KDP Keyword Research Guide for No Content and Low Content Books - Keyword Search Tips

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hello everybody and welcome to today's video and today I'm going to be looking at keyword research and in particular how I do my keyword research now my name is Paul miles and I do videos on how to make it to keep it and grow it and that's your money I'm talking about and also in these strange times how to survive and prosper so if you like videos like that then remember to hit the subscribe button and also smash that bell to receive notifications when I produce more videos like this and also if you do like it give it a thumbs up it's very much appreciated so today I'm going to show you how I do my keyword research and I'm going to keep this as simple as possible because my actual the main bulk of my keyword research is relatively simple now what are keywords well they're the words that people type into the search bar on Amazon and I'm going to use the example of teacher appreciation as an example of a keyword they type those into the search bar in Amazon and then they get the search results and those words can either be a word a couple of words or a whole string of words they're known as keywords and they're roughly divided into short tail keywords which are three words or less and long tail keywords which are four words or more now wise keyword research important well it's because keywords are vital in making sales they're the thing that links your customer to your product or your notebook or journal or whatever it is you're creating they're the lifeblood of sales if you like you could imagine you could write the best book in the world or create the best notebook or journal or planner or whatever the best in the world but if you've not got the right keywords in the title the subtitle and in your seven keyword boxes then nobody's going to find that book and you're never going to make a sale it's possible to produce a pretty average book right of an average book or or produce an average notebook but make lots of sales because you've got your keywords right and that means the book is getting in front of the customer so if you get your keywords right the customer will see your books and there's a good chance that you make sales so I devote probably most of my time to doing keyword research then I do actually creating the books and it's something I enjoy so that's not a problem for me and I've also got into a system which I'm going to show you now keywords research is a little bit like gold mining now imagine an area of land and you've got these parcels of land and on each parcel there's gold nuggets now you're going to find some parcels of land which have got loads of gold nuggets on but are almost impossible to get to so you're never going to collect that gold you're going to have some parcels of land nice and flat got roads leading to it easy to get to but there's no gold nuggets on there so you can get there people can find your book with your keyword but you can't collect any nuggets so it's getting somewhere in between you want the parcel of land that's relatively easy to get to and it's still got some gold nuggets on there that you can collect and make money from so it's the same with keywords there's going to be keywords that are very popular there's a lot of competition so the potentially a lot of money but they're too difficult to to rank for on Amazon so nobody ever sees your book so it's difficult to make sales and then you're going to get those keywords usually the the longer tail keywords are the less popular still being searched for but when people do search for the keywords your book appears and you're more likely to make a sale and then the other end of the spectrum is going to be those keywords that there's no competition at all or relatively small amount of competition but they're not being searched for that often and so you're unlikely to make sales now I said earlier I'm going to keep this as simple as possible there are advanced tools that you can use but they all the advanced tools you use just get sort the extra icing on the cake and I think they're only useful if you're a more of an advanced level or you're just trying to eke out those extra few sales by getting those keywords that nobody else is looking for my technique the basics of my keyword research mainly Justin revolves around using the Amazon search bar now yes I do use some more advanced tools like the helium 10 suite and publish your rocket but I don't use them as often as I could and my best-selling books this was including books that I've written before best-selling books just from doing basic research in the Amazon search bar okay so let's get to it now first of all what you're going to need to do is get a spreadsheet together now this could be on excel or as I do I just use Google sheets and I write out a few columns once the key word one for the search results one for the average bestsellers rank enough tell you how we're going to calculate that shortly and one for search volume now you're going to also need to download two chrome plugins it's not vital but they are very useful in getting extra keywords from the Amazon search bar one is keywords everywhere now this is a paid-for plug-in it costs $10 for a hundred thousand credits I've had mine going I think since about last September and I've only used 61 thousand credits and I think that's a real worthwhile investment and if you're taking this book business seriously I can't recommend this enough and the other one is a free tool called amz suggestion expander you can go search for those on Google just put in a MZ suggestion expander chrome plug-in and the same for keywords everywhere keywords everywhere chrome plug-in and download those onto your computer into your your browser and I'll tell you what they do in one moment so we've got our spreadsheet okay and then we're going to go to Amazon now as I've done before I'm used teacher appreciation eggs as an example this is just an example again don't go writing comments saying all we should all create teacher appreciation notebooks this is just an example so nice easy example that alights use so providing you've done your niche research you've come up with a good niche okay and in this case as an example we're going to use teacher appreciation as an egg's as a niche that we're going to be digging down into so you've done your nice research and you decided that this particular niche is potentially profitable so in this case we've got teacher appreciation so we go over to Amazon and we're putting in teacher appreciation and you'll see here we get a whole list of keywords now these are important for two reasons one they're the keywords that people are writing into the search bar because these are the popular keywords Amazon knows people are attended to search for so we know straight away that these