Income Report Amazon KDP | 20 Coloring Books = How Much Money?

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how many coloring books does it take to make 1 000 pounds on Amazon per month stay tuned to find out I've been making coloring books for Amazon KDP now for almost a whole year so let's take a little look at the first 20 books I've created and see how they've performed in this video I'm going to be completely transparent with all my titles how much every single book has made how much money I've spent on ads in order to gather the sales right at the end of the video we'll look at the total profit and then I'll also tell you how many coloring books you need to make in order to make a thousand pounds a month so just to caveat this video everything's going to be done in English Pounds seeing as I'm based in the UK but hopefully for everyone else it's pretty easy to understand how much that is for you in your country so ever since mid-journey came out last year I've been using AI to create coloring books quality of those coloring books has improved drastically especially over the last sort of six months so we're gonna have a quick look at 20 of my coloring books from the first one I ever made up until the last one I produced maybe a couple of months ago so let's look at these 20 books on the Amazon KDP royalties dashboard and see how many sales we've made over the past approximately seven months so as you can see here we started publishing coloring books towards the end of November in 2022. fortunately for me this was just in time for that December Christmas boom on Amazon and therefore we got a nice boost in December but then as you can see after that there was a big drop off but then they have steadied and and shown a little bit of growth every month so I started with a dinosaurs in space coloring book and a Lucha Libra wrestling coloring book those were the two that really took off in December and got most of the sales but then as you can see here on the December bar we did start publishing a few more in time for Christmas I also don't think it's a coincidence that these two tended to be our best sellers most of the months so it kind of shows that once something starts selling once something starts ranking for a keyword that you're going to get organic sales along the way for a good period of time so for the past seven months the dinosaurs in space has been my number one coloring book every single month and if we scroll down we can see our top selling coloring books over the past seven months okay so number one dinosaurs in space this was my first ever coloring book uh I did put a lot of time and effort into it and did some Niche research around dinosaur clearing books for adults so it ranks quite well for a few keywords and the interior is really really nice especially for mid-journey at that time this was created back in November as I mentioned um so if I was to recreate this book now it would be a lot stronger but it's still a really fun coloring book and the reviews have generally been really positive about this book so this one has sold 223 copies over the past seven months coming down to the wrestling coloring book Lucha Libre one we sold 93 of those and as you can see here the majority of our sales are in the US but then we do have a good amount in the UK and some in Canada and just occasional purchases in other countries coming down further we've got a lazy Labrador coloring book I wanted to Target the dog lovers Niche um I did find it quite hard to get this one to rank and most of these uh orders were actually from ads in the end and I've not really got this one to rank very well for keywords so I'm not sure how many that's going to sell moving forward then we have another dinosaur coloring book I created this one because of the popularity of of the first one the dinosaurs in space coloring book but as you can see here it's only got 10 of the sales of the first one so it also shows that Amazon publishing can involve a bit of luck uh it can be about the time that you publish what keywords you end up ranking for how the ads perform and all of that can help generate your organic sales which is where you're going to make the most money in the most profit in the long term so this one didn't perform as well as the dinosaurs in space one and then coming down we've got a few more we have an insects coloring book which ranks pretty well but there's just not that much demand for the keywords that I ended up ranking for I tried a few different fun ones here so we've got the book of beards again I was thinking like really Niche down uh beard coloring book found it quite easy to rank for that keyword but again I think outside of Christmas how many people are really going to be searching for that and probably not that many and the sales kind of show that um I then went a bit broader with a fish coloring book I think this is probably one of my best covers you can see here it stands out really nicely on thumbnail view uh it's using a later version of mid Journey so the pages are really nice but again the sales are pretty low so I'm still working on that one with getting the keywords to rank for fish coloring book fish color in the book for adults Etc but I'm hoping that come Christmas some of these books will start taking off and getting a few more sales and then moving down to some of the ones that didn't really perform very well you've got an alien coloring book a cat's in space coloring book again trying to play on the popularity of the dinosaur dinosaurs in space I thought maybe a cat's in space and again I'll try that again here with the dogs in space but you know even though that this is one of my favorite coloring books that I've ever created the dogs in space one it's got six sales and I think every single one of those was fire ads so it kind of shows that it doesn't really matter how good your coloring book is it's