Keith Finds The Best Burger EVER

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- Hi there. I'm the Internet's Keith Habersberger. And today I'm going to show you the very best place to get a burger in Los Angeles. - Hey I'm Garrick and I am going to be showing you where the best burger is in LA. - Hey everybody, I'm Rashawn. And today I'll be showing you where the best burger in LA is, because I know more than anybody. - Who knows the most about food. This is "Tailgate Debate". - This is my shitty car that's locked. Lets go! (car engine revving) - [Keith] Welcome to "Tailgate Debate" where I, the Internet's most notorious glutton, face off against two of my foodie friends at a restaurant recommendation showdown where only one can reign supreme. On today's "Tailgate Debate", we're eating burgers. Get the new track guys. Royal line. You can get it in royal red, royal blue, royal green, and royal purple - Royal. (upbeat music) - All right so today we are taking down some delicious burgers in Los Angeles. I have invited two of my friends, Rashawn, and Garrick to show me where they like to get burgers. Rashawn she's an amazing comedian and actor in LA. She's been on many, many shows. She's also just a wonderful singer, a great friend and a great personality. - Hey Keith, hey everybody. Oh my gosh, Keith, that was such a lovely intro. I feel very welcomed. I think today we're going to eat real good. I'm excited to show y'all my burger. I think my burger is going to be satisfying. - And then my other friend Garrick, I met him at Buzzfeed, but now he writes on a couple of different animated shows. He also has a burger fave in the city. - [Garrick] Hey, I'm Garrick Bernard. I love Burgers Never Say Die. It was in somebody's backyard. Now it's not. And I love it. It's so hot. It's the hottest it's ever been, lived here my entire life. And I don't know, what's making it so hot these days, but-- - Wasn't there a fire tornado the other day? - The fire tornado sure. I mean, that's typical L.A. We do that all the time. - What? - [Garrick] That's what we are. - That's not regular. No. - So today, each of us are repping a different burger stand. We're going to go to my favorite place first. So I'm going to set it up for you. This is not where you would expect to go get a great burger in L.A, because I'm taking us to Yuca's, which is a taco stand it's in Los Feliz. It mostly makes Yucatan style tacos and burritos and tortillas and that jazz, but they also have this unbelievable, beautiful hamburger or cheeseburger or double or double both. It's incredibly simple. So we are at Yuca's. We all have our Yuca's burger. Let's just give him the smell everybody. (happy music) - It smells like a happy meal. - Yeah, it doesn't it kind of smell like a happy meal? - It does. - It smells like the ball pit, but in a positive way. (happy music) It's like very much like you think a burger would look like on a TV show, like a cartoon. - This feels like the closest to a crabby patty that I've seen quite some time. (Rashawn laughs) - Yeah. Let's dive in. Let's do it. - All right. (upbeat music) This is, I think this is the most people that I've ever watched me eat before. (all laughing) - [Keith] Really? - And I am pretty excited by it. (Garrick laughs) - [Rashawn] I really like the patty. You know how your mom can make the best like pancakes, even though you've probably had pancakes from like, you know, the king of pancakes, but you go home and you're like, man, this is real done right. - Every time I eat this burger, I like feel bad every time I bite it because there's one less bite left to eat. You know. I think the condiments it's just like ketchup, mustard and mayo. It's very simple, but the chopped onions and the lettuce, it just like melds together into such a flavorful bite. - The ratio of bread to meat value is fantastic. I think they're about equal. - No I was looking at a cross-section. Mine's not toasted on the bottom. Like yours is Keith. - Oh, mine is hot and sexy on the bottom over here. - They knew that Keith would come. - Now they are giving Keith the better burger. - This burger made me feel like I was back in high school and I was at my like local burger joint. And I had just gotten like the cast list just went up for into the woods and I was not cast as a witch. (Rashawn chuckles) And to still let that linger, but I've got a good burger. So I feel good about myself. What's the prize that comes with this burger, if it was the Yuca happy meal? - Aha, aha I want it to be like a little Bart Simpson on a skateboard. - Mine was always like the little, the little clown from Twisted Metal. (all laughing) Sweet Tooth is his name. It takes you back to your childhood, like ratatouille. