Biblical Financial Principles | March 12-13, 2021

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huh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] well i'm excited guys are going to start about 12 seconds but i'm really excited it's good to have you all here what a blessing it is to be here and i'm glad you've made it more people filtering in and we will start all right and shabbat shalom oh yeah that's good that was a good response you were ready for that all right i like that that's great you know the greeting and the the peace of the of the shabbat of sabbath and wow what a blessing it is and the word shalom in hebrew really means more than just peace it's it's a fullness it's a completion uh it's it's a it's like a fullness of joy and and uh and so when we say shabbat shalom really there's a lot of depth to that and so i'm excited about this wonderful shabbat and i know you're going to enjoy yourself in this service we're going to have some fun today in the lord just celebrating rejoicing uh and and you're going to hear some things that are ancient and beautiful i just want you to enjoy yourselves to be in the in the presence of the lord uh and certainly all of you are in the presence of the lord and if you're watching from home or wherever you are watching uh around the world welcome and the presence of the lord is right where you are as well if you invite him to be with you so welcome to you as well all right leading us in our service today is going to be mikhail michael and so you enjoy yourself he'll openness and a word of prayer shabbat shalom thank you rabbi shabbat shalom welcome to congregation beth halel house of praise to all first-time guests and visitors and to all of you joining us via live stream i want to say it's a pleasure to share the blessing of shabbat with you does anyone have a prayer request if so please raise your hand mine is right up there with yours let's dedicate this service to the lord in prayer and lift these requests to him god of abraham isaac and jacob we humble ourselves before you lord we thank you for the shabbat day of rest that you commanded us to keep holy father we lift up our prayer requests and trust that you will provide for each and every one of us according to your will and your plan lord we pray that you change our lives for your glory by the miracles of your hand in yeshua's name we pray amen amen we will now enter the liturgy portion of this worship service please join along where it says congregation but bless the lord who is blessed blessed be the lord who is blessed forever and ever blessed praised glorified honored and exalted be the name of the king of kings the holy one blessed be he who is the first and the last and beside him there is no god extol him in the heavens lord is his name rejoice before his face his name is lifted up beyond all blessing and praise blessed be his name whose glorious kingdom is for ever and ever let the name of the lord be blessed forever and ever amen we will continue with the vishamru the vishamru is from the torah where god gave moses his commandment to keep the sabbath holy when we say this we are also acknowledging that he did create heaven and earth isham israel that has in the english translation the children of israel shall keep the sabbath observing the sabbath throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant it is a sign between me and the children of israel forever that in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he ceased from work and rested amen we will now begin a responsive reading i will read the first paragraph and we will read the second paragraph together blessed are you o lord our god ruler of the universe who by your word brings on the evening twilight and by your wisdom opens the gates of heaven with understanding you order the cycles of time and vary the seasons setting the stars and their courses in the sky according to your will you create the day and night causing the light to pass away before the darkness and the darkness before the light by your will the day turns into night the lord of heavenly hosts is your name oh ever living god rule over us forever blessed are you o lord who brings on the evening twilight with everlasting love you have loved the house of israel teaching us your torah and precepts your statutes and judgments therefore our lord our god when we lie down and when we get up we will meditate upon your instructions and rejoice forever in the words of your torah and in his teachings for they are life and sustenance we will meditate upon them day and night may your love never leave us blessed are you o lord who loves your people israel amen on the second shabbat of every month we at congregation be halal recite the mourners kaddish we do so in honor of loved ones who have either passed away during this year or anniversary whose passing is marked by this month if you have a loved one who you are honoring this month please rise as we recite the mourners kaddish shalom i'll begin by reading the hebrew prayer followed by the english everyone please join with me where it says congregation is is [Music] and english glorified and sanctified be his great name in the world which is created according to his will may he cause the reign of his kingdom in your lifetime and in your days in the life of all the house of israel speedily yes soon and say amen may his great name be blessed forever and forever eternally blessed and praised glorified and exalted extolled and honored adored and lauded be the name of the holy one blessed be he who is high above far above all blessings and hymns and praises and consolations which are spoken in the world and say amen may there be great peace from heaven and life for us and for all israel and say amen he who makes peace in the heavenly realms may make peace for us and for all israel and say amen may the memory be for a blessing now everyone please rise and join with me as we recite the watchword of israel the shema israel adonai eloheinu i don't [Music] amen he our israel the lord is our god the lord is one blessed be his glorious name whose kingdom is forever and ever amen and now for a continuation of the shema this is from deuteronomy chapter 6 the via hafta we have to entertain allah continuing with the english let's read this together love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your life and with all your strength these commandments that i give you today are to be on your hearts impress them on your children talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road when you lie down and when you get up tie them as reminders on your hands and bind them on your foreheads write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates amen i will now read a summary of the sabbath amidah the is read while standing as the word means standing we are also facing toward jerusalem as all synagogues are built facing toward jerusalem for in ezekiel 43 it states that the glory of the lord will will come from the eastern skies of jerusalem please join me with with me with it says congregation village and god of our fathers god of abraham god of isaac and god of jacob the great mighty and revered god the most high god master of heaven and earth he with his word was a shield to our forefathers and by his voice will raise the dead the holy god like whom there is none who gives rest to his people in his holy sabbath day because he delights in them to grant them rest before his presence will serve with fear and awe daily and constantly we will thank him with the appropriate praises he is the god to whom thanksgiving is due the lord of peace who hallows the sabbath and blesses the seventh day and in holiness gives rest to a people filled with delights in remembrance of the creation i'll continue our god and god of our fathers accept our rest hell of us by your commandments and grant our portion in your torah satisfy us with your goodness and gladness with your salvation purify our hearts to serve you truthfully and in your love and favor oh lord our god let us inherit your holy sabbath and may israel who sanctify your name rest thereon blessed are lord who hallows the sabbath amen and now as our worship team comes to the bhima for those of you watching the live stream we would love for you to take a minute right now to send the text message to someone important in your life to wish them a shabbat shalom and for those here while keeping socially distance please wish those around you a shabbat shalom if you have never participated in the beth khaled shabbat service you may see that we do things a little differently than what you may be used to i want to assure