Katt Williams, Wanda Smith and the Aftermath

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h.wood slide welcome back to my channel and today I'm giving you my take on the latest Katt Williams controversy alright everybody today I'm talking about the latest news surrounding one of my favorite comedians Katt Williams and give my opinion on the v103 interview the alleged gun and Sten that lent over the weekend his critique of Tiffany Haddish Kevin Hart's clap back andrey 103 was response to the feedback and received as a result of Friday's interview we have a lot to cover so let's get started last Friday Katt Williams is on the Atlanta radio show Franklin won in the morning our station v103 FM when asked about his current career moves cap was his regular bragging dose itself which seemed to rub co-hosts wanting to smith the wrong way about ten minutes into the interview and sense of tension in the air between cat and Wanda but started off as a back-and-forth banter between the two comedians both would have a lot of mouths ended up going viral because cat al Jones turn on everything from a wig to a wait he actually came out on top of their verbal duel but Wanda wasn't finished we'll get to the aftermath in just a little bit first I really want to go over the context to what tad was saying in the interview some people consider what Kat was saying was hate or bitterness or negativity but I feel like a lot of what Kat was saying was the truth and here's why not only the cat showed Lynne a lot of love and respect but he also gave a no-bullshit breakdown on how Netflix pays its comedians which I thought sounded legit he was basically acknowledging the Monique situation without having to be asked which was also a calculated move on his part the interview was conducted in Atlanta where Monique currently lives even acknowledge the Netflix boycott I think the cat was right when he said that there's nothing personal when it comes to Netflix decision making no that is all just business if Monique or any other comedian out there work to get their numbers up they'll get better offers the same goes for anybody out there male or female you can't just expect me given a handout based on past accolades before the interview got ugly I think that cat was actually educating everybody in the room that day and anyone listening on the radio on how to maneuver in the comedy game if you look at the situation read grant was there promoting his first stand-up special and also taking the consideration that Wanda really isn't known outside of the chitlin circuit so I think that the advice that Kat was giving that day before the insult started to fly I think he was giving good advice to any comedian could take you to now this is the point in the interview where a lot of people thought that Kat was being negative I don't think he was being negative at all I think he was being real I agree with this take that Hollywood prefers to deal with guys like Kevin Hart a little rail and Hannibal Burks Hollywood has always loved a non-threatening black man sometimes the more feminine - better as long as you're telling jokes are dressed up like a woman that's fun the second you step out of your lane you get blackballed okay just told y'all about how all this happened him a few years ago and I guess you guys act like you forgot let's take a quick look at a guy like Hannibal Burres Hannibal let Hollywood know the second he got away from the black folks in Chicago that hey I'm an atheist who [ __ ] white chicks and all of a sudden that makes him a star no we're not ever once have I heard a black person say I can't wait to see Hannibal Buress do a stand-up show I don't think you will ever hear that I mean he has found his niche he's an excellent token to play a second banana for young white millenials they can't get enough of them and he's getting paid so they let him do his thing it's just not my cup of tea let's st. cats honest critique of girls trip and Tiffany Haddish now Tiffany didn't write the movie she only read her lines off the script that have been floating around over a decade the way Kat said so before you crown Tiffany the new queen of comedy let's just slow down for a second look at her body of work has she done a major tour in your town have you seen her doing our special you know I mean this thing about she got her popularity satellite some starstruck ghetto-ass teenager at the 2018 Oscars when she stepped across the line to meet Meryl Streep now she was 17 18 I would have found that moment enduring endearing the fact that she's pushing 40 to me made a little bit embarrassing I mean the arm save and dist Haddish and her song top off early this year because Tiffany runs a mouth too much I mean you don't have a favorite Tiffany Haddish joke back in the day you can almost quote Chris Rock's classic black folks worst [ __ ] or Eddie Murphy's I got McDonald's those are memorable jokes you know you think Rudy ray Moore way down in the jungle deep come on and they say it just it's automatic you don't have that with her yet she hasn't reached that level of stardom and I think that's the point that cat was trying to make but in the mean time where people thought that he was