are keywords that people are going to be searching for so they're vital are very important and also when someone goes into Amazon and puts in a keyword into the search bar Amazon gives them some such so these are words that people are also most likely going to click on so we look at teacher appreciation and we want to look at keywords that are relevant to what we're selling for example teacher appreciation gift cards waste of time if you're selling notebooks planners journals etc same for teacher appreciation no notes teacher patience appreciation stickers waste of time ignore them however teacher appreciation gifts now that could be something that's this that pertains to our notebooks so teach appreciation gifts and it's got a search volume of twenty two thousand two hundred bear in mind this is not the search number on Amazon this is search number on Google but it does give us an idea and may be useful in our research process so I'd go along to our spreadsheet and put in teacher appreciation gifts as our first keyword and we're going to put in the search volume now it was about twenty-two thousand so I'll put that in there now next thing I'm going to put into the search bar teacher appreciation gifts press ENTER now there's two important things we want to look at one is the search results here is 50,000 go to our spreadsheet put in the search results 50,000 and then we're going to look at what comes up in the search results and we're going to be looking in particular for products that we sell so we're looking for things like journals notebooks and sin it seeing if there are any for sale on the first page now as you can see it's mainly dominated by these gifts key rings and such but there are a couple of notebooks and we can see here if we hover over it says these are independently published so these are the ones that published KDP so these the ones were interested in now if there are notebooks on the first page I'm only going to be looking on the first page take the average of the top three bestsellers ranks sir so here we've got ninety seven thousand four hundred and seventy two and make a note of that and I'm going to search down got another one here that hasn't got any that must be just newly listed and we've got one here four seven nine so you want the top three on the first page this one's not going to ranked this one's got a ranked knife or five we've got knife or five so the top three we're going to take the average off so take open my calculator and just gonna do it just generally so ninety seven thousand plus four hundred seventy nine thousand plus nine four five now this isn't actually going to be a keyword I'm going to use and I'm going to tell you why in a moment so we've got the total divided by three so we've got an average bestsellers rank of five hundred and seven thousand so we put that onto our spreadsheet now in order for a keyword to qualify as something that I would consider using I want search results less than one thousand so you can see with the teacher appreciation gifts were on fifty three fifty thousand 50 thousand search results you're going to be competing with fifty thousand other products so for me that would wipe out the this keyword altogether I wouldn't even calculate the the bestsellers ranks but I've done it just for your benefit to show you what I do and then we've got the average bestsellers ranks of the top three books and in again in order for that mollify for my criteria as a keyword I possibly use the bestsellers rank has got to be less than 300,000 you see with a bestsellers rank of 300,000 that we would expect I've done that three million earth there we go three hundred thousand we would expect possibly sixteen sales per month now abuses calculator and compared it on my books and it's relatively accurate gives you a good idea and so I'm looking to create a book where there's a minimum of 16 sales per month so one sale approximately every other day now some books you won't achieve that some books you'll do a lot better than that so that's why I use 300,000 that's my target so I'll keep the the keyword in there it might be useful at some point but this doesn't fulfill my criteria I want searches of less than 1000 and I want an average bestsellers rank of the top three books of lessons 300 thousand now the reason I do the bestsellers ranks the average of less than 300 thousand is that I want to make sure that people are buying the books already I want to make sure that there is a market for the book I'm not particularly interested in trying to build a new market I want to go where the money is already going so if you know those books that are making sales you know that's where money is being spent and that's where I'm going to go and attack now you might say but look I've got I've got keywords here it's less than a thousand in the search results and there's no other books there for sale you know I'm gonna make a killing well that's not right that that's possible but I think you're wasting your time I think you would be wasting your time I'd be wasting my time because you're trying to go for a market that you're not too sure about you don't know that's that's there now these no books do you know a lot of and can be quite quick to produce so there's no harming in going for that but with experience I want to try and get sales from every book I produce okay so I stick to these criteria quite religiously so now we've got teacher appreciation gifts so that's another word we've put in now into our into our search box there's no other relevant search terms come up now I want to just go back to teacher appreciation for a moment now you see we had the am said suggestion expander well this is where disappeared this is where it comes into its own it gives you some extra keywords so teacher appreciation notepads now that could be relevant to us people looking for notepads might be looking for journals or notebooks so I'll use that one now this is for words or more such as a longtail keywords and again I'll put that onto thee I'll just copy and paste that into my spreadsheet now search results mm that's more than I I'm really interested in so if you wanted to you could go ahead and look for notebooks similar to ones you're going to be designing like this again it says down here creates base independent platform publishing platform and you could go and calculate the the top three bestsellers ranks however straight away that doesn't fulfill my criteria so I probably wouldn't even bother wasting my time at the moment calculating the average bestsellers ranks of the top three books I'd go on to be finding more keywords now this is what I do so we've got teacher appreciation here now if you write in your keyword then space start with the letter A see what words come up they're not delete go to letter B see what words come up and I'll go through the alphabet like that so nothing 4d Oh try that