Keith Moore Faith to Receive Pt 11 Bold to Receive 2

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go to mark 11 please if you didn't bring a Bible with you this morning we have extra Bibles hold up your hand our Usher's will get one too you use one of ours turn to mark 11 watching by Internet TV get your Bible out to church time church time mark 11 for some weeks now we've been on this topic the subject of faith to receive faith to receive and we're still on that this morning in mark 11:22 anybody got any excitement in their spirit besides me this morning God has some rich things in store for us in the days and weeks and months to come hmm I'm glad I'm here mark 11 Jesus walked up to a fig tree and to see if it had any fruit on it somebody said didn't he already know apparently not that's why why walk over and see the Bible said he went to see if there was anything on it right well he's God he already knew he was God He is God but the Bible said he emptied himself he laid aside his mighty weight and power and became like other men and he operated as a man in the earth so no he didn't know but when he went there I mean one Bible encyclopedia tells us that in that part of the country that tree that time of the year if it had a show of leaves and it's size it should have had some kind of fruit on it so it had a show of fruit and no fruit it was a lion fig tree and nothing makes you more annoyed than when you're hungry and the fruit trees say I got fruit and you show up and there's no fruit there well lion fig tree he spoke he said nobody eat fruit of you from now you dry at the wrong time and the next day the disciples saw it and Mark they said Lord look how quickly that fig tree dried up it dried up from the roots something started where you couldn't see when he spoke and the leaves which were what everybody could see out here was the last thing to change how many others valuable lesson there how does faith operate every time faith begins in the unseen realm doesn't it if you were healed by faith if you get your money and your bills paid by faith you get your answers by faith whatever it is it starts unseen in the unseen realm if you'll stay with it than what is seen and felt will change and so Jesus took that as an opportunity to teach them and us about it if has some theologians teach and say if Jesus was the way they say he is he'd have said yeah what do you think about that yeah now don't try this at home you see I'm the son of God and I can do this because I made this to start with and I can talk to it and change it if I want to but now this doesn't work for you you just be impressed and if they wouldn't say it in those words but numerous people believe something along that line and yet why did Jesus teach you in Matthew 21 if you read Matthew's account of it 21 chapter 21 verse 21 22 he said it like this he said if you'd have faith and don't die you would not only do what is done to the fig tree but you could say to that mountain be removed is he telling them they could have done that hmm that's not the whole crowd I just got through quoting Bible now what's he telling them they could have done what he just did that's the thing much of the church world has never been willing to believe but around here we believe it if Jesus tells us we can done we believe we can do it we believe the works he did we can do also and greater works than these he said you'll do because they go to my father we believe it because he said so even if it seems big to our head if he said so we believe it because he's right he knows and so when the Bible says the just shall live by faith the just shall walk by faith that's what he's talking about we are to live like this every day of our lives how like Jesus operated like he dealt with that fig tree like he spoke to the wind and the waves like he spoke to demons that were causing people problems he spoke to fevers right he spoke to things and they obeyed him and he told us we could do it didn't he many Christians are not but he told us we could told us we should keep reading mark mark 11:22 jesus answered and said to them have faith in God what's the understood subject you you have faith it's obvious he has faith in God he just demonstrated it but he said you have faith in gun other words you have faith like I have faith you do what I do you do this to keep reading for verily I say to you then whosoever shall say to this mountain not just Jesus but anybody that would say be removed be cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith glory to God is he talking to us is he telling us we can do this like he did now what if folks said I know I just don't go for all that confess it and possess it and all that stuff I don't go for well if it was true what we're saying then it wouldn't work for you because of that reason if it did work by faith they would explain why it doesn't work for you because you don't believe it these signs Jesus said we'll follow those that believe not those that question it that doubt it find fault with it but those that believe it he went on to say verse 24 therefore I say to you what things soever you desire well man this this goes out beyond the fig tree and the mountain this how much crime does this cover whatever you desire what if you desire healing what if you desire money to pay your bills write whatever you desire here's what you do who's talking to me who's talking to you Jesus the head of the church does he know what he's talking about is he right what'd he tell us to do whatever you're desiring when you pray do this jesus said do this believe that you receive them then what them things you desired and asked