KCM is LIVE with EMIC's Sunday Service! 10.3.21

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welcome to church today say this after me heavenly father we declare the glory of the lord over this service today we believe we receive the manifested presence of god the manifested power of god in the manifested goodness of god in our lives in jesus name let's give god praise as we enter into worship today [Music] are you guys ready to rejoice with us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in [Music] bless his name is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] again [Applause] oh did anybody bring a shower [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can i say [Music] [Applause] [Music] can i say [Applause] always somebody help us praise the lord this morning's [Music] praise his name to the ends of the earth [Music] praise his name and again [Music] [Music] praise his name to the hands of the prays earth name praise his name to the ends of the earth [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can i say [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the ends of the earth i think around here we would probably say from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle would somebody help me praise him this morning somebody [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can i say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] again [Music] [Applause] did you come to praise the lord this morning i said did you come to praise the lord you know he's worthy to be praised [Music] shout every prayer that's it that's it [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] let's do it [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] every [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come place [Applause] [Applause] thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah thank you lord praise jesus praise jesus thank you [Music] everybody say lord [Music] yes we do [Music] we give you can we just say lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus we just pray in the spirit here oh father just worship him in the spirit lord i am we worship you lord we worship you oh we worship you our great almighty god lord [Music] [Music] all things that you need are at my throne and this is a day in an hour when all the voices around you are here to tell you how weak you are how incapable you are and to intimidate you and to press you down in every area of your life for they are making you to question question your ability question your right question your strength but when you come before me and worship me and yield to me for true worship is yielding but when you yield and worship me then all that i am is infused into your very being my nature becomes strengthened as your nature my nature rises up in you for boldness for courage for strength and to have to have clarity and to see things for as they truly are no no rise up so things operate in opposite of the way you would think naturally and the spirit to bow your knee to me is to rise up over the elements of this world to become as weak before me so that my strength can be made real in you strengthens you in the face of any enemy every enemy and all the pressures of the world both natural and spiritual so i'm saying to you as you yield to me be strengthened rise up be bold be courageous know who you are in me and allow me to rise up and be bold and be strong in you for the hour is short and the the days are passing quickly and soon you will see on the horizon the coming of the lord jesus himself who is coming for a church that is bright coming for a church that is quick coming for a church that is strong coming for a church that is vibrant and alive in my glory and in my name and in all that i have said that you are amen hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord well let's do that let's worship him let's worship him we worship you jesus we worship you jesus we worship you jesus we worship you jesus oh hallelujah thank you lord for the presence of the most high the presence of the almighty their goodness thank you lord for the presence of your goodness thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah thank you jesus praise you lord jesus hallelujah thank you lord praise the lord so in light of that we have something we're going to focus on for a moment and pray about together and we knew we were going to do this but the lord wanted to say something to us before we do so obviously this is a very important it's just one of many things it's just one but it's a big one and so we're going to take this to the lord right now as a church now i just want to highlight three different things uh three different points under this one thing in virginia parental rights are in battle in virginia the two candidates for governor democrat terry mcauliffe and republican glenn younkin now mcauliffe has been governor before and he is running again and he has a slight edge but let me tell you what is going on first of all mr mcauliffe you can keep playing don't we don't lose our place this is a prayer place can you can you handle taking something like this and just be just be praying in the spirit because we're going to take this to the lord mr mcauliffe says i am not going to let parents come in and take books out and make their own decisions i stopped the bill and i don't think parents should tell teachers what to do yunkan the republican agreed with mcauliffe that schools should be able to make decisions about content but he also said that parents should be included in the dialogue instead of kept in the dark mr mcauliffe is extremely pro-abortion and very clear that he is against mr trump but unfortunately so is mr yunken distancing him and says there was nothing illegitimate in the 2020 election and though he is not quite quite pro-abortion he is conditional on his pro-life stand number one number two biden's educational secretary education secretary miguel cardona says parents should not be the primary stakeholder in their kids education he has testified on school reopenings he did this just this week before the senate health education labor and pensions committee on thursday during thursday's testimony joe biden's education secretary miguel cardona said parents should not be the primary stakeholder in their education so important but they should not be first okay next can you help me hear them the national school board association is now asking the bible administration to label outraged parents as domestic terrorists show listen the second half of that and use the patriot yeah and there so let me read this to you this is a letter that they sent to the biden administration so instead of listening to parents who pay their salaries the school board is responding by lobbying the biden administration to classify unruly parents who demand accountability as domestic terrorists uh let me read to you a portion of the letter that they and this national school board association represents some 90 000 i believe it is school districts dear mr president america's public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat the national school boards association respectfully asked for federal law enforcement and other assistance to deal with the growing number of threats of violence acts of intimidation occurring across the nation the national school board association requests that such review examine appropriate enforceable actions against these crimes and acts of violence under the gun-free zone school zone act the patriot act now what is the patriot act the patriot act allows the government to usurp some civil liberties in other words check your phone records invade into your privacy in an almost unlimited measure in the name of stopping terrorism the patriot act in regards to domestic terrorism the matthew shepard and james byrd junior hate crimes prevention act the violent interference with federally protected rights statute the conspiracy against rights statute and an executive order to enforce all applicable laws according to the letter that was signed by the nsba president viola garcia and ceo chip slavin school boards are already being assisted by local law enforcement in many communities but the extra security excuse me and the new policies designed to keep people out of meetings so to do these things in secret have not stopped parents from just showing up to voice this their displeasure the letter goes on as the threats grow and news of extremist hate organizations showing up at school board's meeting is reported this is a critical time for a proactive approach to deal with this difficult issue the nsba specifically solicits the expertise and resources of the department of justice the federal bureau of investigation the u.s department of homeland security the u.s secret service and its national threat assessment center regarding the level of risk to public school children educators board members and facilities and campuses so that means you go down to your school board and say i don't want you to teach my children that white people are bad or any race is bad i do not want you to teach my children that boys are girls and girls are boys i do not want you to teach your my children that they do not need their parents consent for anything and that i am their greatest threat in their life i do not want you to teach my children how to have sex in kindergarten i do not want you to teach these things in which case you would be labeled a domestic terrorist subject to every defensive agency of the united states government but we just heard a word from the lord we just heard a word from the lord now here's the thing ladies and gentlemen we have to be familiar with these things we we first of all take things to the higher court we take things to the throne of heaven but in doing so we are also preparing ourselves we are listening we're being educated and we are a people who will love the truth we love the truth and that's not what the word says the bible says you teach your children not hire somebody else to do it and the things that we are to teach our children is we are to teach them the law and the commandments of god and that right from wrong and what the word says so let's pray you want to start us out yes emily let's pray let's agree together heavenly father lord we lift up all these horrible rules and potentials projected rules of domestic terrorism now father we lift up specifically the state of virginia from northern virginia to eastern to western to the city of richmond father i thank you that your will be done in the state of virginia lord there's a reason why virginia is being attacked there's a reason why the enemy wants to take the state of virginia virginia was the place the founding of our nation it was also the place of the founding of christian television it was the founding of so many righteous acts and righteous moves of the spirit were founded in the state of virginia but father we lift this up and say we will not back down