throwing shade Tiffany and him between the two all is forgiven as far as they're concerned they don't have any sort of beef they would have seen posing together with their enemies and either cat was bowing or or I guess showing some level of respect to Tiffany for I guess either winning her award or as an apology for the things that he said that would being misinterpreted either way she doesn't have a problem he doesn't have a problem I don't have a problem let's move on to the next I think this is the point in the conversation that wanted to started to lose it because Wanda's a sister girl and you know sister girl is the kind of person that will go see a girls trip three or four times let me explain what a sister girl is and why she got so upset at his take on Tiffany Haddish in and on the girls trip you see there 10,000 Wanda clones walking around the southern United States whether he Georgia Alabama Tennessee North Carolina South Carolina same way same eyelashes same makeup same jewelry same outfits go to the same type of churches they all praise Tyler Perry like his Jesus and watch his movies like it's a religion and they all seem to color purple is the greatest movie ever made they add that and the Wiz they can quote every line each one of those movies by the time they're three everything black is supposed to be good and supposed to be praised and anything involving a black woman doubly so regardless of quality content of creativity so long as it's black it's good see the thing about the Wanda's and the sister girls are the worlds that they're not good listeners they have to have a slip or jazzy mouth because that's what makes him strong women while there's not a good interviewer she's never been one because if you listen to her most of the time she's going uh-huh even in the Monday follow up she wasn't listening to ski she's only thinking about what she wants to say mix see women like this Ashley bullies until they run up on the right somebody who's just not gonna take that [ __ ] when she's roasting you it's just playing when she can't get the last word in her ego can't handle it she's ready to get her husband to pull a gun on your fight and I think that's stupid fresh just when it came down to the question of cooking he really may want to look simple a question like be cook for your kids whether they like isn't that easy when you're cooking for different picky kids he tried to explain that but she demanded that he answered the way that she wanted him to answer that's when you can kind of feel the temperature rise in the room I mean he ratted on her lipstick being sparkly and her broccoli and talked about corn she talked about him going to jail we went from food in jail really well she got a few more jabs in but we'll talk about those later we'll talk about those in just a minute right now I want to talk about some of the aftermath now Charlemagne the goddess gave Kat William donkey of the day the following Monday labeling cat a liar and a hater even though the goddess had nothing salty to say about getting this famine in more than once on his kamikaze album last week seems like he had everything to say about cat now I do think Charlemagne's the type of dude he'll say anything to remain relevant he even dabbles it a little bit of country from time to time so I really can't take him seriously a hundred percent anyway now there's another youtuber Myron Magnus who went a little bit deeper the fact-checking saga maids dog here today claims against cat and I suggest you check out his video after you watch this I'll leave a link below now here's what they say happened in Landon comedy club Saturday night according to the Atlanta journal-constitution Katt Williams told the Gannett County Police Saturday night that v-103 wanna Smith's husband pointed a gun to him outside the Atlanta comedy theater in Norcross according to the police report Smith's husband Lamar sellers said that his gun had merely fallen out he told cops he did chase Williams into a nearby supermarket but did not point a gun at him now I did watch the exclusive 11alive news footage of the incident and it looked to me like Wanda and her husband were waiting outside for something to go down I mean this was their home turf and they knew that cat was gonna show up and then if he did he'd probably be talking [ __ ] so they were there to get their revenge plain and simple cat came up clouded her you know about how he embarrassed her and you know they're gonna stand out there played his face self-righteous [ __ ] like they didn't know what was gonna happen Negro please if I mean I know a setup when I see one if sellers had to flash his gun cat will actually look like the bad guy cuz he was still been standing there they were still been jaw jacking there would have been I mean they've been to that place enough times to know where the cameras are right now they say their son is still under investigation I say is Kane suppose they know what happened all right on the Monday morning Frankie wanted to show they discussed everything that happened over the weekend now I really have to say Wanda's virtue signaling was really really nauseating talking about how she had plans to help the homeless