Keith Moore Growing Up Pt 4 Like Father Like Son

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Thank You hallelujah yeah glory to God today is Father's Day and we're going to be talking about some of those things into the message but we want to honor our fathers all the father's would you please stand this morning and let us thank God for you and pray over you honor you yes thank you Lord for our Father we have a little gift don't we have a little gift would you pass those out real quickly have a little gift for you that is like to work on stuff and if you'll have this you'll never be without tools both I think you need a microphone hey you have to be prepared thanks be unto God if you haven't received one of these hold up your hand if the guys don't see you you guys look real good won't every every daddy to receive one of these I I saw this and locked it myself but I carry one on the airplane case I need to overhaul an engine or something [Laughter] thank you lord do everybody received one raise your hand if you didn't in the back there's a hand up he members I'm sorry we can't send these through the camera to you I wish we could you'll have to come come visit us sometime see us thank you lord let's pray over our fathers this morning everybody's seated there raise your hands up and me if your father's not here pray for him wherever he might be father God we thank you for father's they are gifts to us from you they teach us so much about your own self we give you glory we give you praise we are so thankful and we pray for our fathers today we say Lord quicken them strengthen them with strength by your spirit in their inner man we pray that they'd be filled with the knowledge of your will and wisdom in all spiritual understanding we pray Lord that their latter days would be greater and stronger than their former days and that anything and everything that they have not seen and done yet in your blessings that they would experience lead them into it show a many adjustments and we just speak blessing over them and power an empowerment in the name of Jesus we give you glory for them and we bless them in your name in Jesus name Amen hallelujah glory to God let's give our fathers a hand for the week thank y'all hallelujah thank you you can be seated bless the Lord glory be to God y'all can be seated yes would you turn to Ephesians 4 this morning please Ephesians 4 in late last night I was looking at these things and thinking about Father's Day and I don't like to preach on the subject just because it's a date on the calendar in fact I just don't do it but the Lord always knows how to do things doesn't he I mean he just did and so I looked at some Father's Day thoughts and father's thoughts men I in fact I looked at about a thousand verses thank God for computers huh and just couldn't get settled on him so well I'll just look back to what the Lord had me on last Sunday it's a good principle there you know if you are not clear on something go back to the last thing the Lord told you right good principle I'll go back to the last thing you know he told you and that can help you get on on track if you had gotten off a little bit and he showed me something about father's and growing up and I thought well yeah he's really smart Ephesians 4 have you found it to be true that he is really smart if Asians 4 and if you didn't bring a Bible with you today hold up your hand our ushers have extra Bibles we'll be glad to let you use one of ours if you don't have a Bible you want to see just how quick you can get that fixed and read your chapters with us and bring your Bible to church it's not just a religious thing it's a matter of honoring the one who said the words that's you know if you treasure somebody's real a relationship with them and fellowship with them and they wrote you a letter it's not uncommon for you to keep that letter right and treasure it well actually the you know large portion of the New Testament is letters to the church and it's letters from our Father right and they're precious to us and every word he said to us we count as holy and more valuable than any amount of money right so you you know bring your Bible in and and treat the word with respect when we turn you turn and find the place Ephesians 4 here's a letter that the Lord wrote to us and spoke to us Ephesians 4:11 says he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the what of the Saints now what does that word mean perfecting it means to bring to its full end or complete completion it's also translated maturity because that is you know whether you're talking about financial instrument we talked about such as such matures at a certain time are you talking about a child going up and mature what does that mean they are mature that means they've grown about as much as they go and grow right they have come to their full development well should the Saints be developing and one of the biggest things we have to help us grow up are the ministry gifts they're right it's not my words that's what he said that's why he gave us these gifts these gifts are to help us do what read it they're given for what for the perfecting the maturing the developing the completion of the Saints for what well if all the Saints are matured and grow up is that going to affect the Ministry of the Lord Jesus in the earth every believer has a ministry right let me say that again real slow every believer it's missing I just feel like I'm called brother Keith we're all called I've got a call on my life you if you don't feel like you got a call on your life you need to get to praying and fast and get serious about this thing well I'm not a preacher well most people are not preachers fivefold ministry gifts it's a relatively small percentage of the body but they don't stand behind the pulpit ministry gifts but that doesn't mean that the whole rest of the body doesn't have a ministry we've all got a ministry right I think it's really been something that's hurt the body of Christ because of people have only acknowledged two or three ministries right pastors evangelists missionaries and that's about it in a lot of denominations but man the Bible talks about a ministry of giving right it talks about praise it talks about worship how about the Ministry of helps uh-huh oh man how big is that well anything that helps the work of the Lord and that somebody does in faith for the right heart and God anoints them to do it is the Ministry of helps right how many thank God for our ministers in the parking lot our ministers in the children's ministry in there and the youth and our cleaning ministers ah our TV and Internet and camera ministers right now you know we don't use that you don't usually hear me say it like that and there's a reason why because nowadays people have this connotation that goes with minister and they think I'm a minister I have a ministry you're supposed to do something for me so we don't use that word that much