KD Nash Weekly Shabbat Service NASHVILLE TN - 09/04/2021

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[Music] hallelujah [Music] come and praise the lord hallelujah [Music] come and praise the lord praise him with the symbols praise him with the dance praise him with the surefire praise him with the heart praise him with the drum and the flute praise it with your heart [Music] come and praise the lord hallelujah [Music] [Music] come and praise [Music] praise him with the symbol praise him with the dance praise him with the shofar praise your hand praise him with the tim brown praise him with the heart praise him with the drum and the flute and praising [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] and praise hallelujah lord come and praise the lord [Music] volcano [Music] [Music] no daily oh [Music] yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hello hello hey hello hello [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] hello yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] so [Music] but there was so much [Music] shabbat shalom welcome to cold od and we would invite you to stand up please with us and we face the east toward jerusalem as we open with the shaman the via hofta from deuteronomy chapter 6. [Music] [Music] [Music] israel the lord our god the lord is one blessed be his glorious name whose kingdom is forever and ever love adonai your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength these words which i am commanding you today are to be on your heart you are to teach them diligently to your children and speak of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up amen and uh we're going to continue with the tourist service now and suzanne is going to read from the torah was as we uh say the blessing before reading it uh we'll be actually as we just sang the shema looking at that one of the portions today where the scripture the torah talks about in the parashat today loving listening and clinging to the lord is the path of life that's where we find life so let's uh bless the lord who has given us his torah hamburg [Music] shalom today is a very special parashat it's my bot mitzvah parashah so a few just a few years ago i stood before trembling for the first time reading from the torah and i had no clue i would be continuing on that path so god is good all the time amen so we have nietzsche mitsubim today it's called and it means standing and in this parasha some treasures to pull out choose life why because that's our life we only have two choices and the life we choose is in god and in his word and being rooted and grounded and um and and then we have the two witnesses heaven and earth so the rest of it a lot of a lot of treasure so take some time and i'll be reading from devarim deuteronomy 29 verses 9 10 and 11. you are standing today all of you before adonai your god the heads of your tribes your elders your officials all the men of israel your children your wives and the outsider within your camp from your wood chopper to your water carrier each of you is to cross over into the covenant of adonai your god that he is cutting with you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen please rise then for the blessing after the reading thank you suzanne what beautiful reading [Music] thank you lord for your word we thank you father today for every word that you've spoken that your word is forever settled in heaven psalm 119 89 thy word o god is forever settled in heaven thank you god heaven and earth will pass away but your words will never pass away and we rest upon them lord we thank you let us point to the word of god as we sing [Music] is [Music] amen and it is a tree of life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is our duty to praise the master of all to whom all creation from whom all creation comes and will return his praise [Music] let's hate [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a amen thank you grant beautiful okay everyone and uh yeah just so you know uh jeff is leading us the service at uh um oh gosh name of the car in bowling green kentucky today uh messiah hope and messiah rabbi jonathan and sarah uh congregation uh rabbi jonathan just had surgery um so keep his recovery in prayer uh had some um i don't i don't say specifically i don't know if he wants me to say but uh but he's doing okay and uh recovering and spoke to sarah last night and do keep in prayer she actually called me last night when i was on my way back from in in the airport and uh she asks prayer for uh hannah jack hannah jacques does anyone know anyone you know hannah jacques she's since then they're in their congregation she's in centennial hospital has coveted uh very very serious um super serious at centennial hospital so she asked for prayer for her and jeff is there leading the service today because jonathan's rabbi jonathan is recovering so um praise the lord so if my wife francis is in california with our daughter uh having some mother daughter time she'll be back late tomorrow night she'll be back midnight so uh so praise the lord i'm glad she's there having time together so would you take a moment father we just thank you we do pray for uh hannah right now we pray for her healing and recovery god we pray for a miracle there lord because the way sarah sounded on the phone said it was they said she was in dire straits it was really bad so we continue to pray lord for your hand and miracle there god um and uh and for any of us we're praying we stand in the gap for anyone that else that is ill lord and facing uh from covid and whatever other illnesses uh and battles spiritually uh an illness anyone's facing so we thank you lord that you are a god who heals look just like you did when you were visiting on the earth and just like you've done throughout the scriptures throughout history lord aranair you are the lord i am the lord