HOW TO INCREASE KDP BOOK SALES: How I Find Profitable KDP Niches and Keywords

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in order to be a successful kdp low content book publisher or publisher of conventional books for that matter you need to make sales now sales can be broadly split into two factors one is traffic and the other is conversion now conversion deals with things like cover design pricing description titles and subtitles but we're going to put that to one side for the moment and concentrate on traffic and that's where i want to introduce you to the kdp sales quadrant now before we get on to that if you've not been here before my name is paul miles and i do videos on how to make it keep it and grow it and that's your money i'm talking about and if you do like videos like that then please do give it a thumbs up because it helps with the algorithm hit the subscribe button and also smash that notification bell to receive notification of when i produce more videos like this so let's go and have a look at the kdp sales quadrant now sales consist of two main factors one is demand is there a market for your book do people want to buy it in the first place and two the competition how many other people are producing similar books to yours and are you able to get your book in front of customers eyeballs now in the bottom left hand quadrant we've got the low demand low competition books now i thought of an example of this and it could be something like a log book for collectors of 17th century french poetry now i don't need to go to amazon to tell you that the demand for that is probably pretty low however the competition would also be low so if you did produce a book like that you probably rank highly but you wouldn't make many if any sales so that's an area we want to to ignore completely and then we come on to the bottom right quadrant which is those low demand high competition niches now an example of this at the moment would be something like the valentine's day notebook niche and if we have a look on amazon and search for valentine's day notebook we can see here we've got 5 000 results and that's quite a lot and if we look down the list we can see that the best sellers ranks are quite high we've got 699 000 there 2.6 million 1.1 million 2.1 million so for this we're in currently the low demand high competition area and i say this is just an example because coming up to valentine's day this would flip over to the top right quadrant which would be the high demand high competition niches and this also applies to keywords as well it applies to niche research and it applies to keyword research so we come to the right top right hand side quadrant where we've got those high demand high competition books now this quadrant is okay if you're going to be running things like amazon ads if you're going to spend money if you're going to invest money create ads and get your book in front of people's eyeballs that way now let's have a look at a good example of this and this would be the coloring book niche now look at the search results 70 000 huge competition but look at the the bsr numbers the best sellers ranked numbers the lower the better it means more sales and these are below a thousand we've got 376 194 488 394 less than 2 000 i mean for best sellers ranks like these one book will give you a full-time income but the chances if you were to go out tomorrow create a colouring book use the colouring book keywords the chances are you wouldn't rank at all because you could be competing against all these books you'd be competing essentially against 70 000 other books now quick note on this i'm doing a search in the all category i'll leave a link to a video above of why i'm looking in the all category and not the books category because it's a question i get commonly asked and a reasonable question too so this would fall into the high demand high competition and as i said unless you're planning on running ads investing in ads you want to ignore this at the start so we come to the top left quadrant and that is the high demand low competition and this is the holy grail this is where we want to be those niches where there's a big market but there isn't much competition so how do we classify the high demand now when i say high demand i'm not looking at the sort of the coloring book level where there's a huge demand and the same for things like the the handwriting the broad handwriting niche or the broad puzzle book niche where there's huge demands what i'm looking for is three books on the first page with best sellers ranks of less than three hundred thousand that's my first criteria why three hundred thousand well again let's go and have a look at a book sales calculator and this one i find at to be quite accurate in fact it does under report slightly the number of sales but compared to a lot i find this to be particularly accurate so for 300 000 we're looking at 16 sales per month now you may want to modify your criteria and go okay i'm not bothered about 16 sales i'm happy with less i'll go i'll use 400 000 as my criteria but for me this is what i do i use 300 000 as my criteria because for that i'd be selling about 16 books per month now if you consider that an average book sells for 6.99 you're going to be looking at making 1.90 so for that you're looking in the region and making 30 per month off one book now you may say paul you know thirty dollars per month one book i wanna make more than that but consider it like this if you've got one book making thirty dollars per month that one book's gonna make you 360 dollars per year now a lot of these books are only going to take you a day to make at most my best-selling book took me about half an hour to an hour so creating one of these books in a day is highly achievable now granted things like coloring books and some puzzle books it's going to take you longer to produce those but the potential rewards might be greater as we've seen so if you're producing one book a day that's making 