around here and we don't you know we don't have titles around here much and what we do have is service teams and if you look up the word the word for ministry that's what it means service right so does everyone have a ministry unto the Lord every believer does everyone should everyone have a service unto the Lord that they do it unto him and it benefits the kingdom of God is that true for every believer every believer and of course we're going to be able to do our job according to how well developed we are for instance in Romans 12 it talks about well in fact let's just turn there and look at it hold your place in Ephesians 4 and go to Romans 12 romans 12 he said verse 3 i say through the grace given to me to every man that's among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly now a lot of people watch this scripture up and they take it away and say that the lord said don't think highly of yourself that's not what he said what do you say don't think more highly of yourself and what's he talking about then he ought to think should you think highly of yourself yes you should should you love yourself and like yourself and have a high esteem of yourself got a little weaker as I win how do you love other people the Lord taught you to love your neighbor how what if you hate yourself your neighbors in trouble do people ever haven't understood this fuller if you are not you're not good at receiving love from God and you don't know how to love God and love yourself you are not equipped to love other people that's a whole nother subject now but don't don't throw that away don't cast that away and people think that humility is degrading yourself and berating is at all I'm nothing I'm nothing well I'll examine that statement are you really nothing they don't believe it what's what their thinking is you know yeah I'm I'm something but I'm gonna be humble and I really deserve a lot of credit for all the stuff I do but I'm gonna be humble and not take it now see you're proud of how humble you are you're mixed up no it is true without the Lord we are nothing but we're not without him I said we're not without him and with him we've been made the righteousness of God in Christ we have the mind of Christ we can do all things through him is it true so he said he didn't say don't think highly of yourself What did he say so the problem is when you get to believe in lies about yourself you're believing something that is not true you're believing something beyond what is real and right that's deception and he warns you against that but to think soberly you know how according is God has dealt to every man the measure of faith then he goes on talking about ministries verse 6 having then gifts differing according to the grace that's given to us whether prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith our ministry let us wait on our ministry or he that teaches on teaching he that exhorts in exhortation he that gives that into a simplicity he that ruleth with diligence he that shows mercy with cheerfulness is he talking about a wide spectrum of ministries of services and he starts off by saying it how are you going to do it according to your measure of faith according to your proportion of faith so is your ministry going to become better and better and stronger as you develop if your faith is stronger if you grow up in love and faith is your ministry going to begin to be further and further reaching and more and more effective and more and more fruitful now the reason I went back in and picked this up again think of the text again go back to Ephesians now and read it with this in mind when the Lord has sended he gave gifts to men right all the preachers and teachers that are truly called of God they are gifts from the head of the church to his body apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers what why did he give them for the perfecting the maturing the developing the completing of the Saints for what for the work of the ministry for what the edifying or the building up of the body of Christ keep reading till what hmm till we all come in the unity of the faith of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man what kind of man what does that mean fully grown fully mature brought to your full potential can you say Amen you know one of the saddest things is to see people in this brief brief life while away their time and not develop either through ignorance or laziness or rebellion or whatever and they and go through life and not reach a fraction of their potential it's such a waste when we need it we need it in the body of Christ we need everybody right everybody at their station everybody fully committed and everybody at their maximum development oh can you say Amen now I could get the preaching on this one are talking or something because Phyllis and I we have hurt and we have been overworked again and again because people either did not stay in their place or they did not commit or they did not develop to the point that they should so that we're having to do our job and other people's jobs are you with me and this is not just happening with us this is happening worldwide in the body and that the effect that that has is that you get it's done you're more tired you're more worn than you should be because people are you know there's a lot of people not even trying to serve god then uneven believers that don't even go to church they're not taking advantage of these gifts to help them grow up and a lot of them are too rebellious to listen to anybody anyway God's will is that we utilize all these given us and that we eat good spiritual food and that we use our spiritual muscles and our faith and that we grow I said that we grow that we grow and we grow and we grow and instead of somebody having to wait on us and check on us every other day and preached us to get us back up in faith we are able to help somebody else we are able to contribute we are able to bring ministry and service on a high level and a high standard oh come on can you say Amen and it's God can you see God's plan that the whole body of Christ rise up to the full mature stature of the Christ Oh glory to God what if the whole body of Christ in the earth grew up in faith and being led to the level of Jesus walking in the earth we take this place we would take this planet we would take it can you say me we would take it and do the work and Jesus would come back in this thing would be over can you say Amen but what you've got is people that were born again twenty years ago thirty years ago 50 years ago and they're still infants and you got millions of them right you've got millions and millions of people who walked allow 40 years ago but they still say in tongues are of the devil don't believe in the gifts of the Spirit don't believe in using their own faith for any thing everything's just up to God that means you got them all laying in the baby bears columns laying in the cribs and all I know