we will not slow down we will rise up we will make ourselves heard and father i thank you for boldness for pastors out there watching for pastors that will stand up heed the call and understand it's not their church at stake it's our nation at stake so father we call these things in to be we thank you father that righteous candidates will rise up righteous candidates will be seen this will not be a critical race theory issue this will be a good versus evil for what it is issue so father i thank you that your people rise up stand up and they are motivated to follow through and we will complete what you've called us to do in jesus name now if you want a prayer that covers all of that it's for the awakening because it's only an awakening that answers this it's only an awakening it's only an awakening of the people in virginia it's an awakening of the church that answers all of this it's an awakening that brings people to the lord it's an awakening not only just to jesus as savior but an awakening to his word and loving the truth of the word you can't truly love jesus if you don't love his word it's an awakening in the church it's an awakening in pastors to tell their churches do you know how few pastors will stand up and do what i'm doing right here right now but in an awakening they do there was an awakening in 1775 1776 there was an awakening in there the result of that was the birth of this nation and an awakening is the the the what will bring the rebirth of this nation hallelujah amen amen well we praise the lord and believe this and we're going to keep standing and agreeing together make it a part of your praying make it part of your saying all the time every meal teach your children and don't wait for somebody else to get it right don't even wait for for your sunday school teachers here today you help you get in you you teach your children what the word of god says amen amen amen thank you captain revival mr flashpoint amen well give the shout to the lord and you may be seated hallelujah thank you all may be seated thank you jesus well i welcome you this morning to eagle mountain international church we thank god for his love love is king jesus is lord and god is good and we know it amen we're happy about it you know [Applause] domestic terrorists are not very happy we're happy we're happy people do i get a witness amen amen i want to welcome you all this morning here at eagle mountain international church if it's your very first time here in the house this morning will you raise your hand because we want to just give a great welcome to have you in the house praise the lord hallelujah that's so good to see you we are so glad to have you here today there's a card in the back of the seat in front of you if you'll fill that out and take it at the end of the service to reception that we have we have a gift for you and just a handful of people that just want to shake your hand tell you that we're glad you're here answer questions anything that we can to do and also to give you a gift we are a given group around here we just want to love you and bless you if you don't have time to stay for a few minutes you can put it in the offering basket today as it goes by but it's hard to get a gift that way we want to give you a present just to let you know that we love you and we pray for you once we have your name and information we do pray over you and i want to welcome everyone who's watching this morning top of the world the bottom all the way around the middle would you welcome them in the house today praise the lord so as i came to my seat this morning i was greeted by this lovely couple behind me john and diana lubeck and they are from guatemala and missionaries there and they said we we're from we're from the middle i said the middle yeah we're from the right around the middle we're from guatemala would you welcome them in our service this morning we're so thankful for you and then they also have with them christy clark now chrissy has been a missionary in africa for you said for decades right you know how many ten not ten decades that can't be right you are good looking good girl let me tell you [Applause] i wanna i gotta get your secret so so she has been in africa 11 years is that right did i say it right and now she is transferring down to ecuador to join her parents who are missionaries there would you welcome her into our service this morning that's great chrissy diana and john we're so glad to have you here what a thrill to have you with us and what an honor it is to have those who have given their lives so that others in foreign places could know jesus and to know the truth we're so thankful for that praise the lord well let me give you a couple of announcements first of all i want to emphasize to you that mark and trena hankins are coming sunday october 24th praise the lord and i want you to set aside sunday let's see sunday and monday tuesday and wednesday evenings because we're going to have a time of focus around the word of god you know brother hagin used to talk about how he wouldn't even accept a meeting if it was less than three weeks not three days three weeks why because they had breakthrough how much more can we at least give three days a sunday morning and three evenings to to the word of god to fellowshipping together when the world is working 24 7 to beat our brains out let's come together around the word of god let the holy ghost flow let your children get in the presence of the lord and we'll have more announcements about that coming up for more information you can go to emsc.org events a quick update for you the victory thon update would you like to see where we're at right now praise the lord okay that number is 10 million 772 777 praise jesus praise the lord hallelujah glory to god glory to god praise god i'm letting everybody know that hundred thousand dollar challenge still stands hundred thousand dollar challenge so if we have a group of people get together the hundred thousand dollars or someone you know you've got it and your lord's dealing with you about it then you want to call and let this number the number here today when you call and say this is a victory-thon contribution if we get a hundred thousand dollars contribution in today then they will meet that hundred thousand dollar challenge praise the lord and then that puts us just boy just some a few dollars away from 11 million dollars so i say we're going over today amen praise the lord going over today remind you the prayer number is 877-281-6297 you can call anytime today now let's watch our screen for announcements inviting parents young adults and yes the wise at heart to come and partner with us in super kid academy it is always fun and always exciting i like just like interacting with the kids the impact on the kingdom that we get to make and serving with the children it really changes uh your perspective and especially the rewards in heaven that you'll see just by being you know available if you would like to sign up to volunteer stop by any super kid classroom to pick up an application or go to emic.org and click next steps do you have a baby or child that you would like to dedicate to the lord we will be having baby dedications on sunday october 10th during our 10 a.m service to register please go to emic.org events by wednesday october 6th [Music] eagle mountain international church invites you to join us wednesday october 6th at 7 pm central as we welcome special guest speaker dr terry mize dr mize has over 50 years in global ministry with an emphasis on missions and outreach join us and learn how we can make a global impact wednesday october 6th at 7 pm central at eagle mountain international church [Music] big news fall fest is coming up on sunday october 31st and starting today we are now accepting candy donations bins are available in the front lobby and the student life center where our emic family can drop off bags of individually wrapped candy during the entire month of october for more information please visit emic.org events we are looking forward to an amazing fall fest this year ladies if i were you i would not miss this meeting that's coming up i've been watching my wife study and pray and she's on fire it's gonna be good check it out that's right so radiant women i hope to see you at thrive on october 7th at 7 pm we're gonna have a wonderful time don't miss it well praise the lord it's offering time emic [Applause] it's always an honor i want to jump right in uh to amos chapter 9 verse 13. i'm going to read two scriptures back to back and then we'll dig in for a second amos chapter 9 verse 13 says this behold the day comes says the lord that the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him that sow seed and the mountain shall drop sweet wine and all the hills shall melt proverbs chapter 13 verse 22 says a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just yeah you can hoop and holler at that right there amen pastor bill winston said something a few years ago and every time i wake up and every time i open my eyes it becomes more and more true and that's this we're entering into the days where the supernatural or the supernatural is no longer an option it's a necessity it's a necessity that we walk in the supernatural in every area of life especially in the area of our finances and something that pastor george teaches on quite frequently and uh catherine and i endeavor to press into as much as we can is entering into the days of supernatural acceleration supernatural acceleration our health supernatural acceleration and wisdom supernatural acceleration and revelation and of course supernatural acceleration in our finances let me give you two examples of supernatural acceleration and i made notes early this morning i'm going to have to edit one of my notes based on the announcement that just happened but everybody knows what happened back in february let's start here uh covid snovitz nomagiddon whatever you want to call it fill in the blank but the lord dropped into pastor george and pastor terry's hearts the repair replace and expand initiative and he challenged us that will you celebrate wildly at 6 million and press on to 7 million and we accepted that challenge and the lord brought over 7 million dollars into our hands in a matter of a few months that is supernatural acceleration and now here we are in uh just a couple weeks ago ago with victory thon in just two weeks my notes said 9.1 but in two weeks the lord brought 10.7 million dollars and counting into our hands that is supernatural acceleration and i used those two points as an example because you are divinely connected and you were divinely placed at eagle mount international church and what happens in this house you can expect to happen in your house amen and while we i was praying we were praying as a emic staff over victory thon and the lord reminded me of a prophetic word and i want to share this prophetic word with you it was something for several years ago but how many of y'all