you that raising hands in worship and clapping are both very jewish and scriptural things that we do because psalm 47 says clap your hands all your nations shout to god with cries of joy and in psalm 63 king david said i will praise you as long as i live and in your name i will lift up my hands we invite you to worship the lord with us yes we do so come let's go up to the mountain of the lord with a song of praise and clapping of hands and joy in our hearts for the shabbat one two three [Music] four [Music] is [Music] is [Music] today let's go to the mountain come let's go to the lord come let's go [Music] is [Music] is flaming fire all through the night tabernacle for the shade shelter for the pouring rain when the lord has washed away built from the daughters of zion come on [Music] [Music] [Music] he's gonna teach us [Music] every day [Music] [Applause] is [Music] hello [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] every day [Music] [Music] bringing praise [Music] hello hey [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh got a shadow night let's clap our hands the lord is good and shabbat is his good gift to us lord we just thank you for all of your goodness and that what you have for us is enough your love is enough [Music] when the darkness closes [Music] [Music] you are true you are true even in my wandering you are joy you are joy you're the reason that i see you are alive you are life and you death has lost nothing compares to [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing compares [Music] pride of the world [Music] of your forever will always be that nothing compares to your embrace light of the world forever [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] the riches of your love will always be enough nothing compares light of the world [Music] of your forever will always [Music] amen amen thank you psalmist you may be seated i would now like to welcome our special guests our visitors if this is your first time a congregation with hallel welcome if you didn't receive a visitor's package when you arrive during our offering please come up and take one from besides the offering boxes in the front there is a blue visitors card some information about our synagogue and an aim tag and a pen please fill out the card and drop it in one of the offering boxes in the front also please put your name on the name tag so we may greet you after the service the pen is yours to keep as a gift if you are new to congregation beth hallel and seeing our service for the first time on the internet there is information about our synagogue and about messianic judaism on our website which is we would also love for you to send an email to info with your name and address so that we can keep you in the loop as to events taking place in the congregation whether you are visiting us virtually or physically here with us today welcome you are now part of amish baha which means welcome to the family of congregation beth hale announcements don't miss virtual tuesday scripture study for kids of all ages from pre-k through college this coming tuesday at 7 00 p.m contact your teacher if you need the zoom room link this shabbat afternoon at 1 30 our temple team guys and gals will be meeting separately at different locations for a special event contact darya for more details on tuesday march 30th at 7 pm we'll be having our resurrection service this will be a special service in the sanctuary to reserve your spot for the service register online passover is coming if you have kids then plan on the whole family joining us for a parking lot passover prep event directly after shabbat service on saturday march 20th from 1 30 to 3 30 pm for more details and to rsvp email edu beth on march 20th yakdaf our singles will be meeting for an online scripture study at 2 p.m rabbi all right hey shabbat shalom yeah a wonderful boy great great praise and music man that was wonderful boy fantastic listen married couples if you are married out there tune in this coming sunday for a march 14th of course that's eleven o'clock a.m for a very special virtual married couples event on zoom this is going to be a special workshop we're bringing back rabbi ari and shira sokaram from israel and they'll be joining us from israel live on zoom at that time and we're very very excited about this make sure you give yourself a reminder it's this coming sunday morning watch for the link i sent the link to to members just before shabbat and listen you need to invest in your marriage we don't have many opportunities in life to just spend a little time a little concerted time to focus on your marriages and growing and learning listen this is a couple who uh gosh i mean they're legendary in the messianic jewish movement and certainly in the land of israel started one of the first messianic congregations in the land of israel and uh and just have been through it and have so much experience uh one of the one of the leaders that i mentored under when i lived in israel and so absolutely fantastic i can't recommend and robertson tiffany also under shira because she is also amazing so uh tune in this coming sunday morning at 11 why at 11 because they're all the way in israel and so to make it to make it not be have to be in the middle of the night for them uh but also as a reminder because it's sunday at 11 reminder we're springing forward this saturday night so saturday night make sure you spring forward otherwise you're gonna miss the exact time of when we start okay so don't forget on uh saturday night to spring forward but otherwise 11 o'clock see hopefully a lot of you on zoom and that will be fun shabbat shalom thank you rabbi it is important that we all continue to do as the scripture says in proverbs 3 verse 9 and honor the lord with your wealth with the first fruits of all your crops especially in times like these your financial giving is particular importance visitors we do not solicit your ties but if you would like to to bless us with a love offering we pray you are blessed in return for your generosity for those of you here in person you can bring your ties and offerings to the boxes at the front of the sanctuary when the musicians begin for those of you who are watching on the internet you can have your bank send a check through online bill pay or you can mail your check to beth hallel 950 pine grove road roswell georgia 30075 finally you can also click the link below your screen in the description box to give via credit card in just a moment our musicians will share a song to give you time to click the link and for those here to bring your offering unto the lord up to our offering boxes which are here up front let us remember that in luke chapter 6 38 it says give and it will be given to you a good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap for with the measure you use it will be measured to you i will now pray over these ties and offerings dear lord god of abraham isaac and jacob you are an abundant god and out of your great mercy you have given us so much we pray your blessings on this ties and offerings please take them and use them for your kingdom and your glory we pray that you bless the gift and the giver in yeshua's name we pray [Music] amen you sitting thrown above the circle of the earth spreading out the heavens like a veil [Music] you hold the universe so firmly in your hand reaching out love to all the world [Music] [Music] god who is your name [Music] no one can know the secrets hidden in your heart mysteries no one else commands the sun to rise [Music] who is your name [Music] is [Music] let the glory of your name be magnified [Music] l [Music] god [Music] we will now enter into the torah portion of the service i would like to call up our canter baruch ben sv and please rise when the ark is open and out of respect for for the torah please remain in the sanctuary while the ark is open and it came to pass whenever the ark went forward moses would say arise o lord and let your enemies be scattered may those who hate you flee from before you for from zion shall go forth the torah and the word of the lord out of jerusalem blessed be he who in holiness gave the torah to his people israel shabbat shalom we're going to sing in hebrew what michael just read for us in english if this is your first tourist service you're going to hear a blessings that are thousands of years old some that yeshua heard and probably sang in his synagogue over 2000 years ago and if you know these melodies please join with me if not close your eyes and enjoy the timelessness and sweetness of this part of your jewish roots [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] israel