dissing no nothing 4d what comes up for anything and I'll work my way through the alphabet and eventually you'll come up with with a letter there we go much coming up okay we've got notes and notepads have done that and so on you know what you know what I'm doing so that's just an example then I'll put in teacher appreciation notebook see what appears and that doesn't even appear as suggestion in the in the Amazon search bar so that wouldn't be a keyword I would be particularly targeting same for teacher appreciation journal okay so now the next thing I would do is I've got a list of words that I will add to teach your appreciation so some of these are adjectives so first one would be funny so I put in funny teach appreciation now that might be let's just delete that start again so nothing comes up a funny teacher appreciation but I'm just going to try just funny teacher now we've got a couple of ideas here funny teacher notebook funny teacher gifts funny teacher book now these phony teacher gifts for women now these could be things that could pertain to our niche and could apply to a teacher appreciation okay so let's pick the funny teacher gifts I'll go for the first one sixty thousand results now that's going to go into the spreadsheet but at sixty thousand results that's not going to not going to interest me really at the moment so funny teacher gifts for women now this might be something more applicable wow we're still looking at sixty thousand results so again and that would go to the on to the spreadsheet but wouldn't fulfill the criteria so I've got a number of different words that are used funny cute teacher appreciation nothing comes up to teacher appreciation but something cute teacher cute gifts for teachers so that could work so let's see how many searches are 80,000 results there are some notebooks there but with 80,000 results you're going to be looking you know the competition's gonna be too great so let's look at teacher appreciation gag gift and I say this is on my list I've got a small list here of words that I often will use again a lot of search results now teacher appreciation is a very common niche it's a very combinations a there's a lot of competitive keywords so you know the end of the day you may not find any that fulfilled the criteria now other words I use are also cool teacher you know and it takes time to this you can see I've got to work through these words I would combine them with teacher and teacher appreciation and then we've got and also like to also add in things like for men for women so teacher appreciation gift for women excuse the spelling mistake again forty thousand results no have upset Amazon probably cuz I'm upsetting them by putting in too many keywords that's the first time that's actually happened for me so hopefully it won't happen again I've put a list of these words that I use in the description down below so just take a look at them these are funny cute gag gift gift present gift for funny gift for cute gift for a present for a leaving gift for that could be a leaving gift for a teacher farewell gift for a teacher cool teacher appreciation gifts and then you've got the for women for men for daughter for son obviously the obviously there for daughter and for son wouldn't apply to teacher appreciation although actually it could I'm thinking about young son or daughters but it could be an older son or daughter so forget that okay so you see how we've done it and so with you'd end up with a whole list of keywords here whole list of search results and a whole list of average bestsellers ranks for the top best-selling ranked products on the first page and you would pick out those keywords that had a search results of less than a thousand and an average bestsellers ranks of less than 300 thousand and then you would pick those keywords now what I would do is pick the one pick the keywords that have got obviously a search results of less than a thousand and then pick the keywords with the lowest average bestsellers ranks because that means there's books that are selling well when they appear for that keyword I mean there may be selling well because they're selling on a different keyword but at least you know they're appearing for that keyword and I would target those keywords now I tend to use a short tail keyword if I can find one that fulfills our criteria and put that in the title I would then in the subtitle put two longtail keywords that fulfill the criteria but make it look natural don't just put them together you know you can put something like teacher appreciation gift for women and cool gifts for a teacher that doesn't sound right but you see where I'm going with that just make it either that I'd have to write it out just make it look natural now you've got your list of your keywords and you're going to use most of those words in the title and the subtitle most of those single words are going to be used up the words that you don't use you are then going to put in your seventh keyword boxes I don't put phrases in my seven keyword boxes I put single words and these are going to be words that haven't been used in the title or subtitle but appear up appear on my list of keywords so I hope that explains how I do my keyword research you could probably ask 10 notebook journal publishers what they do and they're probably all come come out with a different a different technique a different method of doing it but we'll probably in a roundabout way come to very similar results and these are results that I think of works reasonably well for myself and my son also does these books and he uses the same technique and also again does reasonably well I'm not selling millions of books but I'm selling I think a decent number and so this has worked for me so that's it for now I'm sure you've got questions on this method and if you do please let me know in the comments below and I'll try my best to answer them or do another video around the questions and if you do like the video give it a thumbs up remember to hit the subscribe button and smash that notification bell so that when I do the next video you're gonna be one of the first to see it so that's it for now take care stay safe okay stay safe and I'll speak to you again soon bye bye
Channel: Paul Marles
Views: 76,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KDP Keywords, kdp keywords strategy, kdp keywords rules, kdp keywords categories, kdp keyword tips, kdp keyword search tips, kdp keyword tool, kdp publishing keywords, low content book keyword research, low content books keywords, low content book keywords, keyword research for low content books, kdp keyword research, low content books, low content books kdp, low content books amazon, paul marles, shashwat ashiya, kelli publish, no content books, rachel harrison sund
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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