your healer you said lord and we thank you and praise you and trust you and look to you as our healer lord god so we bless you in yeshua's name amen amen and so let's turn and greet someone shabbat shalom you haven't already said shabbat shalom to and then continue to worship the lord so [Music] good morning shabbat shalom [Music] shabbat shalom let's worship the lord [Music] these are the days of elijah declaring the word of the lord these are the days of your servant moses righteousness has been restored [Music] way of the lord behold he comes riding on the clouds shining like the sun out the show far calls so let your voice [Music] these are the days of your servant david rebuilding a temple of praise and these are the days of the harvest the fields are wide [Music] [Music] salvation comes [Music] salvation comes who was in the ways and who is [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a new song for called it's pretty simple i need you to soften my heart and break me apart to open my eyes to see that you're shaping my life [Music] [Music] give me faith to trust what you say then you're good your love is [Music] i need you to soften my heart me apart [Music] i give me faith to trust what you say that you're good your love is [Music] give me faith to trust what you say then you're good your love is [Music] [Music] your spirit strong in me my flesh made you feel oh my god you never will i may be weak your spirit's strong in me my flesh may you feel my god you never will i may be weak your spirit's strong in me my flesh may fail my god you never will i may be weak your spirit's strong in me my flesh may fail i got you [Music] give me faith to trust what you say then you're good your love is [Music] give me faith to trust what you say that you're good your love is great [Music] i'll give you so [Music] open up your ancient doors fling white your gates and let the king of glory and take his place up your ancient doors fleeing wide open gates and let the king of glory come into this we want to see [Music] for you are good and we will see and shout your praise kingdom [Music] open up your ancient doors fling white in the gates and let the king of glory again take his your place doors fling away through the gates and let the king of glory come in and take his place [Music] king of glory [Music] and every knee will bow [Music] broke [Music] every heart configures [Music] you are my god that you're a king of glory [Music] we want to see you live [Music] for you are good and [Music] we want to see lifted high up love of all things and crowned as king king of glory for you are good and we will sing and shout your praise king of glory [Applause] wow fantastic thank you so much raven so good to have you leading here to today and mike with michael and uh let's bless our yell at dem now and uh if the children would come up i love that new song raven whatever that was beautiful and are we going to have a few mikvah testimonies is that right i'm not sure if we are does it anyone know anyone telling me we're supposed to i'm not sure if we are well we are we are jordan are we you george are we are we simple we have your permission okay i thought we were i asked so let's let's stretch our hands toward the children and say uh together as and uh as one people [Music] give them a hand all right [Applause] beautiful beautiful and so uh yes were a few people going to share we had a an amazing mikveh to villa a an immersion service last celebration dedication whatever you want to call it renewal rebirth last week seven people went under uh in the waters and yes four came back or came back and uh it was great so um five minutes is a long time to stay under so it's like not everyone comes back but uh it was great so i i asked it was kind of i threw it on uh marianna's away with with family uh today so um so i i don't know we were texting like after midnight i don't know last night so i'm not sure if it was arranged or not but i texted you so is anyone prepared to or would you like to just share it quick quickly come up and just share quickly who would like to that one janice come on up great all right anyone else anyone else that's going to come up to anyone else come up so you're ready just here oh okay [Music] oh okay i guess [Music] tyler [Music] rachels [Music] oh it started pouring rain so this was a blessing it was amazing it was it was a blessed day it was a beautiful ceremony right we were waiting speaking before is it going in okay before our mikvah this gentle rain came down and i'm just reminding of god's blessing and how he brings the rain to us and it was just calm i felt calm the whole week i just can't describe it you know when i and i found myself repenting more this week because we are human and i'm going to make you know i'm going to say a deed or word but the whole samurai is beautiful and it was just confirmation for me for my belief in yeshua and the rain was a confirmation and on the way home there was a huge rainbow i'm like okay i get it i did what you wanted me to do so i'm glad i did it thank you [Applause] if you want to next week you can next week too but if you want to going going gone it was incredible time okay so uh but it was it was just you know great to see the commitment to the lord the the the uh there's tylenol rachel do you want you all right so did you want to oh you want to come on yeah please let's do it [Applause] see their dedication to the lord and you know the testimonies were amazing what the each one of them shared was so full of content yeah um it was a very very uh you know emotional and really spiritual thing that uh we could all come together and the seven of us were there which you know was really amazing too biblically seven is the number of perfection i think yeah so it was perfect in every way i guess and uh yeah it was just really amazing that each of us sort of shared