know that prophetic words don't have an expiration date it's from charles brothers charles capps and it says this the financial inversion shall come forth from that which has been wrought tonight so shall it be even in the smallest that has been set forth in motion here shall not be forgotten but it shall be multiplied financial inversion shall increase in these days what is that supernatural acceleration for you see it is my desire to move in the realm of your financial prosperity but release me says the lord release me that i may come in your behalf and move on your behalf for yes yes yes there shall be in this hour financial distress here and financial distress there the economy shall go up and the economy shall go down but those that learn to walk in the word they shall see the prosperity of the word come forth in this hour in a way that has not been seen by men in years past yes there's coming a financial inversion in the world system it's been held in reservoirs of wicked men for days on end but the end is nigh those reservoirs shall be tapped and shall be drained unto the gospel of jesus christ it shall be done says the lord it shall be done in the time allotted and so shall it be that the word of the lord shall come to pass that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just but it shall be says the lord that the word of the lord shall rise within men men of god of low esteem in the financial world they shall claim the word of god to be their very own and walk in the light of it as it has been set forth in the word and give they shall give in small small amounts of first because that's all they have but then it will increase and through the hundred-fold return so shall it be given that the reservoirs that have held the riches in days past so shall it return to the hands of the giver because of the hundred-fold return shall the reservoirs be lost from the wicked and turn to the gospel but now notice this notice who this uh financial inversion is laid up for this financial inversion won't be experienced by everybody what did it say the financial inversion will be experienced by the giver the financial inversion will be experienced by the giver look at our text amos 9 13 behold the day comes says the lord that the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him that sow seed seed still has to be sown because first the seed then the blade then the full ear in the corn he that sows bountifully shall reap bountifully he that so sparingly shall reap also sparingly that's the kingdom process seed has to go into the ground but as you put your seed in the ground you put yourself in a position to be a partaker of this financial inversion and this supernatural acceleration in the days that we're living in i want to finish this prophecy real quickly or not finish all of it but read the last part of it and then we'll give the giving instructions it's true that the ways of god are higher they are higher than your ways as the heavens are above the earth but i'll teach you to walk in my ways i never said you couldn't walk in my ways now learn to walk in it learn to give so shall the inversion of the financial system revert and so shall it be that the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to all the world and there shall be no lack in the kingdom those that give say i'm a giver those that give shall walk in the ways of the supernatural and they shall be known abroad i'm reminded of something brother moore says we're so blessed that blessed people call us blessed amen well praise lord are you guys ready to embark to partake of this financial inversion and this supernatural acceleration in your life well praise lord we make it easy for you to give you have envelopes on the back of the chair in front of you and if you're on the front row our ushers can uh we'll raise your hand or ushers will get one get an envelope to you make checks payable to emic you can go to emic.org give or you can text uh the text e text 36609 keyword emic followed by the dollar amount and that'll that'll be more than sufficient praise the lord we're excited about this opportunity we're excited about the supernatural acceleration and the financial inversion amen amen praise the lord let's worship the lord with our giving [Music] the son of righteousness is risen healing in his wings the son of righteousness is [Music] [Music] of the sun [Music] the son of righteousness the son of righteousness [Music] the is of [Music] he righteousness us life [Music] the son of righteousness [Music] [Music] [Music] the sun of righteousness [Music] [Music] he gave his life [Music] yes [Music] [Music] praise god hallelujah you know i want to take a few moments here while we're still standing and just i thought about this earlier this last week and i wanted to make sure i mentioned it the appreciation that i have for all of the folks that make this church service happen everybody working with the children right now all of our crew that's behind the scenes people that got here so early this morning in order for us to be able to have a church service like this are musicians our singers aren't they wonderful the ministry of helps is so important it's so important to the life of a church i know because i've been involved in the ministry of help still still involved in the ministry of helps but i can remember i remember times even here when we were having church in the chapel there were times that i was uh helping to to take care of the babies during a church service or other uh things that were done in a church so i wanted to just take that this moment and say thank you to all who help all who support all who work when terry and i drive up here people have been here since it's been since dawn getting ready for a church service so i want to give them a great big hand thank you to all of our ministry of helps praise god and then again before we're seated normally about this time i would be welcoming a very special person in church today but he happens to be in heaven right now and his name is charles greene but his daughter and son-in-law are with us matt and cindy welcome back to church we love you guys very much love your family i'm looking forward i bet your dad is in heaven talking nonstop i bet there's a way i bet there's a way to talk nonstop in heaven because his son is always out you know but we're so glad that you're here and and just i know that you guys miss him and love him very much and we do too i miss him i miss him and you know that cd that i put together of him that when we were in lima together and and i i happened this is a number of years ago that i happened to be able to go to with charles green to minister with him at a meeting in lima at a church but the amazing thing was it was a long distance between the hotel and the church and the all the time that we would be driving from the hotel to the church or back charles greene was singing songs and i recorded them and for i believe it was his 90th birthday i put together a cd and i took a picture of frank sinatra and took frank's head off and put charles head on and i called it charles green live in lima and you can hear the traffic behind us and even in one of the songs that charles sang all of a sudden he broke out into tongues he was singing and all of a sudden he went home well there were traffic is really bad in lima and anyway we nearly got hit but i'm so glad that charles greene prayed in tongues and i was just looking at pictures of him from that trip and and just being blessed by we are so blessed by his life so much better because of charles greene and we thank you thank you for taking care of him what a reward that you have in heaven for taking care of your dad and your mother we love you guys very much would you give them a wonderful hand are you ready for the word of god all right go ahead and be seated if you would please can you hear me okay no i'm on there i am thank you there we go not on hello one two three four praise god hallelujah how about now no i can hear myself up here but i don't hear myself out there how about now so you want me to steal oh we got it very good give audio a great hand thank you guys it's really interesting these guys back here and in the audio they work so hard and they work so diligently and they never get any credit the only attention they get is when it's not working so it's working and it's great and we thank you guys for what you do and keep us on track father in the name of jesus we honor you for this time together and thank you for the living breathing word of god and we believe today as we delve into all that you have for us we particularly receive the healing power of god in this service you are the healer you are the deliverer and i thank you lord that uh it is your will for every one of us to be healed and whole and well and so lord we take time today to focus on that and receive our healing say this after me i believe i receive the fullness of my healing in jesus name open your bibles to colossians chapter one colossians chapter one and we're going to be looking at verses 12 and 13. colossians 1 12 and 13. and as we get into this the lord will show us some things and then what we're going to do is we're going to make a declaration of faith together and then we're going to receive communion and after the communion time the altar ministers will come up along with our pastors and have the opportunity for anyone here to have hands laid on them to agree with you over the healing of your body or the healing of your family whatever it is but we are the heel galatians galatians 3 13 14 we are redeemed from covet 19. we're redeemed from the curse of the law and the curse of the law includes our deliverance from every sickness disease and pain i'm so thrilled when i first learned that when i first came in to the word of faith there was always that question whether or not it was god's will for me to be healed and that is no longer a question in my life i know that without a doubt it is the will of god for us to be healed and whole and well and one other thing that is important about that is we need he needs our cooperation in this and that's what we're going to get into today so colossians 1 12 and 13 starting in verse 12 excuse me giving thanks unto the father which has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light who has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son talking about giving thanks unto the father which has made us able that's what that word meat means it means to be able to be partakers of the inheritance the inheritance of the saints in light everything that belongs to us and it says he's delivered us say i'm delivered from the power of darkness and then it says here he has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son now let me read the amplified translation of that to you the father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and he has transferred us into the kingdom of the son of his love we've been delivered from one