Secret Highway Stealth Shelter Camping

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Does anybody else try to find Steve's camping spots on Google Maps? Tonight's spot was one of the more difficult ones but I still found it. Next time I'm up in Alberta I may try to camp at some of his sites.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/COSwampYankee 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey folks welcome to camping with steve we're gonna sneak into the woods here beside the highway and build a little secret stealth shelter beautiful wife has just dropped me off and we're gonna try and casually not leave too many obvious footprints here and uh in we go i got enough stuff i have to take two bags worth of stuff with me oh wow yeah this will be pretty good okay i am into the woods here just dropping off my bag here oh great looks like we i'm already seeing the wildlife tracks out here and uh yeah i seem to be in here far enough uh yeah i gotta just go back and grab another thing from the car and there we go yeah beautiful wife just driving away and here's that strange alone feeling that i had last time i got dropped off on the side of the road a few moments ago we were laughing listening to the radio having a coffee and here i am in the middle of the woods so gonna scope things out here looks like really good potential to build a stealth shelter the right type of area really good cover from the road shouldn't be anybody seeing really anything in here and a million great building sites so we're gonna dig right into this right away well we still got some daylight now this is a stealthy spot for a permanent type of a structure which is just great because i'm going to use this on bike trips and a whole bunch other stuff given that it's a permanent thing it's not just a hammock or a tarp i have to use the stealth chainsaw this thing should be quiet out here [Applause] not that certainly quieter than a real one and this will allow me to get a lot more done than a simple sweet saw or something like that so we're gonna start getting some wood chopped up here i'm keeping a careful ear out for anybody driving past because there is another road on that side i'm not gonna identify this place but uh if you do figure out where it is and come across it you're welcome to camp here but just please don't trash the place or anything if you do find where it is so i'm gonna get [Applause] started perfect if i time it with the cars going past nobody's ever gonna hear that i'll just start collecting a bunch of a bunch of logs then i can build whatever i need out of it and there's no shortage around here they're nice nice straight ones perfect i'm not grabbing any of these logs from around where i need the cover i'm taking the ones that are laying down on the ground in behind me i could have walked a fairways further into there but i also don't want to carry my stuff a whole huge distance either i want it to be convenient enough and also stealthy enough with a little uh little craftsmanship here we should have a stealthy structure no time [Applause] [Applause] well i found a way to kind of wedge the ridge log in here temporarily and i'll lash it up get some alberta cluster knots it's not too tall because it is trying to be stealthy i don't need it seven feet tall because that's kind of asking for it i'm going to try and work in a tarp into the situation and then cover it on the outside with more branches but i'm going to put some down to kind of hold it up right now we'll go from there [Applause] [Applause] don't want to use this one this would be nice enough to sit down in be able to peek out that way i won't be able to see anything over there but that's okay i'll i'll cover it up nicely with some camouflage it's not much by bushcraft standards but we have to be as quick and quiet as possible we don't really have the luxury here of doing a full day of uh using fairly loud hand saws that type of thing we'd be caught in about a second so the one piece of advice i'll give which is rare because this is not an educational channel by any means i was trying to get this all done before the sun goes down because out here in a flashlight looking around for wood is going to be a lot more obvious but i've realized i'm developing a sweat so i gotta relax for a little bit dry off here with my jacket open and do some light work like lashing these up because otherwise that sun's gonna go down it gets very cold and that's not gonna bode well for me if i'm sitting here all moist for lack of a better term according to the clock i've got two hours and then it is pretty dark so gonna be a rush job today but you can do a good job in a fast job right [Applause] before the sun goes down rip off all these little things that are going to poke my eye out when it starts to get dark [Applause] that should do so the way life goes is step one your wife drops you off on the side of the highway in the middle of nowhere step two is beer [Applause] i did get a comment from somebody who is very angry that i don't chug the beers but restraint is the name of the game folks particularly in a stealthy situation all of that step two fun has got to wait for right now because as every construction boss says we're burning daylight tarp up it's an inexpensive one the cheapest they sell because i'm leaving it here it'll hopefully stand up to the rigors of time but i'm somehow not optimistic [Applause] this thing's as thick as a grocery bag the tarp is clearly too small that's okay we've got two i got the tarp on this side this isn't camo this is a really weird green color uh and it's the most obvious looking thing i've ever seen so i'm gonna throw a bunch of uh dead branches and stuff on this side and then we'll worry about closing in the other side that's not really exposed to the traffic as