why we were being mikvad and it was really cool because each of us had sort of a different reason but it was all it all kind of combined in the same we all had really the same reason on our hearts and that was dedication to yeshua and a rebirth really i mean it was really uh in every way me myself what i shared with everyone is that i had been baptized before when i was six and you know it's i didn't really know much about what was going on didn't have a relationship with yeshua at the time um but you know i just did it because my church was doing it and then uh the lord actually put it on my heart about a year ago to now that i have a really good relationship with yeshua to undergo that again but i just i didn't know so far you know along with things it's kind of weird to go back to that to me because you know i was like well i'm already a mature believer in everything i don't do i need rebirth you know is that something that i need and so but he set everything up and spoke to my heart and it was the voice of my beloved called me and called me to undergo the mikvah and it was really good i'm super glad that i did so those of you who came to support us i thank you and uh yeah it was a really wonderful time thanks amen thank you tyler yes absolutely so true wow good good wow okay well i think uh again marianna said she she was putting something together even more oh that was great i didn't know she had a little video together so it was great her and david um so just a quick few things to mention also that i already did because of uh i listen i'll be honest i don't wear masks i've been vaccinated i believe in being vaccinated i think it's important i mean i'm old so look i mean you know i figure i'll do whatever they'll give me i understand people but i think it's you know hey if you know israel does it i mean i i believe in it but um people have different convictions on it but to protect you know because tennessee is leading now in um covet cases unfortunately is that true i mean that's what i've heard that's what so so several people have said now the stats are so we're going to just suggest maybe you want to start putting masks in we're not going to demand it or anything like that but maybe someone says well masks some have said masks are only 10 effective that may be the truth i don't know so if it saves 1 in 10 that's ok right if it inconvenient i'll be inconvenienced if it helps so maybe we suggest maybe recommend uh we encourage we'll encourage uh start maybe masks right now because if things are getting uh bad so um anyway in in here just for and and there's folks that want to come because they're concerned about others that they're contacting and they can't come because their immune systems are endangered so we don't want people to now you can social distance we have a large sanctuary for those who are watching online it's a lot you can space out here as much as you want so you can feel free to you know go and it's this holds 800 people uh this sanctuary so there's plenty of room to to you know to space out as well um space out not mentally but just space out physically okay we don't want you to space out mentally but um so anyway i'll just say that uh and again um oh okay rosh hashanah is this coming is uh monday night so we're going to be having our service monday night here and i think those announcements will be made afterwards but also i want to mention chuck asked me to share he'll be giving an update he has to be good i said sure he's giving an update on overseas high-risk gospel training on continuing efforts to rescue folks in afghanistan 10 to 15 minutes after it'll be 10 or 15 minutes after the main service in the meeting room where he typically does that so if you'd like to know what's going on he's involved in rescuing people in afghanistan still which i know all of us have gotten furious about what happened there and uh you know um and so in some ways and he he's helping us screening groups also knowing what groups you could give to that are it's legitimately going to get to the right um you know really get to the people that need help so uh that'll be 10 to 15 minutes after the main service chuck will be updating us on that he works with people you know really missionaries in high-risk areas that are in many senses you know many cases giving their lives for the gospel so it's amazing so let's turn to deuteronomy chapter 29 if you would deuteronomy 29 and where suzanne read earlier and look at this and father we pray you open our eyes to build wonderful things from your word now basham yeshua the abita nifla's we pray speak to our hearts god fill us with your spirit teach us give us open eyes open hearts in yeshua's name amen so we're going to look at several segments here in this portion and before but before anything i want to say a few things regarding some reaction i had over last week i want to say that i'm sorry if some things i said last shabbat were taken wrongly they were in no way meant to indict anyone in our spiritual family we have wonderful leaders and servants here everyone i can't think of anyone that isn't and i jumped to conclusions as a result of hearing some material that was dated really uh and some misinformation regarding some curriculum that was being taught here at cold od i reacted out of concern for the flock and i spoke accordingly in terms of my gut reaction and my understanding of that but it was a reaction i want to say that you know was not seeing and not knowing the whole picture and not knowing having all the information now i have seen and heard nothing but good fruit coming from the materials used inside and outside the congregation through its members whether it's for education or outreach i want to be clear about that i've heard nothing but really good fruit and my message was meant really as a warning birthed out of concern for what i legitimately