for not enough just to want something he start enough just to need it and he didn't tell us to beg for it he said when you did he could have very easily said when you pray beg and beg sincerely couldn't he have said that if he had wanted to if that would have been what we're supposed to do and then we shouldn't be talking about you know believing we received we should be told my bag and earnestly and I'd be a preaching on begging earnestly right and then we'd act on it and if he said howl and beg brother would be the holliness begging his church in town but he didn't say that and it is tell us to do that so why are millions doing that because men have told them that and people have taken the traditions instead of the Word of God and they believe that more than they do this and millions are ignorant of the Bible they stay out of the Bible and let other people tell them what to believe in think it's a terrible tragedy and so their traditions have made the Word of God of none effect in their life he didn't tell us to beg and plead and howl what he tell us to do when you pray come on tell me what Jesus the head of the church said when you pray believe not just anything very specific believe that you receive them and what'll happen he could have said the father will take it under consideration kidney he could have said any any number of thousands of things he could have said and just leave it with us and we'll decide right he could have said and if it's the will of God he could have said all kinds of things but tell me what he said he said whatever it is you want whatever it is you're desiring whatever it is whatever it is Jesus the head of the church is talking to us whatever it is when you pray you believe that you receive it when when you pray when you pray do what believe believe what believe you receive it and Jesus said you do that and you shall have it I'm talking about the Alpha the Omega the one who's sitting at the right hand of Majesty on high the one who's about to come again sad you do this you shall have it holy jesus said it we looked up that word that word believed that you receive see a lot of people are believing a lot of things but they're not believing they receive oh I believe God is real I believe God is powerful I believe God can do anything that's great but that's not what he said believe hmm some go further I believe God wants me to have it I believe Jesus bought and paid for it I believe it belongs to us in him that's wonderful but that's not what he said to believe right what do you say believe believe that you receive them and we looked up that word receive it literally means take same word in the same King James Bible is translated take same word take believe that you take them not believe you're gonna get them not believe that someway somehow if it's God's will he'll do it he could have said belief that he didn't say believe what did he say believe believe that right then and there while you're praying you believe that you take it that's where the church is falling down right because they believe in other stuff and doing other stuff they're not doing that believe that you take it now you are not going to be bold to believe you take it unless first you're convinced it's God's will for you to have it or that he has already bought it and paid for it and giving it to you you got to know that you got to have that settled in your heart that's why you've got to know the will of God before you can pray the prayer of faith you got to know the will of God before you can pray the prayer of faith how are you gonna know the will of God how you gonna find it out so you got millions of Christians they are letting the outside circumstances tell them what the will of God is aren't they well if it happens that meant it was the will of God if it didn't happen that minute was the will of God so they're getting their information about the will of God from stuff that has already happened in a world where there's a devil and crazy people and the curse assuming that everything that happens and doesn't happen is the will of God for you is ignorant as wife even says don't be unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is do we have a responsibility to find out his will or they just bunk through life and go well Lord you know whatever happens I'll just take that as your will because I'll just assume that nothing could happen except it was your will and so if it's good or bad or indifferent or if it happened it was your will if it didn't happen it was your will and we may not understand it but we'll just try to submit to it it's your will because you just never know what God's gonna do and the implication is you can't know you can't know so let's just rock along the best we can this is untrue I said this is untrue this is not right this is not the Bible God gave us a Bible he gave us the Holy Spirit our personal teacher who lives inside us 24/7 and he gave gifts unto me and he gave us apostles and prophets and evangelists and pastors and teachers why to show us the will of God so we don't go bumping around saying wow you just never know now I know you've heard me say that many times and and people laugh but why do I keep saying it cuz millions of Christians are living by that instead of the book and it's costing them I said it's costing them while they're wild in a way you know assuming everything's the will of God the devil is stealing and he is killing and he is destroying and people Christians are blaming it Oh God it could aggravate you right somebody is good and kind and perfect as our Father my father your father and people attribute all these terrible things to him