how to do is cry our hollered about feed me and the problem is they're not getting fed they're getting fed but it's not the sincere milk of the word of God there's no responsibility there's nothing solid or but there is a group that's coming up in the earth I said I believe we're part of it there is a group that's coming up that's really getting some milk and really getting some meat of the word and really growing up casting aside and leaving the side the baby and the childish things and taking responsibility as maturing sons and daughters learning how to be led by the spirit instead of their flesh and feelings learn how to give instead of saying I need I need gimme-gimme-gimme learning how to be like the master who said I didn't come to be served I came to serve and to give my life Oh hallelujah you get a world full of saints like that this thing will wind up quick which is fine by me right glory to God read the next verse down here what does it say verse 14 that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive but what speaking the truth in love may what may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ hallelujah look at your neighbors say grow up grow up grow up say it out loud I'm growing up in all things I'm growing up in every area I'm growing up to the full measure of my master The Anointed One now I won't stop till I get there hallelujah when's that supposed to be happening right now right now glory be to God go with me if you would to Genesis 1 and Matthew 5 Genesis 1 and Matthew 5 well look at Matthew first Matthew 5 verse 48 last verse of Matthew 5:5 48 Matthew says be ye in other words you be what perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect now this is a neglected verse isn't it why because people see that and they just are sure that's not even possible right so they just don't pay much attention to it they just assume well I don't understand what's going on there so they just move right on notice did he say try to be now some modern translations in numerous verses will add the word try try to do this try to do that that is not good I said that didn't watch out for it now first if you're reading you know different translations try to do this the Lord never told you to try to do anything for one that would imply that he didn't know whether you could do it or not so he wants you to give it your best shot he knows whether you and I can do something or not he knows that before he tells us so just by right of him telling us to do something what do we know we know we can do it or he wouldn't have told us to do it he's not unfair I know the Lord taught me about the subject of perfection a number of years ago and I did a study on and then I taught on it afterwards and the thing that spurred me on is that Phyllis and I were visiting with some people that we had known back from childhood and we asked them you know about their walk with the Lord before we got through with our fellowship and said you know y'all are going to church and reading your Bible that kind of thing and the young lady is a married couple young lady said well no you know not really if she said I guess none of us could ever read the Bible enough who ever heard that kind of reasoning I mean it's prevalent well when she said that something bothered me inside about her statement but now I didn't know what it was so I just smiled and didn't say it didn't make a deal out of it and even if you know something doesn't mean you're supposed to do something I'm gonna say that again even though you know something that doesn't mean you're supposed to do something you're not supposed to do something or act on everything you know that's another message but when she said that well I guess none of us could ever read the Bible enough it bothered me later on in praying waiting before the Lord this came back up to me her statement so I asked I said Lord what's what's wrong with that I know something's wrong with it but I in my head I don't know what it is we've heard that all our life you know well I guess I guess you could never praise the Lord enough I guess you could never thank the Lord enough I guess we could never pray enough what's the implication that you could not you weren't capable you could not do it enough or that no matter how much you did it wouldn't be enough right and I'm laying there praying about it and the Lord spoke to me I don't mean I heard an audible voice now but inside my heart he said he said Keith do you think I'm unreasonable do you think I'm unreasonable well I didn't have to think about that I said no sir no I don't think you're unreasonable I think you're fair I think you're just I prayed a little Hollow he asked me again he said am i unreasonable I said no sir I don't believe that I don't believe you are unreasonable I kept praying he asked me the third he said Keith am i unreasonable I said no sir no I don't believe that he said then you can pray enough you can read your Bible enough hmm see religion tradition just mess his stuff up and so he began diminish now I don't mean I'm hearing anything but these thoughts are coming up from my spirit illuminating my mind the Lord minister to me he that he knows what we've got going in a day he knows we need to sleep he knows we need to eat he knows we got jobs and kids and yards to mow and clothes to wash houses to clean he knows that I said he knows it and he is not unreasonable see religion and it's the enemy behind it tries to portray God as a harsh cruel taskmaster right and that you can't satisfying nothing you do is ever enough ministers minister after Minister burn out have nervous breakdowns retire early do all kind of stuff one because the implication is they just world they're so fat just burnt their self up serving God what's the picture painted there is that you serve the Lord at night and day night and day and you kind of half fall down and he comes along kicks you says get up boy get up we got work to do get it God is not that way God even leaves in vacations he does know is he unreasonable then you can read your Bible enough on a given day you can pray enough right you can praise enough not for the rest of your life but for the day right well how would you know what how much that is by the inner witness you're doing something and you don't feel like you're quiet so what do you do do it some more but see the devil tries to get people discouraged so they don't even try to finish because they're believing no matter how much I do it'll never be enough that's a lie you're probably not ten minutes away from finishing for the day are you listed sometimes it's just another chapter sometimes it's just another five minutes in prayer but you'll get to the place where you got a release and you spirit and you realize that's good for now tomorrow's a new day but that's good for now now here's the thing God looks at that you do something until you're satisfied in your spirit you feel released you feel