How to CORRECTLY Fill Out the 7 Keyword Boxes | KDP Low Content Books Keywords Strategy Tutorial

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hi my name is amin and in this video i'm going to go over my strategy when it comes to filling out the seven keyword boxes in the back end like you see here but before i begin if you find these kinds of videos helpful then don't forget to like it and also make sure that you subscribe to my channel so that you get notified for future videos now when it comes to picking out keywords for the back end one thing you've got to realize is that uh the keywords in the backend they don't have as much weight compared to keywords in the front end so i'll just show you an example of one of my books you can see here that this mood tracker journal um it's got the title itself is a keyword and i also have another keyword here daily health and wellness diary so these keywords they have much more weight compared to keywords in the back end and that's something that i've learned during the two or three years i've been doing kdp now when it comes to doing keyword research there's two ways of doing it and one way is through paid tools such as merchant words helium 10 and publisher rocket but in this video i'm going to show you a freeway and in my opinion this freeway is just as good or almost as good as using paid tools however i'm not going to go too much into details for keyword research that's for another video and if you'd like me to make another video on it then do let me know down in the comments below so the first thing i'm going to do is find those keywords so you can see that as i mentioned i'm using mood tracker as an example so what i've done is i've gone on to another tab and i've searched for that particular keyword so you can see here that i've searched for mood tracker so if i scroll down you can see that there's many books related to this particular keyword so what i'm looking for now are potential keywords which i can use in the back end so you can see here that this book has the has the keyword mood tracker journal so i'm going to do is head over to another tab and i'm going to type that in so mood tracker journal and you can see here that even before typing it in it's generated a lot of keywords so what i'm looking for here are keywords that are closest to the search results and not keywords that are near the bottom and the reason for this is because keywords that are closer to the search results are getting searched more compared to keywords at the bottom so what i want to do is get those keywords that are being searched for the most and put them in the front end or back end so that my books get showed for them and they make a lot more sales because people are searching for them more so what i'm going to do now is grab some of these long tail keywords so mood tracker mood tracker journal so i'm just going to jot them down in a spreadsheet which i have open here so i'm just going to type it in mood tracker and then mood tracker journal so i have two long tail keywords here now and what i'm also going to do is grab singular keywords to also put in the back end so over here you can see 2022 you can see planner women so i'm just going to type all of that in and i'm going to type it in over here so 2022 planner men women and these singular keywords they're going to come in handy later on when it comes to filling out the blank spaces in the keyword boxes so so far i've got these two keywords now i'm going to search for more keywords so i'm going to go back over here to this tab and then scroll down and look for other keywords so you can see here that this book has the keyword mental health tracker so i'm going to search for this as well so you can see here that there's more keywords mental health journal mental health books so i'm just going to jot this one down and then some singular words as well so i'm going to so i'm going to jot down awareness gifts and then is there anything here i can't see anything here that's relevant so just awareness and gifts so if i continue to type this keyword in so mental health i'm just going to see if anything else comes up d so you can see here that this mental health diary where it's appearing right at the bottom which tells me that it's not getting searched as much but i'm still going to take the singular keyword and instead of d if i type in t you can see that there's the word tracker as well but once again it's not getting searched for as much so i'm just going to take the singular word and over here you can see that there's 20 22 so i might as well put in 2023 as well so that next year if someone types in 2023 the journal will show up and what you don't want to do is include words that aren't relevant such as share or bedroom or anything of that sort which aren't relevant because that goes against kdp guidelines and what you want to do is always remain within the guidelines but what you can include are words such as tools stuff so i'm going to include these as well and also you can see here that there's the word feelings so the word feelings is related to mood so i'm also going to jot that down as well okay so i'm just going to search for another keyword so going back to this tab here this one i'm just going to scroll down and look for other keywords there's singular keywords i can see here like anxiety gratitude if your book has a section of gratitude you might want to include this keyword as well goals so i'm just going to jot these down as well anxiety goals gratitude and let me see if i can find more long tail keywords a long tail keyword i can see here is well-being journal so i'm going to type that in to see if it appears in the search bar so you can see that this keyword appears here in the search bar as well so i'm just going to include a couple of these so i'm going to include this one well-being journal for women and well-being journal notebook so ideally you want between 10 and 15 long tail keywords and then later on you're going to decide which ones would be the most suitable to use that will bring about the most profit but this is something you're going to have to do on your own and for the purpose