legitimately see as a danger of how certain theological positions can be carried out i've seen believers in past years i've been in ministry for over 40 for 44 years i've been in jewish ministry for over 30 of those years and i'm of course really all of it in another sense but i've seen believers in past years whom i loved enticed down a slippery path into dark deadly error who today no longer believe that yeshua jesus is the only way to the father now i don't know about you but i sure believe that and this congregation sure believes that i know everyone here i when i say i don't know about you i'm just talking about everyone i know all the people that i know at coladi do john 14 6 yeshua said what i am the way would be in hebrew the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the father but through me he is the way he is the way but i've seen and know people we know people very personally whether in family or congregationally that left that belief and there are varying degrees and levels of torah observance throughout the national and international messianic jewish community and they're all wonderful they're all kosher they're all good what i am against and wary of is the spirit of legalism and mandates i do not believe that to be the spirit of any i want to be clear of any of our teachers or leaders none of ours and i apologize if a part of my message was under misunderstood to infer that to be the case of any of our people we truly have the best hearts and minds here at cody we have people that only have the best intentions and the best hearts which is for our spiritual growth and maturity and people that have been the curriculum that has been instilled and used and i was have been lacks and really getting acquainted with it all but has been born a lot of fruit people have loved it heard only amazing testimonies of how especially christians understanding the jewish roots of their faith and appreciating what they're grafted into and excited about it and so i certainly do not want to put a damper on any of that at all i'm grateful to it and grateful for those that have really worked hard to to facilitate that so again my apologies if it was taken wrongly and came out wrongly uh but you know my concern my concern is as i said that it doesn't go in the wrong direction and uh that's all so there you have it um now moving on to this passage here in deuteronomy 29 let's look at verses 13 and 14 where he says this he says not with you alone i love this phrase let's say not with you alone not with you alone this verse 13 not with you alone am i cutting this covenant and this oath but with whomever is standing here with us today before adonai our god and with whomever is not here with us today i love this he says i'm cutting this covenant now a covenant or treaty being cut today now the rabbis see it differently there's different opinions on this was this a some see it as a new actually post-sinai covenant others as a renewal of the sinai covenant here what moses is talking about and i i like what one rabbi likens it to a marriage how at different stages of life you know you have a that the marriage has to be renewed you have a marriage with young children and your marriage is at one stage but when your children grow up your marriage has to has to be renewed into another stage and you have to adapt to each other in another way it was a very good analogy well we will be god says in verses 11 and 12 he says we will be his people you'll be my people and i will be your god as as he promised our fathers abraham isaac and jacob it's an amazing special relationship an intimate relationship and so i love this phrase not with you alone not with you alone god says you're not enough you're not enough i want more it's not not enough for me to just have you i want more and he says with whomever is is standing here and with whomever whomever is not standing here with us today now who's it referring to well certainly it's referring to israel then present and israel future the jewish people there and the jewish people later who are going to be later the successive generations later but also beyond this i think and i'd like to certainly see it as beyond that reaching to jew and gentile to israel and the nations not certainly we know that as god's heart and we know that from the brit kharasha the new covenant ephesians 2 verses 12 13 and 19 i read at that time you were separate from messiah excluded from the commonwealth of israel and the strangers to the covenants of promise having no hope and without god in the world but now in messiah yeshua you who are once far off have been brought near by the blood of the messiah verse 19 says so then you are no longer strangers and foreigners but your fellow citizens with god's people and members of god's household god's heart to bring gentile jew and gentile together in one body romans 11 17 and 24 but if some of the branches were broken off and you being a wild olive were grafted in among them and became a partaker of the root of the olive tree with its richness he says then he says if you were cut off out of that which by nature is a wild olive tree and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree how much more will these natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree a verse of course lemon 24 romans we we pray and you know for our our jewish people so much we go back to that say oh how much more can they come back it's your olive tree this is your messiah yeshua is not a foreign god he's not the christian god he's not the he's not for the for the gentiles he's in terms of you know he's not for us he's just no he's our messiah and he's for all people of course he's for the for everyone he's but but he's our messiah it's your olive tree and they're partaking of it and well we could say spend hours on that of course so what a beautiful promise god says not with