complete God looks at that and calls it perfection that you did it perfectly perfect in the Bible doesn't mean without flaw what does it mean complete you did you carried it through to its end you completed what the Lord had for you for that day I know years ago this was decades ago I was coming back from another country we had had some good meetings we'd had some good healing strong anointing some good things had happened and I'm sitting in a commercial airliner looking at the wind a flying home and I said lord thank you I'm just I was by myself at that moment I said lord thank you for coming through Corey to God healing those people he said thank you for seeing this thing through I had to check myself I thought did he just tell me thank you I'm hearing stuff he said I can tell my child thank you if I want to I said thank you I said no thank you yes yes sir well he's the sin that you saw it through we didn't do we didn't take care of everything for the body forever but that job just that job just see it through don't quit sent through finish it until you get a release in your spirit oh come on are you with me now we talked about being led by the spirit now if this is new to you get getting materials we got materials on it and get it from other people learn it one of the most important things in life for you to learn is how to be led by the Spirit of God but when you follow your heart until you're satisfied on something God calls that perfection now read this again Matthew five maybe it'll it'll have a different meaning to you now what did he say bu therefore what what does that mean complete even as your father which is in heaven is now if you look at the context and the greatest area that we can be perfect are perfected or completed in is in love that's the greatest area and that's what if you read that chapter that passage is getting into that but notice you'd be perfect you be completed you'd be perfected how how even like your father is Father's Day we have a father right and here's the thing our father is our example oh can you see it our father is our example what what is perfection he is and he's our daddy children are going to be like their parents everything produces after its own kind it's the law of Genesis now had you turn to Genesis do you have that you know you don't even have to turn there I can read it to you but since you turn there not as well Genesis 1 and 27 when God made man in verse 27 it says so God created man how how in his own image I don't think we have fully appreciated that or halfway appreciated that he says he repeats it in the image of God he created them male and female created he them were made how in whose image in whose likeness his listen to the New Living so God created people in his own image God patterned them after himself said out loud God patterned me after his self God patterned me after his self but see he's been around forever from eternity past he is not developing he has arrived he is perfection you and I been around for a few breaths the reason why I'm in John first John it talks about he keeps saying my little children my little children that's not just a figure of speech we really are his little even the oldest of us are his little children this life is just not long enough to develop that much but it's enough to get started in being like him like what like our father like a fun we're created in his likeness and image but what are we supposed to do once we're born again in him it's like it's like a daddy and he has a son or a daughter that's born and they hold up the baby and they say he looks just like his daddy well yes and no what does that mean there is a lot of difference the baby's about this long daddy's 6 foot 3 right the baby's bald and got no teeth [Laughter] dad we don't know but it's different but what are we saying he looks just like his daddy well as an infant we see the similarity right but to put him side beside and say is he the fool as he retained the full stature of his father no he has not he has just begun how can you see this now and every one of us should be headed toward the fullness of the stature as some enough that you talk about the father well it said of the Christ what's the same thing what did Jesus say if you've seen me but because he is the perfect example of the father what what the who the father is like what the father is like in maturity and development so in being like Jesus it is being like the father it is the same every child needs a father and a mother right to grow up and and pattern after did you hear this God patterned them after his own self and you will everything produces after its own kind have you ever seen little kids especially little kids that have good parents parents love them with all their heart and they love their mom and daddy what do they want to be so many time little kids little boys want to be like their daddy well my daddy's in heaven my natural daddy but man that's where I was man if daddy did this and that's what I wanted to do me and my brother - we were right behind him boy if he he went out in the woods with a gun we want a gun right right if he worked on cars we won't arrange Lena nervous if you don't have a clue what you do you want to do it well that is the image that you have before you and that is your ideal that's what you want to be when you grow up that's what that's all you know and you're supposed to respect it and you're supposed to have something you can look up to mister well I didn't have a good father well that's that's regrettable but if you're born again you can never say that you have a good father right you have the best of the best and I'm gonna know in our church it ought not be said that there's no natural examples of fathers around right if you're a part of a good church there were to be fathers all fill the church family right and fathers you want to be sensitive to this and aware of this there are situations where there are you know children that have not had a proper father figure and the Lord will lead you to invest some time into their lives right they're not your blood but they're the blood of Jesus right and God would lead you to give them some input in their life so that they see what a man is supposed to be what a man of God is supposed to be same thing with mothers what a woman of God supposed to be because you know we were learning so much by what we see not just what we hear go with me if you would do Philippians Philippians the third chapter y'all believe in God with me today please do let me read some scriptures to you you there in Philippians but let me just read some others to you you can jot these down or just look at them on the screen if they're able to get them up in time first Corinthians 11:1 don't turn there just listen to more read these off quickly to you 1st Corinthians 11:1 amplified says pattern yourselves after me this is Paul talking pattern yourselves after me follow my example as I imitate