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - I'm just a Milestone Peris. I mean snub for the Oscar that one. (upbeat music) - All right so Yuca's was delicious. I think I've already proven that my burger choice is the best, but you guys, you know, you're here as well to show yours. So Garrick a little bit about where we're going now? - All right. We're going to Burgers Never Say Die. (upbeat music) I love it. It's great. It's a nice little small burger just like Yuca's, but better I would say. (all laughing) Started off, he was just grilling burgers in his backyard. Word of mouth started. And he was just like, okay, I'll start inviting people. And he started sending out like an email blast saying like, Hey, I'm grilling. - [Keith] And what kind of burger is it? - [Garrick] It's a smurf burger. So really small. And it's like, dense. - I'm looking at this burger and it looks pretty damn good. It is like beautifully. Wow. These patties are so thin. - [Rashawn] Damn, the presentation on this thing. Oh, this is a double patty. - Wow. Holy shit. This is so like-- - It just got these crispy layers, check that out. It's like-- - It's like baked on or like baked on both sides. Like I love, I love it so much. - All right. Let's dive into it. Let's do it. - [Rashawn] Very flavorful in the patty and almost tastes like a pork sausage to me. - This is definitely fried on a grill top. You can taste like the little bit of like oil and fat from the burger. Just stayed on it to crisping it up a ton. The pickles are great. They give a nice amount of balance for being the only real topping other than the-- - Yeah, we don't have any onion on here. We've got double layer patty cheese. Maybe there are some fine onions in here. - [Garrick] Aha there some chopped onions in there. - I feel like very happy fat. You know, your body doesn't even bother to convert this. And it like its a now energy is like, no, we will need a week to deal with this. - Yeah. - The bun I'm going to be honest is the bun we had the first time was better. - Yeah. I like the bun at Yuca's better. - [Keith] But the meat has such a good hamburger flavor. And a crispy outside is such a good texture. And it's only crispy 'cause it's extra fatty on that side, but it's so good. - This is a summertime burger. - Yeah. This looks like a typical like insurance commercial. (all laughing) Doing like a, you know. - [Keith] Kinda like a cricket wireless. Here is to hanging with your friends. - 'Cause you're eating burgers, and then all of a sudden, you know, it's for, you know, life insurance. - [Keith] You're going to die someday and you're going to want your kids to be okay. (Rashawn laughing) Wow. That was really good. You know, I think that, I'm not sure yet I'm not ready to call a winner. Since we've only had two. - We are going to Monty's to get ourselves a impossible burger. - [Garrick] I have been wanting to try Monty's for so long. I live down the street. There is always a line. There is like rain or shine, COVID or not. There is a line down the block. - You know, if it tastes good, people are going to get into it. I like the, I feel like the fear people have with vegan food, one it's people who are like, I'm a vegan. Get into it. It's like, all right, girl, well, you have no personality. So you changed your diet. We get it. - (beep) you! (all laughing) - I'm just happy there's so much science dedicated to making fake meat taste delicious. - [Garrick] Yes. - [Keith] We're not solving the ozone here. - Yeah. - So we at least make a carrot taste like a hot dog. (Garrick laughs) Have you bought baby hot dogs, the way you buy baby carrots? (Rashawn and Garrick laughing) Just like a bag full of water and hot dog. - [Garrick] Yeah. (Rashawn laughs loudly) - Why are they so wet? - They are always so wet. - Baby carrots are just like soaking wet. (Keith and Garrick laughing) - 'Cause they've been sitting in that bag, dude, because they're supposed to be grown carrots and they just chop off grown carrots and say, no, you're a baby now. - Walk as carrots. (Garrick laughs) I am gonna make that. - After the text of Cady and of Megan? - Of Cady and Megan. - Eww - Just when you peel us carrots. (Rashawn laughs) (upbeat music) - [Rashawn] Well, I'm taking y'all to Monty's to get a vegan