the lord is our god the lord is one unique is our god great is our lord holy and reveres his name exalt the lord with me and let's extol his name together with the shema israel [Music] [Music] who can be compared to your lord among the gods who can be compared to you glorious in holiness awesome in praises doing wonders from the song of praise moses and the children of israel sang to the lord from exodus 15 11. [Music] oh [Music] he who blessed our fathers abraham isaac and jacob may bless moshe ben asher who has come up to honor god in the torah may the holy one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity on all the works of his hands and let us all say amen thank you bruce please join with me where it says congregation um bless the lord who is blessed bless the lord who is blessed forever and ever bless the lord who is blessed forever and ever blessed are you lord our god ruler of the universe who chose us from all peoples and gave to us the torah blessed are your lord giver of the torah amen today is the 29th day of adar in the year 57 81 the torah reading today is from the book of exodus chapter 35 verse 30 to 34 and this passage is called called bezalel and a holy up then moses said to the israelites see the lord has chosen bizalel son of uri the son of of the tribe of judah and he has filled him with the spirit of god with wisdom with understanding with knowledge and with all kinds of skills to make artistic designs for work in gold silver and bronze to cut and set stones to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of artistic crafts and he has given both him and a holly up son of a hissamak of the tribe of dan the ability to teach others amen the haftarah reading today is from first kings chapter 7 verse 13 through 17. king solomon sent to tyre and brought hurom whose mother was a widow from the tribe of naphtali and whose father was from tyre and a skilled craftsman in bronze khuram was filled with wisdom with understanding and with knowledge to do all kinds of bronze work he came to kin solomon and did all the work assigned to him he cast two bronze pillars each 18 cubits high and 12 cubits in circumference he also made two capitals of cast bronze to set on top of the pillars each capital was five cubits high a network of winter woven chains adorned the capitals on top of the pillars seven for each capital amen the brit hadisha reading today is from second corinthians chapter nine verse 6 through 11 and this passage is called generosity encouraged remember this whoever so sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will also reap generously each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion for god loves a cheerful giver and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work as it is written they have freely scattered their gifts to the poor their righteousness endures forever now he who supplies seeds to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness you will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to god amen and now for the closing to our blessing blessed are you oh lord our god ruler of the universe who gave us the torah of truth and life everlasting planted in our midst blessed are you all lord giver of the torah amen thank you michael and let us bless god for giving us through new new covenant scriptures [Music] blessed are you o lord our god ruler of the universe who gave us the word of truth and planted among us life eternal blessed are you o lord giver of the new covenant amen is [Music] now join through the congregational response this is the torah which moses placed before the children of israel it is in accord with the lord's command by the hand of moses a tree of life it is for those who take hold of it and blessed are the ones who support it its way is our ways of pleasantness and all its paths are peace long life is in its right hand in its left are riches and honor the lord was pleased for the sake of his righteousness to render the torah great and glorious amen and now please join with me with the beautiful eights kayem and hashivanu [Music] [Music] i [Music] care [Music] turn us lord to you and let us return renew renew our days renew our days abba as of old amen and when the ark rest did moses would say return o lord to the mirrors of israel's families arise o lord to your resting place you and your mighty ark clothe your priests with righteousness may those who have experienced your faithful love shout for joy hashem for the sake of your servant david do not delay the return of your messiah i give you good instruction do not forsake my torah and now let us bless god for giving us the living word and messiah yeshua yeshua blessed are you o lord our god ruler of the universe who has given us the living word and messiah yeshua and let us all say amen you may be seated thank you so much and thank you uh gentlemen and do you never know how the lord works through the torah haftarah and the brachara shah portions i love them and i just love hearing them and it always uh you never know when the lord speaks you he in the middle of the uh tour portion today the lord gave me a sermon uh for some time in the future so i've got to write it down so it gets in my sermon drawer uh that's at the topic and so that's pretty exciting i love when that happens it's just so wonderful how the lord said and what listen that's the point when you hear the word of god always be listening and i'm ready for the lord to speak to you it's really powerful and wonderful thank you so much uh michael and bruce and uh and team just just one just great we're going to now i want to ask the lord to bless all of our elodeem all of our children uh and that the lord would minister to the mabinos shabbat shaman father in heaven we ask you to touch all our dem the children please be with him god minister to bless them god bless all of our children lord thank you for all of our members and uh lord we pray healing touch lord especially on uh martin and morris right now lord in particular uh lord and there are others in the congregation who who need a physical touch lord thank you for this we bless you for them in yeshua's name amen all right we're going to enter the next phase of our worship service right now let the lord bless you [Music] take me past the outer courts [Music] for your righteousness [Music] touch my lips [Music] pass me by [Music] [Music] but it's only found in one place take me [Music] take me [Music] is take me [Music] here i am touch my lips [Music] touch my lips [Music] and let the rising sun we know that you will come you are the promised one [Music] yes there is only one foundation there is only one vowel worthy you're beautiful [Music] you're beautiful [Music] when you make all things [Music] let's stand together and sing that there is only one who is worthy of our praise your beautiful there is you're beautiful your beautiful and i just want to gaze on your glory and i just want to hear your voice only and i just want to soak in your splendor and i just want to always remember [Music] [Music] with your life with your love come awaken us to the joy that only your love brings you set every captive free with your life with your love come [Music] [Music] [Music] come away [Music] there is only [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] worthy [Music] beautiful you're beautiful [Music] you're a beautiful god [Music] is [Music] lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord turn his face toward you and give you peace we receive your peace god [Music] lord bless you and keep make his face shine upon and be gracious to you the lord turned his face towards we say let it be god [Music] i'm [Music] and your family and your children and their children and their children in may's favor be upon you and a thousand generations and your family and your children and their children and their children generations and your family and your children and their children and their children in this favor be upon you in a thousand generations and your family and their children and their children and their children these presents go before you and behind you and beside you all around you and within you he's with you [Music] he's for you he's for you he's for you he's for you [Music] i'm [Music] is [Music] generations and your family and your children and their children and their children their [Music] you presence around you and within you he's with you he's with you in the morning and the evening and you're coming and you're going and you're weeping and rejoicing he is for you he's for you he's for you he's for you he's for you he's for you he's