and follow Christ Ephesians 5 1 amplified says therefore be imitators of God copy him and follow his example as well beloved children imitate their father is this God's Way we are encouraged to do it we're told to do it 2nd Thessalonians 3 7 in the amplified again 2nd Thessalonians 3 7 he said you know yourselves high it is necessary to imitate our example imitate our example 3rd John 11 3rd John 11 says beloved do not imitate evil but imitate good that's why it's so important what you're around because whatever you're around you'll start picking it up have you noticed that we are made such that our spirits are impressionable by who and what we are around have you noticed it have you noticed your children hmm hey if they're around of the kids are the people can they pick stuff up in a flash good or bad what will they do their limit 8 oh particularly something they respect or something that another way of saying it something they think is cool something they think is hip they'll imitate it they'll come in saying and doing stuff and really everything that we're doing begin as an imitation are you with me we come into this world a blank sheet of paper how did you learn how to talk how did you learn which eyebrow to move when you said something I'm serious yeah the nuance of every facial expression why do some people use their hands more than others when they talk body language tone where did you learn your accent why don't I talk like I'm from New Jersey [Applause] huh what really sums away is not just because I was born where it was humid right why do I talk the way I talk my first words are something I heard right I heard my parents or my grandparents I heard somebody saying and so I begin to try to say what they say right I saw them sitting at the table and reaching out their hand and putting food in their mouths and at some point I tried that myself right see we don't think about it but everything we do we begin by imitation we got it from somebody a lot of times people like to think that you know no I came up with all this on my own I'm a self-made man yeah I I originated I invented this persona no it's a composite of borrowed things you know do you see preachers get upset because somebody uses their message that's my message well if it's any good God gave it to you I assure you if it's any good you did not just come up with it on your own it's real simple if it's good it's God this bad was you well it was partly good and partly bad partly God partly just you but imitation is the way God has given us for spirits to develop now where are you right now how'd you place there go to Hebrews this is a big subject you have to be led to get it within a few minutes you know Hebrews 13 Thank You Lord Hebrews 13 and verse 7 Hebrews 13:7 says remember them which have the rule over you who have spoken to you the Word of God whose faith follow none of the translations say imitate whose faith imitate or follow considering the end of their conversation the NIV says remember your leaders who spoke the Word of God to you consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith said out loud imitate their faith now this goes back to our main text doesn't it why did God give us ministry gifts for the perfecting of the Saints without me trying to explain it to you just go back to Philippians now were you holding your place oh thank you Lord for this today let it come across strong and clear what are we supposed to do with our leaders follow their example imitate their faith right that's why it's so important for the leaders to be right because everything produces after its own kind you don't want people reproducing your faults and there's only one way to keep that from happening only one way get it out of you that's whether you're the you know the head of a church or the head of a family or the head of a business it's all the same you know that's one of the reasons why so many times parents get so upset with their kids hmm because they look up and they go I despise that why you get so animated because it's something about you that you despise and you look up and there it isn't them how'd it get in them they've been living with you for how long some didn't like this everything produces after its own kind it's the law of Genesis right now notice in Philippians 3 and 12 he said not as though I had already attained either were already what perfect now Paul said I have not I am not fully developed I have not come to the full you know manhood fully developed stage do you see why I said in the beginning of this I just write ooo assess where you think you are and then do what step back because if Paul wasn't fully developed then where are you right and he says by out of his own mouth he said I do not count myself to have already apprehended to either already perfect I follow after if that I may apprehend that for which I am apprehended of Christ Jesus what have we what has the Lord laid hold on us for to be like him there's this whole passage is emphasizing and re saying it in different ways it's Old English here but it's saying to be like him he said brethren I count not myself verse 13 to have apprehended again that I have gained and attained to the height of development in Christ but I'm not sitting here sitting here crying because I'm not there yet hmm I'm not sitting here lamenting that I got a long ways to go I'm after it I'm after it every day I'm after it I'm forgetting the things that are behind right I'm forgetting all the mistakes I'm forgetting all the times I acted like a big whiny baby yeah and a little child I'm forgetting about all that I'm just forgetting it I'm also forgetting about all the great victories because there are far greater victories that we can have and I'm not gonna set that as the high mark of my life because I can grow up I can develop I can go out beyond here I'm forgetting those things that are behind and I am a reaching forth under those things that are before what's he's reaching for I'm pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus what is that what is that that's being just like Jesus that's what that is being just like him verse 15 let us therefore as many as be what that's what this whole passage is Toma as many of us as have grown up come to our full development let us be thus minded and in if anything you be otherwise minded God will reveal even listen to you why our teenagers so often not like-minded with their parents until not good parents in maturity don't know how dumb they are right but when you grow up like one individual said you know when he was 16 he thought his daddy was a little stupid man on the planet and by the time he got to what he said about age 20 or so he was just astounded and how much his daddy had learned well it wasn't his daddy that had learned so much in four years right but see that's the thing about you know it's one thing to be done it's nothing to be so dumb you don't know you're done you're so dumb