of prayer down the bottom of that boat about this deal and he said Lord would you give me the rest of these guys too I know they didn't listen to us but I'm trusting you to save me wouldn't you give me the rest of the guys with us and the Bible of the angel came and he said the Lord has heard you and he you gonna you're not gonna die out here but also everybody's with you he's given to you and everyone have made it out alive that's the mercy of God that's the protection of God but they went through some stuff because they didn't listen do you see that there's protection and in there's protection there's protection out of the midst of it and it's tough but you made it through but then there's protection from the whole thing you just miss the whole thing glory to God glory to God is God in the protecting business you believe it stand on your feet please praise the Lord praise the Lord glory to God let's sing in the name of Jesus I have the victory in the name of Jesus in the name of [Music] [Music] Oh in the name of Jesus - I can tell but I can't tell what God will do what he said in his word he will do for you my team everybody I can tell what he said in his word he will do for you [Music] in the night the day that even your confession authority Jesus gave Jesus a little too I [Music] you Lolita God hallelujah stand up before the Lord now with your hand up said out loud God is my God my protector my refuge his power is over me his angels in camp round about me I heed his warnings and I have authority and I use it in Jesus name I have authority over all devils and over all disease and I use it glory to God now don't wait for church service don't wait for somebody to come by and tell you what to do something tries to raise its head causing you a problem don't be silent speak against say in the name of Jesus you stopped I mean shut it down rebuke it like Jesus did and it'll have to leave how many think you can go all the way from here to old old age if the Lord tarries is coming long enough and be protected from every devil from every setup from every crime from every disease can you I mean make it all the way until you old oh you're so old the old people call you old Oh Oh full of days full of years done everything's seen everything been everywhere come on now did everything you were put on the planet to do run your race finished your course come on now you yo paid car and you can say Lord I'm I'm satisfied I feel like I've done everything you put me down here to do and I know I'm ready to come on and go home without devils without disease oh that's the way to do it that's the way to do it and it's alright it's our privilege in Christ hallelujah if you're here tonight you're not sure about your salvation that's a dangerous place to be don't you leave here like that they're gonna be people standing right here in the front on both sides ready pray with you talk to you if you know you're not right or you know you need to get back to God or you got questions about any of this don't leave don't go that way come this way as we're being dismissed everybody else we've got Church around here on Sunday morning right till then we're protected going out and coming in right when you get in your car say we're going to the other side and sing as you go in the name of t in the name jeez I can tell what in the name of Jesus Jesus do what [Music] yeah yeah but [Music] you
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 6,684
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Perfect, Protection, Pt, 11, We, have, authority
Id: zMgq3WT7zy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 35sec (5675 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2012
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