for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we received the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord turned his face toward you and gives you peace [Music] our father our king lord we thank you for this shabbat day of rest we thank you for this opportunity to praise you and worship you lord we lift up our rabbi and pray a blessing on him and his family and your anointing on his message tonight lord we pray that you would turn our ears to hear the message and open our hearts to receive it let each and every one of us be changed today for your glory in the precious name of messiah yeshua we pray amen you may be seated yeah there's definitely uh boy there's that is such an incredible song wow it's it seems it seems to me as though the a a music has as has matched the power of the words in that particular song those words the aaronic blessing are to me some of the most powerful words of course they came directly from god as a blessing to us it says it's spread out of the scripture but wow with that music boy i think that the lord inspired that completely and totally and uh thank you musicians for the whole thing worship team that was wonderful powerful and anointed and my goodness oh that's good stuff i'm just uh just rejoicing the lord amen yes he is for us i have uh i want to share a message with you today on a topic that i've really not touched on i think in nine or ten years it's been a long time if you haven't heard uh there is a small piece of good news in the midst of or or depending upon your your political position i'm not going to comment one way or another but the government's about to give a lot of people some money okay you heard about this right they're about to make uh to distribute more stimulus money uh and it was interesting because in in our last new members class uh which was last last week one of the participants asked if we provided any classes on managing money and it's interesting hearing both of these things kind of coming together at the same time the bible talks more about money than almost any other topic he talks more about money than it does heaven or hell uh it's it's a very significant topic in scripture and it's a topic that i used to to teach often at conferences even well before i was a rabbi so today we're gonna we're gonna look at this topic again it's been forever since i've talked about this uh biblical financial principles here uh and why this is some practical stuff that i want to give you that i think may very much help you in your life now some of you are on top of the biblical financial principles and if so great you're going to be encouraged by a whole bunch of confirmations here today and others of you may have a little work to do and there may be some in between now as many of you know my background of course is business before ministry with the mba from emory university at emory university at the goes way to business school and i've had a good bit a bit of training when it comes to finance i mean goodness knows we took a lot of course work on this stuff that said what i'm going to be sharing with you today are biblical principles biblical principles that's what i'm going to be talking about today i shouldn't be considered professional financial investment advice consult a financial professional for that okay my disclaimer whatever uh but it but in any case this is a very important topic that the bible speaks a great deal about money and i want for you to prosper in every area of your life and in every way and and here it is right now in a season when many of you are going to be receiving an unexpected check from the government i want you to be aware of the of the biblical principles involved pun intended uh thank you it's a little finance joke there okay because many biblical financial principles quite honestly were not taught to me at emory uh listen i i got you know it's a top 20 business school i got some of the best edu finance education that the world has to offer but i'm going to tell you something it's not as good as the education in this book this book has better financial advice than anything i learned at emory and the principles that i learned from this book sometimes differed than what i was taught even at emory and although i learned wonderful things there and i have great things to say about that program i'm going to be going through a lot of scripture today okay so get ready i'm going to start in first timothy 6 if you want to start turning but i've got a lot of scripture for you today and so if you uh get behind or something i'm going to kind of go through a quick got a lot of meaty scripture here today then you can always just hit the pause button and rewind if you're watching on youtube or if you're here you can just right that's right that's what ariel does right yes it's effective or if you're actually if you're here with us today then you can go back home and hit rewind if you want to write down any of the scriptures very very very powerful okay here we go get ready biblical financial principles this is a very practical message that i think is going to help you in your daily life some of these things that you may have down others of these things you may not have considered exactly in the way that they should be okay let's start with this one we know that first of course money is the root of all evil right money is the root of all evil right wrong that's right very good ines and richard both shaking their heads no at the same time and in the exact same form and fashion uh they are absolutely right money is not the root of all evil uh contrary to popular belief and saying where does that come from and where is that distorted from first timothy chapter 6 verse 10 says this for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil some longing for it have gone astray from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows okay here's the first principle the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil the love of money see it's not the money itself it's not the there's nothing at all inherently evil about money people people miss that that's not what the scriptures teach us there's nothing inherently wrong with and about money in fact it can be used for great good and i'll talk about that a little bit later my friends what is the the root of all kinds of evil it's the love of money it is the love of money that's the issue and when i say the love of money it's not like people you know it's not like people go around just hugging their wallet oh i love you oh my little wallet oh my baby oh oh oh oh gosh no no it's not that they don't they don't hug but you know they don't name all their children benjamin you know not bad okay um but they've got to have it you know the love of money people people just gotta have it people gotta have it right they gotta have that money they gotta have that greenback it's a love and oftentimes friends it's not even a love it's a lust a lot of people you all know this flip on the tv for ten minutes you're gonna see it you'll see people catering to a lust for for for stuff and and and riches well let's look at this whole passage here uh first timothy chapter six backing up to verse 6 and it says this now godliness with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into this world so we cannot take anything out of it rabbi he used to say that a lot but having food and clothing with these things we shall be content but those who want to be rich fall into temptation and a trap and many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil some longing for it have gone astray from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows what does the word say godliness with contentment is great gain that's great gain my friends if we're content in the lord with with godliness that is great gain but if you want to get rich scriptures tell us you can fall into a temptation and a trap your desires scriptures tell us lead to ruin and destruction friends you see this happen you see this happen you see some people you probably know some people please god you not are these people right but you know people like this who who their lust and love for money has led to destruction it's led to them changing who they are it's led to them going down a path that they should not go it's so easy to fall into temptation when seeking to be rich and friends in the words of admiral ackbar it's a trap it's a it's a bottomless pit my friends it really is it's a bottomless pit there's this seeking after money like that it's a bottomless pit hear me hear me on this i'm saying this very intentionally if you want to get ahead of me ecclesiastes 5 it's a bottomless pit to be