boy it makes you it tries to rile you up right you don't want somebody talking like that about your natural dead our mom and they've made mistakes how much more your heavenly father who has never lied to anybody never failed anybody right he has always been good good if it's stealing if it's killing of its destroying who did Jesus say it was he said it was the thief the devil well the father's not the thief go to Hebrews if you would Hebrews the fourth chapter how much time you got this morning Hebrews four we looked at this last week I want to go further with it now Hebrews 4:15 well 14 seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession that same words translated confession what does it matter what we hold fast to saying and how does that God what's that got to do with him being our high priest I'm to understand that the first John talks about him being our advocate he represents us he's our attorney for our defense well how many know that no matter how good of an attorney you got your testimony carries a lot of weight you can have the best attorney that there's ever been on the earth that's never lost a case but if you get I mean he and he can set you up and he can plead precedent and he can throw out everything that's against you and he can get it all set up but you take the stand and you grab the rail and go whoo I did it I'm guilty said I did it how many know you're done I don't care who your lawyer is you're done and the Lord endeavors to teach us this in the Word of God symbaloo I did do it now listen listen there's something called the blood of the Lamb and if you are washed by the blood of the Lamb then what you did is removed from before God the righteous judge of the earth and he does not see it anymore and he's the only one and that he's the judge he's the one that matters so no matter what you did who's got a video of it who's got audio recording of it you take the stand and you go I plead innocent innocent yeah by the blood of the Lamb i feet completely innocent I deserve no punishment none because I'm innocent innocent you are not innocent sure exhibit eight and they turn it on and it's blank they told you innocent well how'd it get blank the blood of the Lamb cleanses us washes us from all unrighteousness now once that important what this flows into this next verse somebody said out loud I have an advocate I have a high priest he represents me before the Father the righteous judge of all the earth and he works with my testimony you get this now so is it important what we say yes it's important because that's what he has to work with how many remember the Bible said they overcame the accuser of the Brethren they overcame him how by the blood of the Lamb and that was not all that was not and by what by the word of their testimony that meant now the Lord provided his own blood he's done the work but he needs something else he needs our testimony and what should our testimony be exactly what he said I mean it's like this maybe they caught you red-handed they got three videos of it they got five different camera angles and and then God recorded in five different languages and and you're sitting in the cell but your advocate the master comes he's never lost a case ever they said people that could him and wouldn't work with him but he's never lost a case anybody would work with him and he hands you a transcript it's called the Holy Bible he hands you this book he says now this is all you say I don't care what they say I don't care what they bring up I don't care what they try to pressure you with you say nothing but this this is all you say and even points that to you second Corinthians 5 you're the righteousness of God in Christ God supplies all my needs my stripes your heel were healed are healed he said that's all you say and if we work with him he's already got he said he's already got it done but he does work with what we say keep reading because of that verse 16 let us therefore come what boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need now this word obtained is the same word that's translated receive so we're coming boldly to the throne of grace so we can receive our tank mercy and grace and help in the time of need but this language even sounds strange to a lot of folks to come boldly before the throne of grace brother Keith God is holy he's so holy and I've made so many mistakes and I failed how can I come boldly before him how can i steam stand up in front of him must us come in there boldly to take something now this friends is where we get into this some of the summary of this why are some people bold and others are not after my believers Christians people who think about Abraham think about Moses were they bold hmm think about Abraham he and Sarah feed the Lord the angel of the Lord and who's representing speaking for the Lord and the angels and then they start to leave and he he walks with him and the angel of the Lord speaking for the Lord said shall I hide from Abraham what's about to have him he told him about Sodom and Gomorrah remember that he didn't have to tell him that why did he tell him to give him an opportunity to intercede to give him a right to change it God he's so good and he looked at the Lord and he said were you you won't destroy the innocent with the wicked will you she knows he's got kin folks over there right he said won't the judge of all the earth do right now who's he talking to did the Lord reprove him I'm in the cording to some theologians just about that time lightning should have come out right and just left a greasy spot where Abraham was standing thought the audacity of a man to dare to talk to God that way