you alone i just love that phrase don't you not with you alone i want more i want more deuteronomy 30 verse 11 through 14 then this is another the second section look at this for this mitzvah that i'm commanding you today is not too difficult for you what nor it is far is it far off it's not in the heavens that you should say who will go up for us to the heavens and get it for us and have us hear it so we may do it nor is it across the sea that you should say who will cross over for us to the other side of the sea and get it for us and have us hear it so we may do it no the word is very near to you in your mouth and in your heart to do it so it's like the lord is saying when i read that i see here lord say stop making excuses stop complaining stop saying it's too hard it was if it was more accessible gee i'd be all over that no it is accessible the lord says it's right within your grasp it's right there paul quotes it this passage in romans 10 verses 6 through 8 referring to the righteousness that's based not on works not on deeds but on faith emunah on trust he says it's all through trust yes you have it and i kind of think it's like i kind of liken it to nike's trademark one of their trademarks just do it uh you know remember remember that one just do it so my part and god's part it's it work together and i i think of riding a wave anyone do body surfing ever like body surfing riding a wave we live right on the ocean here in nashville and how many surfers here in nashville do you moved here to nashville to surf right can never get our son-in-law and daughter to come back from california because he's a surfer so i don't know but uh but i'll tell you i you know was recently recently visiting family in florida and there is nothing like catching a good wave you know body surfing i'm not a surfer i don't think i could i i say you could still do it but i had knee surgery a long time ago to acl repair i don't think i could do but i can body serve you know and uh and i there's nothing like catching a good wave it's just like i mean heaven to me it's like the closest thing to heaven when you catch that wave and you're and you're and it takes you in you get it just right and it's you know but it's it's it's a joint effort right it's like so i think of that it's a good analogy it's like you have to you leap up and you have to get it just right and you have many efforts before you succeed as you know you know and it and it pulls you into its power and it takes you into shore you know and or takes you as far as it you know hopefully as far as again depends on on the waves that day and this is what it's like to do god's commandments i think we are the bible says co-workers with him first corinthians 3 9. we are workers together with god we do it with him we don't do it in our own power we do it through his power but we we do do it with him we are cooperating with him yielding to him you know it's a joint effort does that make sense anyway that's the way i i think it's a good analogy so third section deuteronomy 30 verses 15 and last section last section 30 verses 15 19 and 20. and this suzanne mentioned this one at the beginning today see i've set before you today life and good death and evil these are very famous verses i call the heavens and the earth to witness about you today that i have set before you life and death the blessing and the curse therefore god says choose life so that you and your descendants may live now how do we live how do we live hayim how do we have life i asked brent just before service said what do you think of anything when about life definition and he said well it's plural i said oh yeah that's right life is plural word right the heavens always plural uh what else did you say was plural what else mine water yeah my plural interesting so he mentioned the idea of fullness and that's a great one fullness of life you know fullness of joy fullness of life so there's full of god's life and how do we have life how do we have life he says here choose life that you may your sins may live by loving the lord your god and listening to his voice and clinging to him that's how that's how for he is your life and the length of your days that you may dwell on the land that the lord swore sword your fathers to abraham to isaac and to jacob to give them wow if i want to have god's fullness if i want to experience not death but life have god's presence have god's fullness have god's uh closeness it's a matter of these three things and i want to focus on those three things for a few minutes before as we as we finish we have free will right choice in a sense it's up to me choice god says you choose life and good death and evil life and death the blessing and the curse two paths before me which will i choose right which will i choose now this is in areas of our lives think about it which will you choose humbling myself or being proud let's put it practical let's make it bring it down to earth insisting i'm right because i know i am or becoming wrong so to speak for others sake do you know that's what yeshua did think about it he who knew no sin he wasn't wrong he wasn't sinful never sinned became sin for our sake that we might become the righteousness of god in him wow second corinthians 5 21 he who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become in order that we might have it have his righteousness in him am i going to insist i'm right or am i going to become wrong so to speak so that my am i going to win the argument or save my marriage hello embarrassed historically ancient civilizations did not believe in human freedom but in fate fortune and the influence of the stars or the arbitrariness of nature scientific atheism tells us that we are determined by our genes that our fate is scripted in our dna but we believe according to the scriptures that we have the power and the responsibility of choice to