burger, which I know it stacked up against, you know, some real cow. It could be a hard uphill battle as we're driving up hill and meet personally for impossible or like meat alternatives. If it just tastes right. If it's like put together well I'm into it and I'm not bothered by the fact that it's not meaty. - Rashawn I'm hoping this is as delicious as you're leading us on. - This is going to be the one Keith, Garrick I think you guys are going to be blown away by this burger. I'm telling you this is the winner right here. (upbeat music) - All right lets look at this burger. - All right guys, we got here, a good old Monty burger. - I got to say this one looks the best out of the three. - It definitely is sexy. And look at the caramelized onions. They are brown. They're fully caramelized. - That's a nice brioche. - First I want to say that this burger kind of looks like it'd be, it could be a burger puppet. - Yeah. - Yes. - It looks like a guitar. - Like, Hey. - Hello. My name is Burger. I love lettuce, and my tongue is made of tomato. - But I'm going to judge this as if it wasn't a vegan burger. I'm just going to dive in. - Just bite it. - [Rashawn] Oh yeah. That's a good burger man. - That is a good burger. I think it's the fake cheese that is sticking out to me the most. - So the pickle is a little like it's really cucumbery, which I don't, I don't hate. I like that. You know? (Rashawn laughs) - It's okay to say how you feel Garrick it's okay. - No. I like it. - Are these sweet pickles? Is that what's happening here? I'm gonna try a pickle by itself. No, go for it. Yeah. They're sweet pickles. That's the curve ball. I typically don't have sweet pickles on my burger, but I'm I'm into it. - I think its a good, I can literally taste everything. It doesn't taste like grease. - No. - Not that the grease was horrible. It was obviously flavorful, but I'm tasting each individual element. - Definitely the most like topping filled burger of the day. We're getting all this stuff. - Cheese, tomato, the lettuce. It's not like a big crispy piece of wood. But it does the job. - This gets points just off of it being guilt-free. (all laughing) I could take down like three, four of these. - That's what I was saying. Like the first time I got it, I just got a single patty but after you take a bite, you're like I could do a double. - I could do a double. This is the biggest burger of the day, which is very funny that it is also the most healthy. I really like the burger. I think the meat is fooling me, but the cheese doesn't fool me. That's probably my one drawback with the burger is that I can tell the cheese isn't real. And for me, whenever I do get like vegan meat, I get real cheese on it. If I'm going to cheeseburger, just like cheese is the hardest one, the hardest thing. But I'm crushing this burger. So I can't hate it that much. (all laughing) - But you cross every burger Keith. So. - Yeah. You're guessing right. I'm also proud that all of us picked burgers that are like simple. - If you were to take your, like your grandma to get a burger and you know, she's no muss, no fuss. I would take her to any of these places and be like, this is the burger. It's very simple. Not too froufrou. You can eat this and feel like you got your money's worth. And you are full. - Stop trying to elevate burgers. - Stop. - Just let them be trashy food. No no. That's okay. - You're putting your burger who clearly wants to do break dancing in the ballet class and you know what, let him break dance. - Everybody wants to show off how good they are at cooking or how much they studied in the culinary arts school. And it's just like, that's great. But at the end of the day, Frank Ocean, as smart as he is and as beautiful of a lyricist he is wrote Justin Bieber songs because there's an art in that too, man. We've got to simplify it at the end of the day. - He said, what do you mean? You want to say yes, but you mean say no, those are complicated, deep lyrics. - Yeah. - [Keith] Okay. So we've tried all three burgers, but now it's time for us to choose the best of the best. Who had the best burger place? We're going to park, get out, sit on our tail gates and debate. (all laughing) - Let's take it. - Here we go. We all loved Yuca's. It was delicious. But what did you think? Give me a real critique of the Yuca's burger. - That was great. I liked how really small it was. That was like one of my favorite things is that it was like a snack. - But I really liked the bun on Yuca's burger because it