no that's people who don't know him do you know why he talked with God that way cuz he knew him like that this is the heart of the issue isn't it why are so many people so timid so fearful for the Lord's helplessness today for is they they try to color it as though they are more reverent than the rest of us what would they said about Abraham I mean I oh they'd they try to say that's okay because they know it's in the Bible but what if Abraham had stood up today and they didn't know all this and he's talking to God he said no God you gonna do right about this thing aren't you I mean it wouldn't be right to destroy the innocent with the wicked I mean won't the judge of the earth do right what the Lord said to him basically he said you're right if I find that a man of innocent people I won't destroy it because I am fair but how could he feel at liberty to talk like this this is boldness somebody say boldness Moses you see him talk to the Lord that way too right not not in arrogance no no no they they knew then he where the line was but see we got millions of people they are so timid about they hear us talking about believe you receiving ah you don't tell the Almighty what you need tells you what you need and we got whole groups of Christian folk that won't even pray to the Father directly right they don't even know him well enough they're praying the saints which the Bible never said to do did you hear me and why are people praying the saints cuz they don't think they can go directly to God are you if minute and you got so many people that are so timid and so pulled back about it oh no no I don't want to tell the Lord he can just tell me why they don't know him that's why they're out bombarding the gates kind of begging pleading wallowing instead of doing what he said come right on in to the throne of grace come boldly and take what you need so you're not gonna do that unless you know him can you see this friend this is the real issue people are this way because they don't know him are y'all with me they don't know him the Bible said in Jeremiah 9 let me just read a couple of verses to you Jeremiah 9 24 says let him that glories glory in this that he understands and knows me well if you're going to be excited about something in glory about something it ought not be about how many cars you got or your house or you know what you think you know or can quote I mean if there's anything worth getting excited about is this you have found out something about God and you actually know something about him personally you know you don't know much compared to what there is to be known and you don't claim to know all there is but you do know something about it and you've met you know something about him and this is where millions in the world don't believe us they think we just come together and look at each other and carry on but that God's not real and we're just an imagining stuff and making stuff up but is God real I said is God real how many know that you've met him I don't mean you didn't go to heaven you just see him with your eyes but you met him maybe it was an altar maybe you were praying by TV right you gave your heart to the Lord he touched you you've been born again you know you've met him you know he's real you know he's touched your spirit you know it how many would say with me nobody can take this away from me nobody would die saying this nobody ever getting me to say God is not real and I don't know him yes I do know him oh that's a lot I don't know about him I know that but I do I have met him why do you look like I didn't see what do you sound like I didn't hear him with my ears he's a spirit he's spirit and in this time in life there's going to be people that are skeptics and doubters and blasphemers and mockers and they're gonna it's gonna be no need you get upset and getting mad about it while they're that way cuz they don't know it that's why they don't believe he's real they haven't met him they don't know him it's just like if you met a human being a person a man or a woman and somebody says well no you know John Brown don't exist you say well I know he does I met him had lunch with him well now he doesn't exist because I've never seen him the fact that you never met him does not prove he doesn't exist i lunch with him okay I saw him I said his hand I talked to him I know he exists how many stand that's being bowled why would you be Bo a girl you should back it down you you why are you so adamant cuz I saw the man I struck his head why are you bold you're bold cuz you know that's why you're Bo you're bold cuz you're sure you were there when it happened you saw it you heard it he said component of grace he said this is what you are the glory about that you understand to know me that I am the lord that exercises loving-kindness judgment and righteousness and the earth in these things I delight sayeth the Lord turn with me to John 17 please John 17 I'd like to give you some more of this today don't think we're not quite done can you stay with me can you hang in if you get a little warm just loosen your tie take off your jacket what if we had no air conditioning I mean for centuries that's how that's how it was right we'd have been sitting up here sweating sweat rolling off of us Fanning with a little piece of paper and thought it was normal so we're blessed I said we're blessed said out loud I care more about the will of God than I do my own comfort that's important Monday through Saturday to John 17 are you there John 17 and verse 3 Jesus said this is life eternal what what's life eternal this is not some man's theory this is the master Jesus talking this is life eternal