thing and we have been transferred into another now let me ask you a question what would you have to do if the government or business that you work for decided to transfer you to another country or let me ask you this what if you're in ministry and the lord speaks to you and he says i want you to go to another country i want you to begin to minister there well you would have to adapt first of all to a new culture you'd have to learn about this new culture to be able to operate there to be able to live there to understand the culture of that nation we have people here that are that are working in other nations and they've had to adapt to a culture that is there a language that is there that preparation had to be done so you'd learn about the culture you would then learn to speak a new language now the new culture that we're talking about here is the culture of the kingdom of god there is a culture a way of life that we all operate here on earth and that is the kingdom of god or the kingdom of heaven operating in the earth we we are not of this world we're in it but we're not of it we operate from a different place we live from a different place and so we adapt to this new culture and we learn to speak a new language the new culture is adapting to the kingdom of god here on earth how it functions how it operates the the new way that we think the new way that we act and the new language that we speak is called the language of faith the language of faith has anyone ever studied a language most of us have if you're growing up in school being taught different languages i was i grew up my first few years in elementary school we lived in new york and in the third grade they taught us french they taught us french i thought that was very interesting to teach third grade i think it's a good idea to treat to teach young people a language at an early age i don't remember a lot of what was taught because i didn't follow up but i do remember come over come over i forget it thinking of two different things um and i can count under toi got sang see set you eat nerf d i was raised in a town in massachusetts after we were in new york we moved to massachusetts where my grandparents lived and the entire town was italian all of my friends names were italian they were all catholic except me which was kind of strange but i learned the culture the italian culture when my grandfather would take me out somewhere with him he would speak in italian to the people that he talked to because they were all italian so there's a culture there that you grow up in in a culture that you understand so this culture that we're living in we are not only adapting to a new culture and a new way of thinking and acting we are learning a new language and that language is the language of faith so let's talk about this language of faith for a moment while we're doing that turn over to job chapter 22. job chapter 22 pastor terry has a nickname for me among others but one of them is captain confession i am captain confession and some people might wonder maybe you've been coming to church here for a short period of time not very long at all but you'll notice and i've noticed this in in myself that in the messages that i prepare i always end up with us repeating something declaring something so people might ask why does pastor george always end his messages by making us repeat something out loud why is that so important and i was thinking about that why is that so important well one of the reasons why we do that is a review we go back and we review the highlights of what we talked about and when you speak it out loud you're able to capture it in a greater way by not just hearing but speaking and also we do something that is part of the kingdom of god on earth and we release our faith when we say those things when we make those declarations of faith that's how you release your faith you do it by the words that you speak and words and faith are so important they are so necessary as a matter of fact hold your place in job and turn with me very quickly to mark chapter 11. mark chapter 11. and i learned this when i first came in contact with brother copeland and the messages that he preached how important my words are in relationship to faith and the fact that i had to learn a new language there were certain things that i stopped saying there are certain things that i began to say and it says in mark 11 22 jesus answering said to them have faith in god or have the god kind of faith for verily i say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed whosoever shall say whosoever shall say whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he says that is an extremely important scripture when we're talking about the culture of faith that we live in and operate in so let me let me quote a couple of things to you that i've learned about both the power of our words and what words do for many this may be the first time they're hearing a message like this for others this is a refresher it's a for a refresher to get your words back in line in agreement with the word of god here's one statement i wanted to give to you the entire course of nature and the circumstances surrounding our lives are controlled by the words that we speak words are extremely important we operate and live by those words another statement says we don't have a choice of whether or not we live by words however we do have a choice of what words we live by that is so crucial for us to understand these things and the power of our words the power of what we say the creative power in the words that we speak words let me let me quote this to you words program the human spirit for success or failure words program the human spirit for success or failure what have you been saying what words are coming out of your mouth when i came into this culture really it began in 1975 after i met pastor terry at oral roberts university and she began to give me messages by her father later that year we were engaged december 31st of 1975 then i came home to meet the parents and then brother copeland in my meeting with him he said i'm going to send you my bible course he sent me every cassette tape that he had boxes of them so i began to feed on that word i began to learn some things that i had never known before i began to learn about the integrity of god's word and the image of god on the inside of me and i began to learn further about who i was in christ jesus who i am in him and one of the things that i learned about was the importance of the words that i speak because words as we said they program the human spirit for either success or failure what is coming out of your mouth what you are saying are building the the boundaries in your life if you're speaking in a limited fashion and because of what kind of culture you may have grown up in and i'm not disparaging anybody's culture but i am saying this there is a culture in the word of god and in the word of faith that we live in and there are truly some things that are different from the cultures that we may have grown up with in the past there may have been some cultures that we grow up in that were that were focused on a poverty mindset maybe you grew up in a culture where god was not included at all maybe you didn't go to church maybe you didn't study the word of god but when you became born again you stepped into this kingdom of god into a new culture and a new place we are living in days or we should be living in days of heaven on the earth and that's the culture that we live in we endeavor to do that pastor terry and i did because we learned these things i learned them so early in my life and her as well so that when we were married we adopt adapted or adopted that culture into our marriage and then as our children were born we began to share that culture with them as jeremy says over and over again he thought he grew up in the household of faith but that's what we did when the children would go to bed at night we would put the word of god on and let them listen to it through the night we would have our devotions in the morning time we would watch the believers voice the victory broadcast we would take them to the conventions where were we what were we doing we were having them become acclimated to this this heaven on earth culture that they would grow up with their minds being renewed to the word of god and to live a life to have and enjoy life in abundance that's why jesus came the amplified bible says in john 10 until it overflows we are to be living that way and in this kingdom culture we have covenant with god and the articles of the covenant are listed out in this book those things that belong to us our inheritance in christ jesus we i found out that we were joint heirs with jesus heirs of god and joint heirs with jesus and everything that belongs to him it belongs to us in this culture there is no entertaining of failure there is no looking towards failure why because we declare over our lives that everything that we set our hands to it prospers it prospers and whatever is going on in our lives our god is going to work it out and we're going to declare that and we're going to decree it and we're going to see to it that it does happen that's how powerful words are i'll give you an example one that you've probably heard before maybe you haven't heard it when we're talking about programming the human spirit for success or for failure there are words that people say over and over and over again you can build strongholds into your life good or bad what we've endeavored to do with our children and with our lives is to build that stronghold of faith so that any time we face a challenge that stronghold is so powerful on the inside no matter how hard the devil squeezes us the only thing that comes up out of us is god's word the only thing that comes up out of us is our victory is the victory that we walk in our minds renewed to that a different way of thinking a higher way of thinking and endeavoring to instill that into our family that culture of the word of god and what people people have said this before here's an example whenever somebody starts to get ready to go on vacation every time we get ready to go on vacation the kids get sick and i see some of you shaking your head you that you understand that you underst you know that and that's an obvious example to us and we know that that needs to change that needs to ch how do you change something like that how do you turn something like that around well galatians 3 13 says christ has redeemed us paid the full price for us to be redeemed from the curse of sickness and disease so every time we go on vacation we are all healed and whole and well in jesus name but that's just one example of the the programming what you're really doing in the renewing of your mind is reprogramming your mind you're cutting new grooves into your thinking and i'll tell you this we we are endeavoring to do that in our thinking but we can do it even more we can do that even more we can renew our