KCM Partner Testimony: A Journey to Prosperity

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hi my name is Roy king and I am from North Carolina and you can probably tell by my accent here and I've been a partner me and my wife Sally been a partner of KCM for over 30 years and it is our distinct honor as far as to be here today in this television studio and share with you what the Holy Spirit is going to share particularly those of you that are in the in the work place in the business community because that's my background and and everything that the Holy Spirit's going to share through me is something that we have actually accomplished through God's grace in college I was a winter on a basketball scholarship I learned from that as far as the absolute necessity of being disciplined when I got out of college that I started to work with a telephone company and then had other assignments but I've done all kind of things I turn wrenches I was a UPS driver I managed a law firm and then also as a corporate manager so it's why that I'm excited as far as to talk to anybody no matter if you're a blue-collar worker or a chairman of the ward I can relate to you I think because I've been similar to both of those those two positions unemployed three times that wasn't fun but as I'll share in a little bit is that that was that was a foundation and springboard for what took place that brought me here today and the in that unemployment period the first time was eight months and six months and five months and in the eighth month period lost virtually everything that we owned I was invited to a business conference and that friend of mine and he didn't know my financial bondage at that particular time broke that is and after the conference on Sunday afternoon we were walking across the front front lawn where this resort was and he said Roy said I just read a book called laws of prosperity by Kenneth Copeland just out of the blue and I know now why and I said well I like the title who's just Kenneth Copeland guy I'd never heard of it and and so he said well I think you'll enjoy it I think you'll really be blessed by and he used that word blessed I'll never forget it to this day I went home I got the book and then since I was unemployed I had here's how I managed my day is that in the morning I went to a place called Burger King most of you probably heard of that and I'd sit up in the corner I get one cup of coffee that's only all the amount of money that I had because she had to pay for refills back then and I'd sit there and I read the book laws of prosperity and I can tell you that what what really what really impounded me the most or certain scriptures about prosperity and I almost remembered them that day and that is like Deuteronomy 8:18 in mark 10:30 which says that anyone that gives for Jesus sake and spreading the gospel shall receive a hundredfold now in this time 3 John 2 which is probably one of my favorites beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in good health even as thy soul prospers and then one that I really stand on a lot today is Philippians 4:19 my god supplies in the words of says all my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus I looked up or need in the Greek and it says all I declare so then I said my god supplies all my needs desires and wants according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus so those stuck with me and I won't be real honest the reason why they did is because they pertain the financial prosperity now that should not have been my motivation but that's where I was after reading through the book the first time I went back I kept going to Burger King every day and went back and I got a notebook and pad and the particular Scriptures are really made an impact I wrote down had a Bible and looked them up and those those particular scriptures was the foundation for a list I've got of about like 50 or 60 of them that I refer to many times every week some some of the other ones that would really stood out or proverbs like 3 5 and 6 which says trusting the Lord with all thy heart lean not on the own understanding and all thy ways acknowledge him he'll make your paths straight whether two points that really cared for me ones trust and which I was hard for me to do at that time and then number two really important lean not on your own understanding so if you trust in God and you do it enough I get into the word then you can really flush or your your own understanding to the back which is quite honestly most Christians don't do but but I learned as far as how to do it and then Romans 12:2 be not conformed to this world but be you transformed by the renewing their mind why that made such an impact was because from athletics I knew that what you had to do you had to get into shape yet to be persistent and it really wasn't fun to do to start with but it but if you stuck with it everything's gonna be cool well renewing your mind that meant the same thing to me and that's why that really I started right then and there as far as to start renewing my mind because I knew that that was that was essential another one's 1 Peter 5:5 B 6 & 7 God resists the proud and giveth grace to the humble humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due times casting all of your cares upon him for he cares for you the humility part really made an impression upon me because that was the environment that I grew up within my family is that even even accolades and trophies and all that I got from sports my mother always taught me she said you you just be humble about it and and I never let never forget it and then the exalting part is that basically from from youth to now I'm not unless there's a mistake I wouldn't exalt myself about anything because I knew it was the opposite of pride and knew what what the the point of pride was and then the last one that really stood out was Romans 12:3 God has dealt to every man the measure of faith and later on when I learned that Diana as far as that I had the same measure of faith as Jesus and you then that fired me up I mean he did pretty good why he was here on earth and so therefore if this before I knew anything if I could if I started off where he is and I could duplicate what he's doing then therefore maybe I could get down the road a little bit and and and give glory to God in