360 dollars a year and you can repeat that each day you can see how that can quickly amount to quite a sizable income over 12 months now granted not every book you produce is going to be a home run and for whatever reason some sometimes you can't find a reason you just can't get a book to rank and that's happened to me and i'm sure that'll be it'll happen to you if you create enough books but you don't have to create that many home runs as i call it to to build quite a sizable yearly income so that deals with demand so we're just looking for three books on the first page when doing the initial niche research of less than three hundred thousand and then we come to the competition now for the competition i'm looking for search results on amazon of a thousand or less now as we saw with coloring books we've got seventy thousand so that's way too many and again i'm searching in the old category so i'm looking for search results of a thousand or less it means that the competition is not too bad it's it's entirely possible to rank on the first page with that the lower the number the better now ranking on the first page is the aim of any book you produce now if you're doing searches on google the first search result on the list usually gets about 40 of the traffic but that's because people are are putting a particular question into google and looking for a specific answer and google will normally put the the best website that answers that question at the number one spot so that gets most of the traffic now with amazon people tend to browse it'd be a bit like similar to going into a shopping mall and saying i'm gonna buy a black t-shirt and if you're going to google and pick in the first search result you'll be going to the first shop black t-shirt i'll have it but you don't do that what you do is you might see a black t-shirt there but you want to then go and browse around the other shops to see if there are some similar designs see if there's some different prices and then pick what you like the best and that happens on amazon as well people tend to browse and they'll browse on the first page so if you can get your book on the first page that's good that's the main aim now the higher you get your bunk rank book ranking on that first page the better and if you can get to that number one spot well that's the the best position to be and yes you're still going to get a big chunk of the traffic so when i'm thinking about creating a book i ask myself two questions is there a market for this book and how do i get that book in front of customers so first of all we've got the initial nice research is there a demand for this particular book this particular niche and you can start in a number of ways one is that the free method which we'll cover initially and this is what i do for most of my niche research so you could go in and start with general terms like coloring book and then just look down the search page and it's a bit like going down a rabbit hole and you can have a look see what other types of books are being produced in this main niche to see if there's any good sub niches so if i go down here we can see we've got oh one here drinking animals colouring book so that i'd open up another browser tab and put in drinking animals colouring book and you can see straight away we've got search results of 235 so that meets our criteria so it's less competition in this niche and if we scroll down we've got a bestsellers rank here of 991. 232 000 got one here 48 000 73 000 so straight away we know there's a demand here people are buying these books we've got three books with bestsellers ranks of less than 30 000. so what i would do is get a piece of technology or two pieces of technology one is called the pen and the other is a notebook this is just a field type field notes type notebook and you can write it all in there and i've got a few of these all filled out with with different niche ideas and also what i do i've got an app called microsoft to do which has got a huge list and as you go through this process you get all these niche ideas and you get to the point where you've got more niche ideas and you've got time to produce these types of book but you could just have a little you know do this in the notes app on your your phone or something like that it's very simple these these are just getting ideas and you'll come across these once you start doing this and say you just come across lots and lots of different ideas more than you can you can handle now another way and i'm going to give you these other methods because people do ask me for niche ideas or how do you find the easy niches it requires work unless you want to pay for it so we've got creative fabrica this is a great tool for finding niches and you can just go there search for kdp interiors and see what comes up now this is also a fantastic source for interiors i've bought lots of interiors off this site and created some successful books with them i used to create a lot of materials but i still do create a lot of my interiors from scratch but this just saves that process and i'll import some into adobe illustrator and make modifications to them but in terms of getting ideas for niches putting kdp interiors and just scroll down and straight away you've got ideas already thanksgiving mazes trip planners coin trackers visitor log books flight log books so you could then go back in and put in things like flight log books see what comes up is there a market for this niche let's have a look 269 results competition isn't that high so then you go through look at the the best sellers ranks of books that have been listed there does it meet the criteria of less than 300 000 yes goes into your list so that's one way if you've bought tangent templates which i highly recommend it's a one-off payment i think it's about 59 as fantastic interiors in fact my best-selling book which makes currently around the 1500 mark a month came from one of these tangent templates interiors didn't make any modifications