constantly seeking after the almighty dollar which is not almighty there's only one almighty it's a bottomless pit how do i know that thank you for asking ecclesiastes chapter five starting in verse nine listen to this so true verse 9 a lover of money never has enough money and a lover of wealth is never satisfied with his income this too is futile when goods increase so do those who consume them so what advantage are they to the owner except that he sees it with his eyes the sleep of a laborer is sweet whether he eats little or much but the excess of the rich permits him no sleep there's a grievous wrong that i've seen under the sun wealth hoarded by its owner to his own hurt wow that's deep and that was written by the the richest man in the world one of the richest people ever to live in the history of the world and and he's saying it ain't ain't riches ain't where it's at folks he's saying this at the end of his life he's saying riches ain't where it's at here's the principle my friend biblical financial principle if you love money you'll never have enough straight up years ago i this was in person years ago back when i was in the corporate world i went to this uh um i don't know i don't even know what it was it was some kind of a meeting and speaking at this meeting was a billionaire okay a billionaire was speaking he was giving his comments i i remember this like it was yesterday i remember where i was sitting in and looking up at this billionaire at the at the stage speaking at in this meeting and and so he was talking about things and giving his input on things and the subject of bill gates came up and in his in what he was talking about and the subject of bill gates came up and just on the fly the the the billionaire glibly just kind of said bill gates boy i wish i had his money and it was said just as a quick aside anybody struck me it struck me i thought to myself wow it's it's unbelievable that that could come out of his mouth i sat back incredulously this guy was a billionaire who was talking this guy was a billionaire and the subject bill gates came up and and he just threw in boy bill gates boy i wish i had his money this was a billionaire let me tell you what i heard it struck me i it was i thought that's unbelievable that that could even even possibly be on his lips that's ecclesiastes five pure and simple unadulterated ecclesiastes five a lover of money never has enough money he was a billionaire who says i wish i had his money i mean come on absolutely remarkable there's a principle here my friends that we need to grab a hold of ecclesiastes 5 tells us that the abundance of a rich man prevents him no sleep meaning that there are companies with wealth a great deal of stress people who are wealthy people sometimes people who are not rich think if i only had money if i only had money life would be easy if i only had money if i only had money life i'd be on the easy train and and i could just sit back and relax and boy life would be so much better and easier but actually it's not what scripture says nope great deal of stress great deal of stress great deal of strain people think that wealth brings happiness wealth doesn't bring happiness no country is as rich as the united states we know that no country is as rich as the as the united states out of 184 countries evaluated you think america would be the happiest at the 30 but america has the 34th highest suicide rate 34th highest in the world out of about 200 countries the richest country in the world by pretty good margin over 99 of the world and yet the 34th highest suicide rate and by the way the highest among all western countries america suicide rate highest among all western countries the the wealthiest country in the world wealth does not bring happiness friends a biblical financial principle is not to compulsively chase after every last nickel or shekel i'll tell you this i i've been in ministry in many years now and i've been with many people on their deathbed i can't even count how many people i have sat with literally right soon before they were going to be passing on into the next world many many people and i've never yet once had a person say to me rabbi i wish i wish that i had only worked more hours and made more money no one ever has said that to me in all the years i've been i've been with people and sitting with people on their deathbeds i've never had somebody say oh if i'd only made more money rabbi no one ever said that not one person and and by the way i've heard plenty of other regrets it's not like that they don't have regrets at that moment like no a lot of times people will have regrets and i hear and i trust me i hear them and i i try to console them and you know give them love and the perspective of the you know alum you know the world to come but still that's one regret that i've never heard it's interesting isn't it considering how much we strive for it and society strives for it wealth in today's world of course that having been said people who are very poor also have high suicide rates also so neither can you be oblivious and not care about money at all i hear some people who who are like i don't even care anything about money well you got a job or anything oh my money's not important to me oh yeah well if you pay no attention to it the man is gonna come and repossess your car okay that's not necessary the answer is not to be completely ignore money that's not the answer to my friends no you have to plan and prepare for your future financially why you have to prepare so that it will not inhibit your ministry due to extraordinary financial stress some people are so financially strained that it inhibits and damages their ministry and their testimony and that which god has called them to do maybe the lord has called them to help out in this or that but they can't why because they've got to work the second job because they didn't handle their finances well you see you you can't not pay attention to it you have to pay attention to it and when you get into financial stress my friends it is the source of many marital problems when i do pre-marital counseling we spend a whole lot of time on that because it's one of the four big areas that marriages tend to struggle in is finances being on the same page financially and if there's financial if you have a you know a spender sometimes sometimes it'll be a potential husband and wife there they're engaged and and we'll talk about it it'll become evidently clear to me that one of them is the spender might be the guy or the girl you don't know but one of them is a spender well how much do you think that you know how much would you want to consult each other with when it comes time to spend oh you know whatever i i trust her oh you trust her okay well what that tells me is that you don't want a limit sir that's what that tells me you know you trust me that was you know i try to i read into what people are saying you know and i'm listening very carefully okay if you got a spender and then the other is not a man you got you got some issues there you got to deal with that finances if you're not paying attention to finances it can cause marital issues my friends you have to plan you have to be a good steward so my friends the key is to have enough money to fulfill your needs without lusting after the riches luke chapter six here's another biblical financial principle luke chapter 6 verse 38 it's interesting michael read this very verse a little bit earlier give and it will be given to you a good measure pressed down shaken together overflowing will be given into your lab for whatever measure you measure out will be measured back to you here's the biblical financial principle give give now am i talking about bethel yes but that's not what i'm talking about right now i'm talking about having a generous spirit giving to others towards your family towards strangers towards others especially in this pandemic listen if you order out man be generous with with that with the pizza driver be generous with the uber eats person be generous with your server at a restaurant be generous with people in general have a a an attitude of generosity a spirit of giving it is a biblical financial principle give and it will be given to you the scriptures tell us we need to have a giving attitude yes for our talents also and our time all of the above oh no question and by the way mind your attitude when you give don't just don't just give so that you can get you know some people have that have that wrong also uh is that they is that they will give saying well i'm going to be getting so i'm going to give that's not the that's the wrong attitude no no