mind mind to such a place that you can't even think lack you can't even think failure you can't even think poverty here's one and this i got these out of a number of years of study on the power of the tongue and how him how extremely essential it is to know that but one of the things that i discovered and found out that our words arrive at our future before we do so what are you saying about your future what are you saying about tomorrow we have a choice to make you choose life or you choose death i choose life i choose life and something that i've seen with the lord he is so faithful the lord is so faithful and after all these years that i've known him that i've seen him and do the things that he has done i've come to the conclusion that he always works out every situation if i will cooperate with him and get my lines my words lined up with his whatever it is that i'm facing he will fix it he will work it out and i'm seeing that more and more and more and more i have divine appointments all the time coming in contact i'm always with the right people at the right time doing the right thing and i see that more and more and more whatever you're going through right now whatever is going on in your life he will fix it and he will work it out all he needs is some faith all he needs is somebody making a declaration of faith lord i believe you i trust you and i believe that thing is going to work out perfectly in jesus name one of the things that people struggle with is such a deep apprehension of the future how is this going to work out how is this going to play out and they envision the dreaded outcome instead of the desired result well you get to get over on the desired result side of it and you begin to declare it you say it you believe it you take the word of god put it in your mouth and allow it to come out and release your faith in it your words of faith will arrive at your future before you do that situation coming up i have favor i've got the favor of god working on my behalf and you can say that all the way all the way to the day maybe there's something coming up maybe it's a court case maybe it's maybe it's something up there and you just say it and you say it and you declare i've got the favor of the lord then this thing is going to work out what is happening your words are getting there before you are getting there and they are preparing the way and they're getting everything straightened up and they're getting everything ready so that by the time you get there the holy spirit says go on in victory is beyond the door [Applause] your words pave your road to victory [Music] that's what they do that's why it is so crucial that we do as that centurion did he said to jesus about his servant that was sick speak the word only and my servant will be healed and jesus said i have not seen such great faith no not in israel i've often wondered what the disciples felt at that moment i didn't know if they were standing there when he was saying i he's pointing at this centurion saying i have never seen such great faith the word great in greek is mega [Applause] mega i have not seen such mega faith not in israel and i don't know if the disciples were lined up going speak the word only speak the word only listen to this declaration and i'm what i'm doing is i'm just i'm telling you why i'm telling you why we make these confessions these declarations these sayings call them what you want but they are you are you are agreeing with what god says to you two of you get an agreement together there's power in that listen to this declarations of faith based in god's word this is so foundational and spoken out loud will reinforce the dna of that word in your spirit your soul your body and your future did we put that up there did that go up there no okay let me read it again i think i'm you want me to make these i'll make these online i'll put these online because there's a lot to this um we'll get those up for you declarations of faith based in god's word these these faith declarations that are founded legally legally founded on the word of god and spoken out loud what they do is reinforce the dna of that word the dna that is in that word that causes things to change and it will reinforce the dna of that word in our spirit in our soul in our body in our future and an example of that is the dna of first peter 2 24. by the stripes of jesus we were healed the dna of that word you speak that and your spirit man is designed by god to release that word and then see it happen and come to pass in your body you've got to realize both the power that's in the word of god and the power that's in the spoken word of god you and i have been given the divine privilege and opportunity to actually speak the word of god amazing we appropriate what is ours in christ by making god's word a daily part of our vocabulary great results come from declaring who we are in christ what we can do in christ and what we have in christ now job 22 28 are you there job 22 28 this is the principle of speaking the language of faith it says thou shalt also decree a thing now one translation of that says declare a thing the word thing in the hebrew is the word word or the word promise so you can say here you shall also declare and decree a word sounds like royalty to me sounds like kings and priests to me we will declare and i shall decree i will decree this word over my household husbands that's what we need to be doing declaring the word over our household and then it says as we decree decree this word it shall be established unto you the word established means it will be fulfilled it will be fulfilled and it says the light shall shine upon your ways i believe it's the amplified that says the light of god's favor will shine upon your ways so i'm just saying this both for the benefit of our remembrance putting these things into remembrance but also for those that may be new to us here why do you why do you say so much why do you repeat so much why do you say these scriptures because they're changing us from the inside out bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me [Music] forget not any of all of his benefits that's doing something to the inside you there there is the the most powerful voice that there is in your life is the inner voice your voice your voice your voice being released into this body the power of the tongue look at proverbs chapter 18. proverbs chapter 18. we talk about learning to speak the language of faith we also need to learn as a subhead the language of health the language of good health and how we can declare things over our body take authority over our body make it submit to the name which is above every name i like to declare over myself that he fills my mouth with good things what good things does he fill my mouth with good words good words and because of that my youth is renewed like the eagles i say this over myself i'm strong in the lord and in the power of his might what's happening when i do that i'm strengthening myself i am taking the dna of ephesians 6 10 and i'm injecting it into my being and i am strong in the lord and in the power of his might that is a word from god and it has the dna within itself to cause itself to come to pass when i speak it and when i believe it and when i declare it it works it works it works [Music] and this is a little-known revelation amongst people you listen to people talk those of you that work in a in a secular job and i would say around here too sometimes it doesn't matter how long a person has been around the word of faith there's been a there's a difference between being around it and it being in you and you applying it every single day of your life with every single situation that comes up and we all are on different levels of that faith and we all are declaring different things people don't recognize that you can listen to people talk you know exactly where they're coming from when people talk you know because from the abundance of their heart their mouth is speaking we'll read that in just a moment from the deposit of the heart whatever's on the inside it's going to come out fear will come out if fear is in there but this little revel this little known revelation about about living in health and living living in divine healing is it's rarely practiced amongst most people and in some cases among christians they don't know what the word has said i was that way until i was enlightened by god's word i was enlightened by god's word through people like kenneth e hagin and kenneth copeland and charles capps charles capps made a study of the power of the tongue this is a little book that we have at home it's called god's creative power for healing this this is a newer copy of it but i've got one at home that we used to use with our children it's it's it's dog-eared and stained and and has been well worn and this was written by charles capps and it talks about calling things that be not as though they were and talked about the power of the tongue and talked about god's medicine and declaration after declaration after declaration in here about our body my temple is the body of the holy my body is the temple of the holy ghost i make a demand on my body to release the right chemicals my body is in perfect perfect chemical balance my pancreas secretes the proper amount of insulin for life and health that's just a sample that's just a sample and i highly recommend this to you god's creative power for healing by charles by charles capps this one that which god has not planted is divine that which god has not planted is dissolved and rooted out of my body in jesus name first peter 2 24 is engrafted into every fiber of my being and i am alive with the life of god jesus bore the curse for me therefore i forbid growths and tumors to inhabit my body the life of god within me dissolves growths and tumors and my strength and health is restored that's good stuff right there every organ and tissue of my body functions in the perfection that god created it to function i forbid any malfunction in my body in jesus name and you can go on and on and on and on that's so much better than amplifying your arthritis don't do it don't do it don't be a cheerleader on the sideline cheering on that condition my this and my that it ain't mine it's not mine [Applause] if you've ever taken time to read through the entire book of the entire chapter rather of deuteronomy 28. don't stop at verse 15 at the end of the blessings you keep reading and you find out everything that you have been redeemed from [Music] there's one in there about breathing disorders plagues we've been redeemed from things that are not even named in the book i was at a dentist office some years ago it was early on a monday morning we had had church the day before church day's big day so i decided i'd take that monday morning i had several things i needed to do and i wanted to get my checkup so i went to my dentist to get my checkup and i'm sitting there in the office it's about it's about 8 30 in the morning