much [Applause] on this side i got a whole bunch of debris piled up so that kind of blocks it i had a better color tarp i'm kind of kicking myself i didn't get a thicker quality the darker one but this would be just perfect i'm still gonna keep throwing some stuff on but now i'm gonna use the remaining daylight to finish off that side because that side needs a little love okay here we go somebody just drove past on a little side-by-side thing looks like they're keeping an eye out for some construction that's happening over there somewhere but i got a lot of stuff piled up to that side anyhow so it shouldn't have looked too obvious at least not enough to raise any suspicion for him we're just going to keep going and we got about an hour worth of daylight here and then we'll tuck in for the night and have some to eat [Applause] [Applause] i've got the majority of what i need to get done with daylight i won't be running the saw anymore tonight because it's getting a little too dark and also i don't like to do that after a delicious frosty pilsner so i'll casually throw a little more cover onto the side of the thing uh keeping in mind that you really can't see two or three feet into here from the road so this is just extra over and above i could have probably just set up the tarp and done just fine but given that this is going to be a kind of permanent thing i'll use again i want to be sure that it's uh up to the job so there's going to be some more reinforcement i'm going to run some ropes underneath to hold all the debris off of the tarps okay somebody is just driving by there so remain perfectly still they don't suspect the thing off they go with their load of uh looks like straw bales or hay bales away they go perfect i'm gonna stop doing much more physical exertion for the night because it's cooling off and uh it's starting to get cold so i don't want to be all sweaty and risking problems so i am walking out to the road here and these woods they're pretty perfect pretty perfect for anybody actually seeing through the first several feet of it and from here [Applause] from here that looks great looks like nothing at all nothing at all if i go a little further to the outskirts here i don't oh there is [Applause] okay so that's just fine just perfect i'll i'll take a peek from outside a little bit later on when it's darker out but that's good stuff [Applause] we'll need some more camo on there and i wish i had a different color tarp but i got to create a line of stealth camping tarps they only seem to come in absurd colors or really expensive camo so here we go i've stopped moving around for the evening because i don't want to be tripping over stuff in the dark and poking my eyes out so turn on a little auxilary heat and that'll help me acclimatize a little bit uh stay a little bit warm because you got that shock right after you stop working and you're like oh yeah that's chilly so okay just a vehicle going by with a rickety trailer nothing to worry about but uh yeah i don't have the ends of this closed off tonight because the first night in a new spot i like to be able to look around like that and be able to see exactly what's out there i'm not 100 familiar with any of these places yet and um not just that i forgot to bring it off tarps so it's not cold by steve standards i should be able to uh sleep quite comfortably tonight once i get into that sleeping bag and uh yeah i i've got good hopes about how tonight's gonna work out in the future of this shelter [Applause] just throwing together this nifty little backpacking cot and that'll keep me up off the snow in the summertime that would not be a concern because it's really nice and soft and mossy here i could build a proper bunk i think but this will need a lot of work it's a work in progress definitely but somewhere that i can count on hopefully being here when i leave for a [Applause] trip oh yes [Applause] hopefully this air mattress is not full of holes [Applause] i got the feeling it is and uh yeah here we have it the quaint and rustic one bedroom with a walkout right there um yeah a wet bar and and a small kitchenette slash heater doesn't get any better than this well the side over there with the highway i'm really not too concerned about because they're not gonna notice anything in here uh they're driving by so fast and the woods are so thick that i could have this flashlight waving around they probably would not do anything or slow down and they probably wouldn't care they have got busy lives and things to do the road on the other side however that one is a little more concerning that goes right to a fairly big construction site and construction sites do have problems sometimes with theft and they have security circling around so that's where i've focused all the stealth efforts along that side of the shelter and uh it'll hopefully pay off for us and we'll just continue building this thing a little stealthier all the time until it's 10 foot thick with stealth walls on it and then everything will be just fine in the meantime i'm sitting pretty and the uh air mattress is holding the pressure test looks good so everything's uh coming up steve today [Applause] uh it's really starting to cool off down here so i'm gonna have to try and seal off the ends of this which i should have done beforehand but uh trying to build this thing a couple of hours was really a bit of a stretch so i've got this part of tarp double layered up here behind me and i'm gonna slice along it and try to get uh at least a little bit of the air to stop moving through here so i can hold in some heat [Applause] so well that closed everything really good on this side the other side's a little willy-nilly but okay i'll admit in the winter four walls is probably a good thing to have but we recovered from that disaster um a little bit