what that they might know you the only true God and and what that they might know Jesus Christ whom you have sent what is eternal life knowing God is there anybody really born-again that has never met God when I say met God I'm not talking about they saw him with their eyes not talking much they went to heaven you know what I'm talking about don't you anybody has been born-again knows what I'm talking about God was real to you right you got acquainted with him you met him he manifested himself to you there's no such thing as somebody that's saved born-again who doesn't know anything about God that looks on God looks on Jesus as a historical figure like you know George Washington or Abraham Lincoln or Napoleon or some other that lived years ago that they never met they don't know and yet there are people there are millions that go to churches in this country and Jesus is like that to them why because they're preachers are not even born again it's sad but it's true I've met folks that were in the ministry for decades and retired and then got born again well then what about all their people it's going to be a miracle if any of their people are born again because they didn't get it from church the new birth is not preached knowing God it's not preached to what do they preach they talk about God they they try to learn things about God but they don't know him they don't know him how many said that was the problem in Jesus day with the religious leaders of his day he told them he said search the Scriptures well that's all they did but he said search the Scriptures he said they testify of me he said and you you they weren't accepting him they're rejecting him they said he wasn't even of God why read through the passage of just fist of the middle of John there sometime and you'll see they got in this whole thing about them knowing God and he told them they didn't know God he told him they were of their father the devil did me and he said the reason you don't know me it's because you don't know him if you knew him you'd be welcoming me right how many is only was true if they really did know God those Pharisees and Sadducees would have been hugging Jesus neck and kissing his feet right but the fact that they're gonna try to shut him down they're gonna try to stone him throw him off the cliff what does that prove it proves that though they have been to seminary all their life and they can quote the law and they can quote the 10 commandments they don't know God at all I'm hungry to know him more I'm hungry for this church to be a church they don't just come and talk about God a church that comes and experiences God a church that knows he'll men and women that leave out of here old son didn't go to work on Monday and they know what to tell a co-worker they know what to tell a neighbor they know how to help them why because they know the Holy One who lives inside them and they fellowship with him night and day and they don't just quote rules and regulations and do's and don'ts they know him and it's only when you know something about him that you're gonna be bold to pray for people and believe people leave with people for miracles you're gonna be both why cuz you know him you know what his will is you know what he'll do you know what you can do so instead of all it's backpedaling and making excuses and and you know theorizing and conjecturing about Wow God is mystical and he might do this and my I'm understand when Jesus came and preached and talked the Bible said the people were astounded at his teaching and preaching and what was it specifically that astounded him he spoke with boldness he did not preach like the seminary teachers he did he spoke boldly confidently why because they knew what he's talking about and they hadn't heard anybody that knew what they talked about knew what they were talking about insane centuries some of them church after synagogue after sendagaya generation after generation and they'd hurt people getting up there theorizing and conjecturing and maybe this and maybe that and it's all up to God and we just don't know Wow friend I had all that all I ever want to have in my lifetime I won't leave all that behind me right and if one of us know what God wants let's find out right and believe we can find out and seek him till we do find out put our nose in this book do we do find out and then when we do find out be bold about it and say yeah we know what he'll do he'll do that this right here he said he would do it so this is what he'll do you're bold because you know let me give you four things that you should know that you and I need to know in order to be bold can you take this this is not the only four things you'll ever need to know I just said four things that you need to know in order to be bold and what are we still talking about we talked about receiving you're not gonna step up to the Father you're not gonna come boldly before the throne of grace and believe you receive and lay hold of a healing or lay hold of wisdom or direction or the money you need unless you know number one you should know I should know that he is God and He is good he sought not be something that we're debating about this order not be something anybody's conjecture nor theorizing about how many believe absolutely unequivocally no question about it he is God he's God he's real he's the Almighty he's all wise he's all powerful and he is good good he's good the Bible said without faith it's impossible to please him the one who approaches God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those that seek Him or diligently seek you secondly need to know this you're gonna be bold you have to know