all about ranking for those keywords or getting it out there and getting sales uh we've got a few more here Sweet Treats a hipster coloring book this was my uh kids Halloween coloring book that I was trying which I found it really hard to to get sales for I found that the kids Halloween uh keywords very very expensive um and so I ended up turning off Those ads and just uh accepting that that one might not sell we've then got a swear word coloring book which uh the ads don't work for con I can't run ads for that book due to swearing so they were just four organic sales I think they were like me and my friends um and then you've got a few here which we've got a couple of sales so you can actually see here the bottom before uh this one actually bought a copy myself so the bottom four have got zero sales on Amazon apart from this one which is the one that I bought for myself so out of the 20 4 have got zero sales so that's about 20 of the books that I've created have literally not sold at all it'd be really interesting to hear if that's uh similar with you so for me it seems like one or two tend to perform really well you've then got a decent amount kind of in them in the middle and then the bottom twenty percent just aren't selling okay so overall we managed 534 sales for the 20 books pretty much over the past seven months but I suppose what you want to know is how much money that is and so those orders equate to 1 384 pounds and 29 Pence so what you need to remember about this figure is that it doesn't include any tax and it doesn't include any AD spend or expenses so this is the amount of Revenue that I've brought in for myself that will have to take tax off of that'll have to take expenses out of which we'll go into a little bit later but for now let's have a little look at how much money each book has made as you can see here the dinosaurs in space coloring book has made 603 pounds over the past sort of seven months so that kind of shows the power of Amazon KDP uh once you start ranking well for a keyword and get those sales coming in coloring books can make a decent amount of money but then as we scroll down you can kind of see a lot of these books are making sort of between 10 and 80 pounds so that's not really much money especially if you need to pay for cover creation and taking into account how much time that you're going to spend on these books then then scrolling right down to the bottom seven of these 20 books haven't even made 10 pounds and that is the experience that I've found so far with Amazon KDP you either rank well and sell well or it's very very hard to sell your books so if I'm looking at this and thinking are my best coloring books selling the best my answer would actually probably be no I think the reason why this dinosaurs in space book is selling so well and has sold so well is I released it just before Christmas so there is an active audience there looking for coloring books um I investigated the niche and I was trying to rank for some key keywords that I knew people were searching for and then I've then had organic sales coming to that book from those keyword Search terms the wrestling coloring book actually got a few sales organically through Reddit and Facebook and then the rest of the sales have pretty much been through ads and some organic Search terms so if I was taking some learnings from this it would probably be release your book a month and a half to two months in advance of when you're trying to like get that big sales push so if you're releasing a Christmas coloring book you might want to release at the end of October early November go hard on your ad spend and then hopefully you'll get those organic sales when people are searching for it as well and so this is the amount of money I've made off these 20 books but there's nothing to say that these won't continue selling and making me money over the next one to 10 years even so that'll be something interesting to come back to and actually figure out what the lifetime value is of these books because they are still generating a few sales per month but I think this is a really good indication for now especially within the first first sort of seven months of how much money you can expect to make on your coloring books the one thing I do want to say is that if you just create 20 coloring books upload them to Amazon don't put the niche research in and don't spend any money on ads you probably won't make that you probably won't even make that much money so as you'll see soon we'll go into how much money I've spent on ads which has helped to rank some of these coloring books for their keywords and help to almost get the ball rolling with Amazon with pushing those books out and getting sales okay so going on to ad spend there are 20 books here I've got tons of campaigns running for them across multiple countries so I had to go and tally up how much money I've spent on ads in the past sort of seven eight months on these books and the results are I've spent 230 pounds in the UK Marketplace 582 dollars in the U.S Marketplace thirteen dollars and twenty cents in Australia and seventy dollars in Canada so once I've changed all of those values to pounds and rounded it up a little bit I have spent approximately 723 pounds on ads on these books now if you're not great with maths don't worry I'm going to put the numbers on the screen right now and that we and we can see from the royalties of 1 384 pounds and 29 Pence taking off the ad spend of 723 pounds that we have made 661 pounds and 29 Pence on these 20 bucks however in order to make these coloring books we had to make the coloring pages which kind of makes sense as mentioned I've been utilizing mid-journey AI to create these coloring pages and that costs approximately 30 pounds a month I did have a break for one month which I've taken off and I did a couple of months on a lower tier so over those seven months