and i'm just i'm just relaxing just enjoying the presence of the lord and sun is shining through the windows and and i overheard a man at the dentist and and obviously he was having some extensive work that was being done so i'm sitting in the office and i'm watching him as he comes out and he begins to schedule his next appointment and while scheduling the appointment he's conversing with the the person the receptionist behind the desk and he made this statement he said well you know bad things begin to happen to your body after you turn 60 years old obviously you don't believe that but i'm sitting there just enjoying resting the presence of god had a great day of service the day before and when he said that when he said that there was a siren and alarm that went off on the inside of me danger will robinson danger danger will robinson mother what's he talking about that alarm went off spirit of god rose up on the inside of me and i said this over myself no i don't receive that in jesus name you see in this culture that we live in it's very easy when you hear something that is against the word of god not to condemn people no absolutely not but you become so trained your ear becomes so trained that you are able to discern good from evil case in point what is it that you are good at what do you do what have you been trained at with me my training my dad worked in advertising in new york in the 50s in the early 60s he was a graphic designer i grew up in that culture i grew up in that atmosphere i went on to school to become a graphic designer got saved in the middle of it took a different course that i was going to take uh in terms of my life ended up at oru but even at oru they hired me in the art department oral roberts university i met terry and then terry as i got to know her family her dad realized i was a graphic designer he hired me as the first in-house artist to start the first in-house art department i have been trained to discern between good and bad artwork i have an eye i have an and i can see i can see the difference i've been trained well whatever it is that you do well you've got an eye for it you've got an ability for it and you can tell when you can tell when something is right and you can tell when something is wrong whether you're a doctor a lawyer a plumber a carpenter whatever it is a mother a mother can tell a mother can tell when something is wrong that always amazed me about pastor terry she read her children our children like a book she could tell she knew what was going on she knew when jeremy was going to day care came home one day she looked at him and said jeremy see if i get this right are you kissing girls i went what she had to have a talk with him and i saw that i saw that i saw that with my my wife and our two children and i'm seeing it with my daughter and her girls my goodness she does that thing with them look at me look at me well she's good at it she's anointed for it she's trained she's trained she's also trained though in the area of music and graphics that's i mean that's what she grew up with in our home so all i'm saying to you is that you you get to a place where you can recognize you recognize doubt and belief right away you can you can assess a situation i know that pastor bobby's been involved in hospital ministry for years and bobby you can go into a hospital room and you can take the temperature of faith right away you know you know if a person is in faith or not there been times when i've gone the hospital ministry i've gone in there and they've encouraged me i've walked in there and they're sitting there with a big smile on their face glory to god i'm healed in jesus name you just know you just know so this man said this in the dental office he said bad things begin to happen to your body after you turn 60. i wouldn't receive that i will not receive that i will not take that and that's what rose up on the inside of me the alarm went off i said no i don't receive that in jesus name and this man did not realize the creative power of his tongue with setting him up for destruction and that he is and we all are we all are the prophets of our own lives we prophesy over ourselves all the time good or bad so prophesy good things prophesy the word of god over your life this man was setting himself up for destruction and he was fulfilling scripture he was fulfilling proverbs 18 20 and 21. a man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof death and life are in the power of the tongue the god's word translation the tongue has the power of life and death and those who love to talk those who love to talk will have to eat their own words there you go the message translation words kill words give life that's pretty straightforward words kill words give life they're easy either either poison or fruit you choose you choose matthew 12 34. turn over there you need to see this you need to read this matthew 12 34 are you still with me who said no no i'm kidding matthew 12 34 talking to pharisees he said o generation of vipers how can you being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks a good man out of the good treasure or deposit of the heart brings forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure or deposit brings forth evil things but i say unto you that every idle word now that word their idol word it's every careless inoperative every word of doubt and unbelief that men shall speak they shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment for by your words you shall be justified one translation says acquitted and by your words you will be condemned by your words by your words your words words you shall be justified by your words you shall be condemned or sentenced i like what gloria copeland said about this scripture she said from the abundance of your heart your mouth leaks whatever is in there it's going to come out whatever is in there in abundance it will come out by your words you are made sick but by your words you are made whole that's why this is so important to talk about so important i'll begin to wrap it up with this there has been medical research concerning the power of our words medical science has discovered that the part of the brain which controls human speech is connected to every nerve of the body i'll read it again medical science has discovered that the part of the brain which controls human speech is connected to every nerve of the body so here's what happens you begin to speak words let's say you're speaking words about your own body i can't remember anything i can't remember my mind my mind is just going to pot those words words are living things they are containers they contain faith or fear and those words set on a course throughout your body and if it's the mind that you're talking about there they go they start working on the mind they start heading towards the mind well it's the same thing when you begin to declare over yourself i have the mind of christ i have the ability to remember things what happens is when a person gets to be of an age where they start forgetting things they think automatically i'm headed for that disease this is going to get worse it's going to get worse and worse and worse and that's where you have to stop yourself and you stop you say all right everybody hold on shut up in jesus name i do not receive that my mind works perfectly my mind is functioning exactly the way god created it to function terry and i will be in conversation about something and we'll try to remember a name or a movie or something in that conversation what's the name what's the name of that person what was the name of that person and i'm training myself in that to tell myself okay it's in there go find it it's in the file it's in my memory bank and i'm not going to get disparaged about it i'm not going to get upset over it i'm going to use my faith go in there and get it and sometimes it's taken a while terry and i have been in conversation about this and all maybe an hour later here it comes here it comes here it comes there it is that's the name that's the thing that's the person but you have to declare that over yourself and even more importantly you you must deposit that word on the inside picture this we have telephone wires power wires in telephone wires signals are going through they're headed down the path they're white you are wired throughout your body and when you speak when you speak over your mind and you say the memory of the just is blessed when you say i do have the mind of christ when you say my mind works to the perfection with which god caused it to work those words are going down those wires and those nerves and they are headed to whatever it is that needs to be fixed this was from a newspaper article by a neurosurgeon the title of the article was talk to your body to rid ills now this newer surgeon he wasn't a believer but the concept is there the concept is correct the doctor used a method which he called mental exercise it involved telling the body what to do that's exactly what we're supposed to do in scripture you tell your body what to do the apostle paul said i keep under my body i take authority over my body the greek in there says physical body wow so this doctor said it's in it's in it involves telling the body what to do so he suggested a diabetic instructor's pancreas to secrete insulin he told a person with hypertension to say several times a day my blood pressure is 120 over 80. say this after me my blood pressure is 120 over 80. now it says the doctor wrote it makes no difference whether the patient even knows where his pancreas is or what 120 over 80 means the body knows the body knows now as i read this last one to you i want us to go ahead ushers if you go ahead and pass out the elements of communion and we'll be prepared for that in just a few moments but here's another article this was about a woman who experienced continual fever over a number of months so the doctors could not find anything wrong they kept asking her they kept questioning her and they finally discovered this that when she would get upset she would always say that just burns me up you know people will say you're getting too legalistic with this no this is revelation if there's anything that god wants to say to me that he wants me to change i will do it because whatever he wants me to do will benefit my life that just burns me up she'd say it several times a day that just burns me up it said in the article they weren't sure if there was a connection we know there is but they asked her to stop using that phrase within weeks her body temperature was normal temperature was normal so we can go on with this but i feel like we need to we need to stop here at this point in 2009 kenneth and gloria were conducting healing school at the branson victory campaign i was not there at that meeting but i remember i was home and i was watching it online gloria conducted her healing school and then she asked brother copeland to come up and help her so he began to say some