of this video i'm just going to continue to the next step which is to search for these keywords and decide which long tail keywords to use in the back end so i've added in a few more keywords as you can see here and what you want to do is you also want to add in a few more singular words so what you can do is gather them from other similar books or what you can do is just think of singular keywords that are related to your niche and then once that's done what i like to do is open up several tabs and search for all of these long tail keywords to decide which ones to use so you can see here that i've got a total of eight long tail keywords but you can only use seven in the back end usually i'll have more between 10 and 15 so what you want to do is search for all of these and then decide which ones to use so you can see here that i've searched for all of them so there's two things i'm looking for now number one is for relevant books to show up for the keyword so if i scroll down you can see that these books are similar to the ones that i made which means that this keyword is relevant to the niche and number two is for the keyword to have low competition so if i go up you can see that this one's displaying a search result of three thousand so what i'm looking for are keywords that are five thousand or less so this one fits the criteria so i'm going to head back over to the spreadsheet and i'm going to mark this one as green and then i'm going to move on to the next keyword so you can see that this one's even better it only has 2 000 search results so if i scroll down you can see that once again this keyword is relevant to the niche so i'm also going to mark this keyword as green and this one over here i'm just going to change it to orange and then moving on to the next keyword you can see that this one has over 10 000 results so if i scroll down you can see that um some of these books are relevant but the keywords also displaying other books that aren't related to the niche so what i'm going to do is mark this keyword as read and these colors are just me assigning priority ratings so so green keywords will have the most priority when it comes to putting them inside the keyword boxes whereas red ones are going to have low priority so let's move on to the next keyword you can see that this one only has a thousand results and if i scroll down you can see that these books there once again they're not they're not very relevant while the same time they're related to the niche so what i'm going to do is mark this keyword as orange so in this way what you want to do is assign priority ratings to all of your keywords and then once you've done that you should have something that looks like this and once again you're not just going to have eight or nine keywords long tail keywords you're going to have more ideally between 10 and 15. so when you do this make sure you take your time you don't do it as quick as i'm doing it i'm only doing it to keep the video short and not too long and now it's time to fill out the seven keyword boxes so what i like to do is fill up the beginning parts of the boxes with long tail keywords and then fill in the rest of the gaps with short singular keywords so i'm just going to add in my keywords so i'm going to give priority to the green and orange ones first so i'm just going to copy them to the back end so mood tracker and then mood tracker journal i'm going to ignore the red one for now and you can see here that there's a lot of repetition of keywords and to be honest there's differences of opinions regarding this some people say that you shouldn't repeat any keywords and there's no use in repeating them others say that it's okay for long tail keywords and i fall into that group of people and and i've found success in repeating keywords when it's necessary and also you've got to bear in mind that these are long tail keywords so mood tracker isn't the same as mood tracker journal well being journal for women isn't the same as well-being notebook and i find that this is something that works for me and once you've done that what you want to do is fill up the rest of the gaps with the singular keywords you've come up with so over here 2022 2023 men women awareness gifts diary tracker feelings and it doesn't really matter which box you're putting them in so what you want to do is in a similar way fill up all of the remaining spaces and you can see here that this box is empty so sometimes what i do is instead of having seven long tail keywords i'll have five and the remaining two boxes i'll just put in singular words so that's up to you and there's no exact science when it comes to filling out these keyword boxes you've just got to start somewhere and once you find something that works for you you continue to use that method so what you want to do is think of relevant keywords to fill up these gaps but if you can't think of any what you shouldn't do is include keywords that are irrelevant so sometimes if i can't think of any keywords i'll just leave the spaces as blank and you can see here that that's exactly what i've done with this book here so you can see that there's a lot of blank spaces i couldn't come up with additional keywords to fill up these blank spaces but that's totally fine in fact this book here is actually one of my best sellers and i sell between seven to ten copies a day and that wraps up this video i hope you found it beneficial and if you did then make sure you like here and also subscribe to my channel for more videos like this
Channel: Royalty Wizard (Amazon KDP)
Views: 15,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kdp, kdp low content books, low content books, kindle direct publishing, kindle direct publishing tutorial, kindle direct publishing 2022, amazon kdp, kdp publishing, low content publishing, low content publishing amazon, low content publishing kdp, low content publishing course, kdp tips, paul marles, mikkelsen twins, shashwat, kdp tutorialvideo, passive income online, kdp passive income, kdp amazon, self publishing online
Id: cw6Bay7gZp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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