the process so I started to to to develop my faith that's really what I did month after month after month and Burger King month after month after month I can I would take time in the morning maybe hour an hour and a half and then during the day I'd look for a job and and the evening I'd get in the word some but particularly first thing in the morning and I did that all the time that was kind of my routine and then the Holy Spirit prompted me he said I want you to look at this business endeavor I said okay and it's pretty clear although I didn't really think I heard of the heard from the Holy Spirit that much but it was like okay boy it's time time for you to listen to me and I said okay so I did due diligence on it and looked into it and God involved in it and here's the cool thing about it from being unemployed financial bondage in eight years I was debt free and what God did in that process is that his grace was showered on me supernaturally and I think I know why looking back now is that he wouldn't looking at my ability he was looking at my available but I had the heart for Jesus since I was a little boy and and Alla now I finally found a playing field in which I could play I believe that anybody who will follow the principles of the kingdom of God if they'll get news of the word enough where they can start hearing the Holy Spirit then what happens if I just be quiet and just let him guide us then many of the junk things that we experience in life will never experience as you begin to develop both spiritually and financially the Lord put it on your heart to sow a million dollars to Kenneth couple ministries will you share that with me sure during this time that that I was unemployed and I was at Burger King and I was up in that little corner with one cup of coffee I started reading this book laws of prosperity and and and I'm gonna read because I've got to hear exactly what I said to the Lord that day in that corner of Burger King I said father because I've learned John 16:23 who says whatsoever you ask to the father in the name of Jesus he will give it to you and here's what I said father in the name of Jesus I'm asking you to rescue me from this financial bondage and I will dedicate my life to you and to finance the growth of the kingdom of God throughout the world that was the commitment that I made and it was been it was being persistent into the word putting my eyes on it which he talks about in Proverbs putting my eyes on and then hearing it at that time cassette tapes and so that so I could just have the word deposit it in my spirit just just more and more and let me be a real transparent at the very beginning it was a chore it was a chore to do it and I had to use natural willpower to be consistent in the word but see I was able to do it because in athletics it was a chore to get in shape every season and I made that analogy and so therefore I did that and I didn't understand I didn't understand the kingdom of God principles back then that I was share today here's what happened I believe is that as I mentioned God knew my heart he knew that I was available and so he blessed me supernaturally knowing that I would dedicate my life to him that was before that I knew the principles of the kingdom of God and one person said for example that well he threw a bone at you well he might have but it was a good I'll say that but the point being is that I think he saw a willing and obedient servant and that he wanted to get me out of that and I'd already made the commitment as far as what I would so in the KCM I'd made that commitment and and then we started so it wasn't it went long after that is that I started to learn about the two systems that's in the earth one is the what most people know is the world system and I'm going to kind of relate it to finance as far as the world economic system and the other one is the the kingdom of God operating system and and I'm gonna I'm gonna give you some ingredients of both because I've been in both and people here in this let them kind of ascertain as far as where they are and might be mixed for both which is fine but I know where that where they want to go if they want to give glory to God in the world economic system it's it's predicated on self effort willpower performance-based achieving do it yourself minds set strive to achieve I was doing that well because I was working 80 hours a week married with three children and I had one person mentioned me a couple of years ago said well that's that's well and good I know people who don't know anything about the kingdom of God and they're wealthy I said I do too in God's Word in Psalm 73 accommodates that he says there are ways in order to accumulate wealth the worldly ways but let me tell you what I've experienced myself and knowing a number of people who have accumulated wealth and that is is that most of them they've lost something along the way either wife children relationships time or whatever they've lost something along the way and they don't have the fullness within their spirit as a person who follows God's principles as a result one can look at its Jeremiah 17:5 it says cursed is the man that trust in man and see in the world system in the world economic system that's what I was doing but before I started learning some of these things I was basically trusting in man and what he said and therefore that was that was a route that I was going down and then I learned learned this cursed is the man that trusted man and then jeremiah 17:7 says blessed is the man that trust in the Lord and I said which side do you want boy and and I learned so so that the world economic system is what virtually all Christians are involved in that's what's driving their life it drove mine for years and years but that's what's driving their their life however there is a better way called the kingdom of God operating system and the golden scripture for that is Matthew 6:33 which I've got right here Sikhi first two parts to it seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness part 1 and all these things will be added unto you well I'm gonna be real transparent the second part is what I wanted all these things will be added unto you but the first part is me it's my part I've got to do the first part seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then once I do that is God's