and things are warming up nicely in here okay relatively cozy for sure despite all the uh breath you can see here but this is the best panel i could put up over there over here is this panel and we're doing the highly controversial stealth test i got a light going full speed here and traffic has calmed down outside a little so i'm gonna go outside and see what it looks like oh boy [Applause] clearly from here it looks uh it looks pretty obvious and i'm gonna head on over here to the highway and we'll see what it looks like from out there that's where most of the traffic is coming from is the highway and you can see how thick these woods are along the line of the highway i'm gonna find my way there this looks like a promising path here we go okay let me just uh through here okay somebody's coming down the road so i'm gonna keep the light a little low here back on [Music] [Applause] okay here we are stepping out onto the boulevard and we're gonna actually look in okay yeah you can pretty much see something there that's for sure but uh you know that's the full light test this thing is you know clearly visible i'm gonna walk around the whole thing just to give the sense of it uh huh yeah that's not bad that's with the full light blazing uh throwing caution the wind with everything yeah no i don't see i don't see too much in there walk around and walk around the other side here as long as i don't trip and anything maybe that's something to trip on all right coming from the other side this is the road i worry about oh boy they've got an actual security guard there they have an actual security guard at the construction site his lights are blinking yeah no i think it's oh he's coming he's coming he's coming and i got all these lights going at the camera that's perfect okay there he is with light there's a light going this is the most he's got a light going here this has to go up right now right now we got a problem we got a big problem you've got a big big big problem okay oh great and the heater's off and the heater's off everything's off in here no we got oh great oh great here we go quite a thing okay this uh that god i got the blood pumping now i just sit here yikes i'm back in the shelter i've got the heat going the security seemed to just do a quick loop around but as soon as they saw my flashlight they had to come out and see what was going on i know security people the most they can really do is to just call the police so if the police are that concerned they may come and do a loop themselves to be sure there's nothing untoward happening here um and i'm just trying to sleep for the night beside the highway so i don't think there should be any problems but i'm gonna lay low for a little bit before i cook the dinner and it's starting to get late and i may sneak back out to the road with no lights on just to see what i can see from the security folks if they're still lingering around the area or not but of course lesson learned i knew there could be problems with security but they didn't realize i was here until i was out there with a flashlight so the woods are nice and thick and nothing was really giving off my location until i popped my head out with all the lights blazing in here like it was new year's eve or something so all right back into stealth mode oh yeah that's the truck for sure okay we are just gonna wander back here into the woods okay yeah um guys parked there all night easily easily parked there all night this was clearly a bad choice of place to build the stealther back into here right away and that's pretty much uh all we can do for the night is to try and lay low and yikes yeah that i remember that guy he that that is the one that i had to crawl through the woods for to get back in here so let's go that's crazy we're gonna get some food cooking and of course i have to finish off christmas leftovers so i'm gonna get that onto the uh propane heater here any moment and oh boy that was a close one um i was filming on the gopro which is i take the little gopro out to do these things i was just trying to look at the footage and i don't know how much you can see from that but uh i'm glad i didn't bring the main camera because i was like i was crawling on the ground and i couldn't really see where i was going i was like crawling on the ground trying to get back out here it's never again do i do the torture test with the full blast light uh before i do at least a walk around before i put the light on i'll say that however um so far so good uh the heater is giving us warmth we are we're we're getting ready for the meal and the sleeping part so yeah so far so good and uh who says the side of the highway can't be a good time i think it's quite a fine time i think it has this little put down part here i can put that down oh yeah that should do just fine and that keeps the uh propane level lower so there's no liquid going up and yeah that's a cook top if i've ever seen one so i don't want to burn or scorch anything here i'm gonna turn that down and look at that oh is that ever sweet um this little heating contraption just earned a few points in my books for the fact that it can do that so we just wait for this little this little thing to warm up and uh yeah i think that's visible in the video of what i'm doing but yeah oh yes perfect okay that looks just fine i think we've got uh dinner heated up in this uh this thing that had the prop to the ground i guess you could hang it up with that too or whatever the case is but for right now this will give me some heat while we eat and uh you know turn that back up didn't want to scorch my uh leftover turkey stuff but uh yum oh yeah now we're talking oh look at that yeah this'll be extremely delicious here no concern about bears in the area bears in the barrier because of course they're sleeping right now