you think you're smart and you're really ignorant and blind that's pitiful in but that is the case of many adolescents natural or spiritual so spiritually people can do the same thing there's some guys I know some youth do now let me just say this children and youth do not have to go through a crazy stage that is a lie of the world as well I I keep holding my breath I mean they just turned 13 and I'm just waiting you know for the the shoe to drop you're in fear and you believe lies children are not supposed to go through rebellious phases they're not supposed to thank you for those three eight minutes they're not supposed to know but you know brother Hagin my father in the faith used to say this all the time he said you can't put a grown head on a kid and you can't write how many know when you were 10 and 12 and 13 is 16 there were some things nobody could tell you you had you had to grow you had to develop but we should have such an advantage as Christians who walk in love and walk in faith and have faith that our Father knows more than us right and trust him even though it doesn't seem that way to us trust him that he knows and he's right he is the one that we are to imitate and become more like now skip on down to the 17th verse here well let me read verse 15 again as many as be perfect be thus minded and if anything you be otherwise minded God will reveal this unto you let me say that again how do you know you're growing up you quit disagreeing with God right how do you how can a good parents I'm talking about how can they tale with their youth tell with their parents that they're growing up because they're seeing more what mom and dad is talking about their understanding more of still of it just being you know they're thinking oh you're not hip you don't live you know you're not a teenager in 2006 you don't know what's going on people talk about what things have changed so much yes and they've changed so little it's not like it was when I grew up it most certainly is very much like it was when you grew up so people don't believe that can you tell flesh has always been flesh huh whether it was in the 30s or the 40s or the 50s or the 60s or the 70s or 80s or 90s or 2000s flesh is flesh the devil is the devil temptation is temptation God is God if it wasn't something else it was this well it wasn't cocaine yeah but it might have been moonshine huh well there wasn't this yet but it was something else I mean before there was a car before there was a TV there was something right there's always been temptation there's always been flesh see the enemy has sold us this that you know not me but a lot of in the body why so that you'll think there's nothing can be done about it all our kids are growing up in a different generation and it's just that what you're saying is there's too much temptation they can't handle it there's an excuse for them going crazy not any more than for you going crazy or for me or anybody else in any other generation the basics are the same don't say yourself a bunch of junk don't let the enemy sell you now notice in Philippians 17 he went on to say brethren be followers together of me follow my example the amplified says and observe those who live after the pattern we have set for you now write down in the fourth chapter and the ninth verse 4 9 get this this all flows together you know and so Paul by the Spirit of God he says it again those things which you have what learned ahold own and learned and received how did they learn them and receive them look at the next word and what and heard and what else and what seen in me you you learned them you received them you heard them but what else you saw them in me we learn by seeing others do it more so than by being taught then there's revelation here this morning can you help me get it out can you help me with it we just read in Hebrews in fact hold your place here turn back there Hebrews 13 look at it again some of these thoughts may not be as familiar those things amory listen amplified this Philippians 4 9 he said practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me and model your way of living on it on what what you saw in me and the God of peace we'll be with you now in Hebrews 13 what was it verse 7 What did he say about your leaders hmm remember them that have the rule over you and what has spoken they've spoken to you the Word of God did he just say follow their teaching what whose faith follow considering the end of what now that's a King James word that doesn't works as well in our society today that's their lifestyle their way their manner of life God never intended that we learn just by hearing somebody tell us how to do it it's important but we must have somebody showing us how to do it oh come on are you with me now showing us and this is one of the big problems I don't care whether you're talking about mom and daddy whether you tell my pastors whether you tell my leaders in the business world you've got too much of do what I say not what I do and it does not work it does not work I know you know people say they'll tell their kids you know they're smoking cigarette after cigarette and there's smoke cloud and in the living room and their kids they look at their kids and go don't do this this is a bad habit it'll hurt you don't do it what's a good cigarette don't you tell them forbidden you you're kidding yourself you're kidding yourself they are designed to imitate you they are designed to rebuff God to reproduce you they may not do it in front of you but the first chance they get they go light up there's a no my kid won't yeah they already have you cuss and you go don't say that I never say that nobody gonna try it out first test again you get to get back to school get on the playground they're gonna try it out on their friends they learned a new word and the more you try to downplay it the more they want to know about it more you whisper about it try to hide it everything produces that it does not just what you tell what you are what you do oh come on are you with me on this this is so important it doesn't work as a Christian it doesn't work as a preacher to just get up and tell people what to do and you don't do it yourself it doesn't work you can try to hide it you can do everything you know to do but you look up and they're gonna be doing not what you said they're gonna be doing what you do I know a man that I loved he's in heaven now but he was going through a situation the Lord dealt with me I was on the other side of the country from him and he was going through something with one of his children and the Lord had me to write him a letter and I mean I didn't want to write it but the Lord had me to do it and so I prayed and prayed and tried to get out of it and tried to soften it but I just I had to do it and so I I told him because he was doing this his daughter was was you know going haywire on him and I said listen I said you cannot tell her to do something