choose life or death holding on to an offense or forgiving revenge or redemption insisting on my right to serve myself or sacrificing myself for yeshua's sake and following in his steps bending my ear to poison the poison of gossip or refusing to do so and speaking rather choosing to speak words of blessing and edification let no evil communication proceed out of your mouth no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth with that which is good for the use of edification to minister grace to the hearers ephesians 4 29 actually says that let no corrupt communication proceed out of my mouth but that which is good for the use of building up others ministering grace not what we deserve but grace to the hearers for we're sealed by the holy spirit what is the path of life three things loving in the hebrew la laha rather leash moa and then clinging these three things loving listening clinging verse 20 of chapter 30. therefore god says choose life so that you and your descendants may live how by loving adonai your god listening to his voice and clinging to him attention to shema we get shamay israel to listen the word to cling the voc like ruth clung to naomi means to cleave closely to psalm 16 8-11 says i have set adonai always before me i want to say that again and maybe you want to say it too i have set adonai always before me not something else no lord i've set adonai always before me him and not something else and the hebrew is i've set adonai evenly and smoothly it means opposite me i've said him opposite me always since he's at my right hand i will not be shaken so my heart is glad and my soul rejoices my body also rests secure for you will not abandon my soul to show nor let your faithful one to see the pit you make known to me the path of life the path of life the place where i interact and encounter god's life abundance of life of of joys rather abundance of joys in the hebrew shiva it's literally could be translated seven joys in other words innumerable unlimited joys are in your presence eternal pleasures at your right hand he's my life i choose to set him always before me always opposite me because he's the one that anchors me he's where i interact and encounter god's presence and god's purpose yeshua said the thief comes only to steal to kill and to destroy i have come that they might have what hayem life and have it abundantly well who's my life what's life he is my life deuteronomy 30 verse 20. paul says it this way therefore colossians chapter 3 verse 1 therefore if you have been raised up with messiah keep seeking the things that are above where messiah is seated sitting at the right hand of god focus your mind on things above not on things on the earth for you have died and your life is hidden with messiah in god when messiah who is your life there it is again is revealed then you also will be revealed with him in glory and then verse that's one through four verse 10 and 11 and have you have put on the new self that is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of the one who created him here there is no longer greek and jew circumcised and uncircumcised barbarian savage aren't you glad there's no longer barbarian and so savage slave and free but messiah is all and in all he's everything he's my all and in all he's everything colossians 3 11. in other words he's my focus he is our focus the distinctions do most certainly exist but we're not fixated on them we're rather fixated primarily upon yeshua though the other things exist and this is definitely more my emphasis this is what i reach for personally perhaps more like saul or paul and john or yochanan over as opposed more to maybe as a in contrast a little more to peter or kefis and james or jacob yaakov the inner the hidden life richard wormbrandt watchman knee it's not for everyone some prefer greater emphasis on externals to each his own perhaps at different seasons in our lives we find and we meet god more in one than the other i really believe that and that is why we have the appeal of both liturgical and primitive formal and contemporary intellectual and mystical it's a we're a large tent as the body of messiah and as people of god but the important thing is loving listening clinging doesn't this describe what marriage is or should be loving listening clinging to my spouse a healthy marriage well think of it that's my marriage to the lord too devoting completely to him loving well where did it start he first loved me right first john 4 10 and 19 here in his love not that we love god but he first loved us he first devoted himself completely to me going to the cross for my sins to the tree for my sins now i am entirely devoted back to him he first paid attention listened shomaya to me he listened to my cry in psalm 40 and he rescued me psalm 40 verse 1. he i waited patiently for the lord he bent down and he heard my cry and he brought me up out of the slimy pit and out of the mud and mire and he set my feet on a rock and he made my steps for he first rest listened to me and rescued me he was mindful of me first psalm in psalm 8 it says even though i couldn't have cared less about him isaiah 65 verse 1 i've sought i've found of those who sought me night i said behold me to a hineny to a people that ask not for me god says i love that verse isaiah 65 verse 1. so now i as a result listen to him pay attention to him but it started with him and i whatever his desire and command is i'm ready to rip follow and then clinging cleaving closely to him he first grasped and laid hold of me paul says philippians 3 12 i he says it this way find it here he says not not that i've already obtained or have been perfected but i press on if only i might take hold of that for which messiah yeshua took hold of me right he first took hold of me and so now i want to take hold back of him i'm clinging to him i cleave closely to him to follow him wherever