it you need to know he is my father and he loves me say that loud he is my father and he loves me say that again he is my father and he loves me well you get to send your strong enough you know this strong enough it'll make you bold it'll cause you to quit squirming around and begging and crying and carrying on you'll stand up on your feet like a man a woman of God right you'll begin act like Jesus why cuz you know he's not just God he's my father and he loves me he knows me individually he knows me personally and he loves me right I can't believe that for you I can tell you he loves you but I can't believe that for you you do understand there are millions of Christians that are not settled on this you tell them God loves them and they'll just cry and say you think so after all I've done y'all pray for me we can pray for you from now on and you don't have to believe that well I'll just I know it's anything loves me like he loves Jesus but it's just I can't believe that that's a lie that you can't believe it you choose not to believe it believing is a choice said out loud I choose to believe that God loves me well you get that in your strong I know I got that strong in me but stronger than I had in times past some years ago I stood upon my feet in my little office because I've been concerned about some certain issues and the whole course of my life and I just popped up I said Keith's gonna make it I'm just right behind myself except for the Lord I said he's gonna make it then I got stirred up got to preaching to myself I said Keith yeah it's going on all the way Keith is gonna run his whole course Keith is gonna finish his whole race Keith is gonna do all over the god for Keith why ain't because Keith is so smart it ain't because keith has done everything perfect it's because God loves Keith God loves Keith so much then if Keith needs help God will have Keith Keith's mess it up he'll tell him he'll teach him if Keith don't get it too first four times he'll tell him again if he's not getting it the sixth time he'll crank up the volume if Keith's not getting it the ninth time he'll send three people by then also love Keith as they came he gotta get this straight if Keith falls down 800 times God will pick Keith up 801 and because God loves keys he's gonna make it now what would I be bold to pop up and say that like that because it's dawning on me in an increasing fashion that this is true this is not just theory this is not just talk look go with me to two places here we could go to John four and first John four just stay with me a little bit longer how can you be bold if you know him so you're not gonna be bold with me if you don't know me if you are you're just presumptuous right if you don't know me we got no history we got no relationship and you come in bold about what I'm gonna doing what I ain't gonna do I'm gonna say hey do you need prayer you forgot where you are but if we got if we go way back and we know each other it you've been there for me and I've been there for you then you could talk to me about things that other people wouldn't bring up oh come on can you see this you would expect you at us you would presume things that I would do or say that other people wouldn't dare to presume why because you know me well enough to know that's what I want that's what I'm gonna do and it's exactly that way with us in God the more you know God and and that's it infuriates people who don't know God because it shows up their lack of knowledge of him with somebody else that comes alone and really knows him and step something is bold and says and does things and they happen it makes the other mad because because it Casey shows it right in their face it basically says you don't know God very well they know God a lot better than you do and a lot of folk are just too proud to admit that they're just too proud to acknowledge that and so they're gonna find fault with it and criticize it and try to knock it down but brother and sister if somebody knows God better than me or better than you what should we say help me I'll head to how'd you get to know him like that right I won't do it too cuz I know he's no respecter of persons if you do it for you he'll do it for me and all of us out have enough sense to know that we need to know a lot more about him we need to learn much more about him all of us much more John four in first John four John four Jesus talked for the woman at the well she went and told her family and her people and verse 40 john 4:40 when the Samaritans were come they besought him that he would tarry with them and he abode there two days and many more believed because of his own word and they said to the woman this is John 4:42 they said to the woman now we believe not because of your saying for we have heard him ourselves and what oh oh that's that word didn't it well when you why are people bold they're bold because they know and why were they why did they say they know something now see they heard her talking about him didn't he they heard her talking about him and they got stirred up but then he came and they heard him for their self and he decided ah yeah yeah yeah yeah we don't have to go through her no more if we know him we've heard him for ourselves and we know not we're thinking we hope so if well you just never know we know this can you see that we know they said that this is the indeed the Christ the Saviour of the world the debate was over the conjecture and theorizing was over now go to 1st John 4 if you got that place first John for we said four things you need to know at least these things to be bold what's the first one you need to know he's God and he's good