to it at all just used it as is but again great ideas for niches you know storybook journals sheet music if we go down sermon journals spell journals comic book interiors there's lots garden journals and another option if you want to pay is book bolt i've shown this recently in some other videos if you go to the cloud module you can search the top 100 best-selling notebooks and again it comes up with niche ideas and these are the the initial ideas before you get into the the the keyword research so we've got sketchbooks spell books popular because halloween's coming up handwriting practice books you can just search down and you've these are all ranked by best sellers ranks and i think this is a subscription 9.99 per month i'll leave the link below so you can get a special offer on that if you wanted to use something like this graph paper notebooks that's one i'm currently looking at at the moment or sis japanese writing notebooks there's loads here so we're now picking the niches with demand so we're we're getting the ideas of what's in demand now the next question i ask myself is how do we get that in front of people's eyes well we need to know what they're looking for and one of the best ways again is free and that's when you come down to the keyword research how do we find what people are actually searching for so if we know that we've got a good chance of putting that book in front of them because there's no point in choosing something like a drinking animals coloring book and then choosing your main keyword which you put in your title or subtitle as coloring book for everyone that likes animals drinking because people probably not searching for that so we need to find those search words and again let's go to amazon now one way i didn't cover of finding good niche ideas is in lists of keywords i actually sell in my gumroad shop again link below i've got lots of different niches there coloring books puzzle books handwriting books and what you can do is open up one of the spreadsheets and we're going to work through this as an example now we know that coloring book was highly competitive but we've got the coloring book keywords that i sell and i've done the amazon search results for you and if we just scroll down and look for those a thousand or less we've got one here adult coloring books for men hunting so i'd go back into amazon and put in hunting coloring book and search now we've got 373 results so that ticks our first criteria of low competition and now is there a demand in this particular niche well we've got one here best sellers rank 101 000 i've got deer that's given me another idea for a niche but we'll leave that for the moment 143 000 so we've got two 534 a bit high 914 a bit high will we get there let's scroll down hunting coloring book for men 244 000. boom we got our three so that meets our criteria we know this is a a word people are searching for and it meets our criteria of good to high demand and low competition so what i would then do is open up a blank a spreadsheet now you can i'm doing this in excel you can do this in google sheets and have three columns keyword amazon search results best sellers rank of less than 300 000. i've done a fourth column here which we'll come to in a moment but it's not crucial so i've put in hunting colouring book okay amazon search results i think it was 372 does it me fulfill our criteria of three books less than 300 000 yes so that goes in as our first keyword now the beauty of doing research on amazon is that amazon is going to tell us what people are searching for because if you watch here we put in hunting coloring book we've got these suggestions that amazon have given us they've done the work for us they're telling us that people are actually searching for these keywords and also when customers do do the search these keywords have been shown and customers will click on them so it's a double whammy a double bonus if you like so you can go to the next keyword click on it or put it into the search bar search for it now this one gives us 3 000 results so competition's high and again if we search down does it meet our criteria for for three bucks less than 300 000 then that data then goes into your your spreadsheet so you put in the next keyword there and you end up building this spreadsheet and then from that you can then go and pick those keywords to use in your book in the title and subtitle that fulfilled the criteria of low competition and high demand which is this top left quadrant that's what we're looking for that's the uh our aim now what i would also suggest you doing is is installing a chrome plugging into your browser called amz suggestion expander and what that will do is i'll show you here if we put in coloring book again not only do we get these amazon suggestions here on the left but we also get these other suggestions here from the plug-in and again you've got to take each one put it into the amazon search bar look at the number of search results look at as to whether there's three books less bestsellers ranks of less than 300 000 then put it into your your spreadsheet and you'll end up with this big list that you can choose from it does take time but you do get to learn the niche pretty well you do get to find out those valuable keywords and you also find other spin-off niches as well like i did there we found the deer coloring book which may be a nice little profitable niche i hadn't come across that before that's going to go into my list for later if you don't want to go through this manually and you've got a bit of money to invest you may want to speed this up now i've used publisher rocket for a long time and i've found lots of good keywords here now this will give you not only keywords but it also give you an extra piece of information well a couple of pieces in fact one if there's google searches two how much a book if you published it might make you a month but more importantly it will give you this column here the estimated searches on amazon