give because it is a joy for you your attitude has to be in the right place your attitude's got to be right with this deuteronomy chapter 15. here's another important biblical financial principle here it is it's a biggie too watch out you're about to get many of you you're about to get your toes stepped on if you're watching from home kick up the lazy boy as you're watching right now get the feet off the ground otherwise i'm gonna step on him in just a minute okay i warned you here is the next biblical financial principle debt avoid debt is this rabbi is this a financial class or is this a spiritual class yes deuteronomy 15 verse 6 bible talks a lot about all this stuff deuteronomy 15 6 from the torah for adonai your god will bless you as he promised you so you will lend to many nations but not borrow you will rule over many nations but they will not rule over you ooh deep lend to nations but don't borrow god was telling israel it's the biblical financial principle of control or leverage in the same verse what does it say it says you will rule over nations but none will rule over you this is a principle that's involved if there is debt you see this confirmed in proverbs proverbs chapter 22 let's read what it says in proverbs 22 verse 7. it says something also very interesting here's the proverb get ready it's written by grandpa the rich rule over the poor the borrower is a slave to the lender mama the rich rule over the poor the borrower is servant to the lender let me put it another way avoid debt like the plague avoid debts why because if you don't you are giving someone else power over you you become a servant of the lender what rabbi a servant yes think about it when you're working your job you're working in order to pay off your master oftentimes the credit card company deuteronomy says that the borrower is ruled over by others proverbs says that the borrower is a servant to the lender essentially you become a servant of that camper that car that vacation hear me beloved take control of your credit cards take control of them credit cards or put them some people freeze them put them in the freezer you can't touch them i saved the number on my computer don't do that the credit cards can be dangerous and can inhibit your walk as a believer friends listen i know i told you i i told you i'd step on some toes i know a lot of you struggle with this a lot of you are embarrassed about this don't don't be embarrassed it's not about shame it's about today making decisions that are going to help you moving forward i can't tell you how many people i've had in my office rabbi we're struggling right now what's the struggle we've got some credit card debt oh okay let's fess up let's hear it what do you got credit card debt well we have this much credit card debt oh okay and this much oh okay and this oh wow how many cars you got maybe you know and sometimes it's unbelievable if you have a lot of credit card debt there oftentimes is associated with it a bit of shame it's listen don't be shamed and not into not doing anything about it the way you eat an elephant is one bite at a time you gotta start somewhere okay that's how you how you do it i just had one of our teenagers look at me strange i didn't understand that but it's okay listen let me tell you when it comes to what you're purchasing very simply if you can't afford it with what you have in the bank then don't buy it new car fancy clothes new iphone games vacations it doesn't matter i don't care about the zero percent introductory rate i don't care about what a great deal it is sometimes sometimes my dad used to joke about that when he should say sometimes dottie says oh he would say about my mom he'd say oh daddy say oh honey man i got such a great deal you wouldn't believe how much i saved and my dad would say okay hold on if you saved a lot that means that the corresponding thing would be that you spent a lot okay because you had to in order to save you had to spend something right you saved so much it's all in your perspective right but okay but listen if you don't have it in the bank don't buy it live within your means i don't care what the kind of a deal it is that may mean shopping at the thrift store or cutting coupons is that humbling yes is that a bad thing no man i remember man i was an incredible coupon cutter early in our marriage dara remembers uh watching myself and tiffany man we we would cut cut those coupons we had them organized in our little booklet of you know categories and stuff and we always went they used to have double coupons more than they do now i don't remember the day of double coupons up to 50 cents usually you can tell i know my coupons okay and go and look okay hold on let's see hold on the 16 ounce only on a 16 ounce what was that that makes sense so what's the price per ounce here you know maybe it's the george attacking me i do the math some right anyway that's not a bad thing oh but rabbi my children need this oh please it's not worth the debt generally there are three types of acceptable personal debt three types generally one housing housing debt like a mortgage why that's a type of investment this is an investment that you're making towards future financial gain your net financial gain for the house even with the mortgage should be above what you're paying in in debt okay one housing two education education debt why that's also an investment you're you're borrowing some money so that you can make more money later and of course you'll pay it off pay off your your stuff is all that and the third kind of acceptable personal debt generally is going to be medical life is important most of all and so don joliva when it comes to life and death stuff and and your health you know if you okay beloved pay off those credit cards before you spend money on other things pay for what you've already bought first samuel chapter two please first samuel two this is something important to remember on the other hand first samuel chapter 2 verse 7 let's hear what god does god makes poor and makes rich he brings low and also lifts up see my my friends please understand there's nothing wrong with having money on the other hand there's nothing wrong with having money even a lot of money even significant money there's nothing wrong with that here's a biblical financial principle for the godly wealth is a responsibility wealth is a responsibility if you're rich then god bless you then god has given you a special responsibility luke chapter 8 talks about what a rich woman funding god's work a rich man we know took yeshua into a tomb that he had built for himself in a beautiful garden only the very wealthy could have done that and yet joseph of arimathea was was was remembered for forever this very wealthy man why because he he gave he gave what he had to the lord and and the lord had him have that money for such time as that right it's fine to be wealthy if you use it wisely see a lot of rich people don't that's why it's harder for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven than a camel through eye of a needle you know that scripture okay but but yet it is possible if you use it wisely as you prosper always remember the source of your gifts you got to remember the source of your gifts and by the way my friends if you know somebody who is very wealthy please don't be envious or resent them for it why them and not me why them god and not me it's not fair it's not right don't spite somebody else what the lord is doing with them that's between them and god don't that that's a cancerous attitude no the scripture says adonai makes poor and he makes rich lord that's your decision i'm going to do what i need to do see so my friends so we see in this the balance that oftentimes is lost in the believing community because the prosperity gospel is wrong and so is the poverty gospel they're both wrong there's nothing wrong with having nice things if you keep them in perspective can't be the focus genesis 41 and the torah here's another biblical principle here it is save not only do you need to be saved but you need to save save we read the story of course in the torah of joseph when he eventually became he would eventually become second in the land of egypt only to pharaoh himself and joseph advised pharaoh and told him that there would be seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine and so what did he advise pharaoh to do he advised pharaoh to save 20 of all that was produced during the years of plenty so that there would be enough to ride out the famine so he told him save save save pharaoh save because bad times coming in the future we don't know what tomorrow brings my