different from what you do you have to set the example don't think you're hiding stuff from her she sees it she knows it even if she doesn't know the details she picks up the spirit of it just by being around you that's what's so surprising the parents I think well they never saw me do it they've lived with you they'll get it having never seen it they'll get it it's spiritual and and the thing is she was doing some of the same things he had done and and without seeing him do it I said it does not work I said there's only one way to fix this you've got to change you you have to repent repent means change you've got to change you because as soon as she's able to get away from you she's not gonna do what you say she's gonna do what you do you might be able to control it for a little while but as soon as she gets away from you she's gonna do not what you said but what you did and sure enough it happened exactly that way God's merciful thank God even after a lot of mistakes he's merciful he's merciful but it's just so much better I said it's so much better to save yourself all the problems we learn by observation I know one I've had two of the greatest dad's my earthly natural father Billy Moore who's in heaven now and my father in the faith Kenneth Hagin who's in heaven now and I've told some of my minister friends a while back I said if Keith Moore don't make it it's not God's fault because he's given me every advantage and every good he's given me examples and I know it dad's homegoing last year one of the ladies it was there she came to me she said well she said as long as you're alive Billy Moore is alive she said every time I see you I see him and I every time you talk I hear him well that's not surprising right that's my father like father like son and then go out on the road and teach and have people tell me the same thing they said the slot keep hearing brother Hagin sometimes they said well it shouldn't be surprised that I mean with the man I was with him as long as I was with my earthly dad and I don't think you ought to try to mimic somebody I think that's what is that that's that's not right it's not real right but there are times something will come out of it just like them well everything you got came from somebody from somewhere everything and man what you know the older I get the more I thank God for these fine examples Oh glory to God I mean in ministry I mean for most everything I learned about ministry I learned from my father in the faith and I know I had been with him for a number of years and he took me on a crusade with him Phyllis and I and he's gonna allow me to speak in the mornings and he had me stand up he introduced me to the crowd as a big crowd that he said I'm gonna have a brother Keith speaking in the morning he's gonna be speaking all this week in the mornings on the subject of faith and he said I personally trained brother Keith and just said some really kind of nice things and I sat down and you might think what boy you'd be blessed about it and I was but I was a little troubled because at that point he and I had spent hardly any personal time together and so in my mind somebody personally trains you you know it's a lot of one-on-one you know you sit and talk after the service and you eat together and you pray together and and we hadn't done that now later thank God I I got some of that but at that point it was just pretty much you know seen before the service he says you know mostly he'd say uh go out there and crack him up good he's telling my leading songs he he didn't like it dead you know kid it get it going and that's pretty much what he our relationship and uh he would call on me in the public meeting come up here and do this come here and do that and so even into the evening that evening I'm thinking Lord now you know maybe I'm just thinking wrong here but it did seem like he's personally trained me help me with this and I just laid there and got quiet and prayed in the spirit so and the Lord began to minister to me he said well certainly he has certainly he has he said are more correctly I have trained you through him he said but certainly certainly he said it's not human personalities and it's not flesh that you would really want to get to know it's me it's the anointing and so many times that anointing is stronger in the service not just afterwards when you're eating nachos or when you tired this is what I'm saying so many times you got more flesh there he said sure sure he has trained you personally every day you've been sitting there on that seat every day you have seen him interpret the leading of the Spirit you have seen him yield to the anointing to teach and you have been learning every second and don't even know it I thought Oh glory to God I know it's true I know because I I'd sit something in my spirit and I know God wouldn't do something I didn't know what it was and I'd see him do exactly the right thing and go the right we'll see I just learned something I might not have took any notes but that's imprinted on my spirit I saw him do it oh come on are y'all with me now this is God's main way of developing us and training us and we have to watch because we live in the information age we live in the age of seminars and books and reading thank God for reading thank God for hearing but we must have these living examples doing it oh come on doing it in front of us in the home in the church in the business everywhere I live in breathing daddy and Mama come on now that's not just telling you and talking about how to do it but showing you how to do it demonstrating how to do it oh come on and as you see that you are going to be transformed you're going to become what you behold it will get inside you it'll imprint your spirit glory to God glory to God glory to God I know I was in the service some months ago and man started prophesying and started ministering by the gifts of the Spirit and it's so much reminded me of some meetings I had been in with brother Hagin it's so much reminded me and the thing I think I realized well it's not just him it's the same spirit just one Holy Ghost but where did I learn that I didn't have that in my notes some things are hard to describe right we should be learning how to be real men and real women real daddies among us real husbands and wives real men of God real women of God and you will not learn it just by reading the book or just by listening to some tapes thank God for it but it's not enough you need to be around it you need to see it you need to hear it come on now and it will impress your spirit you know I enjoyed flying that airplane the other day thing handles like a dream and it's nice but it's taken us you know 10 years of training to get to this place and I've studied books on this particular plane here I read you know books this thick I've read them and read them and make notes for weeks because I knew this was coming but it's just a whole nother thing when you sit down in