and helping kids in school clothes they didn't have a [ __ ] a thing to do with cat wings then she tried to Brant blame Frank for not pulling the plug on the interview like she was some damsel in distress they both have equal authority on the show so I feel is going off the rails she had just as much right to shut it down as he did and she didn't she was too busy running her mouth now let's talk a little bit about Wanda she talked about her spiritual adviser and spiritual warfare whit was all of this when she was trying to out talk cat he was joking about broccoli and corn and she started talking about jail then she told him to go to the salon it's nothing a joke about his hair then she got in on his clothes then she called him little mama and yet again went right back to the prison jokes I mean if you ask me cat tuned her up exactly like he was supposed to secondly I'm glad that ski set her straight on his roll you know in situations instead of allowing her to play the victim he saw this two comedians going at it like I'm sure 90% of the audience did he has seen one to tear people apart on the air it just so happened this time the tables got turned on her so you know she even try to take shots that be a manager engineer you know and even he had to clear for misunderstanding about the issue she was going to place blame on anybody she could for not coming to her aid I think the whole situation is pretty sickening and I think that she should be fired for the incident you know she's pulling this show down you know they could have progressed years ago and had maybe better guest better interviews but they're sticking with her for some reason I can't explain it except just you know they just don't want to see her do without it I think it's time for her to go now as far as Kevin Hart's response I really don't give a damn what he sings to me he's in this new class of Negroes that you have to put on a pedestal because of their accolades because of their accomplishments because of what they feel I did contribute to society or the charities that they give to your LeBron James is another one of these individuals if you don't kiss their ass or put them on this pedestal all sudden your hate now I just don't think you care with hearts that funny you know just like I don't think LeBron James is the best basketball player ever you know I know this sacrilege to say and I guess it makes me a hater you know I don't need to listen to these guys motivational speeches just me personally I see through their phone eNOS I see something phony about them that doesn't resonate with me personally overall I'm on Katt Williams side 100% now and tell you why I think Kat is the last of a dying breed in my lifetime we lost Dick Gregory Patrice O'Neal Rob Harris Richard Pryor Rudy ray Moore Bernie Mac and Redd Foxx among others you know once cat is gone what other truth tellers do we have I mean Katt Williams can go into material and say things said 'man and Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle can you know cactus still speak truth and power regardless of what that power is because as long as he manages his own affairs he doesn't owe anybody anything and he can keep the man out of his business and I can appreciate it I also realized the demons that cat is facing his life while still trying to raise children and have a stable family life you know it might be a running joke that he has all these felonies and that he is in and out of trouble in and out of jail but at the end of the day you know man still has to come home he still has to be a father to his children he still has to be a husband to his wife so as to be his son to his parents and you know once you put down the drugs and he put down the alcohol and you get away from the people you tend to come back to yourself and come back to Center and I think Kat is the kind of man that realizes that he's been around the block enough times you know there's nothing exciting about being put in the back of a police car there's nothing fun about having TMZ filing around with cameras it's waiting on you to [ __ ] up I use a way too big for me to wear you know I don't know if I could live with that kind of scrutiny or not but I respect him for you know his struggling still being here still making it this far they're still making people that so Katt Williams has my utmost respect all right everybody that's my take on the current Katt Williams controversy I'm still pulling for the guy and I hope you are too I'd also a [ __ ] like them subscribe please leave your comments below let me know what you think god bless have a good
Channel: Slide Jones
Views: 247,293
Rating: 4.7316036 out of 5
Keywords: tiffany, haddish, katt, williams, kevin hart, tiffany haddish, katt williams, celebrity, comdian, empressive, ig, live, v-103, v103, atlanta, radio, hip hop, r&b, wanda smith, frank ski, lil rel, kat williams, smoke, tmz, famous, katt williams wanda, katt williams roast, tiffany haddish katt williams, emmy, emmys 2018, lamorris sellers, atlanta comedy theater, hannibal buress, #1ontrending, tiffany haddish bombs
Id: fVnrLt5fohM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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