things she began to say some things and then the lord led brother copeland to have everybody stand up at faith life church and he led them in one of the most powerful thorough confessions that i have ever heard some of you may have been in services where i've used that before it bears repeating it bears repeating and this speaking of captain confession we are going to do that right now and we are going to release faith with our words this was so thorough and there's something about hearing the voice of brother copeland there's faith in that voice there's encouragement in that voice so what the lord led me to do today is is to have all of us stand up together and after we do this then we're going to receive communion and then i will ask the altar ministers and pastors to come to the front and anyone in here today if you want somebody to lay hands on you and believe god with you for perfect health then we will do that we will do that so right now we're going into the service we're at faith life church except we're we're going back in time to 2008 and we are going to hear the word of the lord and we are going to speak it out of our mouths now let me ask you this are you going to speak those words in faith are you going to release your faith when you speak those words every word that he spoke is in agreement with the word of god so we speak according to the word of god just like abraham abraham did just like god did he called those things that be not as though they were he spoke according to that which was written we speak the same way we speak according to that which is written in the word of god and the dna in that word is going to work in our bodies today today all right let's go into the service and and those of you that are watching us i want you to stand as well if you can wherever you are stand with us and let's receive the healing power of god and learn how to speak the language of faith glory to god now stir it up we stir it up we start our faith up jesus we're fixing to release it here there's not a few of us in here there's many of us in here praise god stir it up there's a healer in the house i have the faith of god in me say it i have the faith of god in me all things are possible to me to me because i'm a believer i'm not a doubter i'm not a doubter i'm a receiver i'm a believer i have it now i have it now i release the faith given to me given to me by the lord jesus christ himself by the lord jesus christ himself my savior my savior my lord my lord i release it against sin i release [Applause] sickness yes disease poverty like life dead dead leave my presence take your hand off my body [Applause] release my mind [Music] release my will release my emotions you will not touch my spirit release my finances release my family i pray the prayer of faith i pray that what show everything [Applause] when i pray which is right now which is right now i believe i believe i receive them it is done for me now [Applause] now put your hands on top of your head i receive total freedom in my head i receive healing i receive healing deliverance and all that jesus has ever done and all that jesus has ever done my eyes are healed my eyes my ears are healed my ears are healed my brain is here and delivered from all foreign matter and delivered from all [Applause] to the souls of my faith in the souls of my faith are removed dematerialized [Music] and gone from my body i am free i pray from the law of sin and death the son of the living god has made me free and i am a free person [Applause] my throat is healed my chest is healed my chest my lungs are healed my esophagus is healed [Applause] nothing can stay in the vital organs of my body [Applause] except the healing power of jesus my arms are healed my hands are healed [Applause] every joint in my body is renewed restored and delivered from disease [Applause] weakness weight and pain i'm healed my kidneys are healed my spine is healed from my brain stem from my brain completely to the end of my spine the discs nerves muscles all are healed and made well my backbone is restored [Applause] my youth is renewed like the eagles in the 103rd song my hips are well [Applause] my hip joints are restored [Applause] my knees are well they are restored all of my legs including my ankles my feet my feet the bones of my feet and legs muscles ligaments nerves are restored and made well i believe i receive it right now it's not based on what i've healed [Applause] it's not based on what i see it is based on this message of faith i've heard today it's based on the written oath of god it is mine and i am his [Music] forevermore am a man or woman of faith love and joy faith hope and love are working in me now why because i'm blessed i'm blessed coming in and i'm blessed going out the blessing is working in me now the garden of eden effect [Applause] is at work the anointing that removes burden and destroys yokes is working in me spirit soul and body i will come to complete wholeness wellness i will stand in the full stature with my lord jesus christ anointed with his anointing healed with his resurrection and my prayer and desire is to know him in fullness to serve him in power and to know him in the power of his resurrection thank god i'm healed from the top of my head to the souls of my faith in all the affairs of my life i'm whole i'm whole i'm debt-free [Applause] thank you jesus thank you jesus say this after me bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all my iniquities who heals all my diseases who redeems my life from destruction [Music] who crowns me with loving kindness [Applause] and tender mercies who satisfies my mouth with good things so that my youth is renewed [Applause] like the eagles come on eagles let's soar together glory to god glory to god praise you jesus hallelujah glory to god glory to the lord thank you jesus praise god praise god oh thank you lord i'm going to ask the altar ministers if you would come and also our pastors come to the front come to the front you can turn face the congregation come on up peter come to the front and we'll be prepared and we'll be ready as soon as we receive this communion to pray for you to pray for those who are watching us right now thank you jesus terry can i just take one moment i know it's a little after 12 but of course but i think this will help you as i was sitting there this came to me and i believe it is the lord the importance of these things is that they carry over into our lives as pastors said trust me we were far from perfect but to integrate them into your life as part of the culture it helps and it gives you a boost and it gives you an example of what we did in here today but it's so easy to allow these things to slip allowing them to slip in one measure or another is spiritual laziness now this is what came to me the opposite of spiritual laziness is spiritual diligence spiritual diligence responds in attitude and actions without direction desire or permission from the flesh or any natural reasoning spiritual diligence responds to the word without any desire without any direction without any permission from the flesh and when you start to respond spiritually to things and your flesh didn't give you permission to do it it will fuss about it it is cross-grain to the natural way to do things it's cross grain now it's not unnatural to be this way negatively it's not unnatural your mouth will just flow go with the flow because because it's in you for your words to direct your life but there's a negative current in the world that we live in so we have to go upstream to that but we do it by the aid and the assistance of the holy spirit that is dwelling within us he won't make you do it but as you decide and move towards it he equips you by his grace by his strength and when you step out in faith and diligently respond to the word of god by what you say he is there to quicken it and make it alive until eventually your flesh will quit fussing with you about it just like your three-year-old eventually they quit fussing with you about it and they learn the culture but if you let the little kids decide what they want they will make their own culture and it won't be pretty and it won't be what you want and it won't be what's good for them does that make sense they didn't want to hear that did they no i thought it was very good very necessary so we are we all together we are you know that's one reason people don't want to hear these things very often because we to make them work in our lives we have to make them work in our loaves brother hagin would say they won't drop on you like a ripe cherry off a tree but it's really great fun in your family you can make it to be a lot of fun and you can make it fun with each other and make games out of it and just you can have a big time watching the fruit of your mouth come to pass it's exciting to see your words come to pass against all odds that's right when we receive communion together we settle this we settle these issues at the table with the body and the blood of jesus and those of you who are watching us right now if you could go get whatever elements you might have whether it's just water and a piece of bread or a cracker or something like that you can partake and those of you that are watching us at a later time you can pause and then go get your communion elements and join us for this because we've been under attack we've been under attack our nation our world has been under attack and we declared several weeks ago about a month ago a message that i preached called enough is enough that's right and enough is enough it's done it's over and we are standing on the word of god with full force and today the lord has had us focusing on the language of health and we are receiving that health every one of us here all of you there we are all receiving divine health right now in the name we are of jesus we're taking we're taking it so father we come before you in the name of jesus we read from first corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 the apostle paul said for i have received of the lord that which i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed he took bread bread and when he had given thanks and we give you thanks yes we do thank you lord thank you lord for your covenant promises thank you o god he took the bread he gave thanks he broke it broke it and he said take and eat this is my body which was broken for you or you could say this this is my body which was broken for your body do this in covenant remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he'd stop saying this cup is the new testament in my blood did this do ye as often as you drink it in remembrance of me as often as you eat this bread and you drink this cup you show the lord's death until he come you want to come in on the blood just like the israelites painted the blood over the doorposts of their homes by faith we apply the blood over the doorposts of our mouth put a guard over our mouth lord quicken us to see what we should let