friends i don't see any josephs in here who who know all the future i know todd time's not always going to be times have been tough my gosh who would have seen this last year coming it happened a year ago you know 13 14 months ago who would have predicted how many people lost their job over the last year and had struggled financially you never know what tomorrow's going to bring that's why you got to say genesis 41 verse 53 says then the seven years of abundance in the land of egypt came to an end and the seven years of famine started to come just as joseph had said so there was famine and all the lands but in the whole land of egypt there was bread hey all right joe good job say it so joe yeah wait see friends we must save money we must save money don't spend all that you make when you have a few extra shekels don't let them burn a hole in your pocket you're about to get some money from the government hello hello you're about to get a check from the guard most of you about to get a check from the government don't go on a shopping network spree please beloved please don't do this save if you have a 401k at your work that your employer matches whatever level they match to man you need to be contributing toward that to whatever level at least at whatever level they matched you in and beyond that an ira traditional or a roth ira you need to save some money for your future you're about to get some shackles you're about to get some shackles what are you gonna do you need to save some proverbs chapter 3 proverbs 3. here's another biblical financial principle proverbs chapter 3 verse 9. it says honor adonai with your wealth and with the first of your entire harvest the first first fruits there then your barns will be filled with plenty your vats will overflow with new wine honor the lord with your substance honor the lord we've talked about giving to others for sure but listen we've got to honor the lord with our first fruits yes my friends that's tithes our tithes and offerings you must be obedient there if you hope to be blessed by the lord friends that's that's believing walk 101 trusting god 101. that's the easy stuff but some of you may not be giving to god his tenth well rabbi it's it's a lot of money for me and i don't have any extra extra extra you've missed it brother or sister the tithe does not belong to you it does not belong to you according to the word of god it never did if you're not living within your means then how can you expect for god to bless you god talks much in the old and the new covenants about tithing it is a biblical financial principle why because god knows friends you don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand the nature of people and likewise you don't have to have great insight to know that for many people money is their god i mean we everybody knows that you see that all over the place especially in this country money is is primary for people yeshua said you can't serve god and money i see people make every excuse in the book as to why not to give and it speaks volumes it speaks volumes as to their character and what's really in their heart this is one of the reasons why god talks so much about it in scripture i could give a whole sermon on that and remember that an offering is on top of this it's why they call it tithes and offerings the tithe is the tenth an offering is above the tithe ties and offerings friends of government's about to give most of you thousands of dollars for some of you who have not been tithing here's an opportunity to catch up some also for others of you who are tithing here is that opportunity for you to make that special offering that you've been wanting to and thanks to god by making a special donation i know that some of you have have talked to me i don't know maybe six eight months ago we were talking something about the etz heim tree there our tree in the back there which is above our tithes when people give out of a spirit of generosity and thanksgiving to the lord and they make an offering to the lord and they give thanks to god i love i'm inspired i encourage all of you who are here today as you leave take a look at the tree and just read some of the things that are on it because they're encouraging to see how the lord has blessed and in honor or in memory of somebody or and just thanks to the lord or some of one of them says happy birthday son you know i mean it's like you never know what it is i give thanks that you read this there's scriptures on them there's so many beautiful things sometimes people have said well boy rabbi i just i don't have the funds oh you're about to you're about to ask the lord ask the lord the you who are watching online ask the lord i'm talking about above our tithe here i think there's less than 10 leaves left on this that's haim ask the lord lord is this is this my opportunity to to give thanks to you and to bring a special offering to you make sure you've worked it and you've already qualified your your tithes first that's the basics so that you will be blessed have an attitude of gratitude why because remember the lord loves a cheerful giver he loves to cheer you can't give uh grudgingly here's another one all right here's another point and it's so true beloved you all know this why is it that people who make thirty thousand dollars a year struggle with not enough money people who make sixty thousand dollars a year struggle with not enough money people who make a hundred thousand dollars a year struggle with not enough money and a hundred and fifty thousand or more struggle with not enough money how is it that people at every point of financial income struggle with not quite enough money the reason is that most people live above their means whatev whenever it is they make more whenever it is they make more they get the bigger house they get the bigger apartment they get the nicer car they get the fancier clothes they get the cooler technology don't do this if you're not living within your means brothers or sisters seek to live on 75 of your income that should be your goal to live on no more than 75 percent of your income then beyond that 10 percent is ties 15 percent of savings make a budget my friends make a budget a budget some of you just had a convulsion a budget and some of you are being nudged by your spouse i see you at home i see what i'm doing nudge your spouse it's not nice [Laughter] make a budget i'll give you a couple of resources to look at online dave ramsey crown financial ministries those are a couple of of good resources that you can learn about how to get your financial house in order feel free to look them up online dave ramsey or crown financial ministries i highly recommend them both here's the biblical financial principle live within your means make a lot of money or a little money psalm 37 here's another key principle oh friends here's another key principle if you do your part god will do his part psalm 37 verse 25 the psalmist david says i was young and now i am old yet i have never seen the righteous one forsaken nor his children begging for bread friends if you follow biblical financial principles then god will take care of you god will provide if we are faithful if we are faithful i remember the first year of uh tiffany's marriage and uh we you know we were you know our parents were from the old school uh which was okay you know we're gonna we're gonna help you as if you're a kid you're on your own okay you need to kind of pick it up and learn for yourself son okay so you know they're there for emergencies but they're not just going to kind of subsidize you through life that's that was kind of my my parents uh uh attitude and so i remember early on in our marriage you know you're young in your marriage and and you don't and if especially if there's not a uh you know a sugar daddy so to speak who's like paying for everything you're gonna struggle you're gonna struggle financially right and uh and i remember one time i'll never forget this tiffany remembers this we talk about sometimes i remember one time it's like i said uh tiff you know she and i she worked at a bank for a while and we uh and we shared the financial duties oftentimes but i said tiff come take a look i just i just paid the last bill from you know our utilities or whatever it was and i said come take a look at the checkbook that's by the way young people checkbooks are these things that you can actually write on that you send and actually if you say it's a piece of paper you sign your name you write the amount on it and actually you turn it into a bank they'll give you real money for it it's really amazing uh anyway and you had to log it uh you know