part well the God says in Isaiah 55 he says that his way his thoughts and his ways are higher than our thoughts that's why reference back to proverbs 3:5 6 as far as trust versus lean on our own understanding because our own understanding in in in the world system it's not the same level as God's we have to we have to get to the point where we get into his word enough where we learn his thoughts and his ways in order that we can live our life the way that he wants us to to live the people in the world system they think their employer their boss and I'm me to the earth past that they're the source they're the source of all supply that's false God is the source they might be the vehicle in order for let's say for finances to flow they might be the vehicle but that's fine everybody's not a vehicle through the assignment that they're given and but but God God is the source and in the sooner we looked at that point and really understand that God's a source that we're serving him in we will please him more just like it talks about in Hebrews 11:6 now in the world economic system we go to achieve in the kingdom of God operating system we receive what's already been done 2 Peter 1:3 says that God has provided everything for us in life the word really said he's provided everything for life and godliness all right if he's provided everything for life and godliness then we have to we have to find a way to receive it we don't have to find a way to go out and dig it up and get it we just have to receive it because it's already there an analogy if a neighbor of yours for example if they put if they had deposited a million dollars in your banking account in your bank account safe deposit box let's say and they wrote some instructions as far as how you could receive it I suspect what you would do is that one not wanting up one first of all you'd probably read what the person wrote as far as how to get it and then number two you'd probably build a relationship as to how he did it and thank him for it that's just what Jesus has done God did it before the foundation of the world Jesus restored it through his death and resurrection and so if it's already there we've got we've got to learn how to receive it how do we receive it this is this is really good then the Holy Spirit really brought it to my clarity we get it we get into the word in order to get clarity we get into the word so that we can understand it and understand as far as what what the words are saying we're really increasing belief in Hebrews that talks about labored in into his rest well that really means labor to increase our belief so as we get into his word consistently and we increase our belief and we can get to the point where we can rest in the government proverbs 3 we can trust in his word that we can receive what is already provided for us now when we get into his rest that's really predicts how much we get into it that predicts as far as the timeliness of the manifestation we all want the manifestation that's why I was attracted to laws of prosperity we don't want the manifestation but they're certain there are certain steps you got to go through to get to the point - to get get the manifestation here something looked real real simple if I rest god works if I work God rest now the question is and I asked myself do I want God to do the work but do I want Roy to do the work I'd already done the work 80 hours a week for years so I wanted I wanted for him to do more work because one that meant I was gonna get the manifestation and number two it meant that he was gonna do it a lot better than I then I would so other principles real quickly as far as that in the kingdom of God operating system is that I learned that we have the mind of Christ is 1 Corinthians 2:16 we also have the Holy Spirit inside of us 1 John 4:4 graters he this in us than he that's in the world so therefore if we get into the word and we let the word get into our spirit man and then it get to our natural man we get to our spirit man and we start developing the relationship for the Holy Spirit of listening then we can have the Holy Spirit to really teach us not through our ears but through our heart and he can guide us as far as every step what to do we've got the authority of Jesus same Authority Matthew 28:18 Jesus said I have been given authority over heaven and earth well we're joint-heirs how do I know we're joint heirs Romans 8:17 says if we're children of God we're heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus so therefore we've got the same power of mean the same authority that Jesus said we got the power because the Holy Spirit's residing in us plus we got the name of Jesus we got the words of Jesus we got the blood of Jesus so we're hooked up pretty good we just we just have to do it I think renewing the mind is a lifelong process anyway so I just started it and again because of my athletic experience is that since I played ever since I was a little taught is that I knew that you had to be consistent I knew that in athletics you don't work out once and wait a week work out again you're gonna be sore sore sore if you do and you're not gonna be very good so I knew that is that if I would be consistently persistent if I would do that then at the very beginning where it was very uncomfortable for me to pick up the word and read it why because all the pressures of the world system was bombarded me and me picking up the word and reading it it was like swimming upstream it was like swimming upstream for me because I was not accustomed to it it accustomed to it and it was swimming upstream as far as all the forces in society because they didn't want me to do it and so I just I just did it and and I knew by consistency that it would bring of bring about the results and and that's exactly what happened did you keep your consistency I increased it and the reason why that I increased it is because that I had the financial pressure taken off of me from being unemployed and financially destitute almost I had the pressure taken off of me and I said if I can do this back when I was really in financial trouble now that I'm starting to get out of it a little bit I guarantee I can do it plus I'm going to accelerate this bad boy so I don't fall back in it again that was my mindset is that I had I never wanted to be that way a matter of fact