secondly what do you need to know he's my father and he loves me listen to first John 4:16 first John 4:16 we have known and believed the love that God has to us God is love he that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him herein is our love made perfect that we may have what the more you find out about how much he loves you the bold are you gonna get that was a little weak huh I know you HOT but you are to be sweaty now I just must wash out and just who cares right when you find out how much God loves us you get bolder and bolder how in the world could you or I who's made so many mistakes have come so short who knows so little who's been so ignorant get up March right into the very holy of holies the throne room of God like we have on the place and say father I come to get some healing I miss going take me a load because I know you want me to have it I come to take me some wisdom I know you want me to have it so I'm just gonna take a bunch of it right here father there's no way a human being will never be able to do that until they know God is not glaring at them from off the throne seeing all their sins and impurities God is not glaring ready to judge you'd stay out right for fear and discomfort the only reason you'd come bold in there like that is because you know he wants you to be in there he wants to be close to you he wants you to have what you want to receive you have a right to be in there your elder brother is sitting on the throne right dad he calls you brother the father calls you son he said he said there is no fear in love verse 18 perfect love does what casts out all the fear somebody say glory to God number three what you need to know need to know this to be bold if you don't know what you won't be bold he has forgiven me and made me righteous in Jesus condemnation any guilt any shame will make you a coward when it comes to God remember Peter in the boat when he saw the great miracle of the catch of the fishes he said the best day of his life thus far he's been in the greatest meeting he's heard the greatest preaching he's been in the presence of the master he's seen the greatest catch it's their fish it's their money they don't have to work next week they don't want to they made so much money today and what does he say Lord get away from me get away from me cuz I'm a sinful man sin consciousness aware of your sin and your guilt in your shame will make you pull away from God not draw near to him it'll make you cower not be bold if you're thinking about your sins while you're trying to pray you will be ineffective your faith won't be there your boldness won't be there you got to know what you got to know tell me again what have you got to know he has forgiven me and he has made me right in his eyes because of Jesus in Jesus if you know he's not thinking about my sin he doesn't even see my sin while you're trying to talk to him you're trying to pray you know all he sees is Jesus rightness when he looks at you because you have put it on by faith you've received it and even all the sins he failed and failures you've had since you received Jesus you you acknowledged him you confess them and he has been faithful to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness and if you're forgiven you're forgiven if you're clean you're clean and so he's just looking at you like you never made a mistake he's listening to you talk to him and pray like you never did that thing that'll make you bold say that loud I know he loves me I know he has forgiven me I know he's made me righteous in Jesus the Bible said if our heart doesn't condemn us we have confidence toward God the Bible said the wicked flee when no man pursues but the righteous are bold as a lion who's bold is a lion not the guilty not the ashamed not too condemned who the righteous and by our faith in Him that's the only way we are and finally unless y'all want me to start and teach another sermon right now I think we've I got this post place broke in I mean I I think we can have Church here what do you think up I sure feel good too preaching and teaching in here huh no problems here if you're gonna be bald you got to know what's four things least these four things you want to know tell me again you ought to know he's God and he's good secondly he's my father and he loves me not I'm wondering about it I know it I know it what else he has forgiven me and made me righteous in Jesus he doesn't see my sin I got nothing to be ashamed of in front of him nothing nothing boy you could preach for a year on that right and it'd be good we need it but you can just accept it by faith no matter how you feel and fourthly if you're gonna be bold to walk right on into the throne room and pick up something and take it away hmm I'm understand you you come to my house and you get on my Harley and start it up and drive away you need to know somebody right you you don't just get on a man's Harley and leave unless unless you got that relationship right and you know that it's okay and you know they told you to do it right if they told you to do it I said of a man's house just the other day he had four or five nice bikes there he said nah Keith's riding bikes like the yours he means it right and we have that relationship when you know God and you know what his will is here's number four you know what his will is you have communed with him in his word and by his Spirit you have heard you know he has given this to me that's number four if you're gonna be bold to take it you got to know he has given this to me has he given us healing has he given us the holy spirit has he given us prosperity in the meeting of our needs and where's