in this little paper thing it was so antiquated so funny we did that back in the horse and buggy days and uh in any case i said come come look at the checkbook and she was like okay and she said uh am i gonna like it i'm gonna say well i guess it depends on how you look at it and so we looked at the check we had all everything paid everything was paid completely and i said everything's paid she said oh good 47 cents 47 cents and she was like oh okay she was like oh boy that was that was close that was close hey but the lord will provide the little provide you trust in him may not be exactly always the way you want it to be or think it will be but the lord will provide moryama knows that boy the lord has touched that lady as much as about anybody i know the lord provided for her in just unbelievable ways she loves the lord man she she prays to god she just gives herself to the lord and the lord just takes care of her oh and so that relates to philippians 4 19. i bet that's one of your favorite scriptures mariama my god will fulfill every need of yours according to the riches of his glory and yeshua i know it is i know it is notice the word of god says that god will fulfill every need every need not every want we all have once you know sure i might want this my dad used to say you might want the the mercedes but the need is a chevrolet okay whatever it is you understand sometimes he'll give you your wants too right you know trust in him he hears the desires of your heart but but he says it'll supply all your needs if you're faithful to him he'll supply all your needs my friends so with this with this government this government stimulus check that many of you are about to receive my exhortation to you biblically is to focus on three things one pay off debt two give and three save do you hear me you're about to get a big check pay off debt give save this is really important finally matthew six will conclude with this matthew chapter six i told you i had a lot of scriptures for you matthew chapter six remember this uh finally this is this is so true and is a real important biblical financial principle beloved matthew 6 19 says this do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where a moth and rust destroying where thieves break in and steal but store out for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in or steal for where your treasure is there will your heart be also watch out the principle you must focus on treasures in heaven you must focus on treasures in heaven that's what's important my friends that's why we are our investment needs to be in a spiritual sense also invest in your children's spiritual life it's much more long-lasting than than band or sports taking nothing away from that don't allow your self-worth to be determined by your bank account no no no no that's not about your bank account does not determine your self-worth or your worth to god for sure don't let it determine your self-worth and don't let your your treasure be here on this earth your treasure's got to be in heaven friends where the eternal is if your worth is determined by your bank account it's going to be a sad life for you because my friends the stock market goes up the stock market goes down the word of god stands forever the title of my message is biblical financial principles let's bow our heads i want to ask if you're here today and if you have had some struggles financially i hope that this message has ministered to you because for many of you you're about to be given an opportunity with the with the stimulus money that's coming in to to make some positive changes in your life financially one way or another by paying off debt by giving by saving i really want to encourage you i know that some of you some of you who are here and or some of you who are watching have a vast amount of debt tens and tens of thousands of dollars of debt credit card or otherwise man i want to pray for you i want to pray for discipline too man i'm going to pray for self-control man to get out of debt you got to have the fruit of self-control it's probably the most important fruit that you should be praying for if you're trying to get out of debt and also if you're hearing maybe you've had a stingy spirit not a generous spirit [Music] then i want to pray for you as well that the lord just it'll it'll change you i remember a number of years ago the lord was ministering to me to be more generous lord i pray for each and every person here god i pray for those who have a lot of debt [Music] if you're watching or listening if you have a lot of debt god i want to pray for self-control yes i pray for provision but i pray for self-control both i pray for provision in order to wear down and knock down the debt yes i pray for that provision i pray pray for that job sometimes i'll pray for that even that promotion or that other opportunity or that second job if necessary fair enough but lord i also pray for self-control so that when funds come in they're not just spent they're not spent spur us spuriously there is good stewardship and accountability they're self-controlled lord self-controlled lord i pray for that i pray for anybody who has a stingy spirit i remember jerry rutkin talked about that some the lord to give give people spirit of generosity lord i mean let's face it you're the ultimate giver that there ever has been you gave your life your son's life i thank you lord for this god i thank you lord that we have an opportunity lord to put biblical financial principles into place god and thereby be blessed and i want to ask this if you're here today or if you're watching online or listening on the podcast you've never said a prayer to receive yeshua into your heart you've never committed your life to the lord but if you'd like to oh man it's there's nothing better it's the ultimate spiritual investment [Music] all it takes is a simple prayer to say yes to god if you've would like to do that if you're here raise your hands [Music] and if you're listening online if that's you just raise your hand thank you lord if if that's you you haven't said that prayer before just repeat this prayer after me and the lord will touch you abba father i humbly come before you and i ask yeshua to come into my heart i believe he's risen again sitting at your right hand thank you god for this lord please forgive me of my sins i'm sorry i'll live the rest of my days for you i thank you for this in yeshua's name if you said that prayer for the first time please send us an email or let us know so that we can celebrate with you lord i thank you for this i thank you for the service the beauty of this special this special shabbat thank you for giving us instruction and for allowing us the opportunity to serve you in spirit and in truth thank you for these things bashem yeshua amen and amen thank you rabbi for this message i would like to call up our canter for the aaronic blessing please rise in numbers 6 22 lord said to moses speak to aaron and his sons and tell them this is how you ought to bless the people of israel in this way that you put my name on the people of israel so i will bless them please bye heads prepare to see vanna's blessing the aaronic benediction [Music] the [Music] lord bless you and keep you lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord doth up his countenance upon you and give you peace yeshua shalom name of messiah the prince of peace amen [Music] thank you to each of you who have joined us this shabbat here in person and via live stream we are going to end our service with a closing song and we hope the remainder of your shabbat is full of rest and the love of the lord for those of you who need prayer please feel free to put a written prayer request in the boxes up front or if you are watching online click the link in this description box below a reminder to those here to feel free to schmooze but please maintain social distancing without a physical greeting after the service and continue to wear your mask until you are outside next week share the blessing of shabbat invited jewish friend invite all your friends to attend or to watch our service on youtube it's as easy as sharing a link shabbat shalom everyone [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is shalom everybody have a great weekend you
Channel: Beth Hallel
Views: 1,229
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: messianicjudaism, bethhallel, synagogue, congregation, messianic, roswell, atlanta, shabbat
Id: r4Ikgq_Tg6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 45sec (7185 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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