per month now for hunting colin book it says less than 100 so that doesn't really give us useful information but say for example here dear hunting book it tells us that there's approximately 881 searches on amazon per month so this could go into your fourth column if you're using something like publisher rocket and again there's a link below to all these tools that i mentioned in this video and i might add i do get a small commission if you do decide to purchase which does help to fund this channel and helps me to create all this content so the reason amazon searches are of benefit is that if you're if you've got a few keywords there that fulfill our criteria of the the high good demand low competition and you're not sure which one to choose then you could go to the amazon searches column and say well actually i know this keyword's got a lot more searches on amazon i'll pick that now a slightly more expensive tool you know if you want to really speed things up you're already making a bit of money maybe or you've got money to invest up front if you just you know if you are start starting out and that's the helium 10 platform it has lots of different modules each module you do have to pay for you can buy all the modules in one which might be useful if you are creating a good publishing business and looking at lots of different niches and what we're looking at here is the magnet 2 keyword research module now to subscribe to this it's a monthly subscription unlike publisher rocket which is just a one-off payment i think it's around about 37 per month but it does provide a lot more information if i put in hunting coloring book here and scroll down we can see if we look here we've got hunting coloring books for men now problem with some of these tools is they can give you a lot more information that you need but having said that they can also give you ideas for other niches and other keywords because if you look here woodland creatures colouring book i wouldn't have thought about that but it's giving us this extra keyword here it's telling us the amazon search volume per month so it says that 465 people are searching for this from per month and the competing products are only 168 so that fulfills our top left quadrant good demand low competition so it saves you having to go through all that manual process on the amazon search page and if we go down here look we've got hunting coloring books for men 122 people searching for it a month or the 122 searches per month it may just be one person searching all that number of times and competing products 321 meets our criteria of being less than a thousand so this gives us a lot more information it speeds things up considerably but you do have to pay for it and to be honest i've invested money in this because i'm already making money from my books when i was starting off and in fact my best-selling books i i found out the keywords by just going through that free process on the amazon search bar so once you've done that you build up this nice spreadsheet of keywords and then you can target those in your titles subtitles description if you're looking for that google ranking as well so if you use this method if you refer to this quadrant you'll be reminded of what you're trying to achieve because it's so easy to get blown off course and start trying to create those high demand high competition books because they're they're glamorous or even you know you go down a rabbit hole and end up with these low demand low competition niches and you just don't end up making sales so you can use this to help keep you on course and you know if you do that you've got a good chance of making sales now not every book will be successful in fact most of my books aren't successful part of that reason is because i didn't have this quadrant i didn't have this idea that i formulated in the first place and i was going after those low demand books i was then going after the high demand high competition books they weren't selling and it's only when i started experimenting that a light bulb went off and i started making sales in books and what i found was it was those niches and those keywords with good demand but with the low competition so if you adopt this method you've got a good chance of making sales and essentially that's what this is all about making those sales and if you find you've got books that you you follow this method with that don't make sales don't worry just move on i've got books like that and for whatever reason i don't know they just don't sell you know i look into it i've even run ads on those books and they should rank but they just don't but the important thing is most of the time they do and it works and that's the important thing you're going to get more home runs than not if you use this method it's going to give you the best chance of success so i hope you found that useful and you know print out a screenshot if you want me to to send this i could put it somewhere as a pdf for you to download and you could use this put it up on the wall just to remind you use it as your your navigating charts i live on a boat so i'm using nautical terms so i hope you found that useful if you did please do give it a thumbs up if not give it a thumbs down but please do make sure you hit the subscribe button and smash that notification bell and until next time goodbye
Channel: Paul Marles
Views: 75,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low content books, kdp low content books, kindle direct publishing, how to increase kdp sales, no content books, kdp sales, kdp book sales, kdp sales quadrant, kdp publishing, low content publishing, kdp, make money online, self publishing, kdp low content, kdp amazon, paul marles, passive income, amazon kdp publishing, book bolt, kdp niche research, kdp niches 2020, helium 10, helium 10 tutorial, magnet 2, publisher rocket, kdp keyword research, kdp keyword strategy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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