my mid-journey expenses has been 170 pounds approximately give or take and in terms of other expenses I could take up other things like a creative Fabrica subscription but those are things I already had in place and that aren't bespoke to these coloring books and I would have had anyway so for this video the only expense I'm going to remove is the mid-journey cost now if we're taking that 661 pound profit minusing the expense of mid-journey we come out with 491 pounds and 29 Pence so almost 500 pounds that is how much money I have made off of my first 20 coloring books across the last seven months now has it been worth all of my time and effort to make these coloring books in order to make 500 quid definitely no is the short answer but what I'm hoping to do is to grow my following to create more volume of books and as it keeps growing and growing and growing I'm hoping to make more and more money also over the long term I'm hoping that these books continue to earn a small amount of money which will keep improving the amount of profit that I make I'd also like to think that I'm getting better at needs to research I'm getting much better on my Amazon ads and turning off ads that aren't working properly trying to make the books rank for keywords Etc so I'm hoping that this is a really good starting point to build on with my first 20 books and then for my next 20 books I hope to make even more money so one thing I've not mentioned yet about these books is I was creating them part-time around a full-time job so I also need to pay tax on these earnings and I'm not sure if you know how the UK tax system works but with the amount of money I made through other income these books would be taxed at 40 percent so the amount of tax I'd have to pay on this would be approximately 196 pounds and 52 Pence that actually means the total amount of money I have in my pocket after paying a tax man after paying all of my expenses from all the time and effort spent making 20 coloring books is 294 pounds and 77 Pence whilst that is not a lot of money over seven months it is additional revenue and the idea is this is going to create income over a large amount of time and that I can keep replicating this success building on it and making more profit over the next 20 40 60 80 coloring books breaking this down because tax differs in different countries and you might not need to pay tax if you're below a certain threshold the amount of money that I've made per book is 24 pounds and 56 Pence and then taking off the tax for me that means that each book has made me a take home of 14 pounds and 63 Pence that means for every coloring book I create I can expect to make about 15 quid now you know that are you still gonna pump out all of those coloring books I hope so this is of course just my experience with these coloring books some people might have made no money other people might have made 50 000 off of 20 books you just don't know this is just an honest account of my experience publishing on Amazon KDP the aim of this channel my aim and hopefully your aim as well is to generate some decent income through selling books if we take a thousand pounds profit as a good first Target using this data we can see that you would need to create approximately 194 coloring books to make a thousand pounds profit and if you're doing this around a full-time job and you are within that 40 tax bracket for example you might even need to make over 300 coloring books to hit a thousand pounds take home every month for now we're going to focus on the profit area so just under 200 books that's 10 times what I've done in the past six months now I'm getting quicker at my coloring books my coloring books are getting better AI is getting better and that gives me a good Target to aim for and the hope would be within those 200 books that I create some of them are going to rank better for keywords some of them might go viral on social media and get shared around and then hopefully you're also going to continue to generate money over the long term as well so I always love to look at data like this what it does is it just puts it on the page there it shows how much money I've made per book and it shows me how many books I would need to make in order to generate a thousand pounds profit a month unfortunately this video isn't one of those where I claim to have made twenty thousand dollars from a single coloring book you know those are few and far between and I feel like this is a slightly more realistic look at what publishing on Amazon KDP could look like especially for newcomers who haven't got the head completely around ads yet as I had in a few months ago what I think would be really useful is in say six months time have a look at my next 20 coloring books knowing adds a little bit better creating better products and seeing how they're performing compared to these 20. that'll give us even more data and then we're well on our way to creating those 200 coloring books that I need to make a thousand pounds per month I hope that you found this honest and transparent review of my first 20 coloring books useful don't forget to hit that like And subscribe button and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Self Publishing Empire
Views: 403,990
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Keywords: kdp, amazon kdp, self publishing, book publishing, making money online, side hustle, book side hustle, how to amazon kdp, income report kdp, amazon kdp income report, amazon kdp profit, how much on kdp, how much can i make kdp, book publishinng money, coloring book kdp, coloring books kdp, coloring book income, how much does a coloring book make, how much does kdp make, kdp income, kdp finances, kdp in depth, amazon kdp report, kdp income 2023, kdp income report 2023
Id: Q-jRtiRBQ1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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