during that time that I was unemployed those three times I did things to make money legitimately and legally that nobody on earth know bite my parents my wife my children no bite why I was responsible for the financial well-being of my family and if if it's going to be is going to be me I was gonna do it and I was gonna get it done and so I just consistently stayed in it I think because what I saw one getting out of getting on my feet a little bit financially and number two as I was increasing timing the word my belief was rising up and I started I started remember one time saying well gosh is that maybe these promises are work for me the promises in the word and and it went from this was a chore to maybe these promises have worked for me and that then I got to the point more and more is that when I was blessed I knew it would and then it kicked into overdrive as far as say hey we're not going to be stopped now is that that that mission that I promise to the Lord is to finance the growth of the body of Christ throughout the world it's a done deal I don't know how long it's going to take I don't care how long is take but I'm gonna do my car my part and God is gonna do his part because he's no respecter of persons and and I would get the word and I would get I'd get different promises I never forget Kenneth's teaching this one time is that he talked about as far as prophecy in the scripture and it's in 2 Peter 1:20 I think it says that no prophecy of Scripture zuv any private interpretation I said hmm if God or Jesus said this to whomever and God is no respecter of persons and in Malachi 3:6 God never changes then therefore what he said to them he's saying to me and I grabbed hold of it just like he was saying Roy I'm talking to you because in essence that he is and and that's how that I kind of climbed the ladder after that eight years where that we became debt-free and we made the gift to the ministry two years after that we were financially independent for the rest of our life and it was not because of my ability I believe as I've said two or three times is that I believe God knew that I was available he was just looking for a willing vessel out there and I said years ago Here I am and he just picked me if he picked me because I picked him first and because of that is that we've we've been able to bless our children and bless a lot of people a lot of ministries and and that's been cool that's been cool I take no credit for it I give all the glory to God for it because he is the one Matthew 6:33 and all these things will be added unto you he did his part after I started doing my part and I'm not stopped with my part stop with my part which means he's not stopped with his part so we're going we're gonna get the show on the road to get to know Kenneth Copeland and Gloria as we do now and have for quite a while since he's been our earthly spiritual mentor for over 20 years now that's a blessing I consider him the greatest prophet on earth today not because I'm in this studio of his not that I could be on the street and I'd say the same thing that means let me say this two resources that have been outstanding for me and they're older ones back in the early mid eighties one is developing a friendship with God that's by Kenneth and the other one is walking in the spirit by Gloria and then my number one book from this ministry in the past used to be living contact but then it got superseded by the blessing and both of those point to God's Word and it's been a great supplement as far as having those but because of that exposure to the ministry in these great great generals of faith it has blessed my life and that is what's taking me to the last thing that I mentioned here and that is as far as the four phases of my Christian walk and I think this will relate to anybody who's hearing this the first phase that I went through was I was a carnal Christian performance-based mindset everything in the world system that's that's where I was that's how I was operated the second phase I was born again Christian and I had I was under mental assent well what's mental assent cuz I didn't know until the Lord explained it to me mental assent was making my own decisions on my own thinking on human reasoning and then getting God's Word some of the I talked about here I learned and asking him to bless it and the third one is that born-again Christian thought I was seeking God's first but I was trying to achieve the results that I had established and the success formula now I'm gonna hold off from the fourth one but those three anybody who's hearing this I'd ask the question do they fall into the world economic system or the kingdom of God system obviously they fall into the world economic system because I was controlling it with my own mind and what that's got to be it's got to be translated from that into the Holy Spirit guiding it in the fourth one is what I become and that it is a disciple of Jesus with the mission men to love Jesus and the father above all else even if I get nothing back in return John 13:34 says a new commandment I gave you that you love one another as I have loved you love one another well after the first in that where he says love one love one another it's a semicolon and then he says as I have loved you love one another well the significance of that is is that his love was agape love and that's what he's teaching us to do is to have a cop a love with everybody else well what's that agape love is that there's no strings attached and expecting nothing back in return in other words I'm going to I'm going to pray and I'm gonna live my life focusing on loving Jesus because if I love him since that's the foundation if I love him and love my neighbor then everything else is gonna be taken care of as long as I develop that relationship with Jesus and I'll listen to the Holy Spirit because if I do that the Holy Spirit is going to guide me as he's done and when that takes place I'm in a position where that I can't loose you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 25,742
Rating: 4.927536 out of 5
Keywords: prosperity, financial blessing, KCM, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, KCM Partner Testimony, Financial prosperity, biblical prosperity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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