through that door and what we should not that we let ungodly non-faith words die unspoken ungodly thoughts that cross our minds they die unspoken will not give our mouths over to the curse that's right well not give our mouths to the ways of the world we won't give our mouths to what we see and what we feel and what we think we give our mouths to what you say we give our words to what you think we give our words to what you declare fully expecting lord to see the result we will have what we say and we will say what you say yes so we put the blood of jesus and ask lord that you forgive us for every idle word for every foul word for every ungodly word that crosses the blessing for of judgments criticism hopelessness lord we we we condemn those words our own words and we ask you to forgive us and by the blood of the lamb cleanse us and cause those words to come to nothing that's right we have root them by faith in jesus name and override them with the blessing of the lord thank you lord we override them with the blood of jesus we ask you to cleanse our lives and our mouths of all unrighteousness yes everything lord that we've given our words to things that aren't right we don't agree with what's not right we agree with what's right that's right we agree with that our bodies are healed and our minds are alert and all our needs are met and our children are serving god hallelujah and our relationships are healthy and hallelujah we're at peace with nothing missing and nothing's broken and we have our nation back and god's will be done and the awakening is stirring that's what we say hallelujah that's what we say praise god that's what we say and we say we're multiplying and increasing in this church and we are supplied abundantly in every area of our lives and we have no lack no need and we are not uncertain about what to do but we have the wisdom of god and we know all things because the holy spirit is within us and he shows us hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you jesus so we show honor to the blood of jesus as we partake it now in his language [Music] thank you lord ooh praise god thank you so much just lift your hands bask in the face just thank you father we received we receive we receive the lord thank you jesus thank you father thank you jesus jonathan go ahead sing through that [Music] your song love is [Music] your perfect love is [Music] anyone right now anyone right now if you would like to come to this altar and have one of these altar ministers or pastors lay hands on you for the healing of your body we will come in agreement with you right now just make your way to the front just come to the front come to the front lay hands on the sick and they recover that's right you've heard the word you've spoken the word now come and receive come and let somebody lay the hand of faith on you and receive and to come declaring when hands are laid on me i will receive my healing come believe in that just come forward just come forward just come forward just come forward thank you father you don't know if you don't know jesus you come up here and the same thing you how do you make jesus lord of your life by the words of your mouth whoever believes in his heart and says with his mouth that jesus is lord shall be saved come make that confession to someone up here right now come make that confession of faith come up here and thus thank you praise god praise god lift your hands and glorify the lord right now jonathan go ahead let's see let's sing that song [Music] [Music] now we want to break away for just a moment we'll get you right back in the service but i want to agree with you right now those of you that are watching we believe god that divine healing belongs to you and whatever symptoms are in your body we rebuke those symptoms in jesus name now i know you're not physically here to be able to have someone lay hands on you but let me tell you what you can do you are a believer and you can lay hands on yourself so you lay hands on yourself now and you say in the name of jesus i receive the healing power of god in my body whatever it is you're dealing with call it out call that thing out and say you're a name and you're under the name of jesus and i rebuke you and i say you must leave my body right now in the name of jesus now we're going to put the phone number up there for you to call if you need someone to pray with you a little bit longer we have our prayer ministers here on site they will call they will pray with you if you call that number they will pray with you and just keep believing as brother george says pastor george said just praise god praise god for your healing just thank him for it right now well you see my body doesn't show any signs of improvement thank god for your healing right now that's what faith does faith reaches out and it takes it because it doesn't look at circumstances faith looks at what the word of god says so we believe that you are healed and you are made whole in the name of jesus let me get you back in the service i'll be back in just a moment to close things out right now i receive it i receive it say that [Music] i would say healing is [Music] is [Music] sickness can't stay [Music] [Music] sickness [Music] [Music] your sickness can't stay [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Music] to the [Music] [Applause] [Music] heavens from [Music] i just stretch your hands out here there are just a few people left and let's just continue to believe god in them receiving what they need and those of you those of you that are watching right now from all over the world we release our faith with you right now for you for the healing power of god and call that number on your screen there is someone just like these alternative ministers someone just like that with a bible right in front of them that's right that will pick up that phone and answer you with the voice of faith with the words of faith with the release of faith and you call them and they will connect with you and your faith and allow the spirit of god and the word of god to quicken you in your mind and in your body if you aren't born again if you don't know jesus as master savior lord and healer and baptizer in the holy ghost speaking with other tongues call that number and let them minister to you right now thank you jesus thank you everyone lift your hands to the lord oh we praise you let's give him the glory and the honor and the thanksgiving for this praise you jesus as we prepare to dismiss this service today if there's anyone else anyone else that needs prayer prayer over your family family situation children finances children children we pray over whatever it is we pray over the children whatever it is yes we do we pray over the children right now the same healing thank you father the same healing power the same healing jesus is working in our children every every age infants lord all the way through adult they're working in our children thank you jesus thank you father thank you father thank you lord whatever it is whatever prayer of agreement you need we're here we're ready we're ready to believe god with you thank you jesus thank you lord god now in the laying on of hands it's for believers it's for all of us as you go back out into your world that you go back out into your mission field just know that there is a hurting hungry world waiting for you waiting for you to share the good news waiting for you to preach the gospel waiting for you to give them the word give it to them strong they're looking for answers and you are the ones i just i feel like i'm i'm sending these troops out in love send them in love out there father as they finish up here with these we thank you that the healing resurrection life resurrection life is flowing through them and we honor you and we thank you and praise you for that in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord praise god praise god testify to what the lord has done that's right that's right well i think we're ready to go okay all right so as we go you remember this first of all that god god loves you remember this we love you and jesus is lord give god a shout of praise everyone god bless you have a wonderful week you are dismissed we are so very glad that you were with us today you know i know so many of you this network and the programming on this network is a lifeline to you we know that we understand that but we want you to know that you are ever on our minds here at the victory channel and at kenneth copeland ministries eagle mountain international church you are on our minds all the time that's why we have services like today where we hone in on healing because we know there's so many of you out there that are dealing with issues in your body and we want you to know what the word of god says and you were healed and made whole i know that a lot of you you're so used to the programming here on the network of course morning prayer which is every week day at 9 30 a.m eastern 8 30 a.m central of course we've got victory news every weekday at noon eastern and 5 eastern every day and then tuesday and thursday night we have flashpoint that you love so much at eight eastern on tuesday and thursday nights i will let you know about a couple of things that are coming up that you can be a part of the omaha victory campaign is coming up october the 28th uh through the 30th there in omaha nebraska you want to make sure that you make plans to be there for that meeting we would love to see you there and of course the washington d.c meeting is scheduled for thursday november 11th through saturday november the 13th and you make plans to be there for that that's in woodbridge virginia not right in washington dc this is the washington dc victory campaign i want to remind you a couple of things pastor terry told you about mark and trina hankins being here at the church monday through wednesday night october 25th the 27th at 8 pm 7 pm central but they'll also be here three weeks from today on october 24th here at the church and you don't want to miss that so they'll be here for the 11 a.m uh 11 a.m eastern 10 a.m central church service so you don't want to miss that either so make sure that you're here for that god bless you so much everybody we appreciate you so much again if you need prayer 877-281-6297 is the number you call that number our prayer ministers are there for you we're here for your ever on our minds here at this ministry in this network we love you and appreciate you have a great week everybody we will see you here on the network at some point until we do remember god loves you we love you and let's say it together jesus is lord have a great week come experience divine healing health prosperity and recovery at the 2021 omaha
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 3,762
Rating: 4.8969073 out of 5
Id: 2L06zw3CvLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 19sec (8959 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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