was still very juicy and greasy, but it was just blended into it. The fact that it had ketchup and mustard on it, was kind of a game changer because most people are like one or the other. - [Garrick] So, and then we went to Burgers Never Say Die, the place that started in the backyard, but now it is not. Now it is a thriving business. - Burgers Never Say Die. Like that was delicious. I thought the meat on that was like the best beef patty of the day. - [Garrick] Yeah. - [Keith] Like the crispy edges. - I like the story behind the burger. I think that also like drew me in, again the bun wasn't my favorite. If I could take the bun from Yuca and put it with the meat of that one, that'd be a fire burger. - [Keith] What'd you think of Monty's? - [Garrick] Monty's is great. I love Monty's. I love the guilt freeness of it. We are not hurting anything. - Except for plants. - Except for plants. - And who cares about plants? - Nobody cares. - Nobody cares about plants. - Everybody everywhere. You are a vegan. You are a vegan. You are a vegan. - Set fire to the Amazon again. No don't, don't do that. - Lets save more plants than cows. You can't fake the cheese for me. That was probably my one negative of the burger, but I thought it was the most restaurant style burger of the day. It was actually big. It was very beautiful. Okay. But now it's time to choose our favorite burger place of the day. And so that none of us influence anyone anymore. We're just going to count to three and yell out your favorite one, two, three. - Yuca's - Yuca's - Never Say Die. God damn it I said -- - What did you say? - I said Yuca's. - I said Yuca's. - I said mine. - You said yours? - I also said mine but I do think mine was the best. (all laughing) Mine was the best. And Rashawn knows it's true. (all laughing) Mine is the best. - You are cheating, no. - Yeah I get . It was like a close tie to me. (upbeat music) I like Burgers Never Say Die because I'm biased. And I chose my own and I'm selfish, I don't give a (beep) But I do think it made you feel the most gross, and I think burgers should make you feel disgusted. - But that's not-- (Rashawn laughs) - Let me say all the burgers today were delicious and phenomenal. - Yeah. - I just thought that the Yuca's had the most great things going on at once. - Yes. - But I do think every burger had something that was better than the other burgers. - I mean, it's, I think it was the bun that truly did it for me. I would take the bun from Yuca's, the patty from Burgers Never Say Die. And then the vegetables, - Oh yeah shit. . from Monty's. - Shit. - That's the (beep) mega burger. - If anybody wants to do that and just set it up and just like serve it as like your own thing in your backyard, that's a million dollar deal right there. - Well, today was great. Thanks so much to Rashawn and Garrick for joining me today. Unfortunately it turns out I am the best when it comes to food and today proved it. I converted Rashawn, thrilled to win my own show feels good. (all laughing) Feels great. Give me the finger. (Keith cheers) It is a little crazy that a taco stand won the burger episode. - That's the most LA shit I have ever seen. (Garrick and Keith laughing) It was like, Oh yeah. - Also dry cleaners. I wouldn't be surprised. - Right. Yeah. - Come to LA and you think you're going to a restaurant and it's like, specializes in one thing, no, they make donuts. They make burgers. They make pizza and you can wash your jacket. - It used to be a button factory and now its all of these things. - Now it's the set of new girl. (all laughing) - Do you want to see some of my friends back for another episode? Let us know in the comments below. Until next time, this is "Tailgate Debate". I (beep) won! See you next time! "Tailgates Debate" is brought to you by Keith's chicken sauce and Keith's Habersberger sauce. Get yourself some bottles today. (upbeat music) ♪ And a burger flew around my room ♪ ♪ For you Garrick excuse the fries you made ♪ (Garrick laughing) - Song writing is easy.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,161,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, eat the menu, best burger, keith eats, keith and freinds, burger, cheeseburger, vegan burger, impossible burger, vegan cheese, monty's good burger, good burger, chef, cooking, eating, food competition, best, worst, popular, most popular, food recommendations
Id: lAEfsz5_8XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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