he goes i love yeshua saying in john 12 26 if any man serves me he must follow me and where i am there also will my servant be loving listening and clinging indeed will mean and i finish with this it will indeed mean suffering praying and possibly dying for yeshua and many are doing that i don't i shouldn't say many but i know some are right now probably in afghanistan or will we are those who like the 144 000 from every tribe of the children of israel have our foreheads engraved with his name and we i love revelation 14 4 says we follow they and what we do we want to do it too they follow the lamb wherever he goes wherever he goes loving listening clinging to the lord equals choosing and finding life we're in lockstep with him inseparable right it looks different for each person and at different times father we just thank you and we praise you and our desire lord god is to find choose life lord to list love listen and cling to you thank you for giving us this instruction this map this blueprint this clarity and guideline we're so grateful to be able to follow you that we're you are there we may be also that's our desire we're raised up with you adon yeshua lord yeshua we are raised up with you help us to keep seeking the things that are above where you are right now sitting at the right hand of god focusing our mind on things above not on things of the earth because we're dead we've died and our lives hidden with you in god and you're our life we bless you we thank you if you've never trusted yeshua you're listening today you're watching today you've never trusted yeshua personally the bible says scriptures say whoever calls on the name of the lord will be rescued he wants to deliver you out of that miry pit in psalm 40. he wants to bend down he hears your cry he'll bring you up out of the slimy pit out of the mud and mire set your feet on a rock make your steps firm put a new song in your mouth right today and a hymn of praise to our god and many will see in fear and trust in the lord do it right now don't put it off call upon the name of yeshua right now where you are he will do it he will do it let us know so we can help you in your new walk in yeshua the amen god bless you i'm going to turn over to dr rick shabbat shalom so i'm the b team thank you for joining us here in person for watching our live stream if you are staying at home we are katie nash we are the premier messianic congregation in nashville if this is your first time visiting we welcome you ask you to fill out a connection card you can find them at the zadaka box up front and i would ask you to sign up for the mockery our weekly email blast to stay up to date with what's going on at katie nash you can also bring your tithes and offerings to the tzedakah box if you're here in person and if you're watching online please go to our website at coldidy.org as for announcements there are many it's a busy time of year we will have arab rosh hashanah on monday night september 6 6 pm the following day is tash leak for those that can meet at edwin warner park at 1 pm yom kippur september 16th and there are many others i would like to ask you to refer to the mockery for the details and finally if you need prayer today we will have amazing prayer warriors here up front to pray with you i would like to tell you today that i need prayer my heart is heavy i would like to petition each of you to pray i need to make time to pray you need to make time to pray i need to ask the lord to examine my heart and reveal to me areas in my own life of sin i want to ask for his grace and forgiveness to give me his peace and his guidance and i would ask each of you all of you to do the same there are many needs globally nationally locally and certainly individually but i'd like to request that you we today and throughout the coming week that we pray for this congregation this family for rabbi ken and his wife francis and for the leadership of coltodie we want to humble ourselves before the lord and ask for his conviction his guidance his wisdom and indeed his blessing shabbat shalom would you please stand with me as the prayer warriors come forward and rabbi comes up to give us the aaronic blessing shabbat shalom thank you dr rick thank you rick beautiful appreciate that all right if you need prayer don't forget to come and don't forget uh chuck's uh session will be 15 or so what does he fit 10 or 15 minutes afterwards will be available in the room for those that want to stay for that updated thank you lord and we hope many will be here monday night for the rosh hashanah service it's going to be a special time uh so and without your jewish friends don't forget to let them know many of the uh this is the only time of year for many of us that go to go to synagogue go to synagogue looking for a place to have to go to service so invite them for sure 6 p.m monday night right here okay we will waive the fifty dollar fee if they if they the hundred dollar fee if they come okay is [Music] the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of yeshua our messiah the ruler of peace amen shabbat shalom god bless you
Channel: Kol Dodi Messianic Congregation Nashville
Views: 82
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Messianic, Jewish, Hebrew Roots, Synagogue, Shofar, Orthodox Jewish, Reform Jewish, Rabbi, Torah, Israel, One For Israel, Jewish Voice, MJAA, IAMCS, Messianic Jewish Alliance of Israel, MJAI, Johnathan Cahn, JBS, Ask Dr Brown, Elevation Worship, Nashville, Tennessee, West End Nashville Tennessee, USA, Yeshua, Shalom, TANAKH, YESHUA, Rosh Hashana, Don Finto, Sukkot, Caleb Global, Torah Club, FFOZ, First Fruits of Zion, Purim, Joshua Aaron, Rabbi Schneider, Discovering the Jewish Jesus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 32sec (4952 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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