like i should be oh i should have brought some gravy however this is still quite good i have to give a major shout out to of course all my fantastic friends subscribers and everybody else who have donated to the beer fund so oh there's cranberries in there thank you thank you everybody for uh for all that uh making things a little bit more luxurious than they should be probably i got heaters and stuff now so big cheers there if you want to see me get caught just keep watching if you subscribe that will make it easier because tonight i thought was gonna be the night but the night's not over yet it could happen but i was yeah i'm always a little bit uh concerned on every trip particularly this one when i i scrambled through the bush like with no flashlight ducking under the brush like crawling on hands and knees uh to get back here and then realizing the whole time that the flashlight was full blast so i'm just going to continue to chow down here then it's going to be some severe sleep time because been a bit of a stressful evening time to hunker down for the night got my bear spray although they're hibernating they may be out and about so it's always good to have and there could be other animals as well so we don't need any issues with them see you guys in the morning well that was one of the worst sleeps i've had in a while uh but made it through the night fine and dandy um i believe it was a subscriber that mentioned to me before to put your air mattress inside of the sleeping bag um that saved my bacon because all this camping stuff is this slippery polyester nylon stuff and so keeping a little mummy shaped air mattress underneath of a mummy shaped sleeping bag it doesn't work it's all over the place and uh it was probably five to ten degrees warmer once i actually put that in there like the sleeping bag whatever it's rated to minus twelve suddenly that was like minus twenty two um my toesies got a little cold but that's okay just uh moved around and they warmed up okay no frostbite or anything like that so yeah i'm shelving this location for now because of all the construction that should be done within you know a few months i'm not giving up hope because there's potential here there's uh it's along the route that i normally travel uh it's nice and stealthy there's ample firewood uh ample building material out here it's just a great site so i'm uh just gonna leave what i have here for now and uh i'll return to improve it as soon as i'm satisfied the construction stuff is all over with so i'm just gonna pack up here a beautiful wife uh i gave her a call she is on the way and i'm gonna get out of here before i press my luck too much further just make sure i need i leave it nice and clean here uh so that there won't be any issues if somebody does come across this they'll say oh looks like somebody was out here stealth camping so you got to get this stuff all taken down before i miss my [Applause] ride [Applause] [Applause] i don't mention it much but this teaton backpack got off amazon i forget what it was but it was real cheap and i've used it about every adventure if i need a big pack it hasn't let me down yet so i will give that my recommendation beautiful wife should be here in probably 10 to 15 minutes uh all the security is gone at the end of that road so i actually feel somewhat comfortable leaving it as is here um it's starting to snow right now so that'll stealth this up a whole bunch more cover up this neon green tarp we've been using and it'll be number one of the series of shelters between here and the mountains because when i do my bicycle trips next year i'm planning to do around at the most 100 kilometers a day so 60 miles uh and if i have a few of these shelters spaced out in that ratio then i can leave stuff here like propane some canned goods uh because you never know i've done a bicycle trip years ago trying to raise money for habitat for humanity and it was a total of about 800 miles 1200 kilometers uh from victoria on vancouver island bc to evanton alberta and i didn't raise a whole lot of money but i did have a whole lot of fun and i found all those little towns they'll have not what you need for riding your bicycle across the country potentially you know like little butane isobutane for stoves they don't have it uh and it's a lot to bring with you so if i can sprinkle some of it along these uh along the trip uh to the mountains i'll be able to get in shape shed a few pounds and have a blast doing it because this would be uh quite nice in the summer actually in the summer it looks like uh looks like the type of uh type of forest you'd be afraid of bears in but uh i guess if you're close to the road they may they may not uh be too bold to come to come right up but i'm just gonna move out further towards the road there where beautiful wife is picking me up um guys thanks for watching um if you like to see me uh get caught one day be sure you're subscribed uh because you'll be the first to find out if you're subscribed when uh when the old security guy catches me which could have been tonight uh thankfully it wasn't so cheers guys and we'll see you next week we are out of here [Applause] nothing better than a perfect stealther aside from almost getting busted yes just one more load of stuff and we are off oh yeah nobody will see that nobody'll see that at all here we go we [Applause] we are out of here i
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 739,597
Rating: 4.9170823 out of 5
Keywords: stealth camping, camping, camping with steve, stealth shelter, shelter, hunker down, step 2, steve wallis, stealth, secret, secret shelter, stealth shelter camping, highway camping, highway, secret camping, wild camping
Id: n2Acm9McX0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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