that chair and you snap all those harnesses around you and you push that button and it goes boom [Music] and all these lights and all these bars come up this thing classroom this this thing no seminar right you pull out on the runway this this ain't no video screen this there's a bluejay over there I smell jet fuel oh right this is real right you got precept and you got example and God intends through our fathers and through our Father God our fathers in the faith and the men and women of God that God has given us all around us to impress our spirit and imprint upon us and we're learning we're learning so much we don't even know we're learning just by being around them and seeing them and hearing them mr. Dold thank God for yes I think government yes but did you know you are supposed to be a father and a mother people are supposed to be being impressed and imprinted from you through you and is that what we're talking about about growing up this is said of you just thinking I need an example I need an example you do but at some point you know Here I am today both of my father's are in heaven right they have imprinted me all that they're going to imprint it on me personally and physically but now here you are and I'm ministering to you right and I'm not looking worse my daddy up here today hmm I reckon I'm a daddy now right the same thing is true for you and for me in this short life this has to be happening all the time so do I have a responsibility to set the right example in the way I act not not just talking up here say what talking on Sunday doesn't mean a thing if there's no life to back it up right mister what I believe in that preacher well it's exactly the same for you exactly the same for you so I must be conscious everywhere I go of course you know more exposure now it is much more that way I mean all the time people are grabbing you and seeing you submissive boy you sure have to live right don't you I said well I should be anyway right because you don't know you know in anywhere you go and everywhere you go people could know you missive oh I'm glad it's not that way with me well you should live the same way anyway right being an example because how many know you can be an example to a total stranger maybe they don't know you but you can imprint their spirit you can imprint they can learn something by just watching you handle a situation watching you walk in love watching you walk in faith they can learn so much just by being around you for a few minutes can you say Amy stand up on your feet glory be to God thank you Father thank you Father let's lift up our hands to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ whoa the father of mercies the God of all comfort the father of all fathers Jesus said whatever I see the father do that's what I do whatever I hear him say that's what I say and that's how he grew up and developed in in the earth to the full stature and that's how we do it said out loud father God give me eyes that see you give me ears that hear you thank you for setting godly examples fathers in the faith thank you for showing me not just telling me but demonstrating giving me examples I will I opened my spirit and my mind and my being to be impressed by your examples and I ask you make me an example make me one like unto my lord that others could pattern after until we all come to the fullness of the measure of the stature of our Lord the Anointed One hallelujah oh come on praise them a little bit just lift your hands Lord we worship you we give you glory we exalt you we extol you we magnify you we bless your holy holy name oh thank you lord whoa thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord hallelujah let's sing only on you my eyes are only on you only you're here everybody say oh my eyes looking to you looking to you or my eyes only one singing again everybody say only only of you [Music] looking to you to you flash oh my Oh hallelujah if you had closed your eyes for a moment I've thought about Jesus though he never committed a sin though he never failed the Father yet at a certain point in his life he came down to where the people were repenting and being baptized and giving their lives to God and he came to John and he said you know for him to baptize him and John said no I keep baptize you you're to baptize me he said no just do it let scripture be fulfilled and he gave us the example I said he gave us the example to come to the Father to repent to completely submit to him to give you life to him and to wait and receive the fullness of his spirit and to go out in the anointing to serve the Lord if you've not done that you need to follow his example today you need to follow that example and give your life to Him if you'd say brother Keith I I can't say that I'm born again I can't say that I know that if I died right now I'd go to be with Jesus I don't know or I know I'm not right would you raise your hand before the Lord right where you stand if you'd say yes brother Keith pray for me I need to give my life to the Lord I need to know so I need to get this straight I need to I get it settled with God maybe you you have been saved but for whatever reasons you got away from God and you hadn't been living right at all and you say I need to come back would you raise your hand if let you if you'd say brother Keith pray for me pray for me I need to give my heart and life to the Lord would you pray for me oh thank you lord glory to God bless you Lord all my eyes only on you there might be a number of hands that are raised that are not even in this room so I want us to pray this everybody either affirm or reaffirm your faith today said out loud father God my very own father I worship you I believe in you completely I believe in your son Jesus the Christ I believe he died on the cross shed his own blood paid the full price for all my sins I believe you've raised him from the dead he's alive today King of Kings Lord of lords Jesus I confess you as Lord of my life thank you for accepting me for giving me washing me from all sin as long as you help me I will serve you as long as I live all my days you are my lord forever hallelujah well thank you lord oh thank you lord oh thank you lord is he your example are you growing up to be just like him you're gonna be just like your father like father like son like daughter it oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh thank you Lord hallelujah bless you father today if he's with you and you know maybe you could go buy him a car or something just you know honoring hallelujah and let's sing this as we go [Music] only on you not get to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 1,375
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Growing, Up, Pt, 4, Like, Father, Like, Son
Id: R6DR9m9a6PE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 55sec (5155 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2012
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