domin and strength then you don't need to bombard the gates and beg and plead that he'd give you some strength what do you need to do he's prepared a table Oh glory to God those people that I have relationship with that are good cooks and when they set the table and they say come eat I do not sit there and beg for potatoes and mope and hope that somebody will notice me and put some potatoes in my plate when they say everybody eat it's time to apropriate brother apropriate say apropriate apropriate what does that mean it's there it's been given don't wait for somebody to push it down your throat receive receive means why take take some you're not taking it against their will they told you George you would not be both there's been places I wasn't bold I just kind of sit back because I didn't know I don't know these people they don't know me I don't want to be presumptuous I don't know him over when you know you know them they know you there's folks I go to their house I'll just say hi and walk straight through know the refrigerator an appropriate without fear of reprieve all her anything one I know they know me I know it's there we'll come on did you hear now I know if I thought the least bit that they might begrudge me having something in there I wouldn't touch it right but I know their will I know they've given it to me already how many times do they have to tell me how many know you tell somebody nine times and then they don't use it and they act upset because they're not using it that's offensive right how many times have forgot to tell you it's yours use it use it like it's yours it is yours I give it to you well talking or to be done conjecture in theory or to be over wondering about if it's somebody's will or to be done now it's just time to uh go ride and tell him to go ride though some leaves off the road time to eat and enjoy time to receive time to appropriate can you say Amen stand up on your feet everybody glory to God somebody say glory to God glory to God glory to God I'm gonna lead you in a prayer we're going to believe God for for more revelation of him I believe it begins now I believe the Lord has us on a course right now that he intends to reveal himself to us over the next weeks and months and that we're going to know him better than we've ever known him before we're gonna see him and hear him beyond what we've seen him and heard him and it's gonna cause us to be bolder and bolder because we're sure because we know there's a lot of people want a wrangle about doctrinal points and issues but the longer I live the more I see a man or woman's spirit is more important than their doctrine for we all just know in part that means there's parts we don't know that you asked me that's every preacher you've ever heard right everybody you ever know but you know the thing that counts I don't care if you're in Russia or Africa if you're in the north of the South and the states or east or west educated uneducated color gender education wealth level none of that's something you should pay that much attention to its do they really love the Lord if a man loves the Lord he's your brother right if a woman loves though I'm gonna tell my talk I'm not talking about theory they really love him they really love him we've bannard that word love around so much till people don't know what it means but you love him and if we don't love the Lord here then we don't have anything but we do how many are willing to love him more to know him more so lift up your hands close your eyes set out loud father God thank you for revealing yourself to me I believe in you I believe in Jesus your son I believe just like you said that you sent him that he died and paid the price for all my sins that you raised him from the dead he's alive right now that he is Lord of lords and King of Kings and I confess Jesus is my lord thank you thank you for saving us lord thank you for cleansing us any things that you haven't made right before the Lord of all everybody just just keep your eyes closed and no looking around and just repent right now you don't have to do any great big fanfare thing just right where you stand all right where you watched by the internet just repent right now yeah under your breath or out loud if you're by yourself so Lord I repent for that I confess that sin that's wrong I should have done that I repent and now believe you receive His forgiveness believe you receive his cleansing and your righteousness restored right now your complete innocence by the blood and be clean and be bold before him everybody said out loud Lord I love you sincerely with all my being you are my god you are my Savior you are my lord you loved me before I ever knew you you died for me before I ever met you and I will always love you I will always serve you I desire to know you better help me to draw closer to you and I know you'll draw closer to me give me a heart to seek your face and to desire you and pursue you reveal yourself to me make known to me your goodness your greatness and I will love you more and I'll value you even more and I will live for you hallelujah hallelujah Oh hallelujah oh he's here Saints just love him love him out of your heart and with your voice Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Oh hallelujah glory to God
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 16,930
Rating: 4.8085108 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, Faith, to, Receive, Pt, 11, Bold, to, Receive, 2
Id: H4LC-AOxgrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 2sec (4082 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2012
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